niman Posted December 23, 2016 Report Posted December 23, 2016 (edited) Veterinarians at Pennsylvania’s Department of Agriculture have confirmed that almost a dozen cats that may have been exposed to an avian-type influenza virus in New York City shelters have been placed in special quarantine in one of three animal shelters in Chester County. Edited December 23, 2016 by niman
niman Posted December 23, 2016 Author Report Posted December 23, 2016 12/23/2016 PA Agriculture Department Tests, Monitors Cats Possibly Exposed to Influenza in NYC Shelters State Veterinarian Recommends Hand-Washing Following Exposure to Quarantined Cats Harrisburg, PA - Veterinarians at Pennsylvania’s Department of Agriculture have confirmed that almost a dozen cats that may have been exposed to an avian-type influenza virus in New York City shelters have been placed in special quarantine in one of three animal shelters in Chester County. The low-pathogenic influenza virus does not pose a health hazard to people, according to the Pennsylvania Department of Health, however, health officials reminded citizens to wash their hands thoroughly and exercise precautions recommended during flu season--especially for those people who may have come into contact with the quarantined cats that originated from the New York shelters or were exposed to cats from these shelters. The Agriculture department is involved because the North American H7N2 virus has been sequenced and is reportedly identical to the virus found in turkeys and chickens in Pennsylvania and Virginia during the 2002-2003 winter season. “The cats we're testing and monitoring were transferred last month from an animal shelter in New York before some of the cats developed symptoms similar to a head cold or mild case of the flu. The cats have a low-pathogenic variety of the avian influenza virus,” explained State Veterinarian Dr. David Wolfgang. “Fortunately, we have no indication that any poultry flocks have been exposed to an infected cat.” There have been no reports of infected cats spreading the virus to other species, nor has the department received any information to suggest that the virus is causing any human illness, even among people in close contact with the cats. The sick cats are being treated and are expected to recover fully. In the meanwhile, the Agriculture department has placed quarantines on three shelters in Chester County and has recommended that cat adoptions from those shelters should be postponed until further notice. The Agriculture department is working with the three shelters to obtain records of any cats leaving these shelters since mid-November, when the affected cats were diagnosed. Representatives from the Agriculture department will contact anyone who has adopted or fostered cats from these shelters. “During our outreach to those who have adopted or fostered any cats from these shelters, we ask whether they have backyard poultry or contact with commercial poultry flocks. If so, we will follow our normal avian influenza protocols, which involves treating the poultry as potentially exposed to avian influenza,” Wolfgang explained. “We would quarantine the poultry and test samples at least 14 days after the cat(s) arrived in the home.” For the latest information on avian influenza, visit The Department of Agriculture’s Animal Health and Diagnostic Services page at AHDServices.">AHDServices.> MEDIA CONTACT: Bonnie McCann - 717-783-0133
niman Posted December 23, 2016 Author Report Posted December 23, 2016 LOCUS CY014896 1707 bp cRNA linear VRL 21-SEP-2006 DEFINITION Influenza A virus (A/chicken/Pennsylvania/143586/2002(H7N2)) segment 4, complete sequence. ACCESSION CY014896 VERSION CY014896.1 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Influenza A virus (A/chicken/Pennsylvania/143586/2002(H7N2)) ORGANISM Influenza A virus (A/chicken/Pennsylvania/143586/2002(H7N2)) Viruses; ssRNA viruses; ssRNA negative-strand viruses; Orthomyxoviridae; Influenzavirus A. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 1707) AUTHORS Obenauer,J.C., Denson,J., Mehta,P.K., Su,X., Mukatira,S., Finkelstein,D.B., Xu,X., Wang,J., Ma,J., Fan,Y., Rakestraw,K.M., Webster,R.G., Hoffmann,E., Krauss,S., Zheng,J., Zhang,Z. and Naeve,C.W. TITLE Large-scale sequence analysis of avian influenza isolates JOURNAL Science 311 (5767), 1576-1580 (2006) PUBMED 16439620 REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 1707) AUTHORS Obenauer,J.C., Denson,J., Mehta,P.K., Su,X., Mukatira,S., Finkelstein,D.B., Xu,X., Wang,J., Ma,J., Fan,Y., Rakestraw,K.M., Webster,R.G., Hoffmann,E., Krauss,S., Zheng,J., Zhang,Z. and Naeve,C.W. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (13-SEP-2006) Hartwell Center for Bioinformatics & Biotechnology, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, 332 North Lauderdale Str., Memphis, TN 38105, USA FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..1707 /organism="Influenza A virus (A/chicken/Pennsylvania/143586/2002(H7N2))" /mol_type="viral cRNA" /strain="A/chicken/Pennsylvania/143586/2002" /serotype="H7N2" /host="Avian" /db_xref="taxon:342184" /segment="4" /country="USA: Pennsylvania" /collection_date="2002" primer_bind 1..19 /note="PCR amplification primer sequence" gene 22..1680 /gene="HA" CDS 22..1680 /gene="HA" /function="receptor binding and fusion protein" /codon_start=1 /product="hemagglutinin" /protein_id="ABI84849.1" /translation="MNIQILAFIACVLTGAKGDKICLGHHAVANGTKVNTLTERGIEV VNATETVETANIKKICTQGKRPTDLGQCGLLGTLIGPPQCDQFLEFSSDLIIERREGT DVCYPGKFTNEESLRQILRRSGGIGKESMGFTYSGIRTNGATSACTRSGSSFYAEMKW LLSNSDNAAFPQMTKAYRNPRNKPALIIWGVHHSESVSEQTKLYGSGNKLITVRSSKY QQSFTPSPGARRIDFHWLLLDPNDTVTFTFNGAFIAPDRASFFRGESLGVQSDAPLDS SCRGDCFHSGGTIVSSLPFQNINSRTVGKCPRYVKQKSLLLATGMRNVPEKPKPRGLF GAIAGFIENGWEGLINGWYGFRHQNAQGEGTAADYKSTQSAIDQITGKLNRLIGKTNQ QFELIDNEFNEIEQQIGNVINWTRDAMTEIWSYNAELLVAMENQHTIDLADSEMSKLY ERVKKQLRENAEEDGTGCFEIFHKCDDQCMESIRNNTYDHTQYRTESLQNRIQIDPVK LSSGYKDIILWFSFGASCFLLLAIAMGLVFICIKNGNMQCTICI" sig_peptide 22..75 /gene="HA" mat_peptide 76..1014 /gene="HA" /product="HA1" mat_peptide 1015..1677 /gene="HA" /product="HA2" primer_bind complement(1688..1707) /note="PCR amplification primer sequence" ORIGIN 1 agcaaaagca ggggatacaa aatgaacatt caaattctgg cattcattgc ttgtgtgctg 61 actggagcta aaggagacaa aatatgtctt gggcaccatg ctgtggcaaa tggaacaaaa 121 gtgaacacat taacagagag ggggattgaa gtagtgaatg ccacagagac agtggaaact 181 gcgaatatca agaaaatatg tacccagggg aaaaggccaa cagatctggg acaatgtgga 241 cttctaggaa ccctaatagg acctccccaa tgtgatcaat tcctggagtt ttcctctgat 301 ttgataattg agcgaagaga aggaaccgat gtatgctatc ccggtaaatt cacaaatgaa 361 gaatcactga ggcagatcct tcgaagatca ggaggaattg gtaaggagtc aatgggcttc 421 acctatagtg gaataagaac caatggagcg acaagtgcct gcacaagatc aggttcttct 481 ttctatgcag agatgaagtg gttgctgtcg aattcagata atgcagcatt cccacagatg 541 acaaaggcgt atagaaatcc cagaaacaaa ccagctctga taatttgggg agttcatcac 601 tctgaatcgg ttagcgagca gaccaaactc tatggaagcg gaaacaagtt gataacagta 661 agaagctcaa aataccagca atcattcacc ccaagtccgg gagcacggag aatcgatttt 721 cactggctac tccttgatcc caatgacaca gtgaccttca ctttcaatgg ggcattcata 781 gcccctgaca gggcaagttt ctttagggga gaatcactag gagtccagag tgatgctcct 841 ttggattcta gttgtagagg ggattgcttt cacagtgggg gtacgatagt cagttccctg 901 ccattccaaa acatcaactc tagaactgtg gggaaatgcc ctcggtatgt caaacagaaa 961 agcctccttc tggctacagg aatgagaaat gttccagaga aaccaaagcc cagaggcctt 1021 tttggagcaa ttgctggatt catagagaat ggatgggagg gtctcatcaa tggatggtat 1081 ggtttcagac atcaaaatgc acaaggagag ggaactgcag ctgactacaa aagcacccag 1141 tctgcaatag atcagatcac aggcaaattg aatcgtttaa ttggcaaaac aaatcagcag 1201 tttgagctga tagacaatga gttcaatgag atagaacaac aaataggaaa tgtcattaat 1261 tggacacgag acgcaatgac tgagatatgg tcgtataatg ctgagctgtt ggtggcaatg 1321 gaaaatcagc atacaataga tcttgcggac tcagaaatga gcaaacttta tgagcgtgtc 1381 aaaaaacaac taagggagaa tgctgaagaa gatggaactg gatgttttga gatatttcat 1441 aagtgtgatg atcagtgtat ggagagcata aggaacaaca cgtatgacca tacccaatac 1501 agaacagagt cattgcagaa tagaatacag atagacccag tgaaattgag tagtggatac 1561 aaagacataa tcttatggtt tagcttcggg gcatcatgtt ttcttcttct agccattgca 1621 atgggattgg ttttcatttg cataaagaat ggaaacatgc agtgcactat ttgtatatag 1681 tttgagaaaa acacccttgt ttctact
niman Posted December 23, 2016 Author Report Posted December 23, 2016 Align Segment-ID Name Score E-Value Identity EPI42777 A/chicken/Pennsylvania/143586/2002 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 3064.7 0.000000e+00 1659/1659 (100%) EPI159070 A/turkey/VA/158512/2002 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 3048.1 0.000000e+00 1656/1659 (99%) EPI159046 A/unknown/NY/ 117932-11/2001 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 3042.6 0.000000e+00 1655/1659 (99%) EPI18007 A/turkey/VA/55/02 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 3042.6 0.000000e+00 1655/1659 (99%) EPI17981 A/chicken/PA/143586/01 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 3042.6 0.000000e+00 1649/1650 (99%) EPI17947 A/avian/NY/7729-6/00 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 3037.0 0.000000e+00 1654/1659 (99%) EPI290480 A/chicken/NY/119055-7/2001 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 3031.5 0.000000e+00 1653/1659 (99%) EPI236435 A/Turkey/NC/11165/02_ (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 3031.5 0.000000e+00 1653/1659 (99%) EPI18009 A/turkey/VA/66/02 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 3031.5 0.000000e+00 1653/1659 (99%) EPI17963 A/chicken/NY/119055-7/01 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 3031.5 0.000000e+00 1653/1659 (99%) EPI17995 A/chicken/VA/32/02 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 3025.9 0.000000e+00 1652/1659 (99%) EPI168842 A/chicken/New York/Sg-00386/2001 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 3020.4 0.000000e+00 1643/1647 (99%) EPI235145 A/environment/NY/241365-18/2003 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 3014.9 0.000000e+00 1650/1659 (99%) EPI168822 A/chicken/New York/Sg-00381/2001 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 3014.9 0.000000e+00 1642/1647 (99%) EPI168783 A/avian/New York/Sg-00371/2001 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 3014.9 0.000000e+00 1642/1647 (99%) EPI18011 A/turkey/VA/67/02 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 3014.9 0.000000e+00 1650/1659 (99%) EPI17959 A/chicken/NJ/608/02 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 3014.9 0.000000e+00 1650/1659 (99%) EPI168870 A/environment/New Jersey/Sg-00393/2002 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 3009.3 0.000000e+00 1641/1647 (99%) EPI168755 A/avian/New York/Sg-00363/2001 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 3007.5 0.000000e+00 1638/1643 (99%) EPI168799 A/avian/New York/Sg-00375/2001 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 3003.8 0.000000e+00 1634/1638 (99%) EPI168779 A/avian/New York/Sg-00370/2001 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 3003.8 0.000000e+00 1638/1644 (99%) EPI168896 A/avian/New York/Sg-00400/2003 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 3000.1 0.000000e+00 1639/1647 (99%) EPI168862 A/guinea fowl/New Jersey/Sg-00391/2002 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 3000.1 0.000000e+00 1638/1645 (99%) EPI168920 A/avian/New York/Sg-00406/2003 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 2994.5 0.000000e+00 1635/1642 (99%) EPI168952 A/avian/New York/Sg-00414/2003 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 2992.7 0.000000e+00 1638/1647 (99%) EPI168948 A/avian/New York/Sg-00413/2003 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 2992.7 0.000000e+00 1638/1647 (99%) EPI168900 A/avian/New York/Sg-00401/2003 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 2992.7 0.000000e+00 1638/1647 (99%) EPI168908 A/avian/New York/Sg-00403/2003 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 2990.8 0.000000e+00 1636/1644 (99%) EPI168904 A/avian/New York/Sg-00402/2003 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 2989.0 0.000000e+00 1634/1642 (99%) EPI168866 A/chicken/New Jersey/Sg-00392/2002 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 2989.0 0.000000e+00 1636/1645 (99%) EPI235153 A/environmental/NY/268925-10/2003 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 2987.2 0.000000e+00 1645/1659 (99%) EPI168944 A/avian/New York/Sg-00412/2003 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 2983.5 0.000000e+00 1633/1642 (99%) EPI168928 A/avian/New York/Sg-00408/2003 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 2983.5 0.000000e+00 1633/1642 (99%) EPI168892 A/avian/New York/Sg-00399/2003 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 2981.6 0.000000e+00 1634/1644 (99%) EPI158444 A/Chicken/NJ/16224-6/99 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 2981.6 0.000000e+00 1644/1659 (99%) EPI168960 A/chicken/New York/Sg-00416/2003 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 2976.1 0.000000e+00 1635/1647 (99%) EPI168956 A/avian/New York/Sg-00415/2003 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 2976.1 0.000000e+00 1635/1647 (99%) EPI17997 A/Chicken/NY/14858-12/99 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 2976.1 0.000000e+00 1643/1659 (99%) EPI168940 A/avian/New York/Sg-00411/2003 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 2974.2 0.000000e+00 1630/1642 (99%) EPI168912 A/avian/New York/Sg-00404/2003 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 2974.2 0.000000e+00 1631/1642 (99%) EPI168924 A/avian/New York/Sg-00407/2003 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 2972.4 0.000000e+00 1631/1642 (99%) EPI168916 A/avian/New York/Sg-00405/2003 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 2970.5 0.000000e+00 1630/1641 (99%) EPI18015 A/Chicken/New Jersey/20621/99 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 2970.5 0.000000e+00 1643/1660 (98%) EPI17973 A/chicken/NY/21586-8/99 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 2970.5 0.000000e+00 1642/1659 (98%) EPI17957 A/chicken/NJ/15814-9/99 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 2970.5 0.000000e+00 1642/1659 (98%) EPI159014 A/environment/NY/260422-10/2003 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 2965.0 0.000000e+00 1641/1659 (98%) EPI168971 A/avian/New York/Sg-00419/2003 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 2963.1 0.000000e+00 1632/1646 (99%) EPI168964 A/avian/New York/Sg-00417/2003 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 2959.5 0.000000e+00 1633/1648 (99%) EPI166558 A/chicken/New Jersey/Sg-00334/1999 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 2950.2 0.000000e+00 1627/1642 (99%) EPI159006 A/chicken/CT/260413-2/2003 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 2948.4 0.000000e+00 1638/1659 (98%) EPI141612 A/New York/107/2003 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 2948.4 0.000000e+00 1638/1659 (98%) EPI168936 A/avian/New York/Sg-00410/2003 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 2944.7 0.000000e+00 1626/1642 (99%) EPI17943 A/avian/NY/76247-3/00 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 2942.8 0.000000e+00 1637/1659 (98%) EPI18019 A/chicken/NJ/15827/99 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 2941.0 0.000000e+00 1637/1659 (98%) EPI168719 A/avian/New York/Sg-00353/2000 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 2939.1 0.000000e+00 1629/1648 (98%) EPI159038 A/unknown/NY/120485-5/2001 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 2937.3 0.000000e+00 1636/1659 (98%) EPI17939 A/avian/NY/70411-12/00 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 2937.3 0.000000e+00 1636/1659 (98%) EPI166566 A/chicken/New Jersey/Sg-00336/1999 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 2935.4 0.000000e+00 1619/1634 (99%) EPI168715 A/chicken/New York/Sg-00352/2000 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 2933.6 0.000000e+00 1628/1648 (98%) EPI168727 A/avian/New York/Sg-00355/2000 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 2931.8 0.000000e+00 1627/1647 (98%) EPI160761 A/environment/New York/23165-5/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 2931.8 0.000000e+00 1635/1659 (98%) EPI156561 A/chicken/New York/30732-11/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 2931.8 0.000000e+00 1635/1659 (98%) EPI156553 A/chicken/New York/30732-10/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 2931.8 0.000000e+00 1635/1659 (98%) EPI156545 A/chicken/New York/30732-9/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 2931.8 0.000000e+00 1635/1659 (98%) EPI141468 A/environment/New York/30732-4/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 2931.8 0.000000e+00 1635/1659 (98%) EPI141436 A/chicken/New York/23165-6/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 2931.8 0.000000e+00 1635/1659 (98%) EPI166551 A/avian/New York/Sg-00331/1999 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 2929.9 0.000000e+00 1618/1634 (99%) EPI168739 A/avian/New York/Sg-00358/2001 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 2928.1 0.000000e+00 1627/1648 (98%) EPI171061 A/environment/New York/30732-1/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 2926.2 0.000000e+00 1634/1659 (98%) EPI168707 A/avian/New York/Sg-00350/2000 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 2926.2 0.000000e+00 1624/1644 (98%) EPI166615 A/avian/New York/Sg-00349/2000 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 2926.2 0.000000e+00 1622/1641 (98%) EPI166588 A/quail/New Jersey/Sg-00342/2000 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 2926.2 0.000000e+00 1616/1632 (99%) EPI166555 A/chicken/New Jersey/Sg-00333/1999 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 2926.2 0.000000e+00 1616/1632 (99%) EPI166540 A/avian/New York/Sg-00328/1999 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 2926.2 0.000000e+00 1616/1632 (99%) EPI156569 A/muscovy duck/New York/30732-13/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 2926.2 0.000000e+00 1634/1659 (98%) EPI156537 A/chicken/New York/30732-8/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 2926.2 0.000000e+00 1634/1659 (98%) EPI156521 A/environment/New York/23165-1/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 2926.2 0.000000e+00 1634/1659 (98%) EPI152953 A/quail/New York/30732-12/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 2926.2 0.000000e+00 1634/1659 (98%) EPI141484 A/turkey/New York/30732-7/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 2926.2 0.000000e+00 1634/1659 (98%) EPI141476 A/chicken/New York/30732-6/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 2926.2 0.000000e+00 1634/1659 (98%) EPI141460 A/environment/New York/30732-3/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 2926.2 0.000000e+00 1634/1659 (98%) EPI141452 A/environment/New York/30732-2/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 2926.2 0.000000e+00 1634/1659 (98%) EPI18023 A/chicken/NY/34173-3/99 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 2926.2 0.000000e+00 1634/1659 (98%) EPI17975 A/chicken/NY/22409-4/99 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 2926.2 0.000000e+00 1634/1659 (98%) EPI168735 A/avian/New York/Sg-00357/2001 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 2924.4 0.000000e+00 1617/1634 (98%) EPI166562 A/duck/New Jersey/Sg-00335/1999 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 2924.4 0.000000e+00 1617/1634 (98%) EPI168932 A/avian/New York/Sg-00409/2003 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 2922.5 0.000000e+00 1623/1643 (98%) EPI228453 A/chicken/DE/VIVA/2004 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 2920.7 0.000000e+00 1633/1659 (98%) EPI168979 A/chicken/New Jersey/Sg-00421/2004 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 2920.7 0.000000e+00 1625/1647 (98%) EPI168711 A/avian/New York/Sg-00351/2000 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 2920.7 0.000000e+00 1623/1644 (98%) EPI160769 A/chicken/New York/23165-10/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 2920.7 0.000000e+00 1633/1659 (98%) EPI141596 A/environment/New York/23165-4/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 2920.7 0.000000e+00 1633/1659 (98%) EPI17945 A/avian/NY/81746-5/00 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 2920.7 0.000000e+00 1633/1659 (98%) EPI166570 A/avian/New York/Sg-00337/1999 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 2918.8 0.000000e+00 1616/1634 (98%) EPI168751 A/avian/New York/Sg-00362/2001 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 2917.0 0.000000e+00 1623/1645 (98%) EPI168723 A/avian/New York/Sg-00354/2000 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 2917.0 0.000000e+00 1623/1645 (98%) EPI141604 A/chicken/New York/23165-7/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 2917.0 0.000000e+00 1633/1660 (98%) EPI228452 A/chicken/DE/HOBO/2004 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 2915.1 0.000000e+00 1633/1660 (98%) EPI177151 A/unknown/New York/11646-9/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 2915.1 0.000000e+00 1633/1660 (98%) EPI177135 A/chicken/New York/23165-9/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 4 (HA) 2915.1 0.000000e+00 1632/1659 (98%)
niman Posted December 23, 2016 Author Report Posted December 23, 2016 Align Segment-ID Name Score E-Value Identity EPI42779 A/chicken/Pennsylvania/143586/2002 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2545.8 0.000000e+00 1378/1378 (100%) EPI18327 A/chicken/PA/143586/01 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2545.8 0.000000e+00 1378/1378 (100%) EPI236438 A/Turkey/NC/11165/O2 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2529.2 0.000000e+00 1375/1378 (99%) EPI18365 A/Turkey/VA/158512/02 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2529.2 0.000000e+00 1375/1378 (99%) EPI18339 A/chicken/VA/32/02 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2523.6 0.000000e+00 1374/1378 (99%) EPI18363 A/turkey/VA/67/02 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2518.1 0.000000e+00 1373/1378 (99%) EPI18359 A/turkey/VA/55/02 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2518.1 0.000000e+00 1373/1378 (99%) EPI234181 A/avian/New York/Sg-00396/2002 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2499.6 0.000000e+00 1357/1359 (99%) EPI159012 A/environment/NY/260422-10/2003 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2495.9 0.000000e+00 1369/1378 (99%) EPI234183 A/avian/New York/Sg-00398/2002 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2490.4 0.000000e+00 1352/1354 (99%) EPI235147 A/environment/NY/241365-18/2003 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2484.9 0.000000e+00 1367/1378 (99%) EPI159036 A/unknown/NY/120485-5/2001 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2484.9 0.000000e+00 1367/1378 (99%) EPI159004 A/chicken/CT/260413-2/2003 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2484.9 0.000000e+00 1367/1378 (99%) EPI18361 A/turkey/VA/66/02 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2484.9 0.000000e+00 1367/1378 (99%) EPI234182 A/avian/New York/Sg-00397/2002 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2483.0 0.000000e+00 1350/1353 (99%) EPI177161 A/unknown/New York/13479-4/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2479.3 0.000000e+00 1366/1378 (99%) EPI167392 A/unknown/New York/13479-2/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2479.3 0.000000e+00 1366/1378 (99%) EPI167384 A/unknown/New York/13479-1/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2479.3 0.000000e+00 1366/1378 (99%) EPI164980 A/environment/New York/26792-3/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2479.3 0.000000e+00 1366/1378 (99%) EPI164948 A/unknown/New York/13479-5/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2479.3 0.000000e+00 1366/1378 (99%) EPI164940 A/unknown/New York/13479-3/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2479.3 0.000000e+00 1366/1378 (99%) EPI160787 A/environment/New York/26792-1/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2479.3 0.000000e+00 1366/1378 (99%) EPI156595 A/environment/New York/37982-2/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2479.3 0.000000e+00 1366/1378 (99%) EPI152979 A/environment/New York/37982-1/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2479.3 0.000000e+00 1366/1378 (99%) EPI141582 A/guinea fowl/New York/10196-7/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2479.3 0.000000e+00 1366/1378 (99%) EPI141566 A/environment/New York/10196-2/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2479.3 0.000000e+00 1366/1378 (99%) EPI63700 A/duck/New York/21211-6/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2479.3 0.000000e+00 1366/1378 (99%) EPI18281 A/avian/NY/81746-5/00 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2479.3 0.000000e+00 1366/1378 (99%) EPI68375 A/chicken/New York/21211-1/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2477.5 0.000000e+00 1365/1377 (99%) EPI63681 A/chicken/New York/21211-2/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2477.5 0.000000e+00 1365/1377 (99%) EPI152995 A/chicken/New York/42217/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2475.6 0.000000e+00 1365/1378 (99%) EPI164844 A/environment/New York/26792-4/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2473.8 0.000000e+00 1365/1378 (99%) EPI160795 A/environment/New York/26792-2/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2473.8 0.000000e+00 1365/1378 (99%) EPI160723 A/environment/New York/10196-3/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2473.8 0.000000e+00 1365/1378 (99%) EPI152987 A/guinea fowl/New York/37982-3/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2473.8 0.000000e+00 1365/1378 (99%) EPI68394 A/chukar/New York/21211-7/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2473.8 0.000000e+00 1365/1378 (99%) EPI18285 A/chicken/NJ/118878-5/01 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2473.8 0.000000e+00 1365/1378 (99%) EPI156603 A/chicken/New York/37982-4/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2470.1 0.000000e+00 1364/1378 (98%) EPI327489 A/chicken/New York/79672/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2468.2 0.000000e+00 1364/1378 (98%) EPI235155 A/environmental/NY/268925-10/2003 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2468.2 0.000000e+00 1364/1378 (98%) EPI234194 A/avian/New York/Sg-00409/2003 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2468.2 0.000000e+00 1346/1351 (99%) EPI164892 A/Guinea fowl/New York/101276-1/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2468.2 0.000000e+00 1364/1378 (98%) EPI160739 A/chicken/New York/10196-5/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2468.2 0.000000e+00 1364/1378 (98%) EPI160731 A/chicken/New York/10196-4/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2468.2 0.000000e+00 1364/1378 (98%) EPI159028 A/guinea fowl/NJ/119063-8/2001 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2468.2 0.000000e+00 1364/1378 (98%) EPI158842 A/chicken/NJ/294508-12/2004 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2468.2 0.000000e+00 1364/1378 (98%) EPI141616 A/New York/107/2003 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2468.2 0.000000e+00 1364/1378 (98%) EPI141574 A/chicken/New York/10196-6/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2468.2 0.000000e+00 1364/1378 (98%) EPI141558 A/environment/New York/10196-1/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2468.2 0.000000e+00 1364/1378 (98%) EPI18341 A/guineafowl/MA/148081/02 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2468.2 0.000000e+00 1364/1378 (98%) EPI234188 A/avian/New York/Sg-00403/2003 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2466.4 0.000000e+00 1351/1359 (99%) EPI172277 A/Guinea fowl/New York/98616-3/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2464.6 0.000000e+00 1362/1376 (98%) EPI18305 A/Chicken/NY/14858-12/99 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2462.7 0.000000e+00 1363/1378 (98%) EPI18283 A/Chicken/NJ/118555-2/01 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2462.7 0.000000e+00 1363/1378 (98%) EPI18277 A/avian/NY/118353-1/2001 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2462.7 0.000000e+00 1363/1378 (98%) EPI227584 A/unknown/New York/98616-6/2006 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2459.0 0.000000e+00 1361/1376 (98%) EPI234205 A/avian/New York/Sg-00420/2003 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2457.2 0.000000e+00 1344/1351 (99%) EPI234184 A/avian/New York/Sg-00399/2003 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2457.2 0.000000e+00 1344/1351 (99%) EPI234138 A/avian/New York/Sg-00353/2000 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2457.2 0.000000e+00 1344/1351 (99%) EPI152867 A/chicken/New York/22067-12/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2457.2 0.000000e+00 1362/1378 (98%) EPI152859 A/chicken/New York/22067-7/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2457.2 0.000000e+00 1362/1378 (98%) EPI141414 A/environment/New York/22067-4/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2457.2 0.000000e+00 1362/1378 (98%) EPI131830 A/environment/New York/22067-2/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2457.2 0.000000e+00 1362/1378 (98%) EPI131811 A/environment/New York/22067-1/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2457.2 0.000000e+00 1362/1378 (98%) EPI234185 A/avian/New York/Sg-00400/2003 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2453.5 0.000000e+00 1344/1352 (99%) EPI164876 A/duck/New York/98616-5/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2453.5 0.000000e+00 1360/1376 (98%) EPI164868 A/duck/New York/98616-4/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2453.5 0.000000e+00 1360/1376 (98%) EPI327539 A/environment/New York/641/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2451.6 0.000000e+00 1361/1378 (98%) EPI234200 A/avian/New York/Sg-00415/2003 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2451.6 0.000000e+00 1343/1351 (99%) EPI234199 A/avian/New York/Sg-00414/2003 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2451.6 0.000000e+00 1343/1351 (99%) EPI234193 A/avian/New York/Sg-00408/2003 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2451.6 0.000000e+00 1343/1351 (99%) EPI234190 A/avian/New York/Sg-00405/2003 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2451.6 0.000000e+00 1343/1351 (99%) EPI234186 A/avian/New York/Sg-00401/2003 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2451.6 0.000000e+00 1343/1351 (99%) EPI160755 A/duck/New York/22067-11/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2451.6 0.000000e+00 1361/1378 (98%) EPI160747 A/guinea fowl/New York/22067-10/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2451.6 0.000000e+00 1361/1378 (98%) EPI156515 A/chicken/New York/22067-9/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2451.6 0.000000e+00 1361/1378 (98%) EPI156507 A/chicken/New York/22067-8/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2451.6 0.000000e+00 1361/1378 (98%) EPI156499 A/environment/New York/22067-6/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2451.6 0.000000e+00 1361/1378 (98%) EPI141422 A/environment/New York/22067-5/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2451.6 0.000000e+00 1361/1378 (98%) EPI131773 A/chicken/New York/16326-4/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2451.6 0.000000e+00 1361/1378 (98%) EPI76972 A/environment/New York/16326-2/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2451.6 0.000000e+00 1361/1378 (98%) EPI68413 A/environment/New York/22067-3/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2451.6 0.000000e+00 1361/1378 (98%) EPI63624 A/environment/New York/16326-1/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2451.6 0.000000e+00 1361/1378 (98%) EPI18279 A/avian/NY/76247-3/00 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2451.6 0.000000e+00 1361/1378 (98%) EPI234170 A/avian/New York/Sg-00385/2001 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2449.8 0.000000e+00 1348/1359 (99%) EPI228455 A/chicken/DE/HOBO/2004 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2449.8 0.000000e+00 1350/1362 (99%) EPI160867 A/environment/New York/98616-2/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2447.9 0.000000e+00 1359/1376 (98%) EPI327527 A/quail/New York/23164-12/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2446.1 0.000000e+00 1360/1378 (98%) EPI234202 A/avian/New York/Sg-00417/2003 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2446.1 0.000000e+00 1342/1351 (99%) EPI234192 A/avian/New York/Sg-00407/2003 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2446.1 0.000000e+00 1342/1351 (99%) EPI234189 A/avian/New York/Sg-00404/2003 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2446.1 0.000000e+00 1342/1351 (99%) EPI234137 A/chicken/New York/Sg-00352/2000 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2446.1 0.000000e+00 1342/1351 (99%) EPI164932 A/unknown/New York/11675/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2446.1 0.000000e+00 1360/1378 (98%) EPI152939 A/turkey/New York/23164-11/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2446.1 0.000000e+00 1360/1378 (98%) EPI152915 A/chicken/New York/23164-7/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2446.1 0.000000e+00 1360/1378 (98%) EPI152907 A/chicken/New York/23164-5/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2446.1 0.000000e+00 1360/1378 (98%) EPI152891 A/environment/New York/23164-2/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2446.1 0.000000e+00 1360/1378 (98%) EPI141606 A/chicken/New York/23165-7/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2446.1 0.000000e+00 1360/1378 (98%) EPI141590 A/chicken/New York/23164-6/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2446.1 0.000000e+00 1360/1378 (98%) EPI141438 A/chicken/New York/23165-6/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 6 (NA) 2446.1 0.000000e+00 1360/1378 (98%)
niman Posted December 23, 2016 Author Report Posted December 23, 2016 Align Segment-ID Name Score E-Value Identity EPI18095 A/chicken/PA/143586/01 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1814.5 0.000000e+00 982/982 (100%) EPI18140 A/turkey/VA/55/02 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1803.5 0.000000e+00 980/982 (99%) EPI236436 A/Turkey/NC/11165/02 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1797.9 0.000000e+00 979/982 (99%) EPI18137 A/Turkey/VA/158512/02 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1792.4 0.000000e+00 978/982 (99%) EPI18143 A/turkey/VA/67/02 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1786.8 0.000000e+00 977/982 (99%) EPI18122 A/guineafowl/MA/148081-11/02 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1786.8 0.000000e+00 977/982 (99%) EPI159005 A/chicken/CT/260413-2/2003 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1781.3 0.000000e+00 976/982 (99%) EPI18113 A/chicken/VA/32/02 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1781.3 0.000000e+00 976/982 (99%) EPI235146 A/environment/NY/241365-18/2003 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1775.8 0.000000e+00 975/982 (99%) EPI159013 A/environment/NY/260422-10/2003 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1775.8 0.000000e+00 975/982 (99%) EPI63602 A/environment/New York/11678-4/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1759.1 0.000000e+00 972/982 (98%) EPI63583 A/environment/New York/11678-3/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1759.1 0.000000e+00 972/982 (98%) EPI327521 A/environment/New York/30732-5/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1753.6 0.000000e+00 971/982 (98%) EPI227003 A/chicken/New York/11678-5/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1753.6 0.000000e+00 971/982 (98%) EPI171062 A/environment/New York/30732-1/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1753.6 0.000000e+00 971/982 (98%) EPI156570 A/muscovy duck/New York/30732-13/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1753.6 0.000000e+00 971/982 (98%) EPI156562 A/chicken/New York/30732-11/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1753.6 0.000000e+00 971/982 (98%) EPI156554 A/chicken/New York/30732-10/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1753.6 0.000000e+00 971/982 (98%) EPI156546 A/chicken/New York/30732-9/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1753.6 0.000000e+00 971/982 (98%) EPI156538 A/chicken/New York/30732-8/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1753.6 0.000000e+00 971/982 (98%) EPI152954 A/quail/New York/30732-12/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1753.6 0.000000e+00 971/982 (98%) EPI141485 A/turkey/New York/30732-7/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1753.6 0.000000e+00 971/982 (98%) EPI141477 A/chicken/New York/30732-6/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1753.6 0.000000e+00 971/982 (98%) EPI141469 A/environment/New York/30732-4/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1753.6 0.000000e+00 971/982 (98%) EPI141461 A/environment/New York/30732-3/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1753.6 0.000000e+00 971/982 (98%) EPI141453 A/environment/New York/30732-2/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1753.6 0.000000e+00 971/982 (98%) EPI307276 A/chicken/MD/MinhMa/2004 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1748.1 0.000000e+00 970/982 (98%) EPI235154 A/environmental/NY/268925-10/2003 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1748.1 0.000000e+00 970/982 (98%) EPI63564 A/environment/New York/11678-2/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1748.1 0.000000e+00 970/982 (98%) EPI63545 A/environment/New York/11678-1/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1748.1 0.000000e+00 970/982 (98%) EPI164979 A/environment/New York/26792-3/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1742.5 0.000000e+00 969/982 (98%) EPI164931 A/unknown/New York/11675/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1742.5 0.000000e+00 969/982 (98%) EPI164843 A/environment/New York/26792-4/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1742.5 0.000000e+00 969/982 (98%) EPI160858 A/quail/New York/89641/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1742.5 0.000000e+00 969/982 (98%) EPI160794 A/environment/New York/26792-2/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1742.5 0.000000e+00 969/982 (98%) EPI160786 A/environment/New York/26792-1/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1742.5 0.000000e+00 969/982 (98%) EPI160754 A/duck/New York/22067-11/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1742.5 0.000000e+00 969/982 (98%) EPI160746 A/guinea fowl/New York/22067-10/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1742.5 0.000000e+00 969/982 (98%) EPI160722 A/environment/New York/10196-3/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1742.5 0.000000e+00 969/982 (98%) EPI156514 A/chicken/New York/22067-9/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1742.5 0.000000e+00 969/982 (98%) EPI156506 A/chicken/New York/22067-8/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1742.5 0.000000e+00 969/982 (98%) EPI156498 A/environment/New York/22067-6/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1742.5 0.000000e+00 969/982 (98%) EPI154164 A/New York/107/2003 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1742.5 0.000000e+00 970/983 (98%) EPI152994 A/chicken/New York/42217/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1742.5 0.000000e+00 969/982 (98%) EPI152858 A/chicken/New York/22067-7/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1742.5 0.000000e+00 969/982 (98%) EPI141557 A/environment/New York/10196-1/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1742.5 0.000000e+00 969/982 (98%) EPI141421 A/environment/New York/22067-5/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1742.5 0.000000e+00 969/982 (98%) EPI141413 A/environment/New York/22067-4/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1742.5 0.000000e+00 969/982 (98%) EPI131827 A/environment/New York/22067-2/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1742.5 0.000000e+00 969/982 (98%) EPI131808 A/environment/New York/22067-1/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1742.5 0.000000e+00 969/982 (98%) EPI68410 A/environment/New York/22067-3/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1742.5 0.000000e+00 969/982 (98%) EPI18056 A/Chicken/NJ/16224-6/99 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1742.5 0.000000e+00 969/982 (98%) EPI327535 A/chicken/New York/23164-4/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1737.0 0.000000e+00 968/982 (98%) EPI327530 A/chicken/New York/23164-8/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1737.0 0.000000e+00 968/982 (98%) EPI327517 A/environment/New York/31621-4/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1737.0 0.000000e+00 968/982 (98%) EPI327512 A/chicken/New York/31621-6/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1737.0 0.000000e+00 968/982 (98%) EPI327509 A/chicken/New York/31621-7/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1737.0 0.000000e+00 968/982 (98%) EPI327479 A/environment/New York/98616-1/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1737.0 0.000000e+00 968/982 (98%) EPI327476 A/unknown/New York/11646-7/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1737.0 0.000000e+00 968/982 (98%) EPI227191 A/environment/New York/30720-1/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1737.0 0.000000e+00 968/982 (98%) EPI177152 A/unknown/New York/11646-9/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1737.0 0.000000e+00 968/982 (98%) EPI172284 A/unknown/New York/11646-8/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1737.0 0.000000e+00 968/982 (98%) EPI172276 A/Guinea fowl/New York/98616-3/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1737.0 0.000000e+00 968/982 (98%) EPI167391 A/unknown/New York/13479-2/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1737.0 0.000000e+00 968/982 (98%) EPI167375 A/Guinea fowl/New York/11646-3/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1737.0 0.000000e+00 968/982 (98%) EPI167367 A/chicken/New York/11646-2/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1737.0 0.000000e+00 968/982 (98%) EPI167327 A/environment/New York/31621-1/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1737.0 0.000000e+00 968/982 (98%) EPI164947 A/unknown/New York/13479-5/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1737.0 0.000000e+00 968/982 (98%) EPI164939 A/unknown/New York/13479-3/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1737.0 0.000000e+00 968/982 (98%) EPI164923 A/unknown/New York/11646-6/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1737.0 0.000000e+00 968/982 (98%) EPI164907 A/Muscovy duck/New York/11646-4/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1737.0 0.000000e+00 968/982 (98%) EPI164875 A/duck/New York/98616-5/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1737.0 0.000000e+00 968/982 (98%) EPI160866 A/environment/New York/98616-2/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1737.0 0.000000e+00 968/982 (98%) EPI160802 A/environment/New York/31621-5/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1737.0 0.000000e+00 968/982 (98%) EPI158843 A/chicken/NJ/294508-12/2004 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1737.0 0.000000e+00 968/982 (98%) EPI156602 A/chicken/New York/37982-4/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1737.0 0.000000e+00 968/982 (98%) EPI156594 A/environment/New York/37982-2/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1737.0 0.000000e+00 968/982 (98%) EPI156586 A/guinea fowl/New York/31621-8/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1737.0 0.000000e+00 968/982 (98%) EPI152986 A/guinea fowl/New York/37982-3/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1737.0 0.000000e+00 968/982 (98%) EPI152978 A/environment/New York/37982-1/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1737.0 0.000000e+00 968/982 (98%) EPI152970 A/chicken/New York/31621-9/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1737.0 0.000000e+00 968/982 (98%) EPI152962 A/environment/New York/31621-3/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1737.0 0.000000e+00 968/982 (98%) EPI152938 A/turkey/New York/23164-11/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1737.0 0.000000e+00 968/982 (98%) EPI152922 A/chicken/New York/23164-9/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1737.0 0.000000e+00 968/982 (98%) EPI152914 A/chicken/New York/23164-7/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1737.0 0.000000e+00 968/982 (98%) EPI152906 A/chicken/New York/23164-5/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1737.0 0.000000e+00 968/982 (98%) EPI152890 A/environment/New York/23164-2/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1737.0 0.000000e+00 968/982 (98%) EPI141589 A/chicken/New York/23164-6/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1737.0 0.000000e+00 968/982 (98%) EPI141445 A/environment/New York/30720-3/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1737.0 0.000000e+00 968/982 (98%) EPI141429 A/chukar/New York/23164-13/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1737.0 0.000000e+00 968/982 (98%) EPI68372 A/chicken/New York/21211-1/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1737.0 0.000000e+00 968/982 (98%) EPI63697 A/duck/New York/21211-6/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1737.0 0.000000e+00 968/982 (98%) EPI63678 A/chicken/New York/21211-2/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1737.0 0.000000e+00 968/982 (98%) EPI18080 A/Chicken/NY/14858-12/99 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1737.0 0.000000e+00 968/982 (98%) EPI327528 A/quail/New York/23164-12/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1735.1 0.000000e+00 967/981 (98%) EPI327503 A/environment/New York/63806-1/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1731.4 0.000000e+00 967/982 (98%) EPI327493 A/chicken/New York/63806-7/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1731.4 0.000000e+00 967/982 (98%) EPI327490 A/chicken/New York/79672/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1731.4 0.000000e+00 967/982 (98%) EPI227583 A/unknown/New York/98616-6/2006 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1731.4 0.000000e+00 967/982 (98%) EPI177160 A/unknown/New York/13479-4/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 7 (MP) 1731.4 0.000000e+00 967/982 (98%)
niman Posted December 23, 2016 Author Report Posted December 23, 2016 Align Segment-ID Name Score E-Value Identity EPI125544 A/chicken/PA/143586/01 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 4211.5 0.000000e+00 2280/2280 (100%) EPI42786 A/chicken/Pennsylvania/143586/2002 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 4211.5 0.000000e+00 2280/2280 (100%) EPI159047 A/unknown/NY/ 117932-11/2001 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 4194.9 0.000000e+00 2277/2280 (99%) EPI168839 A/chicken/New York/Sg-00386/2001 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 4181.9 0.000000e+00 2266/2267 (99%) EPI235955 A/guinea hen/MA/14801-11/2002 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 4178.2 0.000000e+00 2274/2280 (99%) EPI168819 A/chicken/New York/Sg-00381/2001 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 4178.2 0.000000e+00 2266/2268 (99%) EPI159069 A/turkey/VA/158512/2002 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 4172.7 0.000000e+00 2273/2280 (99%) EPI168780 A/avian/New York/Sg-00371/2001 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 4156.1 0.000000e+00 2258/2263 (99%) EPI162360 A/turkey/VA/55/2002 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 4156.1 0.000000e+00 2270/2280 (99%) EPI168855 A/guinea fowl/Massachusetts/Sg-00390/2002 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 4154.2 0.000000e+00 2261/2267 (99%) EPI307294 A/turkey/VA/SEP-67/2002 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 4148.7 0.000000e+00 2268/2279 (99%) EPI168867 A/environment/New Jersey/Sg-00393/2002 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 4148.7 0.000000e+00 2262/2270 (99%) EPI168859 A/guinea fowl/New Jersey/Sg-00391/2002 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 4148.7 0.000000e+00 2260/2267 (99%) EPI168796 A/avian/New York/Sg-00375/2001 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 4145.0 0.000000e+00 2250/2253 (99%) EPI168808 A/avian/New York/Sg-00378/2001 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 4141.3 0.000000e+00 2250/2254 (99%) EPI168863 A/chicken/New Jersey/Sg-00392/2002 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 4133.9 0.000000e+00 2258/2268 (99%) EPI168877 A/avian/New York/Sg-00396/2002 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 4128.4 0.000000e+00 2257/2268 (99%) EPI168881 A/avian/New York/Sg-00397/2002 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 4119.1 0.000000e+00 2252/2263 (99%) EPI168885 A/avian/New York/Sg-00398/2002 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 4117.3 0.000000e+00 2255/2268 (99%) EPI166600 A/avian/New York/Sg-00346/2000 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 4117.3 0.000000e+00 2247/2256 (99%) EPI158445 A/Chicken/NJ/16224-6/99 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 4111.8 0.000000e+00 2262/2280 (99%) EPI168756 A/avian/New York/Sg-00364/2001 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 4109.9 0.000000e+00 2241/2249 (99%) EPI169619 A/chicken/NY/21586-8/99 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 4106.2 0.000000e+00 2261/2280 (99%) EPI166596 A/avian/New York/Sg-00345/2000 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 4080.4 0.000000e+00 2243/2260 (99%) EPI166585 A/quail/New Jersey/Sg-00342/2000 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 4078.5 0.000000e+00 2240/2256 (99%) EPI158412 A/Chicken/New Jersey/30739-6/00 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 4067.4 0.000000e+00 2254/2280 (98%) EPI166537 A/avian/New York/Sg-00328/1999 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 4063.7 0.000000e+00 2234/2251 (99%) EPI168704 A/avian/New York/Sg-00350/2000 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 4060.1 0.000000e+00 2244/2267 (98%) EPI166563 A/chicken/New Jersey/Sg-00336/1999 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 4050.8 0.000000e+00 2229/2247 (99%) EPI166559 A/duck/New Jersey/Sg-00335/1999 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 4050.8 0.000000e+00 2230/2249 (99%) EPI166556 A/chicken/New Jersey/Sg-00334/1999 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 4050.8 0.000000e+00 2229/2247 (99%) EPI166552 A/chicken/New Jersey/Sg-00333/1999 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 4050.8 0.000000e+00 2229/2247 (99%) EPI122286 A/chicken/NY/30749-3/00 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 4050.8 0.000000e+00 2251/2280 (98%) EPI168728 A/avian/New York/Sg-00356/2001 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 4045.3 0.000000e+00 2228/2247 (99%) EPI166567 A/avian/New York/Sg-00337/1999 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 4045.3 0.000000e+00 2228/2247 (99%) EPI243241 A/avian/New York/Sg-00338/1999 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 4039.7 0.000000e+00 2227/2247 (99%) EPI168740 A/avian/New York/Sg-00359/2001 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 4037.9 0.000000e+00 2238/2264 (98%) EPI168708 A/avian/New York/Sg-00351/2000 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 4037.9 0.000000e+00 2242/2270 (98%) EPI188104 A/avian/New York/Sg-00368/2001 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 4034.2 0.000000e+00 2248/2280 (98%) EPI159062 A/unknown/NY/85161/2000 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 4034.2 0.000000e+00 2248/2280 (98%) EPI166548 A/avian/New York/Sg-00331/1999 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 4028.7 0.000000e+00 2225/2247 (99%) EPI159031 A/guinea fowl/NJ/119063-8/2001 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 4028.7 0.000000e+00 2247/2280 (98%) EPI120353 A/avian/NY/118353-1/2001 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 4017.6 0.000000e+00 2245/2280 (98%) EPI166612 A/avian/New York/Sg-00349/2000 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 4013.9 0.000000e+00 2225/2251 (98%) EPI168724 A/avian/New York/Sg-00355/2000 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 4012.0 0.000000e+00 2222/2247 (98%) EPI122308 A/chicken/NJ/118878-5/01 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 4012.0 0.000000e+00 2244/2280 (98%) EPI168823 A/guinea fowl/New Jersey/Sg-00382/2001 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 4008.4 0.000000e+00 2236/2269 (98%) EPI168716 A/avian/New York/Sg-00353/2000 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 4008.4 0.000000e+00 2224/2251 (98%) EPI166608 A/avian/New York/Sg-00348/2000 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 4008.4 0.000000e+00 2224/2251 (98%) EPI166578 A/chicken/New Jersey/Sg-00340/2000 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 4006.5 0.000000e+00 2221/2247 (98%) EPI159039 A/unknown/NY/120485-5/2001 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 4006.5 0.000000e+00 2244/2281 (98%) EPI166574 A/avian/New York/Sg-00339/2000 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 4001.0 0.000000e+00 2220/2247 (98%) EPI168764 A/avian/New York/Sg-00366/2001 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 3995.4 0.000000e+00 2219/2247 (98%) EPI168748 A/avian/New York/Sg-00362/2001 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 3995.4 0.000000e+00 2223/2253 (98%) EPI168712 A/chicken/New York/Sg-00352/2000 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 3995.4 0.000000e+00 2223/2253 (98%) EPI168760 A/avian/New York/Sg-00365/2001 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 3993.6 0.000000e+00 2232/2267 (98%) EPI168768 A/avian/New York/Sg-00367/2001 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 3991.7 0.000000e+00 2231/2266 (98%) EPI166581 A/chicken/New Jersey/Sg-00341/2000 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 3989.9 0.000000e+00 2218/2247 (98%) EPI166451 A/chicken/New York/Sg-00306/1998 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 3989.9 0.000000e+00 2218/2247 (98%) EPI159054 A/chicken/FL/90348-4/2001 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 3989.9 0.000000e+00 2240/2280 (98%) EPI168800 A/avian/New York/Sg-00376/2001 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 3988.0 0.000000e+00 2229/2264 (98%) EPI168835 A/avian/New York/Sg-00385/2001 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 3984.3 0.000000e+00 2232/2269 (98%) EPI168720 A/avian/New York/Sg-00354/2000 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 3984.3 0.000000e+00 2221/2253 (98%) EPI168831 A/chicken/New York/Sg-00384/2001 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 3982.5 0.000000e+00 2230/2267 (98%) EPI166447 A/chicken/New York/Sg-00305/1998 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 3975.1 0.000000e+00 2218/2251 (98%) EPI162447 A/Chicken/New York/3202-7/96 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 3973.3 0.000000e+00 2237/2280 (98%) EPI168815 A/chicken/New Jersey/Sg-00380/2001 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 3965.9 0.000000e+00 2219/2255 (98%) EPI158567 A/chicken/PA/7777-1/1997 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 3956.6 0.000000e+00 2234/2280 (97%) EPI158552 A/chicken/PA/11767/1997 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 3940.0 0.000000e+00 2231/2280 (97%) EPI159023 A/chicken/PA/19241/1997 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 3934.5 0.000000e+00 2230/2280 (97%) EPI158557 A/chicken/RI/4328-1/1995 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 3923.4 0.000000e+00 2229/2281 (97%) EPI122295 A/Chicken/New York/3112-1/95 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 3917.9 0.000000e+00 2227/2280 (97%) EPI166424 A/chicken/New York/Sg-00298/1997 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 3916.0 0.000000e+00 2204/2246 (98%) EPI158542 A/chicken/PA/149092-1/02 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 3912.3 0.000000e+00 2226/2280 (97%) EPI158547 A/chicken/NY/13833-7/1995 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 3906.8 0.000000e+00 2225/2280 (97%) EPI158432 A/quail/NY/13989-51/1998 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 3901.2 0.000000e+00 2226/2282 (97%) EPI122324 A/Turkey/Pennsylvania/7975/97 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 3895.7 0.000000e+00 2223/2280 (97%) EPI166387 A/chicken/New York/Sg-00288/1996 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 3890.2 0.000000e+00 2208/2259 (97%) EPI166379 A/duck/New Jersey/Sg-00286/1996 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 3888.3 0.000000e+00 2207/2258 (97%) EPI166394 A/goose/New Jersey/Sg-00290/1996 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 3886.5 0.000000e+00 2208/2260 (97%) EPI158428 A/Chicken/Pennsylvania/13552-1/98 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 3884.6 0.000000e+00 2221/2280 (97%) EPI166363 A/chicken/Rhode Island/Sg-00282/1996 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 3882.8 0.000000e+00 2207/2259 (97%) EPI166391 A/chicken/New York/Sg-00289/1996 (A/H2N2) segment 1 (PB2) 3880.9 0.000000e+00 2207/2260 (97%) EPI166409 A/chicken/New York/Sg-00294/1996 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 3879.1 0.000000e+00 2206/2259 (97%) EPI158562 A/chicken/NY/8030-2/1997 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 3879.1 0.000000e+00 2220/2280 (97%) EPI166383 A/turkey/New Jersey/Sg-00287/1996 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 3875.4 0.000000e+00 2203/2256 (97%) EPI307275 A/chicken/PA/9801289/1998 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 3873.5 0.000000e+00 2219/2280 (97%) EPI166413 A/chicken/New Jersey/Sg-00295/1996 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 3873.5 0.000000e+00 2205/2259 (97%) EPI166510 A/environment/Pennsylvania/Sg-00321/1998 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 3869.9 0.000000e+00 2197/2248 (97%) EPI166467 A/duck/New York/Sg-00310/1998 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 3868.0 0.000000e+00 2196/2247 (97%) EPI166375 A/chicken/New York/Sg-00285/1996 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 3864.3 0.000000e+00 2198/2251 (97%) EPI166337 A/chicken/New York/Sg-00274/1995 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 3864.3 0.000000e+00 2202/2257 (97%) EPI166398 A/duck/New York/Sg-00291/1996 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 3862.5 0.000000e+00 2203/2259 (97%) EPI158837 A/goose/NY/8600-3/1998 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 3862.5 0.000000e+00 2217/2280 (97%) EPI158424 A/Chicken/New York/13142-5/94 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 3862.5 0.000000e+00 2217/2280 (97%) EPI166479 A/chicken/New Jersey/Sg-00313/1998 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 3856.9 0.000000e+00 2194/2247 (97%) EPI166459 A/chicken/New York/Sg-00308/1998 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 3856.9 0.000000e+00 2194/2247 (97%) EPI166443 A/chicken/New Jersey/Sg-00304/1997 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 3856.9 0.000000e+00 2194/2247 (97%) EPI166359 A/chicken/New York/Sg-00281/1996 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 3856.9 0.000000e+00 2200/2256 (97%) EPI166463 A/guinea fowl/New York/Sg-00309/1998 (A/H7N2) segment 1 (PB2) 3845.8 0.000000e+00 2192/2247 (97%)
niman Posted December 23, 2016 Author Report Posted December 23, 2016 (edited) Align Segment-ID Name Score E-Value Identity EPI125546 A/chicken/PA/143586/01 (A/H7N2) segment 2 (PB1) 4200.4 0.000000e+00 2274/2274 (100%) EPI42783 A/chicken/Pennsylvania/143586/2002 (A/H7N2) segment 2 (PB1) 4200.4 0.000000e+00 2274/2274 (100%) EPI159048 A/unknown/NY/ 117932-11/2001 (A/H7N2) segment 2 (PB1) 4148.7 0.000000e+00 2264/2274 (99%) EPI307293 A/turkey/VA/SEP-67/2002 (A/H7N2) segment 2 (PB1) 4145.0 0.000000e+00 2264/2274 (99%) EPI162359 A/turkey/VA/55/2002 (A/H7N2) segment 2 (PB1) 4145.0 0.000000e+00 2264/2274 (99%) EPI159068 A/turkey/VA/158512/2002 (A/H7N2) segment 2 (PB1) 4145.0 0.000000e+00 2264/2274 (99%) EPI168797 A/avian/New York/Sg-00375/2001 (A/H7N2) segment 2 (PB1) 4143.2 0.000000e+00 2255/2261 (99%) EPI168820 A/chicken/New York/Sg-00381/2001 (A/H7N2) segment 2 (PB1) 4135.8 0.000000e+00 2255/2263 (99%) EPI168840 A/chicken/New York/Sg-00386/2001 (A/H7N2) segment 2 (PB1) 4130.2 0.000000e+00 2254/2263 (99%) EPI235954 A/guinea hen/MA/14801-11/2002 (A/H7N2) segment 2 (PB1) 4128.4 0.000000e+00 2261/2274 (99%) EPI168856 A/guinea fowl/Massachusetts/Sg-00390/2002 (A/H7N2) segment 2 (PB1) 4113.6 0.000000e+00 2251/2263 (99%) EPI168860 A/guinea fowl/New Jersey/Sg-00391/2002 (A/H7N2) segment 2 (PB1) 4091.4 0.000000e+00 2247/2263 (99%) EPI168713 A/chicken/New York/Sg-00352/2000 (A/H7N2) segment 2 (PB1) 4087.8 0.000000e+00 2247/2264 (99%) EPI168761 A/avian/New York/Sg-00365/2001 (A/H7N2) segment 2 (PB1) 4085.9 0.000000e+00 2246/2263 (99%) EPI166613 A/avian/New York/Sg-00349/2000 (A/H7N2) segment 2 (PB1) 4084.1 0.000000e+00 2245/2263 (99%) EPI168721 A/avian/New York/Sg-00354/2000 (A/H7N2) segment 2 (PB1) 4082.2 0.000000e+00 2244/2261 (99%) EPI168864 A/chicken/New Jersey/Sg-00392/2002 (A/H7N2) segment 2 (PB1) 4080.4 0.000000e+00 2245/2263 (99%) EPI168717 A/avian/New York/Sg-00353/2000 (A/H7N2) segment 2 (PB1) 4076.7 0.000000e+00 2245/2264 (99%) EPI168749 A/avian/New York/Sg-00362/2001 (A/H7N2) segment 2 (PB1) 4074.8 0.000000e+00 2244/2263 (99%) EPI120350 A/avian/NY/118353-1/2001 (A/H7N2) segment 2 (PB1) 4073.0 0.000000e+00 2251/2274 (98%) EPI168868 A/environment/New Jersey/Sg-00393/2002 (A/H7N2) segment 2 (PB1) 4069.3 0.000000e+00 2243/2263 (99%) EPI168737 A/avian/New York/Sg-00358/2001 (A/H7N2) segment 2 (PB1) 4065.6 0.000000e+00 2243/2264 (99%) EPI166609 A/avian/New York/Sg-00348/2000 (A/H7N2) segment 2 (PB1) 4065.6 0.000000e+00 2241/2262 (99%) EPI122310 A/chicken/NJ/118878-5/01 (A/H7N2) segment 2 (PB1) 4061.9 0.000000e+00 2249/2274 (98%) EPI159040 A/unknown/NY/120485-5/2001 (A/H7N2) segment 2 (PB1) 4056.4 0.000000e+00 2248/2274 (98%) EPI168801 A/avian/New York/Sg-00376/2001 (A/H7N2) segment 2 (PB1) 4052.7 0.000000e+00 2240/2263 (98%) EPI168832 A/chicken/New York/Sg-00384/2001 (A/H7N2) segment 2 (PB1) 4047.1 0.000000e+00 2239/2263 (98%) EPI168816 A/chicken/New Jersey/Sg-00380/2001 (A/H7N2) segment 2 (PB1) 4047.1 0.000000e+00 2239/2263 (98%) EPI168812 A/chicken/New Jersey/Sg-00379/2001 (A/H7N2) segment 2 (PB1) 4045.3 0.000000e+00 2238/2262 (98%) EPI169618 A/chicken/NY/21586-8/99 (A/H7N2) segment 2 (PB1) 4039.7 0.000000e+00 2245/2274 (98%) EPI166560 A/duck/New Jersey/Sg-00335/1999 (A/H7N2) segment 2 (PB1) 4037.9 0.000000e+00 2236/2261 (98%) EPI168836 A/avian/New York/Sg-00385/2001 (A/H7N2) segment 2 (PB1) 4036.0 0.000000e+00 2237/2263 (98%) EPI166553 A/chicken/New Jersey/Sg-00333/1999 (A/H7N2) segment 2 (PB1) 4032.4 0.000000e+00 2235/2261 (98%) EPI166549 A/avian/New York/Sg-00331/1999 (A/H7N2) segment 2 (PB1) 4032.4 0.000000e+00 2235/2261 (98%) EPI158413 A/Chicken/New Jersey/30739-6/00 (A/H7N2) segment 2 (PB1) 4023.1 0.000000e+00 2242/2274 (98%) EPI166568 A/avian/New York/Sg-00337/1999 (A/H7N2) segment 2 (PB1) 4015.7 0.000000e+00 2232/2261 (98%) EPI166538 A/avian/New York/Sg-00328/1999 (A/H7N2) segment 2 (PB1) 4010.2 0.000000e+00 2223/2249 (98%) EPI188102 A/chicken/New Jersey/Sg-00340/2000 (A/H7N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3999.1 0.000000e+00 2229/2261 (98%) EPI168886 A/avian/New York/Sg-00398/2002 (A/H7N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3997.3 0.000000e+00 2230/2263 (98%) EPI168882 A/avian/New York/Sg-00397/2002 (A/H7N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3997.3 0.000000e+00 2230/2263 (98%) EPI168878 A/avian/New York/Sg-00396/2002 (A/H7N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3997.3 0.000000e+00 2230/2263 (98%) EPI166452 A/chicken/New York/Sg-00306/1998 (A/H7N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3988.0 0.000000e+00 2227/2261 (98%) EPI243242 A/avian/New York/Sg-00338/1999 (A/H7N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3984.3 0.000000e+00 2219/2250 (98%) EPI166448 A/chicken/New York/Sg-00305/1998 (A/H7N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3954.8 0.000000e+00 2221/2261 (98%) EPI159055 A/chicken/FL/90348-4/2001 (A/H7N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3928.9 0.000000e+00 2225/2274 (97%) EPI166575 A/avian/New York/Sg-00339/2000 (A/H7N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3910.5 0.000000e+00 2205/2249 (98%) EPI162446 A/Chicken/New York/3202-7/96 (A/H7N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3890.2 0.000000e+00 2218/2274 (97%) EPI159024 A/chicken/PA/19241/1997 (A/H7N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3890.2 0.000000e+00 2218/2274 (97%) EPI166425 A/chicken/New York/Sg-00298/1997 (A/H7N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3884.6 0.000000e+00 2208/2262 (97%) EPI158568 A/chicken/PA/7777-1/1997 (A/H7N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3884.6 0.000000e+00 2217/2274 (97%) EPI122326 A/Turkey/Pennsylvania/7975/97 (A/H7N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3879.1 0.000000e+00 2216/2274 (97%) EPI307274 A/chicken/PA/9801289/1998 (A/H7N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3868.0 0.000000e+00 2214/2274 (97%) EPI158553 A/chicken/PA/11767/1997 (A/H7N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3868.0 0.000000e+00 2214/2274 (97%) EPI166444 A/chicken/New Jersey/Sg-00304/1997 (A/H7N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3862.5 0.000000e+00 2204/2261 (97%) EPI158543 A/chicken/PA/149092-1/02 (A/H7N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3862.5 0.000000e+00 2213/2274 (97%) EPI370644 A/chicken/New Jersey/13839-17/1995 (A/H2N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3856.9 0.000000e+00 2212/2274 (97%) EPI158429 A/Chicken/Pennsylvania/13552-1/98 (A/H7N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3856.9 0.000000e+00 2212/2274 (97%) EPI370580 A/guinea fowl/New Jersey/6322-8/1995 (A/H0) segment 2 (PB1) 3851.4 0.000000e+00 2211/2274 (97%) EPI166376 A/chicken/New York/Sg-00285/1996 (A/H7N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3849.5 0.000000e+00 2202/2261 (97%) EPI370612 A/guinea fowl/New Jersey/7290-19/1994 (A/H2N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3845.8 0.000000e+00 2210/2274 (97%) EPI166511 A/environment/Pennsylvania/Sg-00321/1998 (A/H7N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3844.0 0.000000e+00 2201/2261 (97%) EPI166503 A/duck/New Jersey/Sg-00319/1998 (A/H7N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3844.0 0.000000e+00 2193/2249 (97%) EPI370636 A/guinea fowl/New York/13824/1995 (A/H2N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3840.3 0.000000e+00 2209/2274 (97%) EPI370492 A/duck/New Jersey/7872-27/1995 (A/H0) segment 2 (PB1) 3840.3 0.000000e+00 2209/2274 (97%) EPI158433 A/quail/NY/13989-51/1998 (A/H7N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3840.3 0.000000e+00 2209/2274 (97%) EPI166456 A/chicken/New York/Sg-00307/1998 (A/H7N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3838.5 0.000000e+00 2201/2262 (97%) EPI166460 A/chicken/New York/Sg-00308/1998 (A/H7N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3836.6 0.000000e+00 2198/2258 (97%) EPI370604 A/guinea fowl/New York/4449-12/1994 (A/H2N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3834.8 0.000000e+00 2208/2274 (97%) EPI166472 A/chicken/New Jersey/Sg-00311/1998 (A/H7N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3834.8 0.000000e+00 2200/2262 (97%) EPI166507 A/guinea fowl/New Jersey/Sg-00320/1998 (A/H7N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3832.9 0.000000e+00 2191/2249 (97%) EPI370596 A/chicken/New Jersey/16264-16/1995 (A/H2N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3829.2 0.000000e+00 2208/2275 (97%) EPI166384 A/turkey/New Jersey/Sg-00287/1996 (A/H7N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3829.2 0.000000e+00 2198/2261 (97%) EPI122317 A/Chicken/New York/6777-3/97 (A/H7N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3829.2 0.000000e+00 2208/2275 (97%) EPI42630 A/guinea fowl/New York/20221-11/1995 (A/H2N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3829.2 0.000000e+00 2207/2274 (97%) EPI166464 A/guinea fowl/New York/Sg-00309/1998 (A/H7N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3827.4 0.000000e+00 2199/2262 (97%) EPI166484 A/chicken/New Jersey/Sg-00314/1998 (A/H7N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3825.5 0.000000e+00 2196/2261 (97%) EPI370628 A/chicken/New Jersey/10977-2/1994 (A/H2N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3823.7 0.000000e+00 2207/2275 (97%) EPI166399 A/duck/New York/Sg-00291/1996 (A/H7N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3823.7 0.000000e+00 2198/2262 (97%) EPI188074 A/duck/New Jersey/Sg-00266/1995 (A/H2N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3821.8 0.000000e+00 2199/2264 (97%) EPI166388 A/chicken/New York/Sg-00288/1996 (A/H7N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3821.8 0.000000e+00 2197/2262 (97%) EPI166480 A/chicken/New Jersey/Sg-00313/1998 (A/H7N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3820.0 0.000000e+00 2188/2248 (97%) EPI166315 A/guinea fowl/New Jersey/Sg-00265/1995 (A/H2N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3820.0 0.000000e+00 2198/2263 (97%) EPI158548 A/chicken/NY/13833-7/1995 (A/H7N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3818.1 0.000000e+00 2206/2275 (96%) EPI122333 A/Chicken/New York/4447-7/94 (A/H7N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3818.1 0.000000e+00 2206/2275 (96%) EPI166333 A/guinea fowl/New York/Sg-00272/1995 (A/H2N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3816.3 0.000000e+00 2196/2261 (97%) EPI370588 A/guinea fowl/New Jersey/14600-21/1995 (A/H2N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3812.6 0.000000e+00 2205/2275 (96%) EPI166487 A/duck/New Jersey/Sg-00315/1998 (A/H7N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3810.8 0.000000e+00 2195/2261 (97%) EPI166350 A/guinea fowl/New York/Sg-00278/1995 (A/H2N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3808.9 0.000000e+00 2196/2263 (97%) EPI166499 A/quail/New Jersey/Sg-00318/1998 (A/H7N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3807.1 0.000000e+00 2190/2254 (97%) EPI158446 A/Chicken/NJ/16224-6/99 (A/H7N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3807.1 0.000000e+00 2203/2274 (96%) EPI158425 A/Chicken/New York/13142-5/94 (A/H7N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3807.1 0.000000e+00 2205/2276 (96%) EPI42647 A/guinea fowl/New York/13820-3/1995 (A/H7N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3807.1 0.000000e+00 2204/2275 (96%) EPI239005 A/chuckar/New Jersey/Sg-00317/1998 (A/H7N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3805.2 0.000000e+00 2195/2262 (97%) EPI188086 A/chicken/New Jersey/Sg-00276/1995 (A/H2N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3805.2 0.000000e+00 2195/2262 (97%) EPI166491 A/waterfowl/New Jersey/Sg-00316/1998 (A/H7N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3805.2 0.000000e+00 2195/2262 (97%) EPI166476 A/turkey/New Jersey/Sg-00312/1998 (A/H7N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3805.2 0.000000e+00 2194/2261 (97%) EPI166468 A/duck/New York/Sg-00310/1998 (A/H7N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3803.4 0.000000e+00 2189/2254 (97%) EPI188061 A/duck/New York/Sg-00259/1994 (A/H7N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3801.5 0.000000e+00 2195/2263 (96%) EPI166320 A/chicken/New Jersey/Sg-00268/1995 (A/H2N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3801.5 0.000000e+00 2195/2263 (96%) EPI125565 A/turkey/NY/13820-3/1995 (A/H7N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3801.5 0.000000e+00 2203/2275 (96%) 3797.8 0.000000e+00 2195/2264 (96%) Edited December 23, 2016 by niman
niman Posted December 23, 2016 Author Report Posted December 23, 2016 Align Segment-ID Name Score E-Value Identity EPI125549 A/chicken/PA/143586/01 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3973.3 0.000000e+00 2151/2151 (100%) EPI168762 A/avian/New York/Sg-00365/2001 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3895.7 0.000000e+00 2137/2151 (99%) EPI168722 A/avian/New York/Sg-00354/2000 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3890.2 0.000000e+00 2136/2151 (99%) EPI188105 A/avian/New York/Sg-00368/2001 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3884.6 0.000000e+00 2135/2151 (99%) EPI168813 A/chicken/New Jersey/Sg-00379/2001 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3884.6 0.000000e+00 2135/2151 (99%) EPI236951 A/avian/New York/Sg-00372/2001 (A/H5N2) segment 3 (PA) 3879.1 0.000000e+00 2134/2151 (99%) EPI168802 A/avian/New York/Sg-00376/2001 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3873.5 0.000000e+00 2133/2151 (99%) EPI168750 A/avian/New York/Sg-00362/2001 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3873.5 0.000000e+00 2133/2151 (99%) EPI159049 A/unknown/NY/ 117932-11/2001 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3873.5 0.000000e+00 2133/2151 (99%) EPI168770 A/avian/New York/Sg-00367/2001 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3868.0 0.000000e+00 2132/2151 (99%) EPI168718 A/avian/New York/Sg-00353/2000 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3868.0 0.000000e+00 2132/2151 (99%) EPI168841 A/chicken/New York/Sg-00386/2001 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3862.5 0.000000e+00 2131/2151 (99%) EPI166610 A/avian/New York/Sg-00348/2000 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3858.8 0.000000e+00 2117/2131 (99%) EPI168861 A/guinea fowl/New Jersey/Sg-00391/2002 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3856.9 0.000000e+00 2130/2151 (99%) EPI168833 A/chicken/New York/Sg-00384/2001 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3856.9 0.000000e+00 2130/2151 (99%) EPI168869 A/environment/New Jersey/Sg-00393/2002 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3845.8 0.000000e+00 2128/2151 (98%) EPI166614 A/avian/New York/Sg-00349/2000 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3844.0 0.000000e+00 2114/2131 (99%) EPI168865 A/chicken/New Jersey/Sg-00392/2002 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3840.3 0.000000e+00 2127/2151 (98%) EPI159041 A/unknown/NY/120485-5/2001 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3840.3 0.000000e+00 2127/2151 (98%) EPI236956 A/avian/New York/Sg-00377/2001 (A/H5N2) segment 3 (PA) 3834.8 0.000000e+00 2127/2152 (98%) EPI235953 A/guinea hen/MA/14801-11/2002 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3834.8 0.000000e+00 2126/2151 (98%) EPI168857 A/guinea fowl/Massachusetts/Sg-00390/2002 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3834.8 0.000000e+00 2126/2151 (98%) EPI120348 A/avian/NY/118353-1/2001 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3834.8 0.000000e+00 2127/2152 (98%) EPI169617 A/chicken/NY/21586-8/99 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3829.2 0.000000e+00 2126/2152 (98%) EPI159067 A/turkey/VA/158512/2002 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3829.2 0.000000e+00 2125/2151 (98%) EPI188101 A/avian/New York/Sg-00338/1999 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3820.0 0.000000e+00 2121/2147 (98%) EPI307292 A/turkey/VA/SEP-67/2002 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3818.1 0.000000e+00 2123/2151 (98%) EPI168887 A/avian/New York/Sg-00398/2002 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3818.1 0.000000e+00 2123/2151 (98%) EPI168883 A/avian/New York/Sg-00397/2002 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3818.1 0.000000e+00 2123/2151 (98%) EPI168879 A/avian/New York/Sg-00396/2002 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3818.1 0.000000e+00 2123/2151 (98%) EPI168837 A/avian/New York/Sg-00385/2001 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3818.1 0.000000e+00 2115/2139 (98%) EPI166561 A/duck/New Jersey/Sg-00335/1999 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3812.6 0.000000e+00 2109/2131 (98%) EPI162358 A/turkey/VA/55/2002 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3812.6 0.000000e+00 2122/2151 (98%) EPI166565 A/chicken/New Jersey/Sg-00336/1999 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3807.1 0.000000e+00 2108/2131 (98%) EPI158414 A/Chicken/New Jersey/30739-6/00 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3807.1 0.000000e+00 2123/2153 (98%) EPI166550 A/avian/New York/Sg-00331/1999 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3805.2 0.000000e+00 2107/2130 (98%) EPI166539 A/avian/New York/Sg-00328/1999 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3805.2 0.000000e+00 2107/2130 (98%) EPI166554 A/chicken/New Jersey/Sg-00333/1999 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3801.5 0.000000e+00 2107/2131 (98%) EPI168919 A/avian/New York/Sg-00406/2003 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3796.0 0.000000e+00 2119/2151 (98%) EPI168899 A/avian/New York/Sg-00401/2003 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3796.0 0.000000e+00 2119/2151 (98%) EPI168907 A/avian/New York/Sg-00403/2003 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3784.9 0.000000e+00 2117/2151 (98%) EPI122291 A/chicken/NY/30749-3/00 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3784.9 0.000000e+00 2118/2152 (98%) EPI235150 A/environment/NY/241365-18/2003 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3779.4 0.000000e+00 2116/2151 (98%) EPI168963 A/avian/New York/Sg-00417/2003 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3779.4 0.000000e+00 2116/2151 (98%) EPI168915 A/avian/New York/Sg-00405/2003 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3779.4 0.000000e+00 2116/2151 (98%) EPI166587 A/quail/New Jersey/Sg-00342/2000 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3779.4 0.000000e+00 2103/2131 (98%) EPI168955 A/avian/New York/Sg-00415/2003 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3775.7 0.000000e+00 2115/2151 (98%) EPI168923 A/avian/New York/Sg-00407/2003 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3775.7 0.000000e+00 2116/2152 (98%) EPI168959 A/chicken/New York/Sg-00416/2003 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3773.8 0.000000e+00 2115/2151 (98%) EPI168943 A/avian/New York/Sg-00412/2003 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3773.8 0.000000e+00 2116/2152 (98%) EPI168911 A/avian/New York/Sg-00404/2003 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3773.8 0.000000e+00 2115/2151 (98%) EPI166579 A/chicken/New Jersey/Sg-00340/2000 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3773.8 0.000000e+00 2103/2132 (98%) EPI166576 A/avian/New York/Sg-00339/2000 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3773.8 0.000000e+00 2102/2131 (98%) EPI166569 A/avian/New York/Sg-00337/1999 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3773.8 0.000000e+00 2094/2119 (98%) EPI168798 A/avian/New York/Sg-00375/2001 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3770.1 0.000000e+00 2115/2152 (98%) EPI168935 A/avian/New York/Sg-00410/2003 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3768.3 0.000000e+00 2114/2151 (98%) EPI168903 A/avian/New York/Sg-00402/2003 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3768.3 0.000000e+00 2114/2151 (98%) EPI168951 A/avian/New York/Sg-00414/2003 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3762.7 0.000000e+00 2113/2151 (98%) EPI168895 A/avian/New York/Sg-00400/2003 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3762.7 0.000000e+00 2114/2152 (98%) EPI168891 A/avian/New York/Sg-00399/2003 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3762.7 0.000000e+00 2113/2151 (98%) EPI159056 A/chicken/FL/90348-4/2001 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3762.7 0.000000e+00 2115/2153 (98%) EPI168734 A/avian/New York/Sg-00357/2001 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3759.1 0.000000e+00 2113/2152 (98%) EPI169017 A/chicken/New Jersey/Sg-00431/2004 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3751.7 0.000000e+00 2112/2152 (98%) EPI169013 A/avian/New York/Sg-00430/2004 (A/H7N3) segment 3 (PA) 3751.7 0.000000e+00 2111/2151 (98%) EPI169009 A/chicken/New Jersey/Sg-00429/2004 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3751.7 0.000000e+00 2111/2151 (98%) EPI168947 A/avian/New York/Sg-00413/2003 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3751.7 0.000000e+00 2111/2151 (98%) EPI168927 A/avian/New York/Sg-00408/2003 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3751.7 0.000000e+00 2111/2151 (98%) EPI159017 A/environment/NY/260422-10/2003 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3751.7 0.000000e+00 2111/2151 (98%) EPI159009 A/chicken/CT/260413-2/2003 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3751.7 0.000000e+00 2111/2151 (98%) EPI166583 A/chicken/New Jersey/Sg-00341/2000 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3749.8 0.000000e+00 2097/2130 (98%) EPI168986 A/environment/New Jersey/Sg-00423/2004 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3746.1 0.000000e+00 2110/2151 (98%) EPI168939 A/avian/New York/Sg-00411/2003 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3746.1 0.000000e+00 2108/2151 (98%) EPI158847 A/chicken/NJ/294508-12/2004 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3746.1 0.000000e+00 2110/2151 (98%) EPI169033 A/chicken/New Jersey/Sg-00435/2004 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3740.6 0.000000e+00 2110/2152 (98%) EPI168978 A/chicken/New Jersey/Sg-00421/2004 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3740.6 0.000000e+00 2109/2151 (98%) EPI168970 A/avian/New York/Sg-00419/2003 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3736.9 0.000000e+00 2109/2152 (98%) EPI243853 A/avian/New York/Sg-00428/2004 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3735.0 0.000000e+00 2108/2151 (98%) EPI307279 A/chicken/MD/MinhMa/2004 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3729.5 0.000000e+00 2107/2151 (97%) EPI162445 A/Chicken/New York/3202-7/96 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3729.5 0.000000e+00 2110/2154 (97%) EPI169029 A/chicken/New Jersey/Sg-00434/2004 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3724.0 0.000000e+00 2106/2151 (97%) EPI169021 A/chicken/New York/Sg-00432/2004 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3724.0 0.000000e+00 2106/2151 (97%) EPI158569 A/chicken/PA/7777-1/1997 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3724.0 0.000000e+00 2109/2154 (97%) EPI169056 A/chicken/New Jersey/Sg-00441/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3712.9 0.000000e+00 2104/2151 (97%) EPI158544 A/chicken/PA/149092-1/02 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3712.9 0.000000e+00 2107/2154 (97%) EPI164935 A/unknown/New York/11675/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3707.3 0.000000e+00 2104/2152 (97%) EPI154163 A/New York/107/2003 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3707.3 0.000000e+00 2104/2152 (97%) EPI152862 A/chicken/New York/22067-7/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3707.3 0.000000e+00 2104/2152 (97%) EPI68420 A/environment/New York/22067-3/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3707.3 0.000000e+00 2104/2152 (97%) EPI169025 A/chicken/New York/Sg-00433/2004 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3701.8 0.000000e+00 2103/2152 (97%) EPI160806 A/environment/New York/31621-5/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3701.8 0.000000e+00 2102/2151 (97%) EPI158554 A/chicken/PA/11767/1997 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3701.8 0.000000e+00 2105/2154 (97%) EPI156582 A/environment/New York/31621-2/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3701.8 0.000000e+00 2102/2151 (97%) EPI152870 A/chicken/New York/22067-12/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3701.8 0.000000e+00 2104/2153 (97%) EPI141417 A/environment/New York/22067-4/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3701.8 0.000000e+00 2104/2153 (97%) EPI131837 A/environment/New York/22067-2/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3701.8 0.000000e+00 2104/2153 (97%) EPI131818 A/environment/New York/22067-1/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3701.8 0.000000e+00 2104/2153 (97%) EPI235158 A/environmental/NY/268925-10/2003 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3700.0 0.000000e+00 2086/2127 (98%) EPI227007 A/chicken/New York/11678-5/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3696.3 0.000000e+00 2101/2151 (97%) EPI169049 A/chicken/New Jersey/Sg-00439/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3696.3 0.000000e+00 2101/2151 (97%) EPI167331 A/environment/New York/31621-1/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 3 (PA) 3696.3 0.000000e+00 2101/2151 (97%)
niman Posted December 23, 2016 Author Report Posted December 23, 2016 Align Segment-ID Name Score E-Value Identity EPI125551 A/chicken/PA/143586/01 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2765.6 0.000000e+00 1497/1497 (100%) EPI42781 A/chicken/Pennsylvania/143586/2002 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2765.6 0.000000e+00 1497/1497 (100%) EPI307278 A/chicken/MD/MinhMa/2004 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2693.5 0.000000e+00 1484/1497 (99%) EPI235148 A/environment/NY/241365-18/2003 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2693.5 0.000000e+00 1484/1497 (99%) EPI159018 A/environment/NY/260422-10/2003 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2688.0 0.000000e+00 1483/1497 (99%) EPI159010 A/chicken/CT/260413-2/2003 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2682.5 0.000000e+00 1482/1497 (98%) EPI177138 A/chicken/New York/23165-9/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2671.4 0.000000e+00 1480/1497 (98%) EPI160764 A/environment/New York/23165-5/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2671.4 0.000000e+00 1480/1497 (98%) EPI156524 A/environment/New York/23165-1/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2671.4 0.000000e+00 1480/1497 (98%) EPI152876 A/guinea fowl/New York/22071/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2671.4 0.000000e+00 1480/1497 (98%) EPI141599 A/environment/New York/23165-4/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2671.4 0.000000e+00 1480/1497 (98%) EPI122306 A/chicken/NY/119256-7/01 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2671.4 0.000000e+00 1480/1497 (98%) EPI327525 A/environment/New York/23165-3/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2665.8 0.000000e+00 1479/1497 (98%) EPI327505 A/unknown/New York/38651/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2665.8 0.000000e+00 1479/1497 (98%) EPI235156 A/environmental/NY/268925-10/2003 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2665.8 0.000000e+00 1479/1497 (98%) EPI160772 A/chicken/New York/23165-10/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2665.8 0.000000e+00 1479/1497 (98%) EPI158840 A/goose/NY/8600-3/1998 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2665.8 0.000000e+00 1479/1497 (98%) EPI172310 A/chicken/New York/87493-2/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2662.1 0.000000e+00 1478/1497 (98%) EPI227193 A/environment/New York/30720-1/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2660.3 0.000000e+00 1478/1497 (98%) EPI164853 A/Muscovy duck/New York/87493-3/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2660.3 0.000000e+00 1478/1497 (98%) EPI160780 A/chicken/New York/23165-11/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2660.3 0.000000e+00 1478/1497 (98%) EPI160756 A/duck/New York/22067-11/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2660.3 0.000000e+00 1478/1497 (98%) EPI160748 A/guinea fowl/New York/22067-10/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2660.3 0.000000e+00 1478/1497 (98%) EPI159050 A/unknown/NY/ 117932-11/2001 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2660.3 0.000000e+00 1478/1497 (98%) EPI159042 A/unknown/NY/120485-5/2001 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2660.3 0.000000e+00 1478/1497 (98%) EPI156532 A/muscovy duck/New York/23165-13/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2660.3 0.000000e+00 1478/1497 (98%) EPI156516 A/chicken/New York/22067-9/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2660.3 0.000000e+00 1478/1497 (98%) EPI156508 A/chicken/New York/22067-8/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2660.3 0.000000e+00 1478/1497 (98%) EPI156500 A/environment/New York/22067-6/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2660.3 0.000000e+00 1478/1497 (98%) EPI152948 A/guinea fowl/New York/23165-12/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2660.3 0.000000e+00 1478/1497 (98%) EPI152868 A/chicken/New York/22067-12/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2660.3 0.000000e+00 1478/1497 (98%) EPI152860 A/chicken/New York/22067-7/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2660.3 0.000000e+00 1478/1497 (98%) EPI141447 A/environment/New York/30720-3/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2660.3 0.000000e+00 1478/1497 (98%) EPI141423 A/environment/New York/22067-5/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2660.3 0.000000e+00 1478/1497 (98%) EPI141415 A/environment/New York/22067-4/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2660.3 0.000000e+00 1478/1497 (98%) EPI131832 A/environment/New York/22067-2/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2660.3 0.000000e+00 1478/1497 (98%) EPI131813 A/environment/New York/22067-1/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2660.3 0.000000e+00 1478/1497 (98%) EPI125561 A/chicken/NJ/118878-5/01 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2660.3 0.000000e+00 1478/1497 (98%) EPI63569 A/environment/New York/11678-2/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2660.3 0.000000e+00 1478/1497 (98%) EPI327486 A/chicken/New York/87493-1/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2654.8 0.000000e+00 1475/1494 (98%) EPI227005 A/chicken/New York/11678-5/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2654.8 0.000000e+00 1477/1497 (98%) EPI171064 A/environment/New York/30732-1/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2654.8 0.000000e+00 1477/1497 (98%) EPI167401 A/chicken/New York/122501-1/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2654.8 0.000000e+00 1477/1497 (98%) EPI167393 A/unknown/New York/13479-2/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2654.8 0.000000e+00 1477/1497 (98%) EPI164957 A/turkey/New York/122501-2/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2654.8 0.000000e+00 1477/1497 (98%) EPI164949 A/unknown/New York/13479-5/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2654.8 0.000000e+00 1477/1497 (98%) EPI164941 A/unknown/New York/13479-3/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2654.8 0.000000e+00 1477/1497 (98%) EPI156604 A/chicken/New York/37982-4/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2654.8 0.000000e+00 1477/1497 (98%) EPI156572 A/muscovy duck/New York/30732-13/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2654.8 0.000000e+00 1477/1497 (98%) EPI156564 A/chicken/New York/30732-11/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2654.8 0.000000e+00 1477/1497 (98%) EPI156556 A/chicken/New York/30732-10/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2654.8 0.000000e+00 1477/1497 (98%) EPI156548 A/chicken/New York/30732-9/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2654.8 0.000000e+00 1477/1497 (98%) EPI156540 A/chicken/New York/30732-8/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2654.8 0.000000e+00 1477/1497 (98%) EPI152996 A/chicken/New York/42217/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2654.8 0.000000e+00 1477/1497 (98%) EPI152988 A/guinea fowl/New York/37982-3/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2654.8 0.000000e+00 1477/1497 (98%) EPI152956 A/quail/New York/30732-12/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2654.8 0.000000e+00 1477/1497 (98%) EPI141487 A/turkey/New York/30732-7/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2654.8 0.000000e+00 1477/1497 (98%) EPI141479 A/chicken/New York/30732-6/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2654.8 0.000000e+00 1477/1497 (98%) EPI141463 A/environment/New York/30732-3/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2654.8 0.000000e+00 1477/1497 (98%) EPI141455 A/environment/New York/30732-2/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2654.8 0.000000e+00 1477/1497 (98%) EPI120346 A/avian/NY/118353-1/2001 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2654.8 0.000000e+00 1477/1497 (98%) EPI68415 A/environment/New York/22067-3/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2654.8 0.000000e+00 1477/1497 (98%) EPI68377 A/chicken/New York/21211-1/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2654.8 0.000000e+00 1477/1497 (98%) EPI63702 A/duck/New York/21211-6/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2654.8 0.000000e+00 1477/1497 (98%) EPI63683 A/chicken/New York/21211-2/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2654.8 0.000000e+00 1477/1497 (98%) EPI63607 A/environment/New York/11678-4/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2654.8 0.000000e+00 1477/1497 (98%) EPI63550 A/environment/New York/11678-1/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2654.8 0.000000e+00 1477/1497 (98%) EPI141567 A/environment/New York/10196-2/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2652.9 0.000000e+00 1476/1497 (98%) EPI327520 A/environment/New York/30732-5/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2649.2 0.000000e+00 1476/1497 (98%) EPI177162 A/unknown/New York/13479-4/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2649.2 0.000000e+00 1476/1497 (98%) EPI167385 A/unknown/New York/13479-1/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2649.2 0.000000e+00 1476/1497 (98%) EPI164933 A/unknown/New York/11675/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2649.2 0.000000e+00 1476/1497 (98%) EPI160724 A/environment/New York/10196-3/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2649.2 0.000000e+00 1476/1497 (98%) EPI159034 A/guinea fowl/NJ/119063-8/2001 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2649.2 0.000000e+00 1476/1497 (98%) EPI156596 A/environment/New York/37982-2/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2649.2 0.000000e+00 1476/1497 (98%) EPI141583 A/guinea fowl/New York/10196-7/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2649.2 0.000000e+00 1476/1497 (98%) EPI141471 A/environment/New York/30732-4/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2649.2 0.000000e+00 1476/1497 (98%) EPI68396 A/chukar/New York/21211-7/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2649.2 0.000000e+00 1476/1497 (98%) EPI63588 A/environment/New York/11678-3/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2649.2 0.000000e+00 1476/1497 (98%) EPI159065 A/unknown/NY/85161/2000 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2645.5 0.000000e+00 1475/1497 (98%) EPI307291 A/turkey/VA/SEP-67/2002 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2643.7 0.000000e+00 1475/1497 (98%) EPI235952 A/guinea hen/MA/14801-11/2002 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2643.7 0.000000e+00 1475/1497 (98%) EPI164877 A/duck/New York/98616-5/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2643.7 0.000000e+00 1475/1497 (98%) EPI164869 A/duck/New York/98616-4/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2643.7 0.000000e+00 1475/1497 (98%) EPI160740 A/chicken/New York/10196-5/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2643.7 0.000000e+00 1475/1497 (98%) EPI160732 A/chicken/New York/10196-4/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2643.7 0.000000e+00 1475/1497 (98%) EPI159066 A/turkey/VA/158512/2002 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2643.7 0.000000e+00 1475/1497 (98%) EPI152980 A/environment/New York/37982-1/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2643.7 0.000000e+00 1475/1497 (98%) EPI141607 A/chicken/New York/23165-7/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2643.7 0.000000e+00 1475/1497 (98%) EPI141575 A/chicken/New York/10196-6/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2643.7 0.000000e+00 1475/1497 (98%) EPI141559 A/environment/New York/10196-1/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2643.7 0.000000e+00 1475/1497 (98%) EPI141439 A/chicken/New York/23165-6/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2643.7 0.000000e+00 1475/1497 (98%) EPI158570 A/chicken/PA/7777-1/1997 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2640.0 0.000000e+00 1473/1495 (98%) EPI158555 A/chicken/PA/11767/1997 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2640.0 0.000000e+00 1473/1495 (98%) EPI164893 A/Guinea fowl/New York/101276-1/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2638.1 0.000000e+00 1474/1497 (98%) EPI162357 A/turkey/VA/55/2002 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2638.1 0.000000e+00 1474/1497 (98%) EPI160860 A/quail/New York/89641/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2638.1 0.000000e+00 1474/1497 (98%) EPI122293 A/chicken/NY/30749-3/00 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2638.1 0.000000e+00 1474/1497 (98%) EPI172278 A/Guinea fowl/New York/98616-3/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2632.6 0.000000e+00 1473/1497 (98%) EPI160868 A/environment/New York/98616-2/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 5 (NP) 2632.6 0.000000e+00 1473/1497 (98%)
niman Posted December 23, 2016 Author Report Posted December 23, 2016 Align Segment-ID Name Score E-Value Identity EPI125553 A/chicken/PA/143586/01 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1548.6 0.000000e+00 838/838 (100%) EPI236437 A/Turkey/NC/11165/02 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1524.6 0.000000e+00 833/837 (99%) EPI18249 A/turkey/VA/55/02 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1524.6 0.000000e+00 833/837 (99%) EPI18246 A/Turkey/VA/158512/02 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1524.6 0.000000e+00 833/837 (99%) EPI18228 A/chicken/VA/32/02 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1519.1 0.000000e+00 832/837 (99%) EPI159003 A/chicken/CT/260413-2/2003 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1509.8 0.000000e+00 831/838 (99%) EPI235149 A/environment/NY/241365-18/2003 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1508.0 0.000000e+00 830/837 (99%) EPI18255 A/turkey/VA/67/02 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1508.0 0.000000e+00 830/837 (99%) EPI18252 A/turkey/VA/66/02 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1508.0 0.000000e+00 830/837 (99%) EPI18152 A/avian/NY/81746-5/00 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1508.0 0.000000e+00 830/837 (99%) EPI18198 A/chicken/NY/21586-8/99 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1504.3 0.000000e+00 830/838 (99%) EPI18195 A/Chicken/NY/14858-12/99 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1504.3 0.000000e+00 830/838 (99%) EPI18168 A/Chicken/NJ/16224-6/99 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1504.3 0.000000e+00 830/838 (99%) EPI159011 A/environment/NY/260422-10/2003 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1498.8 0.000000e+00 829/838 (98%) EPI307277 A/chicken/MD/MinhMa/2004 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1496.9 0.000000e+00 828/837 (98%) EPI18146 A/avian/NY/70411-12/00 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1493.2 0.000000e+00 828/838 (98%) EPI235157 A/environmental/NY/268925-10/2003 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1491.4 0.000000e+00 827/837 (98%) EPI160781 A/chicken/New York/23165-11/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1491.4 0.000000e+00 827/837 (98%) EPI160773 A/chicken/New York/23165-10/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1491.4 0.000000e+00 827/837 (98%) EPI160765 A/environment/New York/23165-5/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1491.4 0.000000e+00 827/837 (98%) EPI156533 A/muscovy duck/New York/23165-13/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1491.4 0.000000e+00 827/837 (98%) EPI154165 A/New York/107/2003 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1491.4 0.000000e+00 827/837 (98%) EPI152949 A/guinea fowl/New York/23165-12/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1491.4 0.000000e+00 827/837 (98%) EPI177139 A/chicken/New York/23165-9/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1487.7 0.000000e+00 826/837 (98%) EPI18231 A/guineafowl/MA/148081-11/02 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1487.7 0.000000e+00 827/838 (98%) EPI18204 A/chicken/NY/30749-3/00 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1487.7 0.000000e+00 827/838 (98%) EPI18201 A/chicken/NY/22409-4/99 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1487.7 0.000000e+00 827/838 (98%) EPI18183 A/chicken/NY/119256-7/01 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1487.7 0.000000e+00 827/838 (98%) EPI18162 A/chicken/NJ/150383-7/02 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1487.7 0.000000e+00 823/832 (98%) EPI327548 A/chicken/New York/16326-3/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1485.8 0.000000e+00 826/837 (98%) EPI327529 A/chicken/New York/23164-8/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1485.8 0.000000e+00 826/837 (98%) EPI327524 A/environment/New York/23165-3/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1485.8 0.000000e+00 826/837 (98%) EPI327519 A/environment/New York/30732-5/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1485.8 0.000000e+00 826/837 (98%) EPI327515 A/environment/New York/31621-4/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1485.8 0.000000e+00 826/837 (98%) EPI327510 A/chicken/New York/31621-6/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1485.8 0.000000e+00 826/837 (98%) EPI327508 A/chicken/New York/31621-7/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1485.8 0.000000e+00 826/837 (98%) EPI327507 A/muscovy duck/New York/31621-10/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1485.8 0.000000e+00 826/837 (98%) EPI172247 A/environment/New York/88291-2/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1485.8 0.000000e+00 826/837 (98%) EPI171081 A/environment/New York/88291-3/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1485.8 0.000000e+00 826/837 (98%) EPI171065 A/environment/New York/30732-1/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1485.8 0.000000e+00 826/837 (98%) EPI167362 A/unknown/New York/88291-16/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1485.8 0.000000e+00 826/837 (98%) EPI167346 A/Guinea fowl/New York/88291-9/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1485.8 0.000000e+00 826/837 (98%) EPI167330 A/environment/New York/31621-1/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1485.8 0.000000e+00 826/837 (98%) EPI160853 A/unknown/New York/88291-17/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1485.8 0.000000e+00 826/837 (98%) EPI160805 A/environment/New York/31621-5/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1485.8 0.000000e+00 826/837 (98%) EPI158841 A/chicken/NJ/294508-12/2004 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1485.8 0.000000e+00 826/837 (98%) EPI156589 A/guinea fowl/New York/31621-8/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1485.8 0.000000e+00 826/837 (98%) EPI156581 A/environment/New York/31621-2/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1485.8 0.000000e+00 826/837 (98%) EPI156573 A/muscovy duck/New York/30732-13/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1485.8 0.000000e+00 826/837 (98%) EPI156565 A/chicken/New York/30732-11/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1485.8 0.000000e+00 826/837 (98%) EPI156557 A/chicken/New York/30732-10/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1485.8 0.000000e+00 826/837 (98%) EPI156549 A/chicken/New York/30732-9/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1485.8 0.000000e+00 826/837 (98%) EPI156541 A/chicken/New York/30732-8/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1485.8 0.000000e+00 826/837 (98%) EPI156525 A/environment/New York/23165-1/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1485.8 0.000000e+00 826/837 (98%) EPI152973 A/chicken/New York/31621-9/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1485.8 0.000000e+00 826/837 (98%) EPI152965 A/environment/New York/31621-3/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1485.8 0.000000e+00 826/837 (98%) EPI152957 A/quail/New York/30732-12/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1485.8 0.000000e+00 826/837 (98%) EPI152909 A/chicken/New York/23164-5/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1485.8 0.000000e+00 826/837 (98%) EPI152877 A/guinea fowl/New York/22071/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1485.8 0.000000e+00 826/837 (98%) EPI141608 A/chicken/New York/23165-7/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1485.8 0.000000e+00 826/837 (98%) EPI141600 A/environment/New York/23165-4/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1485.8 0.000000e+00 826/837 (98%) EPI141488 A/turkey/New York/30732-7/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1485.8 0.000000e+00 826/837 (98%) EPI141480 A/chicken/New York/30732-6/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1485.8 0.000000e+00 826/837 (98%) EPI141472 A/environment/New York/30732-4/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1485.8 0.000000e+00 826/837 (98%) EPI141464 A/environment/New York/30732-3/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1485.8 0.000000e+00 826/837 (98%) EPI141456 A/environment/New York/30732-2/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1485.8 0.000000e+00 826/837 (98%) EPI141440 A/chicken/New York/23165-6/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1485.8 0.000000e+00 826/837 (98%) EPI131777 A/chicken/New York/16326-4/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1485.8 0.000000e+00 826/837 (98%) EPI76976 A/environment/New York/16326-2/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1485.8 0.000000e+00 826/837 (98%) EPI63666 A/chicken/New York/16330/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1485.8 0.000000e+00 826/837 (98%) EPI63647 A/chicken/New York/16326-5/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1485.8 0.000000e+00 826/837 (98%) EPI63628 A/environment/New York/16326-1/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1485.8 0.000000e+00 826/837 (98%) EPI177147 A/environment/New York/88291-4/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1482.1 0.000000e+00 825/837 (98%) EPI164862 A/chicken/New York/88291-8/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1482.1 0.000000e+00 825/837 (98%) EPI327538 A/environment/New York/641/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1480.3 0.000000e+00 825/837 (98%) EPI327533 A/chicken/New York/23164-4/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1480.3 0.000000e+00 825/837 (98%) EPI327482 A/turkey/New York/88291-7/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1480.3 0.000000e+00 825/837 (98%) EPI172271 A/chicken/New York/88291-15/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1480.3 0.000000e+00 825/837 (98%) EPI172263 A/chicken/New York/88291-14/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1480.3 0.000000e+00 825/837 (98%) EPI172255 A/duck/New York/88291-12/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1480.3 0.000000e+00 825/837 (98%) EPI172239 A/environment/New York/88291-1/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1480.3 0.000000e+00 825/837 (98%) EPI171073 A/environment/New York/81928-2/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1480.3 0.000000e+00 825/837 (98%) EPI167354 A/chicken/New York/88291-10/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1480.3 0.000000e+00 825/837 (98%) EPI160861 A/quail/New York/89641/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1480.3 0.000000e+00 825/837 (98%) EPI160837 A/chicken/New York/88291-11/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1480.3 0.000000e+00 825/837 (98%) EPI160829 A/chicken/New York/88291-6/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1480.3 0.000000e+00 825/837 (98%) EPI160821 A/environment/New York/88291-5/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1480.3 0.000000e+00 825/837 (98%) EPI152941 A/turkey/New York/23164-11/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1480.3 0.000000e+00 825/837 (98%) EPI152933 A/muscovy duck/New York/23164-10/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1480.3 0.000000e+00 825/837 (98%) EPI152925 A/chicken/New York/23164-9/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1480.3 0.000000e+00 825/837 (98%) EPI152917 A/chicken/New York/23164-7/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1480.3 0.000000e+00 825/837 (98%) EPI152901 A/guinea fowl/New York/23164-3-05/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1480.3 0.000000e+00 825/837 (98%) EPI152885 A/environment/New York/23164-1/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1480.3 0.000000e+00 825/837 (98%) EPI141592 A/chicken/New York/23164-6/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1480.3 0.000000e+00 825/837 (98%) EPI159058 A/unknown/NY/85161/2000 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1476.6 0.000000e+00 825/838 (98%) EPI159027 A/guinea fowl/NJ/119063-8/2001 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1476.6 0.000000e+00 825/838 (98%) EPI18149 A/avian/NY/76247-3/00 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1476.6 0.000000e+00 825/838 (98%) EPI327502 A/environment/New York/63806-1/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1474.7 0.000000e+00 824/837 (98%) EPI327500 A/environment/New York/63806-2/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1474.7 0.000000e+00 824/837 (98%) EPI327495 A/environment/New York/63806-5/2005 (A/H7N2) segment 8 (NS) 1474.7 0.000000e+00 824/837 (98%)
niman Posted December 23, 2016 Author Report Posted December 23, 2016 Map Update Philadelphia Armory
niman Posted December 23, 2016 Author Report Posted December 23, 2016 Map Update Main Line
niman Posted December 24, 2016 Author Report Posted December 24, 2016 Pennsylvania: Shelter cats may have avian flu By Associated Press December 23 at 1:53 PM HARRISBURG, Pa. — Pennsylvania agriculture officials are warning that a dozen shelter cats may have been exposed to an avian flu virus similar to one that spread through the poultry industry a decade ago. The state Department of Agriculture says the cats came from New York City shelters and have been put in quarantine in three Chester County shelters. Officials say the virus is not harmful to humans. But they are reminding people to wash their hands frequently during flu season. Authorities are also reaching out to anyone who brought cats home from the affected shelters to see if they have backyard poultry. The 2002-2003 outbreak caused millions of dollars in losses to the poultry industry in Virginia and Pennsylvania. State veterinarian Dr. David Wolfgang says there’s no evidence any poultry flocks have been exposed.
HARRISBURG, Pa. — Pennsylvania agriculture officials are warning that a dozen shelter cats may have been exposed to an avian flu virus similar to one that spread through the poultry industry a decade ago. The state Department of Agriculture says the cats came from New York City shelters and have been put in quarantine in three Chester County shelters. Officials say the virus is not harmful to humans. But they are reminding people to wash their hands frequently during flu season. Authorities are also reaching out to anyone who brought cats home from the affected shelters to see if they have backyard poultry. The 2002-2003 outbreak caused millions of dollars in losses to the poultry industry in Virginia and Pennsylvania. State veterinarian Dr. David Wolfgang says there’s no evidence any poultry flocks have been exposed.
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