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  1. 2 potential omicron variant COVID-19 cases in Hamilton under investigation Social Sharing Facebook Twitter Email Reddit LinkedIn Expert says public shouldn't panic and should continue to follow rules and get vaccinated Bobby Hristova · CBC News · Posted: Nov 29, 2021 12:46 PM ET | Last Updated: 3 hours ago Ontario chief medical officer Dr. Kieran Moore said two omicron cases under investigation are in the Hamilton area. (Evan Mitsui/CBC) Ontario's chief medical officer of health says the province is investigating two potential cases of a new COVID-19 variant in Hamilton. Dr. Kieran Moore said, during a Monday news conference, the two omicron cases are awaiting whole genome sequencing and Hamilton public health said the results should be ready in "the coming days." Moore said Hamilton's public health unit is "doing active case and tracing management." Michelle Baird, Hamilton's COVID-19 operations chief, said the two Hamilton residents recently returned from travelling to South Africa. Omicron, the new variant, was detected in South Africa and was linked to a spike in cases there but didn't necessarily originate in the region. South Africans 'devastated' by travel restrictions in response to omicron variant LISTEN What the omicron variant may tell us about the course of this pandemic Asked about the residents' symptoms, Baird said there was "nothing out of the ordinary" and said both people are isolating, but she wouldn't say when the cases were detected and how many close contacts are isolating, citing privacy concerns. This comes as Canada has confirmed two cases in Ottawa and is investigating two more potential cases in the capital city. The country also barred all foreign nationals who have travelled through South Africa, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Lesotho, Eswatini or Mozambique in the last 14 days from entering Canada. Hamilton public health said anyone who was in those countries within 14 days before arriving in Hamilton should self-isolate from people in their household and get a COVID-19 test. The people they live with should also self-isolate and get tested. "To date, these are the only two COVID-19 cases that we are aware of in Hamilton that had travelled to any of the indicated areas," Baird said. Baird added the delta variant make up 99 per cent of local cases, so there isn't enough information about omicron to warrant changing public health measures. More cases expected to pop up in Ontario Moore said he "would not be surprised if we find more in Ontario" and added there are still many unanswered questions about the variant. "We need to understand if this is a virulent infection, if it makes people significantly sick or leads them to hospitalization. We really don't have that information yet," he said. The province said in a media release about the variant the best defence is "stopping it at our border" and said Ontario is prepared and ready to respond" to the omicron variant.
  2. two Hamilton residents recently returned from travelling to South Africa. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/hamilton/omicron-hamilton-1.6266568
  3. seq at GISAID hCoV-19/Czech Republic/KNL_2021-110119140/2021
  4. The Liberec hospital confirmed the first case of the omicron variant in the Czech Republic UPDATEDNov 27, 2021 The Liberec hospital confirmed the occurrence of a new coronavirus variant of omicron in the Czech Republic. He is still waiting for confirmation of positivity in the National Reference Laboratory. The suspect sample was captured by PCR. She is a woman from the Liberec region who returned to the Czech Republic from Namibia via South Africa and Dubai, is vaccinated and has a mild course of the disease. https://ct24.ceskatelevize.cz/domaci/3406500-liberecka-nemocnice-potvrdila-prvni-pripad-varianty-omikron-v-cesku
  5. Seq at GISAID hCoV-19/Spain/MD-HGUGM-5821169/2021
  6. ISABEL VALDES PABLO LINDE Madrid - 29 NOV 2021 - 11:48Updated:NOV 29, 2021 - 1:28 PM EST The Gregorio Marañón hospital in Madrid confirmed this Monday the first case of the omicron variant in Spain. The microbiology service of the center has reported that it is a traveler from South Africa and that the patient "is fine". The 51-year-old man returned from that country this Sunday, November 28, after stopping off in Amsterdam, he has "mild symptoms" and is "in isolation, in quarantine," according to the Madrid Ministry of Health in a statement. Catalonia, for its part, has detected two suspected cases of carrying the new lineage of the virus at the Barcelona airport, two travelers also from South Africa who are kept in isolation. The Generalitat hopes to confirm it tomorrow, Tuesday. The General Directorate of Public Health, adds the Community, "maintains the epidemiological surveillance of the close contacts of the flight that landed in Madrid from the Dutch capital." This infection was detected by screening with an antigen test at the Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas Airport; and the sequencing has been determined this Monday through "an ultra-fast procedure" that allows the result to be obtained on the same day. Fernando Lázaro, a microbiologist at the La Paz hospital in Madrid, explains that for these cases there is an emergency sequencing procedure using a device called MinION: “It is a portable device capable of completing the process in less than 24 hours. It is not useful for massive sequencing and it is somewhat more imprecise than the usual one, which is slower, but it is worth more than enough to identify a variant in a specific case ”, he points out.
  7. The Gregorio Marañón hospital in Madrid confirmed this Monday the first case of the omicron variant in Spain. https://elpais.com/espana/madrid/2021-11-29/espana-confirma-el-primer-caso-de-la-variante-omicron-en-madrid.html
  8. Quebec confirms 1st case of omicron COVID-19 variant Social Sharing Facebook Twitter Email Reddit LinkedIn Health minister said travellers from certain African countries were asked to take new tests Laura Marchand · CBC News · Posted: Nov 29, 2021 1:23 PM ET | Last Updated: 18 minutes ago Quebec Health Minister Christian Dubé (right) and Public Health Director Dr. Horacio Arruda announced Monday that one case of the new omicron COVID-19 variant has been confirmed in Quebec. (Ivanoh Demers/Radio-Canada) 39 comments One case of the new omicron COVID-19 variant has been confirmed in Quebec, the provincial government announced Monday. Public Health Director Dr. Horacio Arruda, speaking at a news conference, said tests revealed the new strain in a woman who had recently returned from Nigeria. This comes after two cases of variant, also from Nigeria, were confirmed in Ottawa. Those cases were found to have returned to the country through Montreal's airport. Arruda would not confirm whether the cases were related. Health Minister Christian Dubé said the case was discovered after 115 people in the province who had travelled to southern African countries were asked to take a new COVID-19 test and isolate, in accordance with new federal government rules announced Friday. WATCH | Health Minister Christian Dubé announces first omicron variant case in Quebec: Quebec Health Minister Christian Dubé confirms omicron COVID-19 variant is in Quebec 1 hour ago 0:36 Christian Dubé announced Monday that one case of the new omicron variant is in Quebec. He said the government is monitoring whether the new strain is more contagious and if it's resistant to vaccines. 0:36 Government is following variant 'closely' Dubé said the government is monitoring two things about the new variant: if it's more contagious and if it's resistant to vaccines. He said expert analysis should clarify those points in the next two weeks. "We don't know what to expect with this new variant, but the federal government is following this closely," he said. Dubé cautioned that Canada could potentially impose stricter re-entry requirements for those travelling abroad, and asked Quebecers to reconsider any plans to travel this holiday season. "No matter where you travel, you must be careful," he warned, pointing to how many countries have confirmed cases of the omicron variant. UPDATED What we know about the new coronavirus variant omicron Cases of the variant have been registered in countries including the Netherlands, Australia, the United Kingdom, Hong Kong, China, Italy, Germany, Belgium and Israel. "The next few weeks will be critical." Dubé said he would support stronger testing and screening measures for travellers entering the country, at least until more is known about the variant. Canada has currently barred all foreign nationals who have travelled through South Africa, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Lesotho, Eswatini or Mozambique from entering the country. Canadian citizens and permanent residents who travel to those regions will be allowed to return home, but will need to get a negative molecular test in a third country before being allowed to enter Canada. They will also undergo additional testing once they land and will have to wait for their results in a designated hotel. More restrictions possible — but not yet In Quebec, Dubé did not rule out tightening public health measures, but said the government will wait to know more about the variant before making a decision. When asked about larger, public events — such as concerts at the Bell Centre — Arruda said those types of gatherings aren't the ones fuelling transmission in the province, because attendees have to be vaccinated. Instead, he pointed to home gatherings and schools, where people are potentially unvaccinated and in close contact. Dubé underlined that Quebec still has restrictions on private indoor gatherings, which limit the number of people to 10. Arruda said that if omicron is more contagious, then it will likely replace delta as the predominant variant of COVID-19 in Quebec. CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices|About CBC News Report Typo or Error|Corrections and Clarifications RELATED STORIES Canada's first cases of the omicron coronavirus variant confirmed in Ottawa As an alarming new coronavirus variant emerges, Canada moves to limit travel from southern Africa
  9. the new strain in a woman who had recently returned from Nigeria. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/omicron-monday-variant-quebec-1.6266673
  10. 3 Campanian seqs at GISAID hCoV-19/Italy/CAM-COLLI-COTUGNO-C10119/2021 81F hCoV-19/Italy/CAM-COLLI-COTUGNO-B10118/2021 8F hCoV-19/Italy/CAM-COLLI-COTUGNO-A10117/2021 77F
  11. All those who tested positive were then placed in isolation. With the help of sequencing, it has now been confirmed in 14 people that it is the omikron variant. https://www.rijksoverheid.nl/binaries/rijksoverheid/documenten/kamerstukken/2021/11/29/kamerbrief-over-stand-van-zaken-maatregelen-omikronvariant-van-het-coronavirus/kamerbrief-over-stand-van-zaken-maatregelen-omikronvariant-van-het-coronavirus.pdf
  12. Four more Omicron COVID sequences from Cape Town deposited at GISAID hCoV-19/South Africa/Tygerberg_3057/2021 50M hCoV-19/South Africa/Tygerberg_3055/2021 34M hCoV-19/South Africa/Tygerberg_3064/2021 51M hCoV-19/South Africa/Tygerberg_3069/2021 27M
  13. The National Institute of Health Doctor Ricardo Jorge (INSA), through its Department of Infectious Diseases, analyzed, on November 28, a batch of 13 positive samples associated with cases of infection in Belenenses SAD players, given that one of the cases was positive. he probably had a recent trip to South Africa. He also analyzed samples from 218 passengers on a flight from Maputo that landed, on November 27, at Lisbon airport. Preliminary tests carried out at INSA strongly suggest that all 13 cases associated with Belenenses SAD players are related to the Omicron concern variant. In order to guarantee the breaking of transmission chains and following the precautionary principle in Public Health, while awaiting more information regarding the transmission, impact and vaccine effectiveness against the Ómicron variant, the Health Authorities determined the prophylactic isolation of case contacts associated with this outbreak, regardless of vaccination status and level of exposure. These contacts remain isolated and will undergo regular testing, as early as possible, on the 5th and 10th day. With regard to the flight from Maputo, only two positives were detected, one of them being associated with the Delta variant and not allowing the other to be correctly identified. The INSA has already started genome sequencing for the final confirmation of these cases, however, the predictive value of the tests already carried out is very high. This new genetic variant of the new coronavirus, initially identified in South Africa and some southern African countries, has also been identified in recent days in some European countries. However, there is still no scientific data to support its greater transmissibility or its ability to decrease the effectiveness of current vaccines. Health Authorities throughout the territory are strengthening epidemiological surveillance, implementing control measures, with the prophylactic isolation of contacts of cases of infection by the Omicron variant or with a history of travel to southern Africa in the previous 14 days, regardless of the state vaccine, by the principle of precaution in Public Health. The INSA will also continue to monitor the genetic variants of the new coronavirus on a continuous basis through the analysis of samples with national representation, as well as the analysis of suspected cases that are identified by the Health Authorities or by collaborating laboratories. Portugal is aware of this situation, maintaining its continuous program of monitoring variations at national level. More information about the “Study of the genetic diversity of the new SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus (COVID-19) in Portugal” can be obtained at https://insaflu.insa.pt/covid19/. Health Authorities continue to call for self-isolation and testing of people who have symptoms suggestive of COVID-19, who should contact the NHS24. For more information, see https://covid19.min-saude.pt/. © 2021 All rights reserved to the Ministry of Health Developed by: We use cookies on the COVID-19 Port
  14. Preliminary tests carried out at INSA strongly suggest that all 13 cases associated with Belenenses SAD players are related to the Omicron concern variant. https://covid19.min-saude.pt/identificados-13-casos-da-variante-omicron/
  15. 10 seqs from Cape Town South Africa deposited at GISAID hCoV-19/South Africa/Tygerberg_3060/2021 44F hCoV-19/South Africa/Tygerberg_3058/2021 30M hCoV-19/South Africa/Tygerberg_3082/2021 52M hCoV-19/South Africa/Tygerberg_3072/2021 26F hCoV-19/South Africa/Tygerberg_3059/2021 62M hCoV-19/South Africa/Tygerberg_3056/2021 35M hCoV-19/South Africa/Tygerberg_3066/2021 40M hCoV-19/South Africa/Tygerberg_3068/2021 47M hCoV-19/South Africa/Tygerberg_3054/2021 35F hCoV-19/South Africa/Tygerberg_3083/2021 26F
  16. 12 Omicrom COVID Sequences Netherlands ex-South Africa have been deposited at GISAID hCoV-19/Netherlands/NH-RIVM-71071/2021 hCoV-19/Netherlands/NH-RIVM-71072/2021 hCoV-19/Netherlands/NH-RIVM-71074/2021 hCoV-19/Netherlands/NH-RIVM-71075/2021 hCoV-19/Netherlands/NH-RIVM-71076/2021 hCoV-19/Netherlands/NH-RIVM-71077/2021 hCoV-19/Netherlands/NH-RIVM-71078/2021 hCoV-19/Netherlands/NH-RIVM-71079/2021 hCoV-19/Netherlands/NH-RIVM-71081/2021 hCoV-19/Netherlands/NH-RIVM-71082/2021 hCoV-19/Netherlands/NH-RIVM-71083/2021 hCoV-19/Netherlands/NH-RIVM-71085/2021
  17. The number of Hong Kong Omicrom COVID sequences deposited at GISAID has increased to three hCoV-19/Hong Kong/VM21044713-1/2021 36M hCoV-19/Hong Kong/VM21045145/2021 62M hCoV-19/Hong Kong/VM21045834/2021 37M
  18. Confirmed 31F from Hesse Seq at GISAID hCoV-19/Germany/32703755/2021
  19. First likely case of the Omicron variant in Switzerland: A person who returned from South Africa about a week ago. Sequencing will bring certainty in the days to come.
  20. Quarantine-positive Omicron strains for men entering from Namibia to analyze November 29, 2021 14:27 New coronavirus A man in his thirties who arrived from Namibia in southern Africa, which is strengthening border measures, was found to have been infected with the new coronavirus, and the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare conducted a detailed analysis at the National Institute of Infectious Diseases to see if it was infected with the Omicron strain. I'm going to proceed. This was revealed by the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare Goto to reporters at the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare after noon on the 29th. According to it, a man in his thirties who arrived from Namibia in southern Africa, which is strengthening border measures, on the evening of the 28th was infected with the new coronavirus as a result of the inspection received at the quarantine at Narita Airport. After that, the National Institute of Infectious Diseases will promptly proceed with genome analysis to see if the virus is an micron strain. In addition, a total of three family members who accompanied the man stayed in a facility designated by the government, and the man had symptoms of fever, while the two family members were negative as a result of the test. It means that. Minister Goto said, "We will continue to carry out genome analysis of all samples that have become positive in quarantine, and we request that local government-led genome analysis be carried out by maximizing the current testing capabilities. We will strengthen our monitoring system. "
  21. A man in his thirties who arrived from Namibia in southern Africa, which is strengthening border measures, was found to have been infected with the new coronavirus, and the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare conducted a detailed analysis at the National Institute of Infectious Diseases to see if it was infected with the Omicron strain. I'm going to proceed. https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20211129/k10013366251000.html
  22. 1,341,323 Confirmed Cases 336,418 CDC Expanded Case Definition (Probable) 1,677,741 Total Cases 85,694 Number of Hospitalizations in Ohio *26,483 Ohio Resident Deaths *26,455 Deaths in State of Ohio 10,695 Number of ICU Admissions **538.2 Cases per 100,000 <1-111 Age Range 39 Median Age 46%*** Sex - Males 53%*** Sex - Females LAST UPDATED 11/28/2021 (UPDATED DAILY AT 2 P.M.) ***1% SEX NOT REPORTED https://coronavirus.ohio.gov/wps/portal/gov/covid-19/home#:~:text=931%2C299,Sex - Females
  23. https://coronavirus.idaho.gov/
  24. https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/633006d0782b4544bd5113a314f6268a/page/page_0/
  25. Positive Cases Data Last Updated:11/28/2021 2:46 PM Total Positive Cases 152,670 1,652.3 per 10,000 people MaySepJanMaySep Cumulative Number of Confirmed Positive Cases 139,685 Cumulative Number of Probable Positive Cases 12,985 Cumulative Number of Long-Term Care Cases 2,973 Positive Cases by County County Positive Cases New Castle County 86,770 View New Castle County data Kent County 28,070 View Kent County data Sussex County 37,407 View Sussex County data Unknown 423 View more case data Data are current as of 6pm the previous day. Last update: 11/27/2021 STATE OF DELAWARE Deaths Data Last Updated:11/28/2021 2:46 PM Total Deaths 2,173 17.5 per 10,000 people MaySepJanMaySep Confirmed Deaths 1,990 Probable Deaths 183 Long-Term Care Deaths 865 View more death data Data are current as of 6pm the previous day. Last update: 11/27/2021 https://myhealthycommunity.dhss.delaware.gov/locations/state
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