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Everything posted by niman

  1. Number of confirmed cases : 493,915 Number of persons tested negative : 3,923,576 Total testing volume : 11,939,694 Daily testing Volume : 38,164 Number of confirmed deaths : 9,760 Number of probable deaths : 223 Currently hospitalized : 690 Acute care : 510 Intensive care : 180 Ever hospitalized : 45,842 Released from isolation : 11,184 https://coronavirus.maryland.gov/
  2. Harris County Confirmed Cases 488,356 Dallas County Confirmed Cases 297,407 Tarrant County Confirmed Cases 248,095 Bexar County Confirmed Cases 229,831 El Paso County Confirmed Cases 141,703 Travis County Confirmed Cases 102,283 https://txdshs.maps.arcgis.com/apps/dashboards/ed483ecd702b4298ab01e8b9cafc8b83
  3. https://www.latimes.com/projects/california-coronavirus-cases-tracking-outbreak/
  4. https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/ed2def13f9b045eda9f7d22dbc9b500e
  5. https://www.nj.gov/health/cd/topics/covid2019_dashboard.shtml
  6. https://covid19tracker.health.ny.gov/views/NYS-COVID19-Tracker/NYSDOHCOVID-19Tracker-Map?%3Aembed=yes&%3Atoolbar=no&%3Atabs=n
  7. https://www.azdhs.gov/covid19/data/index.php
  8. MOVING 7-DAY PERCENTAGE 22.6 % Positivity in Tests CASES 688,018 TOTAL 388,853 2020 299,165 2021 DEATHS 12,219 TOTAL 7,178 2020 5,041 2021 LAST 7 DAYS - TOTAL TESTS 99,299 NAAT TESTS 22,461 POSITIVE NAAT TESTS https://alpublichealth.maps.arcgis.com/apps/dashboards/6d2771faa9da4a2786a509d82c8cf0f7
  9. New Cases 189 27,835 Total Currently Hospitalized 33 Hospitalized In ICU 8 Hospitalized Under Investigation 1 Percent Positive 7-day Avg. 3% People Tested 440,005 Total Tests 1,878,212 Recovered 25,046 90% of Cases Deaths 275 1% of Cases Last Updated: 8/28/2021, 10:58:14 AM https://www.healthvermont.gov/covid-19/current-activity/vermont-dashboard
  10. Cumulative COVID-19 Cases by County Download a csv file with the most recent cumulative case data by county. Download a csv file with historical case data by county and date. Maine COVID-19 Reopening Gating Metrics Cumulative COVID-19 Cases by ZIP Code Download a csv file with the most recent cumulative case data by zip code. Tables of COVID-19 Testing and Contact Tracing Data, Hospital Use, and Case Demographics View a Table of Contact Tracing (Sara Alert) Data Contact Tracing (Sara Alert) Data Number of Individuals Currently in Monitoring Total Number of Individuals Submitted for Enrollment 752 113,689 Maine CDC updates contact tracing data weekly. Updated August 25, 2021 at 12:39 PM. https://www.maine.gov/dhhs/mecdc/infectious-disease/epi/airborne/coronavirus/data.shtml
  11. https://dhhr.wv.gov/COVID-19/Pages/default.aspx
  12. https://coronavirus.idaho.gov/
  13. https://alaska-coronavirus-vaccine-outreach-alaska-dhss.hub.arcgis.com/
  14. https://sites.google.com/wyo.gov/covid-19/home
  15. https://montana.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapSeries/index.html?appid=7c34f3412536439491adcc2103421d4b
  16. https://health.hawaii.gov/coronavirusdisease2019/
  17. https://www.health.nd.gov/diseases-conditions/coronavirus/north-dakota-coronavirus-cases
  18. COVID-19 Summary Report (data updated as of August 27, 9:00 AM) Number of Persons with COVID-19106,525 Recovered102,312 (96%) Deaths Attributed to COVID-19 1,415 (1%) Total Current COVID-19 Cases2,798 Current Hospitalizations 125 https://www.covid19.nh.gov/
  19. https://doh.sd.gov/COVID/Dashboard.aspx
  20. https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/633006d0782b4544bd5113a314f6268a/page/page_0/
  21. https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/oregon.health.authority.covid.19/viz/OregonCOVID-19Update/CaseandTesting
  22. https://oklahoma.gov/covid19.html
  23. https://cvprovider.nmhealth.org/public-dashboard.html
  24. https://www.coronavirus.kdheks.gov/DocumentCenter/View/1529/August-27-case-summary?bidId=
  25. Aitkin County: 1,472 Anoka County: 45,529 Becker County: 4,045 Beltrami County: 4,501 Benton County: 6,083 Big Stone County: 627 Blue Earth County: 8,123 Brown County: 3,265 Carlton County: 3,727 Carver County: 11,399 Cass County: 3,077 Chippewa County: 1,629 Chisago County: 6,658 Clay County: 8,619 Clearwater County: 944 Cook County: 194 Cottonwood County: 1,717 Crow Wing County: 7,298 Dakota County: 49,599 Dodge County: 2,153 Douglas County: 5,053 Faribault County: 1,652 Fillmore County: 1,758 Freeborn County: 3,863 Goodhue County: 5,187 Grant County: 620 Hennepin County: 133,951 Houston County: 1,899 Hubbard County: 2,097 Isanti County: 4,643 Itasca County: 4,848 Jackson County: 1,309 Kanabec County: 1,555 Kandiyohi County: 7,113 Kittson County: 509 Koochiching County: 1,008 Lac Qui Parle County: 795 Lake County: 878 Lake of the Woods County: 361 Le Sueur County: 3,175 Lincoln County: 605 Lyon County: 3,794 Mahnomen County: 614 Marshall County: 955 Martin County: 2,463 McLeod County: 4,616 Meeker County: 2,843 Mille Lacs County: 3,336 Morrison County: 4,453 Mower County: 5,170 Murray County: 1,112 Nicollet County: 3,507 Nobles County: 4,262 Norman County: 585 Olmsted County: 14,721 Otter Tail County: 6,263 Pennington County: 1,676 Pine County: 3,570 Pipestone County: 1,194 Polk County: 4,069 Pope County: 1,214 Ramsey County: 55,950 Red Lake County: 426 Redwood County: 1,865 Renville County: 1,900 Rice County: 8,681 Rock County: 1,343 Roseau County: 2,205 Scott County: 18,608 Sherburne County: 12,760 Sibley County: 1,615 St. Louis County: 19,091 Stearns County: 23,653 Steele County: 4,424 Stevens County: 971 Swift County: 1,135 Todd County: 3,026 Traverse County: 399 Wabasha County: 2,232 Wadena County: 1,709 Waseca County: 2,643 Washington County: 29,172 Watonwan County: 1,444 Wilkin County: 865 Winona County: 5,073 Wright County: 17,361 Yellow Medicine County: 1,193 https://mndps.maps.arcgis.com/apps/dashboards/f28f84968c1148129932c3bebb1d3a1a
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