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  1. Confirmed Zika Casesin Oregon, 2016As of 7/12/2016 Travel-associated cases: 14Oregon mosquito-acquired cases: 0Total: 14 https://public.health.oregon.gov/newsadvisories/Pages/zika.aspx
  2. Confirmed Zika Cases in Oregon, 2016As of 7/12/2016 Travel-associated cases: 14 Oregon mosquito-acquired cases: 0 Total: 14
  3. Map Update https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?hl=en&hl=en&authuser=0&authuser=0&mid=1FlIB7hHnVgGD9TlbSx5HwAj-PEQ
  4. Zika virus cases in Ohio:
  5. niman

    Ohio Zika Tally Page

    Zika virus cases in Ohio:
  6. Outcomes of Pregnancies with Laboratory Evidence of Possible Zika Virus Infection in the United States, 2016Language:EnglishEspañolPortuguêsRecommend on FacebookTweet Pregnancy Outcomes in the United States and the District of ColumbiaLiveborn infants with birth defects*9Includes aggregated data reported to the US Zika Pregnancy Registry as of July 7, 2016 Pregnancy losses with birth defects**6Includes aggregated data reported to the US Zika Pregnancy Registry as of July 7, 2016 Pregnancy Outcomes in the United States TerritoriesLiveborn infants with birth defects*0Includes aggregated data from the US territories reported to the US Zika Pregnancy Registry and data from Puerto Rico reported to the Zika Active Pregnancy Surveillance System as of July 7, 2016 Pregnancy losses with birth defects**1Includes aggregated data from the US territories reported to the US Zika Pregnancy Registry and data from Puerto Rico reported to the Zika Active Pregnancy Surveillance System as of July 7, 2016 What these numbers show These numbers reflect poor outcomes among pregnancies with laboratory evidence of possible Zika virus infection reported to the US Zika Pregnancy Registry.The number of live-born infants and pregnancy losses with birth defects are combined for the 50 US states, the District of Columbia, and the US territories. To protect the privacy of the women and children affected by Zika, CDC is not reporting individual state, tribal, territorial or jurisdictional level data.The poor birth outcomes reported include those that have been detected in infants infected with Zika before or during birth, including microcephaly, calcium deposits in the brain indicating possible brain damage, excess fluid in the brain cavities and surrounding the brain, absent or poorly formed brain structures, abnormal eye development, or other problems resulting from damage to brain that affects nerves, muscles and bones, such as clubfoot or inflexible joints.What these new numbers do not show These numbers are not real time estimates. They will reflect the outcomes of pregnancies reported with any laboratory evidence of possible Zika virus infection as of 12 noon every Thursday the week prior; numbers will be delayed one week.These numbers do not reflect outcomes among ongoing pregnancies.Although these outcomes occurred in pregnancies with laboratory evidence of Zika virus infection, we do not know whether they were caused by Zika virus infection or other factors.Where do these numbers come from? These data reflect pregnancies reported to the US Zika Pregnancy Registry. CDC, in collaboration with state, local, tribal and territorial health departments, established this registry for comprehensive monitoring of pregnancy and infant outcomes following Zika virus infection.The data collected through this system will be used to update recommendations for clinical care, to plan for services and support for pregnant women and families affected by Zika virus, and to improve prevention of Zika virus infection during pregnancy.These registries are covered by an assurance of confidentiality. This protection requires us to safeguard the information collected for the pregnant women and infants in the registries. * Includes microcephaly, calcium deposits in the brain indicating possible brain damage, excess fluid in the brain cavities and surrounding the brain, absent or poorly formed brain structures, abnormal eye development, or other problems resulting from damage to the brain that affects nerves, muscles and bones, such as clubfoot or inflexible joints. **Includes miscarriage, stillbirths, and terminations with evidence of the birth defects mentioned above Page last reviewed: June 15, 2016Page last updated: July 14, 2016Content source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (NCEZID) Division of Vector-Borne Diseases (DVBD)
  7. Pregnancy Outcomes in the United States and the District of ColumbiaLiveborn infants with birth defects*9Includes aggregated data reported to the US Zika Pregnancy Registry as of July 7, 2016 Pregnancy losses with birth defects**6Includes aggregated data reported to the US Zika Pregnancy Registry as of July 7, 2016 http://www.cdc.gov/zika/geo/pregnancy-outcomes.html
  8. Pregnant Women with Any Laboratory Evidence of Possible Zika Virus InfectionUS States and the District of Columbia*346*Includes aggregated data reported to the US Zika Pregnancy Registry as of July 7, 2016 US Territories**303**Includes aggregated data from the US territories reported to the US Zika Pregnancy Registry and data from Puerto Rico reported to the Zika Active Pregnancy Surveillance System as of July 7, 2016
  9. Map Update https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?hl=en&hl=en&authuser=0&authuser=0&mid=1FlIB7hHnVgGD9TlbSx5HwAj-PEQ
  10. Pregnant women with any laboratory evidence of possible Zika virus infection in the United States and territories Information for Blood and Tissue Collection Centers As of July 13, 2016 (5 am EST) Zika virus disease and Zika virus congenital infection are nationally notifiable conditions.This update from the CDC Arboviral Disease Branch includes provisional data reported to ArboNET for January 01, 2015 – July 13, 2016.US States Locally acquired mosquito-borne cases reported: 0Travel-associated cases reported: 1,305Laboratory acquired cases reported: 1Total: 1,306Sexually transmitted: 14Guillain-Barré syndrome: 5US Territories Locally acquired cases reported: 2,905Travel-associated cases reported: 11Total: 2,916*Guillain-Barré syndrome: 12*Sexually transmitted cases are not reported for areas with local mosquito-borne transmission of Zika virus because it is not possible to determine whether infection occurred due to mosquito-borne or sexual transmission. Laboratory-confirmed Zika virus disease cases reported to ArboNET by state or territory — United States, 2015–2016 (as of July 13, 2016) StatesTravel-associated cases* No. (% of cases in states) (N=1,306)Locally acquired cases† No. (% of cases in states) (N=0)Alabama2 (<1)0 (0)Arizona7 (1)0 (0)Arkansas5 (<1)0 (0)California69 (5)0 (0)Colorado12 (1)0 (0)Connecticut30 (2)0 (0)Delaware8 (1)0 (0)District of Columbia9 (1)0 (0)Florida229 (18)0 (0)Georgia33 (3)0 (0)Hawaii10 (1)0 (0)Illinois23 (2)0 (0)Indiana12 (1)0 (0)Iowa9 (1)0 (0)Kansas5 (<1)0 (0)Kentucky7 (1)0 (0)Louisiana7 (1)0 (0)Maine7 (1)0 (0)Maryland35 (3)0 (0)Massachusetts49 (4)0 (0)Michigan13 (1)0 (0)Minnesota21 (2)0 (0)Mississippi8 (1)0 (0)Missouri8 (1)0 (0)Montana1 (<1)0 (0)Nebraska3 (<1)0 (0)Nevada9 (1)0 (0)New Hampshire4 (<1)0 (0)New Jersey50 (4)0 (0)New Mexico3 (<1)0 (0)New York339 (26)0 (0)North Carolina18 (1)0 (0)Ohio25 (2)0 (0)Oklahoma12 (1)0 (0)Oregon12 (1)0 (0)Pennsylvania††39 (3)0 (0)Rhode Island16 (1)0 (0)South Carolina13 (1)0 (0)Tennessee14 (1)0 (0)Texas57 (4)0 (0)Utah5 (<1)0 (0)Vermont3 (<1)0 (0)Virginia38 (3)0 (0)Washington11 (1)0 (0)West Virginia7 (1)0 (0)Wisconsin9 (1)0 (0) TerritoriesTravel-associated cases* No. (% of cases in territories) (N=11)Locally acquired cases† No. (% of cases in territories) (N=2,905)American Samoa2 (18)41 (1)Puerto Rico8 (73)2,843 (98)US Virgin Islands1 (10)21 (1)*Travelers returning from affected areas, their sexual contacts, or infants infected in utero †Presumed local mosquito-borne transmission †† One additional case acquired through laboratory transmission Page last reviewed: February 4, 2016Page last updated: July 14, 2016
  11. Zika Cases in New Jersey New Jersey County Confirmed Travel-Related Cases Bergen 13 Passaic 11 Middlesex 6 Burlington 5 Union 5 Essex 4 Hudson 4 Camden 3 Morris 3 Monmouth 2 Ocean 1 Hunterdon 1 Mercer 1 TOTAL 59 Last Updated: July 14, 2016 http://www.nj.gov/health/cd/zika/case_count.shtml
  12. Zika Cases in New Jersey New Jersey County Confirmed Travel-Related Cases Bergen 13 Passaic 11 Middlesex 6 Burlington 5 Union 5 Essex 4 Hudson 4 Camden 3 Morris 3 Monmouth 2 Ocean 1 Hunterdon 1 Mercer 1 TOTAL 59 Last Updated: July 14, 2016
  13. Map Update https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?hl=en&hl=en&authuser=0&authuser=0&mid=1FlIB7hHnVgGD9TlbSx5HwAj-PEQ
  14. Maryland Confirmed Zika Virus Infections (As of July 13, 2016) Travel-AssociatedLocally Acquired Vector-BorneTotal35035http://phpa.dhmh.maryland.gov/Pages/Zika.aspx
  15. Maryland Confirmed Zika Virus Infections (As of July 13, 2016) Travel-AssociatedLocally Acquired Vector-BorneTotal35035
  16. Map Update https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?hl=en&hl=en&authuser=0&authuser=0&mid=1FlIB7hHnVgGD9TlbSx5HwAj-PEQ
  17. As of July 13, 201638 confirmed travel-related Zika cases in Georgia http://dph.georgia.gov/
  18. As of July 13, 201638 confirmed travel-related Zika cases in Georgia
  19. Map Update https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?hl=en&hl=en&authuser=0&authuser=0&mid=1FlIB7hHnVgGD9TlbSx5HwAj-PEQ
  20. Table: Travel History of Patients with Positive Test Results byZika Affected Country or Territory Visited - Connecticut, February 15 - July 12, 2016 Countries/Territories VisitedZika Positive Flavivirus Positive* Total Aruba 11 Brazil 11 Colombia213 Dominican Republic16117 El Salvador 11 Guatemala 11 Haiti134 Honduras112 Jamaica2 2 Mexico 11 Puerto Rico415 St. Lucia1 1Total 27 1239
  21. Map Update https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?hl=en&hl=en&authuser=0&authuser=0&mid=1FlIB7hHnVgGD9TlbSx5HwAj-PEQ
  22. The number of pregnant confirmed New York City Zika cases does NOT include pregnant registry cases that are inconclusive or asymptomatic Latest Facts and Advisories as of 7/13/2016 [Español (PDF)]Reported cases of Zika in New York City: 31036 of the 310 cases were pregnant at the time of diagnosis;All cases contracted Zika while visiting other countries; andAll patients have recovered.http://www1.nyc.gov/site/doh/health/health-topics/zika-virus.page
  23. Latest Facts and Advisories as of 7/13/2016 [Español (PDF)]Reported cases of Zika in New York City: 31036 of the 310 cases were pregnant at the time of diagnosis;All cases contracted Zika while visiting other countries; andAll patients have recovered.
  24. Map Update https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?hl=en&hl=en&authuser=0&authuser=0&mid=1FlIB7hHnVgGD9TlbSx5HwAj-PEQ
  25. CountyCasesBell1Bexar6Collin2Dallas14Denton2Ellis1Fort Bend2Grayson1Hamilton1Harris18Lubbock1Medina1Tarrant7Travis2Val Verde1Williamson1Wise1Total62Dallas Pregnant Registry11Texas Preg Reg excl Dallas20Harris Microcephaly 1Total94
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