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Christer Svensson

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  1. At 2:55 reference is made to a ward with 30 pat and 6-9 of these succumbing to a virus that spreads slower than sars cov 2 The question is could this refer to The Congo disease X in China ?
  2. https://www.euronews.com/health/2024/12/10/eu-commission-adopts-wait-and-see-approach-with-mystery-congo-virus
  3. Disease X’ Outbreak Widens as UN Sends Health Team to Congo https://www.msn.com/en-us/science/general/ar-AA1vuxL8
  4. https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/news-selections/world-news/traveler-from-congo-in-africa-isolated-with-flu-like-symptoms-after-flying-in-to-cleveland “It Began October 24 in the Democratic Republic of the Congo A Press Release from the Health Ministry in the D.R. Congo: Since October 24, 2024, a disease of still unknown origin has been spreading in Kwango province, specifically in the Panzi health zone.”
  5. First confirmed case of Monkeypox in Sweden WHO kallar till akut möte om spridning av apkoppor “Världshälsoorganisationen WHO kallar till ett akut möte efter fallen med apkoppor. Det skriver The Telegraph. Frågor som WHO väntas diskutera på mötet är den ovanligt höga förekomsten hos homo- och bisexuella män samt vaccinationssituationen, skriver norska Dagbladet. Under fredagen har fall av apkoppor upptäckts i Frankrike, Tyskland och Belgien. Det första fallet i Sverige registrerades under torsdagen. I Kanada, Storbritannien och Portugal har flera fall upptäckts. Apkoppor påminner om smittkoppor, men är mildare.” Quote from https://omni.se/senaste
  6. And possibly also as a contributing factor in the rapid evolution of new variants as the bacteria engages its Crispr like defenses as a result of a transfection event
  7. The first organism to get its genome fully mapped by Craig Venter is said to have been Haemophilus Influenzae (HI) “This species was the first free-living organism to have its entire genomesequenced.[3]” Incidentally this bacteria was thought to be responsible for the Spanish Flue before viruses were discovered probably by reason of coinfection. It can at times present scialic acid receptors on its outer membrane https://portal.research.lu.se/portal/files/5264874/1639436.pdf see figure “Haemophilus influenzae, have an additional use for sialic acid in an immune evasion mechanism by adding Neu5Ac to their lipopolysaccharide ( 7, 8), which provides increased survival in human serum ( 9, 10)” Having a scialic acid receptor where the acid is acquired from a human host just like human cells having scialic acid receptors may render HI susceptible to transfection ? The HI bacteria requires V factor and X factor that are provided by streptococci thus suggestive of a possible co-evolution of Streptococcus And Haemophilus Influenzae and Sars-Cov-2 accessing HI’s cytoplasm. With Sars-Cov-2 possibly replicating, evading immunity and evolving inside HI, similarly to bacterial plasmids Bacterial proteases can cleave HA during co-infections Interestingly, certain bacteria have been demonstrated to support HA (Viral Haem Agglutinin) activation either by secreting proteases that cleave HA or due to activation of cellular proteases and thereby may contribute to virus spread and enhanced pathogenicity. Incidentally At 1 mg/l, 100% of the strains of H. influenzae were inhibited by azithromycin compared with 16% with erythromycin and 5% with roxithromycin. Azithromycin exhibited a rapid bactericidal effect, with a 99.9% kill at 4 h. The MBC was equal to or up to four-times greater than the MIC Conclusion: If the above assumptions should prove correct then: Haemophilus Influenzae should be looked into as a risk factor in Covid-19 and Sars-Cov-2 blocked from evolving new variants by convolution with HI Which may be achieved by Azitromycin Diagnostics could include testing for HI and treatment include Azitromycin
  8. Transmissible viral load. is secreted via membranes, for this reason It makes sense to generate mucus membrane immunity thus reducing oral and fecal viral loads with a therewith concomitant reduction of the R-0 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6132247/
  9. http://web.archive.org/web/20200405061401/https://medium.com/@agaiziunas/covid-19-had-us-all-fooled-but-now-we-might-have-finally-found-its-secret-91182386efcb
  10. https://www.bidmc.org/about-bidmc/news/2020/04/covid-19-anti-clotting-medication
  11. Ease of inactivation of COVID-19 Here below, is a recommendation to increase the themostat warmwater temperature in hospitals and public and private housing to 60 ° C or above in order to inactivate COVID-19 which inactivates at 57 ° C Through taps and showerheads i.e. bathtubs etc. Dish washing etc. That is to at least 140 ° Farenheit Please spread this info to the building managers organisation in the US and worldwide
  12. Confirmed COVID-19 cases in Sweden even though no activly persued testing 2 272 https://www.svt.se/nyheter/utrikes/senaste-nytt-om-coronaviruset
  13. A recent paper and review on the antiviral properties of Zink Perhaps also a rationale for the combined use of Zink with Chloroquine https://academic.oup.com/advances/article/10/4/696/5476413 Further more: Front line Healthcare workers might benefit from the combination as a profylax
  14. The distribution upon sucessfull contact tracing of virus profylax Chloroquine diphosphate plus Zink to the contacts of the infected will effectively reduce the production of viral loads generated, thus diminishing for COVID-19 the R-0 of the person to person transmission potential As an aside note: Chloroquine derivative will be distributed to 300 000 French patients in trials according to this article https://www.sudouest.fr/2020/03/18/coronavirus-sanofi-offre-de-l-anti-paludique-plaquenil-pour-traiter-300-000-malades-des-essais-prometteurs-7340262-10861.php?fbclid=IwAR1KG2I4mrZ69r-U6GjvU6FOfYYSVLOpEko6Z52WGpD_AKTH9DzZzDsnPF0
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