niman Posted December 26, 2020 Report Posted December 26, 2020 it is a person who had no direct connections with Great Britain and who underwent a molecular swab in recent days because he had a severe cold and who now he is in isolation with his family. "In the meantime we have deepened the investigations - says the director of the Laboratory Stefano Menzo - and now we know that it is the English variant".
niman Posted December 26, 2020 Author Report Posted December 26, 2020 A case of the so-called English variant of Covid-19 was detected in Loreto , in the province of Ancona. A partial sequence was identified by the Virology Laboratory of the Ospedali Riuniti of Ancona: it is a person who had no direct connections with Great Britain and who underwent a molecular swab in recent days because he had a severe cold and who now he is in isolation with his family. "In the meantime we have deepened the investigations - says the director of the Laboratory Stefano Menzo - and now we know that it is the English variant". On the " Vui 202012/01"now known as the" English variant "in recent days, in fact, there have been convulsive information on the extent and risks that the virus mutated on British soil could entail. The first analysis by the European Agency for Disease Control a few days ago illustrates how "the unusually high number of Spike protein mutations and high sequencing coverage in the UK suggests that the variant did not emerge through a gradual accumulation of mutations" in Britain. Rather, one possible explanation is prolonged infection from Sars-cov-2 in "a single patient, potentially with reduced immunocompetence." If this type of infection is prolonged, European scientists write, "it can lead to accumulation of immune escape mutations at a high rate ".
niman Posted December 26, 2020 Author Report Posted December 26, 2020 Map update
niman Posted December 26, 2020 Author Report Posted December 26, 2020 ANSA) - ROME, DEC 23 - A person has reportedly tested positive for the new, more infectious strain of COVID-19 in the town of Loreto, near the central city of Ancona, and the infected person has had no direct contact with Britain, Il Corriere Adriatico reported on Wednesday. The local daily said the case had been identified by a lab at Ancona's Riuniti hospital. The infected person is in isolation at home, according to the report. (ANSA).
niman Posted December 26, 2020 Author Report Posted December 26, 2020 'British' Covid variant may have circulated in Italy for months The so-called 'British' variant of the coronavirus may have been circulating in Italy for weeks or months but there is no particular cause for alarm over it, says the head of the Italian Pharmacology Agency, writes Nick Squires. Giorgio Palu says it is no surprise that the variant was detected in an Italian man yesterday who had not traveled to Britain and has no links with the UK. He lives in the town of Loreto in the Marche region of central Italy. The professor of virology says the strain has an evolutionary advantage over other strains that are in circulation but does not seem to be more dangerous. It is "possible" that it has been in Italy since September, he says. "In some Italian regions, such as Veneto, the infection curve looks very similar to the British curve," he told Corriere della Sera newspaper. "The UK detected the new strain because the British have a strong capacity in this sort of research. "They have a sequencing system which is the best in the world." The case of the mutant strain was detected by Prof Stefano Menza in a laboratory in the Adriatic port of Ancona. "If the variant has arrived in the Marche, a region which is lightly populated, and in a family without any direct or indirect contacts with Great Britain, then I imagine it must be present in other, more populated regions as well."
niman Posted December 26, 2020 Author Report Posted December 26, 2020 Italy registered on Wednesday a second case of a new strain of coronavirus near the central town of Ancona, but the patient had no direct contact with the UK, where the variant first emerged. Local daily Il Corriere Adriatico said the case had been identified by a laboratory at Riuniti hospital, and the infected person is now in isolation at home with his family. The person underwent a molecular swab test in the past few days because of a strong cold. “In the meanwhile, we have started other exams and now we know that it is the British strain,” laboratory director Stefano Menzo told Italian news agency ANSA.
niman Posted December 26, 2020 Author Report Posted December 26, 2020 The English variant of Covid-19 was detected in a Loreto family of three, who last Friday decided to undergo a molecular swab because they were struggling with a severe cold. Four days later, the verdict arrived: one of the family members tested positive at Covid, affected by the British variant. This was reported by the 'Corriere Adriatico', and confirmed by Adnkronos Salute Michele Caporossi, director of the Riuniti di Ancona. Across the Channel, the new strain is spreading at an exponential rate. In Italy, for now, there are only two cases registered. One in Rome - a 42 year old who works in London - the other in the province of Ancona. To detect the English variant the Virology laboratory of the regional hospital of Torrette, directed by Stefano Menzo. "We carried out a survey among the samples collected in the last week and we identified not the entire viral genome, but a partial sequence - explains the specialist - From the small portion we have the well-founded suspicion that it is the English variant, even if to isolate the virus will still need a few days ". The patient from the Marche region has no particular symptoms, apart from a cold: he is now in isolation with his two family members, but he did not need hospitalization. They certainly have not recently been to England, so there would be no connection with the British country: the Asur has launched an epidemiological investigation to map the contagion.,ALTRA_VARIANTE_IN_INGHILTERRA_ANCORA_PIU’_CONTAGIOSA__OMS:-quot;VARIANTE_INGLESE_SEMBRA_PIU-rsquo;_CONTAGIOSA_PER_I_BAMBINI-quot;_20424.html#.X-eTcNhKhPZ
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