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Number of confirmed cases : 450,689
Number of persons tested negative : 3,362,172
Total testing volume : 9,804,831
Daily testing Volume : 24,927
Number of confirmed deaths : 8,622
Number of probable deaths : 191
Currently hospitalized : 934
Acute care : 688
Intensive care : 246
Ever hospitalized : 41,849
Released from isolation : 10,255

Cases and Deaths Data Breakdown:
Parenthesis = Confirmed death, laboratory-confirmed positive COVID-19 test result 
Asterisk = Probable death, death certificate lists COVID-19 as the cause of death but not yet confirmed by a laboratory test
NH = Non-Hispanic

By County

County Cases Deaths
Allegany 6,868 (206) 1*
Anne Arundel 42,834 (586) 14*
Baltimore City 51,488 (1,025) 23*
Baltimore County 64,086 (1,447) 36*
Calvert 4,169 (77) 1*
Caroline 2,269 (25) 0*
Carroll 9,199 (230) 5*
Cecil 6,116 (129) 2*
Charles 10,609 (188) 2*
Dorchester 2,727 (50) 1*
Frederick 19,504 (311) 9*
Garrett 1,987 (62) 1*
Harford 16,185 (267) 5*
Howard 18,961 (227) 6*
Kent 1,318 (44) 2*
Montgomery 70,075 (1,477) 46*
Prince George's 83,504 (1,435) 32*
Queen Anne's 2,940 (44) 1*
St. Mary's 5,878 (123) 0*
Somerset 2,546 (37) 0*
Talbot 2,093 (37) 0*
Washington 14,268 (273) 3*
Wicomico 7,481 (152) 0*
Worcester 3,584 (97) 1*
Data not available 0 (73) 0*

By Age Range and Gender

Age/Gender Cases Deaths
0-9 24,958 (3) 0*
10-19 46,045 (6) 1*
20-29 82,732 (41) 1*
30-39 77,168 (89) 6*
40-49 67,314 (249) 5*
50-59 67,297 (714) 28*
60-69 44,831 (1,432) 18*
70-79 24,650 (2,193) 40*
80+ 15,694 (3,892) 92*
Data not available 0 (3) 0*
Female 235,593 (4,154) 92*
Male 215,096 (4,468) 99*
Unknown 0 () 0*

By Race and Ethnicity

Race/Ethnicity Cases Deaths
African-American (NH) 138,375 (3,030) 70*
Asian (NH) 10,908 (297) 8*
White (NH) 159,036 (4,360) 98*
Hispanic 68,416 (781) 15*
Other (NH) 21,043 (84) 0*
Data not available 52,911 (70) 0*



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