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Suspect H5N8 Spread To Mariehamn Finland

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In Åland it looks as if the bird flu would have spread to Mariehamn.

Four peacocks were found dead today in the green area Lilla Holmen in Mariehamn's eastern harbor. Two other peacocks were dying. Authorities suspect bird flu and have cordoned off the entire island for security reasons.



Four dead peacocks - bird flu probably also in Mariehamn

Image: Yle

In Åland it looks as if the bird flu would have spread to Mariehamn.

Four peacocks were found dead today in the green area Lilla Holmen in Mariehamn's eastern harbor. Two other peacocks were dying. Authorities suspect bird flu and have cordoned off the entire island for security reasons.

The result of the flu samples should come early next week.

Image: Yle
H5N8 is the virus strain that has spread in Europe and which cause severe disease in poultry. No people have been infected by it.


H5N8 viruses in wild ducks

It is now clear that the dead wild ducks that have been found in Åland carrying the bird flu virus H5N8.

The case in Åland's first H5N8 bird flu found in Finland. Finnish Food Safety Authority Evira is now establishing a restricted zone of ten kilometers around the sites where the birds were found, on Lemland and Vårdö.

At poultry farms in the area are additional controls and the movement of poultry in the area is limited.

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