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Full 2016 H5N6 Sequence Teal In Tottori Japan

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LOCUS       LC200936                1739 bp    cRNA    linear   VRL 08-DEC-2016
DEFINITION  Influenza A virus (A/teal/Tottori/2/2016(H5N6)) HA gene for
            hemagglutinin, complete cds.
VERSION     LC200936.1
SOURCE      Influenza A virus (A/teal/Tottori/2/2016(H5N6))
  ORGANISM  Influenza A virus (A/teal/Tottori/2/2016(H5N6))
            Viruses; ssRNA viruses; ssRNA negative-strand viruses;
            Orthomyxoviridae; Influenzavirus A.
  AUTHORS   Soda,K., Ito,H., Usui,T., Ozaki,H., Murase,T., Yamaguchi,T. and
  TITLE     H5N6 highly pathogenic avian influenza virus isolates in Japan in
  JOURNAL   Unpublished
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 1739)
  AUTHORS   Soda,K., Ito,H., Usui,T., Ozaki,H., Murase,T., Yamaguchi,T. and
  TITLE     Direct Submission
  JOURNAL   Submitted (05-DEC-2016) Contact:Kosuke Soda Tottori University,
            Avian Zoonosis Research Center,Faculty of Agriculture; 4-101
            Koyama-cho Minami, Tottori, Tottori 680-8553, Japan URL
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..1739
                     /organism="Influenza A virus
                     /mol_type="viral cRNA"
                     /host="Anas crecca"
                     /country="Japan: Tottori"
     gene            15..1715
     CDS             15..1715
        1 ttcaatctgt caaaatggag aaaatagtgc ttcttcttgc agtggttagc cttgttaaaa
       61 gtgatcagat ttgcattggt taccatgcaa acaactcgac agagcaggtt gacacgataa
      121 tggaaaaaaa cgtcactgtt acacatgccc aagacatact ggaaaagaca cacaacggga
      181 ggctctgcga tctgaatgga gtgaaacctc tgattttaaa ggattgtagt gtagctggat
      241 ggcttcttgg aaacccaatg tgcgacgaat tcatcagagt gccggaatgg tcttacatag
      301 tggagaggac taacccagcc aatgacctct gttacccagg gaacctcaat gactatgaag
      361 aactgaaaca cctattgagc agaataaatc attttgagaa gactctgatc atccccaaga
      421 gttcttggcc caatcatgaa acatcagggg tgagcgcagc atgcccatac cagggagtgc
      481 cctccttttt cagaaatgtg gtatggctta ccaagaagaa cgatgcatac ccaacaataa
      541 agatgagcta caataatacc aatggggaag atcttttgat actgtggggg attcatcatt
      601 ccaacaatgc agcagagcag acaaatctct ataaaaaccc aaccacctat gtttccgttg
      661 ggacatcaac attgaaccag agattggtgc caaaaatagc tactagatcc caagtaaacg
      721 ggcaacaagg aagaatggat ttcttctgga caattttaaa accgaatgat gcaatccact
      781 ttgagagtaa tggaaatttt attgctccag aatatgcata caaaatagtc aagaaagggg
      841 actcaacaat tatgaaaagt gaaatggaat atggccactg caacaccaaa tgtcaaactc
      901 caataggggc gataaactct agtatgccat tccacaatat acaccctctc accattgggg
      961 agtgccccaa atacgtgaaa tcaaacaaat tagtccttgc gactggactc agaaatagtc
     1021 ctttaagaga aagaagaaga aaaagaggac tatttggagc tatagcaggg ttcatagagg
     1081 gaggatggca aggaatggta gatggttggt atgggtacca ccatagcaat gaacagggga
     1141 gtgggtacgc tgcagacaga gaatccaccc aaaaggcaat agatggagtt accaataagg
     1201 tcaactcgat aatcgacaaa atgaacactc aatttgaggc cgttggaagg gagtttaata
     1261 acttagaacg gagaatagag aatttaaata agaaaatgga agacggattc ctagatgtct
     1321 ggacttacaa tgctgaactt ttagttctca tggaaaatga gagaacttta gattttcacg
     1381 attcaaatgt aaaaaacctt tatgacaaag tccgactaca gcttagggat aatgcaaagg
     1441 agctaggtaa tggttgtttc gagttctatc ataaatgtga taatgaatgt atggaaagtg
     1501 taagaaatgg gacgtataac tatccccagt attcagaaga agcaagatta aaaagggaag
     1561 aaataagcgg agtgaaattg gaatcaatag gaacttacca aatactgtca atttattcaa
     1621 cagtggcgag ttccctagca ctggcaatca ttgtggctgg tctatcttta tggatgtgct
     1681 ccaatgggtc gttacaatgc agaatttgca tttaaatttg tgagctcaaa ttgcaatta
Align Segment-ID Name Score E-Value Identity
text_code_colored.png EPI861585 A/environment/Kagoshima/KU-ngr-I/2016(H5N6) (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 3114.6 0.000000e+00 1696/1701 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI760034 A/duck/Guangdong/01.01 SZSGXJK005-G /2016 (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1692/1701 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI760007 A/duck/Guangdong/01.01 SZSGXJK004-Y/2016 (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1692/1701 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI759991 A/duck/Guangdong/01.01 SZSGXJK002-G/2016 (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1692/1701 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI861484 A/Mandarin_duck/Korea/K16-187-3/2016 (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1683/1689 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI760050 A/duck/Guangdong/01.01 SZSGXJK006-G/2016 (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1691/1701 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI760026 A/duck/Guangdong/01.01 SZSGXJK005-Y/2016 (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1691/1701 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI759982 A/duck/Guangdong/01.01 SZSGXJK002-Y/2016 (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1691/1701 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI759966 A/duck/Guangdong/01.01 SZSGXJK001-Y /2016 (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1701 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI760042 A/duck/Guangdong/01.01 SZSGXJK006-Y/2016 (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1689/1701 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI759974 A/duck/Guangdong/01.01 SZSGXJK001-G/2016 (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1689/1701 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI760002 A/duck/Guangdong/01.01 SZSGXJK003-G/2016 (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1688/1701 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI687156 A/great_egret/Hong_Kong/00032/2016 (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1688/1701 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI760015 A/duck/Guangdong/01.01 SZSGXJK003-W/2016 (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 3048.1 0.000000e+00 1684/1701 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI758867 A/environment/Guangdong/GZ693/2015 (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 3027.8 0.000000e+00 1683/1704 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI662079 A/environment/Guangdong/04.16 SZLGWLShui1/2015(H5N6) (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 3027.8 0.000000e+00 1683/1704 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI661279 A/duck/Guangdong/04.23 DGQTSJ134-O/2015(Mixed) (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 3027.8 0.000000e+00 1683/1704 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI664373 A/duck/Guangdong/03.27 DGQTSJ121-P/2015(Mixed) (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 3025.9 0.000000e+00 1682/1703 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI664325 A/duck/Guangdong/03.27 DGQTSJ133-O/2015(Mixed) (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 3022.2 0.000000e+00 1682/1704 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI664293 A/duck/Guangdong/04.22 DGCP083-O/2015(Mixed) (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 3022.2 0.000000e+00 1682/1704 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI662055 A/duck/Guangdong/04.16 SZLGWL002/2015(H5N6) (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 3022.2 0.000000e+00 1682/1704 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI661479 A/duck/Guangdong/03.27 DGQTSJ129-O/2015(Mixed) (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 3022.2 0.000000e+00 1682/1704 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI661351 A/duck/Guangdong/04.23 DGQTSJ138-O/2015(Mixed) (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 3022.2 0.000000e+00 1682/1704 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI661335 A/duck/Guangdong/04.23 DGQTSJ138-P/2015(Mixed) (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 3022.2 0.000000e+00 1682/1704 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI661327 A/duck/Guangdong/04.23 DGQTSJ135-O/2015(Mixed) (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 3022.2 0.000000e+00 1682/1704 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI661319 A/duck/Guangdong/04.23 DGQTSJ135-P/2015(Mixed) (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 3022.2 0.000000e+00 1682/1704 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI661311 A/duck/Guangdong/04.23 DGQTXC204-O/2015(Mixed) (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 3022.2 0.000000e+00 1682/1704 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI661247 A/duck/Guangdong/04.23 DGQTSJ146-O/2015(Mixed) (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 3022.2 0.000000e+00 1682/1704 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI661239 A/duck/Guangdong/04.23 DGQTSJ136-O/2015(Mixed) (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 3022.2 0.000000e+00 1682/1704 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI661207 A/duck/Guangdong/04.23 DGQTSJ137-O/2015(Mixed) (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 3022.2 0.000000e+00 1682/1704 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI661191 A/duck/Guangdong/04.23 DGQTXC202-O/2015(Mixed) (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 3022.2 0.000000e+00 1682/1704 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI660775 A/duck/Guangdong/04.22 DGCP084-O/2015(H5N6) (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 3022.2 0.000000e+00 1682/1704 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI660503 A/goose/Guangdong/04.23 DGQTXC216-P/2015(H5N6) (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 3022.2 0.000000e+00 1682/1704 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI660351 A/duck/Guangdong/04.22 DGCP079-O/2015(H5N6) (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 3022.2 0.000000e+00 1682/1704 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI664237 A/duck/Guangdong/04.23 DGQTSJ127-O/2015(Mixed) (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 3020.4 0.000000e+00 1681/1703 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI661295 A/duck/Guangdong/04.23 DGQTSJ128-O/2015(Mixed) (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 3020.4 0.000000e+00 1681/1703 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI660599 A/duck/Guangdong/04.22 DGCP080-O/2015(H5N6) (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 3020.4 0.000000e+00 1681/1703 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI760089 A/feline/Guangdong/1/2015 (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 3016.7 0.000000e+00 1681/1704 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI664317 A/goose/Guangdong/03.27 DGQTSJ180-O/2015(Mixed) (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 3016.7 0.000000e+00 1681/1704 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI664301 A/duck/Guangdong/04.23 DGQTXC188-O/2015(Mixed) (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 3016.7 0.000000e+00 1681/1704 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI664197 A/goose/Guangdong/04.23 DGQTXC216-O/2015(Mixed) (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 3016.7 0.000000e+00 1681/1704 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI661343 A/duck/Guangdong/03.27 DGQTXC203-O/2015(Mixed) (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 3016.7 0.000000e+00 1681/1704 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI660455 A/goose/Guangdong/04.22 DGCP116-P/2015(Mixed) (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 3016.7 0.000000e+00 1681/1704 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI660007 A/goose/Guangdong/04.22 DGCP117-O/2015(H5N6) (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 3016.7 0.000000e+00 1681/1704 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI580408 A/feline/Guangdong/1/2014(H5N6) (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 3016.7 0.000000e+00 1681/1704 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI660711 A/duck/Guangdong/04.23 DGQTXC228-P/2015(H5N6) (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 3014.9 0.000000e+00 1680/1703 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI660663 A/duck/Guangdong/04.23 DGQTXC213-P/2015(H5N6) (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 3014.9 0.000000e+00 1680/1703 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI661223 A/duck/Guangdong/03.27 DGQTXC210-O/2015(Mixed) (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 3011.2 0.000000e+00 1680/1704 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI660679 A/duck/Guangdong/04.23 DGQTXC213-O/2015(H5N6) (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 3011.2 0.000000e+00 1680/1704 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI760097 A/feline/Guangdong/2/2015 (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 3005.6 0.000000e+00 1679/1704 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI691378 A/ Guangdong /ZQ874/2015(H5N6) (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 3005.6 0.000000e+00 1679/1704 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI661847 A/duck/Guangdong/02.11 DGCP094-P/2015(Mixed) (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 3005.6 0.000000e+00 1679/1704 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI661831 A/duck/Guangdong/02.11 DGCP092-P/2015(Mixed) (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 3005.6 0.000000e+00 1679/1704 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI661735 A/duck/Guangdong/02.11 DGCP104-P/2015(Mixed) (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 3005.6 0.000000e+00 1679/1704 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI661719 A/duck/Guangdong/02.11 DGCP102-P/2015(Mixed) (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 3005.6 0.000000e+00 1679/1704 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI580422 A/feline/Guangdong/2/2014(H5N6) (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 3005.6 0.000000e+00 1679/1704 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI760055 A/duck/Guangdong/01.01 SZSGXJK007-G/2016 (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 3003.8 0.000000e+00 1644/1653 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI661839 A/duck/Guangdong/02.11 DGCP093-P/2015(Mixed) (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 3000.1 0.000000e+00 1678/1704 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI661727 A/duck/Guangdong/02.11 DGCP103-P/2015(Mixed) (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 3000.1 0.000000e+00 1678/1704 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI660447 A/duck/Guangdong/04.23 DGQTXC228-O/2015(H5N6) (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 2994.5 0.000000e+00 1677/1704 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI593896 A/duck/Guangzhou/41227/2014 (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 2994.5 0.000000e+00 1677/1704 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI664253 A/goose/Guangdong/04.23 DGQTXC237-O/2015(Mixed) (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 2989.0 0.000000e+00 1676/1704 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI660591 A/duck/Guangdong/04.22 DGCP067-O/2015(H5N6) (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 2989.0 0.000000e+00 1676/1704 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI660295 A/environment/Guangdong/04.22 DGCP027/2015(H5N6) (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 2989.0 0.000000e+00 1676/1704 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI660111 A/goose/Guangdong/04.22 DGCP106-O/2015(Mixed) (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 2989.0 0.000000e+00 1676/1704 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI676398 A/environment/GZ/76/2014 (A/H5N2) segment 4 (HA) 2983.5 0.000000e+00 1676/1705 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI661807 A/environment/Guangdong/02.11 DGCPSJ050/2015(Mixed) (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 2983.5 0.000000e+00 1675/1704 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI661799 A/environment/Guangdong/02.11 DGQTSJ046E/2015(Mixed) (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 2983.5 0.000000e+00 1675/1704 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI660071 A/duck/Guangdong/04.22 DGCP069-O/2015(H5N6) (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 2983.5 0.000000e+00 1675/1704 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI658719 A/duck/Hunan/04.22 LDDX037-P/2015(H5N6) (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 2983.5 0.000000e+00 1675/1704 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI661911 A/environment/Guangdong/04.15 SZBAXQshui2/2015(H5N6) (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 2972.4 0.000000e+00 1673/1704 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI656626 A/duck/Hunan/12.07 YYGK108-P/2013(H5N6) (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 2972.4 0.000000e+00 1673/1704 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI602412 A/chicken/Dongguan/2690/2013 (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 2972.4 0.000000e+00 1673/1704 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI602045 A/chicken/Dongguan/2818/2013 (A/H0) segment 4 (HA) 2972.4 0.000000e+00 1673/1704 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI656602 A/chicken/Hunan/12.28 YYGK034-P/2013(H5N6) (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 2966.8 0.000000e+00 1672/1704 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI599662 A/goose/Shantou/1806/2014 (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 2966.8 0.000000e+00 1672/1704 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI599655 A/goose/Shantou/1791/2014 (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 2966.8 0.000000e+00 1672/1704 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI599648 A/goose/Shantou/1763/2014 (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 2966.8 0.000000e+00 1672/1704 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI530054 A/duck/Jiangxi/95/2014 (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 2966.8 0.000000e+00 1672/1704 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI659015 A/duck/Hunan/01.21 YYFQH005-P/2015(H5N6) (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 2965.0 0.000000e+00 1671/1703 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI596610 A/duck/Vietnam/LBM758/2014 (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 2963.1 0.000000e+00 1671/1704 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI687498 A/Goose/ Guangdong /JG125/2013(H5N6) (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 2961.3 0.000000e+00 1671/1704 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI602419 A/chicken/Dongguan/3363/2013 (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 2961.3 0.000000e+00 1671/1704 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI599292 A/chicken/Shenzhen/552/2013 (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 2961.3 0.000000e+00 1671/1704 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI596598 A/muscovy duck/Vietnam/LBM756/2014 (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 2961.3 0.000000e+00 1671/1704 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI596592 A/muscovy duck/Vietnam/LBM755/2014 (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 2961.3 0.000000e+00 1671/1704 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI596586 A/muscovy duck/Vietnam/LBM754/2014 (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 2961.3 0.000000e+00 1671/1704 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI596580 A/duck/Vietnam/LBM752/2014 (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 2961.3 0.000000e+00 1671/1704 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI596574 A/duck/Vietnam/LBM751/2014 (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 2961.3 0.000000e+00 1671/1704 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI659023 A/duck/Hunan/01.21 YYFQH005-O/2015(H5N6) (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 2959.5 0.000000e+00 1670/1703 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI659007 A/duck/Hunan/01.21 YYFQH003-O/2015(H5N6) (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 2959.5 0.000000e+00 1670/1703 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI658831 A/duck/Hunan/02.07 YYFQH015-P/2015(H5N6) (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 2959.5 0.000000e+00 1670/1703 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI658815 A/duck/Hunan/01.21 YYFQH012-O/2015(H5N6) (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 2959.5 0.000000e+00 1670/1703 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI658791 A/duck/Hunan/01.21 YYFQH011-O/2015(H5N6) (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 2959.5 0.000000e+00 1670/1703 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI658783 A/duck/Hunan/01.21 YYFQH010-O/2015(H5N6) (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 2959.5 0.000000e+00 1670/1703 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI602028 A/chicken/Dongguan/4190/2013 (A/H0) segment 4 (HA) 2957.6 0.000000e+00 1670/1704 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI703600 A/goose/Eastern China/S0513/2013 (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 2955.8 0.000000e+00 1670/1704 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI668839 A/environment/Yunnan/07.11 DQXY011/2015(H5N6) (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 2955.8 0.000000e+00 1670/1704 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI664461 A/duck/Hunan/12.17 YYFQH0072-O/2014(Mixed) (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 2955.8 0.000000e+00 1670/1704 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI664437 A/duck/Hunan/12.17 YYFQH0046-1-O/2014(Mixed) (A/H5N6) segment 4 (HA) 2955.8 0.000000e+00 1670/1704 (98%)
Align Segment-ID Name Score E-Value Identity
text_code_colored.png EPI861587 A/environment/Kagoshima/KU-ngr-I/2016(H5N6) (A/H5N6) segment 6 (NA) 2488.6 0.000000e+00 1369/1380 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI760056 A/duck/Guangdong/01.01 SZSGXJK007-G/2016 (A/H5N6) segment 6 (NA) 2471.9 0.000000e+00 1366/1380 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI760044 A/duck/Guangdong/01.01 SZSGXJK006-Y/2016 (A/H5N6) segment 6 (NA) 2471.9 0.000000e+00 1366/1380 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI760008 A/duck/Guangdong/01.01 SZSGXJK004-Y/2016 (A/H5N6) segment 6 (NA) 2471.9 0.000000e+00 1366/1380 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI760004 A/duck/Guangdong/01.01 SZSGXJK003-G/2016 (A/H5N6) segment 6 (NA) 2471.9 0.000000e+00 1366/1380 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI759975 A/duck/Guangdong/01.01 SZSGXJK001-G/2016 (A/H5N6) segment 6 (NA) 2471.9 0.000000e+00 1366/1380 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI759967 A/duck/Guangdong/01.01 SZSGXJK001-Y /2016 (A/H5N6) segment 6 (NA) 2471.9 0.000000e+00 1366/1380 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI687157 A/great_egret/Hong_Kong/00032/2016 (A/H5N6) segment 6 (NA) 2471.9 0.000000e+00 1366/1380 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI760052 A/duck/Guangdong/01.01 SZSGXJK006-G/2016 (A/H5N6) segment 6 (NA) 2466.4 0.000000e+00 1365/1380 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI760028 A/duck/Guangdong/01.01 SZSGXJK005-Y/2016 (A/H5N6) segment 6 (NA) 2466.4 0.000000e+00 1365/1380 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI759983 A/duck/Guangdong/01.01 SZSGXJK002-Y/2016 (A/H5N6) segment 6 (NA) 2466.4 0.000000e+00 1365/1380 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI760020 A/duck/Guangdong/01.01 SZSGXJK003-W/2016 (A/H5N6) segment 6 (NA) 2460.9 0.000000e+00 1364/1380 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI760036 A/duck/Guangdong/01.01 SZSGXJK005-G /2016 (A/H5N6) segment 6 (NA) 2455.3 0.000000e+00 1363/1380 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI759992 A/duck/Guangdong/01.01 SZSGXJK002-G/2016 (A/H5N6) segment 6 (NA) 2455.3 0.000000e+00 1363/1380 (98%)
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text_code_colored.png EPI684564 A/Environment/Shenzhen/3/2015 (A/H5N6) segment 6 (NA) 2449.8 0.000000e+00 1362/1380 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI661958 A/duck/Guangdong/04.15 SZBAXQ020/2015(H5N6) (A/H5N6) segment 6 (NA) 2447.9 0.000000e+00 1361/1379 (98%)
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text_code_colored.png EPI661406 A/duck/Guangdong/04.16 LGDBL007/2015(Mixed) (A/H5N6) segment 6 (NA) 2444.2 0.000000e+00 1361/1380 (98%)
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text_code_colored.png EPI664364 A/duck/Guangdong/04.23 DGQTSJ147-O/2015(Mixed) (A/H5N6) segment 6 (NA) 2438.7 0.000000e+00 1360/1380 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI664332 A/duck/Guangdong/04.23 DGQTSJ148-O/2015(Mixed) (A/H5N6) segment 6 (NA) 2438.7 0.000000e+00 1360/1380 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI664260 A/duck/Guangdong/04.23 DGQTXC231-P/2015(Mixed) (A/H5N6) segment 6 (NA) 2438.7 0.000000e+00 1360/1380 (98%)
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text_code_colored.png EPI660278 A/duck/Guangdong/04.23 DGQTXC226-O/2015(H5N6) (A/H5N6) segment 6 (NA) 2438.7 0.000000e+00 1360/1380 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI660238 A/duck/Guangdong/04.23 DGQTXC231-O/2015(H5N6) (A/H5N6) segment 6 (NA) 2438.7 0.000000e+00 1360/1380 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI660038 A/duck/Guangdong/04.23 DGQTSJ150-O/2015(H5N6) (A/H5N6) segment 6 (NA) 2438.7 0.000000e+00 1360/1380 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI664284 A/duck/Guangdong/04.23 DGQTXC233-P/2015(Mixed) (A/H5N6) segment 6 (NA) 2436.9 0.000000e+00 1359/1379 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI664204 A/duck/Guangdong/04.23 DGQTXC227-P/2015(Mixed) (A/H5N6) segment 6 (NA) 2436.9 0.000000e+00 1359/1379 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI687525 A/Chicken/Guangdong/FG594/2015(H5N6) (A/H5N6) segment 6 (NA) 2433.2 0.000000e+00 1359/1380 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI664348 A/duck/Guangdong/04.23 DGQTXC230-P/2015(Mixed) (A/H5N6) segment 6 (NA) 2433.2 0.000000e+00 1359/1380 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI664212 A/duck/Guangdong/04.23 DGQTXC214-O/2015(Mixed) (A/H5N6) segment 6 (NA) 2433.2 0.000000e+00 1359/1380 (98%)
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text_code_colored.png EPI660462 A/duck/Guangdong/04.23 DGQTXC227-O/2015(Mixed) (A/H5N6) segment 6 (NA) 2433.2 0.000000e+00 1359/1380 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI660230 A/duck/Guangdong/04.23 DGQTSJ145-O/2015(H5N6) (A/H5N6) segment 6 (NA) 2433.2 0.000000e+00 1359/1380 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI660222 A/duck/Guangdong/04.23 DGQTXC229-P/2015(H5N6) (A/H5N6) segment 6 (NA) 2433.2 0.000000e+00 1359/1380 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI664228 A/duck/Guangdong/04.23 DGQTXC234-P/2015(Mixed) (A/H5N6) segment 6 (NA) 2431.3 0.000000e+00 1358/1379 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI661390 A/duck/Guangdong/04.23 DGQTXC235-P/2015(H5N6) (A/H5N6) segment 6 (NA) 2431.3 0.000000e+00 1358/1379 (98%)
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text_code_colored.png EPI837311 A/duck/Hubei/XG18/2015 (A/H5N6) segment 6 (NA) 2427.6 0.000000e+00 1358/1380 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI837310 A/chicken/Hubei/XG18/2015 (A/H5N6) segment 6 (NA) 2427.6 0.000000e+00 1358/1380 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI837309 A/duck/Hubei/WH18/2015 (A/H5N6) segment 6 (NA) 2427.6 0.000000e+00 1358/1380 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI691380 A/ Guangdong /ZQ874/2015(H5N6) (A/H5N6) segment 6 (NA) 2416.5 0.000000e+00 1358/1382 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI660014 A/duck/Guangdong/04.23 DGQTXC229-O/2015(H5N6) (A/H5N6) segment 6 (NA) 2409.2 0.000000e+00 1354/1379 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI602486 A/chicken/Shenzhen/1061/2013 (A/H5N6) segment 6 (NA) 2405.5 0.000000e+00 1354/1380 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI861486 A/Mandarin_duck/Korea/K16-187-3/2016 (A/H5N6) segment 6 (NA) 2398.1 0.000000e+00 1313/1321 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI599335 A/silkie chicken/Dongguan/2809/2013 (A/H5N6) segment 6 (NA) 2377.8 0.000000e+00 1349/1380 (97%)
text_code_colored.png EPI775293 A/duck/Guangzhou/021/2014 (A/H5N6) segment 6 (NA) 2372.2 0.000000e+00 1348/1380 (97%)
text_code_colored.png EPI775285 A/duck/Guangzhou/018/2014 (A/H5N6) segment 6 (NA) 2372.2 0.000000e+00 1348/1380 (97%)
text_code_colored.png EPI599329 A/duck/Dongguan/2685/2013 (A/H5N6) segment 6 (NA) 2372.2 0.000000e+00 1348/1380 (97%)
text_code_colored.png EPI599301 A/chicken/Shenzhen/1395/2013 (A/H5N6) segment 6 (NA) 2372.2 0.000000e+00 1348/1380 (97%)
text_code_colored.png EPI531458 A/duck/Guangdong/GD01/2014 (A/H5N6) segment 6 (NA) 2372.2 0.000000e+00 1348/1380 (97%)
text_code_colored.png EPI656649 A/duck/Hunan/12.07 YYGK112-P/2013(H5N6) (A/H5N6) segment 6 (NA) 2366.7 0.000000e+00 1347/1380 (97%)
text_code_colored.png EPI656625 A/duck/Hunan/12.07 YYGK108-P/2013(H5N6) (A/H5N6) segment 6 (NA) 2366.7 0.000000e+00 1347/1380 (97%)
text_code_colored.png EPI602019 A/chicken/Shenzhen/2072/2013 (A/H0) segment 6 (NA) 2366.7 0.000000e+00 1347/1380 (97%)
text_code_colored.png EPI599341 A/duck/Dongguan/3069/2013 (A/H5N6) segment 6 (NA) 2366.7 0.000000e+00 1347/1380 (97%)
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text_code_colored.png EPI602414 A/chicken/Dongguan/2690/2013 (A/H5N6) segment 6 (NA) 2361.1 0.000000e+00 1346/1380 (97%)
text_code_colored.png EPI599294 A/chicken/Shenzhen/552/2013 (A/H5N6) segment 6 (NA) 2361.1 0.000000e+00 1346/1380 (97%)
text_code_colored.png EPI599287 A/chicken/Shenzhen/433/2013 (A/H5N6) segment 6 (NA) 2361.1 0.000000e+00 1346/1380 (97%)
text_code_colored.png EPI530056 A/duck/Jiangxi/95/2014 (A/H5N6) segment 6 (NA) 2361.1 0.000000e+00 1346/1380 (97%)
text_code_colored.png EPI839149 A/Gallinula chloropus/Guangdong/GZ174/2014 (A/H5N6) segment 6 (NA) 2355.6 0.000000e+00 1345/1380 (97%)
text_code_colored.png EPI687500 A/Goose/ Guangdong /JG125/2013(H5N6) (A/H5N6) segment 6 (NA) 2355.6 0.000000e+00 1345/1380 (97%)
text_code_colored.png EPI656721 A/duck/Hunan/12.07 YGK098-P/2013(H5N6) (A/H5N6) segment 6 (NA) 2355.6 0.000000e+00 1345/1380 (97%)
text_code_colored.png EPI602493 A/chicken/Shenzhen/2269/2013 (A/H5N6) segment 6 (NA) 2355.6 0.000000e+00 1345/1380 (97%)
text_code_colored.png EPI602421 A/chicken/Dongguan/3363/2013 (A/H5N6) segment 6 (NA) 2355.6 0.000000e+00 1346/1381 (97%)
text_code_colored.png EPI602032 A/chicken/Dongguan/4190/2013 (A/H0) segment 6 (NA) 2355.6 0.000000e+00 1346/1381 (97%)
text_code_colored.png EPI599322 A/chicken/Shenzhen/2464/2013 (A/H5N6) segment 6 (NA) 2355.6 0.000000e+00 1345/1380 (97%)
text_code_colored.png EPI550765 A/duck/Laos/XBY004/2014 (A/H5N6) segment 6 (NA) 2355.6 0.000000e+00 1346/1381 (97%)
text_code_colored.png EPI550754 A/chicken/Laos/LPQ001/2014 (A/H5N6) segment 6 (NA) 2355.6 0.000000e+00 1346/1381 (97%)
text_code_colored.png EPI656601 A/chicken/Hunan/12.28 YYGK034-P/2013(H5N6) (A/H5N6) segment 6 (NA) 2353.8 0.000000e+00 1344/1379 (97%)
text_code_colored.png EPI736916 A/Changsha/1/2014 (A/H5N6) segment 6 (NA) 2350.1 0.000000e+00 1345/1381 (97%)
text_code_colored.png EPI661662 A/goose/Shandong/02.26 GD/2015(H5N6) (A/H5N6) segment 6 (NA) 2350.1 0.000000e+00 1344/1380 (97%)
text_code_colored.png EPI656657 A/duck/Hunan/12.07 YYGK113-P/2013(H5N6) (A/H5N6) segment 6 (NA) 2350.1 0.000000e+00 1344/1380 (97%)
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text_code_colored.png EPI599315 A/chicken/Shenzhen/2396/2013 (A/H5N6) segment 6 (NA) 2350.1 0.000000e+00 1344/1380 (97%)
text_code_colored.png EPI590815 A/duck/Jiangxi/NCDZT1126/2014 (A/H5N6) segment 6 (NA) 2350.1 0.000000e+00 1345/1381 (97%)
text_code_colored.png EPI703641 A/goose/Eastern China/S0513/2013 (A/H5N6) segment 6 (NA) 2346.4 0.000000e+00 1346/1383 (97%)
text_code_colored.png EPI681346 A/goose/Zhejiang/925036/2014 (A/H5N6) segment 6 (NA) 2344.5 0.000000e+00 1343/1380 (97%)
text_code_colored.png EPI656633 A/duck/Hunan/12.07 YYGK110-P/2013(H5N6) (A/H5N6) segment 6 (NA) 2344.5 0.000000e+00 1343/1380 (97%)
text_code_colored.png EPI645044 A/swine/Guangdong/2/2014 (A/H5N6) segment 6 (NA) 2344.5 0.000000e+00 1344/1381 (97%)
text_code_colored.png EPI645037 A/swine/Guangdong/1/2014 (A/H5N6) segment 6 (NA) 2344.5 0.000000e+00 1344/1381 (97%)
text_code_colored.png EPI602319 A/chicken/Jiangxi/13205/2014 (A/H10N6) segment 6 (NA) 2344.5 0.000000e+00 1343/1380 (97%)
text_code_colored.png EPI602312 A/chicken/Jiangxi/13201/2014 (A/H10N6) segment 6 (NA) 2344.5 0.000000e+00 1343/1380 (97%)
text_code_colored.png EPI602305 A/chicken/Jiangxi/13199/2014 (A/H10N6) segment 6 (NA) 2344.5 0.000000e+00 1343/1380 (97%)
text_code_colored.png EPI602298 A/chicken/Jiangxi/13197/2014 (A/H10N6) segment 6 (NA) 2344.5 0.000000e+00 1343/1380 (97%)
text_code_colored.png EPI602274 A/chicken/Jiangxi/13238/2014 (A/H10N6) segment 6 (NA) 2344.5 0.000000e+00 1343/1380 (97%)
text_code_colored.png EPI602267 A/chicken/Jiangxi/13235/2014 (A/H10N6) segment 6 (NA) 2344.5 0.000000e+00 1343/1380 (97%)
text_code_colored.png EPI602260 A/chicken/Jiangxi/13231/2014 (A/H10N6) segment 6 (NA) 2344.5 0.000000e+00 1343/1380 (97%)
text_code_colored.png EPI602253 A/chicken/Jiangxi/13221/2014 (A/H10N6) segment 6 (NA) 2344.5 0.000000e+00 1343/1380 (97%)
text_code_colored.png EPI602236 A/chicken/Jiangxi/13264/2014 (A/H10N6) segment 6 (NA) 2344.5 0.000000e+00 1343/1380 (97%)
text_code_colored.png EPI602229 A/chicken/Jiangxi/13258/2014 (A/H10N6) segment 6 (NA) 2344.5 0.000000e+00 1343/1380 (97%)
text_code_colored.png EPI602222 A/chicken/Jiangxi/13251/2014 (A/H10N6) segment 6 (NA) 2344.5 0.000000e+00 1343/1380 (97%)
text_code_colored.png EPI602208 A/chicken/Jiangxi/13247/2014 (A/H10N6) segment 6 (NA) 2344.5 0.000000e+00 1343/1380 (97%)
Align Segment-ID Name Score E-Value Identity
text_code_colored.png EPI861588 A/environment/Kagoshima/KU-ngr-I/2016(H5N6) (A/H5N6) segment 7 (MP) 1792.4 0.000000e+00 978/982 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI758885 A/environment/Guangdong/GZ693/2015 (A/H5N6) segment 7 (MP) 1781.3 0.000000e+00 976/982 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI664352 A/duck/Guangdong/04.22 DGCP071-P/2015(Mixed) (A/H5N6) segment 7 (MP) 1781.3 0.000000e+00 976/982 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI660386 A/duck/Guangdong/04.22 DGCP071-O/2015(H5N6) (A/H5N6) segment 7 (MP) 1781.3 0.000000e+00 976/982 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI660018 A/duck/Guangdong/04.22 DGCP068-O/2015(H5N6) (A/H5N6) segment 7 (MP) 1781.3 0.000000e+00 976/982 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI760101 A/feline/Guangdong/2/2015 (A/H5N6) segment 7 (MP) 1775.8 0.000000e+00 975/982 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI760087 A/feline/Guangdong/1/2015 (A/H5N6) segment 7 (MP) 1775.8 0.000000e+00 975/982 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI687542 A/Goose/ Guangdong /SSLBY/2015(H5N6) (A/H5N6) segment 7 (MP) 1775.8 0.000000e+00 975/982 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI664576 A/chicken/Yunnan/03.16 DQXYL061-1-O/2015(Mixed) (A/H5N6) segment 7 (MP) 1775.8 0.000000e+00 975/982 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI664504 A/environment/Jiangxi/05.07 NCJD0009D/2015(Mixed) (A/H5N6) segment 7 (MP) 1775.8 0.000000e+00 975/982 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI664472 A/environment/JiangXi/05.06 NCJD0100C/2015(Mixed) (A/H5N6) segment 7 (MP) 1775.8 0.000000e+00 975/982 (99%)
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text_code_colored.png EPI661802 A/environment/Guangdong/02.11 DGCPSJ050/2015(Mixed) (A/H5N6) segment 7 (MP) 1775.8 0.000000e+00 975/982 (99%)
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text_code_colored.png EPI661610 A/duck/Guangdong/03.26 DGCP075-O/2015(Mixed) (A/H5N6) segment 7 (MP) 1775.8 0.000000e+00 975/982 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI660698 A/goose/Guangdong/04.23 DGQTXC236-O/2015(H5N6) (A/H5N6) segment 7 (MP) 1775.8 0.000000e+00 975/982 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI660666 A/duck/Guangdong/04.23 DGQTXC236-P/2015(H5N6) (A/H5N6) segment 7 (MP) 1775.8 0.000000e+00 975/982 (99%)
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text_code_colored.png EPI660202 A/duck/Guangdong/04.22 DGCPLB022-O/2015(Mixed) (A/H5N6) segment 7 (MP) 1775.8 0.000000e+00 975/982 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI658762 A/duck/Yunnan/03.16 DQXYL022-O/2015(H5N6) (A/H5N6) segment 7 (MP) 1775.8 0.000000e+00 975/982 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI658754 A/duck/Yunnan/03.16 DQXYL017-O/2015(H5N6) (A/H5N6) segment 7 (MP) 1775.8 0.000000e+00 975/982 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI658698 A/chicken/Yunnan/03.16 DQJT0066-O/2015(H5N6) (A/H5N6) segment 7 (MP) 1775.8 0.000000e+00 975/982 (99%)
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text_code_colored.png EPI602415 A/chicken/Dongguan/2690/2013 (A/H5N6) segment 7 (MP) 1775.8 0.000000e+00 975/982 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI599295 A/chicken/Shenzhen/552/2013 (A/H5N6) segment 7 (MP) 1775.8 0.000000e+00 975/982 (99%)
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text_code_colored.png EPI596537 A/duck/Vietnam/LBM758/2014 (A/H5N6) segment 7 (MP) 1775.8 0.000000e+00 975/982 (99%)
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text_code_colored.png EPI596529 A/muscovy duck/Vietnam/LBM756/2014 (A/H5N6) segment 7 (MP) 1775.8 0.000000e+00 975/982 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI596525 A/muscovy duck/Vietnam/LBM755/2014 (A/H5N6) segment 7 (MP) 1775.8 0.000000e+00 975/982 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI596518 A/muscovy duck/Vietnam/LBM754/2014 (A/H5N6) segment 7 (MP) 1775.8 0.000000e+00 975/982 (99%)
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text_code_colored.png EPI687501 A/Goose/ Guangdong /JG125/2013(H5N6) (A/H5N6) segment 7 (MP) 1770.2 0.000000e+00 974/982 (99%)
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Align Segment-ID Name Score E-Value Identity
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text_code_colored.png EPI661828 A/duck/Guangdong/02.11 DGCP092-P/2015(Mixed) (A/H5N6) segment 1 (PB2) 4067.4 0.000000e+00 2254/2280 (98%)
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text_code_colored.png EPI661844 A/duck/Guangdong/02.11 DGCP094-P/2015(Mixed) (A/H5N6) segment 1 (PB2) 4061.9 0.000000e+00 2253/2280 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI661732 A/duck/Guangdong/02.11 DGCP104-P/2015(Mixed) (A/H5N6) segment 1 (PB2) 4061.9 0.000000e+00 2253/2280 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI661716 A/duck/Guangdong/02.11 DGCP102-P/2015(Mixed) (A/H5N6) segment 1 (PB2) 4061.9 0.000000e+00 2253/2280 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI760093 A/feline/Guangdong/1/2015 (A/H5N6) segment 1 (PB2) 4054.5 0.000000e+00 2251/2280 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI580405 A/feline/Guangdong/1/2014(H5N6) (A/H5N6) segment 1 (PB2) 4054.5 0.000000e+00 2251/2280 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI664354 A/duck/Guangdong/04.22 DGCP071-P/2015(Mixed) (A/H5N6) segment 1 (PB2) 4050.8 0.000000e+00 2251/2280 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI660388 A/duck/Guangdong/04.22 DGCP071-O/2015(H5N6) (A/H5N6) segment 1 (PB2) 4050.8 0.000000e+00 2251/2280 (98%)
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text_code_colored.png EPI662028 A/duck/Guangdong/04.16 SZLGDBL003/2015(H5N6) (A/H5N6) segment 1 (PB2) 4039.7 0.000000e+00 2249/2280 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI660676 A/duck/Guangdong/04.23 DGQTXC213-O/2015(H5N6) (A/H5N6) segment 1 (PB2) 4039.7 0.000000e+00 2249/2280 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI659044 A/duck/Hunan/01.21 YYFQH006-O/2015(H5N6) (A/H5N6) segment 1 (PB2) 4039.7 0.000000e+00 2249/2280 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI661204 A/duck/Guangdong/04.23 DGQTSJ137-O/2015(Mixed) (A/H5N6) segment 1 (PB2) 4034.2 0.000000e+00 2248/2280 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI660364 A/duck/Guangdong/04.22 DGCPLB020-O/2015(H5N6) (A/H5N6) segment 1 (PB2) 4034.2 0.000000e+00 2248/2280 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI660204 A/duck/Guangdong/04.22 DGCPLB022-O/2015(Mixed) (A/H5N6) segment 1 (PB2) 4034.2 0.000000e+00 2248/2280 (98%)
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text_code_colored.png EPI664274 A/duck/Guangdong/04.23 DGQTSJ121-O/2015(Mixed) (A/H5N6) segment 1 (PB2) 4023.1 0.000000e+00 2246/2280 (98%)
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text_code_colored.png EPI661284 A/duck/Guangdong/03.27 DGQTSJ131-O/2015(Mixed) (A/H5N6) segment 1 (PB2) 4023.1 0.000000e+00 2246/2280 (98%)
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text_code_colored.png EPI661196 A/duck/Guangdong/04.23 DGQTXC205-O/2015(Mixed) (A/H5N6) segment 1 (PB2) 4023.1 0.000000e+00 2246/2280 (98%)
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text_code_colored.png EPI661180 A/duck/Guangdong/04.23 DGQTXC207-O/2015(Mixed) (A/H5N6) segment 1 (PB2) 4017.6 0.000000e+00 2245/2280 (98%)
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text_code_colored.png EPI596595 A/muscovy duck/Vietnam/LBM756/2014 (A/H5N6) segment 1 (PB2) 4017.6 0.000000e+00 2245/2280 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI662068 A/pigeon/Guangdong/04.16 SZLGWL006/2015(H5N6) (A/H5N6) segment 1 (PB2) 4015.7 0.000000e+00 2244/2279 (98%)
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text_code_colored.png EPI596607 A/duck/Vietnam/LBM758/2014 (A/H5N6) segment 1 (PB2) 4013.9 0.000000e+00 2244/2280 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI664346 A/duck/Guangdong/04.23 DGQTXC230-P/2015(Mixed) (A/H5N6) segment 1 (PB2) 4012.0 0.000000e+00 2244/2280 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI664330 A/duck/Guangdong/04.23 DGQTSJ148-O/2015(Mixed) (A/H5N6) segment 1 (PB2) 4012.0 0.000000e+00 2244/2280 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI664282 A/duck/Guangdong/04.23 DGQTXC233-P/2015(Mixed) (A/H5N6) segment 1 (PB2) 4012.0 0.000000e+00 2244/2280 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI664258 A/duck/Guangdong/04.23 DGQTXC231-P/2015(Mixed) (A/H5N6) segment 1 (PB2) 4012.0 0.000000e+00 2244/2280 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI664226 A/duck/Guangdong/04.23 DGQTXC234-P/2015(Mixed) (A/H5N6) segment 1 (PB2) 4012.0 0.000000e+00 2244/2280 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI664210 A/duck/Guangdong/04.23 DGQTXC214-O/2015(Mixed) (A/H5N6) segment 1 (PB2) 4012.0 0.000000e+00 2244/2280 (98%)
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text_code_colored.png EPI661964 A/duck/Guangdong/04.15 SZBAXQ021/2015(H5N6) (A/H5N6) segment 1 (PB2) 4012.0 0.000000e+00 2244/2280 (98%)
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text_code_colored.png EPI660228 A/duck/Guangdong/04.23 DGQTSJ145-O/2015(H5N6) (A/H5N6) segment 1 (PB2) 4012.0 0.000000e+00 2244/2280 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI660220 A/duck/Guangdong/04.23 DGQTXC229-P/2015(H5N6) (A/H5N6) segment 1 (PB2) 4012.0 0.000000e+00 2244/2280 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI659028 A/duck/Hunan/02.07 YYFQH006-P/2015(H5N6) (A/H5N6) segment 1 (PB2) 4012.0 0.000000e+00 2244/2280 (98%)
Align Segment-ID Name Score E-Value Identity
text_code_colored.png EPI861583 A/environment/Kagoshima/KU-ngr-I/2016(H5N6) (A/H5N6) segment 2 (PB1) 4133.9 0.000000e+00 2262/2274 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI760040 A/duck/Guangdong/01.01 SZSGXJK006-Y/2016 (A/H5N6) segment 2 (PB1) 4056.4 0.000000e+00 2248/2274 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI760024 A/duck/Guangdong/01.01 SZSGXJK005-Y/2016 (A/H5N6) segment 2 (PB1) 4056.4 0.000000e+00 2248/2274 (98%)
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text_code_colored.png EPI760013 A/duck/Guangdong/01.01 SZSGXJK004-Y/2016 (A/H5N6) segment 2 (PB1) 4050.8 0.000000e+00 2247/2274 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI760000 A/duck/Guangdong/01.01 SZSGXJK003-G/2016 (A/H5N6) segment 2 (PB1) 4045.3 0.000000e+00 2246/2274 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI759977 A/duck/Guangdong/01.01 SZSGXJK001-G/2016 (A/H5N6) segment 2 (PB1) 4045.3 0.000000e+00 2246/2274 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI759969 A/duck/Guangdong/01.01 SZSGXJK001-Y /2016 (A/H5N6) segment 2 (PB1) 4045.3 0.000000e+00 2246/2274 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI861481 A/Mandarin_duck/Korea/K16-187-3/2016 (A/H5N6) segment 2 (PB1) 4041.6 0.000000e+00 2224/2242 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI759987 A/duck/Guangdong/01.01 SZSGXJK002-Y/2016 (A/H5N6) segment 2 (PB1) 4039.7 0.000000e+00 2245/2274 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI760032 A/duck/Guangdong/01.01 SZSGXJK005-G /2016 (A/H5N6) segment 2 (PB1) 4028.7 0.000000e+00 2244/2275 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI760048 A/duck/Guangdong/01.01 SZSGXJK006-G/2016 (A/H5N6) segment 2 (PB1) 4017.6 0.000000e+00 2241/2274 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI760017 A/duck/Guangdong/01.01 SZSGXJK003-W/2016 (A/H5N6) segment 2 (PB1) 4012.0 0.000000e+00 2240/2274 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI759997 A/duck/Guangdong/01.01 SZSGXJK002-G/2016 (A/H5N6) segment 2 (PB1) 3956.6 0.000000e+00 2230/2274 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI692414 A/duck/Guangdong/S4040/2011 (A/H4N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3856.9 0.000000e+00 2212/2274 (97%)
text_code_colored.png EPI389967 A/duck/Guangdong/W12/2011 (A/H3N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3829.2 0.000000e+00 2207/2274 (97%)
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text_code_colored.png EPI692590 A/goose/Guangdong/S1780/2012 (A/H4N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3818.1 0.000000e+00 2205/2274 (96%)
text_code_colored.png EPI692399 A/duck/Guangdong/S1123/2012 (A/H4N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3801.5 0.000000e+00 2202/2274 (96%)
text_code_colored.png EPI389754 A/swine/Guangdong/K4/2011 (A/H4N8) segment 2 (PB1) 3762.7 0.000000e+00 2194/2274 (96%)
text_code_colored.png EPI692558 A/duck/Jiangxi/S3261/2009 (A/H4N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3724.0 0.000000e+00 2189/2275 (96%)
text_code_colored.png EPI692406 A/duck/Guangdong/S1469/2010 (A/H4N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3668.6 0.000000e+00 2180/2276 (95%)
text_code_colored.png EPI692326 A/chicken/Guangdong/S1010/2010 (A/H4N8) segment 2 (PB1) 3663.0 0.000000e+00 2179/2276 (95%)
text_code_colored.png EPI389741 A/swine/Guangdong/L21/2011 (A/H3N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3591.0 0.000000e+00 2166/2276 (95%)
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text_code_colored.png EPI398849 A/duck/Shanghai/C84/2009 (A/H3N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3541.1 0.000000e+00 2156/2275 (94%)
text_code_colored.png EPI692534 A/duck/Jiangxi/S21046/2012 (A/H4N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3530.1 0.000000e+00 2154/2275 (94%)
text_code_colored.png EPI692382 A/duck/Fujian/S1487/2009 (A/H4N3) segment 2 (PB1) 3524.5 0.000000e+00 2153/2275 (94%)
text_code_colored.png EPI550310 A/pigeon/Guangxi/020P/2009 (A/H3N6) segment 2 (PB1) 3474.7 0.000000e+00 2145/2277 (94%)
text_code_colored.png EPI703518 A/duck/Fujian/13/2013 (A/H1N8) segment 2 (PB1) 3467.3 0.000000e+00 2128/2253 (94%)
text_code_colored.png EPI599801 A/duck/Jiangxi/15862/2013 (A/H10N3) segment 2 (PB1) 3463.6 0.000000e+00 2142/2275 (94%)
text_code_colored.png EPI599794 A/duck/Jiangxi/15846/2013 (A/H10N3) segment 2 (PB1) 3463.6 0.000000e+00 2142/2275 (94%)
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text_code_colored.png EPI534813 A/duck/Zhejiang/6D7/2013 (A/H3N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3458.0 0.000000e+00 2142/2276 (94%)
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text_code_colored.png EPI534812 A/duck/Zhejiang/6D4/2013 (A/H3N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3424.8 0.000000e+00 2136/2276 (93%)
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text_code_colored.png EPI774924 A/duck/Zhejiang/6DK19/2013 (A/H5N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3397.1 0.000000e+00 2129/2273 (93%)
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text_code_colored.png EPI469396 A/duck/Jiangxi/22620/2012 (A/H11N9) segment 2 (PB1) 3391.6 0.000000e+00 2133/2279 (93%)
text_code_colored.png EPI269149 A/duck/Shantou/2954/2003 (A/H6N8) segment 2 (PB1) 3391.6 0.000000e+00 2132/2278 (93%)
text_code_colored.png EPI841785 A/duck/Zhejiang/6DK19-MA/2013 (A/H5N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3380.5 0.000000e+00 2126/2273 (93%)
text_code_colored.png EPI269053 A/duck/Shantou/1838/2003 (A/H6N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3369.4 0.000000e+00 2129/2279 (93%)
text_code_colored.png EPI269057 A/wild duck/Shantou/852/2003 (A/H6N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3363.9 0.000000e+00 2127/2278 (93%)
text_code_colored.png EPI269056 A/wild duck/Shantou/853/2003 (A/H6N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3363.9 0.000000e+00 2127/2278 (93%)
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text_code_colored.png EPI545894 A/mallard/Jiangxi/2-5/2010 (A/H3N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3350.9 0.000000e+00 2103/2276 (92%)
text_code_colored.png EPI703509 A/duck/Hainan/Q221/2012 (A/H1N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3345.4 0.000000e+00 2110/2257 (93%)
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text_code_colored.png EPI269109 A/wild duck/Shantou/2395/2001 (A/H6N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3336.2 0.000000e+00 2122/2278 (93%)
text_code_colored.png EPI140265 A/wild duck/Shantou/1411/2000 (A/H11N3) segment 2 (PB1) 3332.5 0.000000e+00 2120/2276 (93%)
text_code_colored.png EPI760219 A/duck/Hunan/7/2015 (A/H3N6) segment 2 (PB1) 3330.6 0.000000e+00 2123/2280 (93%)
text_code_colored.png EPI615110 A/duck/Guangxi/175D12/2014 (A/H3N6) segment 2 (PB1) 3330.6 0.000000e+00 2121/2278 (93%)
text_code_colored.png EPI469427 A/duck/Guangdong/707/2000 (A/H2N9) segment 2 (PB1) 3325.1 0.000000e+00 2119/2277 (93%)
text_code_colored.png EPI371012 A/wild duck/Shantou/992/2000 (A/H2N8) segment 2 (PB1) 3325.1 0.000000e+00 2119/2277 (93%)
text_code_colored.png EPI760211 A/duck/Hunan/161/2015 (A/H3N6) segment 2 (PB1) 3321.4 0.000000e+00 2121/2280 (93%)
text_code_colored.png EPI364001 A/duck/Shantou/168/2007 (A/H6N8) segment 2 (PB1) 3319.5 0.000000e+00 2117/2276 (93%)
text_code_colored.png EPI269024 A/duck/Shantou/6698/2005 (A/H6N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3314.0 0.000000e+00 2117/2277 (92%)
text_code_colored.png EPI140264 A/wild duck/Shantou/19988/2000 (A/H4N9) segment 2 (PB1) 3312.2 0.000000e+00 2110/2267 (93%)
text_code_colored.png EPI760195 A/duck/Hunan/199/2014 (A/H3N8) segment 2 (PB1) 3308.5 0.000000e+00 2117/2277 (92%)
text_code_colored.png EPI469428 A/duck/Guangdong/455/2000 (A/H3N9) segment 2 (PB1) 3308.5 0.000000e+00 2117/2278 (92%)
text_code_colored.png EPI269117 A/duck/Shantou/1090/2001 (A/H6N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3308.5 0.000000e+00 2117/2278 (92%)
text_code_colored.png EPI140263 A/wild duck/Shantou/1737/2000 (A/H6N8) segment 2 (PB1) 3282.6 0.000000e+00 2096/2254 (92%)
text_code_colored.png EPI269047 A/wild duck/Shantou/3433/2003 (A/H6N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3280.8 0.000000e+00 2112/2278 (92%)
text_code_colored.png EPI89079 A/duck/Nanchang/1941/1993 (A/H4N4) segment 2 (PB1) 3280.8 0.000000e+00 2112/2278 (92%)
text_code_colored.png EPI138844 A/duck/Shantou/1101/2001 (A/H5N1) segment 2 (PB1) 3269.7 0.000000e+00 2109/2277 (92%)
text_code_colored.png EPI21332 A/duck/Guangxi/53/2002 (A/H5N1) segment 2 (PB1) 3258.6 0.000000e+00 2110/2280 (92%)
text_code_colored.png EPI364113 A/duck/Fujian/3264/2007 (A/H6N6) segment 2 (PB1) 3253.1 0.000000e+00 2109/2280 (92%)
text_code_colored.png EPI692524 A/duck/Hunan/S2046/2011 (A/H4N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3230.9 0.000000e+00 2105/2280 (92%)
text_code_colored.png EPI269008 A/duck/Hunan/908/2005 (A/H6N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3208.8 0.000000e+00 2101/2280 (92%)
text_code_colored.png EPI269007 A/chicken/Hunan/989/2005 (A/H6N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3197.7 0.000000e+00 2100/2281 (92%)
text_code_colored.png EPI89071 A/duck/Nanchang/1681/1992 (A/H3N8) segment 2 (PB1) 3186.6 0.000000e+00 2098/2281 (91%)
text_code_colored.png EPI269125 A/duck/Shantou/259/2000 (A/H6N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3181.1 0.000000e+00 2095/2279 (91%)
text_code_colored.png EPI364089 A/duck/Fujian/2018/2007 (A/H6N6) segment 2 (PB1) 3175.5 0.000000e+00 2099/2284 (91%)
text_code_colored.png EPI364041 A/duck/Shantou/1984/2007 (A/H6N6) segment 2 (PB1) 3175.5 0.000000e+00 2095/2280 (91%)
text_code_colored.png EPI101285 A/grey heron/Hong Kong/837/2004 (A/H5N1) segment 2 (PB1) 3170.0 0.000000e+00 2090/2275 (91%)
text_code_colored.png EPI338868 A/aquatic bird/Korea/W69/2005 (A/H6N5) segment 2 (PB1) 3164.4 0.000000e+00 2091/2278 (91%)
text_code_colored.png EPI846021 A/chicken/Jiangsu/C1/2008 (A/H9N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3153.4 0.000000e+00 2090/2279 (91%)
text_code_colored.png EPI590287 A/swine/Guangdong/L1/2010 (A/H9N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3153.4 0.000000e+00 2090/2279 (91%)
text_code_colored.png EPI105724 A/duck/Zhejiang/03/2001 (A/H9N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3153.4 0.000000e+00 2089/2278 (91%)
text_code_colored.png EPI89817 A/duck/Potsdam/1402-6/1986 (A/H5N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3153.4 0.000000e+00 2090/2278 (91%)
text_code_colored.png EPI778414 A/duck/Nanjing/06/2003 (A/H9N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3147.8 0.000000e+00 2088/2278 (91%)
text_code_colored.png EPI600983 A/duck/Jiangxi/5945/2008 (A/H0) segment 2 (PB1) 3147.8 0.000000e+00 2093/2283 (91%)
text_code_colored.png EPI363985 A/duck/Jiangxi/7348/2007 (A/H6N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3147.8 0.000000e+00 2092/2282 (91%)
text_code_colored.png EPI363977 A/duck/Jiangxi/5178/2007 (A/H6N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3147.8 0.000000e+00 2092/2282 (91%)
text_code_colored.png EPI269110 A/duck/Shantou/2167/2001 (A/H6N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3147.8 0.000000e+00 2090/2280 (91%)
text_code_colored.png EPI269035 A/duck/Shantou/7880/2004 (A/H6N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3147.8 0.000000e+00 2094/2284 (91%)
text_code_colored.png EPI235795 A/chicken/Jiangsu/wa/2002 (A/H9N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3147.8 0.000000e+00 2088/2278 (91%)
text_code_colored.png EPI180877 A/chicken/Laos/A0573/2007 (A/H3N8) segment 2 (PB1) 3147.8 0.000000e+00 2092/2282 (91%)
text_code_colored.png EPI105768 A/duck/Nanjing/01/1999 (A/H9N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3147.8 0.000000e+00 2089/2279 (91%)
text_code_colored.png EPI105758 A/duck/Xuzhou/05/2001 (A/H9N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3147.8 0.000000e+00 2088/2278 (91%)
text_code_colored.png EPI89134 A/duck/Nanchang/1904/1992 (A/H7N1) segment 2 (PB1) 3144.1 0.000000e+00 2090/2281 (91%)
text_code_colored.png EPI336735 A/duck/Malaysia/2001 (A/H9N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3142.3 0.000000e+00 2092/2283 (91%)
text_code_colored.png EPI240091 A/duck/Potsdam/1402-6/1986 (A/H5N2) segment 2 (PB1) 3142.3 0.000000e+00 2088/2278 (91%)
text_code_colored.png EPI238473 A/goose/Hong Kong/437-6/1999 (A/H5N1) segment 2 (PB1) 3142.3 0.000000e+00 2091/2282 (91%)
Align Segment-ID Name Score E-Value Identity
text_code_colored.png EPI837827 A/environment/Korea/W133/2006 (A/H7N7) segment 3 (PA) 3790.4 0.000000e+00 2118/2151 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI487567 A/common teal/Hong Kong/MPD322/2007 (A/H11N9) segment 3 (PA) 3784.9 0.000000e+00 2117/2151 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI487568 A/northern pintail/Hong Kong/MPC2085/2007 (A/H11N9) segment 3 (PA) 3779.4 0.000000e+00 2116/2151 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI487566 A/wild waterfowl/Hong Kong/MPC729/2006 (A/H11N9) segment 3 (PA) 3779.4 0.000000e+00 2116/2151 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI487565 A/northern shoveler/Hong Kong/MPC657/2006 (A/H10N9) segment 3 (PA) 3779.4 0.000000e+00 2116/2151 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI268966 A/duck/Fujian/12035/2005 (A/H6N6) segment 3 (PA) 3768.3 0.000000e+00 2114/2151 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI401363 A/wild bird/Korea/YS109/2007 (A/H4N6) segment 3 (PA) 3762.7 0.000000e+00 2113/2151 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI527752 A/mallard/San Jiang/275/2007 (A/H6N1) segment 3 (PA) 3740.6 0.000000e+00 2109/2151 (98%)
text_code_colored.png EPI268864 A/mallard/Jiangxi/8264/2004 (A/H6N2) segment 3 (PA) 3651.9 0.000000e+00 2093/2151 (97%)
text_code_colored.png EPI140262 A/migratory duck/Jiang Xi/8624/2004 (A/H6N2) segment 3 (PA) 3651.9 0.000000e+00 2093/2151 (97%)
text_code_colored.png EPI63384 A/chicken/New South Wales/327/1997 (A/H7N4) segment 3 (PA) 3646.4 0.000000e+00 2092/2151 (97%)
text_code_colored.png EPI239154 A/chicken/NSW/1651/1997 (A/H7N4) segment 3 (PA) 3640.9 0.000000e+00 2091/2151 (97%)
text_code_colored.png EPI239159 A/chicken/NSW/1688/1997 (A/H7N4) segment 3 (PA) 3639.0 0.000000e+00 2090/2150 (97%)
text_code_colored.png EPI336734 A/duck/Malaysia/2001 (A/H9N2) segment 3 (PA) 3635.3 0.000000e+00 2091/2152 (97%)
text_code_colored.png EPI63365 A/chicken/New South Wales/2/1997 (A/H7N4) segment 3 (PA) 3629.8 0.000000e+00 2089/2151 (97%)
text_code_colored.png EPI89016 A/Chicken/Nanchang/7-010/2000 (A/H3N6) segment 3 (PA) 3624.2 0.000000e+00 2089/2152 (97%)
text_code_colored.png EPI316546 A/spot-billed duck/Korea/KNU SYG06/2006 (A/H5N3) segment 3 (PA) 3618.7 0.000000e+00 2087/2151 (97%)
text_code_colored.png EPI239189 A/emu/NSW/1742/1997 (A/H7N4) segment 3 (PA) 3618.7 0.000000e+00 2087/2151 (97%)
text_code_colored.png EPI171203 A/duck/Hokkaido/49/98 (A/H9N2) segment 3 (PA) 3618.7 0.000000e+00 2087/2151 (97%)
text_code_colored.png EPI63403 A/emu/New South Wales/775/1997 (A/H7N4) segment 3 (PA) 3618.7 0.000000e+00 2087/2151 (97%)
text_code_colored.png EPI89033 A/Quail/Nanchang/7-026/2000 (A/H3N6) segment 3 (PA) 3613.2 0.000000e+00 2087/2152 (96%)
text_code_colored.png EPI538468 A/common teal/Mongolia/2271/2011 (A/H3N8) segment 3 (PA) 3598.4 0.000000e+00 2074/2137 (97%)
text_code_colored.png EPI326824 A/environment/Korea/CSM3/2002 (A/H3N6) segment 3 (PA) 3596.5 0.000000e+00 2083/2151 (96%)
text_code_colored.png EPI538459 A/ruddy shelduck/Mongolia/882V/2009 (A/H3N8) segment 3 (PA) 3592.9 0.000000e+00 2067/2128 (97%)
text_code_colored.png EPI538451 A/ruddy shelduck/Mongolia/881V/2009 (A/H3N8) segment 3 (PA) 3589.2 0.000000e+00 2065/2126 (97%)
text_code_colored.png EPI89146 A/Quail/Nanchang/2-0460/2000 (A/H9N2) segment 3 (PA) 3579.9 0.000000e+00 2080/2151 (96%)
text_code_colored.png EPI487592 A/duck/Guangdong/455/2000 (A/H3N9) segment 3 (PA) 3574.4 0.000000e+00 2081/2153 (96%)
text_code_colored.png EPI139541 A/Duck/Shantou/2102/00 (A/H9N2) segment 3 (PA) 3568.8 0.000000e+00 2076/2148 (96%)
text_code_colored.png EPI138847 A/chicken/Shantou/212/2000 (A/H9N2) segment 3 (PA) 3568.8 0.000000e+00 2077/2149 (96%)
text_code_colored.png EPI168441 A/environment/Qinghai/1/2008 (A/H5N1) segment 3 (PA) 3557.8 0.000000e+00 2076/2151 (96%)
text_code_colored.png EPI114319 A/quail/Shantou/1461/2001 (A/H9N2) segment 3 (PA) 3557.8 0.000000e+00 2079/2154 (96%)
text_code_colored.png EPI24823 A/swine/Shandong/2/03 (A/H5N1) segment 3 (PA) 3557.8 0.000000e+00 2076/2151 (96%)
text_code_colored.png EPI222494 A/plateau pika/Qinghai/04/2007 (A/H5N1) segment 3 (PA) 3552.2 0.000000e+00 2075/2151 (96%)
text_code_colored.png EPI89202 A/duck/Nanchang/4-361/2001 (A/H9N2) segment 3 (PA) 3552.2 0.000000e+00 2075/2151 (96%)
text_code_colored.png EPI89188 A/Chicken/Nanchang/4-301/2001 (A/H9N2) segment 3 (PA) 3552.2 0.000000e+00 2075/2151 (96%)
text_code_colored.png EPI21270 A/duck/Fujian/19/2000 (A/H5N1) segment 3 (PA) 3552.2 0.000000e+00 2075/2151 (96%)
text_code_colored.png EPI416659 A/chicken/Shandong/LY-1/2008 (A/H9N2) segment 3 (PA) 3546.7 0.000000e+00 2074/2151 (96%)
text_code_colored.png EPI326823 A/duck/Korea/KJ/2003 (A/H3N2) segment 3 (PA) 3546.7 0.000000e+00 2074/2151 (96%)
text_code_colored.png EPI114317 A/quail/Shantou/1425/2001 (A/H9N2) segment 3 (PA) 3530.1 0.000000e+00 2073/2153 (96%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1478 A/chicken/Osaka/aq58/2001 (A/H9N2) segment 3 (PA) 3530.1 0.000000e+00 2071/2151 (96%)
text_code_colored.png EPI300732 A/swine/Shandong/fNY/2003 (A/H9N2) segment 3 (PA) 3513.4 0.000000e+00 2048/2121 (96%)
text_code_colored.png EPI485552 A/greylag goose/Netherlands/1/1999 (A/H6N2) segment 3 (PA) 3502.4 0.000000e+00 2067/2152 (96%)
text_code_colored.png EPI114309 A/quail/Shantou/850/2001 (A/H9N2) segment 3 (PA) 3496.8 0.000000e+00 2066/2152 (96%)
text_code_colored.png EPI321565 A/duck/Shimane/188/1999 (A/H1N1) segment 3 (PA) 3485.7 0.000000e+00 2064/2152 (95%)
text_code_colored.png EPI102409 A/chicken/Taiwan/165/99 (A/H6N1) segment 3 (PA) 3474.7 0.000000e+00 2063/2153 (95%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1740 A/duck/Hokkaido/9/99 (A/H9N2) segment 3 (PA) 3474.7 0.000000e+00 2062/2152 (95%)
text_code_colored.png EPI238154 A/muskrat/Buryatiya/1944/2000 (A/H4N6) segment 3 (PA) 3469.1 0.000000e+00 2061/2152 (95%)
text_code_colored.png EPI182398 A/duck/Altai/1285/1991 (A/H5N3) segment 3 (PA) 3458.0 0.000000e+00 2059/2152 (95%)
text_code_colored.png EPI238169 A/pochard/Buryatiya/1941/2000 (A/H4N6) segment 3 (PA) 3452.5 0.000000e+00 2058/2152 (95%)
text_code_colored.png EPI169429 A/chicken/Belgium/150VB/1999 (A/H5N2) segment 3 (PA) 3452.5 0.000000e+00 2058/2152 (95%)
text_code_colored.png EPI439595 A/avian/Israel/297/2001 (A/H10N7) segment 3 (PA) 3447.0 0.000000e+00 2058/2153 (95%)
text_code_colored.png EPI268815 A/mallard/Jiangxi/10668/2005 (A/H6N1) segment 3 (PA) 3447.0 0.000000e+00 2058/2153 (95%)
text_code_colored.png EPI3391 A/duck/Hokkaido/84/2002 (A/H5N3) segment 3 (PA) 3447.0 0.000000e+00 2057/2152 (95%)
text_code_colored.png EPI439592 A/avian/Israel/218/2000 (A/H10N7) segment 3 (PA) 3443.3 0.000000e+00 2057/2153 (95%)
text_code_colored.png EPI511172 A/mallard/Sweden/52299/2006 (A/H4N6) segment 3 (PA) 3441.4 0.000000e+00 2056/2152 (95%)
text_code_colored.png EPI439593 A/avian/Israel/232/2001 (A/H10N7) segment 3 (PA) 3441.4 0.000000e+00 2057/2153 (95%)
text_code_colored.png EPI268959 A/duck/Guangxi/585/2005 (A/H6N5) segment 3 (PA) 3441.4 0.000000e+00 2056/2152 (95%)
text_code_colored.png EPI239181 A/duck/Singapore/F119/3/1997 (A/H5N3) segment 3 (PA) 3441.4 0.000000e+00 2057/2153 (95%)
text_code_colored.png EPI118307 A/mallard/Italy/37/2002 (A/H5N3) segment 3 (PA) 3441.4 0.000000e+00 2056/2152 (95%)
text_code_colored.png EPI613884 A/mallard/Sweden/948/2002 (A/H10N9) segment 3 (PA) 3435.9 0.000000e+00 2055/2152 (95%)
text_code_colored.png EPI511108 A/mallard/Sweden/3271/2003 (A/H4N6) segment 3 (PA) 3435.9 0.000000e+00 2057/2154 (95%)
text_code_colored.png EPI511107 A/mallard/Sweden/3223/2003 (A/H4N6) segment 3 (PA) 3435.9 0.000000e+00 2057/2154 (95%)
text_code_colored.png EPI511102 A/mallard/Sweden/1869/2003 (A/H4N6) segment 3 (PA) 3435.9 0.000000e+00 2057/2154 (95%)
text_code_colored.png EPI506639 A/softbill/California/13907-21/1994 (A/H7N1) segment 3 (PA) 3435.9 0.000000e+00 2055/2152 (95%)
text_code_colored.png EPI485747 A/mallard/Sweden/105/2002 (A/H7N7) segment 3 (PA) 3435.9 0.000000e+00 2055/2152 (95%)
text_code_colored.png EPI439600 A/avian/Israel/457/2001 (A/H10N7) segment 3 (PA) 3435.9 0.000000e+00 2056/2153 (95%)
text_code_colored.png EPI439598 A/avian/Israel/320/2001 (A/H6N2) segment 3 (PA) 3435.9 0.000000e+00 2055/2152 (95%)
text_code_colored.png EPI439591 A/avian/Israel/201/2001 (A/H10N7) segment 3 (PA) 3435.9 0.000000e+00 2056/2153 (95%)
text_code_colored.png EPI327558 A/chestnut teal/Victoria/1/2004 (A/H3N2) segment 3 (PA) 3435.9 0.000000e+00 2055/2152 (95%)
text_code_colored.png EPI178525 A/Goose/Italy/6117/2004 (A/H1N1) segment 3 (PA) 3435.9 0.000000e+00 2055/2152 (95%)
text_code_colored.png EPI118311 A/mallard/Italy/36/2002 (A/H5N3) segment 3 (PA) 3435.9 0.000000e+00 2056/2153 (95%)
text_code_colored.png EPI102459 A/duck/Taiwan/WB459/04 (A/H6N5) segment 3 (PA) 3435.9 0.000000e+00 2055/2152 (95%)
text_code_colored.png EPI10143 A/chicken/Germany/R45/98 (A/H9N2) segment 3 (PA) 3435.9 0.000000e+00 2055/2152 (95%)
text_code_colored.png EPI387491 A/pintail/Mongolia/2-65/2007 (A/H3N8) segment 3 (PA) 3432.2 0.000000e+00 2051/2147 (95%)
text_code_colored.png EPI251776 A/mallard/Sweden/62/2003 (A/H4N6) segment 3 (PA) 3432.2 0.000000e+00 2056/2154 (95%)
text_code_colored.png EPI614006 A/mallard/Sweden/936/2002 (A/H10N9) segment 3 (PA) 3430.3 0.000000e+00 2054/2152 (95%)
text_code_colored.png EPI533743 A/Caspian seal/Russia/T1/2012 (A/H4N6) segment 3 (PA) 3430.3 0.000000e+00 2055/2153 (95%)
text_code_colored.png EPI533742 A/Caspian seal/Russia/1884/2002 (A/H4N6) segment 3 (PA) 3430.3 0.000000e+00 2055/2153 (95%)
text_code_colored.png EPI511106 A/mallard/Sweden/3221/2003 (A/H4N6) segment 3 (PA) 3430.3 0.000000e+00 2056/2154 (95%)
text_code_colored.png EPI511103 A/mallard/Sweden/1883/2003 (A/H4N3) segment 3 (PA) 3430.3 0.000000e+00 2056/2154 (95%)
text_code_colored.png EPI485674 A/Eurasian wigeon/Netherlands/4/2000 (A/H6N2) segment 3 (PA) 3430.3 0.000000e+00 2054/2152 (95%)
text_code_colored.png EPI439599 A/avian/Israel/445/2001 (A/H10N7) segment 3 (PA) 3430.3 0.000000e+00 2055/2153 (95%)
text_code_colored.png EPI372303 A/teal/Egypt/00835-NAMRU3/2004 (A/H7N7) segment 3 (PA) 3430.3 0.000000e+00 2054/2152 (95%)
text_code_colored.png EPI372287 A/shoveler/Egypt/00600-NAMRU3/2004 (A/H10N7) segment 3 (PA) 3430.3 0.000000e+00 2054/2152 (95%)
text_code_colored.png EPI251784 A/mallard/Sweden/65/2002 (A/H10N9) segment 3 (PA) 3430.3 0.000000e+00 2054/2152 (95%)
text_code_colored.png EPI251741 A/mallard/Sweden/52/2003 (A/H6N2) segment 3 (PA) 3430.3 0.000000e+00 2054/2152 (95%)
text_code_colored.png EPI387507 A/ruddy shelduck/Mongolia/2-79/2007 (A/H3N8) segment 3 (PA) 3428.5 0.000000e+00 2051/2148 (95%)
text_code_colored.png EPI471119 A/chicken/Iran/ZMT-101/1998 (A/H9N2) segment 3 (PA) 3424.8 0.000000e+00 2055/2154 (95%)
text_code_colored.png EPI377653 A/mallard/Netherlands/13/2001 (A/H2N9) segment 3 (PA) 3424.8 0.000000e+00 2053/2152 (95%)
text_code_colored.png EPI372263 A/shoveler/Egypt/20313-NAMRU3/2003 (A/H5N2) segment 3 (PA) 3424.8 0.000000e+00 2053/2152 (95%)
text_code_colored.png EPI363526 A/duck/Guizhou/1426/2006 (A/H6N1) segment 3 (PA) 3424.8 0.000000e+00 2053/2152 (95%)
text_code_colored.png EPI363518 A/duck/Guizhou/1084/2006 (A/H6N2) segment 3 (PA) 3424.8 0.000000e+00 2053/2152 (95%)
text_code_colored.png EPI239445 A/Pekin robin/California/30412/1994 (A/H7N1) segment 3 (PA) 3424.8 0.000000e+00 2053/2152 (95%)
text_code_colored.png EPI228496 A/Eurasian wigeon/Sweden/1/2004 (A/H6N2) segment 3 (PA) 3424.8 0.000000e+00 2054/2153 (95%)
text_code_colored.png EPI3368 A/duck/Hokkaido/447/2000 (A/H5N3) segment 3 (PA) 3424.8 0.000000e+00 2053/2152 (95%)
text_code_colored.png EPI439594 A/avian/Israel/289/2001 (A/H6N2) segment 3 (PA) 3421.1 0.000000e+00 2052/2152 (95%)
text_code_colored.png EPI624441 A/chicken/Italy/473/1999 (A/H7N1) segment 3 (PA) 3419.3 0.000000e+00 2053/2153 (95%)
text_code_colored.png EPI505372 A/turkey/Italy/1083/1999 (A/H7N1) segment 3 (PA) 3419.3 0.000000e+00 2053/2153 (95%)
text_code_colored.png EPI505363 A/turkey/Italy/1086/1999 (A/H7N1) segment 3 (PA) 3419.3 0.000000e+00 2053/2153 (95%)
text_code_colored.png EPI505361 A/chicken/Italy/1081/1999 (A/H7N1) segment 3 (PA) 3419.3 0.000000e+00 2053/2153 (95%)
Align Segment-ID Name Score E-Value Identity
text_code_colored.png EPI760035 A/duck/Guangdong/01.01 SZSGXJK005-G /2016 (A/H5N6) segment 5 (NP) 2737.9 0.000000e+00 1492/1497 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI760057 A/duck/Guangdong/01.01 SZSGXJK007-G/2016 (A/H5N6) segment 5 (NP) 2732.3 0.000000e+00 1491/1497 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI760043 A/duck/Guangdong/01.01 SZSGXJK006-Y/2016 (A/H5N6) segment 5 (NP) 2732.3 0.000000e+00 1491/1497 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI760027 A/duck/Guangdong/01.01 SZSGXJK005-Y/2016 (A/H5N6) segment 5 (NP) 2732.3 0.000000e+00 1491/1497 (99%)
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Align Segment-ID Name Score E-Value Identity
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