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South Korea MERS Cases Increase To 183

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SubjectHomers 7.2 days (Middle respiratory diseases) Daily Tracking
Added2015-07-02 [Last Updated: 2015-07-02]Views1199
RepresentativesCHANG Young JinDepartmentHomers central management task force

Homers (Middle respiratory diseases) Daily Tracking

48 people under treatment (26.2%), hospital 102 people (55.7%) died 33 patients (18.0%) with a total of 183 people confirmed

Decreased compared to day 4 of the treatment, discharge, party increased five people, the death toll unchanged, one people diagnosed increase

48 stable condition being treated 36 patients (75.0%), instability in 12 patients (25.0%)

82 people diagnosed type of hospital patients, family / visits 64 people, hospital workers named 37

  1. General Status

    Department of Health and Human Services Homers central management task force is now 06:00 7.2 days, the patient is being treated juleotgo four people in 48 patients (26.2%), who increased hospital said five people hayeotdago increased to a total of 102 patients (55.7%).

    There were no deaths fluctuations in 33 patients (18.0%), one people diagnosed personnel increased by a total of 183 people were counted.

    The patient's condition is stable, being treated 36 people, 12 people are unstable.

    <General Status>

    Unit: Name]

    DivisionDuring treatmentDischargeDyingConfirmed
    Cumulative (7.2 6:00)48 (36 Stable, Unstable 12)1033183
    Yesterday, increase or decrease contrast△ 450One
  2. Discharge Status

    A total of five people to hospital increased from 6.30 to 7.1 days with 102 people who full discharge.

    The new hospital 86th (over 76 years), 89th (male, 59 years), 124th (male, 36 years old), 168th (male, 36 years), and 171st been confirmed by (female, 60 years) a patient.

    The hospital treatment been received by the administration, such as antibiotics and antiviral agents, symptomatic therapy, respiratory symptoms were fever appeared to have improved both the tests results conducted a two-time Homers voice to cure decision.

    Here discharged 102 patients to date in 56 male patients (54.9%) and 46 female patients (45.1%), age 40 to the 25 patients (24.5%) 50 23 (22.5%), 60 18 people (17.6%) 30 17 (16.7%), 70 and 12 (11.8%), 20 6 patients (5.9%), and 10 one patient (1.0%), net.

    <Discharge party status>

    Unit: people (%)

  3. Status Confirmed

    1 people diagnosed has increased compared to the previous day.

    As examples of the 183rd confirmed by Samsung Seoul Hospital medical staff (nurses), epidemiological studies are currently being conducted.

    <Confirm the new status>

    (Gender, age)

    Tracking NumberPersonal InformationConfirmed dayOverview
    183rd(Female, 24 years)7.1Working with the Samsung Seoul Hospital medical staff (nurses) (in epidemiology)
  4. Death Status

    No new deaths, classified by type is the same as yesterday.

    33 Gender Male deaths of 22 patients (66.7%) women and 11 (33.3%), and age 60 to 70, the most abundant in exchange for each ten (30.3%), 80 in 7 patients (21.2%), 50 vs. 5 patients (15.2%), and 40 1 (3%) net.

    A total of 33 deaths out of various chronic diseases (cancer, heart lung ‧ ‧ kidney disease, diabetes, and immunocompromised diseases such as underlying disease holder) or are at high risk, such as goyeonryeongcheung 30 patients (90.9%).

    <Fatalities Status>

    Unit: people (%)

  5. Confirmed types and basic characteristics

    When we classify the 183 people diagnosed with type,

    The most abundant in the hospital or who visited patients 82 patients (44.8%), and the patient's family or munbyeong 64 people, including non-family visitors (35.0%), hospital workers, including doctors, 37 patients (20.2%).

    <Diagnosed type>

    Unit: people (%)

    Total① hospital patients② the patient's family / caregivers / Visitors③ hospital workers
    GunDoctorNurseRadiationTransfer agentsAmbulanceCaregiversPetition police / security personnelComputational companies

    Gender Male of 111 patients (60.7%), women

    Age is the most abundant in the 50s 41 (22.4%) 60 36 (19.7%) 70 30 (16.4%) 40 29 (15.8%), 30 and 26 (14.2%), etc. of the net.

    <Basic characteristics of the proven personnel>

    Unit: people (%)

  6. Quarantine and release status

    06:00 Currently 7.2 days, a total of 2238 people who are isolated are juleotgo to 213 people the previous day (△ 8.7%), who has been released from quarantine has been released a total of 13,821 people were newly isolated 267 day.

    Full isolated juleotgo party (2238 people) among 145 people to 1785 people who self-isolation (△ 7.5%), the hospital was counted as 68 (13.1%) 453 people who fell isolation.

    <Isolation and release status>

    Unit: people (%)

    DivisionIsolated subjectsIsolated release party
    Cumulative (7.2 6:00)22381,78545313 821
    Yesterday, increase or decrease contrast△ 213△ 145△ 68267
    (△ 8.7)(△ 7.5)(△ 13.1)(2.0)

[Appendix] Homers confirmed (discharge / death / includes treatment) and isolated status



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