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2016/2017 Israel H5N8 Wild Bird and Poultry Sequences Match Asia

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Posted (edited)
Kimron Veterinary Institute in Israel has release 10 H5 wild bird and poultry sequences collected between December 2016 and February 2017 which are largely most closely to isolates from China and South Korea.
Edited by niman
edit Name Isolate ID Subtype Passage PB2 PB1 PA HA NP NA MP NS HE P3 Collection date
passage details: E1
A/peregrine falcon/Israel/1086/2016
passage details: E1
A/great egret/Israel/1084/2016
passage details: E1
A/great egret/Israel/1088/2016
passage details: E1
passage details: E1
passage details: E1
passage details: E1
passage details: E1
A/grey goose/Israel/986/2016
passage details: E1
passage details: E1
LOCUS       MF166576                1748 bp    cRNA    linear   VRL 01-FEB-2018
DEFINITION  Influenza A virus (A/turkey/Israel/184/2017(H5N8)) segment 4
            hemagglutinin (HA) gene, complete cds.
VERSION     MF166576.1
SOURCE      Influenza A virus (A/turkey/Israel/184/2017(H5N8))
  ORGANISM  Influenza A virus (A/turkey/Israel/184/2017(H5N8))
            Viruses; ssRNA viruses; ssRNA negative-strand viruses;
            Orthomyxoviridae; Influenzavirus A.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 1748)
  AUTHORS   Shkoda,I., Lapin,K., Simanov,L. and Lublin,A.
  TITLE     Highly pathogenic avian influenza A virus H5N8 isolated in Israel
  JOURNAL   Unpublished
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 1748)
  AUTHORS   Shkoda,I., Lapin,K., Simanov,L. and Lublin,A.
  TITLE     Direct Submission
  JOURNAL   Submitted (28-MAY-2017) Division of Avian Diseases, Kimron
            Veterinari Institute, P.O.Box 12, Bet Dagan 50250, Israel
COMMENT     ##Assembly-Data-START##
            Assembly Method       :: SeqMan v. DNASTAR Lasergene 8
            Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..1748
                     /organism="Influenza A virus
                     /mol_type="viral cRNA"
                     /note="passage details: E1"
     gene            1..1704
     CDS             1..1704
                     /function="receptor binding and fusion protein"
     sig_peptide     1..48
     mat_peptide     49..1035
     mat_peptide     1036..1701
        1 atggagaaaa tagtgcttct tcttgcaata gttagccttg ttaaaagtga tcagatttgc
       61 attggttacc atgcaaacaa ttcgacagag caagttgaca cgataatgga aaagaacgtc
      121 actgttacac atgcccaaga catactggaa aaaacacaca acgggaagct ctgcgatcta
      181 aatggggtga agcctctgat tttaaaggat tgtagtgtag ctggatggct cctcggaaac
      241 ccaatgtgcg acgaattcat cagagtgccg gaatggtctt acatagtgga gagggctaat
      301 ccagctaatg acctctgtta cccagggagc ctcaatgact atgaagaact gaaacacctg
      361 ttgagcagaa taaatcattt tgagaagatt ctgatcatcc ccaagagttc ttggcccaat
      421 catgaaacat cattaggggt gagcgcagct tgtccatacc agggaacgcc ctcctttttc
      481 agaaatgtgg tatggcttat caaaaagaac gatgcatacc caacaataaa gataagctac
      541 aataatacca atcgggaaga tctcttgata ctgtggggga ttcatcattc caacaatgca
      601 gaagagcaga caaatctcta taaaaaccca accacctata tttcagttgg aacatcaaca
      661 ttaaaccaga gattggtacc aaaaatagct actagatccc aagtaaacgg gcaacgtgga
      721 agaatggact tcttctggac aattttaaaa ccgaatgatg caatccattt cgagagtaat
      781 ggaaatttca ttgctccaga atatgcatac aaaattgtca agaaggggga ctcaacaatt
      841 atgaaaagtg gagtggaata tggccactgc aacaccaaat gtcaaacccc agtaggagcg
      901 ataaactcta gtatgccatt ccacaatata catcctctca ccatcgggga atgccccaaa
      961 tacgtgaagt caaacaagtt ggtccttgcg actgggctca gaaatagtcc tctaagagaa
     1021 aagagaagaa aaagagggct gtttggggct atagcaggtt ttatagaggg aggatggcag
     1081 ggaatggttg atggttggta tgggtaccac catagcaatg agcaggggag tgggtacgct
     1141 gcagacaaag aatccaccca aaaggcaata gatggagtta ccaataaggt caactcgatc
     1201 attgacaaaa tgaacactca atttgaggca gttggaaggg agtttaataa cttagaaagg
     1261 aggatagaga atttgaacaa gaaaatggaa gacggattcc tagatgtctg gacctataat
     1321 gctgaacttc tagttctcat ggaaaacgag aggactctag atttccatga ctcaaatgtc
     1381 aagaaccttt atgacaaagt cagactgcag cttagggata atgcaaagga gctgggtaac
     1441 ggttgtttcg aattctatca caaatgtgat aatgaatgta tggaaagtgt gagaaatggg
     1501 acgtatgact accctcagta ttcagaagaa gcaagattaa aaagagaaga aataagcgga
     1561 gtgaaattag aatcaatagg aacttaccaa atactgtcaa tttattcaac agtggcgagt
     1621 tccctagcac tggcaatcat ggtggctggt ctatctttat ggatgtgctc caatgggtcg
     1681 ttacagtgca gaatttgcat ttaaatttgt gagctcagat tgtagttaaa aacacccttg
     1741 tttctact
Align Segment-ID Name Score E-Value Identity
text_code_colored.png EPI1176526 A/turkey/Israel/184/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3147.8 0.000000e+00 1704/1704 (100%)
text_code_colored.png EPI954877 A/Mallard/Hungary/1574a/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3131.2 0.000000e+00 1701/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI954861 A/Mallard/Hungary/1574b/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3131.2 0.000000e+00 1701/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI954559 A/swan/Italy/17VIR537-2/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3131.2 0.000000e+00 1701/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1169201 A/chicken/Rostov-on-Don/1598/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3125.7 0.000000e+00 1700/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI954813 A/Greylag_goose/Hungary/320/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3125.7 0.000000e+00 1700/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019558 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Greonterp/16015653-001/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3120.1 0.000000e+00 1699/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019638 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Zoeterwoude/16015702-010/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3114.6 0.000000e+00 1698/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019582 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Leidschendam/16015697-007/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3114.6 0.000000e+00 1698/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019550 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Gouda/16015824-001/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3114.6 0.000000e+00 1698/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019518 A/Eur_Wig/NL-De Waal (Texel)/16014891-004/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3114.6 0.000000e+00 1698/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019510 A/Eur_Wig/NL-De Waal (Texel)/16014891-003/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3114.6 0.000000e+00 1698/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI943320 A/pochard_duck/England/SA12_157809/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3114.6 0.000000e+00 1698/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI931145 A/duck/Czech Republic/1467-17/2017 (H5N8) (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3114.6 0.000000e+00 1698/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI868848 A/turkey/England/052131/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3114.6 0.000000e+00 1698/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1176528 A/great egret/Israel/1084/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3109.0 0.000000e+00 1697/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019734 A/Mal/NL-IJsselmuiden/16015448-002/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3109.0 0.000000e+00 1697/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019678 A/Grey_Go/NL-Groot-Ammers/16015901-012/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3109.0 0.000000e+00 1697/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019646 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Zwolle/16015820-002/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3109.0 0.000000e+00 1697/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019630 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Wormer/16016143-002/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3109.0 0.000000e+00 1697/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019622 A/Eur_Wig/NL-West Graftdijk/16015746-003/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3109.0 0.000000e+00 1697/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019614 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Walterswald/16015923-003/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3109.0 0.000000e+00 1697/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019606 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Vianen/16015917-006/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3109.0 0.000000e+00 1697/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019590 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Reeuwijk/16015903-003/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3109.0 0.000000e+00 1697/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019430 A/Ch/NL-Rhenen/16016141-006/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3109.0 0.000000e+00 1697/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019406 A/Ch/NL-Boven Leeuwen/16016151-006-010/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3109.0 0.000000e+00 1697/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019398 A/Ch/NL-Abbega/X16015736/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3109.0 0.000000e+00 1697/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1007675 A/peacock/Belgium/1017/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3109.0 0.000000e+00 1697/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI959460 A/Eurasian Wigeon/Netherlands/9/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3109.0 0.000000e+00 1697/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI959413 A/Eurasian Wigeon/Netherlands/4/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3109.0 0.000000e+00 1697/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI954607 A/turkey/Italy/17VIR1452-22/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3109.0 0.000000e+00 1697/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI954575 A/turkey/Italy/17VIR576-11/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3109.0 0.000000e+00 1697/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI942943 A/chicken/Wales/000023/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3109.0 0.000000e+00 1697/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI869687 A/decoy_duck/France/161104e/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3105.3 0.000000e+00 1696/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1045611 A/chicken/Rostov-on-Don/44/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3103.5 0.000000e+00 1696/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019534 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Enumatil-Groningen/16015704-001/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3103.5 0.000000e+00 1696/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019526 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Drieborg (Dollard)/16015513-001/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3103.5 0.000000e+00 1696/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019478 A/Dk/NL-Kamperveen/16016104-001-005/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3103.5 0.000000e+00 1696/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019438 A/Ch/NL-Zoeterwoude/16016484-021-025/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3103.5 0.000000e+00 1696/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI990794 A/greylag goose/Germany-NI/AR1395-L02144/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3103.5 0.000000e+00 1696/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI969347 A/turkey/Germany-BB/R377ff/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3103.5 0.000000e+00 1696/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI954759 A/Peregrine_falcon/Hungary/4882/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3103.5 0.000000e+00 1696/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI954583 A/chicken/Italy/17VIR653-12/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3103.5 0.000000e+00 1696/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI909452 A/wild duck/Tatarstan/3059/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3103.5 0.000000e+00 1696/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI909444 A/mute swan/Krasnodar/25/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3103.5 0.000000e+00 1696/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI869931 A/turkey/Poland/83/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3103.5 0.000000e+00 1696/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1023562 A/Eurasian_Wigeon/Netherlands/11/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3101.6 0.000000e+00 1693/1700 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI869930 A/turkey/Poland/78/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3099.8 0.000000e+00 1695/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1176524 A/cormorant/Israel/1035/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3098.0 0.000000e+00 1695/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019718 A/M_Swan/NL-Roggebotsluis/16014462-019/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3098.0 0.000000e+00 1695/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1007667 A/chicken/Belgium/807/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3098.0 0.000000e+00 1695/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI990802 A/greylag goose/Germany-NI/AR703-L02138/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3098.0 0.000000e+00 1695/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI990770 A/eurasian wigeon/Germany-NI/AR249-L02143/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3098.0 0.000000e+00 1695/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI916604 A/bronze turkey/Czech Republic/1414-17/2017 (H5N8) (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3098.0 0.000000e+00 1695/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI909436 A/goose/Krasnodar/3144/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3098.0 0.000000e+00 1695/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI859650 A/wild duck/Germany-BW/R8455/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3098.0 0.000000e+00 1695/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI907346 A/domestic duck/Germany-BB/R681ff/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3094.3 0.000000e+00 1693/1702 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1176517 A/turkey/Israel/1045/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1694/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1023578 A/Eurasian_Wigeon/Netherlands/23/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1686/1692 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1021106 A/mute swan/Czech Republic/1296-17_1/2017 (H5N8) (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1694/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019766 A/T_Dk/NL-Almeerder Zand/16014341-003/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1694/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019422 A/Ch/NL-Hiaure/16016112-001-005/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1694/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI969254 A/Tufted Duck/Switzerland/V237/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1694/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI961449 A/gadwall/Kurgan/2442/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1694/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI942935 A/turkey/England/003778/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1694/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI931207 A/turkey/Germany-BB/R234ff/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1694/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI909428 A/turkey/Rostov-on-Don/11/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1694/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI909404 A/chicken/Voronezh/18/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1694/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI909396 A/long-eared owl/Voronezh/16/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1694/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI909388 A/Ural owl/Voronezh/14/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1694/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI909380 A/long-eared owl/Voronezh/15/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1694/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI888088 A/wigeon/Italy/17VIR57-3/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1694/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI869940 A/herring gull/Poland/84/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1694/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI869936 A/chicken/Kalmykia/2661/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1694/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI861011 A/turkey/Germany-SH/R8595/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1694/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI860401 A/tufted_duck/Germany/AR8459-L01988/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1694/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI859653 A/tufted_duck/Germany/AR8444-L01986/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1694/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI859212 A/tufted_duck/Germany-SH/R8446/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1694/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1040223 A/chicken/Italy/17VIR3078/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3088.7 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI909364 A/tufted duck/Denmark/17740-1/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3088.7 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1169147 A/chicken/Rostov-on-Don/1321/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1694/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1159825 A/Cygnus atratus/Hubei/HF-1/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1159809 A/Anser cygnoides/Hubei/FW44/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1023581 A/Back-headed_Gull/Netherlands/9/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019878 A/Teal/NL-Ferwert/16015273-013/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019870 A/T_Dk/NL-Zuidoost Beemster/16014148-009/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019862 A/T_Dk/NL-Zuidoost Beemster/16014148-002/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019790 A/T_Dk/NL-Rotterdam/16014155-001/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019782 A/T_Dk/NL-Roggebotsluis/16014462-015/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019774 A/T_Dk/NL-Monnickendam/16013865-006-008/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019758 A/Sea_eagle/NL-Assen/16015398-002/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019750 A/P_falcon/NL-Vrouwenpolder (Zeeland)/16015510-001/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019726 A/Magpie/NL-Volendam/16014331-002/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019710 A/L-bl-ba-gull/NL-Sovon/16014324-014/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019702 A/Gull10/NL-Marker Wadden/16014466-014/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019670 A/Gr_bk_bd_gull/NL-Slootdorp/16014102-005/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019598 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Terschelling/16015692-010/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019574 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Leeuwarden/16015699-002/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019542 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Ferwert/16015273-002/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019494 A/Dk/NL-Stolwijk/16016291-016-020/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
LOCUS       MF166577                1748 bp    cRNA    linear   VRL 01-FEB-2018
DEFINITION  Influenza A virus (A/peregrine falcon/Israel/1086/2016(H5N8))
            segment 4 hemagglutinin (HA) gene, complete cds.
VERSION     MF166577.1
SOURCE      Influenza A virus (A/peregrine falcon/Israel/1086/2016(H5N8))
  ORGANISM  Influenza A virus (A/peregrine falcon/Israel/1086/2016(H5N8))
            Viruses; ssRNA viruses; ssRNA negative-strand viruses;
            Orthomyxoviridae; Influenzavirus A.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 1748)
  AUTHORS   Shkoda,I., Lapin,K., Simanov,L. and Lublin,A.
  TITLE     Highly pathogenic avian influenza A virus H5N8 isolated in Israel
  JOURNAL   Unpublished
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 1748)
  AUTHORS   Shkoda,I., Lapin,K., Simanov,L. and Lublin,A.
  TITLE     Direct Submission
  JOURNAL   Submitted (28-MAY-2017) Division of Avian Diseases, Kimron
            Veterinari Institute, P.O.Box 12, Bet Dagan 50250, Israel
COMMENT     ##Assembly-Data-START##
            Assembly Method       :: SeqMan v. DNASTAR Lasergene 8
            Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..1748
                     /organism="Influenza A virus (A/peregrine
                     /mol_type="viral cRNA"
                     /strain="A/peregrine falcon/Israel/1086/2016"
                     /host="peregrine falcon"
                     /note="passage details: E1"
     gene            1..1704
     CDS             1..1704
                     /function="receptor binding and fusion protein"
     sig_peptide     1..48
     mat_peptide     49..1035
     mat_peptide     1036..1701
        1 atggagaaaa tagtgcttct tcttgcaata gttagccttg ttgaaagtga tcagatttgc
       61 attggttacc atgcaaacaa ctcgacagag caagttgaca cgataatgga aaagaacgtc
      121 actgttacac atgcccaaga catactggaa aaaacacaca acgggaagct ctgcgatcta
      181 aatggggtga agcctctgat tttaaaggat tgtagtgtag ctggatggct cctcggaaac
      241 ccaatgtgcg acgaattcat cagagtgccg gaatggtctt acatagtgga gagggctaac
      301 ccagctaatg acctctgtta cccagggagc ctcaatgact atgaagaact gaaacacctg
      361 ttgagcagaa taaatcattt tgagaagatt ctgatcatcc ccaagagttc ttggcccaat
      421 catgaaacat cattaggggt gagcgcagct tgtccatacc agggaacgcc ctcctttttc
      481 agaaatgtgg tatggcttat caaaaagaac gatgcatacc caacaataaa gataagctac
      541 aataatacca atcgggaaga tctcttgata ctgtggggga ttcatcattc caacaatgca
      601 gaagagcaga caaatctcta taaaaaccca accacctata tttcagttgg aacatcaaca
      661 ttaaaccaga gattggtacc aaaaatagct actagatccc aagtaaacgg gcaacgggga
      721 agaatggact tcttctggac aattttaaaa ccgaatgatg caatccactt cgagagtaat
      781 ggaaatttca ttgctccaga atatgcatac aaaattgtca agaaagggga ctcaacaatt
      841 atgaaaagtg aagtggaata tggccactgc aacaccaaat gtcaaacccc agtgggagcg
      901 ataaactcta gtatgccatt ccacaatata catcctctca ccatcgggga atgccccaaa
      961 tacgtgaagt caaacaagtt ggtccttgcg actgggctca gaaataatcc tctaagagaa
     1021 aagagaagaa aaagagggct gtttggggct atagcaggtt ttatagaggg aggatggcag
     1081 ggaatggttg atggttggta tgggtaccat catagcaatg agcagggaag tgggtacgct
     1141 gcagacaaag aatccaccca aaaggcgata gatggagtta ccaataaggt caactcgatc
     1201 attgacaaaa tgaacactca atttgaggca gttggaaggg agtttaataa cttagaaagg
     1261 aggatagaga atttgaacaa gaaaatggaa gacggattcc tagatgtctg gacctataat
     1321 gctgaacttc tagttctcat ggaaaacgag aggactctag atttccatga ctcaaatgtc
     1381 aagaaccttt acgacaaagt cagactgcag cttagggata atgcaaagga gctgggtaac
     1441 ggttgtttcg agttctatca ccaatgtgat aatgaatgta tggaaagtgt gagaaatggg
     1501 acgtatgact accctcagta ttcagaagaa gcaagattaa aaagagaaga aataagcgga
     1561 gtgaaattag aatcaatagg aacttaccaa atactgtcaa tttattcaac agtggcgagt
     1621 tccctagcac tggcaatcat ggtggctggt ctatctttat ggatgtgctc caatgggtcg
     1681 ttacagtgca gaatttgcat ttaaatttgt gagctcagat tgtagttaaa aacacccttg
     1741 tttctact
Align Segment-ID Name Score E-Value Identity
text_code_colored.png EPI1176530 A/peregrine falcon/Israel/1086/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3147.8 0.000000e+00 1704/1704 (100%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1176527 A/turkey/Israel/1076/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3142.3 0.000000e+00 1703/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1006681 A/common teal/Korea/W549/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3098.0 0.000000e+00 1696/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1006680 A/common teal/Korea/W547/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3098.0 0.000000e+00 1696/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1006705 A/common teal/Korea/W555/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1695/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1006704 A/common teal/Korea/W550/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1695/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1006703 A/common teal/Korea/W548/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1695/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI990794 A/greylag goose/Germany-NI/AR1395-L02144/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI969347 A/turkey/Germany-BB/R377ff/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI952639 A/chicken/Korea/H903/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1694/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI869931 A/turkey/Poland/83/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI869930 A/turkey/Poland/78/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3083.2 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1159809 A/Anser cygnoides/Hubei/FW44/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1034974 A/grey heron/W779/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1693/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI990802 A/greylag goose/Germany-NI/AR703-L02138/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI954567 A/turkey/Italy/17VIR538-1/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI952782 A/mallard duck/Korea/WA137/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1693/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI926613 A/domestic duck/Siberia/103/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI926605 A/domestic duck/Siberia/50K/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI925956 A/gadwall/Chany/97/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI916604 A/bronze turkey/Czech Republic/1414-17/2017 (H5N8) (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774458 A/Brown-headed Gull/Qinghai/ZTO4-B/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774450 A/Brown-headed Gull/Qinghai/ZTO3-LU/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774402 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY18-B/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774378 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY16-LU/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774326 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY13-LU/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774318 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY13-B/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774277 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY10-LU/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774267 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY10-B/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774226 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY7-LU2/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774218 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY7-LU1/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774210 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY7-B/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774201 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY6-LU/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774193 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY6-B/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI907346 A/domestic duck/Germany-BB/R681ff/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3077.6 0.000000e+00 1690/1702 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1021106 A/mute swan/Czech Republic/1296-17_1/2017 (H5N8) (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1010500 A/green-winged teal/Egypt/877/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI931207 A/turkey/Germany-BB/R234ff/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI909452 A/wild duck/Tatarstan/3059/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI881901 A/mute swan/Croatia/15/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI869936 A/chicken/Kalmykia/2661/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI858844 A/painted stork/India/10CA03/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI836614 A/common tern /Uvs-Nuur Lake/26/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI836606 A/grey heron /Uvs-Nuur Lake/20/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI823756 A/black-headed gull/Tyva/41/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI823748 A/wild duck/Tyva/35/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI823460 A/great crested grebe/Tyva/34/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774490 A/Brown-headed Gull/Qinghai/ZTO6-SP/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774483 A/Brown-headed Gull/Qinghai/ZTO6-B/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774434 A/Brown-headed Gull/Qinghai/ZTO1-LU/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774410 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY18-LU/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774394 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY17-LU/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774386 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY17-B/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774369 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY16-B/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774335 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY14-B/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774310 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY12-LU/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774294 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY11-LU/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774286 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY11-B/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774242 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY8-LU/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774234 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY8-B/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774142 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY2-LU/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774133 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY2-B/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774121 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY1-LV/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774113 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY1-B/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI773757 A/great crested grebe/Uvs-Nuur Lake/341/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1692/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1169147 A/chicken/Rostov-on-Don/1321/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1159825 A/Cygnus atratus/Hubei/HF-1/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019558 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Greonterp/16015653-001/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1010489 A/green-winged teal/Egypt/871/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI964917 A/chicken/Czech Republic/206-17_2/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI954877 A/Mallard/Hungary/1574a/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI954861 A/Mallard/Hungary/1574b/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI954559 A/swan/Italy/17VIR537-2/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI887468 A/chicken/Czech Republic/206-17_2/2017(H5N8) (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI864746 A/mute swan/Croatia/85/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI861568 A/mute swan/Croatia/70/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI860519 A/goose/Hungary/55128/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774475 A/Brown-headed Gull/Qinghai/ZTO5-K/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774442 A/Brown-headed Gull/Qinghai/ZTO3-B/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1691/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774352 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY15-B/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774302 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY12-B/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774259 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY9-LU/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774251 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY9-B/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774185 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY5-B/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774176 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY4-LU/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774168 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY4-B/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774159 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY3-LU/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774150 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY3-B/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI978865 A/mute swan/Germany-TH/R1126/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3068.4 0.000000e+00 1689/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI869924 A/domestic goose/Poland/33/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3066.6 0.000000e+00 1689/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1176526 A/turkey/Israel/184/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3064.7 0.000000e+00 1689/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1169201 A/chicken/Rostov-on-Don/1598/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3064.7 0.000000e+00 1689/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1032549 A/Mulard_duck/Hungary/59163/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3064.7 0.000000e+00 1689/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1032532 A/Mulard_duck/Hungary/62902/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3064.7 0.000000e+00 1689/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1032524 A/Mulard_duck/Hungary/60369/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3064.7 0.000000e+00 1689/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1032508 A/Goose/Hungary/17985/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3064.7 0.000000e+00 1689/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1032492 A/Goose/Hungary/17051/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3064.7 0.000000e+00 1689/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1032484 A/Goose/Hungary/15729/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3064.7 0.000000e+00 1689/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1032476 A/Goose/Hungary/17261/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3064.7 0.000000e+00 1689/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1021135 A/quail/Czech Republic/2063-17_1/2017 (H5N8) (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3064.7 0.000000e+00 1689/1704 (99%)
LOCUS       MF166580                1721 bp    cRNA    linear   VRL 01-FEB-2018
DEFINITION  Influenza A virus (A/great egret/Israel/1084/2016(H5N8)) segment 4
            hemagglutinin (HA) gene, complete cds.
VERSION     MF166580.1
SOURCE      Influenza A virus (A/great egret/Israel/1084/2016(H5N8))
  ORGANISM  Influenza A virus (A/great egret/Israel/1084/2016(H5N8))
            Viruses; ssRNA viruses; ssRNA negative-strand viruses;
            Orthomyxoviridae; Influenzavirus A.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 1721)
  AUTHORS   Shkoda,I., Lapin,K., Simanov,L. and Lublin,A.
  TITLE     Highly pathogenic avian influenza A virus H5N8 isolated in Israel
  JOURNAL   Unpublished
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 1721)
  AUTHORS   Shkoda,I., Lapin,K., Simanov,L. and Lublin,A.
  TITLE     Direct Submission
  JOURNAL   Submitted (28-MAY-2017) Division of Avian Diseases, Kimron
            Veterinari Institute, P.O.Box 12, Bet Dagan 50250, Israel
COMMENT     ##Assembly-Data-START##
            Assembly Method       :: SeqMan v. DNASTAR Lasergene 8
            Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..1721
                     /organism="Influenza A virus (A/great
                     /mol_type="viral cRNA"
                     /strain="A/great egret/Israel/1084/2016"
                     /host="great egret"
                     /note="passage details: E1"
     gene            1..1704
     CDS             1..1704
                     /function="receptor binding and fusion protein"
     sig_peptide     1..48
     mat_peptide     49..1035
     mat_peptide     1036..1701
        1 atggagaaaa tagtgcttct tcttgcaata gttagccttg ttaaaagtga tcagatttgc
       61 attggttacc atgcaaacaa ctcgacagag caagttgaca cgataatgga aaagaacgtc
      121 actgttacac atgcccaaga catactggaa aaaacacaca acgggaagct ctgcgatcta
      181 aatggggtga agcctttgat tttaaaggat tgtagtgtag ctggatggct cctcggaaat
      241 ccaatgtgcg acgaattcat cagagtgccg gaatggtctt acatagtgga gagggctaat
      301 ccagctaatg acctctgtta cccagggagc ctcaatgact atgaagaact gaaacacctg
      361 ttgagcagaa taaatcattt tgagaagatt ctgatcatcc ccaagagttc ttggcccaat
      421 catgaaacat cattaggggt aagcgcagct tgtccatacc agggaacgcc ctcctttttc
      481 agaaatgtgg tatggctcat caaaaagaac gatgcatacc caacaataaa gataagctac
      541 aataatacca atcgggaaga tctcttgata ctgtggggaa ttcatcattc caacaatgca
      601 gaagagcaga caaatctcta taaaaaccca accacctata tttcagttgg aacatcaaca
      661 ttaaaccaga gattggtacc aaaaatagct actagatccc aagtaaacgg gcaacgtgga
      721 agaatggact tcttctggac aattttaaaa ccgaatgatg caatccattt cgagagtaat
      781 ggaaatttca ttgctccaga atatgcatac aaaattgtca agaaagggga ctcaacaatt
      841 atgaaaagtg gagtggaata tggccactgc aacaccaaat gtcaaacccc agtaggagcg
      901 ataaactcta gtatgccatt ccacaatata catcctctca ccatcgggga atgccccaaa
      961 tacgtgaagt caaacaagtt ggtccttgcg actgggctca gaaatagtcc tctaagagaa
     1021 aagagaagaa aaagagggct gtttggggct atagcaggtt ttatagaggg aggatggcag
     1081 ggaatggttg atggttggta tgggtaccac catagcaatg agcaggggag tgggtacgct
     1141 gcagacaaag aatccaccca aaaggcaata gatggagtta ccaataaggt caactcgatc
     1201 attgacaaaa tgaacactca atttgaggca gttggaaggg agtttaataa cttagaaagg
     1261 aggatagaga atttgaacaa gaaaatggaa gacggattcc tagatgtctg gacctataat
     1321 gctgaacttc tagttctcat ggaaaacgag aggactctag atttccatga ctcaaatgtc
     1381 aagaaccttt atgacaaagt cagactgcag cttagggata atgcaaagga gctgggtaac
     1441 ggttgtttcg aattctatca caaatgtgat aatgaatgta tggaaagtgt gagaaatggg
     1501 acgtatgact accctcagta ttcagaagaa gcaagattaa aaagagaaga aataagcgga
     1561 gtgaaattag aatcaatagg aacttaccaa atactgtcaa tttattcaac agtggcgagt
     1621 tccctagcac tggcaatcat ggtggctggt ctatctttat ggatgtgctc caatgggtcg
     1681 ttacagtgca gaatttgcat ttaaatttgg gagctcagat g
Align Segment-ID Name Score E-Value Identity
text_code_colored.png EPI1176528 A/great egret/Israel/1084/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3147.8 0.000000e+00 1704/1704 (100%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1176517 A/turkey/Israel/1045/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3120.1 0.000000e+00 1699/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1176525 A/great egret/Israel/1088/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3114.6 0.000000e+00 1699/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1176524 A/cormorant/Israel/1035/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3114.6 0.000000e+00 1699/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1176526 A/turkey/Israel/184/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3109.0 0.000000e+00 1697/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019630 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Wormer/16016143-002/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3103.5 0.000000e+00 1696/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019614 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Walterswald/16015923-003/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3103.5 0.000000e+00 1696/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1007675 A/peacock/Belgium/1017/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3103.5 0.000000e+00 1696/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI954877 A/Mallard/Hungary/1574a/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3103.5 0.000000e+00 1696/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI954861 A/Mallard/Hungary/1574b/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3103.5 0.000000e+00 1696/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI954607 A/turkey/Italy/17VIR1452-22/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3103.5 0.000000e+00 1696/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI954575 A/turkey/Italy/17VIR576-11/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3103.5 0.000000e+00 1696/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI954559 A/swan/Italy/17VIR537-2/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3103.5 0.000000e+00 1696/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI869687 A/decoy_duck/France/161104e/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3099.8 0.000000e+00 1695/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1169201 A/chicken/Rostov-on-Don/1598/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3098.0 0.000000e+00 1695/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1045611 A/chicken/Rostov-on-Don/44/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3098.0 0.000000e+00 1695/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019638 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Zoeterwoude/16015702-010/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3098.0 0.000000e+00 1695/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019582 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Leidschendam/16015697-007/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3098.0 0.000000e+00 1695/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019550 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Gouda/16015824-001/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3098.0 0.000000e+00 1695/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019534 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Enumatil-Groningen/16015704-001/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3098.0 0.000000e+00 1695/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019526 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Drieborg (Dollard)/16015513-001/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3098.0 0.000000e+00 1695/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019518 A/Eur_Wig/NL-De Waal (Texel)/16014891-004/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3098.0 0.000000e+00 1695/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019510 A/Eur_Wig/NL-De Waal (Texel)/16014891-003/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3098.0 0.000000e+00 1695/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI954813 A/Greylag_goose/Hungary/320/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3098.0 0.000000e+00 1695/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI943320 A/pochard_duck/England/SA12_157809/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3098.0 0.000000e+00 1695/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI909444 A/mute swan/Krasnodar/25/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3098.0 0.000000e+00 1695/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI868848 A/turkey/England/052131/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3098.0 0.000000e+00 1695/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019734 A/Mal/NL-IJsselmuiden/16015448-002/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1694/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019718 A/M_Swan/NL-Roggebotsluis/16014462-019/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1694/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019678 A/Grey_Go/NL-Groot-Ammers/16015901-012/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1694/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019646 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Zwolle/16015820-002/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1694/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019622 A/Eur_Wig/NL-West Graftdijk/16015746-003/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1694/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019606 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Vianen/16015917-006/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1694/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019590 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Reeuwijk/16015903-003/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1694/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019558 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Greonterp/16015653-001/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1694/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019430 A/Ch/NL-Rhenen/16016141-006/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1694/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019406 A/Ch/NL-Boven Leeuwen/16016151-006-010/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1694/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019398 A/Ch/NL-Abbega/X16015736/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1694/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1007667 A/chicken/Belgium/807/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1694/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI959413 A/Eurasian Wigeon/Netherlands/4/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1694/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI942943 A/chicken/Wales/000023/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1694/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI922508 A/chicken/Germany-NI/R11406/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1694/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI909436 A/goose/Krasnodar/3144/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1694/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI859650 A/wild duck/Germany-BW/R8455/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1694/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019766 A/T_Dk/NL-Almeerder Zand/16014341-003/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019478 A/Dk/NL-Kamperveen/16016104-001-005/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019438 A/Ch/NL-Zoeterwoude/16016484-021-025/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019422 A/Ch/NL-Hiaure/16016112-001-005/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI990794 A/greylag goose/Germany-NI/AR1395-L02144/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI969347 A/turkey/Germany-BB/R377ff/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI969254 A/Tufted Duck/Switzerland/V237/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI954583 A/chicken/Italy/17VIR653-12/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI931145 A/duck/Czech Republic/1467-17/2017 (H5N8) (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI909452 A/wild duck/Tatarstan/3059/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI909428 A/turkey/Rostov-on-Don/11/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI909404 A/chicken/Voronezh/18/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI909396 A/long-eared owl/Voronezh/16/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI909388 A/Ural owl/Voronezh/14/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI909380 A/long-eared owl/Voronezh/15/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI888088 A/wigeon/Italy/17VIR57-3/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI869940 A/herring gull/Poland/84/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI869931 A/turkey/Poland/83/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI861011 A/turkey/Germany-SH/R8595/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI860509 A/tufted duck/Germany-SH/R8444/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI860401 A/tufted_duck/Germany/AR8459-L01988/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI859653 A/tufted_duck/Germany/AR8444-L01986/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI859212 A/tufted_duck/Germany-SH/R8446/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1023562 A/Eurasian_Wigeon/Netherlands/11/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3085.0 0.000000e+00 1690/1700 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1040223 A/chicken/Italy/17VIR3078/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3083.2 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI909364 A/tufted duck/Denmark/17740-1/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3083.2 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI869930 A/turkey/Poland/78/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3083.2 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1023581 A/Back-headed_Gull/Netherlands/9/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019878 A/Teal/NL-Ferwert/16015273-013/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019870 A/T_Dk/NL-Zuidoost Beemster/16014148-009/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019862 A/T_Dk/NL-Zuidoost Beemster/16014148-002/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019790 A/T_Dk/NL-Rotterdam/16014155-001/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019782 A/T_Dk/NL-Roggebotsluis/16014462-015/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019774 A/T_Dk/NL-Monnickendam/16013865-006-008/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019758 A/Sea_eagle/NL-Assen/16015398-002/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019750 A/P_falcon/NL-Vrouwenpolder (Zeeland)/16015510-001/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019726 A/Magpie/NL-Volendam/16014331-002/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019710 A/L-bl-ba-gull/NL-Sovon/16014324-014/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019702 A/Gull10/NL-Marker Wadden/16014466-014/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019670 A/Gr_bk_bd_gull/NL-Slootdorp/16014102-005/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019598 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Terschelling/16015692-010/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019574 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Leeuwarden/16015699-002/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019542 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Ferwert/16015273-002/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019446 A/Crow/NL-Oostwoud/16015372-004/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019382 A/Buzzard/NL-Durgerdam/16015100-004/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI990802 A/greylag goose/Germany-NI/AR703-L02138/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI990770 A/eurasian wigeon/Germany-NI/AR249-L02143/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI959460 A/Eurasian Wigeon/Netherlands/9/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI954783 A/Common_tern/Hungary/8187/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI916604 A/bronze turkey/Czech Republic/1414-17/2017 (H5N8) (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI909420 A/chicken/Voronezh/20/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI909412 A/chicken/Voronezh/19/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI864746 A/mute swan/Croatia/85/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI863865 A/Common Goldeneye/Sweden/SVA161117KU0322/SZ0002165/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI861568 A/mute swan/Croatia/70/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI861224 A/chicken/Germany-SH/R8758/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
LOCUS       MF166573                1748 bp    cRNA    linear   VRL 01-FEB-2018
DEFINITION  Influenza A virus (A/great egret/Israel/1088/2016(H5N8)) segment 4
            hemagglutinin (HA) gene, complete cds.
VERSION     MF166573.1
SOURCE      Influenza A virus (A/great egret/Israel/1088/2016(H5N8))
  ORGANISM  Influenza A virus (A/great egret/Israel/1088/2016(H5N8))
            Viruses; ssRNA viruses; ssRNA negative-strand viruses;
            Orthomyxoviridae; Influenzavirus A.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 1748)
  AUTHORS   Shkoda,I., Lapin,K., Simanov,L. and Lublin,A.
  TITLE     Highly pathogenic avian influenza A virus H5N8 isolated in Israel
  JOURNAL   Unpublished
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 1748)
  AUTHORS   Shkoda,I., Lapin,K., Simanov,L. and Lublin,A.
  TITLE     Direct Submission
  JOURNAL   Submitted (28-MAY-2017) Division of Avian Diseases, Kimron
            Veterinari Institute, P.O.Box 12, Bet Dagan 50250, Israel
COMMENT     ##Assembly-Data-START##
            Assembly Method       :: SeqMan v. DNASTAR Lasergene 8
            Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..1748
                     /organism="Influenza A virus (A/great
                     /mol_type="viral cRNA"
                     /strain="A/great egret/Israel/1088/2016"
                     /host="great egret"
                     /note="passage details: E1"
     gene            1..1704
     CDS             1..1704
                     /function="receptor binding and fusion protein"
     sig_peptide     1..48
     mat_peptide     49..1035
     mat_peptide     1036..1701
        1 atggagaaaa tagtgcttct tcttgcaata gttagccttg ttaaaagtga tcagatttgc
       61 attggttacc atgcaaacaa ctcgacagag caagttgaca cgataatgga aaagaacgtc
      121 actgttacac atgcccaaga catactggaa aaaacacaca acgggaagct ctgcgatcta
      181 aatggggtga agcctttgat tttaaaggat tgtagtgtag ctggatggct cctcggaaat
      241 ccaatgtgcg acgaattcat cagagtgccg gaatggtctt acatagtgga gagggctaat
      301 ccagctaatg acctctgtta cccagggagc ctcaatgact atgaagaact gaaacacctg
      361 ttgagcagaa taaatcattt tgagaagatt ctgatcatcc ccaagagttc ttggcccaat
      421 catgaaacat cattaggggt aagcgcagct tgtccatacc agggaacgcc ctcctttttc
      481 agaaatgtgg tatggctcat caaaaagaac gatgcatacc caacaataaa gataagctac
      541 aataatacca atcgggaaga tctcttgata ctgtggggaa ttcatcattc caacaatgca
      601 gaagagcaga caaatctcta taaaaaccca accacctata tttcagttgg aacatcaaca
      661 ttaaaccaga gattggtacc aaaaatagct actagatccc aagtaaacgg gcaacgtgga
      721 agaatggact tcttctggac aattttaaaa ccgaatgatg caatccattt cgagagtaat
      781 ggaaatttca ttgctccaga atatgcatac aaaattgtca agaaagggga ctcaacaatt
      841 atgaaaagtg gagtggaata tggccactgc aacaccaaat gtcaaacccc agtaggagcg
      901 ataaactcta gtatgccgtt ccacaatata catcctctca ccatcgggga atgccccaaa
      961 tacgtgaagt caaacaagtt ggtcttggcg actaggctca gaaatagtcc tctaagagaa
     1021 aagagaagaa aaagagggct gtttggggct atagcaggtt ttatagaggg aggatggcag
     1081 ggaatggttg atggttggta tgggtaccac catagcaatg agcaggggag tgggtacgct
     1141 gcagacaaag aatccaccca aaaggcaata gatggagtta ccaataaggt caactcgatc
     1201 attgacaaaa tgaacactca atttgaggca gttggaaggg agtttaataa cttagaaagg
     1261 aggatagaga atttgaacaa gaaaatggaa gacggattcc tagatgtctg gacctataat
     1321 gctgaacttc tagttctcat ggaaaacgag aggactctag atttccatga ctcaaatgtc
     1381 aagaaccttt acgacaaagt cagactgcag cttagggata atgcaaagga gctgggtaac
     1441 ggttgtttcg aattctatca caaatgtgat aatgaatgta tggaaagtgt gagaaatggg
     1501 acgtatgact accctcagta ttcagaagaa gcaagattaa aaagagaaga aataagcgga
     1561 gtgaaattag aatcaatggg aacttaccaa atactgtcaa tttattcaac agtggcgagt
     1621 tccctagcac tggcaatcat ggtggctggt ctatctttat ggatgtgctc caatgggtcg
     1681 ttacagtgca gaatttgcat ttaaatttgt gagctcagat tgtagttaaa aacacccttg
     1741 tttctact
Align Segment-ID Name Score E-Value Identity
text_code_colored.png EPI1176525 A/great egret/Israel/1088/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3147.8 0.000000e+00 1704/1704 (100%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1176517 A/turkey/Israel/1045/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3120.1 0.000000e+00 1699/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1176528 A/great egret/Israel/1084/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3114.6 0.000000e+00 1699/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1176524 A/cormorant/Israel/1035/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3103.5 0.000000e+00 1698/1706 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019630 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Wormer/16016143-002/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1695/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019614 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Walterswald/16015923-003/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1695/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1007675 A/peacock/Belgium/1017/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1695/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI954607 A/turkey/Italy/17VIR1452-22/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1695/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI954575 A/turkey/Italy/17VIR576-11/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1695/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI869687 A/decoy_duck/France/161104e/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3088.7 0.000000e+00 1694/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1045611 A/chicken/Rostov-on-Don/44/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1694/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019638 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Zoeterwoude/16015702-010/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1694/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019582 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Leidschendam/16015697-007/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1694/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019550 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Gouda/16015824-001/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1694/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019534 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Enumatil-Groningen/16015704-001/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1694/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019526 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Drieborg (Dollard)/16015513-001/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1694/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019518 A/Eur_Wig/NL-De Waal (Texel)/16014891-004/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1694/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019510 A/Eur_Wig/NL-De Waal (Texel)/16014891-003/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1694/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI943320 A/pochard_duck/England/SA12_157809/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1694/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI909444 A/mute swan/Krasnodar/25/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1694/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019718 A/M_Swan/NL-Roggebotsluis/16014462-019/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1693/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019678 A/Grey_Go/NL-Groot-Ammers/16015901-012/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1693/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019646 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Zwolle/16015820-002/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1693/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019622 A/Eur_Wig/NL-West Graftdijk/16015746-003/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1693/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019606 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Vianen/16015917-006/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1693/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019590 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Reeuwijk/16015903-003/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1693/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019430 A/Ch/NL-Rhenen/16016141-006/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1693/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019406 A/Ch/NL-Boven Leeuwen/16016151-006-010/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1693/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019398 A/Ch/NL-Abbega/X16015736/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1693/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1007667 A/chicken/Belgium/807/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1693/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI959413 A/Eurasian Wigeon/Netherlands/4/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1693/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI954877 A/Mallard/Hungary/1574a/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1693/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI954861 A/Mallard/Hungary/1574b/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1693/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI954559 A/swan/Italy/17VIR537-2/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1693/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI942943 A/chicken/Wales/000023/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1693/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI922508 A/chicken/Germany-NI/R11406/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1693/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI909436 A/goose/Krasnodar/3144/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1693/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI859650 A/wild duck/Germany-BW/R8455/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1693/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1176526 A/turkey/Israel/184/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1692/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1169201 A/chicken/Rostov-on-Don/1598/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1693/1706 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019766 A/T_Dk/NL-Almeerder Zand/16014341-003/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1692/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019478 A/Dk/NL-Kamperveen/16016104-001-005/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1692/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019438 A/Ch/NL-Zoeterwoude/16016484-021-025/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1692/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI990794 A/greylag goose/Germany-NI/AR1395-L02144/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1692/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI969347 A/turkey/Germany-BB/R377ff/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1692/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI969254 A/Tufted Duck/Switzerland/V237/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1692/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI954813 A/Greylag_goose/Hungary/320/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1692/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI954583 A/chicken/Italy/17VIR653-12/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1692/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI909452 A/wild duck/Tatarstan/3059/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1692/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI909428 A/turkey/Rostov-on-Don/11/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1692/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI909404 A/chicken/Voronezh/18/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1692/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI909396 A/long-eared owl/Voronezh/16/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1692/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI909388 A/Ural owl/Voronezh/14/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1692/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI909380 A/long-eared owl/Voronezh/15/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1692/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI888088 A/wigeon/Italy/17VIR57-3/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1692/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI869940 A/herring gull/Poland/84/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1692/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI869931 A/turkey/Poland/83/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1692/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI868848 A/turkey/England/052131/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1692/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI861011 A/turkey/Germany-SH/R8595/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1692/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI860509 A/tufted duck/Germany-SH/R8444/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1692/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI860401 A/tufted_duck/Germany/AR8459-L01988/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1692/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI859653 A/tufted_duck/Germany/AR8444-L01986/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1692/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI859212 A/tufted_duck/Germany-SH/R8446/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1692/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1023562 A/Eurasian_Wigeon/Netherlands/11/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3073.9 0.000000e+00 1689/1701 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1040223 A/chicken/Italy/17VIR3078/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3072.1 0.000000e+00 1691/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI909364 A/tufted duck/Denmark/17740-1/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3072.1 0.000000e+00 1691/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI869930 A/turkey/Poland/78/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3072.1 0.000000e+00 1691/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019878 A/Teal/NL-Ferwert/16015273-013/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1691/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019870 A/T_Dk/NL-Zuidoost Beemster/16014148-009/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1691/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019862 A/T_Dk/NL-Zuidoost Beemster/16014148-002/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1691/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019790 A/T_Dk/NL-Rotterdam/16014155-001/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1691/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019782 A/T_Dk/NL-Roggebotsluis/16014462-015/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1691/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019774 A/T_Dk/NL-Monnickendam/16013865-006-008/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1691/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019758 A/Sea_eagle/NL-Assen/16015398-002/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1691/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019750 A/P_falcon/NL-Vrouwenpolder (Zeeland)/16015510-001/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1691/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019734 A/Mal/NL-IJsselmuiden/16015448-002/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1691/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019726 A/Magpie/NL-Volendam/16014331-002/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1691/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019710 A/L-bl-ba-gull/NL-Sovon/16014324-014/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1691/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019702 A/Gull10/NL-Marker Wadden/16014466-014/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1691/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019670 A/Gr_bk_bd_gull/NL-Slootdorp/16014102-005/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1691/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019558 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Greonterp/16015653-001/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1691/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019542 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Ferwert/16015273-002/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1691/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019446 A/Crow/NL-Oostwoud/16015372-004/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1691/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019382 A/Buzzard/NL-Durgerdam/16015100-004/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1691/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI990802 A/greylag goose/Germany-NI/AR703-L02138/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1691/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI990770 A/eurasian wigeon/Germany-NI/AR249-L02143/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1691/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI954783 A/Common_tern/Hungary/8187/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1691/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI916604 A/bronze turkey/Czech Republic/1414-17/2017 (H5N8) (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1691/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI909420 A/chicken/Voronezh/20/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1691/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI909412 A/chicken/Voronezh/19/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1691/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI864746 A/mute swan/Croatia/85/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1691/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI863865 A/Common Goldeneye/Sweden/SVA161117KU0322/SZ0002165/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1691/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI861568 A/mute swan/Croatia/70/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1691/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI861224 A/chicken/Germany-SH/R8758/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1691/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI860519 A/goose/Hungary/55128/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1691/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI860393 A/tufted_duck/Germany/AR8444-L01987/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1691/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI907346 A/domestic duck/Germany-BB/R681ff/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3066.6 0.000000e+00 1689/1703 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1040225 A/turkey/Italy/17VIR5878-3/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3064.7 0.000000e+00 1690/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1032549 A/Mulard_duck/Hungary/59163/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3064.7 0.000000e+00 1690/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1032532 A/Mulard_duck/Hungary/62902/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3064.7 0.000000e+00 1690/1705 (99%)
LOCUS       MF166578                1748 bp    cRNA    linear   VRL 01-FEB-2018
DEFINITION  Influenza A virus (A/turkey/Israel/1076/2016(H5N8)) segment 4
            hemagglutinin (HA) gene, complete cds.
VERSION     MF166578.1
SOURCE      Influenza A virus (A/turkey/Israel/1076/2016(H5N8))
  ORGANISM  Influenza A virus (A/turkey/Israel/1076/2016(H5N8))
            Viruses; ssRNA viruses; ssRNA negative-strand viruses;
            Orthomyxoviridae; Influenzavirus A.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 1748)
  AUTHORS   Shkoda,I., Lapin,K., Simanov,L. and Lublin,A.
  TITLE     Highly pathogenic avian influenza A virus H5N8 isolated in Israel
  JOURNAL   Unpublished
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 1748)
  AUTHORS   Shkoda,I., Lapin,K., Simanov,L. and Lublin,A.
  TITLE     Direct Submission
  JOURNAL   Submitted (28-MAY-2017) Division of Avian Diseases, Kimron
            Veterinari Institute, P.O.Box 12, Bet Dagan 50250, Israel
COMMENT     ##Assembly-Data-START##
            Assembly Method       :: SeqMan v. DNASTAR Lasergene 8
            Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..1748
                     /organism="Influenza A virus
                     /mol_type="viral cRNA"
                     /note="passage details: E1"
     gene            1..1704
     CDS             1..1704
                     /function="receptor binding and fusion protein"
     sig_peptide     1..48
     mat_peptide     49..1035
     mat_peptide     1036..1701
        1 atggagaaaa tagtgcttct tcttgcaata gttagccttg ttgaaagtga tcagatttgc
       61 attggttacc atgcaaacaa ctcgacagag caagttgaca cgataatgga aaagaacgtc
      121 actgttacac atgcccaaga catactggaa aaaacacaca acgggaagct ctgcgatcta
      181 aatggggtga agcctctgat tttaaaggat tgtagtgtag ctggatggct cctcggaaac
      241 ccaatgtgcg acgaattcat cagagtgccg gaatggtctt acatagtgga gagggctaac
      301 ccagctaatg acctctgtta cccagggagc ctcaatgact atgaagaact gaaacacctg
      361 ttgagcagaa taaatcattt tgagaagatt ctgatcatcc ccaagagttc ttggcccaat
      421 catgaaacat cattaggggt gagcgcagct tgtccatacc agggaacgcc ctcctttttc
      481 agaaatgtgg tatggcttat caaaaagaac gatgcatacc caacaataaa gataagctac
      541 aataatacca atcgggaaga tctcttgata ctgtggggga ttcatcattc caacaatgca
      601 gaagagcaga caaatctcta taaaaaccca accacctata tttcagttgg aacatcaaca
      661 ttaaaccaga gattggtacc aaaaatagct actagatccc aagtaaacgg gcaacgggga
      721 agaatggact tcttctggac aattttaaaa ccgaatgatg caatccactt cgagagtaat
      781 ggaaatttca ttgctccaga atatgcatac aaaattgtca agaaagggga ctcaacaatt
      841 atgaaaagtg aagtggaata tggccactgc aacaccaaat gtcaaacccc agtgggagcg
      901 ataaactcta gtatgccatt ccacaatata catcctctca ccatcgggga atgccccaaa
      961 tacgtgaagt caaacaagtt ggtccttgcg actgggctca gaaataatcc tctaagagaa
     1021 aagagaagaa aaagagggct gtttggggct atagcaggtt ttatagaggg aggatggcag
     1081 ggaatggttg atggttggta tgggtaccat catagcaatg agcagggaag tgggtacgct
     1141 gcagacaaag aatccaccca aaaggcaata gatggagtta ccaataaggt caactcgatc
     1201 attgacaaaa tgaacactca atttgaggca gttggaaggg agtttaataa cttagaaagg
     1261 aggatagaga atttgaacaa gaaaatggaa gacggattcc tagatgtctg gacctataat
     1321 gctgaacttc tagttctcat ggaaaacgag aggactctag atttccatga ctcaaatgtc
     1381 aagaaccttt acgacaaagt cagactgcag cttagggata atgcaaagga gctgggtaac
     1441 ggttgtttcg agttctatca ccaatgtgat aatgaatgta tggaaagtgt gagaaatggg
     1501 acgtatgact accctcagta ttcagaagaa gcaagattaa aaagagaaga aataagcgga
     1561 gtgaaattag aatcaatagg aacttaccaa atactgtcaa tttattcaac agtggcgagt
     1621 tccctagcac tggcaatcat ggtggctggt ctatctttat ggatgtgctc caatgggtcg
     1681 ttacagtgca gaatttgcat ttaaatttgt gagctcagat tgtagttaaa aacacccttg
     1741 tttctact
Align Segment-ID Name Score E-Value Identity
text_code_colored.png EPI1176527 A/turkey/Israel/1076/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3147.8 0.000000e+00 1704/1704 (100%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1176530 A/peregrine falcon/Israel/1086/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3142.3 0.000000e+00 1703/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1006681 A/common teal/Korea/W549/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3103.5 0.000000e+00 1697/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1006680 A/common teal/Korea/W547/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3103.5 0.000000e+00 1697/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1006705 A/common teal/Korea/W555/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3098.0 0.000000e+00 1696/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1006704 A/common teal/Korea/W550/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3098.0 0.000000e+00 1696/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1006703 A/common teal/Korea/W548/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3098.0 0.000000e+00 1696/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI990794 A/greylag goose/Germany-NI/AR1395-L02144/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1694/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI969347 A/turkey/Germany-BB/R377ff/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1694/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI952639 A/chicken/Korea/H903/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1695/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI869931 A/turkey/Poland/83/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1694/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI869930 A/turkey/Poland/78/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3088.7 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1159809 A/Anser cygnoides/Hubei/FW44/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1034974 A/grey heron/W779/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1694/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI990802 A/greylag goose/Germany-NI/AR703-L02138/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI954567 A/turkey/Italy/17VIR538-1/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI952782 A/mallard duck/Korea/WA137/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1694/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI926613 A/domestic duck/Siberia/103/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI926605 A/domestic duck/Siberia/50K/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI925956 A/gadwall/Chany/97/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI916604 A/bronze turkey/Czech Republic/1414-17/2017 (H5N8) (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774458 A/Brown-headed Gull/Qinghai/ZTO4-B/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774450 A/Brown-headed Gull/Qinghai/ZTO3-LU/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774402 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY18-B/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774378 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY16-LU/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774326 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY13-LU/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774318 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY13-B/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774277 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY10-LU/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774267 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY10-B/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774226 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY7-LU2/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774218 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY7-LU1/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774210 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY7-B/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774201 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY6-LU/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774193 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY6-B/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI907346 A/domestic duck/Germany-BB/R681ff/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3083.2 0.000000e+00 1691/1702 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1021106 A/mute swan/Czech Republic/1296-17_1/2017 (H5N8) (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1010500 A/green-winged teal/Egypt/877/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI931207 A/turkey/Germany-BB/R234ff/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI909452 A/wild duck/Tatarstan/3059/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI881901 A/mute swan/Croatia/15/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI869936 A/chicken/Kalmykia/2661/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI858844 A/painted stork/India/10CA03/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI836614 A/common tern /Uvs-Nuur Lake/26/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI836606 A/grey heron /Uvs-Nuur Lake/20/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI823756 A/black-headed gull/Tyva/41/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI823748 A/wild duck/Tyva/35/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI823460 A/great crested grebe/Tyva/34/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774490 A/Brown-headed Gull/Qinghai/ZTO6-SP/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774483 A/Brown-headed Gull/Qinghai/ZTO6-B/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774434 A/Brown-headed Gull/Qinghai/ZTO1-LU/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774410 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY18-LU/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774394 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY17-LU/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774386 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY17-B/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774369 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY16-B/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774335 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY14-B/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774310 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY12-LU/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774294 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY11-LU/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774286 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY11-B/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774242 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY8-LU/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774234 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY8-B/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774142 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY2-LU/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774133 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY2-B/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774121 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY1-LV/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774113 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY1-B/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI773757 A/great crested grebe/Uvs-Nuur Lake/341/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1693/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1169147 A/chicken/Rostov-on-Don/1321/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1159825 A/Cygnus atratus/Hubei/HF-1/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019558 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Greonterp/16015653-001/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1010489 A/green-winged teal/Egypt/871/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI964917 A/chicken/Czech Republic/206-17_2/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI954877 A/Mallard/Hungary/1574a/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI954861 A/Mallard/Hungary/1574b/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI954559 A/swan/Italy/17VIR537-2/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI887468 A/chicken/Czech Republic/206-17_2/2017(H5N8) (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI864746 A/mute swan/Croatia/85/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI861568 A/mute swan/Croatia/70/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI860519 A/goose/Hungary/55128/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774475 A/Brown-headed Gull/Qinghai/ZTO5-K/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774442 A/Brown-headed Gull/Qinghai/ZTO3-B/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1692/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774352 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY15-B/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774302 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY12-B/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774259 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY9-LU/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774251 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY9-B/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774185 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY5-B/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774176 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY4-LU/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774168 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY4-B/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774159 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY3-LU/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774150 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY3-B/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI978865 A/mute swan/Germany-TH/R1126/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3073.9 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI869924 A/domestic goose/Poland/33/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3072.1 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1176526 A/turkey/Israel/184/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1169201 A/chicken/Rostov-on-Don/1598/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1032549 A/Mulard_duck/Hungary/59163/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1032532 A/Mulard_duck/Hungary/62902/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1032524 A/Mulard_duck/Hungary/60369/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1032508 A/Goose/Hungary/17985/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1032492 A/Goose/Hungary/17051/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1032484 A/Goose/Hungary/15729/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1032476 A/Goose/Hungary/17261/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1021135 A/quail/Czech Republic/2063-17_1/2017 (H5N8) (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
LOCUS       MF166579                1748 bp    cRNA    linear   VRL 01-FEB-2018
DEFINITION  Influenza A virus (A/chicken/Israel/1048/2016(H5N8)) segment 4
            hemagglutinin (HA) gene, complete cds.
VERSION     MF166579.1
SOURCE      Influenza A virus (A/chicken/Israel/1048/2016(H5N8))
  ORGANISM  Influenza A virus (A/chicken/Israel/1048/2016(H5N8))
            Viruses; ssRNA viruses; ssRNA negative-strand viruses;
            Orthomyxoviridae; Influenzavirus A.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 1748)
  AUTHORS   Shkoda,I., Lapin,K., Simanov,L. and Lublin,A.
  TITLE     Highly pathogenic avian influenza A virus H5N8 isolated in Israel
  JOURNAL   Unpublished
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 1748)
  AUTHORS   Shkoda,I., Lapin,K., Simanov,L. and Lublin,A.
  TITLE     Direct Submission
  JOURNAL   Submitted (28-MAY-2017) Division of Avian Diseases, Kimron
            Veterinari Institute, P.O.Box 12, Bet Dagan 50250, Israel
COMMENT     ##Assembly-Data-START##
            Assembly Method       :: SeqMan v. DNASTAR Lasergene 8
            Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..1748
                     /organism="Influenza A virus
                     /mol_type="viral cRNA"
                     /note="passage details: E1"
     gene            1..1704
     CDS             1..1704
                     /function="receptor binding and fusion protein"
     sig_peptide     1..48
     mat_peptide     49..1035
     mat_peptide     1036..1701
        1 atggagaaaa tagtgcttct tcttgcaata gttggccttg ttaaaagtga tccgatttgc
       61 attggttacc atgcaaacaa ctcgacagag caagttgaca cgataatgga aaagaacgtc
      121 actgttacac atgcccaaga catactggaa aaaacacaca acgggaagct ctgcgattta
      181 aatggggtga aacctctgat tttaaaggat tgtagtgtag ctggatggct cctcggaaac
      241 ccaatgtgcg acgaattcat cagagtgccg gaatggtctt acatagtgga gagggctaac
      301 cccgctaatg acctctgtta cccagggagc ctcaatgact atgaagaact gaaacacctg
      361 ttgagcagaa taaatcattt tgagaagatt ctgatcatcc ccaagagttc ttggcccaat
      421 catgaaacat cattaggggt gagcgcagct tgtccatacc agggaacgcc ctcctttttc
      481 agaaatgtgg tatggcttat caaaaagaac gatgcatacc caacaataaa gataagctac
      541 aataatacca atcgggaaga tctcttgata ctgtggggga ttcatcattc caacaatgca
      601 gaagagcaga caaatctcta taaaaaccca accacctata tttcggttgg aacatcaaca
      661 ttaaaccaga gattggtacc aaaaatagct actagatccc aagtaaacgg gcaacgtgga
      721 agaatggact tcttttggac aattttaaaa ccgaatgatg caatccactt cgagagtaat
      781 ggaaatttca ttgctccaga atatgcatac aaaattgtca agaaagggga ctcaacaatt
      841 atgaaaagtg aagtggaata tggccactgc aacaccaaat gtcaaacccc agtaggagcg
      901 ataaactcta gtatgccatt ccacaatata catcctctca ccatcgggga atgccccaaa
      961 tacgtgaagt caaacaagtt ggtccttgcg actgggctca gaaatagtcc tctaagagaa
     1021 aagagaagaa aaagagggct gtttggggct atagcaggtt ttatagaggg aggatggcag
     1081 ggaatggttg atggttggta tgggtaccac catagcaatg agcaggggag tgggtacgct
     1141 gcagacaaag aatccaccca aaaagcaata gatggagtta ccaataaggt caactcgatc
     1201 attgacaaaa tgaacactca atttgaggca gttggaaggg agtttaataa cttagaaagg
     1261 aggatagaga atttgaacaa gaaaatggaa gacggattcc tagatgtctg gacctataat
     1321 gctgaacttc tagttctcat ggaaaacgag aggactctag atttccatga ctcaaatgtc
     1381 aagaaccttt acgacaaagt cagactgcag cttagggata atgcaaagga gctgggtaac
     1441 ggttgtttcg agttctatca caaatgtgat aatgaatgta tggaaagtgt gagaaatggg
     1501 acgtatgact accctcagta ttcagaagaa gcaagattaa aaagagaaga aataagcgga
     1561 gtgaaattag aatcaatagg aacttaccaa atactgtcaa tttattcaac agtggcgagt
     1621 tccctagcac tggcaatcat ggtggctggt ctatctttat ggatgtgctc caatgggtcg
     1681 ttacagtgca gaatttgcat ttaaatttgt gagctcagat tgtagttaaa aacacccttg
     1741 tttctact
Align Segment-ID Name Score E-Value Identity
text_code_colored.png EPI1176519 A/chicken/Israel/1048/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3147.8 0.000000e+00 1704/1704 (100%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1159809 A/Anser cygnoides/Hubei/FW44/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1694/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI990794 A/greylag goose/Germany-NI/AR1395-L02144/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI969347 A/turkey/Germany-BB/R377ff/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI869931 A/turkey/Poland/83/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI869930 A/turkey/Poland/78/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3083.2 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1159825 A/Cygnus atratus/Hubei/HF-1/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI990802 A/greylag goose/Germany-NI/AR703-L02138/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI916604 A/bronze turkey/Czech Republic/1414-17/2017 (H5N8) (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI907346 A/domestic duck/Germany-BB/R681ff/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3077.6 0.000000e+00 1690/1702 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1021106 A/mute swan/Czech Republic/1296-17_1/2017 (H5N8) (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1006681 A/common teal/Korea/W549/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1006680 A/common teal/Korea/W547/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI931207 A/turkey/Germany-BB/R234ff/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI909452 A/wild duck/Tatarstan/3059/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI869936 A/chicken/Kalmykia/2661/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI836614 A/common tern /Uvs-Nuur Lake/26/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI836606 A/grey heron /Uvs-Nuur Lake/20/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI823756 A/black-headed gull/Tyva/41/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI823748 A/wild duck/Tyva/35/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI823460 A/great crested grebe/Tyva/34/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774394 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY17-LU/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774386 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY17-B/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774310 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY12-LU/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774242 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY8-LU/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774234 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY8-B/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774121 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY1-LV/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774113 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY1-B/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI773757 A/great crested grebe/Uvs-Nuur Lake/341/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1692/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1176518 A/chicken/Israel/881/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1169147 A/chicken/Rostov-on-Don/1321/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1159817 A/Cygnus atratus/Hubei/2Z2-O/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1006705 A/common teal/Korea/W555/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1006704 A/common teal/Korea/W550/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1006703 A/common teal/Korea/W548/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI954877 A/Mallard/Hungary/1574a/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI954861 A/Mallard/Hungary/1574b/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI954559 A/swan/Italy/17VIR537-2/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI864746 A/mute swan/Croatia/85/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI861568 A/mute swan/Croatia/70/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI860519 A/goose/Hungary/55128/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774475 A/Brown-headed Gull/Qinghai/ZTO5-K/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774458 A/Brown-headed Gull/Qinghai/ZTO4-B/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774450 A/Brown-headed Gull/Qinghai/ZTO3-LU/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774402 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY18-B/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774378 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY16-LU/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774326 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY13-LU/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774318 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY13-B/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774302 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY12-B/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774277 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY10-LU/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774267 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY10-B/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774259 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY9-LU/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774251 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY9-B/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774226 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY7-LU2/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774218 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY7-LU1/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774210 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY7-B/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774201 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY6-LU/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774193 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY6-B/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774185 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY5-B/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774176 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY4-LU/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774168 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY4-B/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774159 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY3-LU/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774150 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY3-B/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI978865 A/mute swan/Germany-TH/R1126/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3068.4 0.000000e+00 1689/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI869924 A/domestic goose/Poland/33/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3066.6 0.000000e+00 1689/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1176527 A/turkey/Israel/1076/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3064.7 0.000000e+00 1689/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1176526 A/turkey/Israel/184/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3064.7 0.000000e+00 1689/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1169201 A/chicken/Rostov-on-Don/1598/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3064.7 0.000000e+00 1689/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1032549 A/Mulard_duck/Hungary/59163/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3064.7 0.000000e+00 1689/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1032532 A/Mulard_duck/Hungary/62902/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3064.7 0.000000e+00 1689/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1032524 A/Mulard_duck/Hungary/60369/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3064.7 0.000000e+00 1689/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1032508 A/Goose/Hungary/17985/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3064.7 0.000000e+00 1689/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1032492 A/Goose/Hungary/17051/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3064.7 0.000000e+00 1689/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1032484 A/Goose/Hungary/15729/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3064.7 0.000000e+00 1689/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1032476 A/Goose/Hungary/17261/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3064.7 0.000000e+00 1689/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1021135 A/quail/Czech Republic/2063-17_1/2017 (H5N8) (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3064.7 0.000000e+00 1689/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1021132 A/goose/Czech Republic/1954-17/2017 (H5N8) (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3064.7 0.000000e+00 1689/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019638 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Zoeterwoude/16015702-010/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3064.7 0.000000e+00 1689/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019582 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Leidschendam/16015697-007/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3064.7 0.000000e+00 1689/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019550 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Gouda/16015824-001/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3064.7 0.000000e+00 1689/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019518 A/Eur_Wig/NL-De Waal (Texel)/16014891-004/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3064.7 0.000000e+00 1689/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019510 A/Eur_Wig/NL-De Waal (Texel)/16014891-003/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3064.7 0.000000e+00 1689/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI964917 A/chicken/Czech Republic/206-17_2/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3064.7 0.000000e+00 1689/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI962046 A/Duck/Hungary/54738/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3064.7 0.000000e+00 1689/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI961525 A/chicken/Italy/17VIR1751-3/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3064.7 0.000000e+00 1689/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI961500 A/shelduck/Italy/17VIR1572-24/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3064.7 0.000000e+00 1689/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI959539 A/Mute swan/Hungary/6276/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3064.7 0.000000e+00 1689/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI954813 A/Greylag_goose/Hungary/320/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3064.7 0.000000e+00 1689/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI954655 A/Duck/Hungary/984/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3064.7 0.000000e+00 1689/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI954639 A/Harris Hawk/Hungary/120/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3064.7 0.000000e+00 1689/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI952639 A/chicken/Korea/H903/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3064.7 0.000000e+00 1689/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI943320 A/pochard_duck/England/SA12_157809/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3064.7 0.000000e+00 1689/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI930838 A/mute swan/Czech Republic/54-17_2/2017 (H5N8) (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3064.7 0.000000e+00 1689/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI919636 A/chicken/Czech Republic/585-17_1/2017 (H5N8) (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3064.7 0.000000e+00 1689/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI891670 A/greylag goose/Croatia/33/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3064.7 0.000000e+00 1689/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI887468 A/chicken/Czech Republic/206-17_2/2017(H5N8) (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3064.7 0.000000e+00 1689/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI881901 A/mute swan/Croatia/15/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3064.7 0.000000e+00 1689/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI869929 A/mute swan/Poland/108/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3064.7 0.000000e+00 1689/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI868848 A/turkey/England/052131/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3064.7 0.000000e+00 1689/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI866978 A/duck/Hungary/60441/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3064.7 0.000000e+00 1689/1704 (99%)
LOCUS       MF166574                1748 bp    cRNA    linear   VRL 01-FEB-2018
DEFINITION  Influenza A virus (A/turkey/Israel/1045/2016(H5N8)) segment 4
            hemagglutinin (HA) gene, complete cds.
VERSION     MF166574.1
SOURCE      Influenza A virus (A/turkey/Israel/1045/2016(H5N8))
  ORGANISM  Influenza A virus (A/turkey/Israel/1045/2016(H5N8))
            Viruses; ssRNA viruses; ssRNA negative-strand viruses;
            Orthomyxoviridae; Influenzavirus A.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 1748)
  AUTHORS   Shkoda,I., Lapin,K., Simanov,L. and Lublin,A.
  TITLE     Highly pathogenic avian influenza A virus H5N8 isolated in Israel
  JOURNAL   Unpublished
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 1748)
  AUTHORS   Shkoda,I., Lapin,K., Simanov,L. and Lublin,A.
  TITLE     Direct Submission
  JOURNAL   Submitted (28-MAY-2017) Division of Avian Diseases, Kimron
            Veterinari Institute, P.O.Box 12, Bet Dagan 50250, Israel
COMMENT     ##Assembly-Data-START##
            Assembly Method       :: SeqMan v. DNASTAR Lasergene 8
            Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..1748
                     /organism="Influenza A virus
                     /mol_type="viral cRNA"
                     /note="passage details: E1"
     gene            1..1704
     CDS             1..1704
                     /function="receptor binding and fusion protein"
     sig_peptide     1..48
     mat_peptide     49..1035
     mat_peptide     1036..1701
        1 atggagaaaa tagtgcttct tcttgcaata gttagccttg ttaaaagtga tcagatttgc
       61 attggttacc atgcaaacaa ctcgacagag caagttgaca cgataatgga aaagaacgtc
      121 actgttacac atgcccaaga catactggaa aaaacacaca acgggaagct ctgcgatcta
      181 aatggggtga agcctttgat tttaaaggat tgtagtgtag ctggatggct cctcggaaac
      241 ccaatgtgcg acgaattcat cagagtgccg gaatggtctt acatagtgga gagggctaat
      301 ccagctaatg acctctgtta cccagggagc ctcaatgact atgaagaact gaaacacctg
      361 ttgagcagaa taaatcattt tgagaagatt ctgatcatcc ccaagagttc ttggcccaat
      421 catgaaacat cattaggggt aagcgcagct tgtccatacc agggaacgcc ctcctttttc
      481 agaaatgtgg tatggctcat caaaaagaac aatgcatacc caacaataaa gataagctac
      541 aataatacca atcgggaaga tctcttgata ctgtggggaa ttcatcattc caacaatgca
      601 gaagagcaga caaatctcta taaaaaccca accacctata tttcagttgg aacatcaaca
      661 ttaaaccaga gattggtacc aaaaatagct actagatccc aagtaaacgg gcaacgtgga
      721 agaatggact tcttctggac aattttaaaa ccgaatgatg caatccattt cgagagtaat
      781 ggaaatttca ttgctccaga atatgcatac aaaattgtca agaaagggga ctcaacaatt
      841 atgaaaagtg gagtggaata tggccactgc aacaccaaat gtcaaacccc agtaggagcg
      901 ataaactcta gtatgccgtt ccacaatata catcctctca ccatcgggga atgccccaaa
      961 tacgtgaagt caaacaagtt ggtctttgcg actgggctca gaaatagtcc tctaagagaa
     1021 aagagaagaa aaagagggct gtttggggct atagcaggtt ttatagaggg aggatggcag
     1081 ggaatggttg atggttggta tgggtaccac catagcaatg agcaggggag tgggtacgct
     1141 gcagacaaag aatccaccca aaaggcaata gatggagtta ccaataaggt caactcgatc
     1201 attgacaaaa tgaacactca atttgaggca gttggaaggg agtttaataa cttagaaagg
     1261 aggatagaga atttgaacaa gaaaatggaa gacggattcc tagatgtctg gacctataat
     1321 gctgaacttc tagttctcat ggaaaacgag aggactctag atttccatga ctcaaatgtc
     1381 aagaaccttt acgacaaagt cagactgcag cttagggata atgcaaagga gctgggtaac
     1441 ggttgtttcg aattctatca caaatgtgat aatgaatgta tggaaagtgt gagaaatggg
     1501 acgtatgact accctcagta ttcagaagaa gcaagattaa aaagagaaga aataagcgga
     1561 gtgaaattag aatcaatagg aacttaccaa atactgtcaa tttattcaac agtggcgagt
     1621 tccctagcac tggcaatcat ggtggctggt ctatctttat ggatgtgctc caatgggtcg
     1681 ttacagtgca gaatttgcat ttaaatttgt gagctcagat tgtagttaaa aacacccttg
     1741 tttctact
Align Segment-ID Name Score E-Value Identity
text_code_colored.png EPI1176517 A/turkey/Israel/1045/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3147.8 0.000000e+00 1704/1704 (100%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1176528 A/great egret/Israel/1084/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3120.1 0.000000e+00 1699/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1176525 A/great egret/Israel/1088/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3120.1 0.000000e+00 1699/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1176524 A/cormorant/Israel/1035/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3120.1 0.000000e+00 1700/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019630 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Wormer/16016143-002/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3109.0 0.000000e+00 1697/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019614 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Walterswald/16015923-003/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3109.0 0.000000e+00 1697/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1007675 A/peacock/Belgium/1017/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3109.0 0.000000e+00 1697/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI954607 A/turkey/Italy/17VIR1452-22/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3109.0 0.000000e+00 1697/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI954575 A/turkey/Italy/17VIR576-11/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3109.0 0.000000e+00 1697/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI869687 A/decoy_duck/France/161104e/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3105.3 0.000000e+00 1696/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1045611 A/chicken/Rostov-on-Don/44/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3103.5 0.000000e+00 1696/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019638 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Zoeterwoude/16015702-010/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3103.5 0.000000e+00 1696/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019582 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Leidschendam/16015697-007/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3103.5 0.000000e+00 1696/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019550 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Gouda/16015824-001/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3103.5 0.000000e+00 1696/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019534 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Enumatil-Groningen/16015704-001/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3103.5 0.000000e+00 1696/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019526 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Drieborg (Dollard)/16015513-001/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3103.5 0.000000e+00 1696/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019518 A/Eur_Wig/NL-De Waal (Texel)/16014891-004/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3103.5 0.000000e+00 1696/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019510 A/Eur_Wig/NL-De Waal (Texel)/16014891-003/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3103.5 0.000000e+00 1696/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI943320 A/pochard_duck/England/SA12_157809/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3103.5 0.000000e+00 1696/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI909444 A/mute swan/Krasnodar/25/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3103.5 0.000000e+00 1696/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019718 A/M_Swan/NL-Roggebotsluis/16014462-019/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3098.0 0.000000e+00 1695/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019678 A/Grey_Go/NL-Groot-Ammers/16015901-012/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3098.0 0.000000e+00 1695/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019646 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Zwolle/16015820-002/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3098.0 0.000000e+00 1695/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019622 A/Eur_Wig/NL-West Graftdijk/16015746-003/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3098.0 0.000000e+00 1695/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019606 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Vianen/16015917-006/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3098.0 0.000000e+00 1695/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019590 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Reeuwijk/16015903-003/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3098.0 0.000000e+00 1695/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019430 A/Ch/NL-Rhenen/16016141-006/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3098.0 0.000000e+00 1695/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019406 A/Ch/NL-Boven Leeuwen/16016151-006-010/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3098.0 0.000000e+00 1695/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019398 A/Ch/NL-Abbega/X16015736/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3098.0 0.000000e+00 1695/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1007667 A/chicken/Belgium/807/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3098.0 0.000000e+00 1695/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI959413 A/Eurasian Wigeon/Netherlands/4/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3098.0 0.000000e+00 1695/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI954877 A/Mallard/Hungary/1574a/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3098.0 0.000000e+00 1695/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI954861 A/Mallard/Hungary/1574b/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3098.0 0.000000e+00 1695/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI954559 A/swan/Italy/17VIR537-2/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3098.0 0.000000e+00 1695/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI942943 A/chicken/Wales/000023/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3098.0 0.000000e+00 1695/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI922508 A/chicken/Germany-NI/R11406/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3098.0 0.000000e+00 1695/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI909436 A/goose/Krasnodar/3144/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3098.0 0.000000e+00 1695/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI859650 A/wild duck/Germany-BW/R8455/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3098.0 0.000000e+00 1695/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1176526 A/turkey/Israel/184/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1694/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1169201 A/chicken/Rostov-on-Don/1598/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1694/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019766 A/T_Dk/NL-Almeerder Zand/16014341-003/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1694/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019478 A/Dk/NL-Kamperveen/16016104-001-005/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1694/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019438 A/Ch/NL-Zoeterwoude/16016484-021-025/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1694/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI990794 A/greylag goose/Germany-NI/AR1395-L02144/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1694/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI969347 A/turkey/Germany-BB/R377ff/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1694/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI969254 A/Tufted Duck/Switzerland/V237/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1694/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI954813 A/Greylag_goose/Hungary/320/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1694/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI954583 A/chicken/Italy/17VIR653-12/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1694/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI909452 A/wild duck/Tatarstan/3059/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1694/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI909428 A/turkey/Rostov-on-Don/11/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1694/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI909404 A/chicken/Voronezh/18/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1694/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI909396 A/long-eared owl/Voronezh/16/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1694/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI909388 A/Ural owl/Voronezh/14/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1694/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI909380 A/long-eared owl/Voronezh/15/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1694/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI888088 A/wigeon/Italy/17VIR57-3/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1694/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI869940 A/herring gull/Poland/84/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1694/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI869931 A/turkey/Poland/83/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1694/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI868848 A/turkey/England/052131/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1694/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI861011 A/turkey/Germany-SH/R8595/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1694/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI860509 A/tufted duck/Germany-SH/R8444/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1694/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI860401 A/tufted_duck/Germany/AR8459-L01988/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1694/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI859653 A/tufted_duck/Germany/AR8444-L01986/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1694/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI859212 A/tufted_duck/Germany-SH/R8446/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1694/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1023562 A/Eurasian_Wigeon/Netherlands/11/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3090.6 0.000000e+00 1691/1700 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1040223 A/chicken/Italy/17VIR3078/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3088.7 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI909364 A/tufted duck/Denmark/17740-1/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3088.7 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI869930 A/turkey/Poland/78/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3088.7 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019878 A/Teal/NL-Ferwert/16015273-013/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019870 A/T_Dk/NL-Zuidoost Beemster/16014148-009/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019862 A/T_Dk/NL-Zuidoost Beemster/16014148-002/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019790 A/T_Dk/NL-Rotterdam/16014155-001/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019782 A/T_Dk/NL-Roggebotsluis/16014462-015/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019774 A/T_Dk/NL-Monnickendam/16013865-006-008/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019758 A/Sea_eagle/NL-Assen/16015398-002/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019750 A/P_falcon/NL-Vrouwenpolder (Zeeland)/16015510-001/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019734 A/Mal/NL-IJsselmuiden/16015448-002/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019726 A/Magpie/NL-Volendam/16014331-002/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019710 A/L-bl-ba-gull/NL-Sovon/16014324-014/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019702 A/Gull10/NL-Marker Wadden/16014466-014/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019670 A/Gr_bk_bd_gull/NL-Slootdorp/16014102-005/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019558 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Greonterp/16015653-001/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019542 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Ferwert/16015273-002/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019446 A/Crow/NL-Oostwoud/16015372-004/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019382 A/Buzzard/NL-Durgerdam/16015100-004/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI990802 A/greylag goose/Germany-NI/AR703-L02138/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI990770 A/eurasian wigeon/Germany-NI/AR249-L02143/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI954783 A/Common_tern/Hungary/8187/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI916604 A/bronze turkey/Czech Republic/1414-17/2017 (H5N8) (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI909420 A/chicken/Voronezh/20/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI909412 A/chicken/Voronezh/19/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI864746 A/mute swan/Croatia/85/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI863865 A/Common Goldeneye/Sweden/SVA161117KU0322/SZ0002165/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI861568 A/mute swan/Croatia/70/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI861224 A/chicken/Germany-SH/R8758/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI860519 A/goose/Hungary/55128/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI860393 A/tufted_duck/Germany/AR8444-L01987/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI907346 A/domestic duck/Germany-BB/R681ff/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3083.2 0.000000e+00 1691/1702 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1040225 A/turkey/Italy/17VIR5878-3/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1032549 A/Mulard_duck/Hungary/59163/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1032532 A/Mulard_duck/Hungary/62902/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
LOCUS       MF166572                1748 bp    cRNA    linear   VRL 01-FEB-2018
DEFINITION  Influenza A virus (A/cormorant/Israel/1035/2016(H5N8)) segment 4
            hemagglutinin (HA) gene, complete cds.
VERSION     MF166572.1
SOURCE      Influenza A virus (A/cormorant/Israel/1035/2016(H5N8))
  ORGANISM  Influenza A virus (A/cormorant/Israel/1035/2016(H5N8))
            Viruses; ssRNA viruses; ssRNA negative-strand viruses;
            Orthomyxoviridae; Influenzavirus A.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 1748)
  AUTHORS   Shkoda,I., Lapin,K., Simanov,L. and Lublin,A.
  TITLE     Highly pathogenic avian influenza A virus H5N8 isolated in Israel
  JOURNAL   Unpublished
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 1748)
  AUTHORS   Shkoda,I., Lapin,K., Simanov,L. and Lublin,A.
  TITLE     Direct Submission
  JOURNAL   Submitted (28-MAY-2017) Division of Avian Diseases, Kimron
            Veterinari Institute, P.O.Box 12, Bet Dagan 50250, Israel
COMMENT     ##Assembly-Data-START##
            Assembly Method       :: SeqMan v. DNASTAR Lasergene 8
            Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..1748
                     /organism="Influenza A virus
                     /mol_type="viral cRNA"
                     /note="passage details: E1"
     gene            1..1704
     CDS             1..1704
                     /function="receptor binding and fusion protein"
     sig_peptide     1..48
     mat_peptide     49..1035
     mat_peptide     1036..1701
        1 atggagaaaa tagtgcttct tcttgcaata gttagccttg ttaaaagtga tcagatttgc
       61 attggttacc atgcaaacaa ctcgacagag caagttgaca cgataatgga aaagaacgtc
      121 actgttacac atgcccaaga catactggaa aaaacacaca acgggaagct ctgcgatcta
      181 aatggggtga agcctttgat tttaaaggat tgtagtgtag ctggatggct cctcggaaac
      241 ccaatgtgcg acgaattcat cagagtgccg gaatggtctt acatagtgga gagggctaat
      301 ccagctaatg acctctgtta cccagggagc ctcaatgact atgaagaact gaaacacctg
      361 ttgagcagaa taaatcattt tgagaagatt ctgatcatcc ccaagagttc ttggcccaat
      421 catgaaacat cattaggggt aagcgcagct tgtccatacc agggaacgcc ctcctttttc
      481 agaaatgtgg tatggctcat caaaaagaac gatgcatacc caacaataaa gataagctac
      541 aataatacca atcgggaaga tctcttgata ctgtggggaa ttcatcattc caacaatgca
      601 aaagagcaga caaatctcta taaaaaccca accacctata tttcagttgg aacatcaaca
      661 ttaaaccaga gattggtacc aaaaatagct actagatccc aagtaaacgg gcaacgtgga
      721 agaatggact tcttctggac aattttaaaa ccgaatgatg caatccattt cgagagtaat
      781 ggaaatttca ttgctccaga atatgcatac aaaattgtca agaagaggga ctcaacaatt
      841 atgaaaagtg gagtggaata tggccactgc aacaccaaat gtcaaacccc agtaggagcg
      901 ataaactcta gtatgccgtt ccacaatata catcctctca ccatcgggga atgccccaaa
      961 tacgtgaagt caaacaagtt ggtccttgcg actgggctca gaaatagtcc tctaagagaa
     1021 aagagaagaa aaagagggct gtttggggct atagcaggtt ttatagaggg aggatggcag
     1081 ggaatggttg atggttggta tgggtaccac catagcaatg agcaggggag tgggtacgct
     1141 gcagacaaag aatccaccca aaaggcaata gatggagtta ccaataaggt caactcgatc
     1201 attgacaaaa tgaacactca atttgaggca gttggaaggg agtttaataa cttagaaagg
     1261 aggatagaga atttgaacaa gaaaatggaa gacggattcc tagatgtctg gacctataat
     1321 gctgaacttc tagttctcat ggaaaacgag aggactctag atttccatga ctcaaatgtc
     1381 aagaaccttt acgacaaagt cagactgcag cttagggata atgcaaagga gctgggtaac
     1441 ggttgtttcg aattctatca caaatgtgat aatgaatgta tggaaagtgt gagaaatggg
     1501 acgtatgact accctcagta ttcagaagaa gcaagattaa aaagagaaga aataagcgga
     1561 gtgaaattag aatcaatagg aacttaccaa atactgtcaa tttattcaac agtggcgagt
     1621 tccctagcac tggcaatcat ggtggctggt ctatctttat ggatgtgctc caatgggtcg
     1681 ttacagtgca gaatttgcat ttaaatttgt gagctcagat tgtagttaaa aacacccttg
     1741 tttctact
Align Segment-ID Name Score E-Value Identity
text_code_colored.png EPI1176524 A/cormorant/Israel/1035/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3147.8 0.000000e+00 1704/1704 (100%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1176517 A/turkey/Israel/1045/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3120.1 0.000000e+00 1700/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1176528 A/great egret/Israel/1084/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3114.6 0.000000e+00 1699/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1176525 A/great egret/Israel/1088/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3103.5 0.000000e+00 1698/1706 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019630 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Wormer/16016143-002/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3103.5 0.000000e+00 1697/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019614 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Walterswald/16015923-003/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3103.5 0.000000e+00 1697/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1007675 A/peacock/Belgium/1017/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3103.5 0.000000e+00 1697/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI954607 A/turkey/Italy/17VIR1452-22/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3103.5 0.000000e+00 1697/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI954575 A/turkey/Italy/17VIR576-11/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3103.5 0.000000e+00 1697/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI869687 A/decoy_duck/France/161104e/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3099.8 0.000000e+00 1696/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1176526 A/turkey/Israel/184/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3098.0 0.000000e+00 1695/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1045611 A/chicken/Rostov-on-Don/44/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3098.0 0.000000e+00 1696/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019638 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Zoeterwoude/16015702-010/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3098.0 0.000000e+00 1696/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019582 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Leidschendam/16015697-007/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3098.0 0.000000e+00 1696/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019550 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Gouda/16015824-001/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3098.0 0.000000e+00 1696/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019534 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Enumatil-Groningen/16015704-001/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3098.0 0.000000e+00 1696/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019526 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Drieborg (Dollard)/16015513-001/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3098.0 0.000000e+00 1696/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019518 A/Eur_Wig/NL-De Waal (Texel)/16014891-004/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3098.0 0.000000e+00 1696/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019510 A/Eur_Wig/NL-De Waal (Texel)/16014891-003/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3098.0 0.000000e+00 1696/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI943320 A/pochard_duck/England/SA12_157809/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3098.0 0.000000e+00 1696/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI909444 A/mute swan/Krasnodar/25/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3098.0 0.000000e+00 1696/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019718 A/M_Swan/NL-Roggebotsluis/16014462-019/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1695/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019678 A/Grey_Go/NL-Groot-Ammers/16015901-012/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1695/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019646 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Zwolle/16015820-002/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1695/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019622 A/Eur_Wig/NL-West Graftdijk/16015746-003/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1695/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019606 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Vianen/16015917-006/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1695/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019590 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Reeuwijk/16015903-003/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1695/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019430 A/Ch/NL-Rhenen/16016141-006/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1695/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019406 A/Ch/NL-Boven Leeuwen/16016151-006-010/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1695/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019398 A/Ch/NL-Abbega/X16015736/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1695/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1007667 A/chicken/Belgium/807/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1695/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI959413 A/Eurasian Wigeon/Netherlands/4/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1695/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI954877 A/Mallard/Hungary/1574a/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1695/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI954861 A/Mallard/Hungary/1574b/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1695/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI954559 A/swan/Italy/17VIR537-2/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1695/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI942943 A/chicken/Wales/000023/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1695/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI922508 A/chicken/Germany-NI/R11406/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1695/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI909436 A/goose/Krasnodar/3144/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1695/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI859650 A/wild duck/Germany-BW/R8455/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1695/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1169201 A/chicken/Rostov-on-Don/1598/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1694/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019766 A/T_Dk/NL-Almeerder Zand/16014341-003/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1694/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019478 A/Dk/NL-Kamperveen/16016104-001-005/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1694/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019438 A/Ch/NL-Zoeterwoude/16016484-021-025/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1694/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI990794 A/greylag goose/Germany-NI/AR1395-L02144/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1694/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI969347 A/turkey/Germany-BB/R377ff/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1694/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI969254 A/Tufted Duck/Switzerland/V237/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1694/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI954813 A/Greylag_goose/Hungary/320/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1694/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI954583 A/chicken/Italy/17VIR653-12/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1694/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI909452 A/wild duck/Tatarstan/3059/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1694/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI909428 A/turkey/Rostov-on-Don/11/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1694/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI909404 A/chicken/Voronezh/18/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1694/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI909396 A/long-eared owl/Voronezh/16/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1694/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI909388 A/Ural owl/Voronezh/14/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1694/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI909380 A/long-eared owl/Voronezh/15/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1694/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI888088 A/wigeon/Italy/17VIR57-3/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1694/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI869940 A/herring gull/Poland/84/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1694/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI869931 A/turkey/Poland/83/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1694/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI868848 A/turkey/England/052131/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1694/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI861011 A/turkey/Germany-SH/R8595/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1694/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI860509 A/tufted duck/Germany-SH/R8444/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1694/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI860401 A/tufted_duck/Germany/AR8459-L01988/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1694/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI859653 A/tufted_duck/Germany/AR8444-L01986/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1694/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI859212 A/tufted_duck/Germany-SH/R8446/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1694/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1023562 A/Eurasian_Wigeon/Netherlands/11/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3085.0 0.000000e+00 1691/1701 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1040223 A/chicken/Italy/17VIR3078/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3083.2 0.000000e+00 1693/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI909364 A/tufted duck/Denmark/17740-1/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3083.2 0.000000e+00 1693/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI869930 A/turkey/Poland/78/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3083.2 0.000000e+00 1693/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019878 A/Teal/NL-Ferwert/16015273-013/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1693/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019870 A/T_Dk/NL-Zuidoost Beemster/16014148-009/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1693/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019862 A/T_Dk/NL-Zuidoost Beemster/16014148-002/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1693/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019790 A/T_Dk/NL-Rotterdam/16014155-001/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1693/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019782 A/T_Dk/NL-Roggebotsluis/16014462-015/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1693/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019774 A/T_Dk/NL-Monnickendam/16013865-006-008/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1693/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019758 A/Sea_eagle/NL-Assen/16015398-002/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1693/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019750 A/P_falcon/NL-Vrouwenpolder (Zeeland)/16015510-001/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1693/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019734 A/Mal/NL-IJsselmuiden/16015448-002/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1693/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019726 A/Magpie/NL-Volendam/16014331-002/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1693/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019710 A/L-bl-ba-gull/NL-Sovon/16014324-014/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1693/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019702 A/Gull10/NL-Marker Wadden/16014466-014/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1693/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019670 A/Gr_bk_bd_gull/NL-Slootdorp/16014102-005/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1693/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019558 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Greonterp/16015653-001/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1693/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019542 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Ferwert/16015273-002/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1693/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019446 A/Crow/NL-Oostwoud/16015372-004/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1693/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019382 A/Buzzard/NL-Durgerdam/16015100-004/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1693/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI990802 A/greylag goose/Germany-NI/AR703-L02138/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1693/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI990770 A/eurasian wigeon/Germany-NI/AR249-L02143/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1693/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI954783 A/Common_tern/Hungary/8187/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1693/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI916604 A/bronze turkey/Czech Republic/1414-17/2017 (H5N8) (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1693/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI909420 A/chicken/Voronezh/20/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1693/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI909412 A/chicken/Voronezh/19/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1693/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI864746 A/mute swan/Croatia/85/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1693/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI863865 A/Common Goldeneye/Sweden/SVA161117KU0322/SZ0002165/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1693/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI861568 A/mute swan/Croatia/70/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1693/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI861224 A/chicken/Germany-SH/R8758/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1693/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI860519 A/goose/Hungary/55128/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1693/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI860393 A/tufted_duck/Germany/AR8444-L01987/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1693/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI907346 A/domestic duck/Germany-BB/R681ff/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3077.6 0.000000e+00 1691/1703 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1040225 A/turkey/Italy/17VIR5878-3/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1692/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1032549 A/Mulard_duck/Hungary/59163/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1692/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1032532 A/Mulard_duck/Hungary/62902/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1692/1705 (99%)
LOCUS       MF166581                1629 bp    cRNA    linear   VRL 01-FEB-2018
DEFINITION  Influenza A virus (A/grey goose/Israel/986/2016(H5N8)) segment 4
            hemagglutinin (HA) gene, partial cds.
VERSION     MF166581.1
SOURCE      Influenza A virus (A/grey goose/Israel/986/2016(H5N8))
  ORGANISM  Influenza A virus (A/grey goose/Israel/986/2016(H5N8))
            Viruses; ssRNA viruses; ssRNA negative-strand viruses;
            Orthomyxoviridae; Influenzavirus A.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 1629)
  AUTHORS   Shkoda,I., Lapin,K., Simanov,L. and Lublin,A.
  TITLE     Highly pathogenic avian influenza A virus H5N8 isolated in Israel
  JOURNAL   Unpublished
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 1629)
  AUTHORS   Shkoda,I., Lapin,K., Simanov,L. and Lublin,A.
  TITLE     Direct Submission
  JOURNAL   Submitted (29-MAY-2017) Division of Avian Diseases, Kimron
            Veterinari Institute, P.O.Box 12, Bet Dagan 50250, Israel
COMMENT     ##Assembly-Data-START##
            Assembly Method       :: SeqMan v. DNASTAR Lasergene 8
            Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..1629
                     /organism="Influenza A virus (A/grey
                     /mol_type="viral cRNA"
                     /strain="A/grey goose/Israel/986/2016"
                     /host="grey goose"
                     /note="passage details: E1"
     gene            <1..1611
     CDS             <1..1611
                     /function="receptor binding and fusion protein"
     mat_peptide     <1..942
     mat_peptide     943..1608
        1 gttgacacga taatggaaaa gaacgtcact gttacacatg cccaagacat actggaaaaa
       61 acacacaacg ggaagctctg cgatctaaat ggggtgaaac ctctgatttt aaaggattgt
      121 agtgtagctg gatggctcct cggaaaccca atgtgcgacg aattcatcag agtgccggaa
      181 tggtcttaca tagtggagag ggctaacccc gctaatgacc tctgttaccc agggagcctc
      241 aatgactatg aagaactgaa acacctgttg agcagaataa atcattttga gaagattctg
      301 atcatcccca agagttcttg gcccaatcat gaaacatcat taggggtgag cgcagcttgt
      361 ccataccagg gaacgccctc ctttttcaga aatgtggtat ggcttatcaa aaagaacgat
      421 gcatacccaa caataaagat aagctacaat aataccaatc gggaagatct cttgatactg
      481 tgggggattc atcattccaa caatgcagaa gagcagacaa atctctataa aaacccaacc
      541 acctatattt cggttggaac atcaacatta aaccagagat tggtaccaaa aatagctact
      601 agatcccaag taaacgggca acgtggaaga atggacttct tctggacaat tttaaaaccg
      661 aatgatgcaa tccacttcga gagtaatgga aatttcattg ctccagaata tgcatacaaa
      721 attgtcaaga aaggggactc aacaattatg aaaagtgaag tggaatatgg ccactgcaac
      781 accaaatgtc aaaccccagt aggagcgata aactctagta tgccattcca caatatacat
      841 cctctcacca tcggggaatg ccccaaatac gtgaagtcaa acaagttggt ccttgcgact
      901 gggctcagaa atagtcctct aagagaaaag agaagaaaaa gagggctgtt tggggctata
      961 gcaggtttta tagagggagg atggcaggga atggttgatg gttggtatgg gtaccaccat
     1021 agcaatgagc aggggagtgg gtacgctgca gacaaagaat ccacccaaaa agcaatagat
     1081 ggagttacca ataaggtcaa ctcgatcatt gacaaaatga acactcaatt tgaggcagtt
     1141 ggaagggagt ttaataactt agaaaggagg atagagaatt tgaacaagaa aatggaagac
     1201 ggattcctag atgtctggac ctataatgct gaacttctag ttctcatgga aaacgagagg
     1261 actctagatt tccatgactc aaatgtcaag aacctttacg acaaagtcag actgcagctt
     1321 agggataatg caaaggagct gggtaacggt tgtttcgagt tctatcacaa atgtgataat
     1381 gaatgtatgg aaagtgtgag aaatgggacg tatgactacc ctcagtattc agaagaagca
     1441 agattaaaaa gagaagaaat aagcggagtg aaattagaat caataggaac ttaccaaata
     1501 ctgtcaattt attcaacagt ggcgagttcc ctagcactgg caatcatggt ggctggtcta
     1561 tctttatgga tgtgctccaa tgggtcgtta cagtgcagaa tttgcattta aatttgggag
     1621 ctcagattg
Align Segment-ID Name Score E-Value Identity
text_code_colored.png EPI1176529 A/grey goose/Israel/986/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3009.3 0.000000e+00 1629/1629 (100%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1176519 A/chicken/Israel/1048/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2992.7 0.000000e+00 1626/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI990794 A/greylag goose/Germany-NI/AR1395-L02144/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2970.5 0.000000e+00 1622/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI969347 A/turkey/Germany-BB/R377ff/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2970.5 0.000000e+00 1622/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI869931 A/turkey/Poland/83/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2970.5 0.000000e+00 1622/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI869930 A/turkey/Poland/78/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2970.5 0.000000e+00 1622/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI990802 A/greylag goose/Germany-NI/AR703-L02138/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2965.0 0.000000e+00 1621/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI916604 A/bronze turkey/Czech Republic/1414-17/2017 (H5N8) (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2965.0 0.000000e+00 1621/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI823756 A/black-headed gull/Tyva/41/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2965.0 0.000000e+00 1621/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI823748 A/wild duck/Tyva/35/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2965.0 0.000000e+00 1621/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI823460 A/great crested grebe/Tyva/34/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2965.0 0.000000e+00 1621/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1021106 A/mute swan/Czech Republic/1296-17_1/2017 (H5N8) (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2959.5 0.000000e+00 1620/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI978865 A/mute swan/Germany-TH/R1126/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2959.5 0.000000e+00 1620/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI954877 A/Mallard/Hungary/1574a/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2959.5 0.000000e+00 1620/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI954861 A/Mallard/Hungary/1574b/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2959.5 0.000000e+00 1620/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI931207 A/turkey/Germany-BB/R234ff/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2959.5 0.000000e+00 1620/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI909452 A/wild duck/Tatarstan/3059/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2959.5 0.000000e+00 1620/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI869936 A/chicken/Kalmykia/2661/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2959.5 0.000000e+00 1620/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI773757 A/great crested grebe/Uvs-Nuur Lake/341/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2959.5 0.000000e+00 1621/1630 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1169147 A/chicken/Rostov-on-Don/1321/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2953.9 0.000000e+00 1619/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1021132 A/goose/Czech Republic/1954-17/2017 (H5N8) (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2953.9 0.000000e+00 1619/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI964917 A/chicken/Czech Republic/206-17_2/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2953.9 0.000000e+00 1619/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI954813 A/Greylag_goose/Hungary/320/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2953.9 0.000000e+00 1619/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI907346 A/domestic duck/Germany-BB/R681ff/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2953.9 0.000000e+00 1619/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI887468 A/chicken/Czech Republic/206-17_2/2017(H5N8) (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2953.9 0.000000e+00 1619/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI864746 A/mute swan/Croatia/85/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2953.9 0.000000e+00 1619/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI861568 A/mute swan/Croatia/70/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2953.9 0.000000e+00 1619/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI860519 A/goose/Hungary/55128/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2953.9 0.000000e+00 1619/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI859207 A/domestic_turkey/Hungary/53433/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2953.9 0.000000e+00 1619/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1176527 A/turkey/Israel/1076/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2948.4 0.000000e+00 1618/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1176526 A/turkey/Israel/184/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2948.4 0.000000e+00 1618/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1169201 A/chicken/Rostov-on-Don/1598/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2948.4 0.000000e+00 1618/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1032549 A/Mulard_duck/Hungary/59163/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2948.4 0.000000e+00 1618/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1032532 A/Mulard_duck/Hungary/62902/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2948.4 0.000000e+00 1618/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1032524 A/Mulard_duck/Hungary/60369/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2948.4 0.000000e+00 1618/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1032508 A/Goose/Hungary/17985/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2948.4 0.000000e+00 1618/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1032492 A/Goose/Hungary/17051/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2948.4 0.000000e+00 1618/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1032484 A/Goose/Hungary/15729/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2948.4 0.000000e+00 1618/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1032476 A/Goose/Hungary/17261/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2948.4 0.000000e+00 1618/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1021135 A/quail/Czech Republic/2063-17_1/2017 (H5N8) (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2948.4 0.000000e+00 1618/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019638 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Zoeterwoude/16015702-010/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2948.4 0.000000e+00 1618/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019582 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Leidschendam/16015697-007/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2948.4 0.000000e+00 1618/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019558 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Greonterp/16015653-001/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2948.4 0.000000e+00 1618/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019550 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Gouda/16015824-001/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2948.4 0.000000e+00 1618/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019518 A/Eur_Wig/NL-De Waal (Texel)/16014891-004/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2948.4 0.000000e+00 1618/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019510 A/Eur_Wig/NL-De Waal (Texel)/16014891-003/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2948.4 0.000000e+00 1618/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI978863 A/grey heron/Germany-TH/R1125/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2948.4 0.000000e+00 1618/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI962066 A/Turkey/Hungary/53136/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2948.4 0.000000e+00 1618/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI962046 A/Duck/Hungary/54738/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2948.4 0.000000e+00 1618/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI959539 A/Mute swan/Hungary/6276/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2948.4 0.000000e+00 1618/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI959531 A/Mute swan/Hungary/6092/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2948.4 0.000000e+00 1618/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI954655 A/Duck/Hungary/984/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2948.4 0.000000e+00 1618/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI954639 A/Harris Hawk/Hungary/120/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2948.4 0.000000e+00 1618/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI952782 A/mallard duck/Korea/WA137/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2948.4 0.000000e+00 1618/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI952639 A/chicken/Korea/H903/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2948.4 0.000000e+00 1618/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI943320 A/pochard_duck/England/SA12_157809/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2948.4 0.000000e+00 1618/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI930838 A/mute swan/Czech Republic/54-17_2/2017 (H5N8) (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2948.4 0.000000e+00 1618/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI919636 A/chicken/Czech Republic/585-17_1/2017 (H5N8) (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2948.4 0.000000e+00 1618/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI891670 A/greylag goose/Croatia/33/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2948.4 0.000000e+00 1618/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI881901 A/mute swan/Croatia/15/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2948.4 0.000000e+00 1618/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI869929 A/mute swan/Poland/108/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2948.4 0.000000e+00 1618/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI868848 A/turkey/England/052131/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2948.4 0.000000e+00 1618/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI866978 A/duck/Hungary/60441/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2948.4 0.000000e+00 1618/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI861572 A/mute swan/Croatia/78/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2948.4 0.000000e+00 1618/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI869924 A/domestic goose/Poland/33/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2946.5 0.000000e+00 1614/1624 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1021086 A/mute swan/Czech Republic/54-17_1/2017 (H5N8) (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2944.7 0.000000e+00 1617/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI869926 A/domestic goose/Poland/72/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2944.7 0.000000e+00 1617/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1176530 A/peregrine falcon/Israel/1086/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2942.8 0.000000e+00 1617/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1169885 A/chicken/Republic of Macedonia/466/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2942.8 0.000000e+00 1617/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1159809 A/Anser cygnoides/Hubei/FW44/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2942.8 0.000000e+00 1605/1611 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1081894 A/turkey/Czech Republic/38-17_1/2017 (H5N8) (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2942.8 0.000000e+00 1617/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1032548 A/Goose/Hungary/64909/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2942.8 0.000000e+00 1617/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1032540 A/Goose/Hungary/63743/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2942.8 0.000000e+00 1617/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1032516 A/Goose/Hungary/59763/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2942.8 0.000000e+00 1617/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1032500 A/Goose/Hungary/17580/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2942.8 0.000000e+00 1617/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1021139 A/mallard/Czech Republic/2641-17/2017 (H5N8) (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2942.8 0.000000e+00 1617/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1021126 A/mute swan/Czech Republic/1691-17/2017 (H5N8) (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2942.8 0.000000e+00 1617/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1021125 A/mallard/Czech Republic/1690-17_2/2017 (H5N8) (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2942.8 0.000000e+00 1617/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1021103 A/mallard/Czech Republic/1219-17_1/2017 (H5N8) (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2942.8 0.000000e+00 1617/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1021098 A/mute swan/Czech Republic/1155-17/2017 (H5N8) (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2942.8 0.000000e+00 1617/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1021097 A/mute swan/Czech Republic/1060-17/2017 (H5N8) (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2942.8 0.000000e+00 1617/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1021088 A/mallard/Czech Republic/136-17_2/2017 (H5N8) (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2942.8 0.000000e+00 1617/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1021087 A/goose/Czech Republic/136-17_1/2017 (H5N8) (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2942.8 0.000000e+00 1617/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019678 A/Grey_Go/NL-Groot-Ammers/16015901-012/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2942.8 0.000000e+00 1617/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019646 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Zwolle/16015820-002/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2942.8 0.000000e+00 1617/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019630 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Wormer/16016143-002/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2942.8 0.000000e+00 1617/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019622 A/Eur_Wig/NL-West Graftdijk/16015746-003/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2942.8 0.000000e+00 1617/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019614 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Walterswald/16015923-003/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2942.8 0.000000e+00 1617/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019606 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Vianen/16015917-006/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2942.8 0.000000e+00 1617/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019590 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Reeuwijk/16015903-003/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2942.8 0.000000e+00 1617/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019534 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Enumatil-Groningen/16015704-001/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2942.8 0.000000e+00 1617/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019430 A/Ch/NL-Rhenen/16016141-006/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2942.8 0.000000e+00 1617/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019406 A/Ch/NL-Boven Leeuwen/16016151-006-010/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2942.8 0.000000e+00 1617/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019398 A/Ch/NL-Abbega/X16015736/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2942.8 0.000000e+00 1617/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1007675 A/peacock/Belgium/1017/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2942.8 0.000000e+00 1617/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI987882 A/chicken/Republic of Macedonia/AR1167-L02131/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2942.8 0.000000e+00 1617/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI969265 A/chicken/Czech Republic/2644-17_1/2017 (H5N8) (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2942.8 0.000000e+00 1617/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI961484 A/mute swan/Czech Republic/581-17/2017 (H5N8) (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2942.8 0.000000e+00 1617/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI961475 A/mute swan/Czech Republic/499-17/2017 (H5N8) (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2942.8 0.000000e+00 1617/1629 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI959555 A/Pheasant/Hungary/7685/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 2942.8 0.000000e+00 1617/1629 (99%)
LOCUS       MF166575                1717 bp    cRNA    linear   VRL 01-FEB-2018
DEFINITION  Influenza A virus (A/chicken/Israel/881/2016(H5N8)) segment 4
            hemagglutinin (HA) gene, complete cds.
VERSION     MF166575.1
SOURCE      Influenza A virus (A/chicken/Israel/881/2016(H5N8))
  ORGANISM  Influenza A virus (A/chicken/Israel/881/2016(H5N8))
            Viruses; ssRNA viruses; ssRNA negative-strand viruses;
            Orthomyxoviridae; Influenzavirus A.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 1717)
  AUTHORS   Shkoda,I., Lapin,K., Simanov,L. and Lublin,A.
  TITLE     Highly pathogenic avian influenza A virus H5N8 isolated in Israel
  JOURNAL   Unpublished
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 1717)
  AUTHORS   Shkoda,I., Lapin,K., Simanov,L. and Lublin,A.
  TITLE     Direct Submission
  JOURNAL   Submitted (28-MAY-2017) Division of Avian Diseases, Kimron
            Veterinari Institute, P.O.Box 12, Bet Dagan 50250, Israel
COMMENT     ##Assembly-Data-START##
            Assembly Method       :: SeqMan v. DNASTAR Lasergene 8
            Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..1717
                     /organism="Influenza A virus
                     /mol_type="viral cRNA"
                     /note="passage details: E1"
     gene            1..1704
     CDS             1..1704
                     /function="receptor binding and fusion protein"
     sig_peptide     1..48
        1 atggagaaaa tagtgcttct tcttgcaata gttagccttg ttaaaagtga tcagatttgc
       61 attggttacc atgcaaacaa ctcgacagag caagttgaca cgataatgga aaagaacgtc
      121 actgttacac atgcccaaga catactggaa aaaacacaca acgggaagct ctgcgatcta
      181 aatggggtga aacctctgat tttaaaggat tgtagtgtag ctggatggct cctcggaaac
      241 ccaatgtgcg acgaattcat cagagtgccg gaatggtctt acatagtgga gagggctaac
      301 ccagctaatg acctctgtta cccagggagc ctcaatgact atgaagaact gaaacacctg
      361 ttgagcagaa taaatcattt tgagaagatt ctgatcatcc ccaagagctc ttggcccaat
      421 catgaaacat cattaggggt gagcgcagct tgtccatacc agggaacgcc ctcctttttc
      481 agaaatgtgg tatggcttat caaaaagaac gatgcatatc caacaataaa gataagctac
      541 aataatacca atcgggaaga tctcttgata ctgtggggga ttcatcattc caacaatgca
      601 gaagagcaga caaatctcta taaaaaccca accacctata tttcagttgg aacatcaaca
      661 ttaaaccaga gattggtacc aaaaatagct actagatccc aagtaaacgg gcaacgtgga
      721 agaatggact tcttctggac aattttaaaa ccgaatgatg caatccattt cgagagtaat
      781 ggaaatttca ttgctccaga atatgcatac aaaattgtca agaaagggga ctcaacaatt
      841 atgaaaagtg aagtggaata tggccactgc aacaccaaat gtcaaacccc agtaggagcg
      901 ataaactcta gtatgccatt ccacaatata catcctctca ccatcgggga atgccccaaa
      961 tacgtgaagt caaacaagtt ggtccttgcg actgggctca gaaatagtcc tctaagagaa
     1021 aagagaagaa aaagagggct gtttggggct atagcaggtt ttatagaggg gggatggcag
     1081 ggaatggttg atggttggta tgggtaccac catagcaatg agcaggggag tgggtacgct
     1141 gcagacaaag aatccaccca aaaggcaata gatggagtta ccaataaggt caactcgatc
     1201 attgacaaaa tgaacactca atttgaggca gttggaaggg agtttaataa cttagaaagg
     1261 aggatagaga atttgaacaa gaaaatggaa gacggattcc tagatgtctg gacctataat
     1321 gctgaacttc tagttctcat ggaaaacgag aggactctag atttccatga ctcaaatgtc
     1381 aagaaccttt acgacaaagt cagactgcag cttagggata atgcaaagga gctgggtaac
     1441 ggttgtttcg agttctatca caaatgtgat aatgaatgta tggaaagtgt gagaaatggg
     1501 acgtatgact accctcagta ttcagaagaa gcaagattaa aaagagaaga aataagcgga
     1561 gtgaaattag aatcaatagg aacttaccaa atactgtcaa tttattcaac agtggcgagt
     1621 tccctagcac tggcaatcat ggtggctggt ctatctttat ggatgtgctc cgatgggtcg
     1681 ttacagtgca gagtttgcgt ttaaatttgt gagatca
Align Segment-ID Name Score E-Value Identity
text_code_colored.png EPI1176518 A/chicken/Israel/881/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3147.8 0.000000e+00 1704/1704 (100%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1159825 A/Cygnus atratus/Hubei/HF-1/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1694/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1159809 A/Anser cygnoides/Hubei/FW44/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3092.4 0.000000e+00 1694/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI990794 A/greylag goose/Germany-NI/AR1395-L02144/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI969347 A/turkey/Germany-BB/R377ff/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI869931 A/turkey/Poland/83/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3086.9 0.000000e+00 1693/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI869930 A/turkey/Poland/78/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3083.2 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1159817 A/Cygnus atratus/Hubei/2Z2-O/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI990802 A/greylag goose/Germany-NI/AR703-L02138/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI954877 A/Mallard/Hungary/1574a/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI954861 A/Mallard/Hungary/1574b/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI954559 A/swan/Italy/17VIR537-2/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI916604 A/bronze turkey/Czech Republic/1414-17/2017 (H5N8) (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3081.3 0.000000e+00 1692/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI907346 A/domestic duck/Germany-BB/R681ff/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3077.6 0.000000e+00 1690/1702 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1176526 A/turkey/Israel/184/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1169201 A/chicken/Rostov-on-Don/1598/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1021106 A/mute swan/Czech Republic/1296-17_1/2017 (H5N8) (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019638 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Zoeterwoude/16015702-010/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019582 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Leidschendam/16015697-007/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019550 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Gouda/16015824-001/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019518 A/Eur_Wig/NL-De Waal (Texel)/16014891-004/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019510 A/Eur_Wig/NL-De Waal (Texel)/16014891-003/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1006681 A/common teal/Korea/W549/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1006680 A/common teal/Korea/W547/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI954813 A/Greylag_goose/Hungary/320/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI943320 A/pochard_duck/England/SA12_157809/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI931207 A/turkey/Germany-BB/R234ff/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI909452 A/wild duck/Tatarstan/3059/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI869936 A/chicken/Kalmykia/2661/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI868848 A/turkey/England/052131/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI858836 A/duck/India/10CA01/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI836614 A/common tern /Uvs-Nuur Lake/26/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI836606 A/grey heron /Uvs-Nuur Lake/20/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI823756 A/black-headed gull/Tyva/41/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI823748 A/wild duck/Tyva/35/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI823460 A/great crested grebe/Tyva/34/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774394 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY17-LU/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774386 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY17-B/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774310 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY12-LU/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774242 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY8-LU/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774234 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY8-B/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774121 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY1-LV/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774113 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY1-B/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1691/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI773757 A/great crested grebe/Uvs-Nuur Lake/341/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3075.8 0.000000e+00 1692/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1176519 A/chicken/Israel/1048/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1169147 A/chicken/Rostov-on-Don/1321/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1691/1705 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019678 A/Grey_Go/NL-Groot-Ammers/16015901-012/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019646 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Zwolle/16015820-002/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019630 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Wormer/16016143-002/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019622 A/Eur_Wig/NL-West Graftdijk/16015746-003/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019614 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Walterswald/16015923-003/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019606 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Vianen/16015917-006/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019590 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Reeuwijk/16015903-003/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019558 A/Eur_Wig/NL-Greonterp/16015653-001/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019430 A/Ch/NL-Rhenen/16016141-006/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019406 A/Ch/NL-Boven Leeuwen/16016151-006-010/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1019398 A/Ch/NL-Abbega/X16015736/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1007675 A/peacock/Belgium/1017/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1006705 A/common teal/Korea/W555/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1006704 A/common teal/Korea/W550/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1006703 A/common teal/Korea/W548/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI959413 A/Eurasian Wigeon/Netherlands/4/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI954607 A/turkey/Italy/17VIR1452-22/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI954575 A/turkey/Italy/17VIR576-11/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI942943 A/chicken/Wales/000023/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI864746 A/mute swan/Croatia/85/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI861568 A/mute swan/Croatia/70/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI860519 A/goose/Hungary/55128/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774475 A/Brown-headed Gull/Qinghai/ZTO5-K/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774458 A/Brown-headed Gull/Qinghai/ZTO4-B/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774450 A/Brown-headed Gull/Qinghai/ZTO3-LU/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774402 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY18-B/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774378 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY16-LU/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774326 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY13-LU/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774318 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY13-B/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774302 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY12-B/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774277 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY10-LU/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774267 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY10-B/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774259 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY9-LU/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774251 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY9-B/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774226 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY7-LU2/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774218 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY7-LU1/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774210 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY7-B/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774201 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY6-LU/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774193 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY6-B/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774185 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY5-B/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774176 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY4-LU/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774168 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY4-B/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774159 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY3-LU/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI774150 A/Bar-headed Goose/Qinghai/BTY3-B/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3070.3 0.000000e+00 1690/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI978865 A/mute swan/Germany-TH/R1126/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3068.4 0.000000e+00 1689/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI869924 A/domestic goose/Poland/33/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3066.6 0.000000e+00 1689/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI869687 A/decoy_duck/France/161104e/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3066.6 0.000000e+00 1689/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1176527 A/turkey/Israel/1076/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3064.7 0.000000e+00 1689/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1045611 A/chicken/Rostov-on-Don/44/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3064.7 0.000000e+00 1689/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1032549 A/Mulard_duck/Hungary/59163/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3064.7 0.000000e+00 1689/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1032532 A/Mulard_duck/Hungary/62902/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3064.7 0.000000e+00 1689/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1032524 A/Mulard_duck/Hungary/60369/2016 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3064.7 0.000000e+00 1689/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1032508 A/Goose/Hungary/17985/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3064.7 0.000000e+00 1689/1704 (99%)
text_code_colored.png EPI1032492 A/Goose/Hungary/17051/2017 (A/H5N8) segment 4 (HA) 3064.7 0.000000e+00 1689/1704 (99%)

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