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CDC EVALI Update 10/24/19 - Deaths Increase To 34

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Edited by niman

Media Statement


For Immediate Release

Thursday, October 24, 2019


Contact: CDC Media Relations

(404) 639-3286          


CDC, states update number of cases of lung injury associated with use of e-cigarette, or vaping, products


CDC today announced the updated* number of confirmed and probable lung injury cases and deaths associated with the use of e-cigarette, or vaping, products.

Patients with Lung Injury


  • 34 deaths have been confirmed in 24 states: Alabama, California (3), Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia (2), Illinois (2), Indiana (3), Kansas (2), Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota (3), Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Jersey, New York, Oregon (2), Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, and Virginia.
    • The median age of patients who have died is 49 years, ranging from 17 to 75 years old.

For updates on this investigation, visit: www.cdc.gov/lunginjury.

For information about the collection of e-cigarette products for possible testing by FDA, contact:FDAVapingSampleInquiries@fda.hhs.gov.

For information about collection and submission of clinical specimens for possible testing by CDC, see CDC’s Healthcare Provider web page.

For information about collection and submission of e-cigarette, or vaping, products and e-liquids associated with confirmed or probable cases for possible aerosol emissions testing by CDC, contact:IncidentResponse@cdc.gov.

Clinicians and health officials who have questions about this outbreak can contact:LungDiseaseOutbreak@cdc.gov.

All others, including the general public, who have questions about this outbreak can contact CDC-INFO at 800-232-4636, or visit wwwn.cdc.gov/dcs/ContactUs/Form.



*This update will be posted online later today.


Latest Outbreak Information

Updated every Thursday

  • This complex investigation spans almost all states, involves over a thousand patients, and a wide variety of brands and substances and e-cigarette, or vaping, products. Case counts continue to increase and new cases are being reported, which makes it more difficult to determine the cause or causes of this outbreak.
  • As of October 22, 2019, 1,604* cases of e-cigarette, or vaping, product use associated lung injury (EVALI) have been reported to CDC from 49 states (all except Alaska), the District of Columbia, and 1 U.S. territory.
    • Thirty-four deaths have been confirmed in 24 states: Alabama, California (3), Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia (2), Illinois (2), Indiana (3), Kansas (2), Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota (3), Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Jersey, New York, Oregon (2), Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, and Virginia. More deaths are under investigation.
      • The median age of deceased patients was 49 years and ranged from 17 to 75 years.
  • Data on age, sex, and substances used in e-cigarette, or vaping, products will be updated in the MMWR report being released on Friday, October 25, 2019.
  • See CDC’s Lung Injury cases map and bar chart of dates of symptoms onset and hospital admission for Patients with e-cigarette, or vaping, product use associated lung injury (EVALI) for more details.
  • https://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/basic_information/e-cigarettes/severe-lung-disease.html
What CDC is Doing

Public Health Response:

  • CDC’s Lung Injury response efforts are committed to:
    • Identify and define the risk factors and the source for lung disease associated with e-cigarette product use, or vaping.
    • Detect and track confirmed and probable cases in the US.
    • Communicate actionable recommendations to state, local, and clinical audiences.
    • Establish lab procedures that can assist with the public heath investigation and patient care.


  • CDC is working 24/7 to identify the cause or causes of this outbreak through partnerships with states and other federal agencies.
  • CDC continues to work closely with FDA, states, public health partners, and clinicians on this investigation by providing consultation and technical assistance to states on communication, health alerts, public outreach, and surveillance.
  • CDC has activated the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) to coordinate activities and provide assistance to states, public health partners and clinicians around the nation.
  • CDC worked with states to create primary and out-of-hospital case definitions to classify confirmed and probable cases in a consistent way. States are in the process of classifying patients.
    • We expect that states and clinicians may look back for past lung injury cases based on CDC’s case definition CDC will report numbers of confirmed and probable lung injury cases once states have finalized their classification of cases.
  • By invitation, CDC has deployed Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS) officers and other CDC staff to support states.

Media and Communication:

  • CDC is maintaining an outbreak webpage with key messages and weekly updates on case counts, deaths, and resources.
  • CDC is holding congressional briefings, media telebriefings, and regular calls with health departments, clinicians to provide timely updates.

Laboratory Testing:

  • CDC and FDA are expanding the range of available laboratory testing.
    • CDC is currently testing bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid samples, as well as blood or urine samples paired to BAL fluid samples.
    • CDC is testing pathologic specimens, including lung biopsy or autopsy specimens, associated with patients.
    • CDC is offering aerosol emission testing of case-associated product samples from e-cigarette, or vaping, products and e-liquids. Analysis of aerosol emissions will augment FDA’s ongoing work to characterize e-liquid and will improve our understanding of exposure among case-patients associated with the Lung Injury outbreak. CDC is coordinating e-cigarette, or vaping, product analysis with FDA.
    • Results may provide insight into the nature of the chemical exposure(s) contributing to this outbreak.
  • CDC developed guidance documents for were created to assist public health laboratories, healthcare providers, and pathologists, and others, with specimen collection, storage, and submission.
  • For more information and resources visit For the Public, For Healthcare Providers and For State and Local Health Departments as well as our Publications and Resources page.

* The increase in lung injury cases from last week represents both new patients and recent reporting of previously-identified patients to CDC.

** Based on complete reports received.

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