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WHO Zika Open Site For Sharing Early Data

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Zika Open

These papers are posted in the context of the Public Health Emergency of International Concern declared by the Director-General of the World Health Organization 1 February 2016.

The data in these papers are freely available for unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided that the original work is properly cited as indicated by the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Intergovernmental Organizations license (CC BY IGO 3.0).

If you wish to submit a manuscript, please do so via our online tracking system.


Data sharing in public health emergencies: a call to researchers
- Christopher Dye, Kidist Bartolomeos, Vasee Moorthy, Marie Paule Kieny
Posted: 4 February 2016

  • http://dx.doi.org/10.2471/BLT.16.170860
  • Article


    Microcephaly in Northeast Brazil: a review of 16,208 births between 2012 and 2015
    - Juliana Sousa Soares de Araújo, Cláudio Teixeira Regis, Renata Grigório Silva Gomes, Thiago Ribeiro Tavares, Cícera Rocha dos Santos, Patrícia Melo Assunção, Renata Valéria Nóbrega, Diana de Fátima Alves Pinto, Bruno Vinícius Dantas Bezerra, & Sandra da Silva Mattos
    Posted: 4 February 2016


    Microcephaly: normality parameters and its determinants in northeastern Brazil: a multicentre prospective cohort study
    - Hermano Alexandre Lima Rocha, Luciano Lima Correia, Álvaro Jorge Madeiro Leite, Jocileide Sales Campos, Anamaria Cavalcante e Silva, Márcia Maria Tavares Machado, Sabrina Gabriele Maia Oliveira Rocha, Nádia Maria Girão Saraiva de Almeida, and Antonio José Ledo Alves da Cunha
    Posted: 8 February 2016


    Establishing Base Levels of Microcephaly in Brazil Prior to the Arrival of Zika Viral Illnesses
    - Charles H. Simmins, Jr.
    Posted: 8 February 2016


    Estimating a feasible serial interval range for Zika fever
    - Maimuna S Majumder, Emily Cohn, Durland Fish & John S Brownstein
    Posted: 9 February 2016


    Zika: the origin and spread of a mosquito-borne virus
    - Mary Kay Kindhauser, Tomas Allen, Veronika Frank, Ravi Shankar Santhana, Christopher Dye
    Posted: 9 February 2016


    State of knowledge on Zika virus for an adequate laboratory response
    - Rémi N Charrel, Isabelle Leparc-Goffart, Suzan Pas, Xavier de Lamballerie, Marion Koopmans & Chantal Reusken
    Posted: 10 February 2016

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