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COVID Confirmed 50sM Landspitali Iceland ex-Italy

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The first case of COVID-19 reported in Iceland

 28.02.2020 - 14:51
Health  ·  National  ·  COVID-19  ·  Coronary virus

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 Photo: RÚV
An Icelandic male in his fifties has been placed in solitary confinement at Landspitali after a sample of him proved positive for a new coronary virus (COVID-19). The man is not seriously ill but shows typical symptoms of COVID-19 disease (cough, fever and bone pain).

According to information from the news agency, the man was in a group with eight other Icelanders, of whom six are resident in Iceland. Someone from the group in this country is home to quarantine. Earlier today, the Chief Epidemiologist reported that 65 samples had been examined by the National Hospital of Virology and Virology. They all turned out to be negative. 

"In view of this, the National Commissioner of Police, in consultation with the Chief Epidemiologist, will activate the level of civil protection. This is done both because there is no evidence of external infection caused by the virus, especially in Europe, and that the first case has now been confirmed in this country, ”says a statement from the Directorate of Health. 

 Sampling and analysis at the Landspítali Viral and Biological Sciences Department confirmed immediately after 8 p.m. 13:00 today that man was infected with COVID-19 coronary virus and this is the first confirmed case in this country.

The man was located in northern Italy outside the defined risk zone for the viruses. "Efforts are being made to trace the path of transmission, but the goal of their work is to highlight who might be exposed to this confirmed infection."

The Civil Protection Department's Civil Defense and Epidemiologist call a press conference today at the National Defense Coordination Center at Skógarhlíð 14, at 16:00. The meeting will be shown live on ruv.is, it will be broadcast on Channel 2 and it will be shown on RÚV 2.

Travelers who are already in defined risk areas and those who have recently come from there are asked to pay close attention to personal hygiene and infection control. They include washing your hands frequently and well, having a face cloth with sneezing and coughing in elbow pads, and using hand splashes. The public can easily reduce the risk of infection by taking good care of personal hygiene. Hand washing and general hygiene around the eyes, nose and mouth and avoiding the health of a handshake has a key meaning in avoiding infection and reducing the number of infections.

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