niman Posted July 8, 2015 Report Posted July 8, 2015 Recently released D68 enterovirus sequences from 2014 New York collections include the novel acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) sub-clade.
niman Posted July 8, 2015 Author Report Posted July 8, 2015 LOCUS KT099085 443 bp RNA linear VRL 29-JUN-2015 DEFINITION Enterovirus D68 isolate NY09 capsid VP1 gene, partial cds. ACCESSION KT099085 VERSION KT099085.1 GI:848237409 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Enterovirus D68 (EV-D68) ORGANISM Enterovirus D68 Viruses; ssRNA viruses; ssRNA positive-strand viruses, no DNA stage; Picornavirales; Picornaviridae; Enterovirus; Enterovirus D. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 443) AUTHORS Zhen,W., Duong,S., Chandrasekaran,A., Zhang,F., Joseph,A., Damle,A. and Juretschko,S. TITLE A rapid one-step, real time RT-PCR assay for Enterovirus D68-specific Detection JOURNAL Unpublished REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 443) AUTHORS Zhen,W. and Juretschko,S. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (11-JUN-2015) Molecular Diagnostics, North Shore LIJ Health System Laboratories, 10 Nevada Drive, Lake Success, NY 11375, USA COMMENT ##Assembly-Data-START## Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing ##Assembly-Data-END## FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..443 /organism="Enterovirus D68" /mol_type="genomic RNA" /isolate="NY09" /isolation_source="nasopharyngeal swab" /host="Homo sapiens" /db_xref="taxon:42789" /country="USA: NY" /collection_date="18-Sep-2014" CDS <1..>443 /codon_start=1 /product="capsid VP1" /protein_id="AKN24918.1" /db_xref="GI:848237410" /translation="ESIIKTATDTVKSEINAELGVVPSLNAVETGATSNTEPEEAIQT RTVINQHGVSETLVENFLSRAALVSKRSFEYKDHTSSAAQADKNFFKWTINTRSFVQL RRKLELFTYLRFDAEITILTTVAVNGSSNNTYVGLPDLTLQAMLVP" ORIGIN 1 gagagcatca tcaaaacagc aaccgacact gtgaaaagtg agattaatgc tgaacttggt 61 gtggtcccta gcttaaatgc agttgaaaca ggtgcaactt ctaacactga accagaagaa 121 gccatacaaa ctcgcacagt gataaatcag cacggtgtat ccgagactct agtggagaat 181 tttctcagta gagcagcttt ggtatcaaag agaagttttg aatacaaaga tcatacttcg 241 tctgcagcac aagcagacaa gaactttttc aaatggacaa ttaacaccag atcctttgta 301 cagttaagaa gaaaattaga attattcaca taccttagat ttgatgctga gatcactata 361 ctcacaactg tagcagtgaa tggtagtagt aataatacat acgtgggtct tcctgacttg 421 acacttcaag caatgttagt acc
niman Posted July 8, 2015 Author Report Posted July 8, 2015 LOCUS KP742372 340 bp RNA linear VRL 02-JUN-2015 DEFINITION Enterovirus D68 isolate NY56/288 capsid VP1 gene, partial cds. ACCESSION KP742372 VERSION KP742372.1 GI:754294958 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Enterovirus D68 (EV-D68) ORGANISM Enterovirus D68 Viruses; ssRNA viruses; ssRNA positive-strand viruses, no DNA stage; Picornavirales; Picornaviridae; Enterovirus; Enterovirus D. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 340) AUTHORS Zhuge,J., Vail,E., Bush,J.L., Singelakis,L., Huang,W., Nolan,S.M., Haas,J.P., Engel,H., Della Posta,M., Yoon,E.C., Fallon,J.T. and Wang,G. TITLE Evaluation of a Real-Time Reverse Transcription-PCR Assay for Detection of Enterovirus D68 in Clinical Samples from an Outbreak in New York State in 2014 JOURNAL J. Clin. Microbiol. 53 (6), 1915-1920 (2015) PUBMED 25854481 REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 340) AUTHORS Zhuge,J., Vail,E., Bush,J.L., Singelakis,L., Huang,W., Nolan,S.M., Haas,J., Fallon,J.T. and Wang,G. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (04-FEB-2015) Pathology and Clinical Laboratories, Westchester Medical Center, 100 Woods Road, Valhalla, NY 10595, USA COMMENT ##Assembly-Data-START## Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing ##Assembly-Data-END## FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..340 /organism="Enterovirus D68" /mol_type="genomic RNA" /isolate="NY56/288" /isolation_source="nasopharyngeal swab" /host="Homo sapiens" /db_xref="taxon:42789" /country="USA: NY" /collection_date="17-Sep-2014" CDS <1..>340 /codon_start=2 /product="capsid VP1" /protein_id="AJI76526.1" /db_xref="GI:754294959" /translation="ATSNTEPEEAIQTRTVINQHGVSETLVENFLSRAALVSKRSFEY KDHTSSAAQADKNFFKWTINTRSFVQLRRKLELFTYLRFDAEITILTTVAVNGSSNNT YVGLPDLTLQA" ORIGIN 1 tgcaacttct aacactgaac cagaagaagc catacaaact cgcacagtga taaatcagca 61 cggtgtatcc gagactctag tggagaattt tctcagtaga gcagctttgg tatcaaagag 121 aagttttgaa tacaaagatc atacttcgtc tgcagcacaa gcagacaaga actttttcaa 181 atggacaatt aacaccagat cctttgtaca gttaagaaga aaattagaat tattcacata 241 ccttagattt gatgctgaga tcactatact cacaactgta gcagtgaatg gtagtagtaa 301 taatacatac gtgggtcttc ctgacttgac acttcaagca
niman Posted July 8, 2015 Author Report Posted July 8, 2015 D68 AFP including 2014 sequences from New York
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