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I expect this pandemic to be worse in the US than 1918, and Trump's role will loom large.2 points
Mar 13 National Emergency Funding Good marks form acknowledging emergency Lots of handshaking Mar-a-Lago links to confirmed and suspect COVID cases Difficulties getting testing done Testing limited even at expanded sites Seattle Flu program Sequences from Seattle match first Grand Princess first trip Minnesota matches http://mediaarchives.gsradio.net/rense/special/rense_031320_hr3.mp32 points
Mar 11 WHO Declares Pandemic Presidential oval office speech European sans UK travel ban Failure to understand the definition of pandemic Market reaction NBA shutdown March madness without live audience Tom Hanks confirmed in Australia (where he can be tested) Sen Cantwell's aid positive in Washington DC office Return of SARS CoV in fall Pattern of pandemics (will be more severe in fall) http://mediaarchives.gsradio.net/rense/special/rense_031120_hr3.mp32 points
Since the outbreak began in Wuhan,I assumed that the Wuhan sequences represented the reference sequence, as did Genbank,so I viewed difference from the reference sequences as mutations (although I prefer the term polymorphism).Most of the initial US sequences were the orf8 mutation linear (WA, IL, CA (LA), AZ). Only CA Orange Co match Wuhan sequences at the two informative positions. Since these sequences were closer to the bat sequence, the authors claimed that the orf8 sequence was the reference and the Wuhan sequences had the two mutations, so they would say that the Seattle area sequences were the milder version.2 points
2 points
12/24/21 P681R acquisition = Omicron/Delta recombination RRRXR polybasic cleavage site Loss of N679K in 78/81 seqs Expanded tissue type range https://recombinomics.co/thedrnimanshow/2021/09/122421_Omicron_Delta_Recom.mp31 point
Nov 26 B.1.1.529 / Nu variant spread to Israel /Malawi S Drop-out / SGTF detects rapid spread in South Africa NSP6 Dels match Alpha/Beta/Gamma Stock Markets decline https://recombinomics.co/thedrnimanshow/2021/09/112621-Nu_Israel_Malawi.mp31 point
July 30 Early Release MMWR Large cluster of 430 in Barnstable Co MA Most were fully vaccinated Most were infected with Delta (B.1.617.2) Viral load in vaccinated same as unvaccinated https://recombinomics.co/thedrnimanshow/2021/073021_Barnstable.mp31 point
He's not saying the vaccines are unsafe but that we are, for the first time ever, implementing mass vaccination in the midst of a heated pandemic with a somewhat mismatched vaccine which won't provide sterilizing immunity - with many people getting infected in the period between getting vaccinated and developing immunity - and this will not only drive the emergence of variants which completely evade the vaccine-acquired immunity but the vaccinated will be less able to fight off those variants than if they hadn't been vaccinated since the then ineffective vaccine-acquired immunity, having some affinity for the virus, will take precedence over the immune system's innate response to novel viral attacks. He also explains the mechanics of pandemics and why the waves of this pandemic are somewhat different than in the past very interestingly, seeming to have an excellent grasp of the situation. If you haven't watched the YouTube video which I linked to, which is a scientific presentation, I think you'll find it at least interesting (and his two YouTube interviews explain his position further). He has excellent credentials, if you look at his LinkedIn page, and says he feels so confident in what he is saying he isn't afraid to put his professional reputation on the line. He's asking scientists to evaluate and comment.1 point
A listener suggested dust may be to blame and after vacuuming my keyboard, today's commentary (10:45 min) was clear.1 point
He is correct on "just in time", but I don't put much weight on the rest. The Italian strain has taken over the eastern US and has a serious foothold in the west. Looking backwards at Asia is for those who can't read a sequence, and if you keep looking backwards you will miss the freight train in front of you.1 point
NYU has release (at GISAID) a set of 16 sequences from Manhattan and Nassau New York COVID patients. All 16 sequences are closely related to each other and sequences from patients in Italy.1 point
Interview are M-F from 11-midnight ET If you change the URL to the date you want, like yesterday, you can usually get to the interview by the following early morning. http://mediaarchives.gsradio.net/rense/special/rense_032320_hr3.mp31 point
Go to: https://public.tableau.com/profile/kuldeep.ram#!/vizhome/WuhanCoronavirus/CoronavirusTracker Take a peek at the trajectory of COVID-19 cases in South Korea. Hint: It’s parabolic. Then, go to https://flightaware.com/live/ pull the map over to Incheon Airport (S. Korea) then hover cursor over any, of the many flights now heading to the US to see where it’s going. Then ask the question: Might any of those flights from Incheon to America contain infected individuals? Am I wrong in thinking that this is insane?1 point
Mar 20 Italy - Health Care Failure Deaths - 475, 425, 627 5,986 cases US moved past South Korea and France Will pass Iran, Germany, Spain tomorrow 3rd place tomorrow Deaths increasing Exponential growth Doubling in 2 days 5151 cases in NYC. almost 8,000 in NYS LTCF outbreaks - driving death rate Brooklyn - Orthodox - test under 1000 and had over 500 positive (56%) Trump not releasing inventory in Strategic Reserve Not ordering companies to make masks and ventilation machines Pandemic at 1918 levels Also impacting younger patients Heart irregularities Polybasic cleavage site (Furin widespread) http://mediaarchives.gsradio.net/rense/special/rense_032020_hr3.mp31 point
1 point
Mar 12 Major profession and college sports shutting down Schools going on spring break and then going online Theater closings in New York When does it end? Could be worse in fall Trump's ban on Europe Confusing on who was banned Americans were rushing back Virus from Italy is via American citizens returning home Low cases is due to lack of testing http://mediaarchives.gsradio.net/rense/special/rense_031220_hr3.mp31 point
Thank you for your written notes on everything, especially the verbal presentations. I am deaf which prevents me from having in time information on anything that is presented orally without captions. With the virus related impact world wide, and especially the local developments, it is especially important to keep current as it happens. You are my trustworthy professional lifeline (again because, for me, it was you who held validity from 2006 to present), so thank you. Since I am OLD and vulnerable to this, I began sheltering in place last week -so -THANK YOU!!!1 point
What does that mean? Where was the contagion origination?1 point
He didn't mean January 1st, Stephen, only the first case in the U.S. which you are correct was on the 21st. If you remember that case got sicker and sicker by the day until they stopped all the things they were trying and used intravenous remdesivir, which seemed to miraculously make him better overnight. Hopefully they have a good supply of remdesivir on hand... Dr. Niman, you say that the stated 10% CFR for SARS was only of hospitalized people with pneumonia. That was something like 800 out of 8,000, which I believe is what they say was the total number of cases. So they're not aware of any people who had only mild symptoms or were asymptomatic with SARS and didn't need hospitalization? That sounds doubtful.1 point
Great - understood. I will refrain from posting anything that claims such a relationship. Thanks again.1 point
I am beginning to think you are correct. I thought it was breaking when I saw it, but don't see any follow up by others, so although I suspect the Pope may very well be positive, I don't think it was confirmed by Vatican (story also has 228,660 of views and was supposed to be less than a minute old)1 point
A number of interesting observations regarding SARS-CoV-2 were made in this paper which have implications regarding treatment. "Unlike SARS-CoV infection,8 we found that viral load was highest during the early phase of the illness (3–5 days from first symptom onset, fever and myalgia were the only symptoms in Patient 1) and continued to decrease until the end of the second week. While she developed cough as well as shortness of breath and infiltration appeared on CXR at the end of first week of illness, the viral load already started to decrease at this phase. This may have a very important implication to determine the optimal time point for antiviral treatment intervention to prevent progression to severe disease. Second, the virus was detected from LRT specimens even before the development of LRT symptoms (cough, shortness of breath, and oxygen requirement) or visible infiltration on CXR. This may suggest that although the patient does not complain of any LRT symptoms, the virus is already there and causing insidious pathology, ultimately leading to LRT symptoms and chest infiltration later. However, the viral load starts to decrease in both URT and LRT specimens at the same time, which may puzzle the clinicians. Third, unlike in MERS-CoV revealing higher concentration of virus in LRT specimens, viral loads were similar in both URT and LRT specimens. Fourth, low concentration of genetic materials, especially E gene, was detected in urine and stool from the end of the first week until the patient recovered from the infection. However, rRT-PCR results did not meet the criteria for SARS-CoV-2 positivity. Further studies need to be performed in non-respiratory specimens such as urine and stool samples." https://jkms.org/DOIx.php?id=10.3346/jkms.2020.35.e861 point
1 point
Dr Niman, I like your site, always up to date on info! My #1 info source! Having a question on the Coronavirus (Covid-19): is it possible the virus might disappears by himself as the SARS? Keep on your good work! @niman Linda1 point
This has to be seen by people. Professor Kentaro Iwata an infectious disease specialist was supposed to board the Diamond Princess to lead a team to help these people. He arrived and was sent off on the same day and he's made a video to tell why. It's terrifying to hear what he has to say. He's now in self quarantine and fears for his and his families safety.1 point
Audio https://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2020/t0221-cdc-telebriefing-covid-19.mp31 point
CDC announced last they were going to use the existing influenza monitoring network to do surveillance for COVID. Thus, patients of participating network members in LA, SF, Seattle, Chicago, and NYC who have flu-like symptoms will be tested for COVID if their influenza test is negative. Testing kits were delivered to these network sites, but they don't start actual testing of patients until next week,1 point
Woman recently returned from Iran is B.C.'s 6th presumptive case of the COVID-19 virus Social Sharing Facebook Twitter Email Reddit LinkedIn Dr. Bonnie Henry says health officials were surprised by coronavirus infection originating outside China CBC News · Posted: Feb 20, 2020 4:25 PM PT | Last Updated: 2 minutes ago Health Minister Adrian Dix and provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry on announced on Thursday a sixth presumptive case of novel coronavirus in B.C. (Ben Nelms/CBC) 19 comments A sixth person in B.C. is believed to be infected with the novel coronavirus, health officials announced Thursday. The latest patient is a woman in her 30s who lives in the Fraser Health region, according to provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry. She had recently returned from a trip to Iran and is now recovering at home. Henry said officials were surprised when they learn that the woman had only visited Iran in her travels, and not China or neighbouring countries that have seen the bulk of COVID-19 infections. "That could be an indicator that there's more widespread transmission," Henry told a news conference. "I expect there'll be an international investigation to try to understand where the exposure occurred." She added that Iran has recently announced five cases of the COVID-19 virus and two deaths. Henry described the woman's infection as relatively mild, and said she tested positive for the virus after visiting the hospital with what she thought were symptoms of the flu. Restaurant owner targeted by coronavirus rumour bewildered by lies spread online The patient has had contact with others since her return from Iran last week. Close family members are currently in isolation and being monitored by public health officials. She said health officials are looking into when the patient's symptoms started to help determine if they need to notify those who travelled with her on the same aircraft. Other B.C. patients recovering well Henry said the diagnosis shows B.C. has a robust system for identifying people who have the virus. All of the cases in so far have been relatively mild, according to health officials. The update comes one day after she revealed that B.C.'s first confirmed novel coronavirus patient has fully recovered, and four others are symptom-free. The fifth person, a woman in her 30s who returned from Shanghai, China, is in isolation at her home in B.C.'s Interior. Restaurant owner targeted by coronavirus rumour bewildered by lies spread online VIDEO 1st person with coronavirus disease in B.C. has fully recovered, provincial health officer says Henry said over 500 people have been tested for the virus in B.C. and many of those tested positive for the flu. Three cases of the virus have also been confirmed in Ontario. Health Minister Adrian Dix said the province is currently testing a "very significant number" of patients for the virus, and he expects to provide another update on Friday. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/coronavirus-bc-update-1.54707571 point
The video mentioned was deleted so I found another one: YouTube1 point
Approved but did not review the paper, don't have enough time maybe @niman can comment about accuracy of the paper.1 point
American Diamond Princess passengers return to U.S. The State Department said Monday that 338 Americans were evacuated from the ship, which remains docked at Japan’s Yokohama port due to the virus. A plane carrying 151 passengers arrived at Lackland early Monday morning, and another plane carrying 177 passengers traveled to Travis Air Force Base in northern California. Seven passengers in each plane tested positive for coronavirus, but they were kept isolated from other passengers on the flight, the U.S. State and Health and Human Services said in a joint statement. They were allowed to board the flight because they had no symptoms, officials said. The seven positive passengers on the Lackland flight were then transported to the University of Nebraska Medical Center’s quarantine unit in Omaha. On the Travis flight, three positive passengers and their spouses were transported to Omaha, while the other four passengers remained hospitalized near Travis. From quarantined cruise ship to isolation at Lackland: SA native gives first-hand account of coronavirus evacuation The U.S. said it arranged for the evacuation because people on the Diamond Princess were at a high risk of exposure to the new virus. For the departing Americans, the evacuation cut short a 14-day quarantine that began aboard the cruise ship Feb. 5. About 60 Americans remain in Japan, including those who chose to remain on the ship and those who were hospitalized.1 point
8 new cases in Japan. https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20200218/k10012290911000.html The Tokyo Metropolitan Government on Tuesday revealed that three people living in Tokyo were newly infected with the new coronavirus. Of these, unemployed men in their 80s have been hospitalized in Tokyo since the symptoms began on the 9th of this month. Men have diabetes and are currently severe with symptoms such as fever and dyspnea.In addition, a male employee in his 50's has been ill since 5th of this month and has been hospitalized in Tokyo since the 15th, and has symptoms such as fever, cough and breathing difficulty. This means that this man is also severely ill.The remaining one is a son of a male doctor who works at Kamata Branch Hospital of Makita General Hospital in Ota-ku, Tokyo, where the infection was confirmed on the 16th, and is a company employee in his 20s. This employee is mild. According to the city, she does not live with her doctor's father, but she has had contact with her father for three days before the symptoms began. https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20200218/k10012291011000.html The man is an acquaintance of two male patients living in Aichi Prefecture who have already been confirmed to have been infected, and had met for several hours at the home of one of the patients on the 14th of this month https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20200218/k10012290631000.html At Saiseikai Arita Hospital in Yuasa Town, Wakayama Prefecture, infections with new coronavirus such as doctors and patients have been confirmed one after another, a doctor, who had already been confirmed infected, announced that a new infection had been confirmed in his teenage son. No symptoms such as fever appeared. his teenage son had been voluntarily absent from school since his father's doctor was confirmed infected on the 14th of this month. (RELATED TO DIAMOND PRINCESS) a 60-year-old male patient in a hospital and a 30-year-old nurse dispatched by the Wakayama Prefecture as a DMAT = Disaster Dispatch Medical Team to Diamond Princess, a cruise ship anchored in Yokohama Port Infected men were also confirmed.1 point
More info under Hawaii1 point
This is another nonsense report and we will be closing down threads on Bioweapons. The conspiracies are discussed in many parallel universes that lack scientific fact. The is nothing in the sequence indicating it was bio-engineered. The sequence is related to cornviruses found in bats and is 99% identical to sequence in an ant eater. Evolution of sequences has polymorphisms common to bat isolates.1 point
1 point
From your article Jon: "He also called for worldwide joint efforts to contain the virus, adding that China had effectively prevented the virus from spreading to other countries." Uh...perhaps he hasn't heard about the lock-down in Vietnam and community spread clusters in Hong Kong, Singapore, and other countries... or, the Diamond Princess1 point
Durk Pearson and Sandy Shaw's writing is fun to read and hard to sort out from an evidence based point of view (in my view) “Cytokine Suppress® with EGCG helps support the body’s inflammatory response with the clinically researched extract of mung bean and EGCG from green tea.” Inflammation is a double-edged sword. The body perceives a threat, sends an alarm and militia respond destroying the threat. Over-reaction to a perceived threat appears to have been a big factor in the Influenza epidemic of 1918. Whether this is the case with the novel coronavirus, I don’t know. In a way I doubt it. Why? Because it’s taking too long for people to die. Severe overreaction can be called a cytokine storm which I suspect you know already. In such cases vitexin and isovitexin (in Sandy and Durk’s Cytokine Suppress) might help. But if an over-reaction is not occurring it could, conceivably, work in reverse, slowing an inflammatory reaction that is killing the virus. Who knows? For that supplement you could research vitexin and isovitexin (try: shttps://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0367326X16304488 I suspect that over 2,000 years ago, Chinese herbalists were the best physicians in the world. Not too long-ago there was a fair amount of research looking to ancient Chinese medicines. The most remarkable outcome that I know of was the use of artemisinin (derived from Artemisia annua or Sweet Wormord). Tu Youyou was awarded (co-recipient) 2015 Nobel Prize in medicine, which has been quite useful for treatment of malaria. On the other hand, this novel coronavirus may have originated in Pangolins. Pangolin scales are purported by some Chinese to have great medicinal value yet I do not think that you can find a wit of valid research that they do much of anything. Humans by and large desire a cure. I’ve noticed that such a cure should not be free, but should be reasonably priced (less than $100, but not free). Though many swear by such cures usually there is no valid data other than the anecdotal, “well, it worked for me…” So far there has been no announcement that I know of relating to a successful drug or combination of drugs for the novel coronavirus though I am quite sure that many Practitioners/researchers are trying. Try reading Inhibition of SARS CoronavirusInfection In Vitro with ClinicallyApproved Antiviral Drug (2004) to get a hint of the complexity. Sixteen years have passed and I'm surprised that no concoction has shown at least some efficacy. Never forget the placebo effect either. See: https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/the-placebo-effect-amazing-and-real-201511028544 Bacterial infections may or may not be playing a big part but, if appropriate for you, a pneumovax may prevent a secondary bacterial infection should one become ill. Hospitals, as necessary as they are, are dangerous places. Ask your Practitioner if one would be advisable for you. I think the series are two shots, perhaps at 0 and six months but I'm not sure.1 point
I'm learning stuff everyday on this site, so thankyou to you all.1 point
The C in CFR stands for CASE and the case definition includes pneumonia. The new name for the illness is NCIP which stands for Novel Coronavirus Infected PNEUMONIA and like SARS (Sudden Acute Respiratory Syndrome) and MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) these are severe hospitalized cases that involve pneumonia (asymptomatic or sub-clinical infections do not meet the CASE definition). They may be important for controlling the disease, but the CFR is calculated for hospitalized patients with pneumonia.1 point
1 point
It stopped spreading in May. Wet markets were closed and lots of people stayed indoors in China, but SARS was one or two orders of magnitude smaller than nCoV.1 point
Personal Observations from the press conference: Canadian officials are still ignoring mostly asymptomatic transmission vectors and consider the phenomenon of lesser importance. They did not trace the plane that departed from China bringing in the 4th case. Isolation at home with visit from family with equipment (Worrying !) Around 3000-4000 arrivals daily from China1 point
No.This is a lineage with a couple of changes that create a significant evolutionary advantage in humans.1 point
Today's update from the China CDC indicated that the number of PCR confirmed cases (8,538), which represent a jump of 3,879 cases over yesterday's total, exceeded the total for confirmed cases in the SARS 2002/2003 outbreak , which lasted 6 months. The exponential growth went largely unnoticed. Media reports focused on confirmed cases, which are those that test positive twice. The first test is done locally at regional centers. The positives are then sent to the National Lab, in Wuhan, for confirmation. Confirmations have showed a steady rise in the past three days (1287-->1975-->2794). In contrast, the rise is suspect (presumptive positive) cases has been much more dramatic (1965-->2684-->5794) to generate alarming totals for lab confirmed (1X) cases (3252-->4659-->8538). The above numbers are also published by WHO in their situation reports, which lag China CDC updates by a day. This epic failure to communication the significance of the increases in the suspect cases by these two organizations (and reporters who theoretically read them) remains remarkable. http://www.chinacdc.cn/jkzt/crb/zl/szkb_11803/jszl_11809/202001/t20200127_211470.html1 point
1 point
In preferred embodiments, the tobacco or botanical is heated to about 300.degree. C. at most. In other preferred embodiments, the tobacco or botanical is heated to about 200.degree. C. at most. In still other preferred embodiments, the tobacco or botanical is heated to about 160.degree. C. at most. It should be noted that in these lower temperature ranges (<300.degree. C.), pyrolysis of tobacco or botanical does not typically occur, yet vapor formation of the tobacco or botanical components and flavoring products does occur. In addition, vapor formation of the components of the humectant, mixed at various ratios will also occur, resulting in nearly complete vaporization, depending on the temperature, since propylene glycol has a boiling point of about 180.degree.-190.degree. C. and vegetable glycerin will boil at approximately 280.degree.-290.degree. C. http://patft.uspto.gov/netacgi/nph-Parser?Sect1=PTO2&Sect2=HITOFF&p=1&u=%2Fnetahtml%2FPTO%2Fsearch-bool.html&r=23&f=G&l=50&co1=AND&d=PTXT&s1=monsees.INNM.&s2=bowen.INNM.&OS=IN/monsees+AND+IN/bowen&RS=IN/monsees+AND+IN/bowen1 point
There have been 0 Zika virus disease cases identified in North DakotaThere was 1 asymptomatic Zika virus infection identified in North Dakota1 point
Figure Figure. Phylogenetic tree of Zika virus isolates identified from Guatemala and Puerto Rico in December 2015 (indicated in boldface) compared with reference isolates obtained from GenBank. The isolates from Guatemala and Puerto Rico grouped with other Asian genotype viruses. The tree was derived by neighbor-joining methods (bootstrapped 1,000 times) using complete-genome sequences. Location, year identified, and GenBank strain identification for the viruses used in tree construction are shown. Scale bar indicates number of nucleotide substitutions per site. GenBank accession nos.: KU321639 (Brazil 2015 SPH2015), KJ776791 (French Polynesia H/PF/2013), KF383115 (Central African Republic ARB1362), KF383116 (Senegal 1968 ArD7117), KF383117 (Senegal 1997 ArD128000), KF383118 (Senegal 2001 ArD157995), KF383119 (Senegal 2001 ArD158084), KF268948 (CAR 1979 ARB13565), KF268949 (CAR 1980 ARB15076), KF268950 (CAR 1976 ARB7701), EU545988 (Yap 2007), KF993678 (Thailand 2013 PLCal_ZV), JN860885 (Cambodia 2010 FSS13025), HQ234499 (Malaysia 1966 P6-740), HQ234501 (Senegal 1984 ArD41519), HQ234500 (Nigeria 1968 IbH 30656), LC002520 (Uganda 1947 MR766), KU501215 (Puerto Rico PRVABC59), KU501216 (Guatemala 8375), and KU501217 (Guatemala 103344).1 point