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SubjectHomers 7.5 days (Middle respiratory diseases) Daily TrackingAdded2015-07-05Views344RepresentativesCHANG Young JinDepartmentHomers central management task forceHomers ( Middle respiratory diseases ) one days Tracking - the treatment of 37 patients (19.9%), hospital 116 patients (62.4%) died 33persons (17.8%) diagnosed with total 186 persons - day of treatment compared to four people a sense of small , discharge character 5 persons increases , the death toll unchanged , confirmed 1 persons increased - it is treated 37 patients stable state is 25 persons (67.6%), unstable 12 patients(32.4%). - Confirmed type of hospital patients 83 patients , families / visit 64 people ,hospital workers 39 people <1> General Status □ Department of Health and Human Services Homers central management task force of 7.5 at 06 o'clock today , are treatingpatients with 37 patients (19.9%) in the fourth juleotgo people , who discharged five persons increased a total of 116 patients (62.4%) it said hayeotdago increased . ○ deaths 33 persons (17.8%) had no change in , confirmed personnel 1 people increased total 186 persons were aggregated . ○ condition being treated patients 25 were stable and 12 were unstable . - General Status - [ Unit : Name ] Division During treatment Discharge Dying Confirmed Cumulative(7.5 6:00) 37 ( Stable 25, unstable 12) 116 33 186 Yesterday, increase or decrease contrast △ 4 5 0 One <2> Discharge Status □ a total of 5 people 7.4 The entire hospital to hospital days 116people jumped into . ○ The new hospital 54 th ( over 63 years old ), 110 th ( over 57 years old ), 122th ( over 55 years old ) and 148 th ( over 39 years old ), 182 th ( over 27 years old) diagnosed with a patient . ○ antibiotics and antivirals The hospital administration , the allopathic treatment, including through been accepted , fever respiratory symptoms are improving two occasions was conducted to examine the results Homers cure determination shown by both voice . ○ discharge current parties to the 116 men whom 61 patients(52.6%), women 55 patients (47.4%) and , to the age of 40 vs. 27patients (23.3%), 50 vs. 26 patients (22.4%), 60 vs. 21 patients(18.1%), 30 against 18 persons (15.5%), 70 against 13 persons(11.2%), 20 against 9 persons (7.8%), 10 for 1 persons (0.9%), 80 for1 persons (0.9%). the net . - Discharge party status ; [ Unit : people (%) Total Sex Age South Female 0-9 10-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80-89 90-99 116 61 55 - One 9 18 27 26 21 13 One - 100 (52.6) (47.4) - (0.9) (7.8) (15.5) (23.3) (22.4) (18.1) (11.2) (0.9) - <3> Status Confirmed □ contrast confirmed the day before the first patients increased . ○ 186 -th diagnosis is 132 characters confirmed once ( Samsung Medical Center emergency room stays ) as the spouse of ,epidemiological studies are currently being conducted . [ New Confirmed status ; ( gender , age ) Tracking Number Personal Information Confirmed day Overview 186 th ( over50years old ) 7.4 . 132 times confirmed spouses ( of Epidemiology ) <4> Status death □ no new deaths , classified by type is the same as yesterday . ○ dead 33 people Gender Male 22 patients (66.7%), female 11patients (33.3%) and , age 60 versus 70, respectively, cost 10patients (30.3%) as the most abundant , 80 versus 7 patients(21.2%), 50 vs. 5 patients (15.2%), 40 vs. 1 patients (3%) is the net . ○ deaths total 33 people of various chronic diseases ( cancer ,heart ‧ lungs ‧ kidney disease , diabetes , underlying disease such as immunocompromised diseases holder ) or a high risk of such goyeonryeongcheung 30 patients (90.9%) is . - Status of the deceased ; [ Unit : people (%) Total Sex Age South Female 0-9 10-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80-89 90-99 33 22 11 - - - - One 5 10 10 7 - 100 (66.7) (33.3) - - - - (3.0) (15.2) (30.3) (30.3) (21.2) - <5> confirmed type and basic characteristics □ Confirmed 186 Looking to classify patients by type , ○ hospital or a patient is admitted 82 patients (44.1%) as the most abundant , such as patients munbyeong visitors other than family or family 64 patients (34.4%), healthcare workers such as hospital 39 patients (21.0%) is . - Confirmed type ; [ Unit : people (%) Total ① Hospital Patient ② the patient Family /guardian /Visitors ③ hospital workers ④Other Doctor Nurse Radiation Transfer agents Ambulance Caregivers Petition Police/ Safety Officer Computational Manufacturer 186 82 64 39 8 15 2 One 2 8 2 One 1.* 100 (44.1) (34.4) (21.0) (4.3) (8.1). (1.1) (0.5) (1.1) (4.3) (1.1) (0.5) (0.5) * 186 th of Epidemiology □ male gender is 111 persons (59.7%), women are 75 persons (40.3%)and , ○ age of 50 cost 42 patients (22.6%) as the most abundant , 60versus 36 patients (19.4%), 70 vs. 30 patients (16.1%), 40 vs. 29patients (15.6%), 30 vs. 26 patients (14.0%). the order of . - confirmed the main characteristics of the person ; [ Unit : people (%) Total Sex Age South Female 0-9 10-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80-89 90-99 186 111 75 - One 13 26 29 42 36 30 9 - 100 (59.7) (40.3) - (0.5) (7.0) (14.0) (15.6) (22.6) (19.4) (16.1) (4.8) - <6> Status isolation and release □ 7.5 at 06 o'clock today , people are isolation, total 982 persons compared to the previous day by 452 people ( △ 31.5%) juleotgo ,who is disabled and has isolated a total of 15,158 people a day with456 new people have been released from quarantine . ○ Full standoff (982 persons ) who self-isolation of the 678 patients with 387 patients ( △ 36.3%) juleotgo , who isolated the hospital 65persons ( △ 17.6%) dropped 304 persons were aggregated . - quarantine and release status ; [ Unit : people (%) Division Isolated subjects Isolated release party Self Hospital Cumulative(7.5 6:00) 982 678 304 15 158 Yesterday, increase or decrease contrast △ 452 △ 387 △ 65 456 ( △ 31.5) ( △ 36.3) ( △ 17.6) (3.1). http://www.mw.go.kr/front_new/al/sal0301vw.jsp?PAR_MENU_ID=04&MENU_ID=0403&page=1&CONT_SEQ=324061
Between 1 and 3 July 2015, the National IHR Focal Point of the Republic of Korea notified WHO of 2 additional confirmed case of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV). To date, a total of 184 MERS-CoV cases, including 33 deaths, have been reported. One of the 184 cases is the case that was confirmed in China and also notified by the National IHR Focal Point of China. View the full article
Captive Wild Bird Findings Confirmed by USDA’s National Veterinary Services Laboratories: StateCountySpeciesAvian influenza subtype*Confirmation dateMTFlatheadCaptive gyrfalconEA/AM-H5N2March 27, 2015MOSt. LouisCaptive falcon (hybrid)EA/AM-H5N2March 27, 2015IDKootenaiCaptive gyrfalcon (2)EA-H5N8January 29, 2015 February 6, 2015IDCanyonCaptive falcons, Great horned owlEA/AM-H5N2January 16, 2015 February 2, 2015WAWhatcomCaptive gyrfalconEA-H5N8December 14, 2014* References to EA and AM under avian influenza subtype indicate Eurasian and American strains of the virus. Link To Source
ALL FindingsUpdate on Avian Influenza Findings Poultry Findings Confirmed by USDA’s National Veterinary Services Laboratories Confirmed in the past 15 days: 15 to 30 days: 30 to 60 days: 60 to 90 days: 90 plus days: 223 Detections Reported48,091,293 Birds Affected12/19/14 First Detection Reported6/17/15 Last Detection ReportedView detailed list of detectionsDownload list of detections Full List of Detections by StateStateFlywayConfirmed DetectionsLast Detection ReportedTotal BirdsArkansasMississippi1March 11, 201540,020CaliforniaPacific2February 12, 2015247,300IdahoPacific1January 16, 201530IndianaMississippi1May 10, 2015pendingIowaMississippi75June 17, 201531,723,300KansasCentral1March 13, 201510MinnesotaMississippi105June 5, 20158,996,050MissouriMississippi3May 5, 201553,100MontanaCentral1April 2, 201540NebraskaCentral4June 4, 20153,794,100North DakotaCentral2April 24, 2015111,500OregonPacific2February 17, 2015200South DakotaCentral10June 1, 20151,168,200WashingtonPacific5February 3, 20156,710WisconsinMississippi10May 6, 20151,950,733 Since December 2014, the United States Department of Agriculture has confirmed several cases of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5 in the Pacific, Central, and Mississippi flyways (or migratory bird paths). The disease has been found in wild birds, as well as in a few backyard and commercial poultry flocks. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) considers the risk to people from these HPAI H5 infections to be low. No human cases of these HPAI H5 viruses have been detected in the United States, Canada, or internationally. * References to EA and AM under avian influenza subtype indicate Eurasian and American strains of the virus. Link To Source
Update on Avian Influenza Findings Poultry Findings Confirmed by USDA’s National Veterinary Services Laboratories 223 Detections Reported48,091,293 Birds Affected12/19/14 First Detection Reported6/17/15 Last Detection ReportedStateCountyFlywayFlock typeSpeciesAvian influenza subtype*Confirmation dateFlock sizeIowaWrightMississippiCommercialLayer ChickensEA/AM-H5N2Jun 17, 20151,000,000IowaSiouxMississippiBackyardMixed Game FowlEA/AM-H5N2Jun 9, 20152,500MinnesotaKandiyohiMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Jun 5, 201544,000MinnesotaBrownMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Jun 5, 201539,000IowaSacMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Jun 4, 201542,200MinnesotaRenvilleMississippiCommercialPullet ChickensEA/AM-H5N2Jun 4, 2015415,000MinnesotaRenvilleMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Jun 4, 201524,800IowaHamiltonMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Jun 4, 201519,600NebraskaDixonCentralBackyardMixed PoultryEA/AM-H5N2Jun 4, 2015pendingMinnesotaKandiyohiMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Jun 3, 201537,000IowaHamiltonMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Jun 3, 201526,200IowaHamiltonMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Jun 3, 201517,200IowaClayMississippiCommercialPullet ChickensEA/AM-H5N2Jun 3, 20151,115,700MinnesotaBrownMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Jun 3, 201515,900IowaCalhounMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Jun 2, 201513,400MinnesotaBlue EarthMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Jun 2, 201519,400IowaWrightMississippiCommercialPullet ChickensEA/AM-H5N2Jun 1, 2015434,800IowaSacMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Jun 1, 2015pendingMinnesotaRenvilleMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Jun 1, 201547,800South DakotaMoodyCentralCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Jun 1, 201552,000MinnesotaBrownMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Jun 1, 201518,300MinnesotaRenvilleMississippiCommercialTurkeyEA/AM-H5N2May 29, 201529,300MinnesotaMeekerMississippiCommercialTurkeyEA/AM-H5N2May 29, 20154,900IowaHamiltonMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2May 29, 201517,000MinnesotaBrownMississippiCommercialTurkeyEA/AM-H5N2May 29, 20157,300IowaWrightMississippiCommercialLayer ChickensEA/AM-H5N2May 28, 2015991,500MinnesotaRenvilleMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2May 28, 201548,900MinnesotaKandiyohiMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2May 28, 2015pendingMinnesotaKandiyohiMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2May 28, 2015pendingMinnesotaKandiyohiMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2May 28, 2015pendingMinnesotaKandiyohiMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2May 28, 201550,800IowaWebsterMississippiCommercialLayer ChickensEA/AM-H5N2May 27, 2015pendingMinnesotaRenvilleMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2May 27, 201595,300MinnesotaBrownMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2May 27, 201546,800IowaAdairMississippiCommercialLayer ChickensEA/AM-H5N2May 27, 2015974,500IowaPocahontasMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2May 26, 201520,700NebraskaDixonCentralCommercialPullet ChickensEA/AM-H5N2May 26, 2015293,200IowaSacMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2May 21, 2015100,000IowaCalhounMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2May 21, 201514,400IowaSiouxMississippiBackyardMixed PoultryEA/AM-H5N2May 20, 2015pendingIowaSiouxMississippiCommercialPullet ChickensEA/AM-H5N2May 20, 201599,400IowaSiouxMississippiCommercialLayer ChickensEA/AM-H5N2May 20, 2015149,100IowaSiouxMississippiBackyardMixed PoultryEA/AM-H5N2May 19, 2015pendingIowaSacMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2May 19, 201528,400MinnesotaRenvilleMississippiCommercialLayer ChickensEA/AM-H5N2May 19, 20152,045,600MinnesotaKandiyohiMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2May 19, 201542,600IowaSacMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2May 19, 201543,400South DakotaMoodyCentralCommercialLayer ChickensEA/AM-H5N2May 18, 2015642,700MinnesotaMeekerMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2May 18, 2015138,800IowaSiouxMississippiCommercialPullet ChickensEA/AM-H5N2May 15, 2015272,300IowaSiouxMississippiCommercialLayer ChickensEA/AM-H5N2May 15, 2015240,000IowaPlymouthMississippiCommercialPullet ChickensEA/AM-H5N2May 15, 2015100,000NebraskaDixonCentralCommercialLayer ChickensEA/AM-H5N2May 15, 20151,709,400IowaBuena VistaMississippiCommercialPullet ChickensEA/AM-H5N2May 15, 2015903,700IowaLyon CommercialLayer ChickensEA/AM-H5N2May 14, 2015390,000South DakotaYanktonCentralCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2May 13, 201570,600South DakotaHutchinsonCentralCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2May 13, 201570,600IowaCherokeeMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2May 13, 201546,500IowaBuena VistaMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2May 13, 201526,800IowaWrightMississippiCommercialPullet ChickensEA/AM-H5N2May 12, 2015966,600MinnesotaSwiftMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2May 12, 201537,900IowaOsceolaMississippiBackyardMixed PoultryEA/AM-H5N2May 12, 2015pendingNebraskaDixonCentralCommercialChickensEA/AM-H5N2May 12, 20151,791,500MinnesotaSwiftMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2May 11, 201565,600IowaSacMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2May 11, 201535,200IowaPalo AltoMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2May 11, 201538,400MinnesotaKandiyohiMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2May 11, 201522,400IowaCherokeeMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2May 11, 201542,000IowaBuena VistaMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2May 11, 201535,400IowaBuena VistaMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2May 11, 201533,900IowaBuena VistaMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2May 11, 201533,300IndianaWhitleyMississippiBackyardMixed PoultryEA -H5N8May 10, 2015pendingIowaWrightMississippiCommercialLayer ChickensEA/AM-H5N2May 8, 20151,106,500IowaSiouxMississippiCommercialLayer ChickensEA/AM-H5N2May 8, 2015581,300IowaSiouxMississippiCommercialPullet ChickensEA/AM-H5N2May 8, 2015327,900IowaSiouxMississippiCommercialPullet ChickensEA/AM-H5N2May 8, 2015303,100IowaPocahontasMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2May 8, 201524,600IowaCherokeeMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2May 8, 201543,400IowaSiouxMississippiCommercialLayer ChickensEA/AM-H5N2May 7, 201581,000IowaSiouxMississippiCommercialLayer ChickensEA/AM-H5N2May 7, 2015309,900IowaSiouxMississippiCommercialLayer ChickensEA/AM-H5N2May 7, 2015182,300IowaOsceolaMississippiCommercialPullet ChickensEA/AM-H5N2May 7, 2015256,000IowaBuena VistaMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2May 7, 201552,900IowaBuena VistaMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2May 7, 201543,800IowaBuena VistaMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2May 7, 201517,900IowaO'BrienMississippiBackyardDucksEA/AM-H5N2May 6, 2015pendingMinnesotaKandiyohiMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2May 6, 201565,000WisconsinJeffersonMississippiCommercialPullet ChickensEA/AM-H5N2May 6, 2015128,000IowaWrightMississippiCommercialLayer ChickensEA/AM-H5N2May 5, 20152,821,800MinnesotaSwiftMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2May 5, 2015151,300IowaSioux-5-5-15MississippiCommercialLayer ChickensEA/AM-H5N2May 5, 2015160,200MinnesotaPipestoneMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2May 5, 201572,200MinnesotaNicolletMississippiCommercialLayer ChickensEA/AM-H5N2May 5, 20151,102,900MissouriLewisMississippiBackyardMixed PoultryEA/AM-H5N2May 5, 2015pendingMinnesotaKandiyohiMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2May 5, 201589,100MinnesotaKandiyohiMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2May 5, 201540,600MinnesotaKandiyohiMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2May 5, 201537,300IowaCherokeeMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2May 5, 201547,200WisconsinBarronMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2May 5, 201557,200WisconsinBarronMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2May 5, 2015182,400MinnesotaSwiftMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2May 4, 201546,200IowaSacMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2May 4, 201542,600MinnesotaRenvilleMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2May 4, 201512,900MinnesotaMeekerMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2May 4, 201530,400IowaMadisonMississippiCommercialLayer ChickensEA/AM-H5N2May 4, 20151,495,600MinnesotaKandiyohiMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2May 4, 2015pendingMinnesotaKandiyohiMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2May 4, 20157,400IowaCherokeeMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2May 4, 201544,700MinnesotaStearnsMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2May 1, 201520,500MinnesotaStearnsMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2May 1, 201514,800IowaSiouxMississippiCommercialLayer ChickensEA/AM-H5N2May 1, 2015165,200IowaPocahontasMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2May 1, 201516,700MinnesotaOtter TailMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2May 1, 201536,400IowaKossuthMississippiCommercialLayer Breeder ChickensEA/AM-H5N2May 1, 201518,800IowaClayMississippiCommercialLayer ChickensEA/AM-H5N2May 1, 201593,000IowaBuena VistaMississippiCommercialLayer ChickensEA/AM-H5N2May 1, 20154,910,600IowaBuena VistaMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2May 1, 201529,600IowaBuena VistaMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Apr 30, 201525,700MinnesotaKandiyohiMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Apr 30, 201511,200IowaBuena VistaMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Apr 30, 2015449,100IowaBuena VistaMississippiCommercialLayer ChickensEA/AM-H5N2Apr 30, 201540,800WisconsinBarronMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Apr 30, 201596,500MinnesotaStearnsMississippiCommercialLayer ChickensEA/AM-H5N2Apr 29, 2015202,500MinnesotaKandiyohiMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Apr 29, 201513,200IowaBuena VistaMisssissippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Apr 29, 201536,400MinnesotaSwiftMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Apr 28, 201518,000MinnesotaSteeleMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Apr 28, 201582,900MinnesotaStearnsMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Apr 28, 201519,100MinnesotaStearnsMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Apr 28, 201545,100IowaSiouxMississippiCommercialLayer ChickensEA/AM-H5N2Apr 28, 20153,660,000IowaOsceolaMississippiCommercialPullet ChickensEA/AM-H5N2Apr 28, 2015258,000IowaO'BrienMississippiCommercialLayer ChickensEA/AM-H5N2Apr 28, 201598,000IowaO'BrienMississippiCommercialLayer ChickensEA/AM-H5N2Apr 28, 201536,800MinnesotaKandiyohiMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Apr 28, 20158,400MinnesotaKandiyohiMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Apr 28, 201550,900MinnesotaKandiyohiMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Apr 28, 20154,200MinnesotaKandiyohiMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Apr 28, 201532,100MinnesotaStearnsMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Apr 27, 201526,900IowaSiouxMississippiCommercialLayer ChickensEA/AM-H5N2Apr 27, 20151,603,900WisconsinBarronMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Apr 27, 201583,300IowaSacMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Apr 24, 201533,900MinnesotaMeekerMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Apr 24, 201540,200North DakotaLaMoureCentralCommercialMixed PoultryEA/AM-H5N2Apr 24, 201571,500MinnesotaKandiyohiMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Apr 24, 201567,000MinnesotaKandiyohiMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Apr 24, 201542,900WisconsinJeffersonMississippiCommercialLayer ChickensEA/AM-H5N2Apr 24, 20151,031,000MinnesotaChippewaMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Apr 24, 201564,900MinnesotaKandiyohiMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Apr 23, 201554,300MinnesotaKandiyohiMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Apr 23, 201536,900MinnesotaClayMississippiCommercialLayer ChickensEA/AM-H5N2Apr 23, 2015408,500WisconsinChippewaMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Apr 23, 201556,500MinnesotaStearnsMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Apr 22, 201572,500MinnesotaStearnsMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Apr 22, 201528,600MinnesotaPipestoneMississippiBackyardMixed PoultryEA/AM-H5N2Apr 22, 2015150MinnesotaOtter TailMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Apr 22, 201534,500MinnesotaMeekerMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Apr 22, 201558,900MinnesotaKandiyohiMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Apr 22, 201534,500MinnesotaKandiyohiMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Apr 22, 201519,100MinnesotaKandiyohiMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Apr 22, 201562,600MinnesotaStearnsMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Apr 21, 201553,900MinnesotaMeekerMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Apr 21, 201510,700MinnesotaMeekerMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Apr 21, 201534,100MinnesotaKandiyohiMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Apr 21, 2015130,400MinnesotaKandiyohiMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Apr 21, 201543,600MinnesotaWadenaMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Apr 20, 2015301,000South DakotaSpinkMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Apr 20, 201533,300MinnesotaRedwoodMississippiCommercialTurkeyEA/AM-H5N2Apr 20, 201535,500MinnesotaRedwoodMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Apr 20, 201524,300MinnesotaKandiyohiMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Apr 20, 201562,200MinnesotaKandiyohiMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Apr 20, 20155,000MinnesotaCottonwoodMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Apr 20, 20157,500IowaOsceolaMississippiCommercialLayer ChickensEA/AM-H5N2Apr 19, 20154,030,000MinnesotaKandiyohiMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Apr 17, 201523,000MinnesotaKandiyohiMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Apr 17, 20159,000WisconsinJuneauMississippiBackyardMixed PoultryEA/AM-H5N2Apr 17, 201533MinnesotaRoseauMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Apr 16, 201526,900WisconsinBarronMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Apr 16, 2015126,700MinnesotaStearnsMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Apr 15, 201567,000South DakotaRobertsMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Apr 15, 201566,600MinnesotaOtter TailMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Apr 15, 201519,400MinnesotaKandiyohiMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Apr 15, 2015152,000MinnesotaSwiftMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Apr 14, 2015154,000MinnesotaRedwoodMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Apr 14, 201584,800MinnesotaMeekerMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Apr 14, 201526,100MinnesotaMeekerMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Apr 14, 201518,400MinnesotaKandiyohiMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Apr 14, 201530,700MinnesotaSwiftMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Apr 13, 2015153,500MinnesotaStearnsMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Apr 13, 201568,500MinnesotaLe SueurMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Apr 11, 201521,500MinnesotaKandiyohiMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Apr 11, 201538,400WisconsinJeffersonMississippiCommercialLayer ChickensEA/AM-H5N2Apr 11, 2015189,100South DakotaMcPhersonCentralCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Apr 10, 201555,200South DakotaMcCookCentralCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Apr 10, 201554,700North DakotaDickeyCentralCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Apr 10, 201540,000MinnesotaWatonwanMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Apr 9, 201530,000MinnesotaStearnsMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Apr 9, 201545,000MinnesotaLyonMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Apr 9, 201566,000MinnesotaCottonwoodMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Apr 9, 201548,000South DakotaKingsburyCentralCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Apr 8, 201571,900MinnesotaMeekerMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Apr 7, 2015310,000MinnesotaKandiyohiMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Apr 7, 201530,000MinnesotaStearnsMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Apr 4, 201578,000MinnesotaKandiyohiMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Apr 4, 201526,500MinnesotaStearnsMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Apr 2, 201565,700MinnesotaNoblesMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Apr 2, 201521,000MontanaJudith BasinCentralBackyardMixed PoultryEA/AM-H5N2Apr 2, 201540South DakotaBeadleCentralCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Apr 1, 201550,600MinnesotaLac Qui ParleMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Mar 27, 201566,000KansasLeavenworthCentralBackyardMixed PoultryEA/AM-H5N2Mar 13, 201510ArkansasBooneMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Mar 11, 201540,020MissouriMoniteauMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Mar 10, 201523,000MissouriJasperMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Mar 9, 201530,100MinnesotaPopeMississippiCommercialTurkeysEA/AM-H5N2Mar 4, 201544,000OregonDeschutesPacificBackyardMixed PoultryEA/AM-H5N2Feb 17, 201570CaliforniaKingsPacificCommercialChickenEA-H5N8Feb 12, 2015112,900WashingtonOkanoganPacificBackyardChickenEA/AM-H5N2Feb 3, 201540WashingtonOkanoganPacificBackyardPheasantEA/AM-H5N2Jan 29, 20155,830CaliforniaStanislausPacificCommercialTurkeysEA-H5N8Jan 23, 2015134,400WashingtonClallamPacificBackyardMixed PoultryEA/AM-H5N2Jan 16, 2015110IdahoCanyonPacificBackyardMixed PoultryEA/AM-H5N2Jan 16, 201530WashingtonBentonPacificBackyardMixed PoultryEA/AM-H5N2Jan 9, 2015590WashingtonBentonPacificBackyardMixed PoultryEA/AM-H5N2Jan 3, 2015140OregonDouglasPacificBackyardMixed PoultryEA -H5N8Dec 19, 2014130 * References to EA and AM under avian influenza subtype indicate Eurasian and American strains of the virus. 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SubjectHomers 7.3 days (Middle respiratory diseases) Daily TrackingAdded2015-07-03 [Last Updated: 2015-07-03]Views1158RepresentativesCHANG Young JinDepartmentHomers central management task forceHomers (Middle respiratory diseases) Daily Tracking42 people under treatment (22.8%), hospital 109 people (59.2%) died 33 patients (18.0%) with a total of 184 people confirmed Yesterday, compared to 6 people decreased during the treatment, discharge, party seven people increased, the death toll unchanged, one people diagnosed increase 42 patients being treated condition is stable 30 patients (71.4%), instability in 12 patients (28.6%) 82 people diagnosed type of hospital patients, family / visits 64 people, hospital workers 38 people General StatusDepartment of Health and Human Services Homers central management task force is now 06:00 7.3 days, the patient is being treated juleotgo six people in 42 (22.8%), The hospital said seven people grow hayeotdago increased to a total of 109 patients (59.2%). There were no deaths fluctuations in 33 patients (18.0%), one people diagnosed personnel increased by a total of 184 people were counted. The patient's condition is stable, being treated 30 people, 12 people are unstable. <General Status> Unit: Name] DivisionDuring treatmentDischargeDyingConfirmedCumulative (7.3 6:00)42 (30 Stable, Unstable 12)10933184Yesterday, increase or decrease contrast△ 670OneDischarge StatusA total of 10 people to hospital increased from 6.30 to 7.2 days with 109 people who full discharge. The new hospital 16th (male, 41 years old), 147th (over 46 years), 127th (over 76 years), 149th (over 84 years) and 132nd (male, 55 years), 166th (male, 62 years), the 178th confirmed by (male, 29 years) patients. The hospital treatment been received by the administration, such as antibiotics and antiviral agents, symptomatic therapy, respiratory symptoms were fever appeared to have improved both the tests results conducted a two-time Homers voice to cure decision. Currently 109 of them are male characters to discharge 60 patients (55.0%), women are 49 people (45.0%), age 40 to the 27 (24.8%) 50 24 (22.0%), 60 19 people (17.4%), 30 and 17 (15.6%) 70 13 (11.9%), 20 in 7 patients (6.4%), 10 one patient (0.9%), 80 one patient (0.9%) Net a. <Discharge party status> Unit: people (%) TotalSexAgeSouthFemale0-910-1920-2930-3940-4950-5960-6970-7980-8990-991096049-One71727241913One-100(55.0)(45.0)-(0.9)(6.4)(15.6)(24.8)(22.0)(17.4)(11.9)(0.9)-Status Confirmed1 people diagnosed has increased compared to the previous day. As 184th confirmed case of Samsung Seoul Hospital medical staff (nurses), epidemiological studies are currently being conducted. <Confirm the new status> (Gender, age) Tracking NumberPersonal InformationConfirmed dayOverview184th(Female, 24 years)7.2Working with the Samsung Seoul Hospital medical staff (nurses) (in epidemiology)Death StatusNo new deaths, classified by type is the same as yesterday. 33 Gender Male deaths of 22 patients (66.7%) women and 11 (33.3%), and age 60 to 70, the most abundant in exchange for each ten (30.3%), 80 in 7 patients (21.2%), 50 vs. 5 patients (15.2%), and 40 1 (3%) net. A total of 33 deaths out of various chronic diseases (cancer, heart lung ‧ ‧ kidney disease, diabetes, and immunocompromised diseases such as underlying disease holder) or are at high risk, such as goyeonryeongcheung 30 patients (90.9%). <Fatalities Status> Unit: people (%) TotalSexAgeSouthFemale0-910-1920-2930-3940-4950-5960-6970-7980-8990-99332211----One510107-100(66.7)(33.3)----(3.0)(15.2)(30.3)(30.3)(21.2)-Confirmed types and basic characteristicsWhen we classify the 184 people diagnosed with type, A patient is hospitalized or visited the most abundant 82 patients (44.6%), and the patient's family or non-family visitors, etc. This munbyeong 64 (34.8%), hospital workers, including doctors, 38 patients (20.7%). <Diagnosed type> Unit: people (%) Total① hospital patients② the patient's family / caregivers / Visitors③ hospital workersGunDoctorNurseRadiationTransfer agentsAmbulanceCaregiversPetition police / security personnelComputational companies1848264387152One282One100(44.6)(34.8)(20.7)(3.8)(8.2).(1.1)(0.5)(1.1)(4.3)(1.1)(0.5)Gender Male of 111 patients (60.3%), women are 73 (39.7%), Age is the most abundant in the 50s 41 (22.3%) 60 36 (19.6%) 70 30 (16.3%) 40 29 (15.8%), 30 and 26 (14.1%), etc. of the net. <Basic characteristics of the proven personnel> Unit: people (%) TotalSexAgeSouthFemale0-910-1920-2930-3940-4950-5960-6970-7980-8990-9918411173-One1226294136309-100(60.3)(39.7)-(0.5)(6.5).(14.1)(15.8)(22.3)(19.6)(16.3)(4.9)-Quarantine and release status06:00 Currently 7.3 days, a total of 2067 people who are isolated are juleotgo than 171 people the day before with (△ 7.6%), who has been released from quarantine has been released a total of 14,062 people were newly isolated 241 day. Full isolated juleotgo party (2067 people) who self-isolation of the 175 people to 1610 people (△ 9.8%), was aggregated to the hospital four patients (0.9%) increased by 457 people who isolation. <Isolation and release status> Unit: people (%) DivisionIsolated subjectsIsolated release partyGunSelfHospitalCumulative (7.3 6:00)2067161045714 062Yesterday, increase or decrease contrast△ 171△ 1754241(△ 7.6)(△ 9.8)(0.9)(1.7)[Appendix] Homers confirmed (discharge / death / includes treatment) and isolated status http://www.mw.go.kr/front_new/al/sal0301vw.jsp?PAR_MENU_ID=04&MENU_ID=0403&page=1&CONT_SEQ=324025
SubjectHomers 7.2 days (Middle respiratory diseases) Daily TrackingAdded2015-07-02 [Last Updated: 2015-07-02]Views1199RepresentativesCHANG Young JinDepartmentHomers central management task forceHomers (Middle respiratory diseases) Daily Tracking48 people under treatment (26.2%), hospital 102 people (55.7%) died 33 patients (18.0%) with a total of 183 people confirmed Decreased compared to day 4 of the treatment, discharge, party increased five people, the death toll unchanged, one people diagnosed increase 48 stable condition being treated 36 patients (75.0%), instability in 12 patients (25.0%) 82 people diagnosed type of hospital patients, family / visits 64 people, hospital workers named 37 General StatusDepartment of Health and Human Services Homers central management task force is now 06:00 7.2 days, the patient is being treated juleotgo four people in 48 patients (26.2%), who increased hospital said five people hayeotdago increased to a total of 102 patients (55.7%). There were no deaths fluctuations in 33 patients (18.0%), one people diagnosed personnel increased by a total of 183 people were counted. The patient's condition is stable, being treated 36 people, 12 people are unstable. <General Status> Unit: Name] DivisionDuring treatmentDischargeDyingConfirmedCumulative (7.2 6:00)48 (36 Stable, Unstable 12)1033183Yesterday, increase or decrease contrast△ 450OneDischarge StatusA total of five people to hospital increased from 6.30 to 7.1 days with 102 people who full discharge. The new hospital 86th (over 76 years), 89th (male, 59 years), 124th (male, 36 years old), 168th (male, 36 years), and 171st been confirmed by (female, 60 years) a patient. The hospital treatment been received by the administration, such as antibiotics and antiviral agents, symptomatic therapy, respiratory symptoms were fever appeared to have improved both the tests results conducted a two-time Homers voice to cure decision. Here discharged 102 patients to date in 56 male patients (54.9%) and 46 female patients (45.1%), age 40 to the 25 patients (24.5%) 50 23 (22.5%), 60 18 people (17.6%) 30 17 (16.7%), 70 and 12 (11.8%), 20 6 patients (5.9%), and 10 one patient (1.0%), net. <Discharge party status> Unit: people (%) TotalSexAgeSouthFemale0-910-1920-2930-3940-4950-5960-6970-7980-8990-991025646-One61725231812--100(54.9)(45.1)-(1.0)(5.9)(16.7)(24.5)(22.5)(17.6)(11.8)--Status Confirmed1 people diagnosed has increased compared to the previous day. As examples of the 183rd confirmed by Samsung Seoul Hospital medical staff (nurses), epidemiological studies are currently being conducted. <Confirm the new status> (Gender, age) Tracking NumberPersonal InformationConfirmed dayOverview183rd(Female, 24 years)7.1Working with the Samsung Seoul Hospital medical staff (nurses) (in epidemiology)Death StatusNo new deaths, classified by type is the same as yesterday. 33 Gender Male deaths of 22 patients (66.7%) women and 11 (33.3%), and age 60 to 70, the most abundant in exchange for each ten (30.3%), 80 in 7 patients (21.2%), 50 vs. 5 patients (15.2%), and 40 1 (3%) net. A total of 33 deaths out of various chronic diseases (cancer, heart lung ‧ ‧ kidney disease, diabetes, and immunocompromised diseases such as underlying disease holder) or are at high risk, such as goyeonryeongcheung 30 patients (90.9%). <Fatalities Status> Unit: people (%) TotalSexAgeSouthFemale0-910-1920-2930-3940-4950-5960-6970-7980-8990-99332211----One510107-100(66.7)(33.3)----(3.0)(15.2)(30.3)(30.3)(21.2)-Confirmed types and basic characteristicsWhen we classify the 183 people diagnosed with type, The most abundant in the hospital or who visited patients 82 patients (44.8%), and the patient's family or munbyeong 64 people, including non-family visitors (35.0%), hospital workers, including doctors, 37 patients (20.2%). <Diagnosed type> Unit: people (%) Total① hospital patients② the patient's family / caregivers / Visitors③ hospital workersGunDoctorNurseRadiationTransfer agentsAmbulanceCaregiversPetition police / security personnelComputational companies1838264377142One282One100(44.8)(35.0)(20.2)(3.8)(7.7)(1.1)(0.5)(1.1)(4.4)(1.1)(0.5)Gender Male of 111 patients (60.7%), women Age is the most abundant in the 50s 41 (22.4%) 60 36 (19.7%) 70 30 (16.4%) 40 29 (15.8%), 30 and 26 (14.2%), etc. of the net. <Basic characteristics of the proven personnel> Unit: people (%) TotalSexAgeSouthFemale0-910-1920-2930-3940-4950-5960-6970-7980-8990-9918311172-One1126294136309-100(60.7)(39.3)-(0.5)(6.0)(14.2)(15.8)(22.4)(19.7)(16.4)(4.9)-Quarantine and release status06:00 Currently 7.2 days, a total of 2238 people who are isolated are juleotgo to 213 people the previous day (△ 8.7%), who has been released from quarantine has been released a total of 13,821 people were newly isolated 267 day. Full isolated juleotgo party (2238 people) among 145 people to 1785 people who self-isolation (△ 7.5%), the hospital was counted as 68 (13.1%) 453 people who fell isolation. <Isolation and release status> Unit: people (%) DivisionIsolated subjectsIsolated release partyGunSelfHospitalCumulative (7.2 6:00)22381,78545313 821Yesterday, increase or decrease contrast△ 213△ 145△ 68267(△ 8.7)(△ 7.5)(△ 13.1)(2.0)[Appendix] Homers confirmed (discharge / death / includes treatment) and isolated status http://www.mw.go.kr/front_new/al/sal0301vw.jsp?PAR_MENU_ID=04&MENU_ID=0403&page=1&CONT_SEQ=324012
1 JULY 2015Liberia: Govt Investigates New Ebola SourceTagged:EbolaHealthLiberiaWest Africa RELATED TOPICSEbolaLiberia: UN Hails Ellen's Leadership in Ebola Fight Liberia: Remaining Resolved Against Any Attempt of Ebola Recurrence West Africa: Mano River Union Summit in Guinea Focuses On Priority Areas Liberia: Ebola Mystery - Dog Meat Story Eclipses Border Lapse Theory HealthUganda: Army Hospital Keeps Drugs On Floor South Africa: The Best Time for Marathon Runners to Get On the Road Uganda: Expectant Mothers Deserve Decent Care Uganda: MPs to Endorse HIV Trust Fund LiberiaLiberia: 'Constitutional Contempt' - Lower House Summons President Liberia: Discrimination At Work Places Liberia: Ellen Summoned By Lawmakers Liberia: Power Showdown West AfricaNigeria: Court Clears Fani-Kayode of Corruption Charges Nigeria: Oil Sector Reforms - Buhari May Scrap Some Govt Agencies Nigeria: Women, Girls Trained as Suicide Bombers in 'Rehabilitation' Sierra Leone: CGG Engages CSOs On Constitutional Review Process Liberian authorities are investigating the source of a new Ebola victim, a 17 years old boy, who tested positive and subsequently died on June 24th in Margibi County. The deceased is the first reported case since the World Health Organization declared Liberia Ebola-freed on May 9 and formally certificated the Government of Liberia. Deputy Health and Social Welfare Minister, and head of the Incident Management System, Tolbert Nyenswah, told the VOA Tuesday, July 1 that the government hasn't been able to establish the source of the latest infection. Nyenswah however clarified that the new case is not traceable to neighboring Guinea and Sierra Leone, two countries still battling the epidemic, respectively. News of the latest infection comes amidst recent rumor in Monrovia that there were new cases in Lofa County, northern Liberia, but the government denied. He said tests confirmed that the 17 years old victim, who hailed from a town near the Roberts International Airport in Margibi, died of Ebola. "Officials are investigating how he contracted Ebola", the deputy minister of health added. No one knows for sure many persons the deceased may have come in contact since he was infected and up to his death. Nyenswah's comments are no different from an earlier position held by the government in March this year just as the country was counting 42 days to become Ebola freed when a female resident of Caldwell Township, a Monrovia suburb, tested positive at the Redemption Hospital in New Kru Town and died on March 25. Health officials at the time were not emphatic on how the 44-year-old victim might had contracted the virus, but multiple sources hinted the press that she got infected thru sexual intercourse with a boyfriend, an Ebola survivor said to have resided in the Borough of New Kru Town, on Bushrod Island. That single case in 2014 reverted the government's gains, forcing it to start a recount of 42 days, which is two incubation periods (21 days each) for the virus to become fatal in an infected person. The late Ruth Tugbeh was a cooked food seller, but became sick for some time and her health condition rapidly deteriorated, which led family members to have called in the response team to take her to Redemption Hospital where doctors diagnosed her Ebola positive. She died subsequently while being catered to at a Chinese-run Ebola Treatment Unit at Samuel Kanyon Doe Sports Stadium in Paynesville. Liberia was declared Ebola freed about six weeks ago following the deadliest outbreak in the disease's history. Meanwhile, more than 11,000 people have died of the disease since December 2013 majority of them from Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone. The three countries had largely restricted the spread of the disease, but the number of new cases in Guinea and Sierra Leone has risen recently, with the start of the rainy season in West Africa. Fear has gripped many Liberians following news of a new case involving a 17years old boy, who tested positive died. Nurses and doctors most of whom succumbed to the virus while on the frontline last year in fighting the deadly Ebola Virus Disease outbreak here, have reportedly begun rejecting patients at clinics and hospitals in and around Monrovia for fear of taking in unsuspected cases. By Ethel A. Tweh - Editing by Jonathan Browne http://allafrica.com/stories/201507011277.html
Subject7.1 (can) Homers (Middle respiratory diseases) Daily TrackingAdded2015-07-01 [Last Updated: 2015-07-01]Views285RepresentativesCHANG Young JinDepartmentHomers central management task forceHomers (Middle respiratory diseases) Daily Tracking52 people under treatment (28.6%), hospital discharge 97 (53.3%) deaths confirmed by 33 patients (18.1%), a total of 182 people Decreased compared to day 2 of treatment, hospital Here two people increases, the death toll unchanged, confirmed unchanged 52 stable condition being treated 40 patients (76.9%), instability in 12 patients (23.1%) 82 people diagnosed type of hospital patients, family / visits 64 people, hospital workers 36 people General StatusDepartment of Health and Human Services Homers central management task force is now 06:00 7.1 days, the patient is being treated juleotgo two people in 52 patients (28.6%), increased hospital said two people who hayeotdago increased to a total of 97 patients (53.3%). There were no deaths fluctuations in 33 patients (18.1%), the fourth day there was no new confirmed a total staff also confirmed fluctuations. The patient's condition is stable, being treated 40 people, 12 people are unstable. <General Status> Unit: Name] DivisionDuring treatmentDischargeDyingConfirmedCumulative (7.1 06:00)52 (40 Stable, Unstable 12)9733182Yesterday, increase or decrease contrast△ 2200Discharge StatusThe total increased to 97 people sleeping two people full discharge to discharge 6.30 days. The new hospital 95th (male, 76 years old), 136th patient is diagnosed with (male, 67 years). The hospital treatment been received by the administration, such as antibiotics and antiviral agents, symptomatic therapy, respiratory symptoms were fever appeared to have improved both the tests results conducted a two-time Homers voice to cure decision. Here discharged 97 patients to date men 53 patients (54.6%) women and 44 patients (45.4%), age 40 to the 25 patients (25.8%), 50 of 22 patients (22.7%), 60 17 people (17.5%) 30 15 (15.5%), 70 and 11 (11.3%), 20 6 patients (6.2%), 10 one (1%) is the net. <Discharge party status> Unit: people (%) TotalSexAgeSouthFemale0-910-1920-2930-3940-4950-5960-6970-7980-8990-99975344-One61525221711--100(54.6)(45.4)-(1.0)(6.2)(15.5)(25.8)(22.7)(17.5)(11.3)--Status ConfirmedThere were no new confirmed. <Confirm the new status> (Gender, age) Tracking NumberPersonal InformationConfirmed dayOverview----Death StatusNo new deaths, classified by type is the same as yesterday. 33 Gender Male deaths of 22 patients (66.7%) women and 11 (33.3%), and age 60 to 70, the most abundant in exchange for each ten (30.3%), 80 in 7 patients (21.2%), 50 vs. 5 patients (15.2%), and 40 1 (3%) net. The total death toll of 33 people a variety of chronic diseases such as high-risk (cancer, heart, lung and kidney disease, diabetes, and immunocompromised diseases such as underlying disease holder) or goyeonryeongcheung 30 patients (90.9%). <Fatalities Status> Unit: people (%) TotalSexAgeSouthFemale0-910-1920-2930-3940-4950-5960-6970-7980-8990-99332211----One510107-100(66.7)(33.3)----(3.0)(15.2)(30.3)(30.3)(21.2)-Confirmed types and basic characteristicsThere is no new diagnosis, type of classification is the same before and four days. The most abundant in the hospital or who visited patients 82 patients (45.1%), and patients with munbyeong such as family or non-family visitors in 64 (35.2%), hospital workers, including doctors, 36 patients (19.7%). <Diagnosed type> Unit: people (%) Total① hospital patients② the patient's family / caregivers / Visitors③ hospital workersGunDoctorNurseRadiationTransfer agentsAmbulanceCaregiversPetition police / security personnelComputational companies1828264367132One282One100(45.1)(35.2)(19.7)(3.8)(7.1)(1.1)(0.5)(1.1)(4.4)(1.1)(0.5)The male sex of 111 patients (61%), 71 women (39%), Age is the most abundant in the 50s 41 (22.5%) 60 36 (19.8%) 70 30 (16.5%) 40 29 (15.9%), 30 and 26 (14.3%), etc. of the net. <Basic characteristics of the proven personnel> Unit: people (%) TotalSexAgeSouthFemale0-910-1920-2930-3940-4950-5960-6970-7980-8990-9918211171-One1026294136309-100(61.0)(39.0)-(0.5)(5.5).(14.3)(15.9)(22.5)(19.8)(16.5)(4.9)-Quarantine and release status06:00 Currently 7.1 days, a total of 2451 people who are isolated are juleotgo than 187 people the day before with (△ 7.1%), who has been released from quarantine has been released a total of 13,554 people were newly isolated 200 day. Full isolated juleotgo party (2451 people) who self-isolation of the 168 people to 1930 people (△ 8%), the hospital was counted as 19 people (△ 3.5%) 521 people who fell isolation. <Isolation and release status> Unit: people (%) DivisionIsolated subjectsIsolated release partyGunSelfHospitalCumulative (7.1 06:00)2451193052113 554Yesterday, increase or decrease contrast△ 187△ 168△ 19200(△ 7.1)(△ 8.0)(△ 3.5)(1.5) http://www.mw.go.kr/front_new/al/sal0301vw.jsp?PAR_MENU_ID=04&MENU_ID=0403&page=1&CONT_SEQ=323919
Between 27 and 30 June 2015, the National IHR Focal Point of the Republic of Korea notified WHO of 1 additional confirmed case of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) alongside 2 additional deaths. To date, a total of 182 MERS-CoV cases, including 33 deaths, have been reported. One of the 182 cases is the case that was confirmed in China and also notified by the National IHR Focal Point of China. View the full article
Subject6.30 (Tue) Homers (Middle respiratory diseases) Daily TrackingAdded2015-06-30Views1197RepresentativesCHANG Young JinDepartmentHomers central management task forceHomers ( Middle respiratory diseases ) one days Tracking - the treatment of 54 patients (29.7%), hospital discharge 95 patients (52.2%)died 33 persons (18.1%) diagnosed with total 182 persons - day of treatment compared to 3 people feeling small , it discharged Now twopeople increases , the death toll first name increases , confirmed unchanged - it is treated 54 patients stable state is 41 persons (75.9%), unstable 13 patients(24.1%). - Confirmed type of hospital patients 82 patients , families / visit 64 people ,hospital workers 36 people <1> General Status □ Department of Health and Human Services Homers central management task force is 6.30 at 06 o'clock today , are treatingpatients with 54 patients (29.7%) in the third juleotgo people , who discharged two persons increases the total 95 patients (52.2%) said hayeotdago increased . ○ deaths 33 persons (18.1%) in the first person neuleotgo , the third no new confirmed Confirmed entire personnel was unchanged . ○ condition being treated patients 41 were stable and 13 were unstable . - General Status - [ Unit : Name ] Division During treatment Discharge Dying Confirmed Cumulative(6.30. 06:00) 54 ( Stable 41, unstable 13) 95 33 182 Yesterday, increase or decrease contrast △ 3 2 One 0 <2> Discharge Status □ a total of 2 people 6.29 The whole hospital by hospital day 95increased by name . ○ The new hospital 63 th ( over 68 years old ), 103 th ( M , 66 years old )patient is diagnosed with . ○ antibiotics and antivirals The hospital administration , the allopathic treatment, including through been accepted , fever respiratory symptoms are improving two occasions was conducted to examine the results Homers cure determination shown by both voice . ○ parties to discharge current 95 male patients 51 patients (53.7%),women 44 patients (46.3%) and , to the age of 40 vs. 25 patients(26.3%), 50 vs. 22 patients (23.2%), 60 vs. 16 patients (16.8%), 30 vs. 15patients (15.8%), 70 vs. 10 patients (10.5%), 20 for 6 persons (6.3%), 10vs. 1 patients (1.1%) in that order . - Discharge party status ; [ Unit : people (%) Total Sex Age South Female 0-9 10-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80-89 90-99 95 51 44 - One 6 15 25 22 16 10 - - 100 (53.7) (46.3) - (1.1) (6.3) (15.8) (26.3) (23.2) (16.8) (10.5) - - <3> Status Confirmed □ There were no new confirmed . [ New Confirmed status ; ( gender , age ) Tracking Number Personal Information Confirmed day Overview - - - - <4> Status death □ Among the patients diagnosed in the previous 50 th ( F , 81 years old , high blood pressure / heart valve disease / infarction ) in patients diagnosed with a 6.29 overall death toll has died at 33, it was counted as persons . ○ dead 33 people Gender Male 22 patients (66.7%), female 11patients (33.3%) and , age 60 versus 70, respectively, cost 10patients (30.3%) as the most abundant , 80 versus 7 patients(21.2%), 50 vs. 5 patients (15.2%), 40 vs. 1 patients (3%) is the net . ○ deaths total 33 people of various chronic diseases ( cancer ,heart ‧ lungs ‧ kidney disease , diabetes , underlying disease such as immunocompromised diseases holder ) or a high risk of such goyeonryeongcheung 30 patients (90.9%) is . - Status of the deceased ; [ Unit : people (%) Total Sex Age South Female 0-9 10-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80-89 90-99 33 22 11 - - - - One 5 10 10 7 - 100 (66.7) (33.3) - - - - (3.0) (15.2) (30.3) (30.3) (21.2) - <5> confirmed type and basic characteristics □ no new diagnosis , classification by type 3 is the same one as before . ○ hospital or a patient is admitted 82 patients (45.1%) as the most abundant , such as patients munbyeong visitors other than family or family 64 patients (35.2%), hospital staff, including workers is 36 persons (19.7%) is . - Confirmed type ; [ Unit : people (%) Total ① Hospital Patient ② the patient Family /guardian /Visitors ③ hospital workers Doctor Nurse Radiation Transfer agents Ambulance Caregivers Petition Police/ Safety Officer Computational Manufacturer 182 82 64 36 7 13 2 One 2 8 2 One 100 (45.1) (35.2) (19.7) (3.8) (7.1) (1.1) (0.5) (1.1) (4.4) (1.1) (0.5) □ male gender is 111 people (61%), women are 71 people (39%) and , ○ age of 50 cost 41 patients (22.5%) as the most abundant , 60versus 36 patients (19.8%), 70 vs. 30 patients (16.5%), 40 vs. 29patients (15.9%), 30 vs. 26 patients (14.3%). the order of . - confirmed the main characteristics of the person ; [ Unit : people (%) Total Sex Age South Female 0-9 10-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80-89 90-99 182 111 71 - One 10 26 29 41 36 30 9 - 100 (61.0) (39.0) - (0.5) (5.5). (14.3) (15.9) (22.5) (19.8) (16.5) (4.9) - <6> Status isolation and release □ 6.30 at 06 o'clock today , people are isolated total 2,638 persons compared to the previous day in 44 patients ( △ 1.6%) juleotgo , who is disabled and has isolated a total of 13,354 people a day with 218new people have been released from quarantine . ○ Full standoff (2,638 persons ) who self-isolation of 2,098 people in 125 patients ( △ 5 .6%) line was , he isolated hospital 81 patients(17.6%) increased by 540 people was compiled by . - quarantine and release status ; [ Unit : people (%) Division Isolated subjects Isolated release party Self Hospital Cumulative(6.30. 06:00) 2638 2098 540 13 354 Yesterday, increase or decrease contrast △ 44 △ 125 81 218 ( △ 1.6) ( △ 5.6) (17.6) (1.7) [ Schedule ] Homers confirmed ( discharge / death / including treatment ) , and quarantine status http://www.mw.go.kr/front_new/al/sal0301vw.jsp?PAR_MENU_ID=04&MENU_ID=0403&page=1&CONT_SEQ=323873
Between 24 and 26 June 2015, the National IHR Focal Point of the Republic of Korea notified WHO of 6 additional confirmed cases of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) alongside 4 additional deaths. To date, a total of 181 MERS-CoV cases, including 31 deaths, have been reported. One of the 181 cases is the case that was confirmed in China and also notified by the National IHR Focal Point of China. View the full article
Between 20 and 23 June 2015, the National IHR Focal Point of the Republic of Korea notified WHO of 9 additional confirmed cases of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) alongside 3 additional deaths. To date, a total of 175 MERS-CoV cases, including 27 deaths, have been reported. One of the 175 cases is the case that was confirmed in China and also notified by the National IHR Focal Point of China. View the full article
On 18 June 2015, the National IHR Focal Point of Thailand notified WHO of the country’s first confirmed case of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV). The case is a 75-year-old, Omani male that travelled from Oman to Thailand to seek medical care. The patient, who has comorbidities, developed symptoms on 10 June and was admitted to hospital in Oman. As symptoms did not improve, he decided to travel to Thailand to seek treatment. He took a flight with three family members and arrived in Bangkok on 15 June. Neither the patient nor his family members reported fever upon arrival in Thailand. He was admitted to hospital on 15 June and tested positive for MERS-CoV on 18 June. On 18 June, the patient and his three family members were transferred to another health care facility where they were put in isolation. Currently, the patient is in stable condition.View the full article