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Positive Cases Data Last Updated:11/27/2021 3:10 PM Total Positive Cases 152,407 1,649.3 per 10,000 people MaySepJanMaySep Cumulative Number of Confirmed Positive Cases 139,425 Cumulative Number of Probable Positive Cases 12,982 Cumulative Number of Long-Term Care Cases 2,973 Positive Cases by County County Positive Cases New Castle County 86,641 View New Castle County data Kent County 27,993 View Kent County data Sussex County 37,349 View Sussex County data Unknown 424 View more case data Data are current as of 6pm the previous day. Last update: 11/26/2021 STATE OF DELAWARE Deaths Data Last Updated:11/27/2021 3:10 PM Total Deaths 2,173 17.5 per 10,000 people MaySepJanMaySep Confirmed Deaths 1,990 Probable Deaths 183 Long-Term Care Deaths 865 View more death data Data are current as of 6pm the previous day. Last update: 11/26/2021 https://myhealthycommunity.dhss.delaware.gov/locations/state
1,338,238 Confirmed Cases 335,258 CDC Expanded Case Definition (Probable) 1,673,496 Total Cases 85,600 Number of Hospitalizations in Ohio *26,483 Ohio Resident Deaths *26,455 Deaths in State of Ohio 10,689 Number of ICU Admissions **538.2 Cases per 100,000 <1-111 Age Range 39 Median Age 46%*** Sex - Males 53%*** Sex - Females LAST UPDATED 11/27/2021 (UPDATED DAILY AT 2 P.M.) ***1% SEX NOT REPORTED https://coronavirus.ohio.gov/wps/portal/gov/covid-19/home#:~:text=931%2C299,Sex - Females
Number of confirmed cases : 583,299 Number of persons tested negative : 4,597,504 Total testing volume : 14,973,252 Daily testing Volume : 16,391 Number of confirmed deaths : 10,945 Number of probable deaths : 233 Currently hospitalized (Total/Adult/Pediatric): 620 / 614 / 6 Acute care (Total/Adult/Pediatric): 452 / 448 / 4 Intensive care (Total/Adult/Pediatric): 168 / 166 / 2 Ever hospitalized : 52,130 Released from isolation : 11,571 https://coronavirus.maryland.gov/
Alabama COVID Cases Increase To 844,951 Deaths To 16,115
niman posted a topic in Alabama (2019-nCoV)
MOVING 7-DAY PERCENTAGE 5.4 % Positivity in Tests CASES 844,951 TOTAL 387,714 2020 457,237 2021 DEATHS 16,115 TOTAL 7,187 2020 8,928 2021 LAST 7 DAYS - TOTAL TESTS 29,847 NAAT TESTS 1,600 POSITIVE NAAT TESTS https://alpublichealth.maps.arcgis.com/apps/dashboards/6d2771faa9da4a2786a509d82c8cf0f7 -
Two Confirmed Omicron COVID Cases Sydney Australia ex-Southern Africa
niman replied to niman's topic in Australia (2019-nCoV)
Complete sequences at GISAID hCoV-19/Australia/NSW-RPAH-1933/2021 hCoV-19/Australia/NSW-RPAH-1934/2021 -
Two Confirmed Omicron COVID Cases Sydney Australia ex-Southern Africa
niman replied to niman's topic in Australia (2019-nCoV)
Omicron variant in confirmed NSW cases 28 November 2021 NSW Health can confirm urgent genomic testing undertaken today shows two overseas travellers have been infected with the new Omicron B.1.1.529 COVID-19 variant of concern. Both passengers came to Sydney from southern Africa on the evening of Saturday November 27. They underwent testing on arrival and tested positive for COVID-19 late last night. The two positive cases, who were asymptomatic, are in isolation in the Special Health Accommodation. Both people are fully vaccinated. The two passengers were amongst fourteen people from southern Africa who arrived on Qatar Airways QR908, Doha to Sydney, which arrived around 7pm, Saturday November 27. The remaining 12 passengers from southern Africa are undertaking 14 days of hotel quarantine in the Special Health Accommodation. Around 260 passengers and air crew on the flight are considered close contacts and have been directed to isolate. It is an offence not to comply with a Public Health Order and penalties can apply. Close contacts will be contacted regularly, and compliance checks will be undertaken. In line with Commonwealth measures, all travellers arriving in NSW who have been in South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Namibia, Eswatini, Malawi, and the Seychelles during the 14 day period before their arrival in NSW must enter hotel quarantine for 14 days, irrespective of their vaccination status. All travellers who have been in any other overseas country during the 14 day period before their arrival in NSW must travel directly to their place of residence or accommodation and isolate for 72 hours, pending further health advice. All flight crew who have been overseas during the 14-day period before their arrival in NSW must travel directly to their place of residence or accommodation and isolate for 14 days or until their departure on another flight that leaves Australia, consistent with the current rules for unvaccinated flight crew. Anyone who has already arrived in NSW who has been in any of the nine African countries within the previous 14 days must immediately get tested and isolate for 14 days, and call NSW Health on 1800 943 553. Current as at: Sunday 28 November 2021 -
Probable Omicron COVID Case Schwaz Austria ex-South Africa
niman replied to niman's topic in Austria (COVID)
A suspected case of virus mutation B.1.1.529 Anomalies in the PCR test result After the initial PCR evaluation, there is a suspicion of a new virus mutation B.1.1.529 Contact persons were identified and segregated Affected PCR test sample will be sent to AGES for sequencing in accordance with the specifications - the result is expected in the coming days Call of the authorities: travelers returning from South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Namibia and Eswatini should carry out PCR testing General recommendation for a Covid test after traveling in pandemic times After the new virus mutation B.1.1.529 has already appeared in other European countries, a positive PCR test result associated with a trip to South Africa is available in the Schwaz district today, Saturday evening. As a result of the initial test by Innsbruck Virology, there is a specific suspicion that it could be the new virus mutation. “The test sample will now be sent to AGES in Vienna for a corresponding sequencing, during which the virus composition will be examined in detail. A result from AGES is expected in the coming days. According to their own information and according to the current state of knowledge, the person concerned has been almost exclusively at home three days ago and currently has no symptoms - the second Covid vaccination with an mRNA vaccine was already around nine months ago. Contact persons of the person concerned have been segregated ”, informed Elmar Rizzoli , Head of the Corona Task Force, appeals: “People who have entered the defined countries in the past 14 days should carry out a Covid-PCR test as a precaution. In principle, however, this is recommended to all people who travel during a pandemic that is spreading around the world - to protect their fellow human beings. " Independent registration for PCR testing after returning home Yesterday, Friday, the country made a precautionary appeal that goes beyond federal requirements (travel within ten days) and is aimed at people returning from the countries of South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Namibia and Eswatini: People Anyone who has stayed in one of these countries in the past 14 days should, as a precaution, do a PCR test immediately after entering the country. A PCR test on the fifth and tenth day is also recommended. A registration is overhttps://corona.leitstelle.tirol/, Selection “I am a returnee”, possible. It is also pointed out that safety and hygiene measures such as keeping your distance, observing hand hygiene, regular ventilation and wearing a mask (FFP2) in everyday life should be observed. Information for travelers returning can be found on the Website of the State Medical Directorate -
positive PCR test result associated with a trip to South Africa is available in the Schwaz district today, Saturday evening https://www.tirol.gv.at/meldungen/meldung/ein-verdachtsfall-auf-virus-mutation-b11529-nach-auffaelligkeit-bei-pcr-test-ergebnis/
Two Probable Omicron COVID Denmark Cases ex-South Africa
niman replied to niman's topic in Denmark (COVID)
Two suspected cases of Omicron (B.1.1.529) have been detected in Denmark by travelers from South Africa 27-11-2021 Press releaseCOVID-19 The Omicron variant (B.1.1.529) is a new variant of coronavirus. It was first reported in Botswana on 11 November 2021 and on 14 November in South Africa. The variant has since been observed in several European countries in travelers from the South African countries. Today it has probably been found in two people who have entered Denmark. The cases have been demonstrated by variant PCR, which captured mutations that are characteristic of Omicron, and are thus most likely Omicron. It will only be finally confirmed when the result of whole genome sequencing is available within the next few days. Health Minister Magnus Heunicke says: New variant worries The new variant, B.1.1.529, worries virologists internationally because it has many more mutations in the spike protein than usual, and there is uncertainty about the infectivity and, if possible, less sensitivity to the vaccines. Confirmed travel-related cases have been found in i.a. England and Belgium. Travelers from South Africa The Danish Agency for Patient Safety recommends that all entrants to Denmark or entered within the last 10 days (from 16 November) who have had residence (except transit) in South Africa, Lesotho, Eswatini, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Botswana and Namibia can be tested and goes into isolation for negative testing on day 4 and day 6. This applies regardless of vaccination status. Isolation should be stopped at the earliest by a negative test on day 6. In cases where more than 6 days have passed since entry, only one test is recommended as soon as possible. -
The cases have been demonstrated by variant PCR, which captured mutations that are characteristic of Omicron https://sum.dk/nyheder/2021/november/to-mistaenkte-tilfaelde-af-omicron-b11529-er-paavist-i-danmark-hos-rejsende-fra-sydafrika
Suspect Omicron COVID Cases In Israel Increase To Seven
niman replied to niman's topic in Israel (COVID)
FROM THE LIVEBLOG OF SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 2021 Health Ministry says 7 people in Israel suspected of contracting Omicron variant Today, 8:54 pm The Health Ministry says there are currently seven people in Israel suspected of having contracted the Omricron coronavirus variant, in addition the one confirmed case announced yesterday. Of them, four are unvaccinated and three are vaccinated, the ministry says, with four having recently returned from travel abroad. -
The Health Ministry says there are currently seven people in Israel suspected of having contracted the Omricron coronavirus variant, in addition the one confirmed case announced yesterday. https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/health-ministry-says-7-people-in-israel-suspected-of-omicron-variant/
First confirmed case of variante Omicron in Italy. All ‘Sacco hospital in Milan, the genome of the virus that infected a citizen of Campania, placed in home isolation after having tested positive upon returning to Italy from Mozambique. Before being tested, the man infected his entire family of five. “A sequence has been identified in the ICoGen platform that can be traced back to what is now known as variant of concern (VOC) and defined yesterday by WHO as “omicron” “, says in a note theHigher Institute of Health. “The sequencing on the samples of the family contacts of the patient positive results and residents in the Campania region, whose laboratories have been alerted and are already working to obtain in a short time the genomic results ”, it reads.
Campanian returned from Mozambique in isolation. Infected the whole family https://www.italy24news.com/local/279548.html
Figure https://twitter.com/trvrb/status/1464353251147481089/photo/1
S Dropout (SGTF) data for South African Provinces
Two cases of new variant of Covid detected in UK Published 20 minutes ago Two people in the UK have been found to be infected with the new Covid variant, Omicron, the health secretary has said. Sajid Javid said the UK Health Security Agency had detected cases in Chelmsford, Essex, and in Nottingham. He said the cases were linked and the two people were self-isolating alongside their households while more tests and contact tracing take place. The new variant has also been identified in South Africa, Botswana, Belgium, Hong Kong and Israel. How worrying is the new Covid variant? Do we need new vaccines yet? New Covid variant not a disaster - Sage scientist South Africans fear impact of new variant measures The new Omicron variant was first reported to the World Health Organization from South Africa on Wednesday. Mr Javid said the two UK cases were linked to travel to southern Africa. Countries around the world are currently racing to introduce travel bans and restrictions on southern African countries in an effort to contain Omicron's spread. Ten countries are now on the UK's travel red list meaning, from Sunday at 04:00 GMT, all arrivals will have to quarantine in a hotel for 10 days. On Friday, the UK placed South Africa, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Lesotho and Eswatini on the list. In his announcement on Saturday, the health secretary said Angola, Mozambique, Malawi and Zambia would be added to that list. He also said: "We've always been very clear that we won't hesitate to take further action if that is what is required. "Today I can announce one thing that we are doing immediately is carrying out targeted testing and sequencing of positive cases in the two areas that are affected." He added: "If anyone has travelled to these four countries or any of the other red-listed countries in the last four days then they must self isolate and take PCR tests." Mr Javid said the UK vaccine rollout programme was now "even more important". "We know there's this new variant out there. We don't know enough about it yet but from what we do know, the protections that we have - especially the vaccines - are hugely important," he said. Asked about potential changes in Covid restrictions, Mr Javid said: "We will do whatever is necessary to protect the progress we have made as a country. We've come a long way since the summer and we keep all of this under review and if we need to take further action, we will."