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Vaccines Administered 16,956,232 Click Here for Vaccination Details Total Cases 1,779,842 Positivity 7-Day Rolling Average Case Positivity 3.3% Test Positivity 4.1% Confirmed Deaths 26,294 Variant Cases 29,112 Click Here for COVID-19 Variants Details Probable Deaths 2,940 Total Tests Performed* 38,388,520 *Total molecular and antigens tests performed and reported electronically for testing of COVID-19 at IDPH, commercial or hospital laboratories. All numbers displayed are provisional and will change. https://dph.illinois.gov/covid19.html
Aitkin County: 2,147 Anoka County: 61,887 Becker County: 6,155 Beltrami County: 7,965 Benton County: 8,728 Big Stone County: 927 Blue Earth County: 11,198 Brown County: 4,616 Carlton County: 5,223 Carver County: 16,094 Cass County: 4,899 Chippewa County: 2,141 Chisago County: 9,670 Clay County: 11,817 Clearwater County: 1,544 Cook County: 299 Cottonwood County: 2,229 Crow Wing County: 10,916 Dakota County: 65,275 Dodge County: 3,462 Douglas County: 7,594 Faribault County: 2,514 Fillmore County: 2,965 Freeborn County: 5,470 Goodhue County: 7,774 Grant County: 961 Hennepin County: 173,631 Houston County: 2,638 Hubbard County: 3,464 Isanti County: 6,759 Itasca County: 7,458 Jackson County: 1,587 Kanabec County: 2,399 Kandiyohi County: 9,588 Kittson County: 711 Koochiching County: 1,637 Lac Qui Parle County: 1,184 Lake County: 1,287 Lake of the Woods County: 522 Le Sueur County: 4,436 Lincoln County: 866 Lyon County: 5,154 Mahnomen County: 1,042 Marshall County: 1,498 Martin County: 3,756 McLeod County: 6,908 Meeker County: 4,200 Mille Lacs County: 5,111 Morrison County: 6,591 Mower County: 7,186 Murray County: 1,504 Nicollet County: 5,056 Nobles County: 5,205 Norman County: 1,026 Olmsted County: 21,510 Otter Tail County: 9,537 Pennington County: 2,447 Pine County: 4,965 Pipestone County: 1,475 Polk County: 5,854 Pope County: 1,986 Ramsey County: 71,727 Red Lake County: 701 Redwood County: 2,754 Renville County: 2,628 Rice County: 11,112 Rock County: 1,741 Roseau County: 3,073 Scott County: 25,041 Sherburne County: 18,333 Sibley County: 2,455 St. Louis County: 28,424 Stearns County: 32,543 Steele County: 6,643 Stevens County: 1,629 Swift County: 1,678 Todd County: 4,784 Traverse County: 597 Wabasha County: 3,617 Wadena County: 2,949 Waseca County: 3,633 Washington County: 39,032 Watonwan County: 1,932 Wilkin County: 1,183 Winona County: 6,981 Wright County: 25,108 Yellow Medicine County: 1,835 https://mndps.maps.arcgis.com/apps/dashboards/f28f84968c1148129932c3bebb1d3a1a
1,323,411 Confirmed Cases 329,969 CDC Expanded Case Definition (Probable) 1,653,380 Total Cases 84,886 Number of Hospitalizations in Ohio *26,190 Ohio Resident Deaths *26,153 Deaths in State of Ohio 10,632 Number of ICU Admissions **496.3 Cases per 100,000 <1-111 Age Range 39 Median Age 46%*** Sex - Males 53%*** Sex - Females LAST UPDATED 11/23/2021 (UPDATED DAILY AT 2 P.M.) ***1% SEX NOT REPORTED https://coronavirus.ohio.gov/wps/portal/gov/covid-19/home#:~:text=931%2C299,Sex - Females
New Tests Administered 29,895 04/24/2020 ... 11/22/2021 6,528 New Individuals Tested New Positive Cases 3,200 11/22/2020 ... 11/22/2021 Positivity - All Tests 10.8 %7-Day Rate 11/10/2021 ... 11/16/2021 8.6 % cumulative rate New Deaths 51Newly Reported Deaths Date of death between 11/15/2021 ... 11/22/2021 7-Day Average - 17 Deaths Total Confirmed COVID-19 Counts Total Tests Administered 15,232,618 02/26/2020 ... 11/22/2021 4,489,417 Individuals Tested Total Positive Cases 1,080,505 03/06/2020 ... 11/22/2021 4,641 Statewide Reinfection Cases since 9/1/2021 Positivity - Unique Individuals 20.9 %7-Day Rate 11/10/2021 ... 11/16/2021 24.0 % cumulative rate Total Deaths 16,788 03/16/2020 ... 11/22/2021 https://www.coronavirus.in.gov/
New Cases 190 47,805 Total Currently Hospitalized 68 Hospitalized In ICU 16 Hospitalized Under Investigation 1 Percent Positive 7-day Avg. 3.9% People Tested 538,951 Total Tests 2,518,362 Recovered 39,221 82% of Cases Deaths 406 0.8% of Cases Last Updated: 11/23/2021, 11:03:50 AM https://www.healthvermont.gov/covid-19/current-activity/case-dashboard
Cumulative COVID-19 Cases by County Download a csv file with the most recent cumulative case data by county. Download a csv file with historical case data by county and date. Maine COVID-19 Reopening Gating Metrics Cumulative COVID-19 Cases by ZIP Code Download a csv file with the most recent cumulative case data by zip code. Tables of COVID-19 Testing and Contact Tracing Data, Hospital Use, and Case Demographics View a Table of Contact Tracing (Sara Alert) Data Contact Tracing (Sara Alert) Data Number of Individuals Currently in Monitoring Total Number of Individuals Submitted for Enrollment 5,966 164,626 Maine CDC updates contact tracing data weekly. Updated November 17, 2021 at 9:31 AM. https://www.maine.gov/dhhs/mecdc/infectious-disease/epi/airborne/coronavirus/data.shtml
Arizona COVID Cases Increase To 843,780 Deaths To 16,086
niman posted a topic in Arizona (2019-nCoV)
https://www.azdhs.gov/covid19/data/index.php -
Alabama COVID Cases Increase To 843,780 Deaths To 16,086
niman posted a topic in Alabama (2019-nCoV)
MOVING 7-DAY PERCENTAGE 4.4 % Positivity in Tests CASES 843,780 TOTAL 387,762 2020 456,018 2021 DEATHS 16,086 TOTAL 7,186 2020 8,900 2021 LAST 7 DAYS - TOTAL TESTS 44,845 NAAT TESTS 1,978 POSITIVE NAAT TESTS https://alpublichealth.maps.arcgis.com/apps/dashboards/6d2771faa9da4a2786a509d82c8cf0f7 -
Aitkin County: 2,119 Anoka County: 61,024 Becker County: 6,083 Beltrami County: 7,873 Benton County: 8,608 Big Stone County: 921 Blue Earth County: 11,014 Brown County: 4,571 Carlton County: 5,155 Carver County: 15,858 Cass County: 4,834 Chippewa County: 2,128 Chisago County: 9,558 Clay County: 11,708 Clearwater County: 1,522 Cook County: 295 Cottonwood County: 2,205 Crow Wing County: 10,756 Dakota County: 64,444 Dodge County: 3,383 Douglas County: 7,481 Faribault County: 2,483 Fillmore County: 2,918 Freeborn County: 5,405 Goodhue County: 7,599 Grant County: 945 Hennepin County: 171,633 Houston County: 2,611 Hubbard County: 3,404 Isanti County: 6,657 Itasca County: 7,347 Jackson County: 1,580 Kanabec County: 2,347 Kandiyohi County: 9,513 Kittson County: 699 Koochiching County: 1,613 Lac Qui Parle County: 1,171 Lake County: 1,270 Lake of the Woods County: 520 Le Sueur County: 4,365 Lincoln County: 859 Lyon County: 5,102 Mahnomen County: 1,037 Marshall County: 1,491 Martin County: 3,722 McLeod County: 6,824 Meeker County: 4,157 Mille Lacs County: 5,016 Morrison County: 6,515 Mower County: 7,119 Murray County: 1,495 Nicollet County: 4,971 Nobles County: 5,183 Norman County: 1,018 Olmsted County: 21,150 Otter Tail County: 9,439 Pennington County: 2,417 Pine County: 4,897 Pipestone County: 1,470 Polk County: 5,810 Pope County: 1,964 Ramsey County: 70,883 Red Lake County: 687 Redwood County: 2,729 Renville County: 2,598 Rice County: 10,992 Rock County: 1,729 Roseau County: 3,047 Scott County: 24,685 Sherburne County: 18,030 Sibley County: 2,407 St. Louis County: 27,846 Stearns County: 32,146 Steele County: 6,552 Stevens County: 1,610 Swift County: 1,655 Todd County: 4,747 Traverse County: 593 Wabasha County: 3,576 Wadena County: 2,927 Waseca County: 3,587 Washington County: 38,455 Watonwan County: 1,923 Wilkin County: 1,171 Winona County: 6,913 Wright County: 24,789 Yellow Medicine County: 1,816 https://mndps.maps.arcgis.com/apps/dashboards/f28f84968c1148129932c3bebb1d3a1a
Last Updated:11/22/2021 3:56 PM Total Positive Cases 150,625 1,629.6 per 10,000 people AprJulOctJanAprJulOct Cumulative Number of Confirmed Positive Cases 137,805 Cumulative Number of Probable Positive Cases 12,820 Cumulative Number of Long-Term Care Cases 2,965 Positive Cases by County County Positive Cases New Castle County 85,662 View New Castle County data Kent County 27,584 View Kent County data Sussex County 36,955 View Sussex County data Unknown 424 View more case data Data are current as of 6pm the previous day. Last update: 11/21/2021 STATE OF DELAWARE Deaths Data Last Updated:11/22/2021 3:56 PM Total Deaths 2,159 17.4 per 10,000 people AprJulOctJanAprJulOct Confirmed Deaths 1,978 Probable Deaths 181 Long-Term Care Deaths 863 View more death data Data are current as of 6pm the previous day. Last update: 11/21/2021 https://myhealthycommunity.dhss.delaware.gov/locations/state