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Vaccines Administered 14,218,536 Click Here for Vaccination Details Total Cases 1,578,198 Positivity 7-Day Rolling Average Case Positivity 4.5% Test Positivity 4.9% Confirmed Deaths 24,407 Variant Cases 15,246 Click Here for COVID-19 Variants Details Probable Deaths 2,601 Total Tests Performed* 30,099,346 *Total molecular and antigen tests performed and reported electronically for testing of COVID-19 at IDPH, commercial or hospital laboratories. All numbers displayed are provisional and will change. http://www.dph.illinois.gov/covid19
New Cases 111 30,376 Total Currently Hospitalized 43 Hospitalized In ICU 9 Hospitalized Under Investigation 1 Percent Positive 7-day Avg. 3.5% People Tested 460,537 Total Tests 1,972,818 Recovered 26,693 87.9% of Cases Deaths 291 1% of Cases Last Updated: 9/14/2021, 10:48:54 AM https://www.healthvermont.gov/covid-19/current-activity/vermont-dashboard
Alabama COVID Cases Increase To 754,242 Deaths To 12,718
niman posted a topic in Alabama (2019-nCoV)
MOVING 7-DAY PERCENTAGE 19.3 % Positivity in Tests CASES 754,242 TOTAL 388,761 2020 365,481 2021 DEATHS 12,718 TOTAL 7,181 2020 5,537 2021 LAST 7 DAYS - TOTAL TESTS 90,480 NAAT TESTS 17,434 POSITIVE NAAT TESTS https://alpublichealth.maps.arcgis.com/apps/dashboards/6d2771faa9da4a2786a509d82c8cf0f7 -
Aitkin County: 1,524 Anoka County: 47,228 Becker County: 4,221 Beltrami County: 4,867 Benton County: 6,320 Big Stone County: 666 Blue Earth County: 8,469 Brown County: 3,387 Carlton County: 3,844 Carver County: 11,860 Cass County: 3,349 Chippewa County: 1,679 Chisago County: 6,966 Clay County: 8,968 Clearwater County: 980 Cook County: 207 Cottonwood County: 1,754 Crow Wing County: 7,630 Dakota County: 51,238 Dodge County: 2,343 Douglas County: 5,230 Faribault County: 1,747 Fillmore County: 1,865 Freeborn County: 4,205 Goodhue County: 5,414 Grant County: 650 Hennepin County: 138,425 Houston County: 1,982 Hubbard County: 2,226 Isanti County: 4,827 Itasca County: 5,045 Jackson County: 1,337 Kanabec County: 1,615 Kandiyohi County: 7,347 Kittson County: 525 Koochiching County: 1,090 Lac Qui Parle County: 824 Lake County: 896 Lake of the Woods County: 374 Le Sueur County: 3,334 Lincoln County: 631 Lyon County: 3,872 Mahnomen County: 654 Marshall County: 996 Martin County: 2,561 McLeod County: 4,877 Meeker County: 2,979 Mille Lacs County: 3,490 Morrison County: 4,597 Mower County: 5,439 Murray County: 1,136 Nicollet County: 3,660 Nobles County: 4,423 Norman County: 625 Olmsted County: 15,445 Otter Tail County: 6,518 Pennington County: 1,852 Pine County: 3,678 Pipestone County: 1,231 Polk County: 4,242 Pope County: 1,270 Ramsey County: 57,730 Red Lake County: 464 Redwood County: 1,929 Renville County: 1,964 Rice County: 8,957 Rock County: 1,369 Roseau County: 2,288 Scott County: 19,257 Sherburne County: 13,237 Sibley County: 1,719 St. Louis County: 19,814 Stearns County: 24,431 Steele County: 4,870 Stevens County: 1,025 Swift County: 1,158 Todd County: 3,131 Traverse County: 418 Wabasha County: 2,352 Wadena County: 1,784 Waseca County: 2,806 Washington County: 30,159 Watonwan County: 1,517 Wilkin County: 886 Winona County: 5,428 Wright County: 18,128 Yellow Medicine County: 1,221 https://mndps.maps.arcgis.com/apps/dashboards/f28f84968c1148129932c3bebb1d3a1a
Positive Cases Data Last Updated:09/13/2021 1:06 PM Total Positive Cases 125,549 1,349.0 per 10,000 people AprJulOctJanAprJul Cumulative Number of Confirmed Positive Cases 115,573 Cumulative Number of Probable Positive Cases 9,976 Cumulative Number of Long-Term Care Cases 2,871 Positive Cases by County County Positive Cases New Castle County 72,781 View New Castle County data Kent County 21,965 View Kent County data Sussex County 30,560 View Sussex County data Unknown 243 View more case data Data are current as of 6pm the previous day. Last update: 09/12/2021 STATE OF DELAWARE Deaths Data Last Updated:09/13/2021 1:06 PM Total Deaths 1,900 15.3 per 10,000 people AprJulOctJanAprJul Confirmed Deaths 1,740 Probable Deaths 160 Long-Term Care Deaths 834 View more death data Data are current as of 6pm the previous day. Last update: 09/12/2021 https://myhealthycommunity.dhss.delaware.gov/locations/state
Abbeville Rate (per 100k): 10,926.73 Cases--Confirmed positives: 2,680, Probable: 665 Deaths--Confirmed: 36, Probable: 7 Aiken Rate (per 100k): 10,133.32 Cases--Confirmed positives: 17,315, Probable: 7,019 Deaths--Confirmed: 223, Probable: 54 Allendale Rate (per 100k): 12,649.63 Cases--Confirmed positives: 1,099, Probable: 178 Deaths--Confirmed: 11, Probable: 6 Anderson Rate (per 100k): 13,293.97 Cases--Confirmed positives: 26,928, Probable: 4,902 Deaths--Confirmed: 535, Probable: 54 Bamberg Rate (per 100k): 12,484.00 Cases--Confirmed positives: 1,756, Probable: 219 Deaths--Confirmed: 58, Probable: 1 Barnwell Rate (per 100k): 14,257.64 Cases--Confirmed positives: 2,975, Probable: 527 Deaths--Confirmed: 61, Probable: 8 Beaufort Rate (per 100k): 11,155.93 Cases--Confirmed positives: 21,433, Probable: 3,608 Deaths--Confirmed: 232, Probable: 26 Berkeley Rate (per 100k): 9,886.93 Cases--Confirmed positives: 22,533, Probable: 5,360 Deaths--Confirmed: 215, Probable: 29 Calhoun Rate (per 100k): 10,155.98 Cases--Confirmed positives: 1,478, Probable: 170 Deaths--Confirmed: 38, Probable: 9 Charleston Rate (per 100k): 10,935.18 Cases--Confirmed positives: 44,988, Probable: 14,828 Deaths--Confirmed: 517, Probable: 85 Cherokee Rate (per 100k): 13,261.78 Cases--Confirmed positives: 7,599, Probable: 846 Deaths--Confirmed: 171, Probable: 8 Chester Rate (per 100k): 13,698.67 Cases--Confirmed positives: 4,417, Probable: 1,222 Deaths--Confirmed: 78, Probable: 13 Chesterfield Rate (per 100k): 8,856.52 Cases--Confirmed positives: 4,043, Probable: 2,262 Deaths--Confirmed: 104, Probable: 17 Clarendon Rate (per 100k): 10,271.15 Cases--Confirmed positives: 3,466, Probable: 1,035 Deaths--Confirmed: 121, Probable: 11 Colleton Rate (per 100k): 10,160.04 Cases--Confirmed positives: 3,828, Probable: 1,409 Deaths--Confirmed: 145, Probable: 19 Darlington Rate (per 100k): 11,246.21 Cases--Confirmed positives: 7,492, Probable: 3,185 Deaths--Confirmed: 160, Probable: 42 Dillon Rate (per 100k): 16,329.28 Cases--Confirmed positives: 4,977, Probable: 646 Deaths--Confirmed: 89, Probable: 9 Dorchester Rate (per 100k): 11,909.05 Cases--Confirmed positives: 19,389, Probable: 10,580 Deaths--Confirmed: 255, Probable: 26 Edgefield Rate (per 100k): 11,632.43 Cases--Confirmed positives: 3,171, Probable: 799 Deaths--Confirmed: 33, Probable: 17 Fairfield Rate (per 100k): 11,558.60 Cases--Confirmed positives: 2,583, Probable: 458 Deaths--Confirmed: 76, Probable: 11 Florence Rate (per 100k): 15,180.81 Cases--Confirmed positives: 20,994, Probable: 3,117 Deaths--Confirmed: 432, Probable: 37 Georgetown Rate (per 100k): 8,599.23 Cases--Confirmed positives: 5,390, Probable: 3,352 Deaths--Confirmed: 112, Probable: 46 Greenville Rate (per 100k): 15,906.65 Cases--Confirmed positives: 83,278, Probable: 10,649 Deaths--Confirmed: 1,051, Probable: 100 Greenwood Rate (per 100k): 13,411.76 Cases--Confirmed positives: 9,497, Probable: 877 Deaths--Confirmed: 160, Probable: 20 Hampton Rate (per 100k): 11,679.33 Cases--Confirmed positives: 2,245, Probable: 608 Deaths--Confirmed: 55, Probable: 12 Horry Rate (per 100k): 11,471.39 Cases--Confirmed positives: 40,618, Probable: 15,060 Deaths--Confirmed: 564, Probable: 162 Jasper Rate (per 100k): 10,374.75 Cases--Confirmed positives: 3,120, Probable: 506 Deaths--Confirmed: 52, Probable: 9 Kershaw Rate (per 100k): 11,972.77 Cases--Confirmed positives: 7,968, Probable: 2,683 Deaths--Confirmed: 126, Probable: 44 Lancaster Rate (per 100k): 11,435.33 Cases--Confirmed positives: 11,208, Probable: 2,925 Deaths--Confirmed: 158, Probable: 33 Laurens Rate (per 100k): 12,294.61 Cases--Confirmed positives: 8,298, Probable: 1,457 Deaths--Confirmed: 158, Probable: 21 Lee Rate (per 100k): 11,171.86 Cases--Confirmed positives: 1,880, Probable: 420 Deaths--Confirmed: 61, Probable: 6 Lexington Rate (per 100k): 12,446.86 Cases--Confirmed positives: 37,185, Probable: 11,926 Deaths--Confirmed: 544, Probable: 63 McCormick Rate (per 100k): 9,954.56 Cases--Confirmed positives: 942, Probable: 291 Deaths--Confirmed: 19, Probable: 9 Marion Rate (per 100k): 13,856.54 Cases--Confirmed positives: 4,248, Probable: 503 Deaths--Confirmed: 103, Probable: 15 Marlboro Rate (per 100k): 12,068.31 Cases--Confirmed positives: 3,152, Probable: 1,192 Deaths--Confirmed: 59, Probable: 10 Newberry Rate (per 100k): 14,287.20 Cases--Confirmed positives: 5,492, Probable: 1,248 Deaths--Confirmed: 110, Probable: 14 Oconee Rate (per 100k): 15,059.21 Cases--Confirmed positives: 11,979, Probable: 1,445 Deaths--Confirmed: 156, Probable: 7 Orangeburg Rate (per 100k): 13,794.02 Cases--Confirmed positives: 11,887, Probable: 1,254 Deaths--Confirmed: 275, Probable: 14 Pickens Rate (per 100k): 17,601.12 Cases--Confirmed positives: 22,333, Probable: 2,290 Deaths--Confirmed: 309, Probable: 42 Richland Rate (per 100k): 12,343.21 Cases--Confirmed positives: 51,318, Probable: 11,778 Deaths--Confirmed: 580, Probable: 91 Saluda Rate (per 100k): 9,397.74 Cases--Confirmed positives: 1,924, Probable: 376 Deaths--Confirmed: 42, Probable: 7 Spartanburg Rate (per 100k): 13,693.26 Cases--Confirmed positives: 43,789, Probable: 10,386 Deaths--Confirmed: 803, Probable: 124 Sumter Rate (per 100k): 11,548.80 Cases--Confirmed positives: 12,325, Probable: 1,947 Deaths--Confirmed: 207, Probable: 40 Union Rate (per 100k): 10,089.32 Cases--Confirmed positives: 2,756, Probable: 1,053 Deaths--Confirmed: 82, Probable: 4 Williamsburg Rate (per 100k): 13,843.52 Cases--Confirmed positives: 4,204, Probable: 934 Deaths--Confirmed: 91, Probable: 24 York Rate (per 100k): 12,584.21 Cases--Confirmed positives: 35,359, Probable: 6,594 Deaths--Confirmed: 385, Probable: 48 https://scdhec.gov/covid19/covid-19-data/sc-testing-data-projections-covid-19#main