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Everything posted by niman

  1. Finland/81HEL/2020 12/22 matched UK variant with 3 AAs deleted in Spike protein, 3but 1 AA deleted in NSP6, and Q27 stop codon in NS8. map update https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/1/edit?mid=1aQDSL2LwQFbuoCAg_nIOPK8D-LIJ5MYd&ll=60.26515419122555%2C23.235382671875005&z=7
  2. Finland/84HEL/2020 12/22 matched UK variant with 3 AAs deleted in Spike protein, 3but 1 AA deleted in NSP6, and Q27 stop codon in NS8. map update https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/1/edit?mid=1aQDSL2LwQFbuoCAg_nIOPK8D-LIJ5MYd&ll=60.26515419122555%2C23.235382671875005&z=7
  3. Finland/85HEL/2020 12/22 matched UK variant with 3 AAs deleted in Spike protein, 3but 1 AA deleted in NSP6, and Q27 stop codon in NS8. map update https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/1/edit?mid=1aQDSL2LwQFbuoCAg_nIOPK8D-LIJ5MYd&ll=60.26515419122555%2C23.235382671875005&z=7
  4. Finland/88HEL/2020 12/25 matched UK variant with 3 AAs deleted in Spike protein, 3but 1 AA deleted in NSP6, and Q27 stop codon in NS8. map update https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/1/edit?mid=1aQDSL2LwQFbuoCAg_nIOPK8D-LIJ5MYd&ll=60.26515419122555%2C23.235382671875005&z=7
  5. Finland/89HEL/2020 12/28 matched UK variant with 3 AAs deleted in Spike protein, 3but 1 AA deleted in NSP6, and Q27 stop codon in NS8. map update https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/1/edit?mid=1aQDSL2LwQFbuoCAg_nIOPK8D-LIJ5MYd&ll=60.26515419122555%2C23.235382671875005&z=7
  6. Finland/90HEL/2020 12/27 matched UK variant with 3 AAs deleted in Spike protein, 3but 1 AA deleted in NSP6, and Q27 stop codon in NS8. map update https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/1/edit?mid=1aQDSL2LwQFbuoCAg_nIOPK8D-LIJ5MYd&ll=60.26515419122555%2C23.235382671875005&z=7
  7. Finland/91HEL/2020 12/22 matched UK variant with 3 AAs deleted in Spike protein, 3but 1 AA deleted in NSP6, and Q27 stop codon in NS8. map update https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/1/edit?mid=1aQDSL2LwQFbuoCAg_nIOPK8D-LIJ5MYd&ll=60.26515419122555%2C23.235382671875005&z=7
  8. https://www.health.pa.gov/topics/disease/coronavirus/Pages/Cases.aspx#
  9. https://www.vdh.virginia.gov/coronavirus/covid-19-in-virginia/
  10. https://coronavirus.iowa.gov/#CurrentStatus
  11. Finland/92HEL/2020 12/18 matched UK variant with 3 AAs deleted in Spike protein, 3but 1 AA deleted in NSP6, and Q27 stop codon in NS8. map update https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/1/edit?mid=1aQDSL2LwQFbuoCAg_nIOPK8D-LIJ5MYd&ll=60.26515419122555%2C23.235382671875005&z=7
  12. Finland/94HEL/2020 12/22 matched UK variant with 3 AAs deleted in Spike protein, 3but 1 AA deleted in NSP6, and Q27 stop codon in NS8. map update https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/1/edit?mid=1aQDSL2LwQFbuoCAg_nIOPK8D-LIJ5MYd&ll=60.26515419122555%2C23.235382671875005&z=7
  13. Finland/95HEL/2020 12/28 matched UK variant with 3 AAs deleted in Spike protein, 3but 1 AA deleted in NSP6, and Q27 stop codon in NS8. map update https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/1/edit?mid=1aQDSL2LwQFbuoCAg_nIOPK8D-LIJ5MYd&ll=60.26515419122555%2C23.235382671875005&z=7
  14. University of Helsinki released (at GISAID) Twelve UK Variant B.1.1.7 SARS CoV2 sequences (Finland/95HEL/2020, Finland/94HEL/2020, Finland/92HEL/2020, Finland/91HEL/2020, Finland/90HEL/2020, Finland/89HEL/2020, Finland/88HEL/2020, Finland/85HEL/2020, Finland/84HEL/2020, Finland/81HEL/2020, Finland/80HEL/2020, Finland/79HEL/2020) from Uusimaa Finland with One NSP6 Deletion collected between Dec 18-28.
  15. Italy/APU-POLBA05/2020 12/27 46M matched UK variant with 3 AAs deleted in Spike protein, 3 AAs deleted in NSP6 and Q27 stop codon in NS8. map update https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/1/edit?mid=1aQDSL2LwQFbuoCAg_nIOPK8D-LIJ5MYd&ll=41.10207161625112%2C16.786704067187486&z=10
  16. University of Bari has released (at GISAID) a UK Variant B.1.1.7 SARS CoV2 sequence, Italy/APU-POLBA05/2020, from Apulia Italy collected Dec 27 from 46M
  17. Sweden/20-13194/2020 12/24 49M matched 501.v2 with 3 AAs deleted in Spike protein, 3 AAs deleted in NSP6 map update https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/1/edit?mid=1aQDSL2LwQFbuoCAg_nIOPK8D-LIJ5MYd&ll=59.35012677387631%2C17.951535439648435&z=11
  18. The Public Health Agency of Sweden has released (at GISAID) a 501.v2 SARS-CoV2 COVID sequence, Sweden/20-13194/2020, from Stockholm Sweden collected Dec 24 from 49M
  19. Switzerland/BE-UZH-IMV142/2020 12/24 53M matched UK variant with 3 AAs deleted in Spike protein, 3 AAs deleted in NSP6 and Q27 stop codon in NS8. map update https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/1/edit?mid=1aQDSL2LwQFbuoCAg_nIOPK8D-LIJ5MYd&ll=46.57301026813134%2C7.704862319531252&z=9
  20. University of Zurich has released (at GISAID) a UK Variant B.1.1.7 SARS CoV2 sequence, Switzerland/BE-UZH-IMV142/2020, from Bern Switzerland collected Dec 24 from 53M
  21. Switzerland/VD-UZH-IMV144/2020 12/21 45M matched UK variant with 3 AAs deleted in Spike protein, 3 AAs deleted in NSP6 and Q27 stop codon in NS8. map update https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/1/edit?mid=1aQDSL2LwQFbuoCAg_nIOPK8D-LIJ5MYd&ll=46.53448527148863%2C6.16499677200447&z=8
  22. Switzerland/VD-UZH-IMV143/2020 12/22 52F matched UK variant with 3 AAs deleted in Spike protein, 3 AAs deleted in NSP6 and Q27 stop codon in NS8. map update https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/1/edit?mid=1aQDSL2LwQFbuoCAg_nIOPK8D-LIJ5MYd&ll=46.53448527148863%2C6.16499677200447&z=8
  23. University of Zurich has released (at GISAID) Two UK Variant B.1.1.7 SARS CoV2 sequences (Switzerland/VD-UZH-IMV143/2020 & Switzerland/VD-UZH-IMV144/2020) from Vaud Switzerland collected Dec 21-22.
  24. Italy/VEN-IZSVe-20RS2293-7_VI/2020 12/21 45M matched UK variant with 3 AAs deleted in Spike protein, 3 AAs deleted in NSP6 and Q27 stop codon in NS8. map update https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/1/edit?mid=1aQDSL2LwQFbuoCAg_nIOPK8D-LIJ5MYd&ll=45.54145734092376%2C11.444545964843726&z=10
  25. Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie has released (at GISAID) a UK Variant B.1.1.7 SARS CoV2 sequences from Vicenza Italy collected Dec 21 from 45M
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