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Everything posted by niman

  1. https://www.health.nd.gov/diseases-conditions/coronavirus/north-dakota-coronavirus-cases
  2. New Cases 21 2,347 Total Currently Hospitalized 2 Hospitalized In ICU 0 Hospitalized Under Investigation 2 Percent Positive 7-day Avg. 0.7% People Tested 193,523 Total Tests 434,341 Recovered 1,913 81.5% of Cases Deaths 59 2.5% of Cases https://www.healthvermont.gov/covid-19/current-activity/vermont-dashboard
  3. COVID-19 Case Trends https://www.maine.gov/dhhs/mecdc/infectious-disease/epi/airborne/coronavirus/data.shtml Download an Excel file with the most recent cumulative case data by zip code, county, sex, age, race, and historical case data by county. Maine COVID-19 Reopening Gating Metrics Cumulative COVID-19 Cases by ZIP Code Download an Excel file with the most recent cumulative case data by zip code, county, sex, age, race, and historical case data by county. Tables of COVID-19 Testing and Contact Tracing Data, Hospital Use, and Case Demographics
  4. https://dhhr.wv.gov/COVID-19/Pages/default.aspx
  5. New Hampshire 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Summary Report (data updated as of November 7, 2020 - 9:00 AM) https://www.nh.gov/covid19/ Number of Persons with COVID-19 1 12,241 Recovered 9,980 (82%) Deaths Attributed to COVID-19 489 (4%) Total Current COVID-19 Cases 1,772 Persons Who Have Been Hospitalized for COVID-19 791 (6%) Current Hospitalizations 49 Total Persons Tested at Selected Laboratories, Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)2 361,706 Total Persons Tested at Selected Laboratories, Antibody Laboratory Tests2 32,389 Persons with Specimens Submitted to NH PHL N/A Persons with Test Pending at NH PHL3 643 Persons Being Monitored in NH (approximate point in time) 4,975 1 Includes specimens positive at any laboratory and those confirmed by CDC confirmatory testing.2 Includes specimens tested at the NH Public Health Laboratories (PHL), LabCorp, Quest, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, Mako, certain hospital laboratories, the University of New Hampshire and their contracted laboratory, and those sent to CDC prior to NH PHL testing capacity.3 Includes specimens received and awaiting testing at NH PHL. Does not include tests pending at commercial laboratories. Active Cases Dashboard | Active Cases Map
  6. https://doh.sd.gov/news/Coronavirus.aspx
  7. https://coronavirus.idaho.gov/
  8. Arkansas (772 Total Positive Cases) Ashley (617 Total Positive Cases) Baxter (906 Total Positive Cases) Benton (9,430 Total Positive Cases) Boone (1,191 Total Positive Cases) Bradley (383 Total Positive Cases) Calhoun (76 Total Positive Cases) Carroll (1,093 Total Positive Cases) Chicot (1,062 Total Positive Cases) Clark (595 Total Positive Cases) Clay (568 Total Positive Cases) Cleburne (544 Total Positive Cases) Cleveland (281 Total Positive Cases) Columbia (798 Total Positive Cases) Conway (401 Total Positive Cases) Craighead (5,452 Total Positive Cases) Crawford (2,357 Total Positive Cases) Crittenden (2,688 Total Positive Cases) Cross (639 Total Positive Cases) Dallas (197 Total Positive Cases) Desha (456 Total Positive Cases) Drew (472 Total Positive Cases) Faulkner (3,719 Total Positive Cases) Franklin (621 Total Positive Cases) Fulton (382 Total Positive Cases) Garland (2,818 Total Positive Cases) Grant (408 Total Positive Cases) Greene (1,906 Total Positive Cases) Hempstead (665 Total Positive Cases) Hot Spring (2,387 Total Positive Cases) Howard (676 Total Positive Cases) Independence (1,599 Total Positive Cases) Izard (796 Total Positive Cases) Jackson (983 Total Positive Cases) Jefferson (4,525 Total Positive Cases) Johnson (1,089 Total Positive Cases) Lafayette (220 Total Positive Cases) Lawrence (943 Total Positive Cases) Lee (1,118 Total Positive Cases) Lincoln (2,355 Total Positive Cases) Little River (515 Total Positive Cases) Logan (647 Total Positive Cases) Lonoke (2,041 Total Positive Cases) Madison (471 Total Positive Cases) Marion (216 Total Positive Cases) Miller (1,777 Total Positive Cases) Missing County Info (1,755 Total Positive Cases) Mississippi (2,599 Total Positive Cases) Monroe (248 Total Positive Cases) Montgomery (198 Total Positive Cases) Nevada (361 Total Positive Cases) Newton (344 Total Positive Cases) Ouachita (434 Total Positive Cases) Perry (175 Total Positive Cases) Phillips (807 Total Positive Cases) Pike (288 Total Positive Cases) Poinsett (1,324 Total Positive Cases) Polk (431 Total Positive Cases) Pope (2,973 Total Positive Cases) Prairie (271 Total Positive Cases) Pulaski (13,126 Total Positive Cases) Randolph (749 Total Positive Cases) Saline (3,351 Total Positive Cases) Scott (262 Total Positive Cases) Searcy (227 Total Positive Cases) Sebastian (5,461 Total Positive Cases) Sevier (1,497 Total Positive Cases) Sharp (436 Total Positive Cases) St. Francis (1,841 Total Positive Cases) Stone (415 Total Positive Cases) Union (1,252 Total Positive Cases) Van Buren (245 Total Positive Cases) Washington (12,445 Total Positive Cases) White (1,902 Total Positive Cases) Woodruff (152 Total Positive Cases) Yell (1,404 Total Positive Cases) https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/c2ef4a4fcbe5458fbf2e48a21e4fece9
  9. Positive 53,671 Total Tests * 1,250,724 Click Here to View Positive Cases By County COVID-Related Deaths in NM 1,104 *Numbers are cumulative persons tested through 11/7/2020, 5:50:04 PM. Test results are from the state Scientific Laboratory Division of the New Mexico Department of Health, TriCore Reference Laboratories, LabCorp, Mayo Clinic Laboratories, Quest Diagnostics, and BioReference Laboratories. https://cv.nmhealth.org/#
  10. Aitkin County: 323 Anoka County: 11,961 Becker County: 894 Beltrami County: 1,207 Benton County: 1,473 Big Stone County: 209 Blue Earth County: 2,484 Brown County: 535 Carlton County: 767 Carver County: 2,248 Cass County: 643 Chippewa County: 553 Chisago County: 1,622 Clay County: 3,087 Clearwater County: 208 Cook County: 33 Cottonwood County: 365 Crow Wing County: 1,706 Dakota County: 12,213 Dodge County: 496 Douglas County: 1,069 Faribault County: 307 Fillmore County: 349 Freeborn County: 888 Goodhue County: 964 Grant County: 132 Hennepin County: 41,436 Houston County: 336 Hubbard County: 596 Isanti County: 843 Itasca County: 1,026 Jackson County: 266 Kanabec County: 291 Kandiyohi County: 2,180 Kittson County: 100 Koochiching County: 200 Lac Qui Parle County: 171 Lake County: 170 Lake of the Woods County: 61 Le Sueur County: 810 Lincoln County: 226 Lyon County: 1,214 Mahnomen County: 150 Marshall County: 244 Martin County: 701 McLeod County: 807 Meeker County: 494 Mille Lacs County: 704 Morrison County: 1,101 Mower County: 1,677 Murray County: 344 Nicollet County: 920 Nobles County: 2,556 Norman County: 198 Olmsted County: 4,147 Otter Tail County: 1,234 Pennington County: 269 Pine County: 731 Pipestone County: 426 Polk County: 1,240 Pope County: 230 Ramsey County: 17,297 Red Lake County: 108 Redwood County: 387 Renville County: 363 Rice County: 2,074 Rock County: 425 Roseau County: 534 Scott County: 4,481 Sherburne County: 2,626 Sibley County: 339 St. Louis County: 4,120 Stearns County: 7,839 Steele County: 1,004 Stevens County: 231 Swift County: 299 Todd County: 1,158 Traverse County: 74 Wabasha County: 535 Wadena County: 388 Waseca County: 1,004 Washington County: 8,115 Watonwan County: 616 Wilkin County: 180 Winona County: 1,653 Wright County: 3,641 Yellow Medicine County: 381 https://mndps.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/f28f84968c1148129932c3bebb1d3a1a
  11. Positive Cases in State of Delaware Total Positive Cases 26,258277.6 per 10,000 people Confirmed 25,057 Probable 1,201 Residents of Long-Term Care Facilities 1,533 Positive Cases by County New Castle County 13,964 Kent County 3,741 Sussex County 8,461 Unknown 92 Deaths in State of Delaware Total Deaths 7165.9 per 10,000 people Confirmed 629 Probable 87 Residents of Long-Term Care Facilities 412 https://myhealthycommunity.dhss.delaware.gov/locations/state#outcomes
  12. November 6, 2020: Total Overall Number of Tests: 550,585 Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 265,472* Total Positives: 17,891 Total Lives Lost: 654 Cleared from Isolation: 13,811 *All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting
  13. Total Positive119,661Probable: 19,846- Confirmed: 99,815 Deaths1,561Probable: 27- Confirmed: 1,534 Total Tested2,207,351PCR: 2,046,964- Serology: 87,413- Antigen: 72,974 Positivity Rate*7.17% Recovered21,513 https://govstatus.egov.com/kycovid19
  14. https://coronavirus.utah.gov/case-counts/#
  15. https://app.powerbigov.us/view?r=eyJrIjoiMjA2ZThiOWUtM2FlNS00MGY5LWFmYjUtNmQwNTQ3Nzg5N2I2IiwidCI6ImU0YTM0MGU2LWI4OWUtNGU2OC04ZWFhLTE1NDRkMjcwMzk4MCJ9
  16. Abbeville Rate (per 100k): 2,943.69 Cases--Confirmed positives: 722, Probable: 114 Deaths--Confirmed: 15, Probable: 4 Aiken Rate (per 100k): 2,817.31 Cases--Confirmed positives: 4,814, Probable: 551 Deaths--Confirmed: 79, Probable: 11 Allendale Rate (per 100k): 5,006.91 Cases--Confirmed positives: 435, Probable: 3 Deaths--Confirmed: 8, Probable: 0 Anderson Rate (per 100k): 2,991.74 Cases--Confirmed positives: 6,060, Probable: 367 Deaths--Confirmed: 192, Probable: 16 Bamberg Rate (per 100k): 4,919.66 Cases--Confirmed positives: 692, Probable: 7 Deaths--Confirmed: 34, Probable: 0 Barnwell Rate (per 100k): 4,078.41 Cases--Confirmed positives: 851, Probable: 46 Deaths--Confirmed: 22, Probable: 3 Beaufort Rate (per 100k): 3,262.51 Cases--Confirmed positives: 6,268, Probable: 94 Deaths--Confirmed: 90, Probable: 3 Berkeley Rate (per 100k): 2,701.54 Cases--Confirmed positives: 6,157, Probable: 283 Deaths--Confirmed: 91, Probable: 5 Calhoun Rate (per 100k): 3,504.43 Cases--Confirmed positives: 510, Probable: 10 Deaths--Confirmed: 16, Probable: 2 Charleston Rate (per 100k): 4,181.51 Cases--Confirmed positives: 17,203, Probable: 673 Deaths--Confirmed: 263, Probable: 21 Cherokee Rate (per 100k): 2,804.54 Cases--Confirmed positives: 1,607, Probable: 40 Deaths--Confirmed: 54, Probable: 2 Chester Rate (per 100k): 3,982.14 Cases--Confirmed positives: 1,284, Probable: 39 Deaths--Confirmed: 29, Probable: 1 Chesterfield Rate (per 100k): 2,996.71 Cases--Confirmed positives: 1,368, Probable: 203 Deaths--Confirmed: 47, Probable: 2 Clarendon Rate (per 100k): 3,609.42 Cases--Confirmed positives: 1,218, Probable: 34 Deaths--Confirmed: 67, Probable: 2 Colleton Rate (per 100k): 3,381.37 Cases--Confirmed positives: 1,274, Probable: 69 Deaths--Confirmed: 47, Probable: 1 Darlington Rate (per 100k): 3,425.5 Cases--Confirmed positives: 2,282, Probable: 385 Deaths--Confirmed: 65, Probable: 2 Dillon Rate (per 100k): 4,350.54 Cases--Confirmed positives: 1,326, Probable: 65 Deaths--Confirmed: 44, Probable: 4 Dorchester Rate (per 100k): 2,871.46 Cases--Confirmed positives: 4,675, Probable: 374 Deaths--Confirmed: 97, Probable: 7 Edgefield Rate (per 100k): 3,532.65 Cases--Confirmed positives: 963, Probable: 35 Deaths--Confirmed: 17, Probable: 5 Fairfield Rate (per 100k): 3,852.87 Cases--Confirmed positives: 861, Probable: 40 Deaths--Confirmed: 38, Probable: 2 Florence Rate (per 100k): 4,058.05 Cases--Confirmed positives: 5,612, Probable: 261 Deaths--Confirmed: 203, Probable: 1 Georgetown Rate (per 100k): 3,273.77 Cases--Confirmed positives: 2,052, Probable: 447 Deaths--Confirmed: 41, Probable: 17 Greenville Rate (per 100k): 3,594.75 Cases--Confirmed positives: 18,820, Probable: 302 Deaths--Confirmed: 342, Probable: 20 Greenwood Rate (per 100k): 3,591.25 Cases--Confirmed positives: 2,543, Probable: 129 Deaths--Confirmed: 69, Probable: 8 Hampton Rate (per 100k): 3,995.42 Cases--Confirmed positives: 768, Probable: 25 Deaths--Confirmed: 30, Probable: 1 Horry Rate (per 100k): 3,379.45 Cases--Confirmed positives: 11,966, Probable: 1,019 Deaths--Confirmed: 214, Probable: 29 Jasper Rate (per 100k): 3,182.26 Cases--Confirmed positives: 957, Probable: 12 Deaths--Confirmed: 22, Probable: 1 Kershaw Rate (per 100k): 3,703.93 Cases--Confirmed positives: 2,465, Probable: 162 Deaths--Confirmed: 47, Probable: 5 Lancaster Rate (per 100k): 2,677.22 Cases--Confirmed positives: 2,624, Probable: 158 Deaths--Confirmed: 57, Probable: 5 Laurens Rate (per 100k): 2,988.46 Cases--Confirmed positives: 2,017, Probable: 44 Deaths--Confirmed: 61, Probable: 2 Lee Rate (per 100k): 4,647.02 Cases--Confirmed positives: 782, Probable: 44 Deaths--Confirmed: 36, Probable: 0 Lexington Rate (per 100k): 3,016.57 Cases--Confirmed positives: 9,012, Probable: 667 Deaths--Confirmed: 209, Probable: 5 McCormick Rate (per 100k): 2,842.65 Cases--Confirmed positives: 269, Probable: 22 Deaths--Confirmed: 6, Probable: 1 Marion Rate (per 100k): 3,738.13 Cases--Confirmed positives: 1,146, Probable: 70 Deaths--Confirmed: 41, Probable: 4 Marlboro Rate (per 100k): 4,315.03 Cases--Confirmed positives: 1,127, Probable: 87 Deaths--Confirmed: 13, Probable: 2 Newberry Rate (per 100k): 4,258.58 Cases--Confirmed positives: 1,637, Probable: 141 Deaths--Confirmed: 54, Probable: 4 Oconee Rate (per 100k): 3,258.49 Cases--Confirmed positives: 2,592, Probable: 50 Deaths--Confirmed: 32, Probable: 2 Orangeburg Rate (per 100k): 3,944.3 Cases--Confirmed positives: 3,399, Probable: 64 Deaths--Confirmed: 130, Probable: 1 Pickens Rate (per 100k): 3,779.04 Cases--Confirmed positives: 4,795, Probable: 150 Deaths--Confirmed: 62, Probable: 6 Richland Rate (per 100k): 4,059.56 Cases--Confirmed positives: 16,878, Probable: 1,270 Deaths--Confirmed: 261, Probable: 17 Saluda Rate (per 100k): 3,536.36 Cases--Confirmed positives: 724, Probable: 30 Deaths--Confirmed: 21, Probable: 4 Spartanburg Rate (per 100k): 2,884.75 Cases--Confirmed positives: 9,225, Probable: 682 Deaths--Confirmed: 231, Probable: 15 Sumter Rate (per 100k): 3,415.45 Cases--Confirmed positives: 3,645, Probable: 81 Deaths--Confirmed: 88, Probable: 4 Union Rate (per 100k): 2,932.35 Cases--Confirmed positives: 801, Probable: 34 Deaths--Confirmed: 22, Probable: 0 Williamsburg Rate (per 100k): 4,429 Cases--Confirmed positives: 1,345, Probable: 163 Deaths--Confirmed: 39, Probable: 11 York Rate (per 100k): 2,523.68 Cases--Confirmed positives: 7,091, Probable: 334 Deaths--Confirmed: 110, Probable: 1 https://scdhec.gov/covid19/sc-testing-data-projections-covid-19#main
  17. https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/covid-19/cases.htm
  18. There are 212,686 confirmed COVID-19 patients in Missouri, including 3,302 deaths https://www.kshb.com/news/coronavirus/covid-19-case-tracker-where-we-stand-in-mo-ks-nationwide Adair County 749 1 Andrew County 767 12 Atchison County 95 1 Audrain County 708 10 Barry County 1,228 15 Barton County 479 4 Bates County 286 8 Benton County 547 7 Bollinger County 712 8 Boone County 7,101 18 Buchanan County 3,343 52 Butler County 1,856 11 Caldwell County 215 1 Callaway County 1,752 9 Camden County 1,790 37 Cape Girardeau County 3,357 55 Carroll County 247 4 Carter County 202 3 Cass County 2,467 33 Cedar County 276 4 Chariton County 105 0 Christian County 2,821 17 Clark County 156 2 Clay County 3,086 60 Clinton County 607 29 Cole County 3,915 26 Cooper County 786 4 Crawford County 771 9 Dade County 169 3 Dallas County 429 2 Daviess County 246 4 DeKalb County 387 4 Dent County 297 4 Douglas County 319 13 Dunklin County 1,592 13 Franklin County 3,239 57 Gasconade County 318 24 Gentry County 228 10 Greene County 10,959 171 Grundy County 320 11 Harrison County 210 1 Henry County 527 8 Hickory County 269 4 Holt County 178 2 Howard County 304 2 Howell County 1,329 14 Iron County 134 0 Jackson County 11,493 144 Jasper County 6,561 98 Jefferson County 7,318 90 Johnson County 1,995 16 Knox County 79 1 Laclede County 1,347 25 Lafayette County 1,034 28 Lawrence County 1,324 26 Lewis County 260 2 Lincoln County 1,460 10 Linn County 196 7 Livingston County 604 9 McDonald County 1,358 16 Macon County 302 1 Madison County 569 3 Maries County 240 1 Marion County 1,123 14 Mercer County 39 0 Miller County 1,067 18 Mississippi County 653 8 Moniteau County 931 13 Monroe County 216 2 Montgomery County 220 2 Morgan County 802 8 New Madrid County 922 23 Newton County 2,461 35 Nodaway County 1,417 11 Oregon County 275 0 Osage County 629 3 Ozark County 234 1 Pemiscot County 934 18 Perry County 1,062 9 Pettis County 2,268 28 Phelps County 1012 30 Pike County 445 8 Platte County 1,204 15 Polk County 1,119 11 Pulaski County 2,064 18 Putnam County 66 1 Ralls County 244 0 Randolph County 758 3 Ray County 382 2 Reynolds County 107 1 Ripley County 317 5 St. Charles County 13,745 173 St. Clair County 152 1 Ste. Genevieve County 582 2 St. Francois County 3,710 30 St. Louis County 34,593 895 Saline County 1,106 14 Schuyler County 73 0 Scotland County 92 1 Scott County 1,796 33 Shannon County 287 6 Shelby County 119 1 Stoddard County 1,295 27 Stone County 829 12 Sullivan County 419 3 Taney County 2,002 36 Texas County 706 3 Vernon County 415 3 Warren County 966 7 Washington County 820 20 Wayne County 352 3 Webster County 1,322 20 Worth County 39 0 Wright County 639 9 St. Louis city 9,228 225 Kansas City 16,410 227 Note: Positive cases and deaths reported by the Joplin Health Department are included with the Jasper County Health Department figures.
  19. https://covid19.ncdhhs.gov/dashboard/cases
  20. https://www.tn.gov/content/tn/health/cedep/ncov/data.html
  21. https://covid19.colorado.gov/data
  22. https://www.doh.wa.gov/Emergencies/COVID19/DataDashboard
  23. 232,171 Confirmed Cases 13,556 CDC Expanded Case Definition (Probable) 245,727 Total Cases 20,395 Number of Hospitalizations in Ohio 5,177 Confirmed Deaths 329 CDC Expanded Death Definition (Probable) 5,506 Total Deaths 4,005 Number of ICU Admissions <1-109 Age Range 41 Median Age 47%* Sex - Males 53%* Sex - Females https://coronavirus.ohio.gov/wps/portal/gov/covid-19/home
  24. Number of confirmed cases : 152,915 Number of persons tested negative : 1,862,399 Total testing volume : 3,624,193 Number of confirmed deaths : 4,052 Number of probable deaths : 149 Currently hospitalized : 632 Acute care : 479 Intensive care : 153 Ever hospitalized : 17,627 Released from isolation : 8,284 Cases and Deaths Data Breakdown: Parenthesis = Confirmed death, laboratory-confirmed positive COVID-19 test result Asterisk = Probable death, death certificate lists COVID-19 as the cause of death but not yet confirmed by a laboratory test NH = Non-Hispanic By County County Cases Deaths Allegany 1,023 (26) Anne Arundel 12,970 (271) 12* Baltimore City 19,065 (497) 18* Baltimore County 22,267 (660) 23* Calvert 1,270 (28) 1* Caroline 777 (8) Carroll 2,421 (127) 3* Cecil 1,459 (35) 1* Charles 3,419 (100) 2* Dorchester 858 (12) Frederick 5,116 (132) 8* Garrett 174 (1) Harford 3,999 (79) 4* Howard 6,261 (122) 6* Kent 355 (24) 2* Montgomery 27,169 (847) 41* Prince George's 34,246 (845) 24* Queen Anne's 835 (25) 1* St. Mary's 1,571 (60) Somerset 489 (7) Talbot 670 (6) Washington 2,557 (47) Wicomico 2,671 (52) Worcester 1,273 (30) 1* Data not available (11) 2* By Age Range and Gender Age/Gender Cases Deaths 0-9 6,040 10-19 13,496 (3) 20-29 29,102 (24) 1* 30-39 27,602 (54) 6* 40-49 24,188 (132) 3* 50-59 22,256 (331) 16* 60-69 14,924 (662) 14* 70-79 8,683 (1,006) 28* 80+ 6,624 (1,838) 81* Data not available (2) Female 80,411 (1,985) 75* Male 72,504 (2,067) 74* By Race and Ethnicity Race/Ethnicity Cases Deaths African-American (NH) 46,824 (1,635) 55* Asian (NH) 2,930 (148) 6* White (NH) 41,648 (1,748) 73* Hispanic 31,957 (461) 13* Other (NH) 7,140 (46) Data not available 22,416 (14) 2* https://coronavirus.maryland.gov/
  25. https://dph.georgia.gov/covid-19-daily-status-report
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