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  1. https://doh.sd.gov/news/Coronavirus.aspx
  2. https://coronavirus.idaho.gov/
  3. Arkansas (662 Total Positive Cases) Ashley (536 Total Positive Cases) Baxter (649 Total Positive Cases) Benton (8,065 Total Positive Cases) Boone (1,025 Total Positive Cases) Bradley (369 Total Positive Cases) Calhoun (48 Total Positive Cases) Carroll (987 Total Positive Cases) Chicot (1,049 Total Positive Cases) Clark (493 Total Positive Cases) Clay (480 Total Positive Cases) Cleburne (454 Total Positive Cases) Cleveland (231 Total Positive Cases) Columbia (690 Total Positive Cases) Conway (342 Total Positive Cases) Craighead (4,432 Total Positive Cases) Crawford (2,007 Total Positive Cases) Crittenden (2,349 Total Positive Cases) Cross (577 Total Positive Cases) Dallas (179 Total Positive Cases) Desha (408 Total Positive Cases) Drew (429 Total Positive Cases) Faulkner (3,310 Total Positive Cases) Franklin (521 Total Positive Cases) Fulton (315 Total Positive Cases) Garland (2,441 Total Positive Cases) Grant (359 Total Positive Cases) Greene (1,447 Total Positive Cases) Hempstead (542 Total Positive Cases) Hot Spring (2,190 Total Positive Cases) Howard (577 Total Positive Cases) Independence (1,451 Total Positive Cases) Izard (556 Total Positive Cases) Jackson (747 Total Positive Cases) Jefferson (4,136 Total Positive Cases) Johnson (1,012 Total Positive Cases) Lafayette (168 Total Positive Cases) Lawrence (804 Total Positive Cases) Lee (1,108 Total Positive Cases) Lincoln (2,306 Total Positive Cases) Little River (447 Total Positive Cases) Logan (585 Total Positive Cases) Lonoke (1,702 Total Positive Cases) Madison (426 Total Positive Cases) Marion (149 Total Positive Cases) Miller (1,388 Total Positive Cases) Missing County Info (2,192 Total Positive Cases) Mississippi (2,225 Total Positive Cases) Monroe (211 Total Positive Cases) Montgomery (182 Total Positive Cases) Nevada (293 Total Positive Cases) Newton (305 Total Positive Cases) Ouachita (374 Total Positive Cases) Perry (136 Total Positive Cases) Phillips (741 Total Positive Cases) Pike (263 Total Positive Cases) Poinsett (1,031 Total Positive Cases) Polk (354 Total Positive Cases) Pope (2,704 Total Positive Cases) Prairie (205 Total Positive Cases) Pulaski (11,777 Total Positive Cases) Randolph (639 Total Positive Cases) Saline (2,779 Total Positive Cases) Scott (209 Total Positive Cases) Searcy (198 Total Positive Cases) Sebastian (4,784 Total Positive Cases) Sevier (1,335 Total Positive Cases) Sharp (358 Total Positive Cases) St. Francis (1,704 Total Positive Cases) Stone (398 Total Positive Cases) Union (1,118 Total Positive Cases) Van Buren (207 Total Positive Cases) Washington (11,345 Total Positive Cases) White (1,447 Total Positive Cases) Woodruff (114 Total Positive Cases) Yell (1,339 Total Positive Cases)https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/c2ef4a4fcbe5458fbf2e48a21e4fece9
  4. https://coronavirus.health.ok.gov/
  5. Positive 41,863 Total Tests * 1,118,844 Click Here to View Positive Cases By County COVID-Related Deaths in NM 967 *Numbers are cumulative persons tested through 10/25/2020, 5:30:30 PM. Test results are from the state Scientific Laboratory Division of the New Mexico Department of Health, TriCore Reference Laboratories, LabCorp, Mayo Clinic Laboratories, Quest Diagnostics, and BioReference Laboratories. https://cv.nmhealth.org/#
  6. Aitkin County: 179 Anoka County: 8,661 Becker County: 559 Beltrami County: 890 Benton County: 925 Big Stone County: 138 Blue Earth County: 2,043 Brown County: 321 Carlton County: 434 Carver County: 1,789 Cass County: 370 Chippewa County: 435 Chisago County: 1,002 Clay County: 2,297 Clearwater County: 111 Cook County: 16 Cottonwood County: 280 Crow Wing County: 1,010 Dakota County: 9,823 Dodge County: 394 Douglas County: 696 Faribault County: 231 Fillmore County: 260 Freeborn County: 669 Goodhue County: 585 Grant County: 98 Hennepin County: 34,033 Houston County: 204 Hubbard County: 390 Isanti County: 5,541 Itasca County: 727 Jackson County: 210 Kanabec County: 209 Kandiyohi County: 1,670 Kittson County: 40 Koochiching County: 169 Lac Qui Parle County: 133 Lake County: 119 Lake of the Woods County: 44 Le Sueur County: 623 Lincoln County: 182 Lyon County: 965 Mahnomen County: 113 Marshall County: 121 Martin County: 613 McLeod County: 597 Meeker County: 326 Mille Lacs County: 406 Morrison County: 726 Mower County: 1,517 Murray County: 278 Nicollet County: 730 Nobles County: 2,268 Norman County: 115 Olmsted County: 3,252 Otter Tail County: 862 Pennington County: 191 Pine County: 543 Pipestone County: 350 Polk County: 643 Pope County: 156 Ramsey County: 14,073 Red Lake County: 78 Redwood County: 275 Renville County: 252 Rice County: 1,633 Rock County: 328 Roseau County: 328 Scott County: 3,382 Sherburne County: 1,685 Sibley County: 252 St. Louis County: 2,965 Stearns County: 5,825 Steele County: 759 Stevens County: 182 Swift County: 201 Todd County: 805 Traverse County: 56 Wabasha County: 378 Wadena County: 231 Waseca County: 928 Washington County: 5,932 Watonwan County: 578 Wilkin County: 134 Winona County: 1,250 Wright County: 2,483 Yellow Medicine County: 283
  7. 23,961253.4 per 10,000 people Confirmed 22,838 Probable 1,123 Residents of Long-Term Care Facilities 1,464 Positive Cases by County New Castle County 12,646 Kent County 3,422 Sussex County 7,802 Unknown 91 Deaths in State of Delaware Total Deaths 6815.6 per 10,000 people Confirmed 600 Probable 81 Residents of Long-Term Care Facilities 396 https://myhealthycommunity.dhss.delaware.gov/locations/state#outcomes
  8. October 24, 2020: Total Overall Number of Tests: 496,232 Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 249,572* Total Positives: 16,767 Total Lives Lost: 642 Cleared from Isolation: 13,104 https://coronavirus.dc.gov/data
  9. https://govstatus.egov.com/kycovid19
  10. https://coronavirus.utah.gov/case-counts/#
  11. https://app.powerbigov.us/view?r=eyJrIjoiMjA2ZThiOWUtM2FlNS00MGY5LWFmYjUtNmQwNTQ3Nzg5N2I2IiwidCI6ImU0YTM0MGU2LWI4OWUtNGU2OC04ZWFhLTE1NDRkMjcwMzk4MCJ9
  12. Abbeville Rate (per 100k): 2,699.07 Cases--Confirmed positives: 662, Probable: 85 Deaths--Confirmed: 12, Probable: 3 Aiken Rate (per 100k): 2,649.35 Cases--Confirmed positives: 4,527, Probable: 407 Deaths--Confirmed: 77, Probable: 10 Allendale Rate (per 100k): 4,868.78 Cases--Confirmed positives: 423, Probable: 3 Deaths--Confirmed: 6, Probable: 0 Anderson Rate (per 100k): 2,631.84 Cases--Confirmed positives: 5,331, Probable: 235 Deaths--Confirmed: 186, Probable: 16 Bamberg Rate (per 100k): 4,877.01 Cases--Confirmed positives: 686, Probable: 6 Deaths--Confirmed: 35, Probable: 0 Barnwell Rate (per 100k): 3,968.18 Cases--Confirmed positives: 828, Probable: 37 Deaths--Confirmed: 22, Probable: 3 Beaufort Rate (per 100k): 3,134.99 Cases--Confirmed positives: 6,023, Probable: 80 Deaths--Confirmed: 88, Probable: 3 Berkeley Rate (per 100k): 2,566.4 Cases--Confirmed positives: 5,849, Probable: 203 Deaths--Confirmed: 89, Probable: 4 Calhoun Rate (per 100k): 3,470.07 Cases--Confirmed positives: 505, Probable: 9 Deaths--Confirmed: 16, Probable: 1 Charleston Rate (per 100k): 4,029.11 Cases--Confirmed positives: 16,576, Probable: 469 Deaths--Confirmed: 254, Probable: 21 Cherokee Rate (per 100k): 2,513.09 Cases--Confirmed positives: 1,440, Probable: 19 Deaths--Confirmed: 50, Probable: 2 Chester Rate (per 100k): 3,675.1 Cases--Confirmed positives: 1,185, Probable: 30 Deaths--Confirmed: 26, Probable: 1 Chesterfield Rate (per 100k): 2,849.95 Cases--Confirmed positives: 1,301, Probable: 173 Deaths--Confirmed: 41, Probable: 2 Clarendon Rate (per 100k): 3,366.42 Cases--Confirmed positives: 1,136, Probable: 21 Deaths--Confirmed: 66, Probable: 2 Colleton Rate (per 100k): 3,158.43 Cases--Confirmed positives: 1,190, Probable: 46 Deaths--Confirmed: 47, Probable: 1 Darlington Rate (per 100k): 3,224.35 Cases--Confirmed positives: 2,148, Probable: 301 Deaths--Confirmed: 65, Probable: 2 Dillon Rate (per 100k): 4,029 Cases--Confirmed positives: 1,228, Probable: 60 Deaths--Confirmed: 44, Probable: 4 Dorchester Rate (per 100k): 2,755.99 Cases--Confirmed positives: 4,487, Probable: 269 Deaths--Confirmed: 94, Probable: 6 Edgefield Rate (per 100k): 3,217.17 Cases--Confirmed positives: 877, Probable: 28 Deaths--Confirmed: 17, Probable: 4 Fairfield Rate (per 100k): 3,705.2 Cases--Confirmed positives: 828, Probable: 35 Deaths--Confirmed: 36, Probable: 2 Florence Rate (per 100k): 3,833.17 Cases--Confirmed positives: 5,301, Probable: 228 Deaths--Confirmed: 198, Probable: 2 Georgetown Rate (per 100k): 3,083.92 Cases--Confirmed positives: 1,933, Probable: 367 Deaths--Confirmed: 39, Probable: 14 Greenville Rate (per 100k): 3,252.46 Cases--Confirmed positives: 17,028, Probable: 178 Deaths--Confirmed: 322, Probable: 20 Greenwood Rate (per 100k): 3,407.66 Cases--Confirmed positives: 2,413, Probable: 103 Deaths--Confirmed: 68, Probable: 7 Hampton Rate (per 100k): 3,854.96 Cases--Confirmed positives: 741, Probable: 17 Deaths--Confirmed: 30, Probable: 1 Horry Rate (per 100k): 3,221.86 Cases--Confirmed positives: 11,408, Probable: 894 Deaths--Confirmed: 201, Probable: 22 Jasper Rate (per 100k): 3,009.34 Cases--Confirmed positives: 905, Probable: 10 Deaths--Confirmed: 22, Probable: 1 Kershaw Rate (per 100k): 3,460.5 Cases--Confirmed positives: 2,303, Probable: 129 Deaths--Confirmed: 41, Probable: 4 Lancaster Rate (per 100k): 2,446.64 Cases--Confirmed positives: 2,398, Probable: 126 Deaths--Confirmed: 56, Probable: 5 Laurens Rate (per 100k): 2,749.91 Cases--Confirmed positives: 1,856, Probable: 30 Deaths--Confirmed: 59, Probable: 2 Lee Rate (per 100k): 4,450.92 Cases--Confirmed positives: 749, Probable: 32 Deaths--Confirmed: 36, Probable: 0 Lexington Rate (per 100k): 2,778.91 Cases--Confirmed positives: 8,302, Probable: 494 Deaths--Confirmed: 199, Probable: 4 McCormick Rate (per 100k): 2,684.14 Cases--Confirmed positives: 254, Probable: 14 Deaths--Confirmed: 6, Probable: 1 Marion Rate (per 100k): 3,434.78 Cases--Confirmed positives: 1,053, Probable: 62 Deaths--Confirmed: 37, Probable: 3 Marlboro Rate (per 100k): 4,020.22 Cases--Confirmed positives: 1,050, Probable: 72 Deaths--Confirmed: 10, Probable: 2 Newberry Rate (per 100k): 3,896.98 Cases--Confirmed positives: 1,498, Probable: 110 Deaths--Confirmed: 43, Probable: 2 Oconee Rate (per 100k): 3,008.32 Cases--Confirmed positives: 2,393, Probable: 35 Deaths--Confirmed: 31, Probable: 2 Orangeburg Rate (per 100k): 3,812.01 Cases--Confirmed positives: 3,285, Probable: 41 Deaths--Confirmed: 129, Probable: 1 Pickens Rate (per 100k): 3,319.57 Cases--Confirmed positives: 4,212, Probable: 79 Deaths--Confirmed: 53, Probable: 7 Richland Rate (per 100k): 3,844.78 Cases--Confirmed positives: 15,985, Probable: 1,079 Deaths--Confirmed: 248, Probable: 18 Saluda Rate (per 100k): 3,384.95 Cases--Confirmed positives: 693, Probable: 22 Deaths--Confirmed: 20, Probable: 2 Spartanburg Rate (per 100k): 2,616.76 Cases--Confirmed positives: 8,368, Probable: 427 Deaths--Confirmed: 207, Probable: 13 Sumter Rate (per 100k): 3,229.92 Cases--Confirmed positives: 3,447, Probable: 63 Deaths--Confirmed: 85, Probable: 3 Union Rate (per 100k): 2,621.17 Cases--Confirmed positives: 716, Probable: 22 Deaths--Confirmed: 16, Probable: 0 Williamsburg Rate (per 100k): 4,241.31 Cases--Confirmed positives: 1,288, Probable: 150 Deaths--Confirmed: 39, Probable: 11 York Rate (per 100k): 2,254.26 Cases--Confirmed positives: 6,334, Probable: 235 Deaths--Confirmed: 101, Probable: 1 https://scdhec.gov/covid19/sc-testing-data-projections-covid-19#main
  13. https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/covid-19/cases.htm
  14. https://www.tn.gov/content/tn/health/cedep/ncov/data.html
  15. https://covid19.colorado.gov/data
  16. https://www.doh.wa.gov/Emergencies/COVID19/DataDashboard
  17. 186,703 Confirmed Cases 11,412 CDC Expanded Case Definition (Probable) 198,115 Total Cases 18,095 Number of Hospitalizations in Ohio 4,896 Confirmed Deaths 310 CDC Expanded Death Definition (Probable) 5,206 Total Deaths 3,714 Number of ICU Admissions <1-109 Age Range 41 Median Age 47%* Sex - Males 52%* Sex - Females https://coronavirus.ohio.gov/wps/portal/gov/covid-19/home
  18. https://dph.georgia.gov/covid-19-daily-status-report
  19. Harris County 158,379 Dallas County 92,845 Tarrant County 57,238 Bexar County 52,485 El Paso County 39,326 Hidalgo County 34,970 Travis County 31,493 Cameron County 23,976 Collin County 17,690 Fort Bend County 17,392 Lubbock County 17,141 Nueces County 16,190 Webb County 15,011 Denton County 14,260 Montgomery County 12,920 Galveston County 12,368 Brazoria County 12,243 McLennan County 9,846 Williamson County 9,335 Jefferson County 8,245 Potter County 7,682 Brazos County 7,464 Bell County 6,327 Hays County 6,287 Randall County 4,883 Ellis County 4,875 Midland County 4,771 Smith County 4,317 Victoria County 4,248 Maverick County 4,182 Walker County 3,946 Guadalupe County 3,835 Ector County 3,689 Johnson County 3,588 Starr County 3,546 Kaufman County 3,499 Wichita County 3,486 Anderson County 2,941 Comal County 2,848 Tom Green County 2,586 Gregg County 2,525 Grayson County 2,508 Hale County 2,508 Val Verde County 2,489 Parker County 2,400 Liberty County 2,291 Angelina County 2,277 Orange County 2,160 Bastrop County 1,993 Coryell County 1,970 Hunt County 1,944 Taylor County 1,944 Rockwall County 1,896 Bee County 1,853 Nacogdoches County 1,781 Bowie County 1,765 Lamar County 1,729 Caldwell County 1,693 Cherokee County 1,626 Jim Wells County 1,590 Titus County 1,583 San Patricio County 1,572 Chambers County 1,545 Hardin County 1,429 Wharton County 1,426 Navarro County 1,417 Moore County 1,317 Medina County 1,274 Atascosa County 1,270 Willacy County 1,228 Henderson County 1,217 Howard County 1,192 Grimes County 1,176 Hood County 1,167 Lavaca County 1,126 Gonzales County 1,111 Matagorda County 1,095 DeWitt County 1,078 Scurry County 1,074 Harrison County 1,068 Deaf Smith County 1,026 Kleberg County 1,023 Erath County 1,017 Frio County 1,007 Rusk County 992 Wilson County 991 Waller County 971 Karnes County 949 Calhoun County 928 Burnet County 922 Polk County 912 Wise County 908 Uvalde County 828 Dawson County 820 Hill County 803 Fannin County 778 Madison County 757 Palo Pinto County 700 Washington County 700 Kerr County 693 Limestone County 673 Van Zandt County 668 Falls County 666 Brown County 661 Jackson County 646 Hockley County 632 Wood County 626 Hopkins County 609 Jones County 585 Andrews County 584 Parmer County 570 Milam County 545 Shelby County 542 Cooke County 539 Young County 535 Fayette County 521 Austin County 514 Jasper County 512 Gaines County 511 Lamb County 507 Terry County 505 Colorado County 501 Cass County 496 Duval County 488 Upshur County 483 Pecos County 474 Panola County 466 Burleson County 461 Zavala County 460 Freestone County 459 Gray County 450 Robertson County 419 Houston County 417 Bosque County 405 Nolan County 405 Camp County 391 Kendall County 381 Live Oak County 381 La Salle County 366 Dallam County 362 Gillespie County 359 Brooks County 354 Comanche County 354 Aransas County 348 Zapata County 346 Leon County 341 Wilbarger County 336 Hutchinson County 326 Refugio County 309 Lampasas County 305 Ochiltree County 302 Castro County 301 Runnels County 296 Yoakum County 289 Dimmit County 287 Bailey County 280 Montague County 270 Tyler County 260 Reeves County 258 Eastland County 251 Brewster County 246 Lee County 239 San Jacinto County 236 Morris County 217 Franklin County 215 San Augustine County 214 Trinity County 206 McCulloch County 202 Hamilton County 196 Red River County 196 Hansford County 193 Newton County 188 Bandera County 185 Mitchell County 179 Llano County 176 Hartley County 170 Marion County 170 Jim Hogg County 168 Crockett County 166 Lynn County 165 Stephens County 160 Blanco County 159 Ward County 158 Goliad County 157 Somervell County 156 Jack County 151 Swisher County 146 Concho County 142 Winkler County 140 Archer County 137 Hemphill County 133 Presidio County 128 Floyd County 126 Garza County 124 Callahan County 123 Real County 123 Childress County 120 San Saba County 117 Crosby County 115 Knox County 113 Coke County 109 Sutton County 108 Clay County 107 Fisher County 102 Cochran County 99 Culberson County 97 Hudspeth County 94 Reagan County 92 Sabine County 92 Martin County 89 Coleman County 88 Rains County 86 Donley County 85 Haskell County 80 Mason County 80 Sherman County 77 Mills County 76 Wheeler County 76 Crane County 74 Kinney County 73 Edwards County 71 Lipscomb County 68 Hardeman County 63 Menard County 62 Schleicher County 55 Carson County 53 Dickens County 51 Hall County 45 Baylor County 43 Shackelford County 39 Cottle County 35 Delta County 33 Oldham County 27 Upton County 27 Armstrong County 24 Kimble County 24 McMullen County 24 Briscoe County 22 Collingsworth County 21 Foard County 21 Jeff Davis County 21 Stonewall County 19 Motley County 17 Throckmorton County 17 Roberts County 14 Glasscock County 13 Irion County 13 Sterling County 13 Kenedy County 11 Kent County 10 Terrell County 4 Borden County 2 King County 1 https://txdshs.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/ed483ecd702b4298ab01e8b9cafc8b83
  20. 974 New Cases 17 New Deaths 26,269 New Tests 179,842 Confirmed Cases* 5,631 Confirmed Deaths* 2,693,774 Confirmatory Tests* Presumed Recovered 165,282 as of 10/19/2020 Probable Cases 3,733 as of 10/21/2020 COVID Patients 596 in Hospitals** COVID Patients 66 on Ventilators** https://ldh.la.gov/coronavirus/
  21. https://www.mass.gov/doc/covid-19-dashboard-october-24-2020/download
  22. https://covid19tracker.health.ny.gov/views/NYS-COVID19-Tracker/NYSDOHCOVID-19Tracker-Map?%3Aembed=yes&%3Atoolbar=no&%3Atabs=n
  23. https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/d2726d6c01c4486181fec2d4373b01fa
  24. https://covid19.ncdhhs.gov/
  25. Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Illinois Confirmed Cases 374,256 Confirmed Deaths 9,505 Total Tests Performed* 7,268,952 Recovery Rate** 97% *Total molecular and antigen tests performed and reported electronically for testing of COVID-19 at IDPH, commercial or hospital laboratories. All numbers displayed are provisional and will change.http://www.dph.illinois.gov/covid19 ** Recovered cases are defined as persons with initial positive specimen collection date > 42 days who have not expired. Recovery rate is calculated as the recovered cases divided by the sum of recovered cases and deceased cases. Information regarding the number of persons under investigation updated on 10/25/2020. Information to be updated daily. Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Probable Cases and Deaths Probable Cases 4,713 Probable Deaths 270 Information regarding the number of probable cases and deaths updated on 10/23/2020 Information updated weekly each friday.
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