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Everything posted by niman

  1. https://www.tn.gov/health/cedep/ncov.html
  2. 124,514 Confirmed Cases 6,822 CDC Expanded Case Definition (Probable) 131,336 Total Cases 13,887 Number of Hospitalizations in Ohio 3,987 Confirmed Deaths 289 CDC Expanded Death Definition (Probable) 4,276 Total Deaths 3,034 Number of ICU Admissions <1-109 Age Range 41 Median Age 47%* Sex - Males 52%* Sex - Females https://coronavirus.ohio.gov/wps/portal/gov/covid-19/home
  3. https://www.vdh.virginia.gov/coronavirus/covid-19-in-virginia/
  4. Number of confirmed cases : 112,883 Number of persons tested negative : 1,292,306 Total testing volume : 2,086,609 Number of confirmed deaths : 3,660 Number of probable deaths : 144 Currently hospitalized : 362 Acute care : 253 Intensive care : 109 Ever hospitalized : 14,603 Released from isolation : 7,112 Cases and Deaths Data Breakdown: Parenthesis = Confirmed death, laboratory-confirmed positive COVID-19 test result Asterisk = Probable death, death certificate lists COVID-19 as the cause of death but not yet confirmed by a laboratory test NH = Non-Hispanic By County County Cases Deaths Allegany 407 (22) Anne Arundel 8,820 (228) 11* Baltimore City 14,962 (450) 20* Baltimore County 16,302 (585) 23* Calvert 826 (27) 1* Caroline 570 (3) Carroll 1,788 (120) 3* Cecil 853 (30) 1* Charles 2,485 (93) 2* Dorchester 500 (8) Frederick 3,622 (120) 7* Garrett 64 Harford 2,665 (68) 4* Howard 4,605 (112) 6* Kent 277 (22) 2* Montgomery 20,718 (786) 39* Prince George's 27,027 (780) 23* Queen Anne's 587 (25) 1* St. Mary's 1,162 (56) Somerset 206 (4) Talbot 497 (4) Washington 1,392 (35) Wicomico 1,661 (48) Worcester 887 (25) 1* Data not available (9) By Age Range and Gender Age/Gender Cases Deaths 0-9 4,146 10-19 8,565 (2) 20-29 20,741 (23) 1* 30-39 20,801 (47) 6* 40-49 18,454 (119) 3* 50-59 16,586 (294) 16* 60-69 11,204 (597) 13* 70-79 6,780 (914) 27* 80+ 5,606 (1,662) 78* Data not available (2) Female 59,756 (1,796) 76* Male 53,127 (1,864) 68* By Race and Ethnicity Race/Ethnicity Cases Deaths African-American (NH) 36,304 (1,501) 56* Asian (NH) 2,163 (136) 6* White (NH) 26,961 (1,547) 71* Hispanic 25,307 (425) 10* Other (NH) 5,219 (40) Data not available 16,929 (11) 1* https://coronavirus.maryland.gov/
  5. Total Tests Administered 1,551,731 02/26/2020 ... 09/05/2020 1,146,572 Individuals Tested Total Positive Cases 100,394 03/06/2020 ... 09/05/2020 Positivity - Unique Individuals 7.4 %7-Day Rate 08/25/2020 ... 08/31/2020 8.8 % cumulative rate Total Deaths 3,144 03/15/2020 ... 09/05/2020 https://www.coronavirus.in.gov/
  6. Confirmed Cases 250,961 Confirmed Deaths 8,179 Total Tests Performed* 4,447,347 Recovery Rate** 96% *Total nucleic acid-based tests performed and reported electronically for testing of COVID-19 at IDPH, commercial or hospital laboratories. All numbers displayed are provisional and will change. ** Recovered cases are defined as persons with initial positive specimen collection date > 42 days who have not expired. Recovery rate is calculated as the recovered cases divided by the sum of recovered cases and deceased cases. Information regarding the number of persons under investigation updated on 9/7/2020. Information to be updated daily. Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Probable Cases and Deaths Probable Cases 1,928 Probable Deaths 219 Information regarding the number of probable cases and deaths updated on 9/4/2020 Information updated weekly each friday. http://www.dph.illinois.gov/covid19
  7. https://ldh.la.gov/coronavirus/
  8. https://www.azdhs.gov/preparedness/epidemiology-disease-control/infectious-disease-epidemiology/covid-19/dashboards/index.php
  10. https://www.health.pa.gov/topics/disease/coronavirus/Pages/Cases.aspx
  11. 5,765 Includes active, recovered, & deceased. https://coronavirus-response-alaska-dhss.hub.arcgis.com/ Recovered and 2,121 Presumed Recovered Cases Hospitalizations 232 Total count (does not reflect current stays) Deaths 42
  12. https://health.wyo.gov/publichealth/infectious-disease-epidemiology-unit/disease/novel-coronavirus/covid-19-map-and-statistics/
  13. https://montana.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapSeries/index.html?appid=7c34f3412536439491adcc2103421d4b
  14. https://health.hawaii.gov/coronavirusdisease2019/what-you-should-know/current-situation-in-hawaii/
  15. https://www.health.nd.gov/diseases-conditions/coronavirus/north-dakota-coronavirus-cases
  16. 1,648 1 New Currently Hospitalized 1 Hospitalized Under Investigation 3 Total People Recovered 1,456 Deaths 58 https://www.healthvermont.gov/response/coronavirus-covid-19/current-activity-vermont
  17. COVID-19 Case Trends Maine COVID-19 Reopening Gating Metrics Cumulative COVID-19 Cases by ZIP Code Tables of COVID-19 Testing and Contact Tracing Data, Hospital Use, and Case Demographics View a Table of Contact Tracing (Sara Alert) Data View Tables of Data for the Previous 14 Days https://www.maine.gov/dhhs/mecdc/infectious-disease/epi/airborne/coronavirus/data.shtml
  18. https://dhhr.wv.gov/COVID-19/Pages/default.aspx
  19. New Hampshire 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Summary Report (data updated as of September 6, 2020, 9:00 AM) https://www.nh.gov/covid19/ Number of Persons with COVID-19 1 7,447 Recovered 6,766 (91%) Deaths Attributed to COVID-19 433 (6%) Total Current COVID-19 Cases 248 Persons Who Have Been Hospitalized for COVID-19 718 (10%) Current Hospitalizations 10 Total Persons Tested at Selected Laboratories, Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)2 220,662 Total Persons Tested at Selected Laboratories, Antibody Laboratory Tests2 30,153 Persons with Specimens Submitted to NH PHL 43,208 Persons with Test Pending at NH PHL3 1,141 Persons Being Monitored in NH (approximate point in time) 1,650 1 Includes specimens positive at any laboratory and those confirmed by CDC confirmatory testing.2 Includes specimens tested at the NH Public Health Laboratories (PHL), LabCorp, Quest, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, and those sent to CDC prior to NH PHL testing capacity.3 Includes specimens received and awaiting testing at NH PHL. Does not include tests pending at commercial laboratories. Active Cases Dashboard | Active Cases Map Cumulative Cases Dashboard | Cumulative Cases Map
  20. 1,273 Douglas 788 Lancaster 305 Sarpy 183 Buffalo 94 Dakota 92 Madison 83 Hall 73 Dodge 71 Saunders 65 Platte 42 Adams 40 Scotts Bluff 39 Nemaha 39 Dawes 36 Otoe 36 Dawson 35 Cass 34 Lincoln 34 Knox 31 Saline 30 Cherry 27 Gage 26 Phelps 25 Seward 23 Butler 22 Washington 21 Cuming 21 Kearney 20 York 20 Colfax 19 Thurston 17 Sheridan 16 Boone 16 Pierce 14 Rock 14 Merrick 12 Burt 12 Box Butte 12 Wayne 10 Custer 10 Dixon 9 Clay 9 Holt 9 Richardson 9 Furnas 9 Cedar 6 Johnson 5 Antelope 5 Harlan 5 Howard 4 Hamilton 4 Morrill 4 Fillmore 4 Dundy 4 Keith 4 Jefferson 3 Nuckolls 3 Webster 3 Greeley 3 Brown 3 Chase 3 Cheyenne 3 Sherman 3 Nance 3 Perkins 3 Franklin 2 Valley 2 Loup 2 Pawnee 2 Gosper 2 Garden 2 Stanton 2 Polk 1 Keya Paha 1 Thomas 1 Red Willow 1 Sioux 1 Frontier 1 Deuel https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/ece0db09da4d4ca68252c3967aa1e9dd
  21. https://doh.sd.gov/news/Coronavirus.aspx
  22. https://coronavirus.idaho.gov/
  23. Arkansas (298 Cases) Ashley (390 Cases) Baxter (149 Cases) Benton (5,632 Cases) Boone (408 Cases) Bradley (311 Cases) Calhoun (24 Cases) Carroll (501 Cases) Chicot (969 Cases) Clark (263 Cases) Clay (209 Cases) Cleburne (267 Cases) Cleveland (142 Cases) Columbia (317 Cases) Conway (219 Cases) Craighead (2,079 Cases) Crawford (992 Cases) Crittenden (1,713 Cases) Cross (304 Cases) Dallas (135 Cases) Desha (253 Cases) Drew (319 Cases) Faulkner (1,790 Cases) Franklin (187 Cases) Fulton (84 Cases) Garland (1,518 Cases) Grant (204 Cases) Greene (669 Cases) Hempstead (335 Cases) Hot Spring (1,746 Cases) Howard (435 Cases) Independence (813 Cases) Izard (111 Cases) Jackson (194 Cases) Jefferson (2,285 Cases) Johnson (785 Cases) Lafayette (76 Cases) Lawrence (268 Cases) Lee (1,013 Cases) Lincoln (1,759 Cases) Little River (304 Cases) Logan (369 Cases) Lonoke (776 Cases) Madison (308 Cases) Marion (51 Cases) Miller (656 Cases) Missing County Info (1,227 Cases) Mississippi (1,433 Cases) Monroe (100 Cases) Montgomery (118 Cases) Nevada (166 Cases) Newton (144 Cases) Ouachita (179 Cases) Perry (63 Cases) Phillips (415 Cases) Pike (186 Cases) Poinsett (517 Cases) Polk (238 Cases) Pope (1,871 Cases) Prairie (121 Cases) Pulaski (7,501 Cases) Randolph (322 Cases) Saline (1,687 Cases) Scott (90 Cases) Searcy (115 Cases) Sebastian (3,021 Cases) Sevier (1,173 Cases) Sharp (155 Cases) St. Francis (1,372 Cases) Stone (241 Cases) Union (725 Cases) Van Buren (141 Cases) Washington (7,639 Cases) White (570 Cases) Woodruff (28 Cases) Yell (1,189 Cases) https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/c2ef4a4fcbe5458fbf2e48a21e4fece9
  24. https://coronavirus.health.ok.gov/
  25. Positive 26,107 Total Tests * 791,836 Click Here to View Positive Cases By County COVID-Related Deaths in NM 803 *Numbers are cumulative persons tested through 9/6/2020, 5:30:01 PM. Test results are from the state Scientific Laboratory Division of the New Mexico Department of Health, TriCore Reference Laboratories, LabCorp, Mayo Clinic Laboratories, Quest Diagnostics, and BioReference L https://cv.nmhealth.org/aboratories.
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