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1,691 Douglas 480 Sarpy 463 Lancaster 156 Buffalo 75 Dodge 63 Hall 60 Madison 55 Seward 51 Platte 49 Saunders 49 Dawson 48 Lincoln 39 Dakota 38 Washington 37 Cass 36 Kearney 32 Scotts Bluff 31 Adams 24 Burt 23 Saline 21 York 18 Cuming 18 Nemaha 17 Merrick 16 Otoe 14 Colfax 13 Gage 12 Thurston 10 Hamilton 9 Butler 8 Custer 8 Keith 8 Phelps 7 Holt 7 Knox 7 Perkins 7 Richardson 6 Polk 6 Dawes 6 Jefferson 6 Stanton 5 Clay 5 Sherman 5 Pierce 4 Boyd 4 Gosper 4 Red Willow 4 Franklin 3 Fillmore 3 Cheyenne 3 Chase 3 Johnson 3 Pawnee 3 Box Butte 3 Wayne 2 Greeley 2 Sheridan 2 Cedar 2 Thayer 2 Howard 1 Valley 1 Deuel 1 Morrill 1 Furnas 1 Antelope 1 Arthur 1 Rock 1 Wheeler 1 Dixon 1 Webster 1 Garfield 1 Boone 1 McPherson https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/ece0db09da4d4ca68252c3967aa1e9dd
Arkansas (227 Cases) Ashley (330 Cases) Baxter (73 Cases) Benton (4,805 Cases) Boone (214 Cases) Bradley (207 Cases) Calhoun (17 Cases) Carroll (379 Cases) Chicot (736 Cases) Clark (177 Cases) Clay (138 Cases) Cleburne (202 Cases) Cleveland (103 Cases) Columbia (220 Cases) Conway (153 Cases) Craighead (1,389 Cases) Crawford (648 Cases) Crittenden (1,381 Cases) Cross (208 Cases) Dallas (64 Cases) Desha (201 Cases) Drew (217 Cases) Faulkner (1,330 Cases) Franklin (128 Cases) Fulton (44 Cases) Garland (1,071 Cases) Grant (140 Cases) Greene (492 Cases) Hempstead (249 Cases) Hot Spring (1,557 Cases) Howard (355 Cases) Independence (550 Cases) Izard (53 Cases) Jackson (117 Cases) Jefferson (1,584 Cases) Johnson (672 Cases) Lafayette (56 Cases) Lawrence (217 Cases) Lee (896 Cases) Lincoln (1,224 Cases) Little River (185 Cases) Logan (277 Cases) Lonoke (531 Cases) Madison (270 Cases) Marion (29 Cases) Miller (518 Cases) Missing County Info (1,811 Cases) Mississippi (1,044 Cases) Monroe (64 Cases) Montgomery (38 Cases) Nevada (143 Cases) Newton (106 Cases) Ouachita (105 Cases) Perry (55 Cases) Phillips (329 Cases) Pike (111 Cases) Poinsett (292 Cases) Polk (150 Cases) Pope (1,333 Cases) Prairie (100 Cases) Pulaski (5,706 Cases) Randolph (222 Cases) Saline (1,113 Cases) Scott (66 Cases) Searcy (33 Cases) Sebastian (2,250 Cases) Sevier (996 Cases) Sharp (114 Cases) St. Francis (1,226 Cases) Stone (69 Cases) Union (508 Cases) Van Buren (53 Cases) Washington (6,321 Cases) White (328 Cases) Woodruff (22 Cases) Yell (1,069 Cases) https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/c2ef4a4fcbe5458fbf2e48a21e4fece9
Data current as of 8/11/2020, 12:01 a.m. Updated Monday - Friday.* Total cases 21,7741 Total deaths 368 Positive tests 20,643 Negative tests 435,314 Total tested 455,957 Demographics, Hospital Capacity and Testing Tables * For daily counts of cases, deaths and negative tests on weekends, please see our weekend press releases available here. 1Includes cases confirmed by diagnostic testing and presumptive cases. Presumptive cases are people without a positive diagnostic test who have COVID-19-like symptoms and close contact with a laboratory confirmed case. Antibody test results are not included in our data. https://govstatus.egov.com/OR-OHA-COVID-19
Positive 22,643 Total Tests * 640,337 Click Here to View Positive Cases By County COVID-Related Deaths in NM 693 *Numbers are cumulative persons tested through 8/11/2020, 5:50:42 PM. Test results are from the state Scientific Laboratory Division of the New Mexico Department of Health, TriCore Reference Laboratories, LabCorp, Mayo Clinic Laboratories, Quest Diagnostics, and BioReference Laboratories. https://cv.nmhealth.org/
Aitkin County: 41 Anoka County: 3,752 Becker County: 161 Beltrami County: 241 Benton County: 320 Big Stone County: 22 Blue Earth County: 932 Brown County: 89 Carlton County: 142 Carver County: 878 Cass County: 74 Chippewa County: 107 Chisago County: 204 Clay County: 788 Clearwater County: 14 Cook County: 5 Cottonwood County: 178 Crow Wing County: 238 Dakota County: 4,507 Dodge County: 129 Douglas County: 144 Faribault County: 89 Fillmore County: 67 Freeborn County: 360 Goodhue County: 199 Grant County: 56 Hennepin County: 19,569 Houston County: 42 Hubbard County: 35 Isanti County: 129 Itasca County: 146 Jackson County: 79 Kanabec County: 37 Kandiyohi County: 702 Kittson County: 3 Koochiching County: 79 Lac Qui Parle County: 8 Lake County: 21 Lake of the Woods County: 4 Le Sueur County: 226 Lincoln County: 58 Lyon County: 425 Mahnomen County: 27 Marshall County: 29 Martin County: 209 McLeod County: 202 Meeker County: 87 Mille Lacs County: 72 Morrison County: 93 Mower County: 1,105 Murray County: 124 Nicollet County: 347 Nobles County: 1,768 Norman County: 40 Olmsted County: 1,767 Otter Tail County: 198 Pennington County: 75 Pine County: 129 Pipestone County: 158 Polk County: 155 Pope County: 48 Ramsey County: 7,717 Red Lake County: 24 Redwood County: 36 Renville County: 66 Rice County: 1,038 Rock County: 85 Roseau County: 52 Scott County: 1,590 Sherburne County: 732 Sibley County: 84 St. Louis County: 573 Stearns County: 2,909 Steele County: 351 Stevens County: 18 Swift County: 55 Todd County: 429 Traverse County: 11 Wabasha County: 93 Wadena County: 27 Waseca County: 149 Washington County: 2,163 Watonwan County: 323 Wilkin County: 34 Winona County: 264 Wright County: 897 Yellow Medicine County: 52 https://mndps.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/f28f84968c1148129932c3bebb1d3a1a
Total Positive Cases 15,699165.4 per 10,000 people Confirmed 14,700 Probable 999 Residents of Long-Term Care Facilities 1,204 Positive Cases by County New Castle County 7,276 Kent County 2,306 Sussex County 5,867 Unknown 250 Deaths in State of Delaware Total Deaths 5914.9 per 10,000 people Confirmed 521 Probable 70 Residents of Long-Term Care Facilities 362 https://myhealthycommunity.dhss.delaware.gov/locations/state#outcomes
August 10, 2020: Total Overall Tested: 224,749* Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 148,729* Total Positives: 12,896 Total Lives Lost: 593 Cleared From Isolation: 10,232 *All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting Download copy of DC COVID-19 data Other Data Public Safety Agency Data Human Services Agency Data DMV Agency Data Hospital Status Data
Total Positive35,793Probable: 2,414 Lab Confirmed: 33,379 Deaths783Probable: 5 - Lab Confirmed: 778 Total Tested711,017PCR: 665,941 Serology: 44,520 Antigen: 556 Positivity Rate*5.87 Recovered8,819 https://govstatus.egov.com/kycovid19
Total Positive Cases 20,053 Source: RIDOH Total Fatalities 1,016 Source: RIDOH New Fatalities 1 Source: RIDOH Total Tests 409,435 Source: RIDOH Total Negative Tests 380,599 Source: RIDOH New Positive Cases 99 Source: RIDOH People Hospitalized 88 Source: RIDOH People in ICU 9 Source: RIDOH People on a Ventilator 2 Source: RIDOH https://ri-department-of-health-covid-19-data-rihealth.hub.arcgis.com/
Colorado COVID Cases Increase To 51,441 Deaths To 1,875
niman posted a topic in Colorado (2019-nCoV)
https://covid19.colorado.gov/data/case-data -
New Individuals Tested 9,609 13,792 New Tests Administered between 05/13/2020 and 08/10/2020 New Positive Cases 884 between 07/31/2020 and 08/10/2020 7-Day Positivity Rate 7.7 % between 07/29/2020 and 08/04/2020 New Deaths 25 between 07/22/2020 and 08/10/2020 Total Confirmed COVID-19 Counts Total Individuals Tested 861,655 1,090,369 Tests Administered Total Positive Cases 75,862 Total Positivity Rate 8.8 % Total Deaths 2,863 https://www.coronavirus.in.gov/
As of August 10, 2020, at 8:30 PM, the total of laboratory-confirmed and probable COVID-19 cases reported among Connecticut residents is 50684, including 48690 laboratory-confirmed and 1994 probable cases. Seventy patients are currently hospitalized with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19. There have been 4444 COVID-19-associated deaths. In Connecticut during the early months of this pandemic, it became increasingly clear that it would be necessary to track probable COVID-19 cases and deaths, in addition to laboratory-confirmed (RT-PCR) cases and deaths. This was needed to better measure the burden and impact of this disease in our communities and is now part of the national surveillance case definition for COVID-19. Probable cases of COVID-19 involve persons who have not had confirmatory laboratory testing (RT-PCR) performed for COVID-19, but whose symptoms indicate they are likely to have a COVID-19 infection. In Connecticut, most of the probable COVID-19 cases involve persons whose death certificates list COVID-19 disease or SARS-CoV-2 as a cause of death or a significant condition contributing to death. Prior to June 1, probable and confirmed cases were reported together. Overall Summary Total** Change Since Yesterday COVID-19 Cases 50684 +117 COVID-19-Associated Deaths 4444 +0 Patients Currently Hospitalized with COVID-19 70 +6 COVID-19 PCR Tests Reported 909305 +8338 **Includes confirmed plus probable cases COVID-19 Cases and Associated Deaths by County of Residence As of 08/10/20 8:30pm. County COVID-19 Cases COVID-19-Associated Deaths Confirmed Probable Confirmed Probable Fairfield County 17421 660 1097 312 Hartford County 12183 643 1095 320 Litchfield County 1553 65 117 21 Middlesex County 1346 62 154 38 New Haven County 12821 419 955 151 New London County 1403 64 77 26 Tolland County 995 61 52 14 Windham County 735 10 14 1 Pending address validation 233 10 0 0 Total 48690 1994 3561 883 National COVID-19 statistics and information about preventing spread of COVID-19 are available from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention https://portal.ct.gov/-/media/Coronavirus/CTDPHCOVID19summary8112020.pdf?la=en
Michigan COVID Cases Increase To 98,213 Deaths To 6,533
niman posted a topic in Michigan (2019-nCoV)
https://www.michigan.gov/coronavirus/0,9753,7-406-98163_98173---,00.html -
Atlantic County 30 New Positives 237 Confirmed Deaths 3,497 Positive Test Results 15 Probable Deaths Bergen County 34 New Positives 1,787 Confirmed Deaths 20,864 Positive Test Results 251 Probable Deaths Burlington County 22 New Positives 434 Confirmed Deaths 6,042 Positive Test Results 40 Probable Deaths Camden County 38 New Positives 524 Confirmed Deaths 8,614 Positive Test Results 56 Probable Deaths Cape May County 7 New Positives 82 Confirmed Deaths 840 Positive Test Results 5 Probable Deaths Cumberland County 19 New Positives 146 Confirmed Deaths 3,366 Positive Test Results 12 Probable Deaths Essex County 32 New Positives 1,874 Confirmed Deaths 19,776 Positive Test Results 239 Probable Deaths Gloucester County 25 New Positives 206 Confirmed Deaths 3,283 Positive Test Results 7 Probable Deaths Hudson County 35 New Positives 1,338 Confirmed Deaths 19,717 Positive Test Results 167 Probable Deaths Hunterdon County 0 New Positives 70 Confirmed Deaths 1,149 Positive Test Results 56 Probable Deaths Mercer County 15 New Positives 582 Confirmed Deaths 8,139 Positive Test Results 39 Probable Deaths Monmouth County 28 New Positives 759 Confirmed Deaths 10,348 Positive Test Results 97 Probable Deaths Ocean County 36 New Positives 953 Confirmed Deaths 10,640 Positive Test Results 67 Probable Deaths Passaic County 44 New Positives 1,094 Confirmed Deaths 17,705 Positive Test Results 148 Probable Deaths Salem County 8 New Positives 81 Confirmed Deaths 906 Positive Test Results 6 Probable Deaths Somerset County 12 New Positives 487 Confirmed Deaths 5,265 Positive Test Results 75 Probable Deaths Sussex County 3 New Positives 161 Confirmed Deaths 1,336 Positive Test Results 37 Probable Deaths Union County 31 New Positives 1,179 Confirmed Deaths 16,749 Positive Test Results 170 Probable Deaths Warren County 2 New Positives 158 Confirmed Deaths 1,347 Positive Test Results 14 Probable Deaths Morris County 12 New Positives 681 Confirmed Deaths 7,273 Positive Test Results 148 Probable Deaths Middlesex County 28 New Positives 1,204 Confirmed Deaths 17,959 Positive Test Results 204 Probable Deaths https://www.nj.gov/health/cd/topics/covid2019_dashboard.shtml
Cumulative Cases and Deaths by County https://msdh.ms.gov/msdhsite/_static/14,0,420.html#caseTable Totals of all reported COVID-19 cases for 2020, including those in long-term care (LTC) facilities. The numbers in this table are provisional. County case numbers and deaths may change as investigation finds new or additional information. The data provided below is the most current available. County Total Cases Total Deaths Total LTC Facility Cases Total LTC Facility Deaths Adams 632 25 46 12 Alcorn 435 5 8 1 Amite 237 6 14 2 Attala 527 25 89 20 Benton 145 1 2 0 Bolivar 1136 35 48 9 Calhoun 425 9 23 4 Carroll 261 11 45 9 Chickasaw 476 19 35 11 Choctaw 135 4 0 0 Claiborne 409 14 43 9 Clarke 336 26 27 9 Clay 401 14 2 1 Coahoma 781 13 34 2 Copiah 962 28 30 4 Covington 622 14 4 1 De Soto 3710 31* 45 7 Forrest 1826 56 101 32 Franklin 131 2 3 1 George 595 6 5 0 Greene 256 12 35 6 Grenada 851 23 76 13 Hancock 402 14 8 4 Harrison 2601 36 146 15 Hinds 5700 119 271 53 Holmes 910 49 97 20 Humphreys 297 12 20 6 Issaquena 27 2 0 0 Itawamba 387 10 36 7 Jackson 2314 44 68 7 Jasper 394 9 1 0 Jefferson 195 7 8 2 Jefferson Davis 233 6 3 1 Jones 1931 59 170 35 Kemper 233 14 38 9 Lafayette 987 19 89 14 Lamar 1231 15 8 3 Lauderdale 1415 92 210 56 Lawrence 323 8 13 1 Leake 795 26 4 0 Lee 1521 42 83 15 Leflore 949 66 184 44 Lincoln 834 42 124 28 Lowndes 1092 39 83 23 Madison 2455 69 191 36 Marion 684 20 47 5 Marshall 712 9 16 1 Monroe 821 55 146 44 Montgomery 329 5 0 0 Neshoba 1288 92 108 35 Newton 545 11 7 1 Noxubee 461 12 17 4 Oktibbeha 1133 39 177 26 Panola 1068 16 7 1 Pearl River 559 40 57 16 Perry 242 8 0 0 Pike 940 37 73 18 Pontotoc 842 9 5 1 Prentiss 423 10 25 3 Quitman 269 1 0 0 Rankin 2307 35 99 10 Scott 1011 20 15 3 Sharkey 204 5 42 4 Simpson 806 31 56 15 Smith 406 13 54 8 Stone 211 5 23 2 Sunflower 1056 25 15 3 Tallahatchie 541 11 7 2 Tate 743 30 33 12 Tippah 374 14 1 0 Tishomingo 437 7 33 0 Tunica 358 7 12 2 Union 662 16 35 8 Walthall 502 21 64 10 Warren 1125 35 94 18 Washington 1701 42 57 13 Wayne 780 21 57 10 Webster 237 12 52 11 Wilkinson 215 13 8 3 Winston 629 16 40 11 Yalobusha 316 10 35 7 Yazoo 841 13 28 3 Total 68,293 1,944 4,115 842 Note: A death previously reported in DeSoto County was determined to be a TN resident and has been removed from DeSoto County's data. The data below has been updated to reflect these changes. Case Classifications Mississippi investigates and reports both probable and confirmed cases and deaths according to the CSTE case definition. Confirmed Probable Total Cases 66,939 1,354 68,293 Deaths 1,879 65 1,944 Confirmed cases and deaths are generally determined by positive PCR tests, which detect the presence of ongoing coronavirus infection. Probable cases are those who test positive by other testing methods such as antibody or antigen, and have recent symptoms consistent with COVID-19, indicating a recent infection. Probable deaths are those individuals with a designation of COVID-19 as a cause of death on the death certificate, but where no confirmatory testing was performed. Long-Term Care Facility Cases and Outbreaks Updated COVID-19 outbreak definition in LTCFs: To conform with revised national guidelines, an outbreak is now considered to be a single confirmed COVID-19 infection in an LTCF resident, or more than one COVID-19 infection in employees or staff in a 14-day period. Long-term care (LTC) facilities like nursing homes are considered high risk locations because their residents are older or in poor health. We investigate residents, staff and close contacts of infected individuals for possible exposure. Residential care facilities also represent group living facilities where COVID-19 can be easily spread. Mississippi COVID-19 cases and deaths in long-term care facilities PDF Long-term care facilities include nursing homes, personal care homes, assisted living homes, and intermediate care facilities for individuals with intellectual disability (ICF-IID) Mississippi COVID-19 cases and deaths in residential care facilities PDF Residential care facilities include psychiatric or chemical dependency residential treatment centers and long-term acute care facilities. Active Outbreaks The table of active outbreaks lists all facilities that have reported a current COVID-19 outbreak. Resident and employee totals are for those cases associated with the current outbreak only. The reported deaths are those which have occurred only among the cases in the current outbreak. Mississippi long-term care facilities with active COVID-19 outbreaks PDF As of August 7, 2020 Mississippi COVID-19 Data Charts and Map All data reports below are updated as they become available. Updates are made daily except where noted. Hospitalizations and Bed Availability Interactive chart of hospitalizations by date NEW: Interactive chart of local and state hospital bed availability Daily hospital capacity reports Cases and Deaths Data Charts Our state case map and other data charts are also available in interactive form. View interactive map View interactive epidemiological trend and syndromic surveillance The charts below are based on available data at the time of publication. Charts do not include cases where insufficient details of the case are known. Note: Values up to two weeks in the past on the chart of Cases by Date above can change as we update it with new information from disease investigation. Weekly High Case and High Incidence Counties Tracking counties with recent high numbers of COVID-19 cases, adjusted for population, provides insight on where local outbreaks are most serious, and where protective measures should be increased. For more accurate reporting, these weekly charts include sample collection dates only up to seven days in the past to allow for case investigation and delays in lab test reports. Cases counts in these charts is based on the date of testing, not the date the test result was reported, and include only those cases where the date of testing is known. They rank counties by weekly cases, and by incidence (cases proportional to population). A separate table ranking all counties is also available. All tables updated weekly. Full tables of counties ranked by weekly incidence and cases PDF Syndromic Surveillance Emergency department visits by those with symptoms characteristic of COVID-19, influenza and pneumonia, updated weekly. Estimated Recoveries