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  1. Confirmed Cases 183,241 Confirmed Deaths 7,526 Total Tests Performed* 2,806,797 Recovery Rate** 95% *Total nucleic acid-based tests performed and reported electronically for testing of COVID-19 at IDPH, commercial or hospital laboratories. All numbers displayed are provisional and will change. http://www.dph.illinois.gov/covid19 ** Recovered cases are defined as persons with initial positive specimen collection date > 42 days who have not expired. Recovery rate is calculated as the recovered cases divided by the sum of recovered cases and deceased cases. Information regarding the number of persons under investigation updated on 8/3/2020. Information to be updated daily. Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Probable Cases and Deaths Probable Cases 1,281 Probable Deaths 197 Information regarding the number of probable cases and deaths updated on 7/31/2020 Information updated weekly each friday.
  2. https://www.michigan.gov/coronavirus/0,9753,7-406-98163_98173---,00.html
  3. Atlantic County 15 New Positives 237 Confirmed Deaths 3,408 Positive Test Results 15 Probable Deaths Bergen County 22 New Positives 1,786 Confirmed Deaths 20,552 Positive Test Results 255 Probable Deaths Burlington County 15 New Positives 430 Confirmed Deaths 5,846 Positive Test Results 40 Probable Deaths Camden County 18 New Positives 520 Confirmed Deaths 8,375 Positive Test Results 55 Probable Deaths Cape May County 3 New Positives 82 Confirmed Deaths 813 Positive Test Results 5 Probable Deaths Cumberland County 12 New Positives 144 Confirmed Deaths 3,253 Positive Test Results 13 Probable Deaths Essex County 30 New Positives 1,861 Confirmed Deaths 19,558 Positive Test Results 243 Probable Deaths Gloucester County 9 New Positives 202 Confirmed Deaths 3,106 Positive Test Results 7 Probable Deaths Hudson County 17 New Positives 1,334 Confirmed Deaths 19,528 Positive Test Results 169 Probable Deaths Hunterdon County 1 New Positives 70 Confirmed Deaths 1,138 Positive Test Results 56 Probable Deaths Mercer County 9 New Positives 578 Confirmed Deaths 8,051 Positive Test Results 41 Probable Deaths Middlesex County 20 New Positives 1,197 Confirmed Deaths 17,735 Positive Test Results 206 Probable Deaths Monmouth County 20 New Positives 758 Confirmed Deaths 10,137 Positive Test Results 100 Probable Deaths Morris County 10 New Positives 679 Confirmed Deaths 7,167 Positive Test Results 151 Probable Deaths Ocean County 10 New Positives 948 Confirmed Deaths 10,469 Positive Test Results 68 Probable Deaths Passaic County 13 New Positives 1,091 Confirmed Deaths 17,507 Positive Test Results 151 Probable Deaths Salem County 6 New Positives 80 Confirmed Deaths 877 Positive Test Results 5 Probable Deaths Somerset County 4 New Positives 482 Confirmed Deaths 5,195 Positive Test Results 73 Probable Deaths Sussex County 0 New Positives 158 Confirmed Deaths 1,307 Positive Test Results 37 Probable Deaths Union County 17 New Positives 1,177 Confirmed Deaths 16,590 Positive Test Results 171 Probable Deaths Warren County 0 New Positives 157 Confirmed Deaths 1,330 Positive Test Results 14 Probable Deaths https://www.nj.gov/health/cd/topics/covid2019_dashboard.shtml
  4. https://covid19tracker.health.ny.gov/views/NYS-COVID19-Tracker/NYSDOHCOVID-19Tracker-Map?%3Aembed=yes&%3Atoolbar=no&%3Atabs=n
  5. Abbeville Rate (per 100k): 1,210.91 Cases--Confirmed positives: 297, Probable: 1 Deaths--Confirmed: 6, Probable: 1 Aiken Rate (per 100k): 880.78 Cases--Confirmed positives: 1,505, Probable: 89 Deaths--Confirmed: 22, Probable: 7 Allendale Rate (per 100k): 2,221.45 Cases--Confirmed positives: 193, Probable: 0 Deaths--Confirmed: 3, Probable: 0 Anderson Rate (per 100k): 1,036.74 Cases--Confirmed positives: 2,100, Probable: 3 Deaths--Confirmed: 45, Probable: 3 Bamberg Rate (per 100k): 3,156.55 Cases--Confirmed positives: 444, Probable: 2 Deaths--Confirmed: 17, Probable: 0 Barnwell Rate (per 100k): 1,744.46 Cases--Confirmed positives: 364, Probable: 5 Deaths--Confirmed: 3, Probable: 1 Beaufort Rate (per 100k): 1,911.29 Cases--Confirmed positives: 3,672, Probable: 10 Deaths--Confirmed: 46, Probable: 3 Berkeley Rate (per 100k): 1,698.5 Cases--Confirmed positives: 3,871, Probable: 9 Deaths--Confirmed: 58, Probable: 1 Calhoun Rate (per 100k): 2,301.93 Cases--Confirmed positives: 335, Probable: 2 Deaths--Confirmed: 8, Probable: 2 Charleston Rate (per 100k): 2,843.18 Cases--Confirmed positives: 11,697, Probable: 17 Deaths--Confirmed: 161, Probable: 10 Cherokee Rate (per 100k): 973.82 Cases--Confirmed positives: 558, Probable: 3 Deaths--Confirmed: 22, Probable: 3 Chester Rate (per 100k): 1,777.07 Cases--Confirmed positives: 573, Probable: 5 Deaths--Confirmed: 11, Probable: 1 Chesterfield Rate (per 100k): 1,546.55 Cases--Confirmed positives: 706, Probable: 1 Deaths--Confirmed: 19, Probable: 0 Clarendon Rate (per 100k): 2,326.27 Cases--Confirmed positives: 785, Probable: 1 Deaths--Confirmed: 49, Probable: 1 Colleton Rate (per 100k): 2,027.76 Cases--Confirmed positives: 764, Probable: 1 Deaths--Confirmed: 31, Probable: 0 Darlington Rate (per 100k): 1,699.24 Cases--Confirmed positives: 1,132, Probable: 1 Deaths--Confirmed: 32, Probable: 1 Dillon Rate (per 100k): 1,896.39 Cases--Confirmed positives: 578, Probable: 1 Deaths--Confirmed: 23, Probable: 0 Dorchester Rate (per 100k): 1,737.62 Cases--Confirmed positives: 2,829, Probable: 10 Deaths--Confirmed: 38, Probable: 2 Edgefield Rate (per 100k): 1,030.81 Cases--Confirmed positives: 281, Probable: 8 Deaths--Confirmed: 5, Probable: 1 Fairfield Rate (per 100k): 2,385.11 Cases--Confirmed positives: 533, Probable: 6 Deaths--Confirmed: 23, Probable: 0 Florence Rate (per 100k): 2,232.22 Cases--Confirmed positives: 3,087, Probable: 4 Deaths--Confirmed: 99, Probable: 0 Georgetown Rate (per 100k): 2,083.6 Cases--Confirmed positives: 1,306, Probable: 1 Deaths--Confirmed: 18, Probable: 1 Greenville Rate (per 100k): 1,963.93 Cases--Confirmed positives: 10,282, Probable: 24 Deaths--Confirmed: 180, Probable: 9 Greenwood Rate (per 100k): 1,796.33 Cases--Confirmed positives: 1,272, Probable: 3 Deaths--Confirmed: 12, Probable: 3 Hampton Rate (per 100k): 2,034.13 Cases--Confirmed positives: 391, Probable: 1 Deaths--Confirmed: 6, Probable: 1 Horry Rate (per 100k): 2,300.89 Cases--Confirmed positives: 8,147, Probable: 27 Deaths--Confirmed: 128, Probable: 2 Jasper Rate (per 100k): 1,692.55 Cases--Confirmed positives: 509, Probable: 1 Deaths--Confirmed: 12, Probable: 1 Kershaw Rate (per 100k): 1,899.3 Cases--Confirmed positives: 1,264, Probable: 31 Deaths--Confirmed: 23, Probable: 0 Lancaster Rate (per 100k): 1,083.54 Cases--Confirmed positives: 1,062, Probable: 23 Deaths--Confirmed: 18, Probable: 3 Laurens Rate (per 100k): 1,825.37 Cases--Confirmed positives: 1,232, Probable: 4 Deaths--Confirmed: 32, Probable: 2 Lee Rate (per 100k): 3,125.74 Cases--Confirmed positives: 526, Probable: 0 Deaths--Confirmed: 27, Probable: 0 Lexington Rate (per 100k): 1,546.78 Cases--Confirmed positives: 4,621, Probable: 64 Deaths--Confirmed: 102, Probable: 2 McCormick Rate (per 100k): 1,109.58 Cases--Confirmed positives: 105, Probable: 1 Deaths--Confirmed: 2, Probable: 0 Marion Rate (per 100k): 1,705.97 Cases--Confirmed positives: 523, Probable: 0 Deaths--Confirmed: 12, Probable: 0 Marlboro Rate (per 100k): 1,696.15 Cases--Confirmed positives: 443, Probable: 0 Deaths--Confirmed: 4, Probable: 0 Newberry Rate (per 100k): 2,026.53 Cases--Confirmed positives: 779, Probable: 3 Deaths--Confirmed: 8, Probable: 1 Oconee Rate (per 100k): 949.14 Cases--Confirmed positives: 755, Probable: 0 Deaths--Confirmed: 7, Probable: 0 Orangeburg Rate (per 100k): 2,586.6 Cases--Confirmed positives: 2,229, Probable: 2 Deaths--Confirmed: 57, Probable: 1 Pickens Rate (per 100k): 1,374.48 Cases--Confirmed positives: 1,744, Probable: 3 Deaths--Confirmed: 22, Probable: 1 Richland Rate (per 100k): 1,897.49 Cases--Confirmed positives: 7,889, Probable: 151 Deaths--Confirmed: 139, Probable: 2 Saluda Rate (per 100k): 2,046.6 Cases--Confirmed positives: 419, Probable: 2 Deaths--Confirmed: 7, Probable: 1 Spartanburg Rate (per 100k): 1,184.86 Cases--Confirmed positives: 3,789, Probable: 4 Deaths--Confirmed: 85, Probable: 2 Sumter Rate (per 100k): 2,167.33 Cases--Confirmed positives: 2,313, Probable: 3 Deaths--Confirmed: 43, Probable: 2 Union Rate (per 100k): 1,226.39 Cases--Confirmed positives: 335, Probable: 0 Deaths--Confirmed: 2, Probable: 0 Williamsburg Rate (per 100k): 3,082.19 Cases--Confirmed positives: 936, Probable: 3 Deaths--Confirmed: 27, Probable: 0 York Rate (per 100k): 1,149.2 Cases--Confirmed positives: 3,229, Probable: 17 Deaths--Confirmed: 27, Probable: 1 https://www.scdhec.gov/infectious-diseases/viruses/coronavirus-disease-2019-covid-19/sc-testing-data-projections-covid-19
  6. Cumulative Cases and Deaths by County https://msdh.ms.gov/msdhsite/_static/14,0,420.html#caseTable Totals of all reported COVID-19 cases for 2020, including those in long-term care (LTC) facilities. The numbers in this table are provisional. County case numbers and deaths may change as investigation finds new or additional information. The data provided below is the most current available. County Total Cases Total Deaths Total LTC Facility Cases Total LTC Facility Deaths Adams 584 25 45 12 Alcorn 357 4 1 1 Amite 210 5 13 2 Attala 498 24 89 20 Benton 125 0 1 0 Bolivar 948 32 48 9 Calhoun 378 8 23 4 Carroll 245 11 45 9 Chickasaw 438 19 35 11 Choctaw 127 4 0 0 Claiborne 400 13 43 9 Clarke 300 25 19 9 Clay 370 13 * 2 1 Coahoma 663 10 4 2 Copiah 917 24 30 3 Covington 588 11 4 1 De Soto 3326 27 41 6 Forrest 1640 53 100 31 Franklin 116 2 3 1 George 547 5 1 0 Greene 226 11 35 6 Grenada 813 20 73 11 Hancock 336 14 8 4 Harrison 2152 32 129 14 Hinds 5269 106 252 47 Holmes 847 47 97 20 Humphreys 271 11 19 6 Issaquena 21 1 0 0 Itawamba 307 10 34 7 Jackson 1994 34 68 7 Jasper 376 8 1 0 Jefferson 193 6 6 1 Jefferson Davis 202 6 3 1 Jones 1774 57 168 35 Kemper 223 15 38 9 Lafayette 881 11 * 79 8 Lamar 1121 12 3 2 Lauderdale 1329 88 205 56 Lawrence 313 5 14 0 Leake 768 25 5 0 Lee 1239 30 67 15 Leflore 840 59 184 42 Lincoln 745 40 116 27 Lowndes 989 32 67 18 Madison 2297 56 178 29 Marion 601 18 15 2 Marshall 571 8 12 1 Monroe 702 50 126 41 Montgomery 293 3 0 0 Neshoba 1197 88 107 35 Newton 516 11 8 1 Noxubee 419 10 16 3 Oktibbeha 1054 35 174 23 Panola 912 11 5 1 Pearl River 485 36 55 14 Perry 222 7 0 0 Pike 832 32 72 15 Pontotoc 737 7 4 1 Prentiss 342 6 24 3 Quitman 225 1 0 0 Rankin 2146 28 87 10 Scott 955 17 15 3 Sharkey 180 1 6 1 Simpson 712 27 27 12 Smith 380 13 54 8 Stone 152 3 3 1 Sunflower 908 22 11 2 Tallahatchie 493 10 7 2 Tate 650 23 33 11 Tippah 312 12 0 0 Tishomingo 320 4 2 0 Tunica 278 6 12 2 Union 531 13 20 8 Walthall 453 18 58 9 Warren 964 27 87 12 Washington 1492 32 44 10 Wayne 733 21 57 10 Webster 199 12 52 11 Wilkinson 187 12 8 2 Winston 571 15 40 11 Yalobusha 312 10 35 7 Yazoo 786 11 21 2 Total 61,125 1,711 3,693 770 * Note: A death previously reported in Clay County has been corrected to Lafayette County. Case Classifications Mississippi investigates and reports both probable and confirmed cases and deaths according to the CSTE case definition. Confirmed Probable Total Cases 60,147 978 61,125 Deaths 1,664 47 1,711 Confirmed cases and deaths are generally determined by positive PCR tests, which detect the presence of ongoing coronavirus infection. Probable cases are those who test positive by other testing methods such as antibody or antigen, and have recent symptoms consistent with COVID-19, indicating a recent infection. Probable deaths are those individuals with a designation of COVID-19 as a cause of death on the death certificate, but where no confirmatory testing was performed. Long-Term Care Facility Cases and Outbreaks Long-term care (LTC) facilities like nursing homes are considered high risk locations because their residents are older or in poor health. Even one case of COVID-19 in these facilities among residents or employees is considered an outbreak. We investigate residents, staff and close contacts of infected individuals for possible exposure. Residential care facilities also represent group living facilities where COVID-19 can be easily spread. Mississippi COVID-19 cases and deaths in long-term care facilities PDF Long-term care facilities include nursing homes, personal care homes, assisted living homes, and intermediate care facilities for individuals with intellectual disability (ICF-IID) Mississippi COVID-19 cases and deaths in residential care facilities PDF Residential care facilities include psychiatric or chemical dependency residential treatment centers and long-term acute care facilities. Active Outbreaks The table of active outbreaks lists all facilities that have reported a current COVID-19 outbreak. Resident and employee totals are for those cases associated with the current outbreak only. The reported deaths are those which have occurred only among the cases in the current outbreak. Mississippi long-term care facilities with active COVID-19 outbreaks PDF As of July 31, 2020 Mississippi COVID-19 Data Charts and Map Hospital Usage NOTE: The latest hospitalizations chart will be published later today. Daily hospital capacity reports View interactive hospitalization chart Cases and Deaths Data Charts Our state case map and other data charts are also available in interactive form. View interactive map View interactive epidemiological trend and syndromic surveillance View interactive hospitalization chart The charts below are based on available data at the time of publication. Charts do not include cases where insufficient details of the case are known. Note: Values up to two weeks in the past on the chart of Cases by Date above can change as we update it with new information from disease investigation. Weekly High Case and High Incidence Counties These weekly tables count cases based on the date of testing, not the date the test result was reported, and count only those cases where the date of testing is known. They rank counties by weekly cases, and by incidence (cases proportional to population). A separate table ranking all counties is also available. All tables updated weekly. Full tables of counties ranked by weekly incidence and cases PDF Syndromic Surveillance Emergency department visits by those with symptoms characteristic of COVID-19, influenza and pneumonia, updated weekly. Estimated Recoveries Presumed COVID-19 cases recovered, estimated weekly (does not include cases still under investigation). U.S. and World Cases COVID-19 cases in the United States (CDC) U.S. COVID-19 Tracker (CDC) COVID-19 Global Case Map (Johns Hopkins University) COVID-19 Testing Statewide Combined Testing as of July 31 COVID-19 testing providers around the state include commercial laboratories as well as hospital labs. Combined with testing done by the MSDH Public Health Laboratory, the figures provide a complete picture of all Mississippi testing. PCR testing detects current, active COVID-19 infection in an individual. Antibody (serology) testing identifies individuals with past COVID-19 infection based on antibodies they develop one to three weeks after infection. Total tests PCR Antibody MSDH Public Health Laboratory 81,887 81,887 0 Other testing providers 395,273 378,707 16,566 Total tests for COVID-19 statewide 477,160 460,594 16,566 MSDH Individuals Tested as of August 2 MSDH Public Health Laboratory (MPHL) testing totals as of 3 p.m. These totals are for tests performed at the MPHL only. Total individuals tested by the MPHL: 66,082 Total positive individuals from MPHL tests: 7,327
  7. https://covid19.ncdhhs.gov/dashboard/cases
  8. 88,997 Confirmed Cases 4,966 CDC Expanded Case Definition (Probable) 93,963 Total Cases 10,992 Number of Hospitalizations in Ohio 3,271 Confirmed Deaths 268 CDC Expanded Death Definition (Probable) 3,539 Total Deaths 2,570 Number of ICU Admissions <1-109 Age Range 42 Median Age 48%* Sex - Males 51%* Sex - Females https://coronavirus.ohio.gov/wps/portal/gov/covid-19/home
  9. Number of confirmed cases : 91,144 Number of persons tested negative : 869,493 Total testing volume : 1,294,065 Number of confirmed deaths : 3,389 Number of probable deaths : 134 Currently hospitalized : 548 Acute care : 413 Intensive care : 135 Ever hospitalized : 12,832 Released from isolation : 5,740 Cases and Deaths Data Breakdown: Parenthesis = Confirmed death, laboratory-confirmed positive COVID-19 test result Asterisk = Probable death, death certificate lists COVID-19 as the cause of death but not yet confirmed by a laboratory test NH = Non-Hispanic By County County Cases Deaths Allegany 273 (18) Anne Arundel 7,007 (208) 9* Baltimore City 11,748 (399) 14* Baltimore County 12,401 (529) 22* Calvert 635 (27) 1* Caroline 438 (3) Carroll 1,491 (115) 2* Cecil 655 (29) 1* Charles 1,909 (89) 2* Dorchester 352 (5) Frederick 3,010 (114) 7* Garrett 43 Harford 1,853 (65) 3* Howard 3,660 (100) 6* Kent 235 (22) 1* Montgomery 17,842 (754) 39* Prince George's 22,880 (720) 23* Queen Anne's 399 (24) 1* St. Mary's 931 (52) Somerset 123 (3) Talbot 368 (4) Washington 982 (30) Wicomico 1,298 (44) Worcester 611 (18) 1* Data not available (17) 2* By Age Range and Gender Age/Gender Cases Deaths 0-9 3,083 10-19 5,720 (1) 20-29 15,832 (19) 1* 30-39 17,180 (45) 5* 40-49 15,336 (108) 3* 50-59 13,625 (270) 15* 60-69 9,415 (556) 12* 70-79 5,835 (835) 21* 80+ 5,118 (1,541) 75* Data not available (14) 2* Female 47,907 (1,662) 70* Male 43,237 (1,727) 64* By Race and Ethnicity Race/Ethnicity Cases Deaths African-American (NH) 28,163 (1,385) 49* Asian (NH) 1,698 (127) 6* White (NH) 20,140 (1,430) 67* Hispanic 21,896 (392) 10* Other (NH) 4,148 (37) Data not available 15,099 (18) 2* https://coronavirus.maryland.gov/
  10. 120,846 Cases Reported* 3,910 Deaths Reported* 1,393,910 Tests Reported* Presumed Recovered 74,246 as of 7/27/2020 COVID-positive Patients 1,496 in Hospitals COVID-positive Patients 230 on Ventilators
  11. https://www.vdh.virginia.gov/coronavirus/covid-19-daily-dashboard/
  12. https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/d2726d6c01c4486181fec2d4373b01fa
  13. https://www.health.pa.gov/topics/disease/coronavirus/Pages/Cases.aspx
  14. CASES 89,927 CONFIRMED 2,734 PROBABLE LAST 14 DAYS 21,469 CASES No Data TESTED TOTAL TESTED 711,317 STATEWIDE DEATHS 1,580 CONFIRMED 53 PROBABLE *TOTAL HOSPITALIZATIONS To Date Updates M-F at 3 p.m. 10521 STATEWIDE PRESUMED RECOVERIES Updated Weekly 35,401 STATEWIDE https://alpublichealth.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/6d2771faa9da4a2786a509d82c8cf0f7
  15. https://www.azdhs.gov/preparedness/epidemiology-disease-control/infectious-disease-epidemiology/covid-19/dashboards/index.php
  16. 3,280 Cumulative (includes recovered cases) https://coronavirus-response-alaska-dhss.hub.arcgis.com/ Total Recovered Cases 932 Total Hospitalizations 134 Cumulative (does not reflect current stays) Total Deaths 24
  17. https://health.wyo.gov/publichealth/infectious-disease-epidemiology-unit/disease/novel-coronavirus/covid-19-map-and-statistics/
  18. https://montana.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapSeries/index.html?appid=7c34f3412536439491adcc2103421d4b
  19. https://health.hawaii.gov/coronavirusdisease2019/what-you-should-know/current-situation-in-hawaii/
  20. https://www.health.nd.gov/diseases-conditions/coronavirus/north-dakota-coronavirus-cases
  21. Total Cases 1,426 5 New Currently Hospitalized 2 Hospitalized Under Investigation 13 Total People Recovered 1,238 Deaths 57 People Tested 96,681 https://www.healthvermont.gov/response/coronavirus-covid-19/current-activity-vermont
  22. COVID-19 Case Trends https://www.maine.gov/dhhs/mecdc/infectious-disease/epi/airborne/coronavirus/data.shtml Maine COVID-19 Reopening Gating Metrics Cumulative COVID-19 Cases by ZIP Code Tables of COVID-19 Testing Data, Hospital Use, and Case Demographics View Tables of Data for the Previous 14 Days Not all labs report results to the Maine CDC electronically. Labs reporting manually report only the positive results and are therefore excluded for purposes of calculating the percent positivity rate. Molecular testing includes PCR, isothermal, and NAAT methods. Syndromic data has a 2 day lag to increase completeness of ICD codes. Total number of emergency room/urgent care visits reported. Percentage of emergency room/urgent care visits for influenza-like illness symptoms or influenza-like illness discharge diagnosis. Percentage of emergency room/urgent care visits for COVID-19-like symptoms or COVID-19 discharge diagnosis. View a Table of All Reported COVID-19 Tests in Maine
  23. https://dhhr.wv.gov/COVID-19/Pages/default.aspx
  24. New Hampshire 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Summary Report (data updated as of August 2, 2020, 9:00 AM) https://www.nh.gov/covid19/ Number of Persons with COVID-19 1 6,634 Recovered 5,820 (88%) Deaths Attributed to COVID-19 417 (6%) Total Current COVID-19 Cases 397 Persons Who Have Been Hospitalized for COVID-19 696 (10%) Current Hospitalizations 24 Total Persons Tested at Selected Laboratories, Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)2 162,622 Total Persons Tested at Selected Laboratories, Antibody Laboratory Tests2 27,251 Persons with Specimens Submitted to NH PHL 36,882 Persons with Test Pending at NH PHL3 344 Persons Being Monitored in NH (approximate point in time) 3,025 1 Includes specimens positive at any laboratory and those confirmed by CDC confirmatory testing.2 Includes specimens tested at the NH Public Health Laboratories (PHL), LabCorp, Quest, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, and those sent to CDC prior to NH PHL testing capacity.3 Includes specimens received and awaiting testing at NH PHL. Does not include tests pending at commercial laboratories. Active Cases Dashboard | Active Cases Map
  25. 1,881 Douglas 688 Lancaster 525 Sarpy 115 Buffalo 69 Hall 68 Dawson 54 Dodge 54 Platte 48 Cass 40 Scotts Bluff 40 Seward 36 Saunders 31 Washington 30 Madison 30 Lincoln 30 Dakota 23 Saline 22 Adams 19 Cuming 18 Thurston 18 Hamilton 17 Kearney 16 Perkins 15 York 14 Nemaha 14 Merrick 12 Keith 11 Gage 11 Clay 10 Otoe 10 Polk 10 Richardson 10 Colfax 8 Phelps 8 Burt 7 Box Butte 6 Pawnee 6 Red Willow 6 Howard 6 Thayer 5 Morrill 5 Knox 5 Furnas 5 Cheyenne 5 Chase 4 Fillmore 4 Stanton 4 Gosper 4 Dawes 4 Holt 3 Jefferson 3 Custer 3 Sherman 3 Johnson 3 Butler 2 Cedar 2 Nance 2 Antelope 2 Pierce 2 Nuckolls 2 Greeley 1 Dundy 1 Webster 1 Kimball 1 Sheridan 1 McPherson 1 Dixon 1 Franklin 1 Frontier 1 Valley 1 Hooker 1 Cherry https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/ece0db09da4d4ca68252c3967aa1e9dd
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