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  1. Louisiana Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information 107,574 Cases Reported* 3,651 Deaths Reported* 1,233,264 Tests Reported* Presumed Recovered 61,456 as of 7/19/2020 COVID-positive Patients 1,557 in Hospitals COVID-positive Patients 184 on Ventilators http://ldh.la.gov/coronavirus/
  2. https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/7572b118dc3c48d885d1c643c195314e/
  3. CASES 77,351 CONFIRMED 1,943 PROBABLE LAST 14 DAYS 22,992 CASES 170,973 TESTED TOTAL TESTED 647,743 STATEWIDE DEATHS 1,428 CONFIRMED 45 PROBABLE *TOTAL HOSPITALIZATIONS To Date Updates M-F at 3 p.m. 9157 STATEWIDE PRESUMED RECOVERIES Updated Weekly 32,510 https://alpublichealth.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/6d2771faa9da4a2786a509d82c8cf0f7
  4. https://www.azdhs.gov/preparedness/epidemiology-disease-control/infectious-disease-epidemiology/covid-19/dashboards/index.php
  5. Total Cases 2,338 Cumulative (includes recovered cases) https://coronavirus-response-alaska-dhss.hub.arcgis.com/ Total Recovered Cases 815 Total Hospitalizations 115 Cumulative (does not reflect current stays) Total Deaths 20
  6. https://health.wyo.gov/publichealth/infectious-disease-epidemiology-unit/disease/novel-coronavirus/covid-19-map-and-statistics/
  7. https://montana.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapSeries/index.html?appid=7c34f3412536439491adcc2103421d4b
  8. https://health.hawaii.gov/coronavirusdisease2019/what-you-should-know/current-situation-in-hawaii/
  9. https://www.health.nd.gov/diseases-conditions/coronavirus/north-dakota-coronavirus-cases
  10. Total Cases 1,396 13 New Currently Hospitalized 1 Hospitalized Under Investigation 12 Total People Recovered 1,182 Deaths 56 People Tested 88,816 https://www.healthvermont.gov/response/coronavirus-covid-19/current-activity-vermont
  11. COVID-19 Case Trends https://www.maine.gov/dhhs/mecdc/infectious-disease/epi/airborne/coronavirus/data.shtml Maine COVID-19 Reopening Gating Metrics Cumulative COVID-19 Cases by ZIP Code Tables of COVID-19 Testing Data, Hospital Use, and Case Demographics View a Table of All Reported COVID-19 Tests in Maine All Reported COVID-19 Tests in Maine Result Antibody Molecular Testing Total Positive 401 4,715 5,116 Negative 8,249 148,061 156,310 Indeterminate 10 194 204 Total 8,660 152,970 161,630 Results from Labs Reporting Electronically (Used for Percent Positivity Calculations)* Result Antibody Molecular Testing Total Positive 273 4,384 4,657 Negative 8,241 148,039 156,280 Indeterminate 8 192 200 Total 8,522 152,615 161,137 Percent Positive 3.20 2.87 2.89 *Not all labs report results to the Maine CDC electronically. Labs reporting manually report only the positive results and are therefore excluded for purposes of calculating the percent positivity rate. Molecular testing includes PCR, isothermal, and NAAT methods. Updated July 25, 2020 at 9:45 AM View a Table of Maine COVID-19 Current Hospital Use and Capacity Data
  12. https://dhhr.wv.gov/COVID-19/Pages/default.aspx
  13. New Hampshire 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Summary Report (data updated as of July 25, 2020, 9:00 AM) https://www.nh.gov/covid19/ Number of Persons with COVID-19 1 6,415 Recovered 5,438 (85%) Deaths Attributed to COVID-19 409 (6%) Total Current COVID-19 Cases 568 Persons Who Have Been Hospitalized for COVID-19 686 (11%) Current Hospitalizations 27 Total Persons Tested at Selected Laboratories, Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)2 152,290 Total Persons Tested at Selected Laboratories, Antibody Laboratory Tests2 26,256 Persons with Specimens Submitted to NH PHL 35,883 Persons with Test Pending at NH PHL3 381 Persons Being Monitored in NH (approximate point in time) 3,500 1 Includes specimens positive at any laboratory and those confirmed by CDC confirmatory testing.2 Includes specimens tested at the NH Public Health Laboratories (PHL), LabCorp, Quest, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, and those sent to CDC prior to NH PHL testing capacity.3 Includes specimens received and awaiting testing at NH PHL. Does not include tests pending at commercial laboratories. Active Cases Dashboard | Active Cases Map
  14. 1,490 Douglas 667 Lancaster 382 Sarpy 66 Buffalo 53 Cass 53 Hall 41 Platte 41 Dawson 35 Dodge 35 Dakota 33 Scotts Bluff 28 Washington 25 Saline 23 Saunders 19 Seward 19 Madison 18 Hamilton 15 Thayer 15 Lincoln 14 Clay 12 York 12 Gage 12 Adams 11 Otoe 11 Thurston 11 Colfax 9 Richardson 9 Keith 9 Cuming 8 Perkins 6 Pierce 6 Polk 5 Box Butte 5 Phelps 5 Red Willow 5 Antelope 5 Dixon 4 Stanton 4 Merrick 4 Johnson 4 Pawnee 4 Nuckolls 4 Kimball 4 Nemaha 4 Howard 4 Morrill 3 Knox 3 Butler 3 Wayne 3 Webster 3 Chase 3 Burt 3 Fillmore 3 Cheyenne 2 Holt 2 Kearney 2 Greeley 2 Jefferson 2 Furnas 1 Hooker 1 Valley 1 Cedar 1 Deuel 1 Cherry 1 Frontier 1 Garfield 1 Custer 1 McPherson 1 Wheeler 1 Sheridan https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/ece0db09da4d4ca68252c3967aa1e9dd
  15. https://doh.sd.gov/news/Coronavirus.aspx
  16. https://coronavirus.idaho.gov/
  17. Arkansas (168 Cases) Ashley (172 Cases) Baxter (55 Cases) Benton (4,156 Cases) Boone (106 Cases) Bradley (114 Cases) Calhoun (10 Cases) Carroll (314 Cases) Chicot (292 Cases) Clark (129 Cases) Clay (102 Cases) Cleburne (173 Cases) Cleveland (55 Cases) Columbia (162 Cases) Conway (121 Cases) Craighead (931 Cases) Crawford (438 Cases) Crittenden (1,072 Cases) Cross (147 Cases) Dallas (29 Cases) Desha (125 Cases) Drew (129 Cases) Faulkner (1,046 Cases) Franklin (66 Cases) Fulton (23 Cases) Garland (642 Cases) Grant (111 Cases) Greene (216 Cases) Hempstead (163 Cases) Hot Spring (1,392 Cases) Howard (228 Cases) Independence (187 Cases) Izard (34 Cases) Jackson (52 Cases) Jefferson (1,146 Cases) Johnson (560 Cases) Lafayette (45 Cases) Lawrence (155 Cases) Lee (871 Cases) Lincoln (1,143 Cases) Little River (78 Cases) Logan (120 Cases) Lonoke (333 Cases) Madison (245 Cases) Marion (18 Cases) Miller (403 Cases) Missing County Info (1,381 Cases) Mississippi (535 Cases) Monroe (41 Cases) Montgomery (19 Cases) Nevada (123 Cases) Newton (83 Cases) Ouachita (61 Cases) Perry (41 Cases) Phillips (242 Cases) Pike (55 Cases) Poinsett (117 Cases) Polk (120 Cases) Pope (1,021 Cases) Prairie (56 Cases) Pulaski (4,297 Cases) Randolph (136 Cases) Saline (733 Cases) Scott (30 Cases) Searcy (22 Cases) Sebastian (1,354 Cases) Sevier (896 Cases) Sharp (89 Cases) St. Francis (1,050 Cases) Stone (42 Cases) Union (361 Cases) Van Buren (43 Cases) Washington (5,576 Cases) White (212 Cases) Woodruff (17 Cases) Yell (951 Cases) https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/c2ef4a4fcbe5458fbf2e48a21e4fece9
  18. Data current as of 7/27/2020, 12:01 a.m. Updated Monday - Friday.* Total cases 17,0881 Total deaths 289 Positive tests 16,240 Negative tests 365,478 Total tested 381,718 * For daily counts of cases, deaths and negative tests on weekends, please see our weekend press releases available here. 1Includes cases confirmed by diagnostic testing and presumptive cases. Presumptive cases are people without a positive diagnostic test who have COVID-19-like symptoms and close contact with a laboratory confirmed case. Antibody test results are not included in our data. https://govstatus.egov.com/OR-OHA-COVID-19
  19. https://coronavirus.health.ok.gov/
  20. Positive 18,788 Total Tests * 512,425 Click Here to View Positive Cases By County COVID-Related Deaths in NM 607 *Numbers are cumulative persons tested through 7/25/2020, 5:45:03 PM. Test results are from the state Scientific Laboratory Division of the New Mexico Department of Health, TriCore Reference Laboratories, LabCorp, Mayo Clinic Laboratories, Quest Diagnostics, and BioReference Laboratories. https://cv.nmhealth.org/
  21. Aitkin County: 24 Anoka County: 2,950 Becker County: 101 Beltrami County: 146 Benton County: 283 Big Stone County: 20 Blue Earth County: 750 Brown County: 70 Carlton County: 112 Carver County: 643 Cass County: 41 Chippewa County: 87 Chisago County: 147 Clay County: 697 Clearwater County: 14 Cook County: 2 Cottonwood County: 158 Crow Wing County: 152 Dakota County: 3,386 Dodge County: 118 Douglas County: 113 Faribault County: 73 Fillmore County: 53 Freeborn County: 336 Goodhue County: 157 Grant County: 36 Hennepin County: 16,067 Houston County: 34 Hubbard County: 18 Isanti County: 99 Itasca County: 116 Jackson County: 64 Kanabec County: 22 Kandiyohi County: 633 Kittson County: 3 Koochiching County: 55 Lac Qui Parle County: 6 Lake County: 13 Lake of the Woods County: 1 Le Sueur County: 174 Lincoln County: 51 Lyon County: 395 Mahnomen County: 17 Marshall County: 25 Martin County: 192 McLeod County: 115 Meeker County: 79 Mille Lacs County: 50 Morrison County: 74 Mower County: 1,035 Murray County: 115 Nicollet County: 262 Nobles County: 1,725 Norman County: 30 Olmsted County: 1,497 Otter Tail County: 146 Pennington County: 62 Pine County: 121 Pipestone County: 130 Polk County: 108 Pope County: 31 Ramsey County: 6,164 Red Lake County: 8 Redwood County: 28 Renville County: 46 Rice County: 944 Rock County: 60 Roseau County: 34 Scott County: 1,144 Sherburne County: 499 Sibley County: 71 St. Louis County: 319 Stearns County: 2,712 Steele County: 306 Stevens County: 15 Swift County: 48 Todd County: 407 Traverse County: 9 Wabasha County: 65 Wadena County: 20 Waseca County: 111 Washington County: 1,631 Watonwan County: 288 Wilkin County: 23 Winona County: 207 Wright County: 692 Yellow Medicine County: 40 https://mndps.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/f28f84968c1148129932c3bebb1d3a1a
  22. Positive Cases in State of Delaware Total Positive Cases 14,175149.0 per 10,000 people Confirmed 13,179 Probable 996 Residents of Long-Term Care Facilities 1,167 Positive Cases by County New Castle County 6,414 Kent County 2,091 Sussex County 5,488 Unknown 182
  23. July 24, 2020: Total Overall Tested: 169,009* Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 119,013* Total Positives: 11,717 Total Lives Lost: 581 Cleared From Isolation: 9,603 *All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting Download copy of DC COVID-19 data Other Data Public Safety Agency Data Human Services Agency Data Hospital Status Data https://coronavirus.dc.gov/page/coronavirus-data
  24. Total Positive26,764Probable: 1,374 Lab Confirmed: 25,390 Deaths696Probable: 4 - Lab Confirmed: 692 Total Tested582,521PCR: 540,290 Serology: 42,175 Antigen: 137 Positivity Rate*5.41 Recovered7,421 https://govstatus.egov.com/kycovid19
  25. By Los Angeles Times Staff Updated July 25, 10:27 p.m. Pacific 448,260 confirmed cases +7,877 on Saturday 8,429 deaths +89 on Saturday The coronavirus pandemic has spread rapidly across California. Experts say the true number of people infected is unknown and likely much higher than official tallies. To better understand the spread of the virus, The Times is conducting an independent, continual survey of dozens of local health agencies across the state. What we know Most of the state is on notice. Deteriorating conditions have prompted the governor to put 36 counties on his watchlist. Together they are home to 94% of the state population. Cases and deaths are increasing. Records have been shattered in recent days, with a new highest single-day death toll and 15 counties failing the governor's standard for new cases. Hospitalizations keep climbing. The number of patients with a confirmed case has increased by 8% over the last two weeks, threatening a goal of the stay-at-home policies. More tests are coming back positive. The statewide positivity rate has increased to 7.9%. The reopening is rolling back. The governor has returned to stricter lockdown, and masks are required across the state. Disparities are widening. After adjusting for population, Latinos are now 3.0 times more likely to test positive than white people. The highest toll is among seniors. Roughly 76% of the dead were 65 or older. At least 3,788 were living at a nursing home. No state has more cases. California has overtaken New York and now has the nation's highest case count. California counties +Other trackers +More coverage + Jump to a section Trends Maps Hospitals Tests Demographics Nursing homes Reopenings State rankings The latest trends The number of cases in California is now on pace to double every 28.2 days, a number used to measure how quickly the virus is spreading. Coronavirus can infect people so rapidly that it has continued to spread despite shutdown orders aimed at slowing the growth of new cases and flattening this line. CasesDeaths Cumulative cases Feb.MarchAprilMayJuneJuly0100,000200,000300,000400,000Stay athome orderStay athome orderGovernoreases limitsGovernoreases limits448,260July 25 Times survey of county and local health departments Local governments announce new cases and deaths each day, though bottlenecks in testing and reporting lags can introduce delays. For instance, some agencies do not report new totals on weekends, leading to lower numbers on those days. Over the past week, the state has averaged 9,585 new cases and 104 new deaths per day. New cases by day Feb.MarchAprilMayJuneJuly05,00010,0007-dayaverage7-dayaverage Deaths by day Feb.MarchAprilMayJuneJuly0501001507-dayaverage7-dayaverage The lines above are seven-day averages. They offer a more stable view of the trend than daily totals. That's why experts wait for lines like these to flatten before they say conditions are improving. The chart below is adjusted to show how quickly new cases are being confirmed in each county. A good sign is when a line flattens, which indicates that transmission is slowing in that area. Cumulative cases by county Current doubling time5 days7142130 15 dayssince 10th case30456075901051201020501002005001,0002,0005,00010,00020,00050,000100,000200,000Doublingevery dayDoublingevery dayEvery3 daysEvery3 daysEvery weekEvery weekEverymonthEverymonthKernKernColusaColusaMonoMonoAmadorAmadorButteButteYubaYubaTuolumneTuolumneMaderaMaderaSiskiyouSiskiyouMendocinoMendocinoMercedMercedTehamaTehamaMariposaMariposaEl DoradoEl DoradoSacramentoSacramentoMontereyMontereyGlennGlennSutterSutterFresnoFresnoNevadaNevadaSan Luis ObispoSan Luis ObispoPlumasPlumasNapaNapaVenturaVenturaLakeLakeKingsKingsSonomaSonomaSan BernardinoSan BernardinoOrangeOrangeHumboldtHumboldtLassenLassenLos AngelesLos AngelesInyoInyoImperialImperial This chart tracks cumulative cases after each county confirmed its 10th case. Case counts are plotted on a logarithmic scale, which makes it easier to see when cases level off. Doubling rate is the estimate of how long it would take the county to double its number of cases, given the trend in the last week. Compare the slope of a county's curve to the slope of the guide lines to estimate its doubling rate at any point. How COVID-19 crushed California’s workforce The coronavirus outbreak decimated California's economy. The Times is tracking the fallout as businesses begin to reopen. Cases by county and city While initial outbreaks were centered in the San Francisco Bay Area, most new cases and deaths are now concentrated in Southern California. In the last 14 days Metric CasesDeaths Time frame Last 14 daysCumulative Confirmed cases07302,1403,1207,33010,05041,940 Hover for more information. Los AngelesLos AngelesSan DiegoSan DiegoSacramentoSacramentoSan FranciscoSan FranciscoReddingRedding The state uses the latest data to monitor the spread of the virus. One metric asks counties to keep new cases under 100 per 100,000 residents over the last 14 days. Across the state, 15 counties are currently passing the test, while 43 are failing to meet the standard. In the last 14 days County Cases Per 100k Saturday Deaths Per 100k Saturday Lassen » 280 897.9 – – – – Kern » 7,853 889.3 +832 26 2.9 – Colusa » 150 698.8 – 2 9.3 – Imperial » 1,240 688.1 +100 46 25.5 +8 Kings » 895 596.4 +41 8 5.3 +1 Stanislaus » 3,129 580.2 +258 36 6.7 +1 Tulare » 2,532 549.9 – 16 3.5 – San Joaquin » 3,847 525.4 – 42 5.7 – Merced » 1,361 505.8 – 15 5.6 – Madera » 737 475.4 – 11 7.1 – Marin » 1,190 457.2 +11 25 9.6 – Fresno » 4,282 437.8 +416 24 2.5 – Mono » 61 430.4 +3 – – – Los Angeles » 41,949 415.4 +3,408 556 5.5 +51 San Bernardino » 8,643 404.7 +759 72 3.4 +4 Santa Barbara » 1,645 370.7 – 1 0.2 – Riverside » 8,702 365.1 – 100 4.2 – Glenn » 101 362 – 1 3.6 – Monterey » 1,413 326.2 +88 4 0.9 – Orange » 10,052 317.7 +595 141 4.5 +6 San Benito » 171 287.8 +4 – – – Sutter » 249 259.7 +22 – – – Ventura » 2,146 253 – 14 1.7 – Solano » 1,054 240.3 – 7 1.6 – Yuba » 180 238.4 +16 – – – San Diego » 7,330 221.9 +603 111 3.4 +9 Sacramento » 3,297 218.3 +82 27 1.8 +5 Yolo » 458 213 +27 9 4.2 – San Luis Obispo » 595 211.4 – 4 1.4 – Contra Costa » 2,165 191 +143 15 1.3 +1 Napa » 260 185 – 4 2.8 – Butte » 420 185 – 1 0.4 – Mendocino » 144 164.7 +8 6 6.9 +1 Alameda » 2,605 158.5 +116 30 1.8 – San Francisco » 1,361 156.4 +108 6 0.7 – Sonoma » 763 152.2 – 8 1.6 – Santa Clara » 2,850 148.3 +114 18 0.9 +1 Placer » 550 144.7 +46 3 0.8 +1 San Mateo » 1,073 140.1 +65 5 0.7 – Tehama » 82 129.4 – – – – Santa Cruz » 330 120.5 +7 1 0.4 – Tuolumne 62 115 – – – – El Dorado » 206 110.4 – 1 0.5 – Del Norte » 27 98.5 – – – – Amador » 36 95.2 +5 – – – Lake » 60 93.5 – – – – Nevada » 92 92.8 – – – – Alpine » 1 87.3 – – – – Mariposa » 15 85.5 – – – – Calaveras » 32 70.7 – 1 2.2 – Plumas » 11 58.8 – – – – Shasta » 96 53.6 – 2 1.1 – Siskiyou » 20 45.9 – – – – Humboldt » 40 29.5 – – – – Inyo » 5 27.6 – – – – Trinity » 1 7.8 – – – – Modoc » – – – – – – Sierra » – – – – – – Show less Residents of cities, neighborhoods and regions all across the state have contracted the coronavirus. Here are the latest tallies for 1,014 places as released by county health departments. Confirmed cases 10 100 500 1,000 2,000 Counties that do not report cases by locality © Mapbox © OpenStreetMap Improve this map The following counties currently do not report cases by locality: Alpine, Colusa, Del Norte, Glenn, Inyo, Lake, Lassen, Mariposa, Modoc, San Benito, Shasta, Sierra, Siskiyou, Tehama, Trinity and Tuolumne Filter by countyAlameda Amador Butte Calaveras Contra Costa El Dorado Fresno Humboldt Imperial Kern Kings Los Angeles Madera Marin Mendocino Merced Mono Monterey Napa Nevada Orange Placer Plumas Riverside Sacramento San Bernardino San Diego San Francisco San Joaquin San Luis Obispo San Mateo Santa Barbara Santa Clara Santa Cruz Solano Sonoma Stanislaus Sutter Tulare Ventura Yolo Yuba Search by name Area Confirmed cases East Los Angeles 4,113 Pomona 3,085 South Gate 3,024 Boyle Heights 2,916 Downey 2,807 El Monte 2,796 Compton 2,558 Unincorporated - Florence-Firestone 2,226 Lynwood 2,197 Palmdale 2,178 Glendale 2,148 Norwalk 2,141 North Hollywood 2,089 Pacoima 2,043 Sylmar 2,034 Vernon Central 2,032 Santa Clarita 1,948 West Covina 1,904 Huntington Park 1,881 Lancaster 1,862 Pasadena 1,857 Castaic 1,848 Wholesale District 1,834 Westlake 1,801 Baldwin Park 1,787 Inglewood 1,780 Panorama City 1,746 Van Nuys 1,745 90805: Long Beach 1,672 Pico Rivera 1,627 Paramount 1,576 Bellflower 1,566 Florence-Firestone 1,565 West Vernon 1,507 Central 1,496 Montebello 1,495 San Pedro 1,477 Whittier 1,450 Reseda 1,441 South Park 1,370 Pico-Union 1,320 Melrose 1,309 Vermont Vista 1,255 90813: Long Beach 1,250 Bell Gardens 1,242 Hawthorne 1,240 Watts 1,192 Canoga Park 1,184 Carson 1,145 North Hills 1,140 South Whittier 1,077 Wilmington 1,061 Harvard Park 1,040 Century Palms/Cove 1,020 Bell 1,016 Athens-Westmont 980 Willowbrook 967 La Puente 956 Torrance 945 Azusa 920 Maywood 913 Burbank 905 Northridge 900 90806: Long Beach 879 Sun Valley 876 Covina 858 Exposition Park 856 Arleta 848 Temple-Beaudry 844 Glendora 842 Lakewood 830 Alhambra 801 Hollywood 793 Winnetka 790 Gardena 773 Granada Hills 773 Lincoln Heights 762 Koreatown 755 El Sereno 752 Cudahy 751 Wilshire Center 730 Highland Park 719 Hacienda Heights 661 90810: Long Beach 652 90804: Long Beach 639 Sherman Oaks 639 90802: Long Beach 623 West Whittier/Los Nietos 622 Green Meadows 615 West Adams 608 Santa Monica 587 Woodland Hills 586 Lake Balboa 581 Harbor Gateway 579 La Mirada 571 Monterey Park 559 San Fernando 539 University Park 529 Beverly Hills 527 Hyde Park 527 Downtown 514 Vermont Knolls 506 South El Monte 504 Valinda 502 Rosemead 501 Walnut Park 485 Monrovia 481 Mission Hills 469 Tarzana 469 90815: Long Beach 463 East Hollywood 448 Bassett 447 Chatsworth 447 Glassell Park 447 Eagle Rock 444 San Jose Hills 441 Silver Lake 438 Rowland Heights 430 90807: Long Beach 426 East Rancho Dominguez 425 Lawndale 424 Lennox 415 Altadena 410 West Hollywood 407 Baldwin Hills 404 Palms 395 Lakeview Terrace 386 Cerritos 384 Harvard Heights 379 Valley Village 379 Temple City 377 Commerce 372 San Gabriel 370 Redondo Beach 369 Encino 359 Diamond Bar 349 West Hills 346 West Los Angeles 346 Valley Glen 343 Little Bangladesh 342 Harbor City 339 Duarte 335 Mt. Washington 335 Santa Fe Springs 335 Hawaiian Gardens 332 San Dimas 330 Unincorporated - Azusa 322 90803: Long Beach 312 Sunland 312 Culver City 306 90808: Long Beach 295 Historic Filipinotown 293 Little Armenia 293 Arcadia 291 Unincorporated - Covina 276 La Verne 272 Westchester 268 West Puente Valley 257 Tujunga 252 West Carson 252 Manhattan Beach 249 Alsace 248 Del Rey 232 Vermont Square 231 Westwood 225 Mar Vista 222 Northeast San Gabriel 220 Claremont 219 Mid-city 217 Porter Ranch 217 Artesia 214 Covina (Charter Oak) 213 Cloverdale/Cochran 210 Leimert Park 210 Rancho Palos Verdes 210 Country Club Park 208 South Pasadena 208 Hollywood Hills 206 Crenshaw District 201 Figueroa Park Square 200 Brentwood 198 Calabasas 190 90814: Long Beach 188 Venice 183 Walnut 183 Studio City 178 Jefferson Park 177 Avocado Heights 173 Carthay 167 Hancock Park 165 Elysian Valley 164 Signal Hill 164 Lomita 161 Gramercy Place 158 Adams-Normandie 150 Echo Park 147 Atwater Village 146 Hermosa Beach 143 Crestview 141 North Whittier 136 Athens Village 133 Victoria Park 130 Los Feliz 127 South San Gabriel 123 Lake Los Angeles 116 Miracle Mile 114 La Canada Flintridge 113 Quartz Hill 110 La Crescenta-Montrose 104 Beverlywood 102 Manchester Square 102 El Camino Village 100 Stevenson Ranch 100 Agoura Hills 99 View Park/Windsor Hills 99 St Elmo Village 98 Thai Town 98 Pacific Palisades 95 El Segundo 94 Playa Vista 92 Cadillac-Corning 91 Century City 89 Wiseburn 87 Sun Village 85 Wellington Square 81 Longwood 78 Unincorporated - Duarte 78 South Carthay 77 Santa Monica Mountains 76 Beverly Crest 75 Canyon Country 75 East La Mirada 73 Malibu 73 Chinatown 72 Toluca Lake 71 La Rambla 70 Park La Brea 70 Palos Verdes Estates 68 Reseda Ranch 65 Elysian Park 64 Unincorporated - Arcadia 63 Rosewood/West Rancho Dominguez 59 Bel Air 57 Rancho Park 57 Unincorporated - Monrovia 56 Rancho Dominguez 55 Ladera Heights 54 Lafayette Square 53 Littlerock/Pearblossom 53 Exposition 52 East Whittier 51 Unincorporated - South El Monte 51 Unincorporated - Whittier 51 Marina del Rey 49 Little Tokyo 48 Sierra Madre 48 Irwindale 47 Cheviot Hills 46 Del Aire 45 San Marino 45 Littlerock 43 Angelino Heights 42 East Pasadena 42 University Hills 42 Acton 40 Val Verde 39 Unincorporated - Hawthorne 37 Unincorporated - West LA 34 White Fence Farms 33 Valencia 32 Shadow Hills 31 Rolling Hills Estates 30 Reynier Village 27 Sunrise Village 27 Faircrest Heights 26 La Habra Heights 25 Marina Peninsula 25 View Heights 25 Desert View Highlands 21 Regent Square 21 Westlake Village 21 Industry 20 Unincorporated - La Verne 19 Palisades Highlands 18 West Rancho Dominguez 18 Agua Dulce 17 Pellissier Village 17 Playa Del Rey 17 Toluca Terrace 17 Rosewood 16 Kagel/Lopez Canyons 15 Leona Valley 15 Unincorporated - Palmdale 15 North Lancaster 14 Pearblossom/Llano 14 Rosewood/East Gardena 14 Lake Manor 13 Mandeville Canyon 13 Harbor Pines 12 Saugus 12 Toluca Woods 11 Southeast Antelope Valley 9 Twin Lakes/Oat Mountain 9 Unincorporated - Cerritos 9 Unincorporated - Pomona 9 Bradbury 8 Vernon 8 San Pasqual 7 Westhills 7 Del Sur 6 Santa Catalina Island 6 Anaverde 5 Avalon 5 Elizabeth Lake 5 Hidden Hills 5 Rolling Hills 5 Unincorporated - El Monte 5 East Covina 4 Littlerock/Juniper Hills 4 Newhall 4 Roosevelt 4 Sycamore Square 4 Unincorporated - Bradbury 4 Unincorporated - Glendora 4 Westfield/Academy Hills 4 Sand Canyon 3 Unincorporated - Angeles National Forest 3 Unincorporated - Claremont 3 West Antelope Valley 3 Angeles National Forest 2 Llano 2 Palos Verdes Peninsula 2 Bouquet Canyon 1 Brookside 1 Hi Vista 1 Lake Hughes 1 Padua Hills 1 Saugus/Canyon Country 1 South Antelope Valley 1 Unincorporated - Del Rey 1 Show less Hospitals and patients Lockdown measures aim to slow the virus in hope of preventing hospitals from being overrun. To keep tabs on capacity, officials watch out for rapid increases in the number of patients. There are now 6,895 hospital patients statewide with a confirmed case, an increase of 8% from two weeks ago. ConfirmedSuspectedBoth Intensive care and other hospitalized patients AprilMayJuneJuly02,0004,0006,0008,000 California Department of Public Health The state asks counties with more than 20 patients to keep recent increases under 10%. Currently, 46 counties are passing the test and 10 are failing. If conditions don't improve, those areas may face increased oversight by state officials. Confirmed patients County ICU Other Total Trend Madera » 13 45 58 +64.8% Merced » 13 36 49 +34.2% Yuba » 8 13 21 +30.8% Tulare » 22 89 111 +22.7% Butte » 10 18 28 +21.7% Contra Costa » 36 61 97 +19.8% Sacramento » 71 162 233 +12.6% Santa Clara » 51 129 180 +12.4% Placer » 13 39 52 +10.9% Alameda » 51 137 188 +10.1% Stanislaus » 49 157 206 +9.8% Fresno » 65 246 311 +9.2% Solano » 16 36 52 +7.1% Ventura » 22 73 95 +4.7% Sonoma » 9 31 40 +4.4% Kern » 71 183 254 +3.6% San Joaquin » 69 152 221 +2.7% San Francisco » 26 69 95 +2.5% Riverside » 165 324 489 +2.3% San Mateo » 17 45 62 +1.9% Orange » 203 482 685 +0.5% Kings » 9 64 73 0.0% Marin » 6 18 24 0.0% Santa Barbara » 24 56 80 0.0% Monterey » 12 35 47 0.0% San Bernardino » 177 430 607 -2.1% San Diego » 121 226 347 -6.7% Los Angeles » 622 1,411 2,033 -7.6% Imperial » 21 56 77 -12.4% Lassen » 0 0 0 Low Colusa » 0 1 1 Low Mono » 1 0 1 Low Glenn » 0 0 0 Low San Benito » 1 5 6 Low Sutter » 0 0 0 Low Yolo » 6 5 11 Low San Luis Obispo » 4 8 12 Low Napa » 4 7 11 Low Mendocino » 2 4 6 Low Tehama » 0 0 0 Low Santa Cruz » 5 13 18 Low Tuolumne 1 3 4 Low El Dorado » 1 0 1 Low Del Norte » 0 0 0 Low Amador » 0 0 0 Low Lake » 0 0 0 Low Nevada » 0 1 1 Low Mariposa » 0 0 0 Low Calaveras » 0 1 1 Low Plumas » 0 0 0 Low Shasta » 2 3 5 Low Siskiyou » 0 0 0 Low Humboldt » 0 0 0 Low Inyo » 0 2 2 Low Trinity » 0 0 0 Low Modoc » 0 0 0 Low Show less The percent change in patients is calculated by comparing the average number over the past three days to the three days prior. Officials also closely monitor the number of beds open in intensive-care units. Available ICU beds AprilMayJuneJuly01,0002,0003,0004,0005,0003,668July 21 California Department of Public Health If a county’s available ICU beds falls below 20% of capacity, the area is added to governor’s watchlist. Currently, 45 counties are passing the test and 13 are failing. ICU beds available by county County Open ICU beds Availability San Benito » 0 <20% Napa » 0 <20% Kings » 1 <20% Merced » 3 <20% Imperial » 5 <20% Butte » 9 <20% Tulare » 13 <20% Fresno » 13 <20% Madera » 16 <20% San Joaquin » 18 <20% Stanislaus » 33 <20% Placer » 34 <20% Sacramento » 82 <20% Alameda » 111 >20% Amador » 1 >20% Calaveras » 6 >20% Colusa » 0 >20% Contra Costa » 48 >20% Del Norte » 2 >20% El Dorado » 14 >20% Glenn » 0 >20% Humboldt » 1 >20% Inyo » 3 >20% Kern » 33 >20% Lake » 2 >20% Lassen » 0 >20% Los Angeles » 846 >20% Marin » 9 >20% Mariposa » 0 >20% Mendocino » 5 >20% Modoc » 0 >20% Mono » 1 >20% Monterey » 23 >20% Nevada » 2 >20% Orange » 383 >20% Plumas » 0 >20% Riverside » 59 >20% San Bernardino » 159 >20% San Diego » 252 >20% San Francisco » 77 >20% San Luis Obispo » 18 >20% San Mateo » 16 >20% Santa Barbara » 53 >20% Santa Clara » 111 >20% Santa Cruz » 10 >20% Shasta » 6 >20% Siskiyou » 3 >20% Solano » 14 >20% Sonoma » 7 >20% Sutter » 0 >20% Tehama » 5 >20% Trinity » 0 >20% Tuolumne 2 >20% Ventura » 55 >20% Yolo » 1 >20% Yuba » 7 >20% Show less Testing After a fitful start, California has increased coronavirus testing in the state. Over the last week, an average of 124,540 tests have been conducted each day. New tests by day MayJuneJuly050,000100,0007-dayaverage7-dayaverage California Department of Public Health In the last seven days, about 7.9% of the 871,777 tests conducted have returned a positive result. Positive test rate, seven-day average MayJuneJuly0%2%4%6%8%10%7.9%July 23 California Department of Public Health Wide disparities in age and race While Californians of all ages have tested positive for COVID-19, deaths attributed to the virus have tilted heavily toward the elderly. Percentage of cases by age 0-1718-3435-4950-6465-7980+0%10%20%30%40%50% Percentage of deaths by age 0-1718-3435-4950-6465-7980+0%10%20%30%40%50% California Department of Public Health The state has logged the race of the patient in nearly two-thirds of cases. Latinos and Black people have contracted the virus at a higher rate than white and Asian people. The gap is widening. After adjusting for population, Latinos are now 3.0 times more likely to test positive than white people. Cumulative cases by race per 100,000 people JuneJuly02004006008001,000AsianAsianBlackBlackLatino979 casesper 100,000Latino979 casesper 100,000OtherOtherWhiteWhite The other category includes Native Americans and people of two or more races. California Department of Public Health One outcome is that among most age groups, and especially younger people, Black people and Latinos are dying more often than other races relative to their share of the population. Percentage of population vs. deaths Age: All 18+ 0-17 18-34 35-49 50-64 65-79 80+ CasesDeaths 0%20%40%60%80%BlackAsianWhiteLatino Race Deaths Deaths Pct. Population Pct. Latino 3,532 45.2% 36.3% White 2,384 30.5% 38.8% Asian 1,061 13.6% 16.5% Black 672 8.6% 6.1% Nursing homes Nursing homes are a tragic focal point of the coronavirus outbreak. At least 3,788 residents have died from COVID-19, 45% of the statewide total. CasesDeaths Deaths at nursing homes vs. elsewhere MayJuneJuly02,0004,0006,0008,000 California Department of Public Health California's Department of Public Health is currently listing 1,029 skilled nursing and 191 assisted-living facilities across the state with COVID-19 outbreaks. Filter by countyAlameda Amador Butte Colusa Contra Costa El Dorado Fresno Glenn Humboldt Imperial Kern Kings Los Angeles Madera Marin Mendocino Merced Monterey Napa Nevada Orange Placer Plumas Riverside Sacramento San Benito San Bernardino San Diego San Francisco San Joaquin San Luis Obispo San Mateo Santa Barbara Santa Clara Santa Cruz Shasta Solano Sonoma Stanislaus Sutter Tulare Tuolumne Ventura Yolo Yuba Search by name Residents Staff Facility Cases Deaths Cases Deaths AFFINITY HEALTHCARE CENTER 34 14 35 - ALAMEDA CARE CENTER 53 21 37 10 or fewer ALAMITOS BELMONT REHABILITATION HOSPITAL - - 10 or fewer - ALCOTT REHABILITATION HOSPITAL - - 10 or fewer 10 or fewer ALDEN TERRACE CONVALESCENT HOSPITAL 107 24 39 - ALEXANDRIA CARE CENTER 49 24 37 - ALHAMBRA HEALTHCARE & WELLNESS CENTRE, LP 10 or fewer 10 or fewer 13 - ALHAMBRA HOSPITAL MEDICAL CENTER D/P SNF - - 10 or fewer - ALL SAINTS HEALTHCARE 10 or fewer - 10 or fewer - ANGELS NURSING HEALTH CENTER 10 or fewer - 10 or fewer - ANTELOPE VALLEY CARE CENTER 10 or fewer - 14 - ARARAT CONVALESCENT HOSPITAL 10 or fewer 10 or fewer 16 - ARARAT NURSING FACILITY 20 - 15 - ARBOR GLEN CARE CENTER 56 10 or fewer 21 - ARCADIA CARE CENTER 38 10 or fewer 10 or fewer - ASTORIA NURSING AND REHAB CENTER 80 17 61 - ATHERTON BAPTIST HOME-SAM B. WEST 10 or fewer 10 or fewer 11 - ATLANTIC MEMORIAL HEALTHCARE CENTER 42 10 or fewer 19 - AUTUMN HILLS HEALTH CARE CENTER 56 14 26 - AVALON VILLA CARE CENTER 10 or fewer - 10 or fewer - ARARAT HOME OF LOS ANGELES 10 or fewer 10 or fewer 10 or fewer - ARBOR VISTA 10 or fewer 10 or fewer 10 or fewer - ATRIA PARK OF PACIFIC PALISADES 10 or fewer 10 or fewer 10 or fewer - AVANTGARDE SENIOR LIVING OF TARZANA 17 10 or fewer 22 - BALDWIN GARDENS NURSING CENTER 19 10 or fewer 10 or fewer - BAY CREST CARE CENTER 10 or fewer 10 or fewer 10 or fewer - BEACHSIDE POST ACUTE 10 or fewer 10 or fewer 10 or fewer - BEACHWOOD POST-ACUTE & REHAB 48 10 or fewer 23 10 or fewer BEACON HEALTHCARE CENTER 17 - 10 or fewer - BEL TOOREN VILLA CONVALESCENT HOSPITAL 205 11 18 10 or fewer BEL VISTA HEALTHCARE CENTER - - 10 or fewer 10 or fewer BELL CONVALESCENT HOSPITAL 51 27 30 - BELLFLOWER POST ACUTE 10 or fewer - 10 or fewer - BERKLEY EAST CONVALESCENT HOSPITAL - - 10 or fewer - BERKLEY VALLEY CONVALESCENT HOSPITAL 37 10 or fewer 44 - BEVERLY WEST HEALTHCARE 43 13 17 10 or fewer BIXBY KNOLLS TOWERS HEALTH CARE & REHAB CENTER 10 or fewer 10 or fewer 10 or fewer - BONNIE BRAE SKILLED NURSING 20 10 or fewer 18 - BRENTWOOD HEALTH CARE CENTER 10 or fewer - - - BRIARCREST NURSING CENTER 10 or fewer - 15 - BRIER OAK ON SUNSET 12 10 or fewer 10 or fewer - BRIGHTON CARE CENTER 78 16 62 - BROADWAY BY THE SEA 72 16 35 - BROADWAY MANOR CARE CENTER 23 10 or fewer 14 - BROOKDALE NORTHRIDGE - - 10 or fewer - BROOKDALE SAN DIMAS - - 10 or fewer - BROOKFIELD HEALTHCARE CENTER 90 13 16 - BUENA VENTURA POST ACUTE CARE CENTER 75 15 26 - BURBANK HEALTHCARE AND REHABILITATION CENTER 65 20 39 - BURLINGTON CONVALESCENT HOSPITAL 39 10 or fewer 29 - BELMONT VILLAGE ENCINO 26 10 or fewer 24 - BELMONT VILLAGE HOLLYWOOD 18 10 or fewer 19 - BELMONT VILLAGE RANCHO PALOS VERDES 10 or fewer 10 or fewer 10 or fewer - BELMONT VILLAGE WESTWOOD 10 or fewer - 11 - BEVERLY HILLS CARMEL RETIREMENT HOTEL 15 10 or fewer 10 or fewer 10 or fewer BEVERLY HILLS GARDENS CARE CENTER 12 10 or fewer 10 or fewer 10 or fewer BROOKDALE CENTRAL WHITTIER 10 or fewer - 10 or fewer - BROOKDALE MONROVIA 10 or fewer 10 or fewer 10 or fewer - BROOKDALE NORTHRIDGE 23 13 11 - CALIFORNIA HEALTHCARE AND REHABILITATION CENTER 62 14 51 10 or fewer CALIFORNIA POST ACUTE 24 10 or fewer 22 - CALIFORNIA POST-ACUTE CARE 50 10 or fewer 25 - CAMELLIA GARDENS CARE CENTER 10 or fewer 10 or fewer 11 10 or fewer CANYON OAKS NURSING AND REHABILITATION CENTER 10 or fewer 10 or fewer 10 or fewer - CASA BONITA CONVALESCENT HOSPITAL 10 or fewer - 10 or fewer - CASITAS CARE CENTER 56 10 or fewer 38 - CATERED MANOR NURSING CENTER 23 10 or fewer 27 - CENTINELA SKILLED NURSING & WELLNESS CENTRE 24 10 or fewer 18 - CENTURY VILLA, INC. 66 11 39 - CHANDLER CONVALESCENT HOSPITAL 26 10 or fewer 15 10 or fewer CHATSWORTH PARK HEALTH CARE CENTER 34 10 or fewer 32 - CHINO VALLEY HEALTH CARE CENTER 59 10 or fewer 14 - CLARA BALDWIN STOCKER HOME 13 10 or fewer 16 - CLAREMONT CARE CENTER - - 10 or fewer - CLAREMONT MANOR CARE CENTER 10 or fewer - 10 or fewer - CLEAR VIEW CONVALESCENT CENTER 10 or fewer - 10 or fewer - CLEAR VIEW SANITARIUM - - 10 or fewer - COAST CARE CONVALESCENT CENTER - - 10 or fewer - COLLEGE VISTA POST-ACUTE 10 or fewer 10 or fewer 10 or fewer - COLONIAL CARE CENTER 103 14 55 - COLONIAL GARDENS NURSING HOME 78 10 or fewer 31 10 or fewer COMMUNITY CARE CENTER 10 or fewer - 10 or fewer - COUNTRY MANOR HEALTHCARE 66 13 28 - COUNTRY OAKS CARE CENTER 10 or fewer - 10 or fewer - COUNTRY VILLA BAY VISTA HEALTHCARE CENTER 18 - 14 - COUNTRY VILLA BELMONT HEIGHTS HEALTHCARE CENTER 10 or fewer 10 or fewer 15 - COUNTRY VILLA CLAREMONT HEALTHCARE CENTER 10 or fewer - 13 - COUNTRY VILLA EAST NURSING CENTER 100 18 19 - COUNTRY VILLA LOS FELIZ NURSING CENTER 10 or fewer - 10 or fewer - COUNTRY VILLA MAR VISTA NURSING CENTER 10 or fewer 10 or fewer 11 - COUNTRY VILLA NORTH CONVALESCENT CENTER 10 or fewer 10 or fewer 12 - COUNTRY VILLA PAVILION NURSING CENTER 77 12 25 10 or fewer COUNTRY VILLA REHABILITATION CENTER 34 10 or fewer 25 - COUNTRY VILLA SHERATON NURSING AND REHAB. CENTER 59 22 25 10 or fewer COUNTRY VILLA SOUTH CONVALESCENT CENTER 171 20 17 - COUNTRY VILLA TERRACE NURSING CENTER 10 or fewer - 31 10 or fewer COUNTRY VILLA WESTWOOD CONVALESCENT CENTER 16 - 23 - COUNTRY VILLA WILSHIRE CONVALESCENT CENTER 10 or fewer 10 or fewer 11 - COURTYARD CARE CENTER 10 or fewer - 10 or fewer - COVINA REHABILITATION CENTER 19 10 or fewer 23 - CRENSHAW NURSING HOME 10 or fewer - - - CULVER WEST HEALTH CENTER 41 10 or fewer 20 - CANYON TRAILS AT TOPANGA SENIOR LIVING 35 10 or fewer 12 - CARSON SENIOR ASSISTED LIVING 10 or fewer 10 or fewer 10 or fewer - CEDARS ASSISTED LIVING, THE 39 10 or fewer 14 - CHARLIE'S RESIDENTIAL CARE 10 or fewer 10 or fewer 10 or fewer - CITY VIEW LA, LLC 10 or fewer - 10 or fewer - COMMONS AT WOODLAND HILLS, THE 28 10 or fewer 19 - CROFTON MANOR INN 32 10 or fewer 22 - DEL AMO GARDENS CARE CENTER 20 10 or fewer 11 - DEL MAR CONVALESCENT HOSPITAL 10 or fewer - 10 or fewer - DEL RIO CONVALESCENT CENTER 30 10 or fewer 12 - DEL RIO GARDENS CARE CENTER 22 10 or fewer 10 or fewer - DEPARTMENT OF STATE HOSPITALS - METROPOLITAN 18 - 10 or fewer - DESERT CANYON POST ACUTE, LLC - 10 or fewer 10 or fewer - DOWNEY COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER 99 14 50 - DOWNEY POST ACUTE 45 10 or fewer 23 - DREIER'S NURSING CARE CENTER - - 10 or fewer - DRIFTWOOD HEALTHCARE CENTER - - 10 or fewer - EAST LOS ANGELES DOCTORS HOSPITAL D/P SNF 10 or fewer - 10 or fewer - EASTLAND SUBACUTE AND REHABILITATION CENTER 23 10 or fewer 24 - EDGEWATER SKILLED NURSING CENTER - - 10 or fewer - EISENBERG VILLAGE 21 10 or fewer 28 - EL ENCANTO HEALTHCARE AND HABILITATION CENTER 10 or fewer 10 or fewer 10 or fewer - EL MONTE CONVALESCENT HOSPITAL 10 or fewer - 10 or fewer - EL RANCHO VISTA HEALTH CARE CENTER 53 20 21 10 or fewer ELMCREST CARE CENTER 44 12 18 10 or fewer EMANATE HEALTH INTER-COMMUNITY HOSPITAL, D/P SNF - - 10 or fewer - EMERALD TERRACE CONVALESCENT HOSPITAL 33 10 or fewer 14 10 or fewer ENCINO HOSPITAL MEDICAL CENTER - - 10 or fewer - FIDELITY HEALTH CARE - - 10 or fewer - FIRESIDE HEALTH CARE CENTER - - 10 or fewer - FLOWER VILLA, INC. 20 10 or fewer 14 10 or fewer FOOTHILL HEIGHTS CARE CENTER 19 10 or fewer 10 or fewer - FOUNTAIN VIEW SUBACUTE AND NURSING CENTER 10 or fewer - 10 or fewer - FOUR SEASONS HEALTHCARE & WELLNESS CENTER, LP 101 16 59 10 or fewer FALLBROOK GLEN OF WEST HILLS 19 10 or fewer 10 or fewer - GARDEN VIEW POST-ACUTE REHABILITATION - - 10 or fewer - GARDENA CONVALESCENT CENTER 37 10 or fewer 22 - GEM TRANSITIONAL CARE CENTER 48 15 25 - GLADSTONE CARE AND REHABILITATION CENTER 12 10 or fewer 20 - GLENDALE ADVENTIST MEDICAL CENTER D/P SNF 27 10 or fewer 10 or fewer - GLENDALE HEALTHCARE CENTER 11 10 or fewer 13 - GLENDALE POST ACUTE CENTER 12 10 or fewer 10 or fewer - GLENDORA CANYON TRANSITIONAL CARE UNIT 31 10 or fewer 44 - GLENDORA GRAND, INC. 187 10 or fewer 73 - GLENHAVEN HEALTHCARE 22 10 or fewer 17 - GLENOAKS CONV. HOSPITAL 27 10 or fewer 10 or fewer - GOLDEN LEGACY CARE CENTER 10 or fewer - 10 or fewer 10 or fewer GOLDEN STATE COLONIAL HEALTHCARE CENTER 10 or fewer - 10 or fewer - GOOD SHEPHERD HEALTH CARE CENTER OF SANTA MONICA 10 or fewer 10 or fewer 10 or fewer - GRANADA HILLS CONVALESCENT HOSPITAL 10 or fewer 10 or fewer 10 or fewer 10 or fewer GRANADA POST ACUTE 59 15 21 - GRANCELL VILLAGE OF THE JEWISH HOMES FOR THE AGING 10 or fewer - 14 - GRAND PARK CONVALESCENT HOSPITAL 64 33 36 10 or fewer GRAND VALLEY HEALTH CARE CENTER 10 or fewer - 10 or fewer - GREATER EL MONTE COMMUNITY HOSPITAL D/P SNF - - 10 or fewer - GREEN ACRES HEALTHCARE CENTER 10 or fewer 10 or fewer 16 - GREENFIELD CARE CENTER OF GARDENA - - 10 or fewer - GREENFIELD CARE CENTER OF SOUTH GATE 84 11 46 - GRIFFITH PARK HEALTHCARE CENTER 10 or fewer - 10 or fewer - GUARDIAN REHABILITATION HOSPITAL 20 10 or fewer 19 - GLEN PARK AT GLENDALE - BOYNTON ST 21 10 or fewer 10 or fewer - GOLDEN ASSISTED LIVING 12 - 10 or fewer - GRANDVIEW, THE 18 10 or fewer 10 or fewer - GROVE AT CERRITOS, THE 10 or fewer 10 or fewer 10 or fewer - HARBOR POST ACUTE CARE CENTER 45 10 or fewer 21 - HAWTHORNE HEALTHCARE & WELLNESS CENTRE, LP 32 10 or fewer 12 - HERITAGE MANOR - - 10 or fewer - HERITAGE REHABILITATION CENTER 10 or fewer - 10 or fewer - HIGH VALLEY LODGE 22 10 or fewer 10 or fewer - HIGHLAND PARK SKILLED NURSING & WELLNESS CENTRE 10 or fewer - 10 or fewer - HOLIDAY MANOR CARE CENTER - - 10 or fewer - HOLLENBECK PALMS 10 or fewer - 14 - HOLLYWOOD PREMIER HEALTHCARE CENTER 29 10 or fewer 10 or fewer - HOLLYWOOD PRESBYTERIAN MEDICAL CENTER D/P SNF - - 10 or fewer - HUNTINGTON DRIVE HEALTH AND REHABILITATION CENTER 10 or fewer - 10 or fewer - HUNTINGTON HEALTHCARE CENTER 24 14 18 - HUNTINGTON PARK NURSING CENTER - - 10 or fewer - HUNTINGTON POST ACUTE 64 11 24 - HYDE PARK HEALTHCARE CENTER 13 10 or fewer 10 or fewer - HEIGHTS AT BURBANK, THE 10 or fewer 10 or fewer 10 or fewer - HOLLENBECK PALMS 10 or fewer - 10 or fewer - IMPERIAL CARE CENTER 10 or fewer - 10 or fewer - IMPERIAL CREST HEALTH CARE CENTER 10 or fewer 10 or fewer 10 or fewer - IMPERIAL HEALTHCARE CENTER 54 10 or fewer 21 - INFINITY CARE OF EAST LOS ANGELES 42 11 35 - INGLEWOOD HEALTH CARE CENTER 44 13 19 - INLAND VALLEY CARE AND REHABILITATION CENTER 10 or fewer - 12 - INTERCOMMUNITY CARE CENTER 97 10 or fewer 34 10 or fewer INTERCOMMUNITY HEALTHCARE & REHABILITATION CENTER - - 10 or fewer - IVY CREEK HEALTHCARE & WELLNESS CENTRE 17 10 or fewer 14 - INN AT THE PARK VENTURA 29 10 or fewer 10 or fewer - JOYCE EISENBERG KEEFER MEDICAL CENTER 14 10 or fewer 20 - JASMIN TERRACE AT EL MOLINO 66 18 26 - KEI-AI LOS ANGELES HEALTHCARE CENTER 97 32 54 - KEI-AI SOUTH BAY HEALTHCARE CENTER 61 14 42 - KENNEDY POST ACUTE CARE CENTER 19 - 20 - KINGSLEY MANOR CARE CENTER 19 10 or fewer 22 - KENSINGTON REDONDO BEACH, THE 22 10 or fewer 22 - KENSINGTON SIERRA MADRE, THE 12 10 or fewer 17 - KINGSLEY MANOR - - 10 or fewer 10 or fewer LA BREA REHABILITATION CENTER 12 10 or fewer 19 - LA CRESCENTA HEALTHCARE CENTER 19 10 or fewer 18 - LA HABRA CONVALESCENT HOSPITAL 10 or fewer - 12 - LA PAZ GEROPSYCHIATRIC CENTER 10 or fewer - 12 - LAKE BALBOA CARE CENTER 10 or fewer - 10 or fewer - LAKEVIEW TERRACE 37 10 or fewer 17 - LAKEWOOD HEALTHCARE CENTER 105 10 or fewer 68 - LANDMARK MEDICAL CENTER 33 - 23 - LAS FLORES CONVALESCENT HOSPITAL 10 or fewer 10 or fewer 11 - LAUREL PARK BEHAVIORAL HEALTH CENTER 10 or fewer - 10 or fewer - LAWNDALE HEALTHCARE & WELLNESS CENTRE, LLC 10 or fewer - 12 - LEGACY HEALTHCARE CENTER 23 - 10 or fewer - LEISURE GLEN POST ACUTE CARE CENTER 24 10 or fewer 22 - LIGHTHOUSE HEALTHCARE CENTER 10 or fewer 10 or fewer 16 - LITTLE SISTERS OF THE POOR - - 10 or fewer - LIVE OAK REHABILITATION CENTER 10 or fewer - 10 or fewer - LOMITA POST-ACUTE CARE CENTER 26 - 22 - LONG BEACH CARE CENTER 63 12 35 10 or fewer LONG BEACH HEALTHCARE CENTER 34 10 or fewer 18 10 or fewer LONGWOOD MANOR CONVALESCENT HOSPITAL 12 10 or fewer 10 or fewer - LOS ANGELES COMMUNITY HOSPITAL D/P SNF - - 10 or fewer - LOS PALOS POST-ACUTE CARE CENTER 41 10 or fewer 10 or fewer - LYNWOOD HEALTHCARE CENTER 42 14 30 - LAKEWOOD PARK MANOR 10 or fewer 10 or fewer 10 or fewer - LUCERNE ONE LLC 10 or fewer 10 or fewer 10 or fewer - MACLAY HEALTHCARE CENTER 63 13 67 - MAGNOLIA GARDENS CONVALESCENT HOSPITAL 31 10 or fewer 15 10 or fewer MANCHESTER MANOR CVLT HOSPITAL 10 or fewer - - - MAPLE HEALTHCARE CENTER 10 or fewer - 10 or fewer - MARINA POINTE HEALTHCARE & SUBACUTE 13 10 or fewer 15 - MARLORA POST ACUTE REHABILITATION HOSPITAL - - 10 or fewer - MAYFLOWER CARE CENTER 10 or fewer - 10 or fewer - MAYFLOWER GARDENS CONVALESCENT HOSPITAL 22 10 or fewer 12 - MAYWOOD SKILLED NURSING & WELLNESS CENTRE 38 16 35 - MEADOWBROOK BEHAVIORAL HEALTH CENTER 10 or fewer - 10 or fewer - MEMORIAL HOSPITAL OF GARDENA D/P SNF 10 or fewer - 10 or fewer - MESA GLEN CARE CENTER 32 10 or fewer 22 - MID-WILSHIRE HEALTH CARE CENTER 39 14 14 - MIRADA HILLS REHABILITATION AND CONVALESCENT HOSP 10 or fewer 10 or fewer 19 - MISSION CARE CENTER 10 or fewer - 10 or fewer - MONROVIA GARDENS HEALTHCARE CENTER 58 22 25 - MONROVIA POST ACUTE 27 10 or fewer 27 - MONTE VISTA GROVE HOMES - - 10 or fewer - MONTE VISTA HEALTHCARE CENTER 48 14 24 - MONTEBELLO CARE CENTER 10 or fewer 10 or fewer - - MONTECITO HEIGHTS HEALTHCARE & WELLNESS CENTRE, LP. 22 10 or fewer 10 or fewer - MONTEREY HEALTHCARE & WELLNESS CENTRE, LP 10 or fewer - 10 or fewer - MONTEREY PARK CONVALESCENT HOSPITAL 10 or fewer - 10 or fewer - MONTROSE HEALTHCARE CENTER 36 12 23 - MONTROSE SPRINGS SKILLED NURSING & WELLNESS CENTER 45 10 or fewer 21 - MOTION PICTURE & TELEVISION HOSPITAL D/P SNF 17 10 or fewer 19 - MOUNT SAN ANTONIO GARDENS 10 or fewer - 10 or fewer - MOUNTAIN VIEW CONVALESCENT HOSPITAL 37 16 32 - MEADOWBROOK AT AGOURA HILLS 10 or fewer 10 or fewer 10 or fewer - MUGUNGWHA SILVER TOWN 10 or fewer 10 or fewer 10 or fewer - NEW VISTA NURSING AND REHABILITATION CENTER 45 - 39 10 or fewer NEW VISTA POST-ACUTE CARE CENTER 44 10 or fewer 22 - NORTH VALLEY NURSING CENTER 10 or fewer - 10 or fewer - NORTH WALK VILLA CONVALESCENT HOSPITAL 41 10 or fewer 26 - NORTHRIDGE CARE CENTER 28 10 or fewer 14 10 or fewer NORWALK MEADOWS NURSING CENTER 10 or fewer 10 or fewer 16 - NORWALK SKILLED NURSING & WELLNESS CENTRE 65 10 or fewer 35 10 or fewer OAKPARK HEALTHCARE CENTER 10 or fewer 10 or fewer - - OCEAN POINTE HEALTHCARE CENTER 34 10 or fewer 13 - OLIVE VISTA BEHAVIORAL HEALTH CENTER - - 10 or fewer - OLYMPIA CONVALESCENT HOSPITAL 67 22 34 - OSAGE HEALTHCARE & WELLNESS CENTRE 25 11 10 or fewer - OAKMONT OF SANTA CLARITA 14 10 or fewer 10 or fewer - OAKMONT OF VALENCIA 15 10 or fewer 10 or fewer - PACIFIC CARE NURSING CENTER 10 or fewer - 10 or fewer - PACIFIC PALMS HEALTHCARE 17 10 or fewer 17 - PACIFIC POST - ACUTE 10 or fewer 10 or fewer 10 or fewer - PACIFIC VILLA, INC. 52 10 or fewer 14 10 or fewer PACIFICA HOSPITAL OF THE VALLEY D/P SNF 14 10 or fewer 10 or fewer - PALAZZO POST ACUTE 31 - 13 10 or fewer PALOS VERDES HEALTH CARE CENTER 10 or fewer - 10 or fewer - PANORAMA GARDENS NURSING AND REHABILITATION CENTER 75 15 42 - PARAMOUNT CONVALESCENT HOSPITAL 10 or fewer - 10 or fewer - PARK AVENUE HEALTHCARE & WELLNESS CENTER 10 or fewer - 10 or fewer - PARK REGENCY CARE CENTER 10 or fewer - 16 - PARKWEST HEALTHCARE CENTER 32 12 26 - PASADENA CARE CENTER, LLC 10 or fewer 10 or fewer 10 or fewer - PASADENA GROVE HEALTH CENTER 42 10 or fewer 27 - PASADENA PARK HEALTHCARE AND WELLNESS CENTER 11 10 or fewer 18 - PENN MAR THERAPEUTIC CENTER 20 - 12 - PICO RIVERA HEALTHCARE CENTER 10 or fewer 10 or fewer 10 or fewer - PILGRIM PLACE HEALTH SERVICES CENTER - - 10 or fewer - PINE GROVE HEALTHCARE & WELLNESS CENTRE, LP - - 10 or fewer - PLAYA DEL REY CENTER 10 or fewer 10 or fewer 18 - POMONA VISTA CARE CENTER 10 or fewer - 10 or fewer - PRESBYTERIAN INTERCOMMUNITY HOSPITAL D/P SNF - - 10 or fewer - PRIMROSE POST-ACUTE 33 10 or fewer 21 - PROVIDENCE HOLY CROSS MEDICAL CENTER D/P SNF 10 or fewer - 10 or fewer - PROVIDENCE LITTLE COMPANY OF MARY SUBACUTE CARE CENTER 10 or fewer 10 or fewer 26 - PROVIDENCE LITTLE COMPANY OF MARY TRANSITIONAL CARE CENTER 10 or fewer 10 or fewer 10 or fewer - PROVIDENCE ST. ELIZABETH CARE CENTER - - 10 or fewer - PACIFICA SENIOR LIVING NORTHRIDGE 42 16 26 - PALMCREST GRAND RESIDENCE 15 10 or fewer 10 or fewer - RAMONA NURSING & REHABILITATION CENTER 74 15 42 - REGENCY OAKS POST ACUTE CARE CENTER 10 or fewer - 10 or fewer - RINALDI CONVALESCENT HOSPITAL 25 15 17 - RIO HONDO SUBACUTE & NURSING CENTER 40 - 12 10 or fewer RIVIERA HEALTHCARE CENTER 88 12 29 - ROSE GARDEN HEALTHCARE CENTER 33 10 or fewer 37 - ROSE VILLA HEALTHCARE CENTER 10 or fewer - 10 or fewer - ROSECRANS CARE CENTER 10 or fewer - 10 or fewer - ROYAL CARE SKILLED NURSING CENTER 11 10 or fewer 16 - ROYAL CREST HEALTH CARE - - 10 or fewer - ROYAL GARDENS HEALTHCARE 10 or fewer - 12 - ROYAL OAKS MANOR - BRADBURY OAKS 10 or fewer - 10 or fewer - ROYAL PALMS POST ACUTE 75 10 or fewer 38 - ROYAL TERRACE HEALTH CARE 25 10 or fewer 15 - ROYAL VISTA CARE CENTER 33 10 or fewer 21 10 or fewer ROYALWOOD CARE CENTER 67 15 46 - REGENCY PALMS LONG BEACH 10 or fewer - 10 or fewer - ROSECRANS VILLA RESIDENTIAL CARE 14 - 10 or fewer - ROYALTY ASSISTED LIVING 10 or fewer 10 or fewer - - SAINT FRANCIS MEDICAL CENTER D/P SNF - - 10 or fewer - SAINT VINCENT HEALTHCARE 39 10 or fewer 18 10 or fewer SAN GABRIEL CONVALESCENT CENTER 10 or fewer - 10 or fewer - SAN GABRIEL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER D/P SNF - - 10 or fewer - SAN MARINO MANOR - - 10 or fewer - SANTA ANITA CONVALESCENT HOSPITAL 63 33 27 - SANTA CLARITA POST-ACUTE CARE CENTER 11 10 or fewer 14 - SANTA FE HEIGHTS HEALTHCARE CENTER LLC 10 or fewer 10 or fewer 10 or fewer - SANTA FE LODGE 21 10 or fewer 10 or fewer - SANTA MONICA CONVALESCENT CENTER II 21 10 or fewer 26 - SANTA MONICA HEALTH CARE CENTER 24 10 or fewer 16 - SANTA TERESITA MANOR 16 10 or fewer 14 - SEACREST POST-ACUTE CARE CENTER 25 10 or fewer 10 or fewer - SHADOW HILLS CONVALESCENT HOSPITAL 39 10 or fewer 27 10 or fewer SHARON CARE CENTER 10 or fewer - 10 or fewer - SHERMAN OAKS HEALTH & REHABILITATION CENTER 23 10 or fewer 13 - SHERMAN OAKS HOSPITAL - - 10 or fewer - SHERMAN VILLAGE HEALTHCARE CENTER 10 or fewer - 15 - SHORELINE HEALTHCARE CENTER 10 or fewer - 10 or fewer - SIERRA VIEW CARE CENTER 67 21 41 - SKYLINE HEALTHCARE CENTER-LOS ANGELES 10 or fewer - 12 - SOCAL POST-ACUTE CARE - - 10 or fewer - SOLHEIM SENIOR COMMUNITY 10 or fewer 10 or fewer 14 - SOUTH PASADENA CARE CENTER 82 15 32 - SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA HOSPITAL - - 10 or fewer - SOUTHLAND 10 or fewer - 10 or fewer - ST. ANDREWS 25 10 or fewer 10 or fewer - ST. JOHN OF GOD RETIREMENT AND CARE CENTER 10 or fewer - 26 - STONEY POINT HEALTHCARE CENTER 33 13 34 - STUDIO CITY REHABILITATION CENTER - 10 or fewer 11 - SUNNY VILLAGE CARE CENTER 10 or fewer - 10 or fewer - SUNNYSIDE NURSING CENTER 63 10 or fewer 51 - SUNNYVIEW CARE CENTER 36 16 17 10 or fewer SUNRAY HEALTHCARE CENTER 41 15 14 10 or fewer SUNSET MANOR CONVALESCENT HOSPITAL 30 10 or fewer 43 - SYLMAR HEALTH AND REHABILITATION CENTER 45 - 42 - SILVERADO SENIOR LIVING - CALABASAS 49 13 17 - SILVERADO SENIOR LIVING – BEVERLY PLACE 57 13 33 10 or fewer SOLHEIM SENIOR COMMUNITY 10 or fewer 10 or fewer 11 - SUNRISE ASSISTED LIVING OF STUDIO CITY 10 or fewer 10 or fewer 10 or fewer - SUNRISE OF WESTLAKE VILLAGE 10 or fewer 10 or fewer 10 or fewer - SUNRISE VILLA CULVER CITY 10 or fewer 10 or fewer 10 or fewer - TARZANA HEALTH AND REHABILITATION CENTER 107 14 58 - TEMPLE CITY HEALTHCARE 10 or fewer - 10 or fewer - TEMPLE PARK CONVALESCENT HOSPITAL 10 or fewer - 10 or fewer - THE CALIFORNIAN - PASADENA CONVALESCENT HOSPITAL - - 10 or fewer - THE CANTERBURY - 10 or fewer - - THE CARE CENTER ON HAZELTINE, LLC 10 or fewer - - - THE EARLWOOD 33 13 24 - THE ELLISON JOHN TRANSITIONAL CARE CENTER 10 or fewer 10 or fewer 10 or fewer - THE GARDENS OF EL MONTE 27 10 or fewer 13 - THE GROVE POST-ACUTE CARE CENTER 43 12 20 - THE MEADOWS POST ACUTE 51 16 28 10 or fewer THE ORCHARD - POST ACUTE CARE 35 10 or fewer 13 - THE REHABILITATION CENTER OF SANTA MONICA 43 13 26 - THE REHABILITATION CENTRE OF BEVERLY HILLS 29 10 or fewer 41 - THE ROWLAND 10 or fewer - 10 or fewer - TOPANGA TERRACE 10 or fewer - 21 - TORRANCE CARE CENTER WEST, INC. 55 12 17 10 or fewer TORRANCE MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER D/P SNF 10 or fewer - 10 or fewer - TWO PALMS NURSING CENTER, INC. 33 10 or fewer 10 or fewer - UNIVERSITY PARK HEALTHCARE CENTER 34 10 or fewer 19 - VALLEY PALMS CARE CENTER 30 10 or fewer 12 - VALLEY VISTA NURSING AND TRANSITIONAL CARE LLC 10 or fewer - 10 or fewer - VERMONT HEALTHCARE CENTER 23 12 44 - VERNON HEALTHCARE CENTER 10 or fewer - 10 or fewer - VETERANS HOME OF CALIFORNIA - WEST LOS ANGELES 10 or fewer 10 or fewer 10 or fewer 10 or fewer VICTORIA CARE CENTER 10 or fewer - 17 - VIEW HEIGHTS CONVALESCENT HOSPITAL - - 11 - VIEW PARK CONVALESCENT CENTER 51 20 44 - VILLA ELENA HEALTHCARE CENTER - 10 or fewer 10 or fewer - VILLA GARDENS HEALTH CARE UNIT 10 or fewer - 10 or fewer - VILLA SCALABRINI SPECIAL CARE UNIT 10 or fewer - 14 - VILLA SERENA HEALTHCARE CENTER 10 or fewer - 10 or fewer - VIRGIL REHABILITATION AND SKILLED NURSING CENTER 23 13 22 - VISTA DEL SOL CARE CENTER 10 or fewer 10 or fewer 14 10 or fewer VETERANS HOME OF CALIFORNIA – WEST LOS ANGELES 10 or fewer 10 or fewer 10 or fewer - VILLA GARDENS 17 10 or fewer 37 - VILLAGE AT SHERMAN OAKS, THE 10 or fewer - 10 or fewer - VISTA DEL MAR SENIOR LIVING 28 - 11 - WELLSPRINGS POST-ACUTE CENTER 10 or fewer - 10 or fewer - WEST COVINA HEALTHCARE CENTER 11 - 18 - WEST COVINA MEDICAL CENTER D/P SNF - - 10 or fewer - WEST HAVEN HEALTHCARE 63 10 or fewer 27 - WEST HILLS HEALTH AND REHABILITATION CENTER 78 30 40 - WEST VALLEY POST ACUTE 72 22 24 10 or fewer WESTERN CONVALESCENT HOSPITAL 10 or fewer - 12 10 or fewer WESTLAKE CONVALESCENT HOSPITAL 10 or fewer - 16 - WHITE MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER D/P SNF - - 10 or fewer - WHITTIER HILLS HEALTH CARE CENTER 21 10 or fewer 21 - WHITTIER HOSPITAL MEDICAL CENTER D/P SNF - - 10 or fewer - WHITTIER PACIFIC CARE CENTER 18 10 or fewer 10 or fewer - WINDSOR CARE CENTER OF CHEVIOT HILLS 57 10 or fewer 31 10 or fewer WINDSOR CONVALESCENT CENTER OF NORTH LONG BEACH 20 10 or fewer 10 or fewer - WINDSOR GARDENS CONVALESCENT CENTER OF HAWTHORNE 21 10 or fewer 30 - WINDSOR GARDENS CONVALESCENT CENTER OF LONG BEACH 10 or fewer - 10 or fewer - WINDSOR GARDENS CONVALESCENT HOSPITAL 10 or fewer - 10 or fewer - WINDSOR GARDENS HEALTHCARE CENTER OF THE VALLEY 11 10 or fewer 10 or fewer - WINDSOR MANOR 10 or fewer - 10 or fewer - WINDSOR PALMS CARE CENTER OF ARTESIA 16 - 12 - WINDSOR TERRACE HEALTHCARE CENTER 40 10 or fewer 40 - WOODLAND CARE CENTER 48 10 or fewer 21 10 or fewer WOODRUFF CONVALESCENT CENTER 61 10 or fewer 46 - WOODS HEALTH SERVICES 24 10 or fewer 12 - WEST VALLEY ASSISTED LIVING 10 or fewer 10 or fewer 10 or fewer - WESTERN ASSEMBLIES HOME 10 or fewer 10 or fewer 11 - WHITTIER PLACE SENIOR LIVING 10 or fewer 10 or fewer 10 or fewer - WINDSOR HALL CARE HOME INC. 10 or fewer 10 or fewer 10 or fewer - YORK HEALTHCARE & WELLNESS CENTRE 45 11 29 - Show less The state last updated the list on July 25. Officials have withheld the precise number where there are 10 or fewer cases. The totals are cumulative counts. Lives lost to COVID-19 Learn more about those we've lost by reading Times obituaries of Californians who have died from coronavirus. Reopening the state California's reopening has rolled back, with renewed statewide restrictions on indoor dining and bars, movie theaters, zoos and museums. Much of the state is now caught between the second and third phases of Gov. Newsom's reopening plan. Newsom's roadmap for reopening Stage 1 March 19 - May 7 Strictest restrictions in place. Stage 2 Began May 8 Lower-risk businesses can reopen with social distancing guidelines. Advanced Stage 2: Retail and dine-in restaurants are reopened with social distancing guidelines Stage 3 Began June 12 Higher-risk businesses and venues (such as movie theaters and gyms) can reopen with social distancing guidelines. Stage 4 No date set Concerts, conventions and sports with a live crowd can reopen. Some counties are charting their own path to reopening independent of the state's guidelines. But Newsom is using new state rules to prevent most California public and private school campuses from reopening this fall. No restrictions lifted All restrictions lifted Hover for more information. Los AngelesLos AngelesSan DiegoSan DiegoSacramentoSacramentoSan FranciscoSan FranciscoReddingRedding What's open in every county We're tracking what's open, closed and restricted throughout the state in ten different categories, including parks, retail, restaurants and more. Find out what's open where you live. Our state in context California, America's most populous state, now has the country's highest case count. It ranks much lower after adjusting for population. The chart below is adjusted to show how quickly new cases are being confirmed in each state. A good sign is when a line flattens, which indicates that transmission is slowing in that area. Cumulative cases by state Current doubling time5 days7142130 15 dayssince 100th case30456075901055001,0002,0005,00010,00050,000100,000200,000500,000Doublingevery dayDoublingevery dayEvery3 daysEvery3 daysEvery weekEvery weekEverymonthEverymonthMontanaMontanaAlaskaAlaskaMissouriMissouriPuerto RicoPuerto RicoFloridaFloridaHawaiiHawaiiTennesseeTennesseeWest VirginiaWest VirginiaGeorgiaGeorgiaKentuckyKentuckyWashingtonWashingtonSouth DakotaSouth Dakota This chart tracks cumulative cases after each state confirmed its 100th case. Case counts are plotted on a logarithmic scale, which makes it easier to see when cases level off. Doubling rate is the estimate of how long it would take the state to double its number of cases, given the trend in the last week. Compare the slope of a state's curve to the slope of the guide lines to estimate its doubling rate at any point. State Cases Per 100k New cases FewerMore California 448,260 1,145 Mar 1Jul 25 Florida 414,511 2,012.4 New York 411,200 2,096 Texas 390,286 1,399.6 New Jersey 178,858 2,013.7 Illinois 171,122 1,334.6 Georgia 165,188 1,604.2 Arizona 160,041 2,303.8 Massachusetts 115,268 1,687.6 North Carolina 111,421 1,097.1 Pennsylvania 111,115 868.7 Louisiana 103,734 2,224.3 Tennessee 90,796 1,365.1 Michigan 85,622 859.9 Virginia 83,609 993.7 Ohio 83,184 714.5 Maryland 83,054 1,383.4 South Carolina 80,008 1,614.4 Alabama 78,130 1,606.1 Indiana 61,520 926.9 Washington 51,849 710.8 Mississippi 50,981 1,705.8 Minnesota 50,291 909.9 Connecticut 48,776 1,361.9 Wisconsin 47,870 828.4 Colorado 43,771 791.4 Iowa 41,886 1,337.1 Nevada 41,816 1,430.7 Missouri 41,034 673.8 Arkansas 37,981 1,270 Utah 37,623 1,235.4 Oklahoma 30,081 767.7 Kentucky 26,764 602.8 Kansas 25,009 859.8 Nebraska 24,395 1,280.7 New Mexico 18,788 897.9 Rhode Island 18,224 1,724.8 Idaho 17,265 1,022.9 Oregon 16,104 394.5 Puerto Rico 14,540 429.3 Delaware 14,175 1,492.9 District of Columbia 11,717 1,711.8 South Dakota 8,305 960.9 New Hampshire 6,415 477.4 West Virginia 5,775 315.7 North Dakota 5,736 762.6 Maine 3,790 284.4 Montana 3,259 312.8 Wyoming 2,446 420.4 Alaska 2,339 316.7 Hawaii 1,620 113.9 Vermont 1,396 223.4 Show less No state has had more deaths than New York, though its pace has declined in recent weeks. State Deaths Per 100k New deaths FewerMore New York 32,608 166.2 Mar 1Jul 25 New Jersey 15,776 177.6 Massachusetts 8,510 124.6 California 8,429 21.5 Illinois 7,589 59.2 Pennsylvania 7,124 55.7 Michigan 6,400 64.3 Florida 5,777 28.0 Texas 4,990 17.9 Connecticut 4,413 123.2 Louisiana 3,715 79.7 Georgia 3,494 33.9 Maryland 3,433 57.2 Ohio 3,297 28.3 Arizona 3,286 47.3 Indiana 2,895 43.6 Virginia 2,075 24.7 North Carolina 1,811 17.8 Colorado 1,794 32.4 Minnesota 1,611 29.1 Washington 1,494 20.5 Mississippi 1,478 49.5 South Carolina 1,465 29.6 Alabama 1,456 29.9 Missouri 1,200 19.7 Rhode Island 1,002 94.8 Tennessee 964 14.5 Wisconsin 891 15.4 Iowa 826 26.4 Nevada 732 25.0 Kentucky 696 15.7 New Mexico 607 29.0 District of Columbia 581 84.9 Delaware 579 61.0 Oklahoma 496 12.7 New Hampshire 409 30.4 Arkansas 399 13.3 Kansas 329 11.3 Nebraska 316 16.6 Oregon 282 6.9 Utah 274 9.0 Puerto Rico 201 5.9 Idaho 144 8.5 South Dakota 122 14.1 Maine 119 8.9 West Virginia 103 5.6 North Dakota 99 13.2 Vermont 56 9.0 Montana 46 4.4 Hawaii 26 1.8 Wyoming 25 4.3 Alaska 20 2.7 Show less Tracking the coronavirus California counties Alameda Alpine Amador Butte Calaveras Colusa Contra Costa Del Norte El Dorado Fresno Glenn Humboldt Imperial Inyo Kern Kings Lake Lassen Los Angeles Madera Marin Mariposa Mendocino Merced Modoc Mono Monterey Napa Nevada Orange Placer Plumas Riverside Sacramento San Benito San Bernardino San Diego San Francisco San Joaquin San Luis Obispo San Mateo Santa Barbara Santa Clara Santa Cruz Shasta Sierra Siskiyou Solano Sonoma Stanislaus Sutter Tehama Trinity Tulare Tuolumne Ventura Yolo Yuba Other trackers Lives lost to COVID-19 Unemployment and economic fallout Housing homeless people Which counties are open Which beaches are closed More coverage Coronavirus symptoms How coronavirus spreads Get our newsletter About the numbers This page was created by Swetha Kannan, Casey Miller, Sean Greene, Lorena Iñiguez Elebee, Rong-Gong Lin II, Ryan Murphy, Melody Gutierrez, Priya Krishnakumar, Sandhya Kambhampati, Maloy Moore, Jennifer Lu, Aida Ylanan, Vanessa Martínez, Ryan Menezes, Thomas Suh Lauder, Andrea Roberson, Ben Poston, Nicole Santa Cruz, Iris Lee, Rahul Mukherjee, Jaclyn Cosgrove, Anthony Pesce, Paul Duginski and Phi Do. State and county totals come from a continual Times survey of California's 58 county health agencies as well as the three run by cities. Those figures are ahead of the totals periodically released by the state's Department of Public Health. State officials acknowledge that their tallies lag behind the updates posted by local agencies throughout the day and do not dispute The Times' method. The tallies here are mostly limited to residents of California, which is the standard method used to count patients by the state’s health authorities. Those totals do not include people from other states who are quarantined here, such as the passengers and crew of the Grand Princess cruise ship that docked in Oakland. National and global case data are collected by the the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and researchers at the Johns Hopkins University Center for Systems Science and Engineering. Data on hospitalizations, tests, demographics and nursing homes come from California's Department of Public Health. Closures and restrictions are drawn from an ongoing Times survey of county governments. In an effort to aid scientists and researchers in the fight against COVID-19, The Times has released its database of California coronavirus cases to the public. The database is available on Github, a popular website for hosting data and computer code. The files will be updated daily at github.com/datadesk/california-coronavirus-data. If you see information here that you believe is incorrect or out of date, please contact Data and Graphics Editor Ben Welsh at [email protected]. https://www.latimes.com/projects/california-coronavirus-cases-tracking-outbreak/
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