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Everything posted by niman

  1. Filtered to: Louisiana 91,706 Cases Reported 3,433 Deaths Reported Tests Performed 47,915 by State Lab Commercial Tests 1,021,389 Performed Statewide Indicator Presumed Recovered* 53,288 as of 7/14/2020 Reported COVID-19 Patients in Hospitals 1,469 177 of those on ventilators http://ldh.la.gov/coronavirus/
  2. https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/7572b118dc3c48d885d1c643c195314e/
  3. https://www.health.pa.gov/topics/disease/coronavirus/Pages/Cases.aspx
  4. https://www.azdhs.gov/preparedness/epidemiology-disease-control/infectious-disease-epidemiology/covid-19/dashboards/index.php
  5. CASES 65,865 CONFIRMED 1,054 PROBABLE LAST 14 DAYS 21,100 CASES 160,510 TESTED TOTAL TESTED 584,387 STATEWIDE DEATHS 1,254 CONFIRMED 33 PROBABLE *TOTAL HOSPITALIZATIONS To Date Updates M-F at 3 p.m. 7,782 STATEWIDE PRESUMED RECOVERIES Updated Weekly 29,736 https://alpublichealth.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/6d2771faa9da4a2786a509d82c8cf0f7
  6. https://www.vdh.virginia.gov/coronavirus/covid-19-daily-dashboard/
  7. 1,795 Cumulative (includes recovered cases) https://coronavirus-response-alaska-dhss.hub.arcgis.com/ Total Recovered Cases 708 Total Hospitalizations 99 Cumulative (does not reflect current stays) Total Deaths 18
  8. https://health.wyo.gov/publichealth/infectious-disease-epidemiology-unit/disease/novel-coronavirus/covid-19-map-and-statistics/
  9. https://montana.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapSeries/index.html?appid=7c34f3412536439491adcc2103421d4b
  10. https://health.hawaii.gov/coronavirusdisease2019/what-you-should-know/current-situation-in-hawaii/
  11. https://www.health.nd.gov/diseases-conditions/coronavirus/north-dakota-coronavirus-cases
  12. Total Cases 1,338 3 New Currently Hospitalized 4 Hospitalized Under Investigation 21 Total People Recovered 1,125 Deaths 56 People Tested 80,446 https://www.healthvermont.gov/response/coronavirus-covid-19/current-activity-vermont
  13. COVID-19 Case Trends https://www.maine.gov/dhhs/mecdc/infectious-disease/epi/airborne/coronavirus/data.shtml Maine COVID-19 Reopening Gating Metrics Cumulative COVID-19 Cases by ZIP Code Tables of COVID-19 Testing Data, Hospital Use, and Case Demographics View a Table of All Reported COVID-19 Tests in Maine
  14. https://dhhr.wv.gov/COVID-19/Pages/default.aspx
  15. New Hampshire 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Summary Report (data updated as of July 18, 2020, 9:00 AM) https://www.nh.gov/covid19/ Number of Persons with COVID-19 1 6,188 Recovered 5,221 (84%) Deaths Attributed to COVID-19 396 (6%) Total Current COVID-19 Cases 571 Persons Who Have Been Hospitalized for COVID-19 672 (11%) Current Hospitalizations 20 Total Persons Tested at Selected Laboratories, Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)2 142,486 Total Persons Tested at Selected Laboratories, Antibody Laboratory Tests2 25,316 Persons with Specimens Submitted to NH PHL 34,576 Persons with Test Pending at NH PHL3 1,003 Persons Being Monitored in NH (approximate point in time) 3,525 1 Includes specimens positive at any laboratory and those confirmed by CDC confirmatory testing.2 Includes specimens tested at the NH Public Health Laboratories (PHL), LabCorp, Quest, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, and those sent to CDC prior to NH PHL testing capacity.3 Includes specimens received and awaiting testing at NH PHL. Does not include tests pending at commercial laboratories. Active Cases Dashboard | Active Cases Map Cumulative Cases Dashboard | Cumulative Cases Map
  16. 1,151 Douglas 546 Lancaster 264 Sarpy 45 Hall 38 Dakota 38 Cass 37 Platte 35 Buffalo 32 Dodge 25 Scotts Bluff 24 Washington 20 Thurston 19 Dawson 19 Saunders 19 Saline 18 Madison 18 Seward 18 Thayer 17 Adams 14 Gage 12 Hamilton 12 Colfax 11 York 9 Lincoln 8 Clay 8 Wayne 7 Dixon 7 Antelope 7 Morrill 6 Howard 6 Fillmore 6 Otoe 5 Richardson 4 Knox 4 Pierce 3 McPherson 3 Red Willow 3 Kimball 3 Cuming 3 Keith 3 Cheyenne 3 Burt 2 Jefferson 2 Merrick 2 Johnson 2 Phelps 2 Webster 2 Nuckolls 2 Kearney 2 Garfield 2 Butler 2 Cedar 2 Deuel 2 Nance 1 Valley 1 Cherry 1 Frontier 1 Nemaha 1 Dundy 1 Box Butte 1 Greeley 1 Holt 1 Pawnee 1 Franklin 1 Hooker https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/ece0db09da4d4ca68252c3967aa1e9dd
  17. https://doh.sd.gov/news/Coronavirus.aspx
  18. https://coronavirus.idaho.gov/
  19. Arkansas (108 Cases) Ashley (125 Cases) Baxter (40 Cases) Benton (3,789 Cases) Boone (74 Cases) Bradley (91 Cases) Calhoun (5 Cases) Carroll (262 Cases) Chicot (252 Cases) Clark (94 Cases) Clay (88 Cases) Cleburne (153 Cases) Cleveland (41 Cases) Columbia (132 Cases) Conway (111 Cases) Craighead (701 Cases) Crawford (347 Cases) Crittenden (929 Cases) Cross (113 Cases) Dallas (20 Cases) Desha (98 Cases) Drew (111 Cases) Faulkner (888 Cases) Franklin (37 Cases) Fulton (20 Cases) Garland (442 Cases) Grant (77 Cases) Greene (168 Cases) Hempstead (112 Cases) Hot Spring (1,344 Cases) Howard (167 Cases) Independence (107 Cases) Izard (28 Cases) Jackson (44 Cases) Jefferson (969 Cases) Johnson (476 Cases) Lafayette (36 Cases) Lawrence (133 Cases) Lee (859 Cases) Lincoln (1,118 Cases) Little River (60 Cases) Logan (103 Cases) Lonoke (246 Cases) Madison (227 Cases) Marion (15 Cases) Miller (329 Cases) Missing County Info (1,123 Cases) Mississippi (401 Cases) Monroe (29 Cases) Montgomery (12 Cases) Nevada (116 Cases) Newton (14 Cases) Ouachita (44 Cases) Perry (39 Cases) Phillips (205 Cases) Pike (30 Cases) Poinsett (90 Cases) Polk (101 Cases) Pope (817 Cases) Prairie (44 Cases) Pulaski (3,578 Cases) Randolph (94 Cases) Saline (578 Cases) Scott (19 Cases) Searcy (18 Cases) Sebastian (1,102 Cases) Sevier (846 Cases) Sharp (79 Cases) St. Francis (942 Cases) Stone (27 Cases) Union (305 Cases) Van Buren (38 Cases) Washington (5,059 Cases) White (168 Cases) Woodruff (17 Cases) Yell (909 Cases) https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/c2ef4a4fcbe5458fbf2e48a21e4fece9
  20. Data current as of 7/20/2020, 12:01 a.m. Updated Monday - Friday.* Total cases 14,8471 Total deaths 262 Positive tests 14,085 Negative tests 325,197 Total tested 339,282 * For daily counts of cases, deaths and negative tests on weekends, please see our weekend press releases available here. 1Includes cases confirmed by diagnostic testing and presumptive cases. Presumptive cases are people without a positive diagnostic test who have COVID-19-like symptoms and had close contact with a laboratory confirmed case. Antibody test results are not included in our data. https://govstatus.egov.com/OR-OHA-COVID-19
  21. https://coronavirus.health.ok.gov/
  22. Positive 16,736 Total Tests * 460,664 Click Here to View Positive Cases By County COVID-Related Deaths in NM 569 *Numbers are cumulative persons tested through 7/18/2020, 5:56:34 PM. Test results are from the state Scientific Laboratory Division of the New Mexico Department of Health, TriCore Reference Laboratories, LabCorp, Mayo Clinic Laboratories, Quest Diagnostics, and BioReference Laboratories. https://cv.nmhealth.org/
  23. Aitkin County: 18 Anoka County: 2,604 Becker County: 78 Beltrami County: 91 Benton County: 263 Big Stone County: 19 Blue Earth County: 658 Brown County: 56 Carlton County: 99 Carver County: 549 Cass County: 29 Chippewa County: 84 Chisago County: 121 Clay County: 658 Clearwater County: 14 Cook County: 1 Cottonwood County: 146 Crow Wing County: 128 Dakota County: 2,979 Dodge County: 111 Douglas County: 99 Faribault County: 70 Fillmore County: 44 Freeborn County: 323 Goodhue County: 147 Grant County: 33 Hennepin County: 14,495 Houston County: 33 Hubbard County: 12 Isanti County: 93 Itasca County: 96 Jackson County: 61 Kanabec County: 19 Kandiyohi County: 610 Kittson County: 2 Koochiching County: 31 Lac Qui Parle County: 6 Lake County: 12 Le Sueur County: 150 Lincoln County: 40 Lyon County: 376 Mahnomen County: 16 Marshall County: 20 Martin County: 181 McLeod County: 111 Meeker County: 69 Mille Lacs County: 44 Morrison County: 72 Mower County: 1,002 Murray County: 93 Nicollet County: 220 Nobles County: 1,704 Norman County: 22 Olmsted County: 1,388 Otter Tail County: 130 Pennington County: 58 Pine County: 115 Pipestone County: 110 Polk County: 94 Pope County: 24 Ramsey County: 5,585 Red Lake County: 5 Redwood County: 26 Renville County: 44 Rice County: 912 Rock County: 40 Roseau County: 30 Scott County: 986 Sherburne County: 413 Sibley County: 64 St. Louis County: 278 Stearns County: 2,631 Steele County: 276 Stevens County: 13 Swift County: 43 Todd County: 406 Traverse County: 9 Wabasha County: 50 Wadena County: 18 Waseca County: 87 Washington County: 1,422 Watonwan County: 275 Wilkin County: 23 Winona County: 181 Wright County: 598 Yellow Medicine County: 35 https://mndps.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/f28f84968c1148129932c3bebb1d3a1a
  24. Total Positive Cases 13,429141.0 per 10,000 people Confirmed 12,447 Probable 982 Residents of Long-Term Care Facilities 1,160 Positive Cases by County New Castle County 6,028 Kent County 1,995 Sussex County 5,264 Unknown 142 https://coronavirus.delaware.gov/
  25. July 17, 2020 Total Overall Tested: 144,955* Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 105,271* Total Positives: 11,194 Total Lives Lost: 578 Cleared From Isolation: 1,877 *All Data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting Download copy of DC COVID-19 data Other Data Public Safety Agency Data Human Services Agency Data Hospital Status Data https://coronavirus.dc.gov/page/coronavirus-data
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