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  1. The number of PUI being tested does not reflect the level of risk to the public in the state. For more information about the outbreak, potential risks, and protective recommendations, visit the SD-DOH website or CDC website. This table shows the total number of positive COVID-19 cases in South Dakota residents, the total number of persons that tested negative, and the total number of PUIs that are pending results. SOUTH DAKOTA CASE COUNTS Test Results # of Cases Positive* 1168 Negative** 8691 Pending*** 0 *Positive test results include testing conducted by the South Dakota Public Health Laboratory and private laboratories. **Negative test results include testing conducted by the South Dakota Public Health Laboratory and private laboratories. ***Tests currently pending at the South Dakota Public Health Lab. This number does not include pending results at private labs. If you have been tested and are waiting for results, contact your healthcare provider COVID-19 IN SOUTH DAKOTA Number of Cases 1168 Ever Hospitalized* 51 Deaths** 6 Recovered 329 *Cumulative persons who have been hospitalized to date. **The Department does not report deaths until a certified death record has been filed. By law, a death record must be filed within 5 days of the date of death. SD COUNTY OF RESIDENCE OF COVID-19 CASES County Total Positive Cases # Recovered Aurora 1 1 Beadle 21 19 Bon Homme 4 3 Brookings 9 6 Brown 15 10 Charles Mix 4 2 Clark 1 1 Clay 5 4 Codington 13 11 Corson 1 1 Davison 3 3 Deuel 1 1 Fall River 1 1 Faulk 1 1 Hamlin 1 1 Hughes 5 4 Hutchinson 2 2 Hyde 1 0 Jerauld 3 2 Lake 2 1 Lawrence 9 9 Lincoln 65 28 Lyman 2 2 Marshall 1 1 McCook 3 1 Meade 1 1 Miner 1 0 Minnehaha 934 179 Oglala Lakota 1 1 Pennington 9 6 Roberts 4 3 Sanborn 3 0 Spink 3 2 Sully 1 0 Todd 1 1 Turner 5 1 Union 4 3 Walworth 5 0 Yankton 22 17 AGE GROUP OF SOUTH DAKOTA COVID-19 CASES Age Range # of Cases # of Deaths 0 to 19 years 55 0 20 to 29 years 220 0 30 to 39 years 286 0 40 to 49 years 236 0 50 to 59 years 215 2 60 to 69 years 123 1 70 to 79 years 19 1 80+ years 14 2 SEX OF SOUTH DAKOTA COVID-19 CASES Sex # of Cases # of Deaths Male 637 4 Female 531 2 COVID-19 DEATHS IN SOUTH DAKOTA BY COUNTY County of Residence # of Deaths Beadle 2 McCook 1 Minnehaha 2 Pennington 1 Data is updated daily by about 12 noon and includes cases reported through 5 p.m. the previous day. *Note: numbers are provisional & subject to change Last updated: 11:30 a.m.; April 15, 2020 https://doh.sd.gov/news/Coronavirus.aspx
  2. As of April 15, 2020, a total of 14755 laboratory-confirmed cases of COVID-19 have been reported among Connecticut residents (Figure 1). One thousand nine hundred eight patients are currently hospitalized. There have been 868 COVID-19-associated deaths. Today’s is a brief report format; a full report will be published weekly on Thursdays with additional information. The increase in deaths reported today is related to catch up of data entry and reporting and does not reflect a change in the trajectory of the outbreak. Day-to-day changes reflect newly reported cases, deaths, and tests that occurred over the last several days to week. All data in this report are preliminary; data for previous dates will be updated as new reports are received and data errors are corrected. Hospitalization data were collected by the Connecticut Hospital Association. Deaths* reported to either the OCME or DPH are included in the daily COVID-19 update. *For public health surveillance, COVID-19-associated deaths include persons who tested positive for COVID-19 around the time of death and persons who were not tested for COVID-19 whose death certificate lists COVID-19 disease as a cause of death or a significant condition contributing to death. Overall Summary Total Change Since Yesterday Laboratory-Confirmed COVID-19 Cases 14755 +766 COVID-19-Associated Deaths 868 +197 Patients Currently Hospitalized with COVID-19 1908 +129 Patients tested for COVID-19 50143 +4302 COVID-19 Cases and Associated Deaths by County of Residence As of 04/15/20 11:30am. Includes patients tested at the State Public Health Laboratory, hospital, and commercial laboratories. County Laboratory-Confirmed COVID-19 Cases COVID-19-Associated Deaths Fairfield County 6480 365 Hartford County 2570 213 Litchfield County 490 35 Middlesex County 379 28 New Haven County 3758 195 New London County 236 7 Tolland County 216 22 Windham County 89 1 Pending address validation 537 2 Total 14755 868 National COVID-19 statistics and information about preventing spread of COVID-19 are available from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention https://portal.ct.gov/-/media/Coronavirus/CTDPHCOVID19summary4152020.pdf?la=en
  3. As of April 15, 2020 Confirmed Cases Reported =29918 CATEGORY NUMBER OF CONFIRMED CASES County Barnstable 530 Berkshire 370 Bristol 1508 Dukes 11 Essex 3894 Franklin 160 Hampden 1885 Hampshire 239 Middlesex 6681 Nantucket 9 Norfolk 3122 Plymouth 2308 Suffolk 6279 Worcester 2350 Unknown 572 Sex Female 15547 Male 13250 Unknown 1121 Age Group ≤19 years of age 675 20-29 years of age 3593 30-39 years of age 4448 40-49 years of age 4455 50-59 years of age 5420 60-69 years of age 4244 70-79 years of age 2894 ≥ 80 years of age 3973 Unknown 216 Deaths Attributed to COVID-19 1108 COVID-19 Cases in Long-Term Care Facilities* Residents/Healthcare workers of LongTerm Care Facilities 4163 Long-Term Care Facilities Reporting At Least One Case of COVID-19 222 Deaths Reported in Long-Term Care Facilities 530 Total Cases and Deaths by Race/Ethnicity Confirmed Cases N (%) Deaths N (%) Hispanic 2537 (9%) 50 (5%) Non-Hispanic White 5437 (18%) 306 (28%) Non-Hispanic Black/African American 1749 (6%) 40 (4%) Non-Hispanic Asian 397 (1%) 16 (1%) Non-Hispanic Other4 916 (3%) 21 (2%) Unknown 13562 (45%) 469 (42%) Missing 5320 (18%) 206 (19%) Total 29918 1108 Reported Deaths – April 15, 2020 (Dates of Death: 4/8/2020 – 4/15/2020) Sex Age County Preexisting Conditions Hospitalized Female 40s Bristol Yes Yes Male 40s Suffolk Unknown Yes Male 50s Worcester Yes Yes Female 50s Suffolk Unknown No Male 50s Essex Unknown Unknown Female 60s Suffolk Unknown Unknown Male 60s Norfolk Yes Yes Male 60s Plymouth Unknown Yes Male 60s Norfolk Unknown Yes Male 60s Suffolk Unknown Yes Male 60s Suffolk Yes Yes Male 60s Norfolk Yes Yes Male 60s Plymouth Unknown Yes Male 60s Suffolk Unknown Yes Female 60s Plymouth Yes Yes Male 60s Suffolk Yes Yes Female 60s Norfolk Unknown Yes Female 70s Suffolk Yes Unknown Female 70s Norfolk Unknown Unknown Male 70s Suffolk Unknown Yes Male 70s Worcester Unknown No Female 70s Middlesex Unknown Unknown Male 70s Hampden Unknown Unknown Male 70s Plymouth Yes Yes Male 70s Middlesex Unknown Yes Male 70s Plymouth Yes Yes Male 70s Norfolk Yes No Female 70s Middlesex Unknown Yes Male 70s Suffolk Yes Yes Male 70s Norfolk Unknown Yes Male 70s Middlesex Unknown Unknown Male 70s Suffolk Unknown No Female 70s Middlesex Unknown Yes Female 70s Norfolk Yes Yes Male 70s Bristol Yes Yes Male 70s Worcester Unknown No Male 70s Plymouth Yes Yes Male 70s Plymouth Unknown Yes Male 70s Middlesex Unknown Yes Female 70s Norfolk Unknown Unknown Female 70s Norfolk Yes Unknown Male 70s Norfolk Unknown Yes Male 70s Worcester Yes Yes Female 80s Hampden Unknown Unknown Female 80s Middlesex Yes Yes Female 80s Hampden Unknown Unknown MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH Male 80s Suffolk Unknown Unknown Male 80s Middlesex Yes Yes Female 80s Suffolk Unknown Unknown Male 80s Hampden Yes Yes Female 80s Essex Unknown Yes Female 80s Essex Unknown Yes Male 80s Middlesex Unknown Unknown Male 80s Norfolk Yes Unknown Female 80s Plymouth Unknown Unknown Male 80s Essex Unknown Unknown Female 80s Plymouth Unknown Yes Female 80s Suffolk Unknown Yes Male 80s Middlesex Unknown No Female 80s Essex Unknown Yes Male 80s Middlesex Yes No Male 80s Norfolk Unknown Unknown Female 80s Hampden Yes Yes Male 80s Norfolk Unknown Yes Female 80s Middlesex Unknown Yes Female 80s Middlesex Unknown No Male 80s Norfolk Yes Unknown Female 80s Norfolk Unknown Unknown Female 80s Hampden Yes No Female 80s Plymouth Yes Yes Male 80s Plymouth Yes Yes Female 80s Middlesex Unknown Unknown Female 80s Middlesex Yes Yes Male 80s Middlesex Unknown Yes Male 80s Suffolk Unknown Yes Female 80s Suffolk Yes Unknown Female 80s Worcester Yes No Male 80s Essex Unknown Unknown Male 80s Middlesex Yes Yes Female 80s Worcester Yes Unknown Male 80s Hampden Yes Yes Female 80s Middlesex Unknown Yes Female 80s Hampden Unknown Unknown Male 80s Essex Unknown Unknown Male 80s Barnstable Unknown Unknown Female 80s Worcester Unknown Unknown Female 80s Worcester Yes Unknown Female 80s Suffolk Yes Yes Male 80s Suffolk Unknown Yes Female 80s Essex Unknown Unknown Male 80s Hampden Unknown Unknown Female 80s Worcester Yes Unknown Female 80s Bristol Yes Yes Male 80s Plymouth Unknown Yes Male 80s Essex Unknown Unknown Male 90s Suffolk Yes Yes MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH Male 90s Middlesex Unknown Unknown Male 90s Worcester Unknown Unknown Male 90s Middlesex Yes Yes Female 90s Worcester Yes Unknown Male 90s Middlesex Yes Unknown Male 90s Suffolk Yes Yes Male 90s Essex Yes Yes Male 90s Hampden Unknown Yes Male 90s Suffolk Unknown Unknown Male 90s Hampden Yes Unknown Male 90s Hampden Unknown Yes Male 90s Worcester Unknown Unknown Female 90s Hampden Yes Unknown Female 90s Essex Unknown Yes Male 90s Hampden Unknown Yes Male 90s Norfolk Yes Unknown Female 90s Middlesex Unknown Yes Male 90s Suffolk Unknown Unknown Female 90s Essex Unknown Yes Female 90s Suffolk Unknown No Male 90s Middlesex Unknown Yes Female 90s Suffolk Unknown No Female 90s Worcester Unknown Unknown Male 90s Worcester Yes Unknown Male 90s Hampden Yes Yes Female 90s Worcester Yes Unknown Female 90s Suffolk Unknown Unknown Female 90s Norfolk Unknown Unknown Female 90s Norfolk Unknown Unknown Female 90s Middlesex Unknown Unknown Female 90s Essex Unknown Unknown Male 90s Suffolk Yes Yes Male 90s Essex Yes Yes Male 90s Middlesex Unknown Unknown Male 90s Norfolk Yes Unknown Male 90s Hampden Yes No Female 90s Middlesex Unknown Unknown Female 90s Middlesex Yes Yes Male 90s Worcester Unknown Unknown Female 90s Norfolk Yes Unknown Female 90s Norfolk Unknown Unknown Male 90s Hampden Unknown Yes Female 90s Worcester Unknown Unknown Male 90s Middlesex Unknown Unknown Female 90s Middlesex Unknown Unknown Female 90s Norfolk Unknown Unknown Female 90s Middlesex Unknown Unknown Female 90s Essex Unknown Yes Female 90s Suffolk Unknown Unknown Male 90s Hampden Unknown Unknown MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH Female 90s Norfolk Unknown Unknown Female 100s Middlesex Unknown Unknown Female 100s Middlesex Yes Unknown Female 100s Middlesex Unknown Unknown Female 100s Hampden Unknown Unknown Laboratory Total Patients Positive Total Patients Tested MA State Public Health Laboratory 1674 9333 ARUP Laboratories 19 193 Baystate Medical Center 343 1335 Bedford Research Foundation 116 598 Berkshire Medical Center 4 24 Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center 2137 8972 BioReference Laboratories 23 80 Boston Medical Center 1157 2584 BROAD Institute CRSP 3848 13009 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1 10 Children’s Hospital Boston 27 469 CVS 777 3707 Cambridge Health Alliance 9 9 East Side Clinical Laboratory 44 271 Excelsior 6 11 Genesys Diagnostics 571 1474 Harrington Memorial Hospital 15 45 LabCorp 2198 8713 Mayo Clinic Labs 457 2405 Orig3n 16 40 Other Public Health Laboratories 12 17 Partners Healthcare 2236 8402 Quest Laboratories 11185 57812 South Shore Hospital 58 273 Steward Health Care 334 884 Tufts Medical Center 1581 5719 UMASS Memorial Medical Center 648 3148 VA Healthcare Sites 101 507 Vikor Scientific 94 129 Viracor 82 1332 Point of Care Testing 100 406 Other 45 112 Total Patients Tested* 29918 132023 https://www.mass.gov/doc/covid-19-cases-in-massachusetts-as-of-april-15-2020/download
  4. Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Illinois Test Results Positive 24,593 Deaths 948 Total Tests Performed* 116,929 *Total tests performed and reported electronically for testing of COVID-19 at IDPH, commercial or hospital laboratories. Deaths are included in the number of positive cases http://www.dph.illinois.gov/topics-services/diseases-and-conditions/diseases-a-z-list/coronavirus All numbers displayed are provisional and subject to change. Information last updated on 4/15/2020.
  5. COVID-19 Statistics in Maryland Number of confirmed cases: 10,032 Number of negative test results: 45,731 Number of deaths: 349 Number of probable deaths: 64 Hospitalizations: 2,231 ever hospitalized Released from isolation: 607 Cases and Deaths Data Breakdown Parenthesis = Number of confirmed deaths Asterisk = Number of probable deaths NH = Non-Hispanic By County County Cases Deaths Allegany 17 (1) Anne Arundel 845 (25) 5* Baltimore City 1,060 (25) 2* Baltimore County 1,485 (27) 5* Calvert 102 (1) Caroline 22 Carroll 262 (20) 2* Cecil 90 (2) Charles 310 (11) Dorchester 16 (1) Frederick 442 (20) 7* Garrett 4 Harford 152 3* Howard 424 (9) 1* Kent 11 (1) Montgomery 1,933 (44) 14* Prince George's 2,516 (65) 11* Queen Anne's 19 (1) St. Mary's 99 (1) Somerset 5 Talbot 14 (1) Washington 106 Wicomico 76 (1) Worcester 22 Data Not Available (93) 14* By Age Range and Gender Age/Gender Cases Deaths 0-9 74 10-19 204 20-29 1,089 (1) 30-39 1,670 (5) 40-49 1,808 (5) 50-59 2,005 (18) 3* 60-69 1,474 (53) 9* 70-79 1,010 (71) 12* 80+ 698 (107) 26* Data Not Available (89) 14* Female: 5,439 (164) 33* Male: 4,593 (185) 31* By Race and Ethnicity Race/Ethnicity Cases Deaths African-American (NH) 3,724 (139) 13* Asian (NH) 230 (10) 1* White (NH) 2,425 (109) 34* Hispanic 1,075 (13) 1* Other (NH) 357 (7) 1* Data Not Available 2,221 (71) 14* https://coronavirus.maryland.gov/
  6. New Positive Cases 440 between 04/12/2020 and 04/14/2020 New Deaths 49 between 03/28/2020 and 04/14/2020 New Tests 2,420 between 03/20/2020 and 04/14/2020 Total Positive Cases 8,955 Total Deaths 436 Total Tested 48,396 https://coronavirus.in.gov/
  7. COVID-19 Confirmed Cases: No. Cases (%) Total 14987 (100%) Hospitalized 2922 (19.5%) Deaths 552 (3.68%) COVID-19 Confirmed Cases By County: No. Cases No. Deaths Fulton 1844 62 Dougherty 1308 83 Dekalb 1191 15 Cobb 924 43 Gwinnett 852 29 Clayton 456 13 Hall 374 1 Henry 321 5 Sumter 273 12 Lee 264 15 Carroll 237 6 Bartow 235 17 Cherokee 225 8 Douglas 197 6 Muscogee 177 4 Mitchell 172 20 Richmond 168 8 Chatham 160 5 Forsyth 153 5 Houston 142 9 Early 141 6 Coweta 136 3 Terrell 135 11 Upson 135 5 Randolph 131 7 Fayette 120 5 Floyd 120 6 Paulding 117 5 Rockdale 107 6 Newton 104 3 Worth 104 4 https://dph.georgia.gov/covid-19-daily-status-report
  8. 21,951 Cases Reported* 1,103 Deaths Reported Reported COVID-19 Patients in Hospitals 1,943 425 of those on ventilators Tests Completed 5,817 by State Lab Commercial Tests Completed 116,111 and Reported to State** 64 of 64 Parishes with Reported Cases http://ldh.la.gov/coronavirus/
  9. Bergen County: 10,848 Positive Test Results 608 Deaths Essex County: 8,579 Positive Test Results 590 Deaths Hudson County: 8,511 Positive Test Results 312 Deaths Union County: 7,438 Positive Test Results 269 Deaths Passaic County: 6,750 Positive Test Results 182 Deaths Middlesex County: 6,576 Positive Test Results 248 Deaths Monmouth County: 4,122 Positive Test Results 167 Deaths Ocean County: 4,016 Positive Test Results 166 Deaths Morris County: 3,525 Positive Test Results 212 Deaths Somerset County: 2,001 Positive Test Results 101 Deaths Mercer County: 1,856 Positive Test Results 76 Deaths Camden County: 1,587 Positive Test Results 49 Deaths Burlington County: 1,261 Positive Test Results 45 Deaths Gloucester County: 602 Positive Test Results 14 Deaths Sussex County: 551 Positive Test Results 41 Deaths Warren County: 468 Positive Test Results 30 Deaths Hunterdon County: 356 Positive Test Results 14 Deaths Atlantic County: 322 Positive Test Results 13 Deaths Cumberland County: 210 Positive Test Results 3 Deaths Cape May County: 178 Positive Test Results 10 Deaths Salem County: 84 Positive Test Results 4 Deaths https://www.nj.gov/health/cd/topics/covid2019_dashboard.shtml
  10. This information is updated daily at 3 p.m., with COVID-19 results included as of 10 a.m. Overall Confirmed COVID-19 Cases by County updated 4/15/2020 County Cases Reported Deaths Alcona 1 Allegan 25 Alpena 1 Antrim 9 Arenac 7 Barry 18 1 Bay 64 2 Berrien 123 7 Branch 30 2 Calhoun 104 3 Cass 17 1 Charlevoix 11 1 Cheboygan 12 1 Clare 5 1 Clinton 100 5 Crawford 16 1 Delta 9 1 Detroit City 7136 475 Dickinson 3 2 Eaton 77 5 Emmet 21 2 Genesee 1084 89 Gladwin 6 Gogebic 4 1 Grand Traverse 17 3 Gratiot 7 Hillsdale 81 9 Houghton 2 Huron 7 Ingham 270 5 Ionia 18 2 Iosco 4 1 Isabella 43 4 Jackson 195 8 Kalamazoo 103 8 Kalkaska 16 2 Kent 354 16 Lake 2 Lapeer 125 10 Leelanau 5 Lenawee 56 Livingston 254 7 Luce 1 Mackinac 4 Macomb 3792 330 Manistee 10 Marquette 27 5 Mason 3 Mecosta 11 1 Menominee 1 Midland 36 1 Missaukee 2 1 Monroe 211 9 Montcalm 23 1 Montmorency 1 Muskegon 93 5 Newaygo 7 Oakland 5576 392 Oceana 3 1 Ogemaw 4 Osceola 5 Oscoda 4 Otsego 35 2 Ottawa 74 2 Presque Isle 2 Roscommon 9 Saginaw 313 19 Sanilac 25 2 Schoolcraft 3 Shiawassee 63 2 St Clair 221 8 St Joseph 22 1 Tuscola 47 9 Van Buren 26 2 Washtenaw 798 24 Wayne 5408 409 Wexford 7 1 MDOC* 472 12 FCI** 36 Unknown 76 5 Out of State 166 2 Totals 28059 1921 City of Detroit and Wayne County are reported separately. *Michigan Department of Corrections **Federal Correctional Institute Note on cumulative counts: This report is provisional and subject to change. As public health investigations of individual cases continue, there will be corrections to the status and details of referred cases that result in changes to this report. Note on the deaths: Deaths must be reported by health care providers, medical examiners/coroners, and recorded by local health departments in order to be counted. Note on jurisdictional classification: In order to provide more accurate data, the “Other” jurisdiction category will no longer be used. Michigan Department of Corrections cases will be listed under “MDOC”. Federal Correctional Institution cases will be listed under “FCI”. Links DAILY COUNTS LAB TESTING DATA ABOUT PLACES Age Data of Overall Deceased Average Age 73.5 years Median Age 75 years Age Range 20-107 years Cases by Sex Sex Percentage of Overall Cases by Sex Percentage of Deceased Cases by Sex Male 45% 57% Female 54% 43% Unknown 1% <1% **Totals may not add to 100% due to rounding** Cases by Age Age Percentage of Overall Cases by Age Percentage of Deceased Cases by Age 0 to 19 1% 0% 20 to 29 9% <1% 30 to 39 13% 1% 40 to 49 16% 4% 50 to 59 20% 10% 60 to 69 18% 19% 70 to 79 13% 28% 80+ 10% 37% Unknown <1% <1% **Totals may not add to 100% due to rounding** Cases by Race Race Percentage of Overall Cases by Race Percentage of Deceased Cases by Race American Indian or Alaska Native <1% <1% Asian/Pacific Islander 1% 1% Black or African American 33% 40% Caucasian 28% 40% Multiple Races 5% 2% Other 3% 2% Unknown 29% 15% **Totals may not add to 100% due to rounding** Cases by Ethnicity Ethnicity Percentage of Overall Cases by Ethnicity Percentage of Deceased Cases by Ethnicity Hispanic/Latino 2% 1% Non-Hispanic Latino 53% 68% Unknown 45% 31% **Totals may not add to 100% due to rounding** Cumulative Total of Recovered COVID-19 Cases (as of 4/10/2020): 433 Note on recovery: During this response, MDHHS is reviewing vital records statistics to identify any laboratory confirmed COVID-19 cases who are 30 days out from their onset of illness to represent recovery status. As the pandemic continues to impact Michigan, this pool will expand to include more cases. Recovered is defined as the number of persons with a confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis who are alive 30 days post-onset (or referral date if onset is not available). The number of persons recovered on April 10, 2020 represents COVID-19 confirmed individuals with an onset date on or prior to March 11, 2020. These numbers will be updated every Saturday. Source: Michigan Disease Surveillance System and Vital Records https://www.michigan.gov/coronavirus/0,9753,7-406-98163_98173---,00.html
  11. New York City 110,465 Albany County 535 Allegany County 28 Broome County 146 Cattaraugus County 32 Cayuga County 33 Chautauqua County 23 Chemung County 64 Chenango County 68 Clinton County 45 Columbia County 84 Cortland County 22 Delaware County 45 Dutchess County 1,934 Erie County 1,668 Essex County 12 Franklin County 13 Fulton County 22 Genesee County 76 Greene County 66 Hamilton County 3 Herkimer County 39 Jefferson County 47 Lewis County 7 Livingston County 31 Madison County 104 Monroe County 850 Montgomery County 32 Nassau County 25,250 Niagara County 197 Oneida County 229 Onondaga County 431 Ontario County 61 Orange County 5,578 Orleans County 31 Oswego County 41 Otsego County 44 Putnam County 558 Rensselaer County 120 Rockland County 8,335 Saratoga County 224 Schenectady County 235 Schoharie County 20 Schuyler County 6 Seneca County 18 St. Lawrence County 92 Steuben County 147 Suffolk County 22,462 Sullivan County 415 Tioga County 24 Tompkins County 112 Ulster County 690 Warren County 77 Washington County 40 Wayne County 48 Westchester County 20,191 Wyoming County 32 Yates County 6 New York State Total 202,208 New York State Deaths 11,586 New York City Deaths (Note: includes confirmed and presumed COVID-19 deaths as reported by the NYC Health Department) 10,367 https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/how-many-in-tri-state-have-tested-positive-for-coronavirus-here-are-latest-cases-by-the-numbers/2317721/
  12. Virus name: hCoV-19/USA/NY-Wadsworth-11330-01/2020 Accession ID: EPI_ISL_426328 Type: betacoronavirus Passage details/history: Original Sample information Collection date: 2020-03-07 Location: North America/USA/New York/Westchester County Host: Human
  13. Virus name: hCoV-19/USA/NY-Wadsworth-11249-01/2020 Accession ID: EPI_ISL_426327 Type: betacoronavirus Passage details/history: Original Sample information Collection date: 2020-03-06 Location: North America/USA/New York/Westchester County Host: Human
  14. Virus name: hCoV-19/USA/NY-Wadsworth-11245-01/2020 Accession ID: EPI_ISL_426326 Type: betacoronavirus Passage details/history: Original Sample information Collection date: 2020-03-06 Location: North America/USA/New York/Westchester County Host: Human
  15. Virus name: hCoV-19/USA/NY-Wadsworth-11191-01/2020 Accession ID: EPI_ISL_426325 Type: betacoronavirus Passage details/history: Original Sample information Collection date: 2020-03-06 Location: North America/USA/New York/Westchester County Host: Human
  16. Virus name: hCoV-19/USA/NY-Wadsworth-11190-01/2020 Accession ID: EPI_ISL_426324 Type: betacoronavirus Passage details/history: Original Sample information Collection date: 2020-03-06 Location: North America/USA/New York/Westchester County Host: Human
  17. Virus name: hCoV-19/USA/NY-Wadsworth-11717-01/2020 Accession ID: EPI_ISL_426291 Type: betacoronavirus Passage details/history: Original Sample information Collection date: 2020-03-08 Location: North America / USA / New York / Westchester County Host: Human
  18. Virus name: hCoV-19/USA/NY-Wadsworth-16766-01/2020 Accession ID: EPI_ISL_426323 Type: betacoronavirus Passage details/history: Original Sample information Collection date: 2020-03-16 Location: North America / USA / New York / Dutchess County Host: Human
  19. Virus name: hCoV-19/USA/NY-Wadsworth-31617-01/2020 Accession ID: EPI_ISL_426321 Type: betacoronavirus Passage details/history: Original Sample information Collection date: 2020-03-27 Location: North America / USA / New York / Chenango County Host: Human
  20. Virus name: hCoV-19/USA/NY-Wadsworth-25860-01/2020 Accession ID: EPI_ISL_426320 Type: betacoronavirus Passage details/history: Original Sample information Collection date: 2020-03-20 Location: North America / USA / New York / Broome County Host: Human
  21. Virus name: hCoV-19/USA/NY-Wadsworth-16166-01/2020 Accession ID: EPI_ISL_426319 Type: betacoronavirus Passage details/history: Original Sample information Collection date: 2020-03-15 Location: North America / USA / New York / Bronx Host: Human
  22. Virus name: hCoV-19/USA/NY-Wadsworth-26551-01/2020 Accession ID: EPI_ISL_426318 Type: betacoronavirus Passage details/history: Original Sample information Collection date: 2020-03-22 Location: North America / USA / New York / Ulster County Host: Human
  23. Virus name: hCoV-19/USA/NY-Wadsworth-16480-01/2020 Accession ID: EPI_ISL_426317 Type: betacoronavirus Passage details/history: Original Sample information Collection date: 2020-03-15 Location: North America / USA / New York / New York City Host: Human
  24. Virus name: hCoV-19/USA/NY-Wadsworth-16833-01/2020 Accession ID: EPI_ISL_426316 Type: betacoronavirus Passage details/history: Original Sample information Collection date: 2020-03-15 Location: North America / USA / New York / Rockland County Host: Human
  25. Virus name: hCoV-19/USA/NY-Wadsworth-22874-01/2020 Accession ID: EPI_ISL_426315 Type: betacoronavirus Passage details/history: Original Sample information Collection date: 2020-03-19 Location: North America / USA / New York / Onondaga County Host: Human
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