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Everything posted by niman

  1. Update: Interim Guidance for Health Care Providers Evaluating and Caring for Patients with Suspected E-cigarette, or Vaping, Product Use Associated Lung Injury — United States, October 2019 Early Release / October 11, 2019 / 68 https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/68/wr/mm6841e3.htm?s_cid=mm6841e3_w
  2. Early release MMWR embargoed until 1 PM
  3. MMWR embargoed until 1 PM
  4. Many cases now will have more probable causes due to flu and other respiratory diseases so need high index of suspicion for infection and vaping
  5. Case definition more complicated due to higher frequency of respiratory inflections now
  6. Readmissions - don't know if restarted vaping
  7. Index of suspicion should include vaping in patients with other infections such as flu
  8. Recommend flu testing as part of initial workup
  9. May be multiple causative agents
  10. Many products and intervening actors
  11. May have multiple causes for diseases being seen
  12. Vit E in 47% of 225 THC products
  13. Reminder on getting flu vaccine
  14. Handful (<5) of cases readmitted
  15. Vitamin E acetate in 47% of THC products
  16. Vitamin E acetate in first 30 samples range is 23-88% Vitamin E acetate
  17. First 28 samples THC range 13-77% mean of 41%
  18. 75 nicotine and 225 THC products tested so far
  19. Testing on over 300 so far (from 18 of 23 states that have samples from)
  20. Over 725 samples collected by FDA
  21. May be more than one cause or source (may be regional differences)
  22. Cannot rule out nicotine only since they represent 13% of cases
  23. FDA investigation NOT limited to THC linked cases
  24. No single product linked to all cases
  25. FDA talking broad search
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