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Everything posted by niman

  1. Number of confirmed cases : 1,333,923 Testing % Positive : 12.66% Total testing volume : 24,125,618 Daily testing Volume : 7,739 Number of confirmed deaths : 15,843 Number of probable deaths : 274 Currently hospitalized (Total/Adult/Pediatric): 747 / 737 / 10 Acute care (Total/Adult/Pediatric): 648 / 639 / 9 https://coronavirus.maryland.gov/ Intensive care (Total/Adult/Pediatric): 99 / 98 / 1
  2. https://www.michigan.gov/coronavirus/stats
  3. https://www.latimes.com/projects/california-coronavirus-cases-tracking-outbreak/
  4. https://hhs.iowa.gov/covid-19-reporting
  5. https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/633006d0782b4544bd5113a314f6268a/page/Page-1/
  6. https://dhhr.wv.gov/COVID-19/Pages/default.aspx
  7. https://data.ct.gov/stories/s/q5as-kyim?print=true
  8. https://coronavirus.health.ny.gov/covid-19-testing-tracker#/signin?externalRedirect=%2Fviews%2FNYS-COVID19-Tracker%2FNYSDOHCOVID-19Tracker-Map%3F%3Aembed%3Dyes%26%3Atoolbar%3Dno%26%3Atabs%3Dn&site=
  9. https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/633006d0782b4544bd5113a314f6268a/page/Page-1/
  10. map update https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/1/edit?mid=1E2wqF61M_F0pc9zOvoEs075hbeDW_Lot&ll=39.817403021930424%2C-122.19628240202401&z=14
  11. California Tahema01 Poultry Farm 29,700 1/12/23 https://www.aphis.usda.gov/aphis/ourfocus/animalhealth/animal-disease-information/avian/avian-influenza/hpai-2022/2022-hpai-commercial-backyard-flocks
  12. map update https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/1/edit?mid=1E2wqF61M_F0pc9zOvoEs075hbeDW_Lot&ll=-11.581778698822799%2C-77.30243634972884&z=11
  13. 2022/11/29 END DATE - DETAILED CHARACTERISATION - FIRST ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION Lima SECOND ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION Huaral THIRD ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION Huaral EPIDEMIOLOGICAL UNIT Backyard LOCATION Localidad de San Antonio Latitude, Longitude -11.498495 , -77.212057 OUTBREAKS IN CLUSTER - MEASURING UNIT Animal Species Susceptible Cases Deaths Killed and Disposed of Slaughtered/ Killed for commercial use Vaccinated Birds (DOMESTIC) NEW 32 1 1 31 0 0 TOTAL 32 1 1 31 0 0
  14. On November 30, 2022, notification was received about the occurrence of mortality of birds in combat breeding, located in the town of San Antonio, district and province of Huaral, department of Lima. Upon inspection, the presence of 01 sick bird (a rooster), which presented anorexia, incoordination of movement and torticollis was found; blood samples and swabs of the sick bird were collected. The owner stated that a day before the visit, a hen died, presenting anorexia, incoordination of movement and torticollis. On December 2, 2022, 40 combat birds were slaughtered (seven pullets, 14 roosters, six hens, three cockerels, two female chicks and eight newly hatched male chicks) in the same hatchery. The carcasses were disposed of in a pit dug in a landfill located eight kilometers from the farm. The origin of the disease is attributed to contact between domestic and wild birds. During active clinical surveillance, 71 farms were visited with a population of 1,128 birds, which showed no AI symptoms. The type identified is Avian Influenza Type A subtype H5. The origin of the disease is attributed to contact between domestic and wild birds. https://wahis.woah.org/#/in-review/4765?reportId=158388&fromPage=event-dashboard-url
  15. map update https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/1/edit?mid=1E2wqF61M_F0pc9zOvoEs075hbeDW_Lot&ll=-12.63107891020751%2C-76.63857959391785&z=17
  16. 2022/11/27 END DATE - DETAILED CHARACTERISATION - FIRST ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION Lima SECOND ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION Cañete THIRD ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION Santa Cruz de Flores EPIDEMIOLOGICAL UNIT Farm LOCATION Fundo Flores Latitude, Longitude -12.630958 , -76.638247 OUTBREAKS IN CLUSTER - MEASURING UNIT Animal Species Susceptible Cases Deaths Killed and Disposed of Slaughtered/ Killed for commercial use Vaccinated Birds (DOMESTIC) NEW 7000 2404 2404 4596 0 0 TOTAL 7000 2404 2404 4596 0 0
  17. On November 30, notification was received regarding the occurrence of bird mortality in a duck farm located in Fundo Flores, Santa Cruz de Flores district, Cañete province, Lima department. On 01/12 inspection revealed the presence of 112 dead and 245 sick birds, showing coughing, dyspnea, cyanosis of the chin, whitish diarrhea and incoordination of movement; blood samples and tracheal swabs were collected from the sick birds. The dead birds were buried and the premises were disinfected and interdicted. The owner stated that from 11/27 to 11/30 there was a mortality of approximately 2,000 birds, which showed symptoms of inappetence, weakness and incoordination, dying two days after the onset of the symptoms, which were buried on the same premises. On 05/12/22, a total of 4,596 live birds were slaughtered, and the mortality was buried in the same farm, with feed, litter and guano. Daily cleaning and disinfection of the facilities was carried out and continues to date. We visited and inspected 35 poultry farms with a total population of 9,182 birds, which were found to be free of AI symptoms. The type identified is Avian Influenza Type A subtype H5. The origin of the disease is attributed to the contact of domestic birds with wild birds. https://wahis.woah.org/#/in-review/4765?reportId=158388&fromPage=event-dashboard-url
  18. map update https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/1/edit?mid=1E2wqF61M_F0pc9zOvoEs075hbeDW_Lot&ll=-8.87983332082359%2C-78.67996184155274&z=14
  19. START DATE 2022/11/30 END DATE - DETAILED CHARACTERISATION - FIRST ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION La Libertad SECOND ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION Viru THIRD ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION Guadalupito EPIDEMIOLOGICAL UNIT Farm LOCATION Distrito de Guadalupito Latitude, Longitude -8.907257 , -78.642368 OUTBREAKS IN CLUSTER - MEASURING UNIT Animal Species Susceptible Cases Deaths Killed and Disposed of Slaughtered/ Killed for commercial use Vaccinated Birds (DOMESTIC) NEW 5025 4375 3725 650 0 0 TOTAL 5025 4375 3725 650 0 0
  20. On December 3rd, notification was received regarding the occurrence of poultry mortality in a laying hen farm located in the district of Guadalupito, province of Viru, department of La Libertad. The inspection revealed the presence of 3,700 dead birds and 25 sick birds (laying hens), which presented whitish diarrhea, congestion, depression and prostration; samples of organs and swabs of the sick birds were collected. The dead birds were buried and the farm was disinfected and interdicted. On 07.12.22, a total of 650 birds found alive were slaughtered and buried on the same premises, together with the guano, food remains and others. Cleaning and disinfection actions were implemented. In the perifocal zone (5 km radius), epidemiological surveillance was carried out in a total of twelve backyard poultry farms, with a total population of 349 birds, which were found without AI symptoms, and 77 serum samples were taken for diagnosis by ELISA/IDGA. The origin of the disease is attributed to the contact of domestic birds with wild birds. The identified type of Avian Influenza is type A subtype H5. https://wahis.woah.org/#/in-review/4765?reportId=158388&fromPage=event-dashboard-url
  21. https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/633006d0782b4544bd5113a314f6268a/page/Page-1/
  22. map update https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/1/edit?mid=1E2wqF61M_F0pc9zOvoEs075hbeDW_Lot&ll=-20.802111497542302%2C-70.23588211669922&z=13
  23. START DATE 2022/12/07 END DATE - DETAILED CHARACTERISATION - FIRST ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION Tarapacá SECOND ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION Iquique THIRD ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION Iquique EPIDEMIOLOGICAL UNIT Other LOCATION Puerto Patache Latitude, Longitude -20.8055 , -70.1964 (Approximate location) OUTBREAKS IN CLUSTER - MEASURING UNIT Animal AFFECTED POPULATION DESCRIPTION - Species Susceptible Cases Deaths Killed and Disposed of Slaughtered/ Killed for commercial use Vaccinated Peruvian pelican (WILD) NEW - 3 3 0 0 0 TOTAL - 3 3 0 0 0 https://wahis.woah.org/#/in-review/4775?reportId=158313&fromPage=event-dashboard-url
  24. map update https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/1/edit?mid=1E2wqF61M_F0pc9zOvoEs075hbeDW_Lot&ll=-19.16049584786783%2C-70.48177377929686&z=10
  25. 2022/12/07 END DATE - DETAILED CHARACTERISATION - FIRST ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION Arica y Parinacota SECOND ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION Arica THIRD ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION Camarones EPIDEMIOLOGICAL UNIT Other LOCATION Playa Camarones Latitude, Longitude -19.1015 , -70.2799 (Approximate location) OUTBREAKS IN CLUSTER - MEASURING UNIT Animal AFFECTED POPULATION DESCRIPTION - Species Susceptible Cases Deaths Killed and Disposed of Slaughtered/ Killed for commercial use Vaccinated Peruvian pelican (WILD) NEW - 11 11 0 0 0 TOTAL - 11 11 0 0 0
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