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Everything posted by niman

  1. map update https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/2/edit?mid=1E2wqF61M_F0pc9zOvoEs075hbeDW_Lot&ll=48.96726773393826%2C-99.21297843688748&z=12
  2. North Dakota Towner 4/19/2022 EA H5N1 Common goldeneye Wild bird mortality NWDP https://www.aphis.usda.gov/aphis/ourfocus/animalhealth/animal-disease-information/avian/avian-influenza/hpai-2022/2022-hpai-wild-birds
  3. map update https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/2/edit?mid=1E2wqF61M_F0pc9zOvoEs075hbeDW_Lot&ll=48.9641122056166%2C-99.06912620300076&z=12
  4. North Dakota Towner 4/19/2022 EA H5N1 Cooper's hawk Wild bird mortality NWDP https://www.aphis.usda.gov/aphis/ourfocus/animalhealth/animal-disease-information/avian/avian-influenza/hpai-2022/2022-hpai-wild-birds
  5. map update https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/2/edit?mid=1E2wqF61M_F0pc9zOvoEs075hbeDW_Lot&ll=48.98867497306291%2C-99.14603049987576&z=12
  6. North Dakota Towner 4/19/2022 EA H5N1 Hawk (unidentified) Wild bird mortality NWDP https://www.aphis.usda.gov/aphis/ourfocus/animalhealth/animal-disease-information/avian/avian-influenza/hpai-2022/2022-hpai-wild-birds
  7. map update https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/2/edit?mid=1E2wqF61M_F0pc9zOvoEs075hbeDW_Lot&ll=48.83795327449316%2C-99.2466240667703&z=12
  8. North Dakota Towner 4/19/2022 EA H5N1 Ross's goose Hunter harvest NWDP https://www.aphis.usda.gov/aphis/ourfocus/animalhealth/animal-disease-information/avian/avian-influenza/hpai-2022/2022-hpai-wild-birds
  9. map update https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/2/edit?mid=1E2wqF61M_F0pc9zOvoEs075hbeDW_Lot&ll=51.7556153715159%2C-107.1682662821046&z=13
  10. The CFIA has detected the presence of highly pathogenic avian influenza (AI) in the following locations in Saskatchewan: April 26, 2022 – Rural Municipality of Montrose No. 315 (poultry flock) April 24, 2022 – Rural Municipality of Carmichael No. 109 (poultry flock) April 22, 2022 – Rural Municipality of Morse No. 165 (poultry flock) April 22, 2022 – Rural Municipality of Loreburn No. 254 (small flock) April 16, 2022 – Rural Municipality of Loreburn No. 254 (poultry flock) April 14, 2022 – Rural Municipality of Moose Creek No. 33 (small flock) Each infected premises has been placed under quarantine. CFIA has begun an investigation and will be establishing movement control measures on other farms within that area. The CFIA has established Primary Control Zones (PCZ), in the areas where the disease has been identified. The PCZs have been established to prevent the spread of highly pathogenic avian influenza: Map: Avian influenza zones https://inspection.canada.ca/animal-health/terrestrial-animals/diseases/reportable/avian-influenza/response-to-detections-of-highly-pathogenic-avian-/eng/1640207916497/1640207916934
  11. https://alaska-coronavirus-vaccine-outreach-alaska-dhss.hub.arcgis.com/
  12. https://montana.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapSeries/index.html?appid=7c34f3412536439491adcc2103421d4b
  13. https://health.hawaii.gov/coronavirusdisease2019/
  14. COVID-19 Summary Report (data updated as of April 27, 2022, 9:00 AM) Number of Persons with COVID-19309,193 Recovered 304,061 (98%) Deaths Attributed to COVID-19 2,478 (1%) Total Current COVID-19 Cases 2,654 Current Hospitalizations Treated for COVID-19 20 https://www.covid19.nh.gov/
  15. https://doh.sd.gov/COVID/Dashboard.aspx
  16. https://coronavirus.idaho.gov/
  17. https://govstatus.egov.com/OR-OHA-COVID-19
  18. https://cvprovider.nmhealth.org/public-dashboard.html
  19. Aitkin County: 2,994 Anoka County: 99,093 Becker County: 8,848 Beltrami County: 12,075 Benton County: 14,104 Big Stone County: 1,401 Blue Earth County: 18,123 Brown County: 6,548 Carlton County: 8,950 Carver County: 26,908 Cass County: 7,044 Chippewa County: 3,090 Chisago County: 14,602 Clay County: 19,876 Clearwater County: 2,163 Cook County: 565 Cottonwood County: 3,225 Crow Wing County: 16,038 Dakota County: 111,196 Dodge County: 5,743 Douglas County: 10,960 Faribault County: 3,795 Fillmore County: 4,830 Freeborn County: 9,137 Goodhue County: 13,283 Grant County: 1,478 Hennepin County: 303,773 Houston County: 4,577 Hubbard County: 4,967 Isanti County: 10,131 Itasca County: 11,078 Jackson County: 2,156 Kanabec County: 3,525 Kandiyohi County: 13,465 Kittson County: 1,041 Koochiching County: 2,730 Lac Qui Parle County: 1,750 Lake County: 2,084 Lake of the Woods County: 768 Le Sueur County: 6,512 Lincoln County: 1,216 Lyon County: 7,079 Mahnomen County: 1,784 Marshall County: 2,098 Martin County: 5,621 McLeod County: 10,622 Meeker County: 5,956 Mille Lacs County: 7,256 Morrison County: 9,135 Mower County: 11,926 Murray County: 2,034 Nicollet County: 8,090 Nobles County: 6,964 Norman County: 1,497 Olmsted County: 42,017 Otter Tail County: 13,621 Pennington County: 3,604 Pine County: 7,044 Pipestone County: 2,000 Polk County: 8,879 Pope County: 3,049 Ramsey County: 125,736 Red Lake County: 940 Redwood County: 3,942 Renville County: 3,749 Rice County: 18,023 Rock County: 2,333 Roseau County: 4,477 Scott County: 40,467 Sherburne County: 27,366 Sibley County: 3,545 St. Louis County: 47,485 Stearns County: 51,057 Steele County: 10,482 Stevens County: 2,634 Swift County: 2,299 Todd County: 6,812 Traverse County: 857 Wabasha County: 5,668 Wadena County: 4,231 Waseca County: 5,563 Washington County: 67,591 Watonwan County: 2,983 Wilkin County: 1,657 Winona County: 12,853 Wright County: 36,728 Yellow Medicine County: 2,542 https://mndps.maps.arcgis.com/apps/dashboards/f28f84968c1148129932c3bebb1d3a1a
  20. Cumulative Number of Confirmed Positive Cases 238,570 Cumulative Number of Probable Positive Cases 23,388 Cumulative Number of Long-Term Care Cases 3,807 Positive Cases by County County Positive Cases New Castle County 148,290 View New Castle County data Kent County 50,816 View Kent County data Sussex County 61,991 View Sussex County data Unknown 861 View more case data Data are current as of 6pm the previous day. Last update: 04/26/2022 State of Delaware Deaths Data Last Updated:04/27/2022 11:25 AM Total Deaths 2,906 23.5 per 10,000 people May 2020Sep 2020Jan 2021May 2021Sep 2021Jan 2022May 2022 Confirmed Deaths 2,619 Probable Deaths 287 Long-Term Care Deaths 949 View more death data Data are current as of 6pm the previous day. Last update: 04/26/2022 https://myhealthycommunity.dhss.delaware.gov/locations/state
  21. https://app.powerbigov.us/view?r=eyJrIjoiMjA2ZThiOWUtM2FlNS00MGY5LWFmYjUtNmQwNTQ3Nzg5N2I2IiwidCI6ImU0YTM0MGU2LWI4OWUtNGU2OC04ZWFhLTE1NDRkMjcwMzk4MCJ9
  22. https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/covid-19/cases.htm
  23. Mississippi investigates and reports both probable and confirmed cases and deaths according to the CSTE case definition. Confirmed Probable Total Cases 438,066 359,183 797,249 Deaths 8,197 4,242 12,439 Confirmed cases and deaths are generally determined by positive PCR tests, which detect the presence of ongoing coronavirus infection. Probable cases are those who test positive by other testing methods such as antibody or antigen, and have recent symptoms consistent with COVID-19, indicating a recent infection. Probable deaths are those individuals with a designation of COVID-19 as a cause of death on the death certificate, but where no confirmatory testing was performed. https://msdh.ms.gov/msdhsite/_static/14,0,420.html#highcase
  24. https://ri-department-of-health-covid-19-data-rihealth.hub.arcgis.com/
  25. https://covid19.ncdhhs.gov/dashboard/cases-and-deaths
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