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Everything posted by niman

  1. New Confirmed Cases¹ 1,488 Established via PCR testing New Probable Cases² 486 Established via antigen testing New Lab-Confirmed Deaths 7 Source: CDRSS No data Rate of Transmission (Rt) 1.29 Statewide https://www.nj.gov/health/cd/topics/covid2019_dashboard.shtml
  2. https://coronavirus.health.ny.gov/covid-19-testing-tracker#/signin?externalRedirect=%2Fviews%2FNYS-COVID19-Tracker%2FNYSDOHCOVID-19Tracker-Map%3F%3Aembed%3Dyes%26%3Atoolbar%3Dno%26%3Atabs%3Dn&site=
  3. https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/633006d0782b4544bd5113a314f6268a/page/Page-1/
  4. Confirmed Cases 2,313,103 Probable Cases 477,915 Negative Tests 6,175,613 Deaths 44,442 https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/ed2def13f9b045eda9f7d22dbc9b500e
  5. Number of confirmed cases : 1,017,470 Testing % Positive : 2.53% Total testing volume : 19,839,070 Daily testing Volume : 18,899 Number of confirmed deaths : 14,121 Number of probable deaths : 264 Currently hospitalized (Total/Adult/Pediatric): 146 / 141 / 5 Acute care (Total/Adult/Pediatric): 123 / 119 / 4 Intensive care (Total/Adult/Pediatric): 23 / 22 / 1 https://coronavirus.maryland.gov/
  6. MOVING 7-DAY PERCENTAGE 2.6 % Positivity in Tests CASES 1,297,305 TOTAL 387,659 2020 537,831 2021 371,815 2022 DEATHS 19,417 TOTAL 7,188 2020 9,545 2021 2,684 2022 LAST 7 DAYS - TOTAL TESTS 21,290 NAAT TESTS 562 POSITIVE NAAT TESTS https://alpublichealth.maps.arcgis.com/apps/dashboards/6d2771faa9da4a2786a509d82c8cf0f7
  7. New Cases 157 118,683 Total Currently Hospitalized 35 Hospitalized in ICU 6 Percent Positive 7-day Avg. 10% New Tests 1,690 3,508,855 Total Deaths 623 0.5% of Cases Last Updated: 4/12/2022, 11:09:04 AM https://www.healthvermont.gov/covid-19/current-activity/case-dashboard
  8. Cumulative COVID-19 Cases by County Download a csv file with the most recent cumulative case data by county. Download a csv file with historical case data by county and date. Cumulative COVID-19 Cases by ZIP Code Download a csv file with the most recent cumulative case data by zip code. Tables of COVID-19 Testing Data, Hospital Use, and Case Demographics View Wastewater Testing Data Download Maine CDC Wastewater Testing Reports People infected with the virus that causes COVID-19 may shed it in the water that flows from their homes to public wastewater systems. This happens whether they have symptoms or not. Communities can track virus activity by looking for viral RNA in wastewater. Wastewater, or sewage, includes water that may contain human waste (toilets, showers, sinks). It also includes water from some other sources (rainwater, water for industrial use). To better understand the burden of COVID-19 in a community, Maine CDC and US CDC test wastewater for the virus. This helps to tailor public health actions to protect communities across the state. Find these data on the US CDC COVID Data Tracker. Data will be added to the Data Tracker as they become available. https://www.maine.gov/dhhs/mecdc/infectious-disease/epi/airborne/coronavirus/data.shtml
  9. https://dhhr.wv.gov/COVID-19/Pages/default.aspx
  10. https://idph.iowa.gov/Emerging-Health-Issues/Novel-Coronavirus/COVID-19-Reporting
  11. https://www.vdh.virginia.gov/coronavirus/see-the-numbers/covid-19-in-virginia/
  12. map update https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/2/edit?mid=1E2wqF61M_F0pc9zOvoEs075hbeDW_Lot&ll=51.733283719781014%2C-114.08356099129858&z=14
  13. 10 km exclusion zone https://inspection.canada.ca/animal-health/terrestrial-animals/diseases/reportable/avian-influenza/response-to-detections-of-highly-pathogenic-avian-/ai-zones/eng/1648851134912/1648851359195
  14. map update https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/2/edit?mid=1E2wqF61M_F0pc9zOvoEs075hbeDW_Lot&ll=42.29961534230701%2C-96.86022018190464&z=12
  15. Post Holdings Inc., a consumer packaged goods holding company, reported Tuesday that a Michael Foods owned egg-laying flock in Nebraska tested positive for avian influenza. The facility houses about 2 million egg-laying hens https://www.marketwatch.com/story/post-holdings-reports-avian-influenza-at-nebraska-facility-fiscal-2022-guidance-271649788176
  16. map update https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/2/edit?mid=1E2wqF61M_F0pc9zOvoEs075hbeDW_Lot&ll=41.52554177300891%2C-86.17311282304689&z=11
  17. On April 12, a second commercial duck flock in Elkhart County has tested presumptive-positive for the H5N1 avian influenza virus. The flock, known as Elkhart2, has an estimated 6,000 ducks (more information to come as the situation develops). Board of Animal Health staff are working to notify flock owners in the 10-km Control Area that is being established around Elkhart 2.
  18. map update https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/2/edit?mid=1E2wqF61M_F0pc9zOvoEs075hbeDW_Lot&ll=41.75407476785564%2C-80.17772351650582&z=10
  19. Rep. Parke Wentling (Crawford/Erie/Lawrence/Mercer) is urging backyard chicken owners to protect their flocks and exercise precautions after the National Veterinary Services Laboratory (NVSL) in Ames, Iowa, confirmed a redhead duck, found March 25 along state game lands in Crawford County, died from the Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI H5N1). https://www.repwentling.com/News/27564/Press-Releases/Wentling-Calls-on-Backyard-Chicken-Farmers-to-Exercise-Caution-
  20. map update https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/2/edit?mid=1E2wqF61M_F0pc9zOvoEs075hbeDW_Lot&ll=45.75768317958135%2C-88.01204813466498&z=10
  21. The HPAI case was found in Menominee County west of Escanaba and along the Wisconsin border. It involved about 50 birds of mixed species, a spokesperson said. https://www.michigan.gov/mdard/about/media/pressreleases/2022/04/12/hpai-detected-in-menominee-county
  22. Following an investigation by the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (MDARD), the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Veterinary Services Laboratories (NVSL) confirmed the presence of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) in a non-commercial backyard flock from Menominee County. This is the third detection in domestic birds in the state, and the first in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. https://www.michigan.gov/mdard/about/media/pressreleases/2022/04/12/hpai-detected-in-menominee-county
  23. map update https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/2/edit?mid=1E2wqF61M_F0pc9zOvoEs075hbeDW_Lot&ll=45.188780748607535%2C-74.70395800402767&z=10
  24. The CFIA has confirmed the presence of highly pathogenic avian influenza (AI), subtype H5N1, in the following regions in Ontario: April 12, 2022 – Township of South Glengarry02 (poultry flock) April 10, 2022 – Township of South Glengarry01 (poultry flock) April 6, 2022 – City of Markham (poultry flock) April 6, 2022 – Municipality of Chatham-Kent (poultry flock) April 5, 2022 – Prince Edward County (backyard flock) April 5, 2022 – City of Markham (poultry flock) April 4, 2022 – Township of Centre Wellington (poultry flock) April 2, 2022 – Township of Selwyn (backyard flock) March 31, 2022 – Township of Chippewas of Nawash Unceded First Nation (backyard flock) March 30, 2022 – Township of Woolwich (poultry flock) March 28, 2022 – Township of Zorra (poultry flock) March 27, 2022 – Township of Guelph/Eramosa (poultry flock) https://inspection.canada.ca/animal-health/terrestrial-animals/diseases/reportable/avian-influenza/response-to-detections-of-highly-pathogenic-avian-/eng/1640207916497/1640207916934
  25. map update https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/2/edit?mid=1E2wqF61M_F0pc9zOvoEs075hbeDW_Lot&ll=52.78057904669245%2C-112.89940948305347&z=12
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