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Thirty Second BA.2.86 Sequence from England

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  • niman changed the title to Thirty Second BA.2.86 Sequences from England

As of 4 September 2023, there are 34 BA.2.86 sequenced cases in England, with cases located in East of England, London, and North West England. Of 34 total cases in England, 5 were hospitalised (2 have unknown hospitalisation status), and no deaths due to COVID-19 have been reported. These cases include 28 sequenced as part of an investigation of an outbreak in a care home which reported a high attack rate.


  • niman changed the title to Thirty Second BA.2.86 Sequence from England

Of the 34 cases in England, 28 cases were from a single outbreak at a care home in Norfolk. Specialists from UKHSA have been working with Norfolk County Council to offer infection control advice and support.

Staff and residents of the care home were asked to undergo polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing by local health protection officials when an unusually high number of people became unwell. Positive samples were sent for whole genome sequencing at UKHSA laboratories, where BA.2.86 was confirmed in the majority of samples.

Based on the information from this incident, it is too early to draw any conclusions about how BA.2.86 will behave in the wider UK population, but it is an early indicator that it may be sufficiently transmissible to have impact in close contact settings. UKHSA scientists are investigating this and will publish further analysis in future technical briefings. This variant has been detected in a number of countries globally.


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