Admin Posted November 20, 2024 Report Posted November 20, 2024 You Hello and welcome to the doctor Niman show today is Tuesday, November 19, 202 4 and here we are with our expedition is Dr. Niman Dr. Niman OK, thank you, Ryan I thought it'd be good to kind of cover the teenager in British Columbia. I got hit it shouldn't take his their mutations and we've kind of covered this a little bit but the reason I want to. Give a little more detail tonight is is starting to actually get out of the media and people are kind of looking at the teenager with respect to the sequences and Most specific one was by Helen branch while she had the first one that came out and she talked to a couple of the scientist who had comments largely on the tea changes in the receptor by the domain and those were the E190 D and the Q226 eight and They did verify that they were important and they didn't really talk about the PB2E627 K and and there is some comments in the in the article that said that they don't really know where it came from and without saying that they don't really know if The changes were in the virus that infected the teenager or if they happened after the teenager got infected, and as you know, I feel fairly strongly that most if not all of them happened Before the teenager got affected because He hadn't been sick that long between the time that he was symptomatic and a sample was collected. He actually got sick. After the sample was collected and he's been sick a long time now, but that's probably what happened to the source of the virus. It probably was in. That Hannibal and I'd say almost definitely once in that mammal for probably an even longer time than the teenager when the sample was collected, and The mammal, if it was his dog with apparently a possibility that doing that crap on the family dog and it turns out the dog has some a lot of virus in his lungs didn't tested negative, but initially, but initially was probably a A throat swab not sure exactly what they take, but be in the upper respiratory track initially on necropsy they can go and look at individual tissues, including the lines and would be able to get a much better idea whether the dog was infected in. They'll probably be able if he was they'll be able to get a. A full sequence and see how many if any, but I don't think the F is realistic, but how many of these changes that were in the teenager were also in the man that infected the teenager and I think he can make a good case for For the dog and you should hear about that fairly soon it doesn't take that long to do these, but anyway, as far as the mutations were concerned They they kind of sound interesting in the teenager had two receptor bonding domain plus the PB 2 and I had mentioned earlier that there were similarities in the in the gain of function studies that have been done with influence to see what it would take to To get each died and want to transmit through the air and effect another mammal affair model use where they inject the ferrets in their one cage, and they have other ferrets in a nearby case and they don't have any physical contact but they can Cough season on each other and see if the ones that weren't infected by the experiment or actually did get infected but when I describe these that they kind of fit that, but they don't quite because the key markers in those kind of functions were the were changes in at 2:26 and 2:2 8 in the H 5 And then they all ended up having the PP2E627 K and the case of the teenager they certainly had the E627K but the queue was right position and 226 but the teenager has a H and the band function had an L teenager kind of close to those, but not quite And so then, I thought I would look at the the E190 D and I knew that the E192D was involved with the 19 18 pandemic and That pandemic there was one donor who was Up in Alaska and she died in 19 18 and the perm frost up there pretty well preserved Her body and they were able to get almost a full sequence from the I think they were probably from her lungs. I'm not sure exactly what the source of the. Are they was but they got quite a bit of it and and it's it's she said it's it's you're not surprisingly it's Brad mission one 1918 the name of that so it's not a stand out that respect but I took a look at it and indeed it did have E190 D so it has the exact changed that the teenager has and that I looked at the changes that at 2:26 and 22 8 and it actually didn't have either of them, it has the sequence of the wild type so they had a cute position 226 and a G 22 8 and that's what all of the H5 sequences are that that have a taste anything and the receptor by nitro look at PB two the action should a full sequence of PB to the The H one from the pandemic they had a partial sequence, but it had the front end of the of the protein and the receptor body in full receptor body domain and sure enough it had E6 to 7 K so if you just kinda looked at these markers that scientists have been very interested in Of the four markers The two 226228 it didn't have and the other two it had and those two are exact matches what the teenager has so these are important markers and Yeah, I looked this up. The CDC has kind of a whole story on Bradley ignition and how bad things were there and a couple of numbers were quite striking that they they had 80 adults in the village and 72 of them died and it only took five days so they all died in the five day . And so they the virus, you know, obviously was fairly devastating, but the genetic show that it really only took two changes and just to remind the listeners that they gain a function Did they deliberately change the the? H5 to add 22 6 8 and I'm sorry 226 hours so they put it in 228 S and then they actually sell well. Ron Fauci actually added E627K so those are the three he added. And Yoshi Yo karaoke Wisconsin use a slightly different used position 22 5 but is very close and the cell line he used already had E627 K and the controversy was over those two, but the CDC had already done the experiment already published it before the controversy of the controversial papers were held up while it was debated and one was in nature, and the other was in science and then the CBC published and I'm more specialized priority paper Journal I should say and as I was already out there so I mean part of the argument with all you're gonna give away the secret is what it takes to change the virus and everybody knew about those changes anyway because those are what we're involved with the pandemic and 195 7 where H2 and two replace one and one And in 19 68 or H3 and to replace dates Two and two so the changes are important and I wanted to get those out there and if you look at the 1918 pandemic that was an H1N1, but if you look at the HDH there is keychain was E190 D and I'd also had PB2E627K so that's kind of the a little more on the importance of these changes and then the other part is the likelihood that these three changes found in the teenager. What all happened in the teenager I think it is highly unlikely that but like I said the sample teenager I think started having symptoms on November 2 and the sample was collected on November 8 so he he had only been six for sick for six days And when the sample was collected, I don't think you should say the teenager was Wasn't really critical until right after they took the sample so some of the viruses in the eyes, the teenager had conjunctivitis and So the virus wasn't doing that much changing as there are a lot of copies of it in it. It had a lot more opportunity to change before the sample is collected so it was a relatively short period of time and and these are very specific kind of changes like I say there's three changes and they all seem to link to. Changing the Host of the of the virus to make avian go to my mailing and to be able to infect and transmit more easily and do damage to the lawn and lead to these fatal infect it So that's kind of the highlight of the teenager and then there was another story that was kind of bomb Breaking today and that was a toddler that ended up testing positive and the toddler actually went to daycare with symptoms The initial test was positive and then test four days later was negative indicating it wasn't that since Serious and the recovery was fairly soon. At least after they did the first collection I'm not sure how sick the child was that they decided to test for age 5, but he was had enough symptoms to to to do that part and then. Apparently, there was another infection that the parents got so they that they had whatever the second affection of the child was and being symptomatic at the daycare may have been the second infection, which obviously was an H5 and they didn't say what it was, but So how symptomatic the child was from the H5 when he went there with the child to get the gender on the on this child either isn't clear but this is like that the Teenager the child didn't have any Known exposure and he's in Alameda county which is in the Bay Area and that's not quite where all of the dairy category. It's a little bit north a little bit west, but I would take they get a lot of milk. In the Bay Area, they came from the cows that are in the central Valley and are loaded About 30 % there is 11 00 Dairy hurricane in California the number one milk producer in the United States and about 30% of the farms have I've had confirmed these five and one and I'm sure that the level is going up in the milk and and the pasteurization does kill The virus by the summer concentration dependent so if you get enough virus in the milk may only kill 99% of the virus or something so so the pasteurization is gonna knock the virus down but it's a little clear with this gonna knock it down to zero all in every day it's kinda like rolling dice if you get It's pulled milk so it kind of depends on which farms all the milk comes from but yeah that that thing is so pretty much by the secret secrets that and this child assuming it's real it went to the CDC CDC hasn't confirmed it yet but generally It's a big lab in California and the chances that their PCR is gonna be right this is pretty slim so they probably will be confirmation. Hopefully, they'll be a sequence and if there's a partial sequence distinguishing. The one that one which would or even 1 2 would indicate there's some type of Wildberger burden involved with the tiles Infection or if it's B3, that 1 3 I'll be toddlers drink a lot of milk so It'll probably be time for California starts getting a little more serious about how much viruses in the milk from the grocery shelves and how does the frequency and either percentage or I mean they can do this quantitatively just how much virus is actually in The milk and is the amount of it's dead. Is that going up with all of these fire sitter that are contaminated or infected and and water I mean, they are picking it up in some of the wastewater plants but the problem you don't know whether it's coming from the cows, if it coming from birds are coming from people that are affected or it's just coming from milk that They drink and they're not affected, but the virus is still gonna be detected is the waste water so yeah I gotta be a real busy week this week. I think that's all dude just to give a quick update. Try to do what each day You OK, thank you for the information. We will be doing another one tomorrow as usual. Thank you. Were on for listening.
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