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Everything posted by niman

  1. https://cvprovider.nmhealth.org/public-dashboard.html
  2. Aitkin County: 1,123 Anoka County: 31,580 Becker County: 2,913 Beltrami County: 3,186 Benton County: 4,257 Big Stone County: 471 Blue Earth County: 5,523 Brown County: 2,206 Carlton County: 2,866 Carver County: 7,102 Cass County: 2,115 Chippewa County: 1,336 Chisago County: 4,642 Clay County: 6,636 Clearwater County: 689 Cook County: 116 Cottonwood County: 1,297 Crow Wing County: 4,925 Dakota County: 33,846 Dodge County: 1,416 Douglas County: 3,812 Faribault County: 1,112 Fillmore County: 1,296 Freeborn County: 2,571 Goodhue County: 3,614 Grant County: 444 Hennepin County: 95,126 Houston County: 1,435 Hubbard County: 1,524 Isanti County: 2,880 Itasca County: 2,887 Jackson County: 881 Kanabec County: 1,003 Kandiyohi County: 5,617 Kittson County: 378 Koochiching County: 612 Lac Qui Parle County: 663 Lake County: 669 Lake of the Woods County: 199 Le Sueur County: 2,168 Lincoln County: 492 Lyon County: 3,068 Mahnomen County: 419 Marshall County: 705 Martin County: 1,729 McLeod County: 3,298 Meeker County: 2,020 Mille Lacs County: 2,167 Morrison County: 3,149 Mower County: 3,782 Murray County: 918 Nicollet County: 2,319 Nobles County: 3,757 Norman County: 426 Olmsted County: 10,937 Otter Tail County: 4,663 Pennington County: 1,015 Pine County: 2,721 Pipestone County: 979 Polk County: 3,317 Pope County: 750 Ramsey County: 40,916 Red Lake County: 322 Redwood County: 1,422 Renville County: 1,394 Rice County: 6,335 Rock County: 1,126 Roseau County: 1,668 Scott County: 12,329 Sherburne County: 8,362 Sibley County: 1,109 St. Louis County: 14,086 Stearns County: 18,172 Steele County: 2,813 Stevens County: 707 Swift County: 852 Todd County: 2,339 Traverse County: 271 Wabasha County: 1,767 Wadena County: 1,212 Waseca County: 1,952 Washington County: 20,741 Watonwan County: 1,074 Wilkin County: 639 Winona County: 3,973 Wright County: 11,869 Yellow Medicine County: 951 https://mndps.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/f28f84968c1148129932c3bebb1d3a1a
  3. Total Positive Cases 76,495815.9 per 10,000 people Confirmed 72,850 Probable 3,645 Residents of Long-Term Care Facilities 2,116 Positive Cases by County New Castle County 43,541 Kent County 12,521 Sussex County 20,256 Unknown 177 Deaths in State of Delaware Total Deaths 1,0758.8 per 10,000 people Confirmed 968 Probable 107 Residents of Long-Term Care Facilities 573 https://myhealthycommunity.dhss.delaware.gov/locations/state
  4. January 26, 2021: Total Overall Number of Tests: 1,064,329* Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 397,568* Total Positives: 35,865 Total Lives Lost: 895 Cleared from Isolation: 25,271 https://coronavirus.dc.gov/data
  5. Total Positive355,877Probable: 76,537- Confirmed: 279,340 Deaths3,611Probable: 300- Confirmed: 3,311 Total Tested3,985,343PCR: 3,560,903- Serology: 107,732- Antigen: 316,708 Positivity Rate*9.04% Recovered42,684 https://govstatus.egov.com/kycovid19
  6. https://coronavirus.iowa.gov/#CurrentStatus
  7. https://coronavirus.utah.gov/case-counts/#
  8. https://app.powerbigov.us/view?r=eyJrIjoiMjA2ZThiOWUtM2FlNS00MGY5LWFmYjUtNmQwNTQ3Nzg5N2I2IiwidCI6ImU0YTM0MGU2LWI4OWUtNGU2OC04ZWFhLTE1NDRkMjcwMzk4MCJ9
  9. Abbeville Rate (per 100k): 6,425.57 Cases--Confirmed positives: 1,576, Probable: 183 Deaths--Confirmed: 23, Probable: 6 Aiken Rate (per 100k): 6,166.02 Cases--Confirmed positives: 10,536, Probable: 2,060 Deaths--Confirmed: 143, Probable: 24 Allendale Rate (per 100k): 7,412.52 Cases--Confirmed positives: 644, Probable: 31 Deaths--Confirmed: 10, Probable: 3 Anderson Rate (per 100k): 7,902.92 Cases--Confirmed positives: 16,008, Probable: 1,040 Deaths--Confirmed: 338, Probable: 25 Bamberg Rate (per 100k): 8,325.04 Cases--Confirmed positives: 1,171, Probable: 48 Deaths--Confirmed: 42, Probable: 0 Barnwell Rate (per 100k): 8,942.78 Cases--Confirmed positives: 1,866, Probable: 160 Deaths--Confirmed: 35, Probable: 7 Beaufort Rate (per 100k): 6,369.39 Cases--Confirmed positives: 12,237, Probable: 892 Deaths--Confirmed: 138, Probable: 6 Berkeley Rate (per 100k): 4,798.45 Cases--Confirmed positives: 10,936, Probable: 1,379 Deaths--Confirmed: 128, Probable: 13 Calhoun Rate (per 100k): 7,084.45 Cases--Confirmed positives: 1,031, Probable: 62 Deaths--Confirmed: 26, Probable: 3 Charleston Rate (per 100k): 6,510.36 Cases--Confirmed positives: 26,784, Probable: 5,060 Deaths--Confirmed: 335, Probable: 43 Cherokee Rate (per 100k): 7,453.75 Cases--Confirmed positives: 4,271, Probable: 143 Deaths--Confirmed: 111, Probable: 4 Chester Rate (per 100k): 9,099.37 Cases--Confirmed positives: 2,934, Probable: 165 Deaths--Confirmed: 49, Probable: 2 Chesterfield Rate (per 100k): 5,557.5 Cases--Confirmed positives: 2,537, Probable: 757 Deaths--Confirmed: 74, Probable: 5 Clarendon Rate (per 100k): 6,566.9 Cases--Confirmed positives: 2,216, Probable: 250 Deaths--Confirmed: 80, Probable: 4 Colleton Rate (per 100k): 5,786.02 Cases--Confirmed positives: 2,180, Probable: 549 Deaths--Confirmed: 68, Probable: 10 Darlington Rate (per 100k): 7,891.26 Cases--Confirmed positives: 5,257, Probable: 1,433 Deaths--Confirmed: 116, Probable: 13 Dillon Rate (per 100k): 10,476.07 Cases--Confirmed positives: 3,193, Probable: 257 Deaths--Confirmed: 61, Probable: 7 Dorchester Rate (per 100k): 5,754.6 Cases--Confirmed positives: 9,369, Probable: 2,852 Deaths--Confirmed: 131, Probable: 13 Edgefield Rate (per 100k): 7,402.79 Cases--Confirmed positives: 2,018, Probable: 237 Deaths--Confirmed: 20, Probable: 8 Fairfield Rate (per 100k): 7,625.18 Cases--Confirmed positives: 1,704, Probable: 128 Deaths--Confirmed: 55, Probable: 5 Florence Rate (per 100k): 9,696.8 Cases--Confirmed positives: 13,410, Probable: 1,367 Deaths--Confirmed: 320, Probable: 27 Georgetown Rate (per 100k): 6,108.81 Cases--Confirmed positives: 3,829, Probable: 1,593 Deaths--Confirmed: 86, Probable: 34 Greenville Rate (per 100k): 10,105.59 Cases--Confirmed positives: 52,907, Probable: 1,614 Deaths--Confirmed: 653, Probable: 44 Greenwood Rate (per 100k): 8,075.02 Cases--Confirmed positives: 5,718, Probable: 247 Deaths--Confirmed: 113, Probable: 12 Hampton Rate (per 100k): 6,711.06 Cases--Confirmed positives: 1,290, Probable: 169 Deaths--Confirmed: 34, Probable: 5 Horry Rate (per 100k): 6,582.96 Cases--Confirmed positives: 23,309, Probable: 4,981 Deaths--Confirmed: 337, Probable: 93 Jasper Rate (per 100k): 5,842.45 Cases--Confirmed positives: 1,757, Probable: 73 Deaths--Confirmed: 33, Probable: 1 Kershaw Rate (per 100k): 7,232.05 Cases--Confirmed positives: 4,813, Probable: 587 Deaths--Confirmed: 80, Probable: 13 Lancaster Rate (per 100k): 7,040.97 Cases--Confirmed positives: 6,901, Probable: 692 Deaths--Confirmed: 104, Probable: 10 Laurens Rate (per 100k): 7,577.08 Cases--Confirmed positives: 5,114, Probable: 176 Deaths--Confirmed: 113, Probable: 8 Lee Rate (per 100k): 8,468.03 Cases--Confirmed positives: 1,425, Probable: 151 Deaths--Confirmed: 48, Probable: 2 Lexington Rate (per 100k): 7,035.98 Cases--Confirmed positives: 21,020, Probable: 2,921 Deaths--Confirmed: 339, Probable: 22 McCormick Rate (per 100k): 6,615.24 Cases--Confirmed positives: 626, Probable: 59 Deaths--Confirmed: 9, Probable: 3 Marion Rate (per 100k): 8,516.82 Cases--Confirmed positives: 2,611, Probable: 221 Deaths--Confirmed: 77, Probable: 9 Marlboro Rate (per 100k): 8,166.78 Cases--Confirmed positives: 2,133, Probable: 438 Deaths--Confirmed: 35, Probable: 7 Newberry Rate (per 100k): 8,420.92 Cases--Confirmed positives: 3,237, Probable: 465 Deaths--Confirmed: 71, Probable: 8 Oconee Rate (per 100k): 8,914.34 Cases--Confirmed positives: 7,091, Probable: 278 Deaths--Confirmed: 89, Probable: 4 Orangeburg Rate (per 100k): 8,078.91 Cases--Confirmed positives: 6,962, Probable: 320 Deaths--Confirmed: 178, Probable: 1 Pickens Rate (per 100k): 10,813.81 Cases--Confirmed positives: 13,721, Probable: 661 Deaths--Confirmed: 192, Probable: 21 Richland Rate (per 100k): 7,626.29 Cases--Confirmed positives: 31,707, Probable: 3,221 Deaths--Confirmed: 381, Probable: 34 Saluda Rate (per 100k): 5,876.03 Cases--Confirmed positives: 1,203, Probable: 102 Deaths--Confirmed: 28, Probable: 5 Spartanburg Rate (per 100k): 8,236.47 Cases--Confirmed positives: 26,339, Probable: 2,649 Deaths--Confirmed: 494, Probable: 56 Sumter Rate (per 100k): 6,827.15 Cases--Confirmed positives: 7,286, Probable: 581 Deaths--Confirmed: 125, Probable: 14 Union Rate (per 100k): 7,135.01 Cases--Confirmed positives: 1,949, Probable: 220 Deaths--Confirmed: 56, Probable: 4 Williamsburg Rate (per 100k): 9,230.11 Cases--Confirmed positives: 2,803, Probable: 428 Deaths--Confirmed: 56, Probable: 15 York Rate (per 100k): 7,108.72 Cases--Confirmed positives: 19,974, Probable: 1,666 Deaths--Confirmed: 201, Probable: 15 https://scdhec.gov/covid19/sc-testing-data-projections-covid-19#main
  10. https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/covid-19/deaths.htm
  11. Cumulative Cases and Deaths by County Totals of all reported COVID-19 cases, including those in long-term care (LTC) facilities. The numbers in this table are provisional. County case numbers and deaths may change as investigation finds new or additional information. The data provided below is the most current available. County Total Cases Total Deaths Total LTC Facility Cases Total LTC Facility Deaths Adams 2188 72 72 15 Alcorn 2785 57 129 20 Amite 1048 29 54 7 Attala 1986 65 173 36 Benton 876 23 45 10 Bolivar 4219 111 225 31 Calhoun 1461 22 28 4 Carroll 1080 22 48 9 Chickasaw 1919 47 53 15 Choctaw 652 14 1 0 Claiborne 907 26 45 9 Clarke 1533 62 122 30 Clay 1701 39 27 3 Coahoma 2552 56 129 11 Copiah 2562 50 79 9 Covington 2272 73 136 39 De Soto 18119 199 113 24 Forrest 6361 127 225 50 Franklin 715 17 40 4 George 2121 42 59 7 Greene 1161 30 52 6 Grenada 2266 74 154 32 Hancock 3072 63 69 14 Harrison 14829 215 481 65 Hinds 17286 346 797 126 Holmes 1746 68 103 20 Humphreys 868 25 34 8 Issaquena 161 6 0 0 Itawamba 2740 65 125 22 Jackson 11256 194 230 30 Jasper 1890 39 38 2 Jefferson 575 22 40 6 Jefferson Davis 917 31 8 1 Jones 7039 120 218 41 Kemper 821 20 45 9 Lafayette 5331 102 188 54 Lamar 5182 65 53 13 Lauderdale 6254 199 432 94 Lawrence 1101 17 27 2 Leake 2395 67 89 14 Lee 9202 149 215 41 Leflore 3172 110 234 52 Lincoln 3130 89 173 37 Lowndes 5654 126 256 61 Madison 8785 173 359 69 Marion 2330 74 158 24 Marshall 3650 74 64 15 Monroe 3762 112 189 55 Montgomery 1136 36 54 9 Neshoba 3536 160 201 58 Newton 2041 48 87 15 Noxubee 1151 26 35 6 Oktibbeha 4149 87 215 36 Panola 3930 84 102 13 Pearl River 3626 109 161 33 Perry 1072 31 21 7 Pike 2774 87 125 34 Pontotoc 3853 62 78 7 Prentiss 2581 55 99 15 Quitman 723 11 0 0 Rankin 11478 227 390 61 Scott 2690 55 103 9 Sharkey 462 17 43 8 Simpson 2472 73 157 20 Smith 1368 26 60 8 Stone 1563 27 84 14 Sunflower 2980 79 117 19 Tallahatchie 1593 35 50 7 Tate 2839 64 80 19 Tippah 2536 53 116 8 Tishomingo 1988 62 102 27 Tunica 904 22 18 2 Union 3638 66 131 21 Walthall 1175 38 68 13 Warren 3802 104 169 38 Washington 4995 125 189 39 Wayne 2213 37 69 11 Webster 993 24 58 11 Wilkinson 603 25 25 5 Winston 2093 71 117 37 Yalobusha 1266 35 82 22 Yazoo 2621 56 139 18 Total 270,476 5,945 10,179 1,896 Case Classifications Mississippi investigates and reports both probable and confirmed cases and deaths according to the CSTE case definition. Confirmed Probable Total Cases 171,313 99,163 270,476 Deaths 4,342 1,603 5,945 Confirmed cases and deaths are generally determined by positive PCR tests, which detect the presence of ongoing coronavirus infection. Probable cases are those who test positive by other testing methods such as antibody or antigen, and have recent symptoms consistent with COVID-19, indicating a recent infection. Probable deaths are those individuals with a designation of COVID-19 as a cause of death on the death certificate, but where no confirmatory testing was performed. https://msdh.ms.gov/msdhsite/_static/14,0,420.html#highcase
  12. https://ri-department-of-health-covid-19-data-rihealth.hub.arcgis.com/
  13. 452,734 TOTAL 357,471 CONFIRMED 95,263 PROBABLE LAST 14 DAYS 39,535 CASES 241,153 TESTED (DIAGNOSTIC) *TOTAL HOSPITALIZATIONS To Date Updates M-F at 3 p.m. 41,483 STATEWIDE DEATHS 7,340 TOTAL 5,928 CONFIRMED 1,412 PROBABLE TOTAL TESTED 2,116,642 DIAGNOSTIC 103,530 ANTIBODY PRESUMED RECOVERIES Updated Weekly 242,143 STATEWIDE https://alpublichealth.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/6d2771faa9da4a2786a509d82c8cf0f7
  14. There are 494,498 confirmed COVID-19 patients in Missouri, including 7,330 deaths. https://www.kshb.com/news/coronavirus/covid-19-case-tracker-where-we-stand-in-mo-ks-nationwide Adair County 2,143 15 Andrew County 1,906 18 Atchison County 288 6 Audrain County 2,013 50 Barry County 2,845 48 Barton County 907 9 Bates County 1,020 16 Benton County 1,379 20 Bollinger County 1,154 16 Boone County 16,475 69 Buchanan County 6,886 153 Butler County 4,032 41 Caldwell County 615 8 Callaway County 4,237 35 Camden County 3,592 74 Cape Girardeau County 7,187 132 Carroll County 781 18 Carter County 409 8 Cass County 6,791 69 Cedar County 636 9 Chariton County 402 3 Christian County 6,562 63 Clark County 437 6 Clay County 8,721 124 Clinton County 1,460 63 Cole County 8,302 104 Cooper County 1,631 21 Crawford County 1,972 24 Dade County 410 12 Dallas County 787 20 Daviess County 556 10 DeKalb County 889 24 Dent County 793 11 Douglas County 740 23 Dunklin County 3,154 26 Franklin County 8,441 131 Gasconade County 834 33 Gentry County 711 19 Greene County 25,833 381 Grundy County 792 30 Harrison County 784 11 Henry County 1,641 28 Hickory County 456 10 Holt County 488 15 Howard County 689 4 Howell County 2,724 41 Iron County 458 1 Jackson County 28,001 307 Jasper County 13,799 231 Jefferson County 20,415 169 Johnson County 4,219 35 Knox County 171 2 Laclede County 2,807 57 Lafayette County 2,376 47 Lawrence County 2,624 61 Lewis County 616 3 Lincoln County 4,323 51 Linn County 519 10 Livingston County 1,254 32 McDonald County 2,362 30 Macon County 1,151 10 Madison County 1,323 13 Maries County 515 7 Marion County 2,564 36 Mercer County 161 2 Miller County 2,272 45 Mississippi County 1,561 28 Moniteau County 1,858 28 Monroe County 577 7 Montgomery County 549 10 Morgan County 1,584 34 New Madrid County 2,003 41 Newton County 4,922 73 Nodaway County 2,501 22 Oregon County 659 3 Osage County 1,346 10 Ozark County 515 10 Pemiscot County 1,579 33 Perry County 2,073 32 Pettis County 4,732 70 Phelps County 2,872 107 Pike County 1,439 17 Platte County 2,897 39 Polk County 2,065 25 Pulaski County 5,951 42 Putnam County 216 2 Ralls County 732 10 Randolph County 1,782 24 Ray County 1,397 19 Reynolds County 256 3 Ripley County 777 10 St. Charles County 33,879 356 St. Clair County 549 6 Ste. Genevieve County 1,669 15 St. Francois County 7,319 83 St. Louis County 82,831 1,675 Saline County 2,611 52 Schuyler County 258 1 Scotland County 236 3 Scott County 3,747 75 Shannon County 456 10 Shelby County 342 5 Stoddard County 2,967 61 Stone County 1,908 31 Sullivan County 738 13 Taney County 4,379 68 Texas County 1,492 21 Vernon County 1,322 32 Warren County 2,471 21 Washington County 2,060 41 Wayne County 783 9 Webster County 2,903 46 Worth County 136 1 Wright County 1,310 24 St. Louis city 18,795 348 Kansas City 35,059 434 Note: Positive cases and deaths reported by the Joplin Health Department are included with the Jasper County Health Department figures.
  15. https://www.azdhs.gov/preparedness/epidemiology-disease-control/infectious-disease-epidemiology/covid-19/dashboards/index.php
  16. https://covid19.ncdhhs.gov/dashboard/cases
  17. https://www.tn.gov/content/tn/health/cedep/ncov/data.html
  18. https://www.vdh.virginia.gov/coronavirus/covid-19-in-virginia/
  19. https://public.tableau.com/views/Colorado_COVID19_Data/CO_Home?:language=en&:retry=yes&:display_count=y&:origin=viz_share_link:showVizHome=no
  20. New Tests Administered 54,306 03/30/2020 ... 01/27/2021 10,834 New Individuals Tested New Positive Cases 2,890 01/26/2021 ... 01/27/2021 Positivity - All Tests 8.9 %7-Day Rate 01/15/2021 ... 01/21/2021 10.7 % cumulative rate New Deaths 34 01/20/2021 ... 01/27/2021 Total Confirmed COVID-19 Counts Total Tests Administered 6,884,491 02/26/2020 ... 01/27/2021 2,930,353 Individuals Tested Total Positive Cases 619,995 03/06/2020 ... 01/27/2021 Positivity - Unique Individuals 17.4 %7-Day Rate 01/15/2021 ... 01/21/2021 21.2 % cumulative rate Total Deaths 9,504 03/16/2020 ... 01/27/2021 https://www.coronavirus.in.gov/
  21. https://www.doh.wa.gov/Emergencies/COVID19/DataDashboard
  22. 771,743 Confirmed Cases 111,973 CDC Expanded Case Definition (Probable) 883,716 Total Cases 45,786 Number of Hospitalizations in Ohio 9,803 Confirmed Deaths 1,203 CDC Expanded Death Definition (Probable) 11,006 Total Deaths 6,644 Number of ICU Admissions <1-111 Age Range 42 Median Age 46%* Sex - Males 53%* Sex - Females LAST UPDATED 01/28/2021 (UPDATED DAILY AT 2 P.M.) *1% SEX NOT REPORTED https://coronavirus.ohio.gov/wps/portal/gov/covid-19/home
  23. Number of confirmed cases : 348,749 Number of persons tested negative : 2,810,526 Total testing volume : 6,865,525 Daily testing Volume : 46,476 Number of confirmed deaths : 6,861 Number of probable deaths : 176 Currently hospitalized : 1,636 Acute care : 1,260 Intensive care : 376 Ever hospitalized : 31,614 Released from isolation : 9,482 Cases and Deaths Data Breakdown: Parenthesis = Confirmed death, laboratory-confirmed positive COVID-19 test result Asterisk = Probable death, death certificate lists COVID-19 as the cause of death but not yet confirmed by a laboratory test NH = Non-Hispanic By County County Cases Deaths Allegany 6,134 (177) 1* Anne Arundel 32,362 (444) 14* Baltimore City 37,464 (783) 21* Baltimore County 46,618 (1,098) 33* Calvert 3,340 (58) 1* Caroline 1,833 (16) 0* Carroll 6,808 (188) 5* Cecil 4,690 (109) 2* Charles 7,833 (143) 1* Dorchester 2,031 (33) 0* Frederick 15,342 (232) 8* Garrett 1,782 (56) 1* Harford 11,127 (202) 4* Howard 14,330 (195) 6* Kent 1,023 (34) 2* Montgomery 58,011 (1,250) 44* Prince George's 66,888 (1,191) 27* Queen Anne's 2,328 (32) 1* St. Mary's 4,489 (102) 0* Somerset 2,222 (26) 0* Talbot 1,635 (21) 0* Washington 11,228 (219) 3* Wicomico 6,213 (125) 0* Worcester 3,018 (77) 1* Data not available 0 (50) 1* By Age Range and Gender Age/Gender Cases Deaths 0-9 16,864 (2) 0* 10-19 32,737 (6) 1* 20-29 63,548 (32) 1* 30-39 60,429 (71) 6* 40-49 53,340 (194) 4* 50-59 52,676 (527) 23* 60-69 35,516 (1,082) 18* 70-79 20,159 (1,743) 33* 80+ 13,480 (3,202) 90* Data not available 0 (2) 0* Female 182,882 (3,325) 86* Male 165,867 (3,536) 90* Unknown 0 () 0* By Race and Ethnicity Race/Ethnicity Cases Deaths African-American (NH) 98,829 (2,397) 62* Asian (NH) 7,615 (233) 7* White (NH) 118,912 (3,469) 91* Hispanic 57,295 (642) 15* Other (NH) 16,329 (67) 0* Data not available 49,769 (53) 1* https://coronavirus.maryland.gov/https://coronavirus.maryland.gov/
  24. https://dph.georgia.gov/covid-19-daily-status-report
  25. Harris County Confirmed Cases 306,495 Dallas County Confirmed Cases 222,409 Tarrant County Confirmed Cases 182,189 Bexar County Confirmed Cases 137,416 El Paso County Confirmed Cases 112,259 Travis County Confirmed Cases 66,859 Collin County Confirmed Cases 60,995 Lubbock County Confirmed Cases 46,572 Fort Bend County Confirmed Cases 43,233 Hidalgo County Confirmed Cases 42,693 Denton County Confirmed Cases 41,295 Webb County Confirmed Cases 38,923 Cameron County Confirmed Cases 34,590 Montgomery County Confirmed Cases 32,445 Williamson County Confirmed Cases 30,469 Galveston County Confirmed Cases 26,024 Brazoria County Confirmed Cases 24,429 Nueces County Confirmed Cases 24,121 McLennan County Confirmed Cases 22,994 Bell County Confirmed Cases 18,037 Jefferson County Confirmed Cases 16,772 Potter County Confirmed Cases 16,367 Ellis County Confirmed Cases 16,068 Randall County Confirmed Cases 15,642 Midland County Confirmed Cases 15,341 Brazos County Confirmed Cases 15,142 Hays County Confirmed Cases 14,719 Johnson County Confirmed Cases 14,358 Wichita County Confirmed Cases 13,804 Kaufman County Confirmed Cases 11,148 Parker County Confirmed Cases 10,482 Smith County Confirmed Cases 9,771 Grayson County Confirmed Cases 9,594 Maverick County Confirmed Cases 8,927 Guadalupe County Confirmed Cases 8,552 Rockwall County Confirmed Cases 7,642 Victoria County Confirmed Cases 7,195 Val Verde County Confirmed Cases 7,072 Ector County Confirmed Cases 6,954 Walker County Confirmed Cases 6,916 Starr County Confirmed Cases 6,546 Taylor County Confirmed Cases 6,463 Hale County Confirmed Cases 5,825 Gregg County Confirmed Cases 5,355 Wise County Confirmed Cases 5,153 Hunt County Confirmed Cases 4,790 Anderson County Confirmed Cases 4,628 Liberty County Confirmed Cases 4,551 Tom Green County Confirmed Cases 4,448 Coryell County Confirmed Cases 4,329 Comal County Confirmed Cases 4,296 Angelina County Confirmed Cases 4,286 Bowie County Confirmed Cases 4,176 Chambers County Confirmed Cases 3,721 Hood County Confirmed Cases 3,718 Bastrop County Confirmed Cases 3,622 Orange County Confirmed Cases 3,518 Atascosa County Confirmed Cases 3,425 Henderson County Confirmed Cases 3,302 Navarro County Confirmed Cases 3,257 Jim Wells County Confirmed Cases 3,172 Wharton County Confirmed Cases 3,011 Uvalde County Confirmed Cases 2,989 Howard County Confirmed Cases 2,868 Nacogdoches County Confirmed Cases 2,852 Bee County Confirmed Cases 2,810 San Patricio County Confirmed Cases 2,786 Cooke County Confirmed Cases 2,755 Medina County Confirmed Cases 2,696 Caldwell County Confirmed Cases 2,664 Waller County Confirmed Cases 2,608 Wilson County Confirmed Cases 2,577 Erath County Confirmed Cases 2,489 Titus County Confirmed Cases 2,472 Matagorda County Confirmed Cases 2,449 Lamar County Confirmed Cases 2,401 Scurry County Confirmed Cases 2,363 Fannin County Confirmed Cases 2,300 Palo Pinto County Confirmed Cases 2,226 Hardin County Confirmed Cases 2,223 Cherokee County Confirmed Cases 2,152 Burnet County Confirmed Cases 2,108 Van Zandt County Confirmed Cases 2,108 Harrison County Confirmed Cases 2,072 Jones County Confirmed Cases 2,056 Gonzales County Confirmed Cases 2,052 Hill County Confirmed Cases 2,018 Willacy County Confirmed Cases 1,976 Kerr County Confirmed Cases 1,942 Hockley County Confirmed Cases 1,891 Frio County Confirmed Cases 1,879 Moore County Confirmed Cases 1,875 Deaf Smith County Confirmed Cases 1,869 Rusk County Confirmed Cases 1,856 Brown County Confirmed Cases 1,779 Lavaca County Confirmed Cases 1,751 Grimes County Confirmed Cases 1,712 DeWitt County Confirmed Cases 1,682 Young County Confirmed Cases 1,679 Dawson County Confirmed Cases 1,670 Wood County Confirmed Cases 1,654 Kleberg County Confirmed Cases 1,648 Andrews County Confirmed Cases 1,630 Terry County Confirmed Cases 1,619 Gray County Confirmed Cases 1,586 Montague County Confirmed Cases 1,568 Gillespie County Confirmed Cases 1,543 Wilbarger County Confirmed Cases 1,502 Nolan County Confirmed Cases 1,451 Karnes County Confirmed Cases 1,446 Lamb County Confirmed Cases 1,437 Calhoun County Confirmed Cases 1,393 Gaines County Confirmed Cases 1,379 Hopkins County Confirmed Cases 1,353 Zavala County Confirmed Cases 1,351 Austin County Confirmed Cases 1,331 Zapata County Confirmed Cases 1,325 Jackson County Confirmed Cases 1,317 Washington County Confirmed Cases 1,311 Falls County Confirmed Cases 1,302 Childress County Confirmed Cases 1,293 Kendall County Confirmed Cases 1,293 Polk County Confirmed Cases 1,290 Limestone County Confirmed Cases 1,203 Colorado County Confirmed Cases 1,151 Milam County Confirmed Cases 1,148 Pecos County Confirmed Cases 1,124 Upshur County Confirmed Cases 1,108 Dimmit County Confirmed Cases 1,055 Cass County Confirmed Cases 1,045 Madison County Confirmed Cases 1,020 Duval County Confirmed Cases 1,012 Burleson County Confirmed Cases 957 Comanche County Confirmed Cases 934 Lampasas County Confirmed Cases 933 Hutchinson County Confirmed Cases 930 Reeves County Confirmed Cases 914 Ochiltree County Confirmed Cases 890 Fayette County Confirmed Cases 875 Clay County Confirmed Cases 874 Panola County Confirmed Cases 854 Yoakum County Confirmed Cases 847 Bosque County Confirmed Cases 843 Robertson County Confirmed Cases 835 Jasper County Confirmed Cases 819 Parmer County Confirmed Cases 808 Shelby County Confirmed Cases 808 Houston County Confirmed Cases 800 Live Oak County Confirmed Cases 800 Brewster County Confirmed Cases 785 Eastland County Confirmed Cases 773 Bandera County Confirmed Cases 752 Camp County Confirmed Cases 727 Runnels County Confirmed Cases 725 Aransas County Confirmed Cases 709 Freestone County Confirmed Cases 689 Leon County Confirmed Cases 678 Archer County Confirmed Cases 651 La Salle County Confirmed Cases 618 Brooks County Confirmed Cases 610 Ward County Confirmed Cases 609 Castro County Confirmed Cases 606 Llano County Confirmed Cases 594 Lynn County Confirmed Cases 592 Presidio County Confirmed Cases 587 Bailey County Confirmed Cases 562 Mitchell County Confirmed Cases 554 Hamilton County Confirmed Cases 550 Callahan County Confirmed Cases 542 San Jacinto County Confirmed Cases 537 Somervell County Confirmed Cases 537 Refugio County Confirmed Cases 523 Lee County Confirmed Cases 518 Jim Hogg County Confirmed Cases 514 Winkler County Confirmed Cases 500 Morris County Confirmed Cases 497 Jack County Confirmed Cases 495 Dallam County Confirmed Cases 488 Tyler County Confirmed Cases 477 Hemphill County Confirmed Cases 475 Coleman County Confirmed Cases 458 Hudspeth County Confirmed Cases 457 Franklin County Confirmed Cases 424 Trinity County Confirmed Cases 412 Stephens County Confirmed Cases 409 Wheeler County Confirmed Cases 403 San Saba County Confirmed Cases 396 Swisher County Confirmed Cases 372 Mills County Confirmed Cases 366 Red River County Confirmed Cases 364 McCulloch County Confirmed Cases 362 Hartley County Confirmed Cases 347 Hansford County Confirmed Cases 335 Rains County Confirmed Cases 330 Martin County Confirmed Cases 328 San Augustine County Confirmed Cases 321 Culberson County Confirmed Cases 305 Kinney County Confirmed Cases 305 Marion County Confirmed Cases 301 Hall County Confirmed Cases 297 Blanco County Confirmed Cases 290 Floyd County Confirmed Cases 288 Fisher County Confirmed Cases 281 Hardeman County Confirmed Cases 277 Crosby County Confirmed Cases 274 Sutton County Confirmed Cases 257 Real County Confirmed Cases 256 Newton County Confirmed Cases 252 Goliad County Confirmed Cases 246 Lipscomb County Confirmed Cases 246 Crockett County Confirmed Cases 214 Mason County Confirmed Cases 213 Carson County Confirmed Cases 207 Cochran County Confirmed Cases 206 Coke County Confirmed Cases 206 Crane County Confirmed Cases 197 Garza County Confirmed Cases 195 Edwards County Confirmed Cases 191 Reagan County Confirmed Cases 189 Kimble County Confirmed Cases 188 Collingsworth County Confirmed Cases 180 Haskell County Confirmed Cases 180 Sabine County Confirmed Cases 167 Knox County Confirmed Cases 164 Donley County Confirmed Cases 151 Delta County Confirmed Cases 137 Concho County Confirmed Cases 134 Cottle County Confirmed Cases 134 Menard County Confirmed Cases 132 Shackelford County Confirmed Cases 117 Schleicher County Confirmed Cases 116 Baylor County Confirmed Cases 112 Jeff Davis County Confirmed Cases 110 Sherman County Confirmed Cases 107 Armstrong County Confirmed Cases 98 Oldham County Confirmed Cases 95 Dickens County Confirmed Cases 91 Terrell County Confirmed Cases 69 Briscoe County Confirmed Cases 66 Foard County Confirmed Cases 65 Upton County Confirmed Cases 64 McMullen County Confirmed Cases 58 Roberts County Confirmed Cases 50 Stonewall County Confirmed Cases 48 Throckmorton County Confirmed Cases 46 Sterling County Confirmed Cases 44 Glasscock County Confirmed Cases 42 Irion County Confirmed Cases 39 Kent County Confirmed Cases 34 Motley County Confirmed Cases 34 Kenedy County Confirmed Cases 16 Borden County Confirmed Cases 11 King County Confirmed Cases 7 Loving County Confirmed Cases 1 https://txdshs.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/ed483ecd702b4298ab01e8b9cafc8b83
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