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Total Cases 1,702 7 New Currently Hospitalized 2 Hospitalized Under Investigation 5 Total People Recovered 1,524 Deaths 58 https://www.healthvermont.gov/response/coronavirus-covid-19/current-activity-vermont
COVID-19 Case Trends https://www.maine.gov/dhhs/mecdc/infectious-disease/epi/airborne/coronavirus/data.shtml Maine COVID-19 Reopening Gating Metrics Cumulative COVID-19 Cases by ZIP Code Tables of COVID-19 Testing and Contact Tracing Data, Hospital Use, and Case Demographics View a Table of Contact Tracing (Sara Alert) Data Contact Tracing (Sara Alert) Data Number of Individuals Currently in Monitoring Total Number of Individuals Enrolled 453 4,943 Maine CDC updates contact tracing data weekly. Updated September 11, 2020 at 8:30 AM View Tables of Data for the Previous 14 Days
New Hampshire 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Summary Report (data updated as of September 15, 2020, 9:00 AM) https://www.nh.gov/covid19/ Number of Persons with COVID-19 1 7,748 Recovered 7,022 (91%) Deaths Attributed to COVID-19 438 (6%) Total Current COVID-19 Cases 288 Persons Who Have Been Hospitalized for COVID-19 722 (9%) Current Hospitalizations 9 Total Persons Tested at Selected Laboratories, Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)2 232,458 Total Persons Tested at Selected Laboratories, Antibody Laboratory Tests2 30,469 Persons with Specimens Submitted to NH PHL 44,348 Persons with Test Pending at NH PHL3 929 Persons Being Monitored in NH (approximate point in time) 1,925 1 Includes specimens positive at any laboratory and those confirmed by CDC confirmatory testing.2 Includes specimens tested at the NH Public Health Laboratories (PHL), LabCorp, Quest, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, and those sent to CDC prior to NH PHL testing capacity.3 Includes specimens received and awaiting testing at NH PHL. Does not include tests pending at commercial laboratories. Active Cases Dashboard | Active Cases Map Cumulative Cases Dashboard | Cumulative Cases Map
1,150 Lancaster 1,092 Douglas 353 Sarpy 199 Buffalo 131 Madison 113 Saunders 94 Dodge 92 Platte 72 Dakota 71 Hall 56 Adams 45 Dawson 40 Gage 35 Cass 35 Saline 30 Pierce 29 Scotts Bluff 29 Wayne 29 Knox 27 Dawes 26 Seward 26 Washington 25 York 25 Boone 24 Rock 21 Nemaha 21 Phelps 21 Cuming 20 Lincoln 20 Cedar 19 Holt 17 Box Butte 15 Antelope 15 Fillmore 15 Colfax 13 Cherry 13 Richardson 13 Thurston 13 Kearney 12 Dixon 11 Sheridan 11 Otoe 11 Howard 10 Polk 9 Merrick 8 Johnson 8 Brown 8 Greeley 8 Jefferson 7 Gosper 7 Morrill 7 Nance 6 Butler 6 Valley 6 Keith 6 Custer 5 Burt 5 Hamilton 4 Furnas 4 Stanton 4 Clay 4 Cheyenne 3 Chase 3 Red Willow 3 Pawnee 2 Sherman 2 Garden 2 Nuckolls 2 Boyd 2 Keya Paha 2 Perkins 1 Hooker 1 Thayer 1 Deuel 1 Dundy 1 Webster 1 Hitchcock 1 Logan 1 Sioux https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/ece0db09da4d4ca68252c3967aa1e9dd
Arkansas COVID Cases Increase To 71,357 Deaths To 1,010
niman posted a topic in Arkansas (2019-nCoV)
Arkansas (319 Total Positive Cases) Ashley (403 Total Positive Cases) Baxter (222 Total Positive Cases) Benton (5,923 Total Positive Cases) Boone (553 Total Positive Cases) Bradley (323 Total Positive Cases) Calhoun (31 Total Positive Cases) Carroll (573 Total Positive Cases) Chicot (976 Total Positive Cases) Clark (286 Total Positive Cases) Clay (241 Total Positive Cases) Cleburne (299 Total Positive Cases) Cleveland (163 Total Positive Cases) Columbia (348 Total Positive Cases) Conway (233 Total Positive Cases) Craighead (2,414 Total Positive Cases) Crawford (1,124 Total Positive Cases) Crittenden (1,809 Total Positive Cases) Cross (381 Total Positive Cases) Dallas (154 Total Positive Cases) Desha (265 Total Positive Cases) Drew (335 Total Positive Cases) Faulkner (2,060 Total Positive Cases) Franklin (221 Total Positive Cases) Fulton (104 Total Positive Cases) Garland (1,653 Total Positive Cases) Grant (227 Total Positive Cases) Greene (733 Total Positive Cases) Hempstead (344 Total Positive Cases) Hot Spring (1,788 Total Positive Cases) Howard (450 Total Positive Cases) Independence (930 Total Positive Cases) Izard (133 Total Positive Cases) Jackson (248 Total Positive Cases) Jefferson (2,583 Total Positive Cases) Johnson (805 Total Positive Cases) Lafayette (80 Total Positive Cases) Lawrence (321 Total Positive Cases) Lee (1,026 Total Positive Cases) Lincoln (1,791 Total Positive Cases) Little River (326 Total Positive Cases) Logan (383 Total Positive Cases) Lonoke (945 Total Positive Cases) Madison (319 Total Positive Cases) Marion (64 Total Positive Cases) Miller (724 Total Positive Cases) Missing County Info (1,595 Total Positive Cases) Mississippi (1,509 Total Positive Cases) Monroe (105 Total Positive Cases) Montgomery (123 Total Positive Cases) Nevada (185 Total Positive Cases) Newton (182 Total Positive Cases) Ouachita (220 Total Positive Cases) Perry (73 Total Positive Cases) Phillips (437 Total Positive Cases) Pike (214 Total Positive Cases) Poinsett (578 Total Positive Cases) Polk (249 Total Positive Cases) Pope (1,959 Total Positive Cases) Prairie (133 Total Positive Cases) Pulaski (8,219 Total Positive Cases) Randolph (348 Total Positive Cases) Saline (1,855 Total Positive Cases) Scott (93 Total Positive Cases) Searcy (132 Total Positive Cases) Sebastian (3,242 Total Positive Cases) Sevier (1,185 Total Positive Cases) Sharp (170 Total Positive Cases) St. Francis (1,398 Total Positive Cases) Stone (283 Total Positive Cases) Union (811 Total Positive Cases) Van Buren (159 Total Positive Cases) Washington (8,380 Total Positive Cases) White (648 Total Positive Cases) Woodruff (36 Total Positive Cases) Yell (1,203 Total Positive Cases) https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/c2ef4a4fcbe5458fbf2e48a21e4fece9 -
Data current as of 9/15/2020, 12:01 a.m. Updated Monday - Friday.* Total cases 29,662 Total deaths 519 Positive tests 28,223 Negative tests 588,402 Total tested 616,625 https://govstatus.egov.com/OR-OHA-COVID-19
Positive 26,923 Total Tests * 831,995 Click Here to View Positive Cases By County COVID-Related Deaths in NM 830 *Numbers are cumulative persons tested through 9/15/2020, 5:50:26 PM. Test results are from the state Scientific Laboratory Division of the New Mexico Department of Health, TriCore Reference Laboratories, LabCorp, Mayo Clinic Laboratories, Quest Diagnostics, and BioReference Laboratories. https://cv.nmhealth.org/#
Aitkin County: 66 Anoka County: 5,431 Becker County: 230 Beltrami County: 355 Benton County: 464 Big Stone County: 56 Blue Earth County: 1,515 Brown County: 150 Carlton County: 216 Carver County: 1,280 Cass County: 118 Chippewa County: 173 Chisago County: 408 Clay County: 1,165 Clearwater County: 24 Cook County: 6 Cottonwood County: 211 Crow Wing County: 378 Dakota County: 6,870 Dodge County: 182 Douglas County: 210 Faribault County: 128 Fillmore County: 94 Freeborn County: 463 Goodhue County: 303 Grant County: 57 Hennepin County: 25,018 Houston County: 97 Hubbard County: 56 Isanti County: 214 Itasca County: 250 Jackson County: 112 Kanabec County: 91 Kandiyohi County: 893 Kittson County: 13 Koochiching County: 96 Lac Qui Parle County: 32 Lake County: 48 Lake of the Woods County: 20 Le Sueur County: 432 Lincoln County: 84 Lyon County: 606 Mahnomen County: 41 Marshall County: 49 Martin County: 269 McLeod County: 428 Meeker County: 149 Mille Lacs County: 131 Morrison County: 177 Mower County: 1,245 Murray County: 148 Nicollet County: 484 Nobles County: 1,909 Norman County: 51 Olmsted County: 2,204 Otter Tail County: 349 Pennington County: 104 Pine County: 183 Pipestone County: 202 Polk County: 250 Pope County: 74 Ramsey County: 10,145 Red Lake County: 36 Redwood County: 88 Renville County: 107 Rice County: 1,267 Rock County: 133 Roseau County: 104 Scott County: 2,291 Sherburne County: 1,037 Sibley County: 162 St. Louis County: 1,173 Stearns County: 3,575 Steele County: 496 Stevens County: 87 Swift County: 96 Todd County: 470 Traverse County: 29 Wabasha County: 154 Wadena County: 59 Waseca County: 397 Washington County: 3,416 Watonwan County: 476 Wilkin County: 55 Winona County: 694 Wright County: 1,455 Yellow Medicine County: 134 https://mndps.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/f28f84968c1148129932c3bebb1d3a1a
Total Positive Cases 19,137202.3 per 10,000 people Confirmed 18,138 Probable 999 Residents of Long-Term Care Facilities 1,251 Positive Cases by County New Castle County 9,262 Kent County 2,815 Sussex County 6,567 Unknown 493 Deaths in State of Delaware Total Deaths 6185.1 per 10,000 people Confirmed 546 Probable 72 Residents of Long-Term Care Facilities 371 https://myhealthycommunity.dhss.delaware.gov/locations/state#outcomes
September 14, 2020: Total Overall Number of Tests: 336,280* Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 197,726* Total Positives: 14,687 Total Lives Lost: 616 Cleared From Isolation: 11,630 *All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting Download copy of DC COVID-19 data Other Data Public Safety Agency Data Human Services Agency Data DMV Agency Data Hospital Status Data https://coronavirus.dc.gov/data
Kentucky COVID Cases Increase To 58,000 Deaths To 1,074
niman posted a topic in Kentucky (2019-nCoV)
Total Positive58,000Probable: 6,138- Confirmed: 51,862 Deaths1,074Probable: 9 - Confirmed: 1,065 Total Tested1,068,026PCR: 1,000,301- Serology: 49,842- Antigen:17,883 Positivity Rate*3.97 Recovered10,962 https://govstatus.egov.com/kycovid19 -
Abbeville Rate (per 100k): 1,993.72 Cases--Confirmed positives: 489, Probable: 9 Deaths--Confirmed: 10, Probable: 2 Aiken Rate (per 100k): 1,356.57 Cases--Confirmed positives: 2,318, Probable: 222 Deaths--Confirmed: 67, Probable: 10 Allendale Rate (per 100k): 3,809.85 Cases--Confirmed positives: 331, Probable: 4 Deaths--Confirmed: 6, Probable: 0 Anderson Rate (per 100k): 1,848.85 Cases--Confirmed positives: 3,745, Probable: 30 Deaths--Confirmed: 139, Probable: 13 Bamberg Rate (per 100k): 4,158.96 Cases--Confirmed positives: 585, Probable: 3 Deaths--Confirmed: 33, Probable: 0 Barnwell Rate (per 100k): 2,736.51 Cases--Confirmed positives: 571, Probable: 20 Deaths--Confirmed: 16, Probable: 1 Beaufort Rate (per 100k): 2,720.67 Cases--Confirmed positives: 5,227, Probable: 42 Deaths--Confirmed: 74, Probable: 2 Berkeley Rate (per 100k): 2,261.45 Cases--Confirmed positives: 5,154, Probable: 77 Deaths--Confirmed: 82, Probable: 5 Calhoun Rate (per 100k): 2,989.07 Cases--Confirmed positives: 435, Probable: 2 Deaths--Confirmed: 16, Probable: 1 Charleston Rate (per 100k): 3,640.2 Cases--Confirmed positives: 14,976, Probable: 215 Deaths--Confirmed: 236, Probable: 18 Cherokee Rate (per 100k): 1,755.67 Cases--Confirmed positives: 1,006, Probable: 3 Deaths--Confirmed: 32, Probable: 2 Chester Rate (per 100k): 3,039.33 Cases--Confirmed positives: 980, Probable: 16 Deaths--Confirmed: 18, Probable: 1 Chesterfield Rate (per 100k): 2,317.63 Cases--Confirmed positives: 1,058, Probable: 71 Deaths--Confirmed: 31, Probable: 0 Clarendon Rate (per 100k): 3,076.01 Cases--Confirmed positives: 1,038, Probable: 6 Deaths--Confirmed: 64, Probable: 2 Colleton Rate (per 100k): 2,526.74 Cases--Confirmed positives: 952, Probable: 12 Deaths--Confirmed: 39, Probable: 1 Darlington Rate (per 100k): 2,658.44 Cases--Confirmed positives: 1,771, Probable: 93 Deaths--Confirmed: 47, Probable: 1 Dillon Rate (per 100k): 2,946.29 Cases--Confirmed positives: 898, Probable: 8 Deaths--Confirmed: 29, Probable: 0 Dorchester Rate (per 100k): 2,370.26 Cases--Confirmed positives: 3,859, Probable: 90 Deaths--Confirmed: 86, Probable: 2 Edgefield Rate (per 100k): 1,826.85 Cases--Confirmed positives: 498, Probable: 23 Deaths--Confirmed: 13, Probable: 4 Fairfield Rate (per 100k): 3,114.51 Cases--Confirmed positives: 696, Probable: 21 Deaths--Confirmed: 31, Probable: 1 Florence Rate (per 100k): 3,340.73 Cases--Confirmed positives: 4,620, Probable: 52 Deaths--Confirmed: 172, Probable: 1 Georgetown Rate (per 100k): 2,814.29 Cases--Confirmed positives: 1,764, Probable: 69 Deaths--Confirmed: 41, Probable: 2 Greenville Rate (per 100k): 2,549.37 Cases--Confirmed positives: 13,347, Probable: 51 Deaths--Confirmed: 267, Probable: 18 Greenwood Rate (per 100k): 2,900.68 Cases--Confirmed positives: 2,054, Probable: 24 Deaths--Confirmed: 60, Probable: 7 Hampton Rate (per 100k): 3,001.77 Cases--Confirmed positives: 577, Probable: 9 Deaths--Confirmed: 24, Probable: 1 Horry Rate (per 100k): 2,762.08 Cases--Confirmed positives: 9,780, Probable: 165 Deaths--Confirmed: 183, Probable: 10 Jasper Rate (per 100k): 2,483.96 Cases--Confirmed positives: 747, Probable: 1 Deaths--Confirmed: 18, Probable: 1 Kershaw Rate (per 100k): 2,602.52 Cases--Confirmed positives: 1,732, Probable: 52 Deaths--Confirmed: 35, Probable: 1 Lancaster Rate (per 100k): 1,931.4 Cases--Confirmed positives: 1,893, Probable: 68 Deaths--Confirmed: 42, Probable: 3 Laurens Rate (per 100k): 2,309.87 Cases--Confirmed positives: 1,559, Probable: 7 Deaths--Confirmed: 52, Probable: 2 Lee Rate (per 100k): 4,076.54 Cases--Confirmed positives: 686, Probable: 4 Deaths--Confirmed: 32, Probable: 0 Lexington Rate (per 100k): 2,101.09 Cases--Confirmed positives: 6,277, Probable: 217 Deaths--Confirmed: 148, Probable: 3 McCormick Rate (per 100k): 1,954.98 Cases--Confirmed positives: 185, Probable: 2 Deaths--Confirmed: 4, Probable: 1 Marion Rate (per 100k): 2,544.28 Cases--Confirmed positives: 780, Probable: 3 Deaths--Confirmed: 20, Probable: 0 Marlboro Rate (per 100k): 3,204.69 Cases--Confirmed positives: 837, Probable: 24 Deaths--Confirmed: 6, Probable: 1 Newberry Rate (per 100k): 2,741.94 Cases--Confirmed positives: 1,054, Probable: 24 Deaths--Confirmed: 15, Probable: 1 Oconee Rate (per 100k): 1,617.93 Cases--Confirmed positives: 1,287, Probable: 4 Deaths--Confirmed: 21, Probable: 3 Orangeburg Rate (per 100k): 3,465.04 Cases--Confirmed positives: 2,986, Probable: 16 Deaths--Confirmed: 118, Probable: 2 Pickens Rate (per 100k): 2,071.18 Cases--Confirmed positives: 2,628, Probable: 12 Deaths--Confirmed: 36, Probable: 4 Richland Rate (per 100k): 3,197.77 Cases--Confirmed positives: 13,295, Probable: 558 Deaths--Confirmed: 211, Probable: 9 Saluda Rate (per 100k): 3,145.61 Cases--Confirmed positives: 644, Probable: 20 Deaths--Confirmed: 18, Probable: 2 Spartanburg Rate (per 100k): 1,868.76 Cases--Confirmed positives: 5,976, Probable: 68 Deaths--Confirmed: 173, Probable: 12 Sumter Rate (per 100k): 2,837.3 Cases--Confirmed positives: 3,028, Probable: 14 Deaths--Confirmed: 72, Probable: 2 Union Rate (per 100k): 1,870.7 Cases--Confirmed positives: 511, Probable: 3 Deaths--Confirmed: 10, Probable: 0 Williamsburg Rate (per 100k): 4,112.88 Cases--Confirmed positives: 1,249, Probable: 31 Deaths--Confirmed: 37, Probable: 2 York Rate (per 100k): 1,720.41 Cases--Confirmed positives: 4,834, Probable: 88 Deaths--Confirmed: 59, Probable: 1 https://scdhec.gov/infectious-diseases/viruses/coronavirus-disease-2019-covid-19/sc-testing-data-projections-covid-19
Total Positive Cases 23,250 Source: RIDOH Total Fatalities 1,078 Source: RIDOH New Fatalities 3 Source: RIDOH Total Tests 642,567 Source: RIDOH Total Negative Tests 609,747 Source: RIDOH New Positive Cases 82 Source: RIDOH People Hospitalized 81 Source: RIDOH People in ICU 9 Source: RIDOH People on a Ventilator 5 Source: RIDOH * Please see our Data Notes for definitions and explanations for our different data fields https://ri-department-of-health-covid-19-data-rihealth.hub.arcgis.com/
There are 107,740 confirmed COVID-19 patients in Missouri, including 1,866 deaths. https://www.kshb.com/news/coronavirus/covid-19-case-tracker-where-we-stand-in-mo-ks-nationwide Adair County 315 0 Andrew County 189 2 Atchison County 41 0 Audrain County 372 4 Barry County 415 5 Barton County 153 0 Bates County 84 1 Benton County 188 2 Bollinger County 266 1 Boone County 4,182 7 Buchanan County 1,598 19 Butler County 522 6 Caldwell County 60 1 Callaway County 532 3 Camden County 722 10 Cape Girardeau County 1,339 15 Carroll County 128 1 Carter County 53 1 Cass County 1,348 18 Cedar County 70 0 Chariton County 42 0 Christian County 1,068 4 Clark County 55 0 Clay County 1,642 39 Clinton County 185 0 Cole County 1,233 12 Cooper County 350 2 Crawford County 294 2 Dade County 55 0 Dallas County 154 1 Daviess County 69 0 DeKalb County 101 2 Dent County 94 0 Douglas County 139 3 Dunklin County 647 7 Franklin County 1,379 25 Gasconade County 140 6 Gentry County 109 9 Greene County 5,005 45 Grundy County 141 2 Harrison County 97 1 Henry County 149 4 Hickory County 74 2 Holt County 77 1 Howard County 151 2 Howell County 431 3 Iron County 43 0 Jackson County 6,609 88 Jasper County 3,194 48 Jefferson County 3,579 52 Johnson County 905 4 Knox County 46 0 Laclede County 437 2 Lafayette County 360 4 Lawrence County 454 2 Lewis County 69 2 Lincoln County 687 2 Linn County 52 1 Livingston County 360 1 McDonald County 1,077 11 Macon County 109 0 Madison County 247 0 Maries County 62 0 Marion County 610 7 Mercer County 28 0 Miller County 375 1 Mississippi County 313 6 Moniteau County 276 4 Monroe County 82 0 Montgomery County 68 1 Morgan County 220 1 New Madrid County 489 12 Newton County 1,287 20 Nodaway County 682 7 Oregon County 82 0 Osage County 115 1 Ozark County 92 0 Pemiscot County 446 11 Perry County 549 4 Pettis County 919 9 Phelps County 353 1 Pike County 209 3 Platte County 605 11 Polk County 417 1 Pulaski County 800 7 Putnam County 30 1 Ralls County 137 0 Randolph County 187 2 Ray County 148 0 Reynolds County 27 0 Ripley County 137 0 St. Charles County 6,897 123 St. Clair County 33 0 Ste. Genevieve County 184 1 St. Francois County 1,748 7 St. Louis County 22,090 774 Saline County 642 9 Schuyler County 22 0 Scotland County 24 1 Scott County 756 15 Shannon County 69 1 Shelby County 56 1 Stoddard County 405 11 Stone County 359 2 Sullivan County 185 0 Taney County 1,061 22 Texas County 204 2 Vernon County 132 0 Warren County 438 0 Washington County 304 1 Wayne County 152 0 Webster County 427 2 Worth County 18 0 Wright County 165 0 St. Louis city 6,534 196 Kansas City 10,404 103
Colorado COVID Cases Increase To 62,099 Deaths To 1,996
niman posted a topic in Colorado (2019-nCoV)
https://covid19.colorado.gov/data -
New Tests Administered 17,789 07/16/2020 ... 09/14/2020 7,644 New Individuals Tested New Positive Cases 758 09/14/2020 ... 09/14/2020 Positivity - All Tests 4.8 %7-Day Rate 09/02/2020 ... 09/08/2020 6.2 % cumulative rate New Deaths 20 09/05/2020 ... 09/14/2020 Total Confirmed COVID-19 Counts Total Tests Administered 1,756,019 02/26/2020 ... 09/13/2020 1,254,731 Individuals Tested Total Positive Cases 107,229 03/06/2020 ... 09/14/2020 Positivity - Unique Individuals 6.9 %7-Day Rate 09/02/2020 ... 09/08/2020 8.5 % cumulative rate Total Deaths 3,235 03/15/2020 ... 09/13/2020 https://www.coronavirus.in.gov/