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Total Cases 1,566 9 New Currently Hospitalized 3 Hospitalized Under Investigation 8 Total People Recovered 1,380 Deaths 58 https://www.healthvermont.gov/response/coronavirus-covid-19/current-activity-vermont
COVID-19 Case Trends https://www.maine.gov/dhhs/mecdc/infectious-disease/epi/airborne/coronavirus/data.shtml Maine COVID-19 Reopening Gating Metrics Cumulative COVID-19 Cases by ZIP Code Tables of COVID-19 Testing and Contact Tracing Data, Hospital Use, and Case Demographics View a Table of Contact Tracing (Sara Alert) Data View Tables of Data for the Previous 14 Days
New Hampshire 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Summary Report https://www.nh.gov/covid19/ (data updated as of August 24, 2020, 9:00 AM) Number of Persons with COVID-19 1 7,134 Recovered 6,450 (90%) Deaths Attributed to COVID-19 429 (6%) Total Current COVID-19 Cases 255 Persons Who Have Been Hospitalized for COVID-19 712 (10%) Current Hospitalizations 11 Total Persons Tested at Selected Laboratories, Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)2 198,229 Total Persons Tested at Selected Laboratories, Antibody Laboratory Tests2 29,258 Persons with Specimens Submitted to NH PHL 41,464 Persons with Test Pending at NH PHL3 1,181 Persons Being Monitored in NH (approximate point in time) 2,100 1 Includes specimens positive at any laboratory and those confirmed by CDC confirmatory testing.2 Includes specimens tested at the NH Public Health Laboratories (PHL), LabCorp, Quest, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, and those sent to CDC prior to NH PHL testing capacity.3 Includes specimens received and awaiting testing at NH PHL. Does not include tests pending at commercial laboratories. Active Cases Dashboard | Active Cases Map
1,347 Douglas 359 Sarpy 293 Lancaster 145 Buffalo 132 Lincoln 84 Madison 56 Cass 51 Dodge 49 Hall 45 Kearney 43 Dawes 38 Otoe 38 Dakota 34 Pierce 33 Platte 33 Washington 29 Scotts Bluff 29 Saunders 27 Gage 27 Nemaha 26 Seward 25 Keith 24 Dawson 23 York 22 Adams 20 Saline 20 Cedar 18 Custer 17 Burt 15 Knox 14 Phelps 13 Butler 10 Colfax 8 Perkins 8 Valley 8 Wayne 8 Boone 7 Box Butte 7 Cuming 7 Johnson 6 Thurston 6 Richardson 6 Morrill 5 Hamilton 5 Howard 5 Boyd 5 Sherman 5 Franklin 4 Clay 4 Chase 4 Antelope 4 Holt 4 Dundy 4 Polk 4 Furnas 3 Nance 3 Gosper 3 Logan 3 Sheridan 3 Fillmore 2 Cheyenne 2 Garden 2 Harlan 2 Merrick 2 Rock 2 Garfield 2 Brown 2 Thomas 2 Frontier 1 Cherry 1 Nuckolls 1 Jefferson 1 Banner 1 Hitchcock 1 McPherson 1 Red Willow 1 Pawnee 1 Wheeler 1 Dixon https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/ece0db09da4d4ca68252c3967aa1e9dd
Arkansas (265 Cases) Ashley (380 Cases) Baxter (116 Cases) Benton (5,097 Cases) Boone (270 Cases) Bradley (267 Cases) Calhoun (23 Cases) Carroll (436 Cases) Chicot (939 Cases) Clark (210 Cases) Clay (164 Cases) Cleburne (245 Cases) Cleveland (130 Cases) Columbia (281 Cases) Conway (189 Cases) Craighead (1,696 Cases) Crawford (839 Cases) Crittenden (1,582 Cases) Cross (241 Cases) Dallas (90 Cases) Desha (223 Cases) Drew (296 Cases) Faulkner (1,535 Cases) Franklin (153 Cases) Fulton (60 Cases) Garland (1,308 Cases) Grant (169 Cases) Greene (584 Cases) Hempstead (307 Cases) Hot Spring (1,681 Cases) Howard (393 Cases) Independence (692 Cases) Izard (81 Cases) Jackson (176 Cases) Jefferson (1,904 Cases) Johnson (739 Cases) Lafayette (65 Cases) Lawrence (245 Cases) Lee (993 Cases) Lincoln (1,375 Cases) Little River (258 Cases) Logan (351 Cases) Lonoke (652 Cases) Madison (286 Cases) Marion (41 Cases) Miller (572 Cases) Missing County Info (826 Cases) Mississippi (1,268 Cases) Monroe (89 Cases) Montgomery (60 Cases) Nevada (156 Cases) Newton (109 Cases) Ouachita (132 Cases) Perry (59 Cases) Phillips (375 Cases) Pike (157 Cases) Poinsett (429 Cases) Polk (207 Cases) Pope (1,593 Cases) Prairie (114 Cases) Pulaski (6,590 Cases) Randolph (290 Cases) Saline (1,384 Cases) Scott (84 Cases) Searcy (62 Cases) Sebastian (2,686 Cases) Sevier (1,121 Cases) Sharp (136 Cases) St. Francis (1,280 Cases) Stone (155 Cases) Union (634 Cases) Van Buren (84 Cases) Washington (6,615 Cases) White (462 Cases) Woodruff (27 Cases) Yell (1,111 Cases) https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/c2ef4a4fcbe5458fbf2e48a21e4fece9
Data current as of 8/24/2020, 12:01 a.m. Updated Monday - Friday.* Total cases 25,1551 Total deaths 420 Positive tests 23,859 Negative tests 498,182 Total tested 522,041 https://govstatus.egov.com/OR-OHA-COVID-19
Positive 24,469 Total Tests * 723,801 Click Here to View Positive Cases By County COVID-Related Deaths in NM 747 *Numbers are cumulative persons tested through 8/24/2020, 5:50:33 PM. Test results are from the state Scientific Laboratory Division of the New Mexico Department of Health, TriCore Reference Laboratories, LabCorp, Mayo Clinic Laboratories, Quest Diagnostics, and BioReference Laboratories. https://cv.nmhealth.org/
Aitkin County: 45 Anoka County: 4,386 Becker County: 178 Beltrami County: 296 Benton County: 354 Big Stone County: 31 Blue Earth County: 1,057 Brown County: 110 Carlton County: 171 Carver County: 1,040 Cass County: 92 Chippewa County: 129 Chisago County: 277 Clay County: 830 Clearwater County: 17 Cook County: 6 Cottonwood County: 194 Crow Wing County: 290 Dakota County: 5,337 Dodge County: 148 Douglas County: 147 Faribault County: 108 Fillmore County: 80 Freeborn County: 389 Goodhue County: 241 Grant County: 55 Hennepin County: 21,846 Houston County: 65 Hubbard County: 42 Isanti County: 166 Itasca County: 166 Jackson County: 91 Kanabec County: 62 Kandiyohi County: 779 Kittson County: 3 Koochiching County: 85 Lac Qui Parle County: 13 Lake County: 27 Lake of the Woods County: 7 Le Sueur County: 326 Lincoln County: 63 Lyon County: 445 Mahnomen County: 32 Marshall County: 31 Martin County: 219 McLeod County: 307 Meeker County: 94 Mille Lacs County: 87 Morrison County: 108 Mower County: 1,162 Murray County: 137 Nicollet County: 412 Nobles County: 1,827 Norman County: 45 Olmsted County: 1,919 Otter Tail County: 245 Pennington County: 76 Pine County: 139 Pipestone County: 174 Polk County: 179 Pope County: 58 Ramsey County: 8,678 Red Lake County: 28 Redwood County: 47 Renville County: 72 Rice County: 1,147 Rock County: 99 Roseau County: 64 Scott County: 1,859 Sherburne County: 835 Sibley County: 116 St. Louis County: 768 Stearns County: 3,106 Steele County: 399 Stevens County: 28 Swift County: 60 Todd County: 443 Traverse County: 21 Wabasha County: 111 Wadena County: 44 Waseca County: 219 Washington County: 2,663 Watonwan County: 404 Wilkin County: 45 Winona County: 302 Wright County: 1,102 Yellow Medicine County: 66 https://mndps.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/f28f84968c1148129932c3bebb1d3a1a
Total Positive Cases 16,942178.8 per 10,000 people Confirmed 15,930 Probable 1,012 Residents of Long-Term Care Facilities 1,226 Positive Cases by County New Castle County 7,865 Kent County 2,553 Sussex County 6,249 Unknown 275 Deaths in State of Delaware Total Deaths 6045.0 per 10,000 people https://myhealthycommunity.dhss.delaware.gov/locations/state#outcomes
August 23, 2020: Total Overall Tested: 269,401* Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 169,346* Total Positives: 13,639 Total Lives Lost: 604 Cleared from Isolation: 10,835 *All data are preliminary and are subject to change based on additional reporting. Download copy of DC COVID-19 data Other Data Public Safety Agency Data Human Services Agency Data DMV Agency Data Hospital Status Data https://coronavirus.dc.gov/data
Total Positive43,899Probable: 3,406 - Confirmed: 40,493 Deaths885Probable: 6 - Confirmed: 879 Total Tested822,904PCR: 764,058 - Serology: 46,390 -Antigen: 12,456 Positivity Rate*4.77% Recovered9,544 https://govstatus.egov.com/kycovid19
Colorado COVID Cases Increase To 55,341 Deaths To 1,919
niman posted a topic in Colorado (2019-nCoV)
https://covid19.colorado.gov/data -
New Individuals Tested 8,092 13,286 New Tests Administered between 04/30/2020 and 08/23/2020 New Positive Cases 688 between 07/28/2020 and 08/23/2020 Positivity - Unique Individuals 7 %7-Day Rate 8.7 % cumulative rate between 08/10/2020 and 08/17/2020 New Deaths 5 between 08/22/2020 and 08/23/2020 Total Confirmed COVID-19 Counts Total Individuals Tested 1,002,038 1,310,589 Tests Administered Total Positive Cases 87,592 Positivity - All Tests 5.6 %7-Day Rate 6.8 % cumulative rate between 08/10/2020 and 08/17/2020 Total Deaths 3,008 https://www.coronavirus.in.gov/
Number of confirmed cases : 104,669 Number of persons tested negative : 1,142,924 Total testing volume : 1,794,703 Number of confirmed deaths : 3,554 Number of probable deaths : 140 Currently hospitalized : 407 Acute care : 304 Intensive care : 103 Ever hospitalized : 14,007 Released from isolation : 6,047 Cases and Deaths Data Breakdown: Parenthesis = Confirmed death, laboratory-confirmed positive COVID-19 test result Asterisk = Probable death, death certificate lists COVID-19 as the cause of death but not yet confirmed by a laboratory test NH = Non-Hispanic By County County Cases Deaths Allegany 381 (20) Anne Arundel 8,011 (221) 10* Baltimore City 14,072 (435) 16* Baltimore County 14,788 (565) 23* Calvert 764 (27) 1* Caroline 479 (3) Carroll 1,651 (117) 3* Cecil 765 (30) 1* Charles 2,278 (91) 2* Dorchester 430 (5) Frederick 3,371 (116) 7* Garrett 61 Harford 2,337 (66) 3* Howard 4,249 (111) 6* Kent 254 (22) 1* Montgomery 19,540 (776) 39* Prince George's 25,537 (757) 23* Queen Anne's 517 (25) 1* St. Mary's 1,084 (53) Somerset 176 (3) Talbot 452 (4) Washington 1,237 (32) Wicomico 1,473 (47) Worcester 762 (21) 1* Data not available (7) 3* By Age Range and Gender Age/Gender Cases Deaths 0-9 3,788 10-19 7,274 (1) 20-29 18,736 (23) 1* 30-39 19,563 (46) 6* 40-49 17,377 (118) 3* 50-59 15,485 (287) 16* 60-69 10,563 (578) 12* 70-79 6,439 (879) 26* 80+ 5,444 (1,619) 75* Data not available (3) 1* Female 55,286 (1,743) 72* Male 49,383 (1,811) 68* By Race and Ethnicity Race/Ethnicity Cases Deaths African-American (NH) 33,503 (1,459) 53* Asian (NH) 1,928 (131) 6* White (NH) 23,500 (1,505) 67* Hispanic 25,343 (413) 10* Other (NH) 4,590 (38) Data not available 15,805 (8) 4* https://coronavirus.maryland.gov/