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  1. Tonight at 10 PM EDT THURSDAY Henry Niman PhD More Amazing DNA Developments And 'Polio-Like' Illness
  2. Opinion 23andMe Said He Would Lose His Mind. Ancestry Said the Opposite. Which Was Right? By Laura Hercher Ms. Hercher is a genetic counselor. Sept. 15, 2018 232 Image One DNA test said that Matt Fender, 32, who lives in New York City, was likely to get early-onset Alzheimer’s, the other said he wasn’t.CreditCreditDamon Winter/The New York Times In many ways, Matt Fender, a 32-year-old resident of New York City, is the prototypical 23andMe customer: tech-savvy, educated, a bit of a worrier. But he wasn’t worried last December when he clicked a button to dump all the raw data from his 23andMe genetic test into a DNA search engine called Promethease, which sorts through data for gene variants that have received a mention in the medical literature. Mr. Fender didn’t expect any revelations. He had already spent $5 on a Promethease report in 2016, which he’d found interesting but not life changing. But the company had recently emailed customers asking them to re-enter their data to be used for future research and quality control. In return, they were offered a free update. Mr. Fender’s update included something new: the terms “PSEN1” and “pathogenic.” Mr. Fender is a coder, not a geneticist, but he had spent enough time scrolling through his 23andMe results to know he had gotten some bad news. The PSEN1 mutation is associated with an early-onset form of Alzheimer’s, and it is often described as “100 percent penetrant,” which he quickly came to understand meant no exceptions — everyone with the variant gets the disease. Most show signs by their mid-40s. Mr. Fender, who describes himself as “the kind of guy who gets excited about responsible financial planning,” saw all his carefully crafted plans for the future slip away. ADVERTISEMENT
  3. Opinion 23andMe Said He Would Lose His Mind. Ancestry Said the Opposite. Which Was Right? By Laura Hercher Ms. Hercher is a genetic counselor. Sept. 15, 2018 One DNA test said that Matt Fender, 32, who lives in New York City, was likely to get early-onset Alzheimer’s, the other said he wasn’t.CreditCreditDamon Winter/The New York Times One DNA test said that Matt Fender, 32, who lives in New York City, was likely to get early-onset Alzheimer’s, the other said he wasn’t.CreditCreditDamon Winter/The New York Times In many ways, Matt Fender, a 32-year-old resident of New York City, is the prototypical 23andMe customer: tech-savvy, educated, a bit of a worrier. But he wasn’t worried last December when he clicked a button to dump all the raw data from his 23andMe genetic test into a DNA search engine called Promethease, which sorts through data for gene variants that have received a mention in the medical literature. Mr. Fender didn’t expect any revelations. He had already spent $5 on a Promethease report in 2016, which he’d found interesting but not life changing. But the company had recently emailed customers asking them to re-enter their data to be used for future research and quality control. In return, they were offered a free update. Mr. Fender’s update included something new: the terms “PSEN1” and “pathogenic.” Mr. Fender is a coder, not a geneticist, but he had spent enough time scrolling through his 23andMe results to know he had gotten some bad news. The PSEN1 mutation is associated with an early-onset form of Alzheimer’s, and it is often described as “100 percent penetrant,” which he quickly came to understand meant no exceptions — everyone with the variant gets the disease. Most show signs by their mid-40s. Mr. Fender, who describes himself as “the kind of guy who gets excited about responsible financial planning,” saw all his carefully crafted plans for the future slip away. The year 2017 was a breakout period for consumer genetic testing. Ancestry.com tested four million people. 23andMe rebounded from being temporarily shut down by the Food and Drug Administration to score a place on Amazon’s list of the five top-selling items on Black Friday weekend. One estimate in MIT Technology Review put the number of American adults who now have access to some form of personal genomic data at one in 25. Genetic health tests are often criticized for providing weak or marginal information about a person’s risk for common conditions like heart disease or diabetes. But while many customers get less than they bargained for, some, like Mr. Fender, get quite a bit more. These reports come plastered with lawyerly admonitions to “consult your doctor.” But it’s not as easy as that suggests. Most doctors are distrustful of direct-to-consumer testing. They aren’t trained — or paid — to go through complicated genetic reports with patients. And they’re leery because the information rarely leads to improved treatments. When Mr. Fender first approached a doctor about his genetic test results, it was 2013, and it was “like he was annoyed at me,” Mr. Fender says. Mr. Fender had purchased the original 23andMe test in part because he had a sister who died of a pulmonary embolism at 23 and he worried about his own risks. The test didn’t tell him anything about his chance of having an embolism, but it did say that he carried two copies of a gene variant called ApoE4, which greatly increases one’s chance of getting late-onset Alzheimer’s disease by age 85. This information was disturbing but manageable. His doctor wasn’t much help, but that limited advice, combined with a lot of online research, led Mr. Fender to look for ways to improve his health through diet, exercise and supplements. This time, Mr. Fender was prepared for skepticism. His email to his primary care physician was borderline apologetic. “I know this is an area of medicine that is maybe half-baked and possibly annoying to you,” he began, before reviewing what he had learned and requesting advice. “It’s not about the issue being half-baked,” the doctor replied, “but what the heck do we do about it, once we know, other than create high anxiety?” The doctor referred Mr. Fender to a geneticist, but it turned out he did not see patients under 50 who were not symptomatic and had no family history of the disease. Mr. Fender then tracked down Jill Goldman, a genetic counselor specializing in dementia at the Taub Institute at Columbia University Medical Center, who described a multistep process of counseling and confirmatory testing that’s been the standard of care for 25 years. She typically serves people at high risk of inheriting a disease, and insurance usually covers both the consultations and the tests. But it was unlikely to cover the costs in the absence of family history. “It was like a chicken-and-egg thing,” Mr. Fender observes. “I needed a medical test to prove to them that it was real, but I couldn’t get a medical test until I could prove to them that it was real.” Meanwhile, he happened to see a holiday special — $69 — for Ancestry’s genetic risk test. He realized he could use it to, in effect, get a second opinion about his PSEN1 variant. Five weeks later, the results were ready. He downloaded his raw data and returned to Promethease. An hour later, he had a new report. He looked for PSEN1 at the top of the list. It wasn’t there. Dumbfounded, Mr. Fender searched for the variant he was looking for: rs63749911. This time, his genotype was listed as common/normal. It was good news, and yet, the two tests were at odds. He had heard that both 23andMe and Ancestry were 99.9 percent accurate. Which one should he believe? “I always think it is important to point out that a 99.9 percent accuracy can still mean errors,” Stacey Detweiler, a medical affairs associate at 23andMe, explained via email. “Even if every variant included in our chip was validated for an accuracy of 99.9 percent (which they are not), that still would mean potential for about 600 errors in the 600,000 variants.” In other words, the number of mistakes can be as high as 600 per customer. Greg Lennon, a co-founder of Promethease, says the company occasionally catches mistakes and warns customers. Mr. Fender found himself left to grapple with the discordant results on his own. He felt more than ever in need of a doctor’s advice. The direct-to-consumer genetic testing marketplace is a regulatory Wild West. The F.D.A. stopped a proposed deal between Pathway Genomics and Walgreens in 2010 that would have put the tests in drugstores nationwide. It cracked down on 23andMe in 2013, after the company’s first major advertising campaign. But these regulatory efforts look like a game of whack-a-mole. Now the bar is getting lower. A new regulatory structure announced in November by the F.D.A.’s commissioner, Scott Gottlieb, will allow 23andMe and other vetted providers to introduce some tests for health risks without premarket review. This change is expected to usher in a rapid expansion of the consumer genetics industry. And however limited the rules are for direct-to-consumer genetic testing, they are downright draconian in comparison with the free-for-all world of third-party interpretive services like Promethease, which bills itself as a “literature retrieval system,” with no responsibility for the testing or results themselves. At first Mr. Fender tried to just believe that the Ancestry results were true and that the 23andMe finding was a mistake. It seemed more probable; the PSEN1 variant linked to early-onset Alzheimer’s, he learned, is usually inherited, and Mr. Fender’s parents are in their 60s and healthy. If he was wrong, he wasn’t sure he wanted to know. But he found the lingering doubts disquieting, and eventually persuaded his doctor to order a clinical test of the PSEN1 gene. It was negative. Mr. Fender, relentlessly upbeat, expresses gratitude for the experience. “It was very motivating,” he says, citing how he has improved his diet and learned to cook. It gave him empathy for people suffering from dementia, and he is thinking about developing an app using voice-activated personal assistants like Siri and Alexa. “People with Alzheimer’s lose track of what they are doing and may empty every drawer in the kitchen because they don’t remember that they are looking for their keys. Alexa could ask them what they’re planning to do and then give them reminders.” He pauses, and it is suddenly easy to imagine what it has been like, spending every day for months picturing a future with dementia. “Like, how’s it going looking for your keys, Matt?” he adds. His story, as bad as it was, could have been much worse. He had both the temperament and the skill to gather crucial information in a relatively short time. A person with fewer resources or different inclinations might have lived for years under that cloud, waiting to get sick. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/09/15/opinion/sunday/23andme-ancestry-alzheimers-genetic-testing.html?action=click&module=Opinion&pgtype=Homepage ADVERTISEMENT
  4. Tonight at 10 PM Henry Niman PhD DNA Testing - 23andMe Said He Would Lose His Mind But Ancestry Said the Opposite - Which Was Right?
  5. Tonight at 10 PM EDT Henry Niman PhD DNA Testing - 23andMe Said He Would Lose His Mind But Ancestry Said the Opposite - Which Was Right?
  6. 10 km map https://www.fsis.usda.gov/wps/wcm/connect/461aefca-6d0c-4092-b623-69b5d06c6dbf/vND_2018_NIES_10KM_dissolved.pdf?MOD=AJPERES
  7. Barbados as of Aug 24 Fresh/Frozen poultry and poultry products derived from birds originating from or slaughtered within: California Los Angeles County within the zone (50 kilometer radius) shown on the attached map, on or after May 17, 2018 to on or before August 20, 2018 (reference map for relevant zone and applicable date).* Los Angeles County within the zone (50 kilometer radius) shown on the attached map, on or after July 18, 2018 (reference map for relevant zone and applicable date).* Riverside County shown on the attached map on or after June 30, 2018 (reference map for relevant zone and applicable date). * San Bernardino County shown on the attached map (reference map for relevant zone and applicable date). * On or after May 24, 2018; On or after May 26, 2018; On or after June 20, 2018; On or after June 30, 2018; On or after July 18, 2018; On or after July 24, 2018; On or after July 25, 2018; On or after July 27, 2018; On or after August 1, 2018; and On or after August 8, 2018 are ineligible for export to Barbados. Ventura County shown on the attached map on or after August 15, 2018 (reference map for relevant zone and applicable date). * https://www.fsis.usda.gov/wps/portal/fsis/topics/international-affairs/exporting-products/export-library-requirements-by-country/Barbados
  8. Taiwan as of Aug 24 California – poultry meat and meat products sourced from the 50km radius ineligible zones Shown on the attached map around Los Angeles County loaded on board vessels on or after August 16, 2018. Shown on the attached map around Los Angeles County loaded on board vessels on or before July 18, 2018 or August 1, 2018, around San Bernardino County loaded on board vessels on or before May 24, 2018, May 26, 2018, June 20, 2018, June 30, 2018 or August 8, 2018 and around Riverside County loaded on board vessels on or before June 30, 2018, and around Ventura County loaded on board vessels on or before August 15, 2018 (reference map for relevant zone and applicable date.* https://www.fsis.usda.gov/wps/portal/fsis/topics/international-affairs/exporting-products/export-library-requirements-by-country/taiwan
  9. Map https://www.fsis.usda.gov/wps/wcm/connect/d2f15950-6482-40a9-a9e0-97fe97c2b10b/vND_2018_NIES_50KM_dissolved082418.pdf?MOD=AJPERES
  10. Virulent Newcastle Disease Last Modified: Aug 24, 2018 Print Virulent Newcastle Disease (vND), formerly known as Exotic Newcastle Disease is a contagious and fatal viral disease affecting the respiratory, nervous and digestive systems of birds and poultry. The disease is so virulent that many birds and poultry die without showing any clinical signs. vND is not a food safety concern. No human cases of Newcastle disease have ever occurred from eating poultry products. Properly cooked poultry products are safe to eat. In very rare instances people working directly with sick birds can become infected with mild symptoms. vND has not been found in commercial poultry in the U.S. since 2003. Since May 18, USDA has confirmed 117 cases of vND in backyard birds in California, 84 in San Bernardino County, 16 in Riverside County, 16 in Los Angeles County and 1 in Ventura County: Date Confirmed State County Types of Birds August 23, 2018 California Los Angeles Backyard exhibition chickens August 23, 2018 California Riverside Backyard exhibition chickens August 23, 2018 California San Bernardino Backyard exhibition chickens August 22, 2018 California Riverside Backyard exhibition chickens August 21, 2018 California Riverside Backyard exhibition chickens August 17, 2018 California Los Angeles Backyard exhibition chickens August 17, 2018 California Riverside Backyard exhibition chickens August 17, 2018 California Riverside Backyard exhibition chickens August 17, 2018 California San Bernardino Backyard exhibition chickens August 17, 2018 California San Bernardino Backyard exhibition chickens August 17, 2018 California San Bernardino Backyard exhibition chickens August 15, 2018 California Los Angeles Backyard exhibition chickens August 15, 2018 California Riverside Backyard exhibition chickens August 15, 2018 California Riverside Backyard exhibition chickens August 15, 2018 California San Bernardino Backyard exhibition chickens August 15, 2018 California San Bernardino Backyard exhibition chickens August 15, 2018 California Ventura Backyard exhibition chickens August 10, 2018 California Los Angeles Backyard exhibition chickens August10, 2018 California Riverside Backyard exhibition chickens August 10, 2018 California San Bernardino Backyard exhibition chickens August 10, 2018 California San Bernardino Backyard exhibition chickens August 10, 2018 California San Bernardino Backyard exhibition chickens August 10, 2018 California San Bernardino Backyard exhibition chickens August 10, 2018 California San Bernardino Backyard exhibition chickens August 9, 2018 California Riverside Backyard exhibition chickens August 9, 2018 California San Bernardino Backyard exhibition chickens August 9, 2018 California San Bernardino Backyard exhibition chickens August 9, 2018 California San Bernardino Backyard exhibition chickens August 8, 2018 California Los Angeles Backyard exhibition chickens August 8, 2018 California Los Angeles Backyard exhibition chickens August 8, 2018 California Los Angeles Backyard exhibition chickens August 8, 2018 California San Bernardino Backyard exhibition chickens August 8, 2018 California San Bernardino Backyard exhibition chickens August 8, 2018 California San Bernardino Backyard exhibition chickens August 8, 2018 California San Bernardino Backyard exhibition chickens August 7, 2018 California Los Angeles Backyard exhibition chickens August 7, 2018 California San Bernardino Backyard exhibition chickens August 7, 2018 California San Bernardino Backyard exhibition chickens August 3, 2018 California Los Angeles Backyard exhibition chickens August 3, 2018 California San Bernardino Backyard exhibition chickens August 1, 2018 California Los Angeles backyard hobby turkeys August 1, 2018 California Los Angeles Backyard exhibition chickens August 1, 2018 California Los Angeles Backyard exhibition chickens August 1, 2018 California San Bernardino Backyard exhibition chickens August 1, 2018 California San Bernardino Backyard exhibition chickens August 1, 2018 California San Bernardino Backyard exhibition chickens August 1, 2018 California San Bernardino Backyard exhibition chickens July 27, 2018 California Riverside Backyard exhibition chickens July 27, 2018 California San Bernardino Backyard exhibition chickens July 25, 2018 California Los Angeles Backyard exhibition chickens July 25, 2018 California San Bernardino Backyard exhibition chickens July 24, 2018 California Riverside Backyard exhibition chickens July 24, 2018 California San Bernardino Backyard exhibition chickens July19, 2018 California San Bernardino Backyard exhibition chickens July 19, 2018 California San Bernardino Backyard exhibition chickens July 18, 2018 California Los Angeles Backyard exhibition chickens July 18, 2018 California Los Angeles Backyard exhibition chickens July 18, 2018 California Riverside Backyard exhibition chickens July 18, 2018 California San Bernardino Backyard exhibition chickens July 18, 2018 California San Bernardino Backyard exhibition chickens July 17, 2018 California Riverside Backyard exhibition chickens July 17, 2018 California San Bernardino Backyard exhibition chickens July 13, 2018 California Riverside Backyard exhibition chickens July 13, 2018 California San Bernardino Backyard exhibition chickens July 13, 2018 California San Bernardino Backyard exhibition chickens July 11, 2018 California San Bernardino Backyard exhibition chickens July 11, 2018 California San Bernardino Backyard exhibition chickens July 11, 2018 California San Bernardino Backyard exhibition chickens July 11, 2018 California San Bernardino Backyard exhibition chickens July 11, 2018 California San Bernardino Backyard 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chickens June 20, 2018 California San Bernardino Backyard exhibition chickens June 19, 2018 California San Bernardino Backyard exhibition chickens June 14, 2018 California San Bernardino Backyard exhibition chickens June 13, 2018 California San Bernardino Backyard exhibition chickens June 5, 2018 California San Bernardino Backyard exhibition chickens June 5, 2018 California San Bernardino Backyard exhibition chickens June 4, 2018 California San Bernardino Backyard exhibition chickens June 1, 2018 California San Bernardino Backyard exhibition chickens May 30, 2018 California San Bernardino Backyard exhibition chickens May 30, 2018 California San Bernardino Backyard exhibition chickens May 30, 2018 California San Bernardino Backyard exhibition chickens May 30, 2018 California San Bernardino Backyard exhibition chickens May 26, 2018 California San Bernardino Backyard exhibition chickens May 26, 2018 California San Bernardino Backyard exhibition chickens May 26, 2018 California San Bernardino Backyard exhibition chickens May 26, 2018 California San Bernardino Backyard exhibition chickens May 24, 2018 California San Bernardino Backyard exhibition mixed species birds May 17, 2018 California Los Angeles Backyard exhibition chickens How You Can Help It is essential that all bird owners follow good biosecurity practices to help protect their birds from infectious diseases. These simple steps include: Washing hands and scrubbing boots before and after entering an area with birds; Cleaning and disinfecting tires and equipment before moving them off the property; and Isolating any birds returning from shows for 30 days before placing them with the rest of the flock. All bird owners should report sick birds or unusual bird deaths to State/Federal officials, either through their state veterinarian or through USDA’s toll-free number at 1-866-536-7593.
  11. The confirmation of virulent Newcastle Disease in Ventura County in Southern California signals serious spread. https://www.aphis.usda.gov/aphis/ourfocus/animalhealth/animal-disease-information/avian-influenza-disease/vnd/!ut/p/z1/04_iUlDg4tKPAFJABpSA0fpReYllmemJJZn5eYk5-hH6kVFm8X6Gzu4GFiaGPu6uLoYGjh6Wnt4e5mYG7mam-l5gjQj9IBPw64iA6oAqh1P6kUZFvs6-6fpRBYklGbqZeWn5-hFleSn6BdlRkQDKFRsj/
  12. Henry Niman PhD Newcastle Disease Update And DNA Tests Zero In On Parkinsons 10 PM EDT Tonight
  13. Audio link https://www.renseradio.com/listenlive.htm
  14. Tonight 10 PM Henry Niman PhD Newcastle Disease Update And DNA Tests Zero In On Parkinsons
  15. Tonight at 10 PM EDT THURSDAY Dr. Henry Niman DNA Testing Technology
  16. https://www.renseradio.com/listenlive.htm
  17. South Africa as of July 19 https://www.fsis.usda.gov/wps/portal/fsis/topics/international-affairs/exporting-products/export-library-requirements-by-country/S-Africa
  18. As exotic Newcastle outbreaks spread, the number of countries banning poultry imports also grows https://www.fsis.usda.gov/wps/portal/fsis/topics/international-affairs/exporting-products/export-library-requirements-by-country
  19. July 19 https://www.fsis.usda.gov/wps/wcm/connect/461aefca-6d0c-4092-b623-69b5d06c6dbf/vND_2018_NIES_10KM_dissolved.pdf?MOD=AJPERES
  20. Update 7/2 https://www.fsis.usda.gov/wps/wcm/connect/14a48fc4-e3c4-4c80-b216-38f02ee71521/vND_2018_NIES_50KM+LA+San+Bernardino+Consolodated+7-2-18.pdf?MOD=AJPERES
  21. Update 6/30 https://www.fsis.usda.gov/wps/wcm/connect/14a48fc4-e3c4-4c80-b216-38f02ee71521/vND_2018_NIES_50KM+San+Bernardino+All+6-27-18.pdf?MOD=AJPERES
  22. Update 6/27 https://www.fsis.usda.gov/wps/wcm/connect/14a48fc4-e3c4-4c80-b216-38f02ee71521/vND_2018_NIES_50KM+San+Bernardino+All+6-27-18.pdf?MOD=AJPERES
  23. Latest map update https://www.fsis.usda.gov/wps/wcm/connect/14a48fc4-e3c4-4c80-b216-38f02ee71521/vND_2018_NIES_50KM+San+Bernardino+All+6-27-18.pdf?MOD=AJPERES
  24. Audio link https://www.renseradio.com/listenlive.htm
  25. THURSDAY Henry Niman PhD New, Super Deadly Virus In India... Will It Move?
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