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  1. Map Update https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?hl=en&hl=en&authuser=0&authuser=0&mid=1FlIB7hHnVgGD9TlbSx5HwAj-PEQ
  2. Map Update https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?hl=en&hl=en&authuser=0&authuser=0&mid=1FlIB7hHnVgGD9TlbSx5HwAj-PEQ
  3. Map Update https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?hl=en&hl=en&authuser=0&authuser=0&mid=1FlIB7hHnVgGD9TlbSx5HwAj-PEQ
  4. Map Update https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?hl=en&hl=en&authuser=0&authuser=0&mid=1FlIB7hHnVgGD9TlbSx5HwAj-PEQ
  5. Map Update https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?hl=en&hl=en&authuser=0&authuser=0&mid=1FlIB7hHnVgGD9TlbSx5HwAj-PEQ
  6. CDPH Weekly Update on Number of Zika Virus Infections in California October 14, 2016 The following table provides the number of travel-associated infections with Zika virus in California residents in 2015 and 2016. CDPH is following CDC testing guidelines. This table is updated every Friday. As of October 14, 2016, there have been 335 travel-associated Zika virus infections in California. • Total infections: 335 • New infections reported this week: 7 • Cumulative number of infections due to sexual transmission: 3 • Cumulative number of infections in pregnant women: 40a o Liveborn infants with birth defects: 2b o Pregnancy losses with birth defects: 0c Zika virus infections in California, 2015-2016d (as of October 14, 2016) County Travel-associated e Locally acquired f Alameda (City of Berkeley) 22g (2) 0 Contra Costa 15 0 Fresno 1 0 Humboldt 2 0 Kern 3 0 Kings 1 0 Lake 1 0 Los Angeles (City of Long Beach) 77h (6) 0 Marin 5 0 Merced 3 0 Monterey 3 0 Napa 2 0 Orange 23 0 Riverside 8 0 Sacramento 6 0 San Bernardino 13 0 San Diego 59i 0 San Francisco 24 0 San Joaquin 6 0 San Luis Obispo 1 0 San Mateo 7 0 Santa Barbara 6 0 Santa Clara 22 0 Santa Cruz 2 0 Solano 1 0 Sonoma 6 0 Stanislaus 2 0 Tulare 3 0 Ventura 5 0 Yolo 4 0 Yuba 2 0 Total 335 0 a Local Health Departments and CDPH are monitoring all pregnant women and their infants b Includes microcephaly, calcium deposits in the brain indicating possible brain damage, excess fluid in the brain cavities and surrounding the brain, absent or poorly formed brain structures, abnormal eye development, or other problems resulting from damage to the brain that affects nerves, muscles and bones, such as clubfoot or inflexible joints. c Includes miscarriage, stillbirths, and terminations with evidence of the birth defects mentioned above d Total number includes laboratory-confirmed and probable infections as defined by the CSTE Position Statement e Persons exposed through travel to an affected area or contact with a traveler f Presumed local mosquito-borne transmission g Includes two residents of the City of Berkeley h Includes six residents of the City of Long Beach i Includes one non-resident https://www.cdph.ca.gov/HealthInfo/discond/Documents/TravelAssociatedCasesofZikaVirusinCA.pdf
  7. Map Update https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?hl=en&hl=en&authuser=0&authuser=0&mid=1FlIB7hHnVgGD9TlbSx5HwAj-PEQ
  8. CDPH Weekly Update on Number of Zika Virus Infections in California October 7, 2016 The following table provides the number of travel-associated infections with Zika virus in California residents in 2015 and 2016. CDPH is following CDC testing guidelines. This table is updated every Friday. As of October 7, 2016, there have been 328 travel-associated Zika virus infections in California. • Total infections: 328 • New infections reported this week: 23 • Cumulative number of infections due to sexual transmission: 3 • Cumulative number of infections in pregnant women: 39a o Liveborn infants with birth defects: 2b o Pregnancy losses with birth defects: 0c Zika virus infections in California, 2015-2016d (as of October 7, 2016) County Travel-associated e Locally acquired f Alameda (City of Berkeley) 21g (2) 0 Contra Costa 15 0 Fresno 1 0 Humboldt 2 0 Kern 3 0 Kings 1 0 Lake 1 0 Los Angeles (City of Long Beach) 77h (6) 0 Marin 5 0 Merced 3 0 Monterey 3 0 Napa 2 0 Orange 23 0 Riverside 7 0 Sacramento 6 0 San Bernardino 13 0 San Diego 56i 0 San Francisco 24 0 San Joaquin 6 0 San Mateo 7 0 Santa Barbara 6 0 Santa Clara 21 0 Santa Cruz 2 0 Solano 1 0 Sonoma 6 0 Stanislaus 2 0 Tulare 3 0 Ventura 5 0 Yolo 4 0 Yuba 2 0 Total 328 0 a Local Health Departments and CDPH are monitoring all pregnant women and their infants b Includes microcephaly, calcium deposits in the brain indicating possible brain damage, excess fluid in the brain cavities and surrounding the brain, absent or poorly formed brain structures, abnormal eye development, or other problems resulting from damage to the brain that affects nerves, muscles and bones, such as clubfoot or inflexible joints. c Includes miscarriage, stillbirths, and terminations with evidence of the birth defects mentioned above d Total number includes laboratory-confirmed and probable infections as defined by the CSTE Position Statement e Persons exposed through travel to an affected area or contact with a traveler f Presumed local mosquito-borne transmission g Includes two residents of the City of Berkeley h Includes six residents of the City of Long Beach i Includes one non-resident https://www.cdph.ca.gov/HealthInfo/discond/Documents/TravelAssociatedCasesofZikaVirusinCA.pdf
  9. Last night's audio update http://recombinomics.co/thedrnimanshow/2016/10/100716.mp3
  10. Last night's audio update http://recombinomics.co/thedrnimanshow/2016/10/100716.mp3
  11. Updated table at Andersen lab website puts location of infection for Florida ex-Cuba case (FL010U) in Florida Samples Scripps ID Patient ID Sample type Quality score % Coverage Location of infection FL001Sa 001 Saliva *** 99.71 Martinique FL008U 008 Urine *** 90.07 Puerto Rico FL010U 010 Urine **** 97.69 USA: Florida FL016U 016 Urine *** 99.88 Puerto Rico FL021U 021 Urine *** 97.45 USA: Florida FL022U 022 Urine *** 97.77 USA: Florida FL030U 030 Urine *** 99.75 USA: Florida FL032U 032 Urine *** 99.75 USA: Florida FL036Se 036 Serum *** 99.73 USA: Florida FL038U 038 Urine *** 99.76 USA: Florida FL039U 039 Urine **** 99.75 USA: Florida Hu0015Sa Hu0015 Saliva *** 99.75 USA: Florida FL01M 7501 Mosquito **** 99.75 USA: Florida FL02M 7719 Mosquito **** 99.74 USA: Florida FL03M 7727 Mosquito **** 99.83 USA: Florida FL04M 16-10416 Mosquito **** 99.72 USA: Florida FL05M 16-3125 Mosquito **** 99.74 USA: Florida FL06M Mosquito **** 99.71 USA: Florida ZC188Se 423568715 Serum **** 98.26 Columbia ZC192Se 423401315 Serum **** 98.36 Columbia ZC204Se 424439915 Serum **** 99.74 Columbia ZC207Se 423217515 Serum **** 96.68 Columbia Quality **** Complete coding sequence, no apparent contamination in aligned bam file *** Complete coding sequence, some contamination in aligned bam file (confident in consensus) ** Partial coding sequence, no apparent contamination in aligned bam file * Partial coding sequence, some contamination in aligned bam file
  12. updated ZF36 sequence (from serum) ZF36_36S_2016-08-04 matches Sequences producing significant alignments: Select:AllNone Selected:0 AlignmentsDownloadGenBankGraphicsDistance tree of resultsShow/hide columns of the table presenting sequences producing significant alignments Sequences producing significant alignments: Select for downloading or viewing reports Description Max score Total score Query cover E value Ident Accession Select seq gb|KX842449.2| Zika virus isolate ZIKV/Homo_sapiens/USA/2016/FL010U polyprotein gene, complete cds 15090 17266 94% 0.0 99% KX842449.2 Select seq gb|KX922703.1| Zika virus isolate ZIKV/Homo_sapiens/USA/2016/FL021U polyprotein gene, complete cds 15081 17257 94% 0.0 99% KX922703.1 Select seq gb|KX838905.2| Zika virus isolate ZIKV/Aedes_aegypti/USA/2016/FL02M polyprotein gene, complete cds 15081 17257 94% 0.0 99% KX838905.2 Select seq gb|KX832731.1| Zika virus isolate ZIKV/Homo_sapiens/USA//2016/Hu0015SA polyprotein gene, complete cds 15081 17257 94% 0.0 99% KX832731.1 Select seq gb|KX922704.1| Zika virus isolate ZIKV/Homo_sapiens/USA/2016/FL030U polyprotein gene, complete cds 15077 17254 94% 0.0 99% KX922704.1 Select seq gb|KX922706.1| Zika virus isolate ZIKV/Homo_sapiens/USA/2016/FL038U polyprotein gene, complete cds 15073 17250 94% 0.0 99% KX922706.1 Select seq gb|KX838904.2| Zika virus isolate ZIKV/Aedes_aegypti/USA/2016/FL01M polyprotein gene, complete cds 15073 17245 94% 0.0 99% KX838904.2 Select seq gb|KU853012.1| Zika virus isolate Dominican Republic/2016/PD1, complete genome 15046 17220 94% 0.0 99% KU853012.1 Select seq gb|KU853013.1| Zika virus isolate Dominican Republic/2016/PD2, complete genome 15044 17221 94% 0.0 99% KU853013.1 Select seq gb|KX922707.1| Zika virus isolate ZIKV/Homo_sapiens/USA/2016/FL039U polyprotein gene, complete cds 15017 17198 94% 0.0 99% KX922707.1 Select seq gb|KX673530.1| Zika virus isolate PHE_semen_Guadeloupe, complete genome 15017 17189 94% 0.0 99% KX673530.1 Select seq gb|KX838906.2| Zika virus isolate ZIKV/Aedes_aegypti/USA/2016/FL03M polyprotein gene, complete cds 15008 17185 94% 0.0 99% KX838906.2 Select seq gb|KX922705.1| Zika virus isolate ZIKV/Homo_sapiens/USA/2016/FL032U polyprotein gene, complete cds 14998 17175 94% 0.0 99% KX922705.1 Select seq gb|KX922708.1| Zika virus isolate ZIKV/Aedes_aegypti/USA/2016/FL04M polyprotein gene, complete cds 14996 17167 94% 0.0 99% KX922708.1 Select seq gb|KX447510.1| Zika virus isolate 1_0049_PF polyprotein gene, complete cds 14987 17160 94% 0.0 99% KX447510.1 Select seq gb|KX280026.1| Zika virus isolate Paraiba_01, complete genome 14987 17169 94% 0.0 99% KX280026.1 Select seq gb|KX811222.1| Zika virus isolate Brazil_2015_MG, complete genome 14978 17151 94% 0.0 99% KX811222.1 Select seq gb|KX369547.1| Zika virus strain PF13/251013-18, complete genome 14978 17155 94% 0.0 99% KX369547.1 Select seq gb|KX447512.1| Zika virus isolate 1_0181_PF polyprotein gene, complete cds 14972 17149 94% 0.0 99% KX447512.1 Select seq gb|KU509998.3| Zika virus strain Haiti/1225/2014, complete genome 14972 17149 94% 0.0 99% KU509998.3 Select seq gb|KX197205.1| Zika virus isolate 9, complete genome 14969 17146 94% 0.0 99% KX197205.1 Select seq gb|KJ776791.2| Zika virus strain H/PF/2013, complete genome 14969 17146 94% 0.0 99% KJ776791.2 Select seq gb|KU991811.1| Zika virus isolate Brazil/2016/INMI1 polyprotein gene, complete cds 14969 17151 94% 0.0 99% KU991811.1 Select seq gb|KU321639.1| Zika virus strain ZikaSPH2015, complete genome 14969 17142 94% 0.0 99% KU321639.1 Select seq gb|KX447509.1| Zika virus isolate 1_0087_PF polyprotein gene, complete cds 14963 17146 94% 0.0 99% KX447509.1 Select seq gb|KX198135.1| Zika virus strain ZIKV/Homo sapiens/PAN/BEI-259634_V4/2016, complete genome 14963 17126 94% 0.0 99% KX198135.1 Select seq gb|KU729218.1| Zika virus isolate BeH828305 polyprotein gene, complete cds 14963 17128 94% 0.0 99% KU729218.1 Select seq gb|KX879604.1| Zika virus isolate SN089, complete genome 14960 17137 94% 0.0 99% KX879604.1 Select seq gb|KX447515.1| Zika virus isolate 1_0030_PF polyprotein gene, complete cds 14960 17137 94% 0.0 99% KX447515.1 Select seq gb|KX447513.1| Zika virus isolate 1_0134_PF polyprotein gene, complete cds 14960 17142 94% 0.0 99% KX447513.1 Select seq gb|KX879603.1| Zika virus isolate SN062, complete genome 14954 17128 94% 0.0 99% KX879603.1 Select seq gb|KX447516.1| Zika virus isolate 1_0111_PF polyprotein gene, complete cds 14954 17137 94% 0.0 99% KX447516.1 Select seq gb|KX447511.1| Zika virus isolate 1_0015_PF polyprotein gene, complete cds 14954 17137 94% 0.0 99% KX447511.1 Select seq gb|KX197192.1| Zika virus isolate ZIKV/H.sapiens/Brazil/PE243/2015, complete genome 14954 17128 94% 0.0 99% KX197192.1 Select seq gb|KU926309.1| Zika virus isolate Rio-U1, complete genome 14954 17126 94% 0.0 99% KU926309.1 Select seq gb|KU729217.2| Zika virus isolate BeH823339 polyprotein gene, complete cds 14954 17137 94% 0.0 99% KU729217.2 Select seq gb|KU647676.1| Zika virus strain MRS_OPY_Martinique_PaRi_2015 polyprotein gene, complete cds 14954 17122 94% 0.0 99% KU647676.1 Select seq gb|KX447514.1| Zika virus isolate 1_0035_PF polyprotein gene, complete cds 14951 17133 94% 0.0 99% KX447514.1 Select seq gb|KX156776.1| Zika virus strain ZIKV/Homo sapiens/PAN/CDC-259364_V1-V2/2015, complete genome 14951 17115 94% 0.0 99% KX156776.1 Select seq gb|KX051563.1| Zika virus isolate Haiti/1/2016, complete genome 14951 17133 94% 0.0 99% KX051563.1 Select seq gb|KU940228.1| Zika virus isolate Bahia07, partial genome 14951 17128 94% 0.0 99% KU940228.1 Select seq gb|KU707826.1| Zika virus isolate SSABR1, complete genome 14951 17128 94% 0.0 99% KU707826.1 Select seq gb|KU365779.1| Zika virus strain BeH819966 polyprotein gene, complete cds 14951 17128 94% 0.0 99% KU365779.1 Select seq gb|KX156775.1| Zika virus strain ZIKV/Homo sapiens/PAN/CDC-259249_V1-V3/2015, complete genome 14945 17104 94% 0.0 99% KX156775.1 Select seq gb|KX156774.1| Zika virus strain ZIKV/Homo sapiens/PAN/CDC-259359_V1-V3/2015, complete genome 14945 17110 94% 0.0 99% KX156774.1 Select seq gb|KX262887.1| Zika virus isolate 103451, complete genome 14942 17124 94% 0.0 99% KX262887.1 Select seq gb|KX247646.1| Zika virus isolate Zika virus/Homo sapiens/COL/UF-1/2016, complete genome 14942 17115 94% 0.0 99% KX247646.1 Select seq gb|KU926310.1| Zika virus isolate Rio-S1, complete genome 14942 17119 94% 0.0 99% KU926310.1 Select seq gb|KU497555.1| Zika virus isolate Brazil-ZKV2015, complete genome 14942 17106 94% 0.0 99% KU497555.1 Select seq gb|KU527068.1| Zika virus strain Natal RGN, complete genome 14942 17119 94% 0.0 99% KU527068.1 Select seq gb|KU940224.1| Zika virus isolate Bahia09, partial genome 14938 17032 94% 0.0 99% KU940224.1 Select seq gb|KU820897.5| Zika virus isolate FLR polyprotein gene, complete cds 14936 17104 94% 0.0 99% KU820897.5 Select seq gb|KX447517.1| Zika virus isolate 1_0038_PF polyprotein gene, complete cds 14936 17104 94% 0.0 99% KX447517.1 Select seq gb|KX520666.1| Zika virus isolate HS-2015-BA-01 polyprotein gene, complete cds 14936 17113 94% 0.0 99% KX520666.1 Select seq gb|KX087102.1| Zika virus strain ZIKV/Homo sapiens/COL/FLR/2015, complete genome 14936 17104 94% 0.0 99% KX087102.1 Select seq gb|KU922960.1| Zika virus isolate MEX/InDRE/Sm/2016, complete genome 14936 17104 94% 0.0 99% KU922960.1 Select seq gb|KU922923.1| Zika virus isolate MEX/InDRE/Lm/2016, complete genome 14936 17104 94% 0.0 99% KU922923.1 Select seq gb|KU365780.1| Zika virus strain BeH815744 polyprotein gene, complete cds 14936 17119 94% 0.0 99% KU365780.1 Select seq gb|KU365777.1| Zika virus strain BeH818995 polyprotein gene, complete cds 14936 17113 94% 0.0 99% KU365777.1 Select seq gb|KX694534.1| Zika virus strain ZIKV/Homo sapiens/HND/R103451/2015, complete genome 14933 17115 94% 0.0 99% KX694534.1 Select seq gb|KX548902.1| Zika virus isolate ZIKV/COL/FCC00093/2015 polyprotein gene, complete cds 14933 17097 94% 0.0 99% KX548902.1 Select seq gb|KU501217.1| Zika virus strain 8375 polyprotein gene, complete cds 14933 17115 94% 0.0 99% KU501217.1 Select seq gb|KX806557.1| Zika virus isolate TS17-2016, complete genome 14927 17099 94% 0.0 99% KX806557.1 Select seq gb|KU758877.1| Zika virus isolate 17271 polyprotein gene, complete cds 14927 17104 94% 0.0 99% KU758877.1 Select seq gb|KU501216.1| Zika virus strain 103344 polyprotein gene, complete cds 14927 17110 94% 0.0 99% KU501216.1 Select seq gb|KU365778.1| Zika virus strain BeH819015 polyprotein gene, complete cds 14927 17104 94% 0.0 99% KU365778.1 Select seq gb|KX893855.1| Zika virus strain Zika virus/Homo sapiens/VEN/UF-2/2016, complete genome 14925 17092 94% 0.0 99% KX893855.1 Select seq gb|KX702400.1| Zika virus strain Zika virus/Homo sapiens/VEN/UF-1/2016, complete genome 14924 17088 94% 0.0 99% KX702400.1 Select seq gb|KU312312.1| Zika virus isolate Z1106033 polyprotein gene, complete cds 14924 17101 94% 0.0 99% KU312312.1 Select seq gb|KU870645.1| Zika virus isolate FB-GWUH-2016, complete genome 14918 17092 94% 0.0 99% KU870645.1 Select seq gb|KX247632.1| Zika virus isolate MEX_I_7 polyprotein gene, complete cds 14915 17097 94% 0.0 99% KX247632.1 Select seq gb|KU501215.1| Zika virus strain PRVABC59, complete genome 14915 17088 94% 0.0 99% KU501215.1 Select seq gb|KX856011.1| Zika virus strain ZIKV/Aedes sp./MEX_I-44/2016, complete genome 14909 17092 94% 0.0 99% KX856011.1 Select seq gb|KX601168.1| Zika virus strain ZIKV/Homo Sapiens/PRI/PRVABC59/2015, complete genome 14909 17083 94% 0.0 99% KX601168.1 Select seq gb|KX446951.1| Zika virus strain ZIKV/Aedes.sp/MEX/MEX_I-7/2016, complete genome 14909 17092 94% 0.0 99% KX446951.1 Select seq gb|KX446950.1| Zika virus strain ZIKV/Aedes.sp/MEX/MEX_2-81/2016, complete genome 14909 17086 94% 0.0 99% KX446950.1 Select seq gb|KX087101.2| Zika virus strain ZIKV/Homo sapiens/PRI/PRVABC59/2015, complete genome 14909 17083 94% 0.0 99% KX087101.2 Select seq gb|KX377337.1| Zika virus strain PRVABC-59, complete genome 14906 17079 94% 0.0 99% KX377337.1 Select seq gb|KU937936.1| Zika virus isolate ZIKVNL00013 polyprotein gene, complete cds 14906 17088 94% 0.0 99% KU937936.1 Select seq gb|KX117076.1| Zika virus isolate Zhejiang04, complete genome 14906 17068 94% 0.0 99% KX117076.1 Select seq gb|KU820898.1| Zika virus isolate GZ01 polyprotein gene, complete cds 14906 17079 94% 0.0 99% KU820898.1 Select seq gb|KX185891.1| Zika virus isolate Zika virus/CN/SZ02/2016 polyprotein gene, complete cds 14900 17063 94% 0.0 99% KX185891.1 Select seq gb|KU963796.1| Zika virus isolate SZ-WIV01 polyprotein gene, complete cds 14900 17063 94% 0.0 99% KU963796.1 Select seq gb|KU955590.1| Zika virus isolate Z16019 polyprotein gene, complete cds 14900 17068 94% 0.0 99% KU955590.1 Select seq gb|KU740184.2| Zika virus isolate GD01 polyprotein gene, complete cds 14900 17068 94% 0.0 99% KU740184.2 Select seq gb|KU761564.1| Zika virus isolate GDZ16001 polyprotein gene, complete cds 14900 17068 94% 0.0 99% KU761564.1 Select seq gb|KX766028.1| Zika virus isolate R114916, complete genome 14898 17066 94% 0.0 99% KX766028.1 Select seq gb|KX253996.1| Zika virus isolate ZKC2/2016, complete genome 14897 17059 94% 0.0 99% KX253996.1 Select seq gb|KX056898.1| Zika virus isolate Zika virus/GZ02/2016 polyprotein gene, complete cds 14897 17068 94% 0.0 99% KX056898.1 Select seq gb|KU955589.1| Zika virus isolate Z16006 polyprotein gene, complete cds 14897 17059 94% 0.0 99% KU955589.1 Select seq gb|KU820899.2| Zika virus isolate ZJ03, complete genome 14897 17059 94% 0.0 99% KU820899.2 Select seq gb|KX266255.1| Zika virus isolate ZIKV_SMGC-1, complete genome 14893 17055 94% 0.0 99% KX266255.1 Select seq gb|KU866423.2| Zika virus isolate Zika virus/SZ01/2016/China polyprotein gene, complete cds 14891 17054 94% 0.0 99% KU866423.2 Select seq gb|KX766029.1| Zika virus isolate R116265, complete genome 14888 17070 94% 0.0 99% KX766029.1 Select seq gb|KX827309.1| Zika virus isolate ZKA-16-291 polyprotein gene, complete cds 14770 16917 94% 0.0 98% KX827309.1 Select seq gb|KU744693.1| Zika virus isolate VE_Ganxian, complete genome 14765 16915 94% 0.0 98% KU744693.1 Select seq gb|KX813683.1| Zika virus isolate ZKA-16-097 polyprotein gene, complete cds 14756 16902 94% 0.0 98% KX813683.1 Select seq gb|KU681081.3| Zika virus isolate Zika virus/H.sapiens-tc/THA/2014/SV0127- 14, complete genome 14693 16828 94% 0.0 98% KU681081.3 Select seq gb|KX694532.1| Zika virus strain ZIKV/Homo sapiens/THA/PLCal_ZV/2013, complete genome 14630 16744 94% 0.0 98% KX694532.1 Select seq gb|KF993678.1| Zika virus strain PLCal_ZV from Canada polyprotein gene, partial cds 14630 16513 93% 0.0 98% KF993678.1 Select seq gb|JN860885.1| Zika virus isolate FSS13025 polyprotein gene, partial cds 14496 16585 94% 0.0 98% JN860885.1 Select seq gb|KU955593.1| Zika virus isolate Zika virus/H.sapiens-tc/KHM/2010/FSS13025, complete genome 14494 16585 94% 0.0 98% KU955593.1 Select seq gb|KX447518.1| Zika virus isolate 1_0117_PF polyprotein gene, partial cds 14412 15682 86% 0.0 99% KX447518.1 Select seq gb|EU545988.1| Zika virus polyprotein gene, complete cds 14372 16444 94% 0.0 97% EU545988.1 Select seq gb|KU681082.3| Zika virus isolate Zika virus/H.sapiens-tc/PHL/2012/CPC-0740, complete genome 14278 16316 94% 0.0 97% KU681082.3 Select seq gb|KX601167.1| Zika virus strain ZIKV/Aedes sp./MYS/P6-740/1966, complete genome 13367 15346 94% 0.0 95% KX601167.1 Select seq gb|KX694533.1| Zika virus strain ZIKV/Aedes aegypti/MYS/P6-740/1966, complete genome 13364 15337 94% 0.0 95% KX694533.1 Select seq gb|KX377336.1| Zika virus strain P6-740, complete genome 13364 15337 94% 0.0 95% KX377336.1 Select seq gb|HQ234499.1| Zika virus isolate P6-740 polyprotein gene, partial cds 13362 15339 94% 0.0 95% HQ234499.1 Select seq gb|KF383115.1| Zika virus strain ArB1362 polyprotein gene, complete cds 10776 12432 94% 0.0 88% KF383115.1 Select seq gb|KF268948.1| Zika virus isolate ARB13565 polyprotein gene, complete cds 10761 12421 94% 0.0 88% KF268948.1 Select seq gb|KF268950.1| Zika virus isolate ARB7701 polyprotein gene, complete cds 10754 12414 94% 0.0 88% KF268950.1 Select seq gb|KX830960.1| Zika virus culture ATCC:VR-84 isolate MR776, complete genome 10749 12439 94% 0.0 88% KX830960.1 Select seq gb|KU720415.1| Zika virus strain MR 766 polyprotein gene, complete cds 10749 12439 94% 0.0 88% KU720415.1 Select seq gb|HQ234498.1| Zika virus isolate MR_766 polyprotein gene, partial cds 10749 12433 94% 0.0 88% HQ234498.1 Select seq gb|KX576684.1| Zika virus vector pZIKV-ICD, complete sequence 10740 17173 94% 0.0 99% KX576684.1
  13. New Zika zone identified in Miami’s Little River area, with five cases reported FACEBOOK TWITTER EMAIL SHARE How to stay safe from Zika virus 0:40 FACEBOOK TWITTER EMAIL SHARE 1 of 2 BY DANIEL CHANG AND DAVID SMILEY [email protected] LINKEDIN GOOGLE+ PINTEREST REDDIT PRINT ORDER REPRINT OF THIS STORY At least five people have contracted Zika virus from mosquitoes in Miami’s Little River neighborhood, Florida Gov. Rick Scott announced on Thursday, identifying a one-square-mile zone where the disease is spreading — between Northwest 79th and 63rd Streets from Northwest 10th Avenue to North Miami Avenue. Interactive feature: Daily Florida Zika virus tracker Scott’s office identified the area after the Florida Department of Health confirmed that two women and three men had contracted Zika there. Three of the people live in the one-square-mile area, and two either work there or recently visited, according to the governor’s announcement. The new zone is the second in Miami-Dade County where mosquitoes are known to be spreading Zika. The other is a 4.5-square-mile area of Miami Beach covering most of South Beach and Middle Beach, between Eighth and 63rd Streets from the ocean to the bay. ADVERTISING Miami Mayor Tomás Regalado said Scott called him Thursday afternoon, shortly before announcing the news, to tell Regalado that a new Zika zone had been identified in his city less than a month after state and federal health officials had cleared the Wynwood area of active transmission on Sept. 19. Regalado said he’s concerned about the people who live in the new Zika zone, which unlike Wynwood is primarily residential. The area includes St. Mary’s Cathedral and Athalie Range Park, and two high schools — Miami Northwestern and Miami Edison — border the zone. Miami Commission Chairman Keon Hardemon, whose district includes Wynwood and the new zone in Little River, said he was “disappointed” by the announcement. He said it confirmed his office’s recent warnings to area residents that they should not let down their guard on Zika just because they live outside the “box,” a reference to the one-square-mile zone previously identified in Wynwood. Hardemon said both the state and federal government need to pour more money and resources into fighting the spread of the virus in Miami. “We were all blindsided by this bit of information,” he said, “and that’s why it was always important for us to protect ourselves from the Zika virus the best we can without considering it’s just within one area.” For Hardemon, the Zika threat has been personal. His wife gave birth to a healthy baby girl on Oct. 6, he said. But the couple is still waiting for the state health department to deliver the results of Zika tests they both took shortly after learning on July 29 that mosquitoes were spreading the virus in Wynwood near their home. “We haven’t received our results back yet from the state of Florida regarding Zika. It’s almost been two months,” he said, noting that researchers are learning more every day about the virus’s effects on people. “It's a scary thing, and I think everyone in the city of Miami should be concerned.” 163Mosquito-borne Zika infections reported in Miami-Dade this year Hardemon said the city recently contacted an organization that promotes non-toxic methods for knocking down mosquito populations, in order to address public concerns about naled, an insecticide that was sprayed by airplanes over Wynwood and Miami Beach to combat Zika. Though Hardemon said he doesn’t oppose the use of naled in his district, he added that the city wants to find an effective mosquito control method that will have broad support in the community. In identifying the new Zika zone in Little River on Thursday, Scott said he supports a similar approach in Little River as the one taken in Wynwood, which included aerial spraying of two insecticides — naled to kill adult mosquitoes, and a larvacide to eradicate their eggs. Scott also asked the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to continue working with Miami-Dade mosquito control to contain the virus’s spread. “We have seen that aggressive mosquito control efforts have worked in areas like Wynwood,” Scott said in the statement, “and we hope the county also aggressively sprays in this area so we can limit the spread of this virus and protect pregnant women and their growing babies.” Zika poses the greatest threat to pregnant women and their developing fetuses because the virus can cause microcephaly and other severe brain defects. Zika also can lead to eye, ear and neurological problems, including Guillain-Barré syndrome. Florida’s health department reported two new mosquito-borne Zika infections on Thursday, including one case in the Little River area. The other local infection occurred in a Broward resident, and health officials are investigating to determine where exposure occurred. State officials have confirmed 1,021 Zika infections this year, with 174 mosquito-borne cases and 842 travel-related cases, including 106 pregnant women. An additional five cases are labeled “undetermined” after health department investigators failed to identify the area of exposure. WE HOPE THE COUNTY ALSO AGGRESSIVELY SPRAYS IN THIS AREA SO WE CAN LIMIT THE SPREAD OF THIS VIRUS. Florida Gov. Rick Scott in statement announcing new Zika zone in Miami’s Little River neighborhood Miami-Dade has the most Zika infections of any county, with 237 travel-related cases and 163 mosquito-borne cases this year. Of Miami-Dade’s local infections, 65 are linked to exposure in Miami Beach and 36 to mosquitoes in Wynwood. The five cases of Zika in the Little River zone includes four that had previously under investigation and a fifth whose infection was confirmed to be from the same area on Thursday — a combination that meets federal standards for identifying a sector of active transmission. According to CDC guidance, “a starting point” for health officials to identify an area of local transmission is two or more infections (not related to travel or sex) among people who do not share the same household, occurring within a one-mile diameter in two or more weeks. The remaining 57 mosquito-borne Zika cases reported in Miami-Dade this year are either under investigation to determine the area of exposure, or they have been closed out after the state failed to find evidence that more than one person was infected. Epidemiologists currently are conducting 15 investigations into Zika infections, including 11 in Miami-Dade, two in Palm Beach and two cases where the area of exposure is unknown because the affected persons had traveled both to Miami Beach and to a country overseas where the virus is widespread. State officials have refused to disclose all locations in Miami-Dade where epidemiologists are investigating mosquito-borne Zika infections. However, county officials have reported findingmosquitoes that tested positive for Zika at seven different locations in Miami Beach — after a Miami Herald lawsuit led to public disclosure of the sites. FLORIDA HAS YET TO USE $8.4 MILLION IN GRANTS THAT THE CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL AND PREVENTION HAS AWARDED THE STATE SINCE JUNE, SPECIFICALLY TO HELP PAY FOR MOSQUITO CONTROL, LABORATORIES AND OTHER RESOURCES TO COMBAT ZIKA. As Zika has spread in Miami-Dade, Scott repeatedly has called on the CDC to send financial help and other resources to help Florida combat the virus — though his administration has yet to use $8.4 million in grantsthat the federal agency has awarded the state since June specifically to pay for mosquito control, laboratory capacity and other resources. Scott has allocated more than $61 million in state funds for Zika response and research. But now that Congress has passed a bill to fund Zika response, Scott renewed his calls on Thursday for the federal government to send resources to Florida. “We don’t need bureaucratic timelines,” Scott said in a statement. “We need funding now.” ZIKA CASES REPORTED IN FLORIDA AS OF OCT. 13 County Number of Cases Alachua 10 Bay 3 Brevard 15 Broward** 120 Charlotte 1 Citrus 2 Clay 5 Collier 7 Duval 9 Escambia 3 Flagler 2 Hernando 4 Highlands 1 Hillsborough 26 Lake 3 Lee 12 Leon 2 Manatee 4 Marion 3 Martin 2 Miami-Dade** 237 Monroe 5 Nassau 1 Okaloosa 3 Okeechobee 1 Orange 87 Osceola 30 Palm Beach** 38 Pasco 8 Pinellas** 19 Polk 27 Santa Rosa 1 Sarasota 4 Seminole 22 St. Johns 4 St. Lucie 6 Volusia 9 Total cases not involving pregnant women 733 Undetermined 5 Cases involving pregnant women regardless of symptoms* 106 * Counties of pregnant women not disclosed ** Does not include local cases Source: Florida Department of Health Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/news/health-care/article108030212.html#storylink=cpy http://www.miamiherald.com/news/health-care/article108030212.html
  14. ACTIVE INVESTIGATIONS Information on Active Investigations When a local case of Zika virus is confirmed through laboratory testing, the department conducts a thorough investigation around the case to determine if additional people are infected. The department interviews and tests close contacts and community members around the case. Knowing if additional people are infected helps the department determine if there is a zone where mosquitoes are transmitting the virus. Not every case results in a designation of active transmission in an area. In some instances, a case of Zika is an isolated incident with no additional people infected. For more information on the department’s testing and investigation process, click here. paragraph break Current Number of Active Investigations: 14 Miami-Dade County: 11 open investigations Palm Beach: 1 open investigations Unknown: 2 open investigations *Note: Exposure occurred in Miami Beach and overseas in an area with widespread transmission of Zika. paragraph break Current Number of Closed Investigations: 30 Miami-Dade County: 23 closed investigations Palm Beach County: 5 closed investigation Broward County: 1 closed investigation Pinellas: 1 closed investigation paragraph break Sampling Activities For Active Investigations Miami Beach in Miami-Dade County (Area of Active Transmission) Total # of Samples Collected Positive Negative Pending Results 1,055 63 992 0 paragraph break One-square mile area within NW 79th St. to the North, NW 63rd St. to the South, NW 10th Ave. to the West and N. Miami Ave. to the East in Miami-Dade County (Area of Active Transmission) Total # of Samples Collected Positive Negative Pending Results 44 2 21 21 paragraph break Palm Beach County – 1 Investigation Total # of Samples Collected Positive Negative Pending Results 0 0 0 0 paragraph break Miami-Dade Investigations Outside of Wynwood and Miami Beach – 9 Investigations Total # of Samples Collected Positive Negative Pending Results 30 0 29 1 paragraph break Wynwood Area in Miami-Dade County – Note: This investigation is closed, but the department is providing the sampling results below for reference. Total # of Samples Collected Positive Negative Pending Results 525 33 491 0 Data as of Oct. 13, 2016 - 6:00 PM ET
  15. ACTIVE INVESTIGATIONS Information on Active Investigations When a local case of Zika virus is confirmed through laboratory testing, the department conducts a thorough investigation around the case to determine if additional people are infected. The department interviews and tests close contacts and community members around the case. Knowing if additional people are infected helps the department determine if there is a zone where mosquitoes are transmitting the virus. Not every case results in a designation of active transmission in an area. In some instances, a case of Zika is an isolated incident with no additional people infected. For more information on the department’s testing and investigation process, click here. paragraph break Current Number of Active Investigations: 14 Miami-Dade County: 11 open investigations Palm Beach: 1 open investigations Unknown: 2 open investigations *Note: Exposure occurred in Miami Beach and overseas in an area with widespread transmission of Zika. paragraph break Current Number of Closed Investigations: 30 Miami-Dade County: 23 closed investigations Palm Beach County: 5 closed investigation Broward County: 1 closed investigation Pinellas: 1 closed investigation paragraph break Sampling Activities For Active Investigations Miami Beach in Miami-Dade County (Area of Active Transmission) Total # of Samples Collected Positive Negative Pending Results 1,055 63 992 0 paragraph break One-square mile area within NW 79th St. to the North, NW 63rd St. to the South, NW 10th Ave. to the West and N. Miami Ave. to the East in Miami-Dade County (Area of Active Transmission) Total # of Samples Collected Positive Negative Pending Results 44 2 21 21 paragraph break Palm Beach County – 1 Investigation Total # of Samples Collected Positive Negative Pending Results 0 0 0 0 paragraph break Miami-Dade Investigations Outside of Wynwood and Miami Beach – 9 Investigations Total # of Samples Collected Positive Negative Pending Results 30 0 29 1 paragraph break Wynwood Area in Miami-Dade County – Note: This investigation is closed, but the department is providing the sampling results below for reference. Total # of Samples Collected Positive Negative Pending Results 525 33 491 0 Data as of Oct. 13, 2016 - 6:00 PM ET
  16. Florida IDs new Miami neighborhood as Zika zone Originally published October 13, 2016 at 2:54 pm Updated October 13, 2016 at 2:59 pm JENNIFER KAY The Associated Press MIAMI BEACH, Fla. (AP) — Health officials announced Thursday a new Zika zone in Miami — a setback less than a month after declaring the nearby Wynwood neighborhood cleared of the virus following aggressive mosquito spraying. Five people have been infected with Zika in a 1-square-mile area of the city just north of the Little Haiti neighborhood and about 3 miles north of Wynwood, according to a statement released Thursday by Gov. Rick Scott’s office. It is the third Miami-area neighborhood identified where mosquitoes have transmitted the virus to people, after Wynwood and a touristy section of Miami Beach, which is still considered an active transmission zone. Wynwood was declared free of the virus after 45 days went by without any new infections. These are the first such areas of transmission confirmed in the continental U.S., following major outbreaks in Latin America of the disease, which can cause major birth defects, including stunted heads. Most Read Stories Here are the odds Saturday’s storm makes history in Western Washington Heavy rain, strong winds: 4-day stretch of storms on its way Stormy forecast: Thursday could be bad, but Saturday could be worse VIEW Women say Trump touched them inappropriately With Falcons staying in town, Seahawks QB Russell Wilson takes some special guests on his weekly hospital tour Unlimited Digital Access. $1 for 4 weeks. A travel advisory for the area for pregnant women was expected, similar to current warnings for pregnant women to consider postponing non-essential travel to Miami Beach and the rest of Miami-Dade County, said Tom Skinner, a spokesman for the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “We’re not yet at the end of mosquito season, so we might continue to see local transmission going on for a little while yet,” Skinner said. Officials in Florida had warned that Hurricane Matthew would interrupt efforts to eradicate the mosquitoes that spread the virus, and Gov. Rick Scott had told residents to be mindful of draining standing water on their properties after the storm passed. However, Miami was not as seriously affected by the storm as other areas of the state. Four cases from the new zone first reported symptoms in September, and the fifth began suffering symptoms earlier this month, Florida Department of Health spokeswoman Mara Gambineri said in an email. The patients in the new zone include two women and three men, according to the statement from Scott’s office. Three live in the area while the other two either visited or worked there. Zika infections have been reported in over 1,020 people in Florida, the vast majority of them deemed related to travel to affected areas outside the country. Miami-Dade County has the largest share of the state’s burden, with more travel-related Zika infections than any other Florida county. Health officials have so far traced 105 cases to three Miami-area infection zones. Scott has directed another $7.4 million in state funding to hire more mosquito control staff and pay for more pesticide spraying in Miami-Dade County. “We have seen that aggressive mosquito control efforts have worked in areas like Wynwood and we hope the county also aggressively sprays in this area so we can limit the spread of this virus and protect pregnant women and their growing babies,” Scott said in the statement. Health officials also were investigating a non-travel Zika infection reported Thursday in a Broward County resident. Officials there said aerial pesticide spraying targeting mosquito larvae would resume early Friday in the Fort Lauderdale area. ___ Associated Press medical writer Mike Stobbe in New York contributed to this report. http://www.seattletimes.com/nation-world/florida-ids-new-miami-neighborhood-as-zika-zone/?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=article_left_1.1
  17. GOV. SCOTT: SMALL AREA OF LOCAL TRANSMISSION IN MIAMI – NEED FEDERAL FUNDING NOW On October 13, 2016, in News Releases, by Staff TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – Today, Governor Rick Scott announced that the Florida Department of Health (DOH) has confirmed through its ongoing investigations that local transmission of Zika is occurring in a new small area in Miami-Dade County. The street boundaries are NW 79th St. to the North, NW 63rd St. to the South, NW 10th Ave. to the West and N. Miami Ave. to the East. This area is about one square mile. DOH has identified five people, two women and three men, in the new area. Three live in this one square mile area. The other two either work in or have visited this area. Four of these cases have already been announced by DOH and were under the normal investigation process. The investigation of the final case was completed today. With the confirmation of today’s case, this area now meets the CDC’s criteria for a new zone. All five individuals are non-travel related cases. DOH has evidence that Zika is only actively being transmitted in the two small areas including Miami Beach and this new area. Governor Scott said, “Today’s announcement of a new area in Miami of ongoing local transmission of the Zika virus underscores the urgent need for federal funding to combat the Zika virus. It has been two weeks since federal funding to fight Zika was approved by Congress and signed by President Obama. However, Florida has not yet received a dime. We don’t need bureaucratic timelines – we need funding now. “We have had more than 1,000 cases of Zika in our state, and Miami-Dade County continues to be the only area with ongoing active transmissions. I have continued to provide state funding to Miami-Dade County and this week, I allocated an additional $7 million for the county to fight mosquitoes. We have seen that aggressive mosquito control efforts have worked in areas like Wynwood and we hope the county also aggressively sprays in this area so we can limit the spread of this virus and protect pregnant women and their growing babies. “Today I am requesting the CDC to work directly with the Miami Dade Mosquito Control District to identify best practices for defeating Zika in this new area. We know every area is different and I hope the federal government will provide guidance to the county on how to protect residents and visitors. “We still have multiple outstanding requests to the Obama Administration for important Zika resources. We have continued to call on the CDC to quickly respond to these requests, and pregnant women who are most at-risk for the Zika virus deserve to have these requests immediately fulfilled. I am also continuing to call on Congress to hold a field hearing in Miami to hear directly from those who are on the frontlines of battling this virus. I most recently asked that Congress hold this hearing by October 1, and while that date has passed, they need to come here immediately. The threat of Zika is real and we continue to see more cases in our state.” To date, Governor Scott has allocated $61.2 million in state funds to combat Zika. Of this funding, Miami-Dade County has received $12.6 million Click HERE to see a detailed timeline of actions taken by Governor Scott to combat the Zika virus in Florida. OUTSTANDING REQUESTS TO OBAMA ADMINISTRATION The CDC to match Florida’s $25 million investment in Zika research to help develop a vaccine. (Governor Scott requested on Sept. 28th) The CDC to take immediate action to accelerate their testing process. (Governor Scott requested on Sept. 28th) The CDC to provide Miami-Dade County and the City of Miami Beach with guidance on how to better control the mosquitos that carry Zika. (Governor Scott requested on Sept. 28th) The CDC to host a call with community leaders and clinicians in Miami Beach to answer questions and provide the latest information and guidance on Zika. (Governor Scott requested on Sept. 16th) An additional 10,000 Zika prevention kits. (Governor Scott requested on Aug. 19th) A detailed plan from the Obama Administration on how they would like Florida to work with FEMA now that Zika has become mosquito-borne. (Initially requested on June 1st – requested again Aug. 19th) MIAMI BEACH MAP NEW AREA IN MIAMI The timelines below are as of Oct. 12 and will be updated. Note: Asymptomatic cases are not reflected as they do not have symptom on-set dates. http://www.flgov.com/2016/10/13/gov-scott-small-area-of-local-transmission-in-miami-need-federal-funding-now/
  18. October 13, 2016 Department of Health Daily Zika Update Contact: Communications [email protected] (850) 245-4111 Tallahassee, Fla.—In an effort to keep Florida residents and visitors safe and aware about the status of the Zika virus, the department will issue a Zika virus update each week day. Updates will include a Zika case count by county and information to keep Floridians informed and prepared. In order to keep the public informed, the department has posted our investigation process here. There are five new travel related cases today with one in Hillsborough, one in Orange, one in Pinellas and two involving pregnant women. Please visit our website to see the full list of travel-related cases. There are two new non-travel related cases. One case is linked to the new area of local transmission in Miami-Dade County. The other case is a Broward County resident and the department is investigating to determine where exposure occurred. DOH has confirmed through our ongoing investigation that local transmission of Zika is occurring in a new small area in Miami-Dade County. The street boundaries are NW 79th St. to the North, NW 63rd St. to the South, NW 10th Ave. to the West and N. Miami Ave. to the East. This is about one square mile. The department has identified five people, two women and three men, in the new area. Three live in this one square mile area. The other two either work or have visited this area. Four of these cases have already been announced and were under the normal investigation process. The investigation of the final case was completed today. DOH continues door-to-door outreach and targeted testing in Miami-Dade County and mosquito abatement and reduction activities are also taking place around the locations that are being investigated. DOH believes ongoing transmission is only taking place within the identified areas in Miami-Dade County. One case does not mean ongoing active transmission is taking place. DOH conducts a thorough investigation by sampling close contacts and community members around each case to determine if additional people are infected. If DOH finds evidence that active transmission is occurring in an area, the media and the public will be notified. For a complete breakdown of non-travel and travel-related Zika infections to-date, please see below. Infection Type Infection Count Travel-Related Infections of Zika 736 Non-Travel Related Infections of Zika 155 Infections Involving Pregnant Women 106 Out of State Cases (not Florida Residents) 19 Undetermined 5 Total 1,021 The timelines below are as of Oct. 12 and will be updated. Note: Asymptomatic cases are not reflected as they do not have symptom on-set dates. click image above to enlarge click image above to enlarge click image above to enlarge The department is currently conducting 14 active investigations. The department has closed 30 investigations. Information regarding the investigations can be found here. If investigations reveal additional areas of active transmission, the department will announce a defined area of concern. The department has conducted Zika virus testing for more than 8,995 people statewide. Florida currently has the capacity to test 9,643 people for active Zika virus and 6,989 for Zika antibodies. At Governor Scott’s direction, all county health departments now offer free Zika risk assessment and testing to pregnant women. Florida’s small case cluster is not considered widespread transmission, however, pregnant women are advised to avoid non-essential travel to the impacted areas in Miami-Dade County (see maps below). If you are pregnant and must travel or if you live or work in the impacted area, protect yourself from mosquito bites by wearing insect repellent, long clothing and limiting your time outdoors. According to CDC guidance, providers should consider testing all pregnant women with a history of travel to a Zika affected area for the virus. It is also recommended that all pregnant women who reside in or travel frequently to the area where active transmission is likely occurring be tested for Zika in the first and second trimester. Pregnant women in the identified area can contact their medical provider or their local county health department to be tested and receive a Zika prevention kit. CDC recommends that a pregnant woman with a history of Zika virus and her provider should consider additional ultrasounds. Additionally, the department is working closely with the Healthy Start Coalition of Miami-Dade County to identify pregnant women in the impacted areas to ensure they have access to resources and information to protect themselves. CDC recommends that a pregnant woman with a history of Zika virus and her provider should consider additional ultrasounds. Pregnant women can contact their local county health department for Zika risk assessment and testing hours and information. A Zika risk assessment will be conducted by county health department staff and blood and/or urine samples may be collected and sent to labs for testing. It may take one to two weeks to receive results. Florida has been monitoring pregnant women with evidence of Zika regardless of symptoms. The total number of pregnant women who have been or are being monitored is 106. On Feb. 12, Governor Scott directed the State Surgeon General to activate a Zika Virus Information Hotline for current Florida residents and visitors, as well as anyone planning on traveling to Florida in the near future. The hotline, managed by the Department of Health, has assisted 6,840 callers since it launched. The number for the Zika Virus Information Hotline is 1-855-622-6735. The department urges Floridians to drain standing water weekly, no matter how seemingly small. A couple drops of water in a bottle cap can be a breeding location for mosquitoes. Residents and visitors also need to use repellents when enjoying the Florida outdoors. For more information on DOH action and federal guidance, please click here. For resources and information on Zika virus, click here. click image above to enlarge click image above to enlarge About the Florida Department of Health The department, nationally accredited by the Public Health Accreditation Board, works to protect, promote, and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county and community efforts. Follow us on Twitter at @HealthyFla and on Facebook. For more information about the Florida Department of Health, please visit www.FloridaHealth.gov.
  19. October 13, 2016 Department of Health Daily Zika Update Contact: Communications [email protected] (850) 245-4111 Tallahassee, Fla.—In an effort to keep Florida residents and visitors safe and aware about the status of the Zika virus, the department will issue a Zika virus update each week day. Updates will include a Zika case count by county and information to keep Floridians informed and prepared. In order to keep the public informed, the department has posted our investigation process here. There are five new travel related cases today with one in Hillsborough, one in Orange, one in Pinellas and two involving pregnant women. Please visit our website to see the full list of travel-related cases. There are two new non-travel related cases. One case is linked to the new area of local transmission in Miami-Dade County. The other case is a Broward County resident and the department is investigating to determine where exposure occurred. DOH has confirmed through our ongoing investigation that local transmission of Zika is occurring in a new small area in Miami-Dade County. The street boundaries are NW 79th St. to the North, NW 63rd St. to the South, NW 10th Ave. to the West and N. Miami Ave. to the East. This is about one square mile. The department has identified five people, two women and three men, in the new area. Three live in this one square mile area. The other two either work or have visited this area. Four of these cases have already been announced and were under the normal investigation process. The investigation of the final case was completed today. DOH continues door-to-door outreach and targeted testing in Miami-Dade County and mosquito abatement and reduction activities are also taking place around the locations that are being investigated. DOH believes ongoing transmission is only taking place within the identified areas in Miami-Dade County. One case does not mean ongoing active transmission is taking place. DOH conducts a thorough investigation by sampling close contacts and community members around each case to determine if additional people are infected. If DOH finds evidence that active transmission is occurring in an area, the media and the public will be notified. For a complete breakdown of non-travel and travel-related Zika infections to-date, please see below. Infection Type Infection Count Travel-Related Infections of Zika 736 Non-Travel Related Infections of Zika 155 Infections Involving Pregnant Women 106 Out of State Cases (not Florida Residents) 19 Undetermined 5 Total 1,021 The timelines below are as of Oct. 12 and will be updated. Note: Asymptomatic cases are not reflected as they do not have symptom on-set dates. click image above to enlarge click image above to enlarge click image above to enlarge The department is currently conducting 14 active investigations. The department has closed 30 investigations. Information regarding the investigations can be found here. If investigations reveal additional areas of active transmission, the department will announce a defined area of concern. The department has conducted Zika virus testing for more than 8,995 people statewide. Florida currently has the capacity to test 9,643 people for active Zika virus and 6,989 for Zika antibodies. At Governor Scott’s direction, all county health departments now offer free Zika risk assessment and testing to pregnant women. Florida’s small case cluster is not considered widespread transmission, however, pregnant women are advised to avoid non-essential travel to the impacted areas in Miami-Dade County (see maps below). If you are pregnant and must travel or if you live or work in the impacted area, protect yourself from mosquito bites by wearing insect repellent, long clothing and limiting your time outdoors. According to CDC guidance, providers should consider testing all pregnant women with a history of travel to a Zika affected area for the virus. It is also recommended that all pregnant women who reside in or travel frequently to the area where active transmission is likely occurring be tested for Zika in the first and second trimester. Pregnant women in the identified area can contact their medical provider or their local county health department to be tested and receive a Zika prevention kit. CDC recommends that a pregnant woman with a history of Zika virus and her provider should consider additional ultrasounds. Additionally, the department is working closely with the Healthy Start Coalition of Miami-Dade County to identify pregnant women in the impacted areas to ensure they have access to resources and information to protect themselves. CDC recommends that a pregnant woman with a history of Zika virus and her provider should consider additional ultrasounds. Pregnant women can contact their local county health department for Zika risk assessment and testing hours and information. A Zika risk assessment will be conducted by county health department staff and blood and/or urine samples may be collected and sent to labs for testing. It may take one to two weeks to receive results. Florida has been monitoring pregnant women with evidence of Zika regardless of symptoms. The total number of pregnant women who have been or are being monitored is 106. On Feb. 12, Governor Scott directed the State Surgeon General to activate a Zika Virus Information Hotline for current Florida residents and visitors, as well as anyone planning on traveling to Florida in the near future. The hotline, managed by the Department of Health, has assisted 6,840 callers since it launched. The number for the Zika Virus Information Hotline is 1-855-622-6735. The department urges Floridians to drain standing water weekly, no matter how seemingly small. A couple drops of water in a bottle cap can be a breeding location for mosquitoes. Residents and visitors also need to use repellents when enjoying the Florida outdoors. For more information on DOH action and federal guidance, please click here. For resources and information on Zika virus, click here. click image above to enlarge click image above to enlarge About the Florida Department of Health The department, nationally accredited by the Public Health Accreditation Board, works to protect, promote, and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county and community efforts. Follow us on Twitter at @HealthyFla and on Facebook. For more information about the Florida Department of Health, please visit www.FloridaHealth.gov.
  20. October 13, 2016 Department of Health Daily Zika Update Contact: Communications [email protected] (850) 245-4111 Tallahassee, Fla.—In an effort to keep Florida residents and visitors safe and aware about the status of the Zika virus, the department will issue a Zika virus update each week day. Updates will include a Zika case count by county and information to keep Floridians informed and prepared. In order to keep the public informed, the department has posted our investigation process here. There are five new travel related cases today with one in Hillsborough, one in Orange, one in Pinellas and two involving pregnant women. Please visit our website to see the full list of travel-related cases. There are two new non-travel related cases. One case is linked to the new area of local transmission in Miami-Dade County. The other case is a Broward County resident and the department is investigating to determine where exposure occurred. DOH has confirmed through our ongoing investigation that local transmission of Zika is occurring in a new small area in Miami-Dade County. The street boundaries are NW 79th St. to the North, NW 63rd St. to the South, NW 10th Ave. to the West and N. Miami Ave. to the East. This is about one square mile. The department has identified five people, two women and three men, in the new area. Three live in this one square mile area. The other two either work or have visited this area. Four of these cases have already been announced and were under the normal investigation process. The investigation of the final case was completed today. DOH continues door-to-door outreach and targeted testing in Miami-Dade County and mosquito abatement and reduction activities are also taking place around the locations that are being investigated. DOH believes ongoing transmission is only taking place within the identified areas in Miami-Dade County. One case does not mean ongoing active transmission is taking place. DOH conducts a thorough investigation by sampling close contacts and community members around each case to determine if additional people are infected. If DOH finds evidence that active transmission is occurring in an area, the media and the public will be notified. For a complete breakdown of non-travel and travel-related Zika infections to-date, please see below. Infection Type Infection Count Travel-Related Infections of Zika 736 Non-Travel Related Infections of Zika 155 Infections Involving Pregnant Women 106 Out of State Cases (not Florida Residents) 19 Undetermined 5 Total 1,021 The timelines below are as of Oct. 12 and will be updated. Note: Asymptomatic cases are not reflected as they do not have symptom on-set dates. click image above to enlarge click image above to enlarge click image above to enlarge The department is currently conducting 14 active investigations. The department has closed 30 investigations. Information regarding the investigations can be found here. If investigations reveal additional areas of active transmission, the department will announce a defined area of concern. The department has conducted Zika virus testing for more than 8,995 people statewide. Florida currently has the capacity to test 9,643 people for active Zika virus and 6,989 for Zika antibodies. At Governor Scott’s direction, all county health departments now offer free Zika risk assessment and testing to pregnant women. Florida’s small case cluster is not considered widespread transmission, however, pregnant women are advised to avoid non-essential travel to the impacted areas in Miami-Dade County (see maps below). If you are pregnant and must travel or if you live or work in the impacted area, protect yourself from mosquito bites by wearing insect repellent, long clothing and limiting your time outdoors. According to CDC guidance, providers should consider testing all pregnant women with a history of travel to a Zika affected area for the virus. It is also recommended that all pregnant women who reside in or travel frequently to the area where active transmission is likely occurring be tested for Zika in the first and second trimester. Pregnant women in the identified area can contact their medical provider or their local county health department to be tested and receive a Zika prevention kit. CDC recommends that a pregnant woman with a history of Zika virus and her provider should consider additional ultrasounds. Additionally, the department is working closely with the Healthy Start Coalition of Miami-Dade County to identify pregnant women in the impacted areas to ensure they have access to resources and information to protect themselves. CDC recommends that a pregnant woman with a history of Zika virus and her provider should consider additional ultrasounds. Pregnant women can contact their local county health department for Zika risk assessment and testing hours and information. A Zika risk assessment will be conducted by county health department staff and blood and/or urine samples may be collected and sent to labs for testing. It may take one to two weeks to receive results. Florida has been monitoring pregnant women with evidence of Zika regardless of symptoms. The total number of pregnant women who have been or are being monitored is 106. On Feb. 12, Governor Scott directed the State Surgeon General to activate a Zika Virus Information Hotline for current Florida residents and visitors, as well as anyone planning on traveling to Florida in the near future. The hotline, managed by the Department of Health, has assisted 6,840 callers since it launched. The number for the Zika Virus Information Hotline is 1-855-622-6735. The department urges Floridians to drain standing water weekly, no matter how seemingly small. A couple drops of water in a bottle cap can be a breeding location for mosquitoes. Residents and visitors also need to use repellents when enjoying the Florida outdoors. For more information on DOH action and federal guidance, please click here. For resources and information on Zika virus, click here. click image above to enlarge click image above to enlarge About the Florida Department of Health The department, nationally accredited by the Public Health Accreditation Board, works to protect, promote, and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county and community efforts. Follow us on Twitter at @HealthyFla and on Facebook. For more information about the Florida Department of Health, please visit www.FloridaHealth.gov.
  21. There are two new non-travel related cases. One case is linked to the new area of local transmission in Miami-Dade County. The other case is a Broward County resident and the department is investigating to determine where exposure occurred. DOH has confirmed through our ongoing investigation that local transmission of Zika is occurring in a new small area in Miami-Dade County. The street boundaries are NW 79th St. to the North, NW 63rd St. to the South, NW 10th Ave. to the West and N. Miami Ave. to the East. This is about one square mile. The department has identified five people, two women and three men, in the new area. Three live in this one square mile area. The other two either work or have visited this area. Four of these cases have already been announced and were under the normal investigation process. The investigation of the final case was completed today.
  22. There are five new travel related cases today with one in Hillsborough, one in Orange, one in Pinellas and two involving pregnant women. Please visit our website to see the full list of travel-related cases. There are two new non-travel related cases. One case is linked to the new area of local transmission in Miami-Dade County. The other case is a Broward County resident and the department is investigating to determine where exposure occurred. DOH has confirmed through our ongoing investigation that local transmission of Zika is occurring in a new small area in Miami-Dade County. The street boundaries are NW 79th St. to the North, NW 63rd St. to the South, NW 10th Ave. to the West and N. Miami Ave. to the East. This is about one square mile. The department has identified five people, two women and three men, in the new area. Three live in this one square mile area. The other two either work or have visited this area. Four of these cases have already been announced and were under the normal investigation process. The investigation of the final case was completed today.
  23. Infection Type Infection Count Travel-Related Infections of Zika 736 Non-Travel Related Infections of Zika 155 Infections Involving Pregnant Women 106 Out of State Cases (not Florida Residents) 19 Undetermined 5 Total 1,021 http://www.floridahealth.gov/newsroom/2016/10/101316-zika-update.html
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