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  1. Minister reveals child born with microcephalyPosted on July 3, 2016 byTOMAS VIDAL RODRÍ[email protected] e-mail: wording [@] elnacional.com.do «PREVIOUS ARTICLEsay corruption amnesia to give pepca Be the first to comment Altagracia Guzman MarcelinoMinister of Public Health reported that a child was born with microcephaly and congenital malformations, but so far has not been established whether or not directly related to the disease of the Zika virus or other diseases that may cause birth defects. Dr. Altagracia Guzman Marcelino reported that the mother lives in the Pool province Independence and the baby has a small head, narrow forehead closed "soft spots" and scalp redundant, a slight bilateral deformity deep pinna and short neck . Moreover, the testicles are undescended and scrotal bag has folds diminished, upper extremities show moderate bilateral bending, single fold in palmar region with permanent extension of the index and pinky fingers while limbs remain bent with difficulty extension and rotation internal. Dr. Altagracia Guzman Marcelino said that so far the report has not been possible to accurately determine if you have causal association with the Zika virus or disease Torch group (toxoplasmosis, rubella, cytomegalovirus, herpes, HIV, etc.) despite the characteristics physical newborn. In the information provided the name of the patient who denies zika suffered symptoms during pregnancy is not offered. Health Minister explained that as soon as he was notified of the birth at the University Jaime Mota, Barahona, on 29 June, a team of maternal and child area Regional hospital moved to the scene and conducted a thorough assessment of the mother and newborn born, about 200 kilometers southwest of Santo Domingo in the country. The Ministry of Health in coordination with the National Health Service (NHS) announced that it will continue monitored the mother and the newborn, timely information, with a specialized evolution, growth and development of the baby treatment, while guaranteed emotional support for family members. The zika in RD Zika virus, transmitted by the same mosquito vector of dengue and chikungunya, is present in the Dominican Republic since 15 January this year when the Ministry of Public Health confirmed the first cases in Santo Domingo, Barahona and Jimani. From that date hundreds of people have been affected with the disease but have not been hospitalized because treatment are outpatient. a note the Zika The Pan American Health Organizations (PAHO) and World Health Organization (WHO) recommended to pregnant women and those who are planning their pregnancy have been exposed to the Zika virus who attend antenatal clinics to receive information and manage your pregnancy to prevent the virus may have caused disorder zika her pregnancy. http://elnacional.com.do/ministra-revela-nace-nino-con-microcefalia/?utm_medium=facebook&utm_source=twitterfeed
  2. Public Health confirms the birth of a baby with microcephaly in BarahonaMOTHER DENIES STORY WITH SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF VIRUS ZIKA Santo Domingo The Ministry of Health reported the birth of a child with congenital malformations, including microcephaly, without having established whether or not directly related to the disease Zika virus or other diseases that may cause birth defects. The birth was in the hospital Jaime Mota de Barahona, a mother of 27, a resident of The Naked province Independence. Altagracia Guzman Marcelino, Minister of Health, said in a statement that it is an infant born vaginally, weighing three pounds and 12 ounces, with head circumference of 26.5 centimeters and was rechequeado to 18 hours of birth, using CLAP tape measure, and its size was 27 centimeters perimeter also 27 centimeters. He said the mother denies history with signs and symptoms of Zika virus during pregnancy, "although in the medical history the doctor who attended the birth described" rash "transitory abdomen between 8 and 10 weeks gestation." He said as soon as he was notified birth on 29 June, a team of maternal and child area moved to the hospital Jaime Mota and conducted a thorough assessment to the mother and newborn. The official said that at the time the report has not been possible to pinpoint causal association with the Zika virus or enfermdadades the TORCH group (toxoplasmosis, rubella, cytomegalovirus, herpes, HIV, etc.) despite the physical characteristics of the newborn. "As interesting finding, the physical examination the baby shows a small head with narrow forehead, closed fontanelle and redundant scalp. In addition, bilateral mild deformity of the pinna, deep palate and short neck, "said the minister. He explained that in six prenatal consultations that took the mother in a Primary Care Unit (UNAP) no signs and symptoms of the virus was verified and she denies having had the disease. He said health authorities give emotional support to the families and specialized follow the mother and the baby. http://www.listindiario.com/la-republica/2016/07/02/425405/salud-publica-confirma-el-nacimiento-de-un-bebe-con-microcefalia-en-barahona
  3. home congenital anomalies A child is born with microcephaly in the province BarahonaA CHILD IS BORN WITH MICROCEPHALY IN THE PROVINCE BARAHONAJuly 2, 20160 ME GUSTA Santo Domingo.- The Ministry of Public Health reported birth of a child with congenital malformations, including microcephaly, but so far has not been established whether or not directly related to the disease Zika virus or other diseases that may cause malformations in newborns. This is the newborn of a mother of 27, a resident of The Naked province Independence, who denies history with signs and symptoms of the virus during pregnancy, although medical history the doctor who attended the birth described "rash" transient abdomen between 8 and 10 weeks of gestation. The authorities explained that as soon as he was notified of the birth at the University Regional Hospital Jaime Mota on 29 June, a team of maternal and child area moved to the place and made a thorough assessment of the mother and the newborn in Barahona, about 200 kilometers southwest of the country. To read out the report of the evaluation team's Minister of Health, Altagracia Guzman Marcelino explained that the male infant, born vaginally, weighed 3 pounds and 12 ounces, with head circumference of 26.5 centimeters and was rechequeado to 18 hours of birth, using CLAP tape measure, and its size was 27 centimeters perimeter also 27 centimeters. "As interesting finding, the physical examination the baby shows a small head with narrow forehead, closed fontanelle and redundant scalp. In addition, bilateral mild deformity of the pinna, deep palate and short neck, "said Health Minister to give the report. Dr. Altagracia Guzman Marcelino said that so far the report has not been possible to pinpoint causal association with the Zika virus or enfermdadades the TORCH group (toxoplasmosis, rubella, cytomegalovirus, herpes, HIV, etc.) despite the physical characteristics of the newborn. In six prenatal consultations that took the mother in a Primary Care Unit (UNAP) no signs and symptoms of the virus was verified and she denies having had the disease. However, he said, the Ministry of Health in coordination with the National Health Service (NHS), continue to damage monitor the mother and newborn, with timely, specialized in the development, growth and development of the baby monitor while guaranteed emotional support for family members. Source: eldia.com.do http://notireal.com/2016/07/02/nace-un-nino-con-microcefalia-en-la-provincia-barahona/
  4. Child born with microcephaly in the Dominican Republic and investigate links with the zika02/07/16, 2:45 pm / News Day /reference file Dominican authorities are investigating the birth of a child with congenital abnormalities, including microcephaly, and its possible relationship to Zika virus, reported the Health Minister, Altagracia Guzman Marcelino. The child was born in a hospital in Barahona province (southwest) after a threat of abortion of his mother, who lives in La Discovered in Independencia province, also in the southwest. The boy's mother, 27, attended six prenatal consultations in a Primary Care Unit (UNAP) in the Discovered and was conducted five sonography. It was not until the last sonography, on June 27, when the woman was 35 weeks gestation, specialists moderate microcephaly detected in the fetus. The mother denied history related to signs and symptoms of zika during pregnancy, although the doctor who attended the birth describes clinical record "rash" or transient rash on the abdomen between 8-10 weeks of gestation. "As interesting findings on the physical examination a small head with narrow forehead, closed fontanelle and redundant scalp and mild bilateral deformity of the pinna, deep palate and short neck is observed," he explained the Minister of Health in a statement . In this situation, he said, the authorities took blood samples for investigation if a case linked to the Zika virus, transmitted by the mosquito Aedes aegypti, and are now waiting for the results. So far, he added, it is not possible to establish categorically causal association with Zika virus or disease TORCH group (toxoplasmosis, rubella, cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex, HIV and others), he said. "Despite the physical characteristics of the newborn are not sufficient criteria to establish reasonable and demonstrable force agents or factors responsible for congenital syndrome that this partnership presents. So, the Ministry of Health understands that what is relevant is awaiting the results of tests taken to complete the case, "he said. Official data indicate that in the country have reported 4,130 suspected cases of the Zika this year's virus, including 616 pregnant women who have had symptoms in the first and second trimester of pregnancy and 187 cases of Guillain Barre syndrome (GBS) associated with zika. While 17 people have died this year in the country by SGB, suspected disorder can be linked to Zika virus. EFE
  5. Dominican authorities are investigating the birth of a child with congenital abnormalities, including microcephaly, and its possible relationship to Zika virus, reported the Health Minister, Altagracia Guzman Marcelino. The child was born in a hospital in Barahona province (southwest) after a threat of abortion of his mother, who lives in La Discovered in Independencia province, also in the southwest. The boy's mother, 27, attended six prenatal consultations in a Primary Care Unit (UNAP) in the Discovered and was conducted five sonography. It was not until the last sonography, on June 27, when the woman was 35 weeks gestation, specialists moderate microcephaly detected in the fetus. The mother denied history related to signs and symptoms of zika during pregnancy, although the doctor who attended the birth describes clinical record "rash" or transient rash on the abdomen between 8-10 weeks of gestation. http://www.noticiasdevenezuela.org/2016/07/02/nace-nino-con-microcefalia-en-republica-dominicana-e-investigan-vinculos-con-el-zika/
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  7. Zika Virus – July 1, 2016. Texas has had 50 reported cases of Zika virus disease. Of those, 49 were in travelers who were infected abroad and diagnosed after they returned home; one of those travelers was a pregnant woman. One case involved a Dallas County resident who had sexual contact with someone who acquired the Zika infection while traveling abroad. http://www.texaszika.org/ Texas Zika Cases by County: CountyCasesBexar6Collin2Dallas10Denton2Ellis1Fort Bend2Grayson1Hamilton1Harris13Lubbock1Medina1Tarrant5Travis2Val Verde1Williamson1Wise1Total50
  8. Zika Virus – July 1, 2016. Texas has had 50 reported cases of Zika virus disease. Of those, 49 were in travelers who were infected abroad and diagnosed after they returned home; one of those travelers was a pregnant woman. One case involved a Dallas County resident who had sexual contact with someone who acquired the Zika infection while traveling abroad. Texas Zika Cases by County: CountyCasesBexar6Collin2Dallas10Denton2Ellis1Fort Bend2Grayson1Hamilton1Harris13Lubbock1Medina1Tarrant5Travis2Val Verde1Williamson1Wise1Total50
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  10. 2 Mahoning women test positive for Zika Published: Fri, July 1, 2016 @ 12:01 a.m.By PETER H. MILLIKEN [email protected] AUSTINTOWN The Mahoning County District Board of Health has reported the first cases of county residents testing positive for the Zika virus. One is a 26-year-old Youngstown woman who traveled to Puerto Rico, a U.S. territory where mosquitoes are known to transmit Zika. The other is a 52-year-old woman residing elsewhere in the county who traveled to St. Lucia, which is a Caribbean island. Neither Patricia Sweeney, county health commissioner, nor Melanie Amato, Ohio Department of Health public information officer, specifically identified the community of residence of the 52-year-old. Still, officials sought to tamp down any fear about Thursday’s revelation. “These local cases are not a threat to the public health of residents in Mahoning County,” Sweeney said. Neither Mahoning County case has been hospitalized and neither is under quarantine, Amato said. The two residents found to have Zika were tested after they showed Zika symptoms, Amato said. Twenty-one Ohio residents have tested positive for Zika; 20 of them traveled to the tropics. The remaining case was transmitted in Ohio from a man to his wife after the man had traveled to the tropics, Amato said. No residents of Trumbull and Columbiana counties have tested positive for Zika, Amato said. There have been 822 travel-associated Zika cases in the United States, Sweeney said. No known Zika cases have been acquired from mosquitoes within the 50 states, she added. Zika is spread primarily by the bite of the infected mosquito, Aedes aegypti, and not person to person, Sweeney said. That mosquito is found mainly in the tropics and Southern U.S., she added. To transmit Zika from one person to another, a mosquito would have to bite the source person while that person is symptomatic, live long enough to incubate the virus and bite someone else, Amato said. That mosquito is very rare in Ohio, with ODH having trapped only a few of them, none recently, Amato said. Eighty percent of Zika-infected people have no symptoms, Sweeney said. Symptoms, which begin two to seven days after someone is bitten by an infected mosquito, are fever, rash, red eyes, joint and muscle pain and headache. Symptoms are generally mild and usually last no longer then a week, with hospitalization being uncommon, Sweeney said. Zika is associated with birth defects, such as babies being born with small heads, and with Guillain-Barre syndrome, which attacks the immune system and can cause paralysis. “Residents who travel to countries where the Zika virus is prevalent should follow travel precautions and prevent mosquito bites,” Sweeney said. “We recommend that, after travelers return to Ohio, they wear an EPA-approved insect repellent for three weeks” after visiting the tropics and refrain from unprotected sex, Amato said. Noting that mosquitoes can locally spread the West Nile virus and La Crosse encephalitis, Sweeney advised everyone to have intact door and window screens and wear insect repellent. Amato advised wearing long sleeves and long pants and avoiding being outdoors at dawn and dusk, when mosquitoes are most active. “Clear all standing water,” Amato advised, referring to accumulations in scrap tires, toys and empty flower pots after it rains. Drain birdbaths frequently, she urged. - See more at: http://www.vindy.com/news/2016/jul/01/2-mahoning-women-test-positive-zika/#sthash.OdrxiLKF.dpuf
  11. Map Update https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?hl=en&hl=en&authuser=0&authuser=0&mid=1FlIB7hHnVgGD9TlbSx5HwAj-PEQ
  12. Cincinnati man contracts Zika virus traveling in Caribbean, health officials sayMan in 50s contracted Zika traveling in CaribbeanUPDATED 10:54 PM EDT Jul 01, 2016 SHOW TRANSCRIPTBE SMART AND BE PROTECTED. MOSQUITOES. WE FEEL THAT BECAUSE OF THE WEEKEND THAT INDIVIDUALS MUST BE REMINDED TO COVER THEIR BODIES, YOUR LEGS. WE KNEW THIS DAY WOULD COME WHEN WE WOULD MAKE THE ANNOUNCEMENT CINCINNATI HAS EXPERIENCED ITS FIRST CASE OF THE ZIKA VIRUS. OF ZIKA CAN HIT CLOSE TO HOME. >> SHE GOT BITTEN. I WAS VERY WHEN I WAS PREGNANT WITH HER. AFTER SHE WAS BORN I STILL AM WORRIED ABOUT IT BUT NOT AS MUCH AS WAS WHEN I WAS PREGNANT. ANCHOR: KELLY HUDSON IS THE MOTHER OF TWO GIRLS. UNKNOWN IS SCARY. >> THE POTENTIAL DANGER IF YOU ARE EXPOSED TO MOSQUITO CARRYING A VIRUS, WHAT IS THE RISK FOR IS CARRYING? >> TO ANSWER H QUESTION, ONE ZIKA BECOME SICK. ANY SYMPTOMS AT ALL. MOST PEOPLE FULLY RECOVER. WITHIN THE NEXT WEEK THE HEALTH DEPARTMENT WILL BEGIN PUTTING OUT SKIED ATTRACTS AROUND THE CITY. CINCINNATI —A case of the Zika virus has been reported in Cincinnati, health commissioner Dr. O'dell Owens announced in a news conference Friday. CINCINNATI HEALTH OFFICIAL URGES PREGNANT WOMEN TO AVOID...Cincinnati health officials released a statement Monday, advising women who are pregnant or want to become pregnant to avoid travel to southern regions. MOREOfficials said the victim, a man in his 50s, apparently contracted the virus while traveling in the Caribbean. Health officials said the virus was transmitted through a mosquito bite, and the man has since fully recovered. Watch this story It's the first reported case of the virus in Cincinnati. Owens said as outdoor activities are likely to ramp up this holiday weekend, it’s a good time to encourage Cincinnatians to keep their guard up. “We knew this day would come when, unfortunately, we would make the announcement that Cincinnati has experienced its first case of the Zika virus,” he said. There have now been 21 reported cases of the virus in the state of Ohio, five of which were reported within the past week. Owens said 80 percent of the individuals who contract the virus do not experience the symptoms. “Symptoms tend to be a fever, a rash, some joint pain and sometimes a red eye,” Owens said. “His blood was sent to the CDC, where he was diagnosed as having the Zika virus.” The Zika virus is spreading rapidly through Latin America. Zika is suspected of causing a devastating birth defect -- babies born with abnormally small heads -- and pregnant Americans are urged to avoid travel to affected areas. Zika virus is primarily transmitted through a mosquito bite. There is no indication that it can spread from person to person through casual contact. When symptoms occur, officials said they are often mild, lasting from several days to a week, and include fever, rash, joint and muscle pain, conjunctivitis (red eyes) and headache. Severe disease requiring hospitalization is uncommon. http://www.wlwt.com/news/first-case-of-zika-virus-reported-in-cincinnati-health-officials-say/40317418
  13. Map Update https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?hl=en&hl=en&authuser=0&authuser=0&mid=1FlIB7hHnVgGD9TlbSx5HwAj-PEQ
  14. - PRESS RELEASE ---For Immediate Release DCHHS Reports 11th Zika Virus Case in Dallas County DALLAS (July 1, 2016) – Dallas County Health and Human Services (DCHHS) is reporting the tenth case of Zika virus in Dallas County in 2016. The case was confirmed through testing in the DCHHS lab. DCHHS has submitted the case for review to the Texas Department of State Health Services. The 32-year-old patient is a resident of Dallas who was infected with the virus during recent travel to Puerto Rico. For medical confidentiality and personal privacy reasons, DCHHS does not provide additional identifying information. While sexual transmission of Zika virus is possible, it is primarily transmitted to people by Aedes species mosquitoes. The most common symptoms of Zika virus are fever, rash, joint pain, and conjunctivitis (red eyes). The illness is usually mild with symptoms lasting several days to a week. DCHHS advises individuals with symptoms to see a healthcare provider if they visited an area where Zika virus is present or had sexual contact with a person who traveled to an area where Zika virus is present. There is no specific medication available to treat Zika virus and there is not a vaccine. The best ways to avoid Zika virus are to avoid mosquito bites and sexual contact with a person who has Zika virus. There are currently no reports of Zika virus being locally-transmitted by mosquitoes in Dallas County. However, imported cases make local spread by mosquitoes possible because the mosquitoes that can transmit the virus are found locally. DCHHS advises recent travelers with Zika virus symptoms as well as individuals diagnosed with the virus to protect themselves from further mosquito bites. # For additional information, contact: YaMonica Sadberry, Administrative [email protected] 214.819.6070 (office) Zachary Thompson, Director 214.755.9299 (cell)
  15. DALLAS (July 1, 2016) – Dallas County Health and Human Services (DCHHS) is reporting the tenth case of Zika virus in Dallas County in 2016. The case was confirmed through testing in the DCHHS lab. DCHHS has submitted the case for review to the Texas Department of State Health Services. The 32-year-old patient is a resident of Dallas who was infected with the virus during recent travel to Puerto Rico
  16. Map Update https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?hl=en&hl=en&authuser=0&authuser=0&mid=1FlIB7hHnVgGD9TlbSx5HwAj-PEQ
  17. Zika virus cases in Canada, as of June 30, 2016 http://www.healthycanadians.gc.ca/diseases-conditions-maladies-affections/disease-maladie/zika-virus/surveillance-eng.php?id=zikacases#s1 CountryLocally acquired through sexual transmissionTravel-relatedCanada1136
  18. Zika virus cases in Canada, as of June 30, 2016CountryLocally acquired through sexual transmissionTravel-relatedCanada1136
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  20. Number of cases reportedCounty/Area TodayYear to Date (7/1/16) Albany03Dutchess05Erie01Lewis01Monroe03Nassau118Niagara01Oneida02Onondaga04Ontario01Orange01Putnam01Rockland04St Lawrence01Schenectady01Suffolk223Tompkins01Westchester06NYS (ex NYC)377NYC4276NYS Total Confirmed7353NYS Pregnant Registry021NYS Total7374
  21. 21 Pregnant Registry cases in New York State not included in table below
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  23. CDPH Weekly Update on Number of Zika Virus Infections in California July 1, 2016 The following table provides the number of travel-associated infections of Zika virus in California residents in 2015 and 2016. CDPH is following CDC testing guidelines. This table is updated every Friday. As of July 1, 2016, there have been 68 travel-associated Zika virus infections in California.  Total infections: 68  Cumulative number of infections in pregnant women: 16*  Cumulative number of infections due to sexual transmission: 1 Zika virus infections in California, 2015-2016§ (as of July 1, 2016) County Travel-associated ¥ Locally acquired † Alameda 5 0 Contra Costa 4 0 Los Angeles 19 0 Marin 1 0 Napa 1 0 Orange 6 0 San Bernardino 3 0 San Diego 16** 0 San Francisco 2 0 San Joaquin 3 0 San Mateo 2 0 Santa Clara 1 0 Solano 1 0 Sonoma 1 0 Stanislaus 1 0 Yolo 2 0 Total 68 0 https://www.cdph.ca.gov/HealthInfo/discond/Documents/TravelAssociatedCasesofZikaVirusinCA.pdf
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