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  1. The health ministry said Thursday it has confirmed the first case of the Zika virus in Japan since its spread in Latin America was detected last year. The mosquito-borne virus was detected in a male teenager in Kanagawa Prefecture who had recently stayed in Brazil, the Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry said. The nationality of the teenager was not disclosed. Japan has beefed up efforts to keep the virus out after the World Health Organization declared its spread a global public health emergency on Feb. 1, raising alert levels and making reports mandatory. In Japan, three people were diagnosed with the Zika virus in 2013 and 2014 after returning from the French Polynesian island of Bora Bora and Thailand. The teen was confirmed infected by testing at the National Institute of Infectious Diseases. According to NHK, the teenager visited a hospital in Kanagawa on Thursday complaining of a fever and a rash. He had been in Brazil until Saturday.
  2. Teen in Kanagawa Prefecture diagnosed with Zika virusKYODO, STAFF REPORT FEB 25, 2016ARTICLE HISTORYPRINTSHARE The health ministry said Thursday it has confirmed the first case of the Zika virus in Japan since its spread in Latin America was detected last year. http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2016/02/25/national/teen-in-kanagawa-prefecture-diagnosed-with-zika-virus/#.Vs8CFvkrKdu
  3. OverviewGuillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is a disorder in which the body’s immune system attacks part of the peripheral nervous system. GBS can be triggered by a variety of infections, including dengue and chikungunya viruses. The syndrome can affect the peripheral nerves that control muscle strength as well as those that transmit feelings of pain, temperature and touch. This can result in muscle weakness and loss of sensation in the legs and/or arms. Approximately 25% of GBS patients require intensive care and 3-5% die even with appropriate supportive care, due to complications related to: paralysis of the muscles that control breathing; cardiac arrest; or blood clots. This document aims to provide interim guidance on the case definition of GBS and strategies to manage the syndrome, in the context of Zika virus and its potential association with GBS. This document is intended to inform the development of local clinical protocols and health policies related to the care of patients with GBS. An expert meeting will be organized in March 2016 to develop additional guidance to identify and manage GBS and other possible neurological disorders in the context of Zika virus transmission. Related linksAll publications, technical guidances on Zika virusMicrocephaly/Zika virus
  4. Identification and management of Guillain-Barré syndrome in the context of Zika virusInterim guidanceShare PrintAuthors: World Health Organization Publication detailsNumber of pages: 3 Publication date: 25 February 2016 Languages: English WHO reference number:WHO/ZIKV/MOC/16.4 DownloadsIdentification and management of Guillain-Barré syndrome in the context of Zika virus
  5. http://rense.gsradio.net:8080/rense/special/rense_022416_hr1.mp3
  6. Chinese scientists isolate two Zika virus strains from patients Source: Xinhua 2016-02-25 15:41:59 BEIJING, Feb. 25 (Xinhua) -- Chinese scientists have isolated two Zika virus strains, which will assist research into a possible vaccination and the transmission pattern of the virus. The two strains were isolated from blood and urine samples from two patients. The urine test was the first successful isolation from a sample such as that, according to the Academy of Military Medical Sciences and Guangzhou No. 8 People's Hospital. With five confirmed imported Zika virus cases and the weather beginning to warm up across the country, China is on high alert. The isolation can help scientists study the transmission pattern of the virus while provide a foundation for the invention of reagent and vaccine. Chinese scientists announced Monday they had decoded the gene sequence of the first imported Zika virus. http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2016-02/25/c_135130588.htm
  7. 15 February 2016CHP notified of second imported case of Zika Virus Infection in Mainland The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health (DH) received notification tonight (February 15) of the second imported case of Zika Virus Infection in the Mainland from the National Health and Family Planning Commission and the Health and Family Planning Commission of Guangdong Province, and again urged the public, particularly pregnant women, those planning pregnancy and immunocompromised patients, to adopt strict anti-mosquito measures during travel. According to the health authorities in the Mainland, the male patient aged 28 from Jiangmen, Guangdong, works in Venezuela. He departed Venezuela for Guangdong on February 9 and developed fever and skin rash during the journey. Upon his arrival at Baiyun International Airport in Guangzhou on February 12, his condition was discovered by the local Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau and he was then hospitalised for isolation and management. The case was laboratory confirmed by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention on February 15. At present, he was afebrile with skin rash subsided. The patient did not pass through Hong Kong. "We again urge those arriving from Zika-affected areas to apply insect repellent for 14 days upon arrival to reduce the risk of transmission. Routine health surveillance on body temperature of inbound travellers at all BCPs is ongoing. Suspected cases will be referred to healthcare facilities for follow-up. Health promotion in BCPs have been enhanced through pamphlets and posters to alert travellers to necessary measures against Zika," a spokesman for the DH said. The DH has been closely working with the travel industry and stakeholders, especially agents operating tours in Zika-affected areas and personnel receiving travellers in those areas (particularly pregnant women), to regularly update them of the latest disease information and health advice. As long as there is international travel, there is always risk of introduction of Zika virus to Hong Kong. As asymptomatic infection is very common and the potential vector, Aedes albopictus, is present locally, there is also risk of local spread in case Zika is introduced to Hong Kong. The public should pay special attention to the 34 countries and areas with reported autochthonous Zika virus transmission or locally acquired infection, and six with indication of viral circulation earlier announced by the World Health Organization (WHO). The DH has been maintaining close liaison with the WHO as well as overseas, neighbouring and the Mainland health authorities to closely monitor the latest developments of Zika. Locally, no human Zika cases have been reported to the CHP to date. To prevent Zika Virus Infection, in addition to general anti-mosquito measures, the DH drew the public's attention to special notes below: (A) Travelling abroad * If going to areas with ongoing Zika transmission (affected areas), travellers, especially those with immune disorders or severe chronic illnesses, should arrange consultation with a doctor at least six weeks before the trip, and take extra preventive measures to avoid mosquito bites; * Those arriving from affected areas should apply insect repellent for 14 days upon arrival. If feeling unwell, e.g. having fever, they should seek medical advice as soon as possible, and provide travel details to a doctor; (B) Pregnant women and those preparing for pregnancy * Pregnant women and those preparing for pregnancy should consider deferring their trip to affected areas. Those who must travel should seek medical advice from their doctor before the trip, adopt contraception if appropriate, strictly follow steps to avoid mosquito bites during the trip, and consult and reveal their travel history to their doctor if symptoms develop after the trip. Women preparing for pregnancy are advised to continue to adopt contraception for 28 days after returning from these areas; and (C) Prevention of sexual transmission * If a female partner is at risk of getting pregnant or is already pregnant, condom use is advised for a male traveller:(i) For 28 days after his return from affected areas if he had no symptoms of unexplained fever and rash; or(ii) For six months following recovery if a clinical illness compatible with Zika or laboratory confirmed Zika Virus Infection was reported. The public may visit the pages below for more disease information and health advice: * The CHP's Zika Virus Infection page (www.chp.gov.hk/en/view_content/43086.html);* The Zika page of the DH's Travel Health Service (www.travelhealth.gov.hk/english/popup/popup_zika.html);* The Outbound Travel Alert page of the Security Bureau (www.sb.gov.hk/eng/ota); and* Anti-mosquito precautions for women (www.fhs.gov.hk/english/health_info/woman/30014.html). Ends/Monday, February 15, 2016http://www.chp.gov.hk/en/content/116/43383.html
  8. 19 February 2016CHP notified of third imported case of Zika Virus Infection in Mainland The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health (DH) received notification today (February 19) of the third imported case of Zika Virus Infection in the Mainland from the National Health and Family Planning Commission (NHFPC), and again urged the public, particularly pregnant women, those planning pregnancy and immunocompromised patients, to adopt strict anti-mosquito measures during travel. According to the NHFPC and General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China, the male patient aged 38 from Yiwu, Zhejiang, travelled to Fiji and Samoa in a tour group on February 2. He left and travelled on Fiji Airways flight FJ 391 which arrived at Hong Kong on February 14. He then returned to the Mainland via Hong Kong on the same day. He was subsequently found to have fever and skin rash by the Shenzhen Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau at Huanggang on the same day. On February 15, the patient returned to Yiwu, Zhejiang where he was hospitalised for isolation and management the next day. The case was laboratory confirmed by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention today. The DH's Port Health Office has stepped up inspection in the Boundary Control Points (BCPs) and airport to maintain strict environmental hygiene with effective mosquito control. Port Health Inspectors have reinforced training for contractors of BCPs, including the airport, harbour ports and ground crossings, on port hygiene and pest control for effective vector prevention. Health promotion in BCPs have been enhanced through pamphlets and posters to alert travellers to necessary measures against Zika. "Routine health surveillance on body temperature of inbound travellers at all BCPs is ongoing. Suspected cases will be referred to healthcare facilities for follow-up. Yet, at present, around 70 to 80 per cent of infected people are asymptomatic and most can recover fully. Therefore, we again urge those arriving from Zika-affected areas to apply insect repellent for 14 days upon arrival to reduce the risk of transmission," the spokesman added. The DH has been closely working with the travel industry and stakeholders, especially agents operating tours in Zika-affected areas and personnel receiving travellers in those areas (particularly pregnant women), to regularly update them of the latest disease information and health advice. As long as there is international travel, there is always risk of introduction of Zika virus to Hong Kong. As asymptomatic infection is very common and the potential vector, Aedes albopictus, is present locally, there is also risk of local spread in case Zika is introduced to Hong Kong. The public should pay special attention to the countries and areas with reported autochthonous Zika virus transmission or locally acquired infection and those with indication of viral circulation earlier announced by the World Health Organization (WHO). The DH has been maintaining close liaison with the WHO as well as overseas, neighbouring and the Mainland health authorities to closely monitor the latest developments of Zika. Locally, no human Zika cases have been reported to the CHP to date. To prevent Zika Virus Infection, in addition to general anti-mosquito measures, the DH drew the public's attention to special notes below: A. Travelling abroad * If going to areas with ongoing Zika transmission (affected areas), travellers, especially those with immune disorders or severe chronic illnesses, should arrange consultation with a doctor at least six weeks before the trip, and take extra preventive measures to avoid mosquito bites;* Those arriving from affected areas should apply insect repellent for 14 days upon arrival. If feeling unwell, e.g. having fever, they should seek medical advice as soon as possible, and provide travel details to a doctor; B. Pregnant women and those preparing for pregnancy * Pregnant women and those preparing for pregnancy should consider deferring their trip to affected areas. Those who must travel should seek medical advice from their doctor before the trip, adopt contraception if appropriate, strictly follow steps to avoid mosquito bites during the trip, and consult and reveal their travel history to their doctor if symptoms develop after the trip. Women preparing for pregnancy are advised to continue to adopt contraception for 28 days after returning from these areas; and C. Prevention of sexual transmission * If a female partner is at risk of getting pregnant or is already pregnant, condom use is advised for a male traveller:(i) For 28 days after his return from affected areas if he had no symptoms of unexplained fever and rash; or(ii) For six months following recovery if a clinical illness compatible with Zika or laboratory confirmed Zika case was reported. The public may visit the pages below for more disease information and health advice: * The CHP's Zika page (www.chp.gov.hk/en/view_content/43086.html);* The Zika page of the DH's Travel Health Service (www.travelhealth.gov.hk/english/popup/popup_zika.html);* The Outbound Travel Alert page of the Security Bureau (www.sb.gov.hk/eng/ota); and* Anti-mosquito precautions for women (www.fhs.gov.hk/english/health_info/woman/30014.html). Ends/Friday, February 19, 2016 http://www.chp.gov.hk/en/content/752/43466.html
  9. 23 February 2016CHP notified of two additional imported cases of Zika Virus Infection in Mainland The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health (DH) received notification today (February 23) of two additional imported cases of Zika Virus Infection in the Mainland from the National Health and Family Planning Commission (NHFPC), and again urged the public, particularly pregnant women, those planning pregnancy and immunocompromised patients, to adopt strict anti-mosquito measures during travel. According to the NHFPC, the two cases involved a father and his son. The father, aged 38 from Yiwu, Zhejiang, developed fever and skin rash on February 21 and his son aged 9 presented with headache on February 16 and developed skin rash on February 21. The two cases were confirmed by the health authorities in Zhejiang today. The two patients are now hospitalised for isolation and management in Yiwu. Enquiries revealed that the two male patients were the travel collaterals of the 38-year-old male patient who was the third imported case of Zika virus in the Mainland. They travelled to Fiji and Samoa in a tour group on February 2 and returned to the Mainland via Hong Kong on February 14. The third case was laboratory confirmed on February 19. The DH's Port Health Office (PHO) has followed up with the airline concerned on necessary disinsection and vector control measures. Port Health Inspectors (PHIs) will conduct follow-up inspection when the aircraft concerned next arrives in Hong Kong. The DH's PHO has stepped up inspection at the Boundary Control Points (BCPs) and the airport to maintain strict environmental hygiene with effective mosquito control. PHIs have reinforced training for contractors of BCPs, including the airport, harbour ports and ground crossings, on port hygiene and pest control for effective vector prevention. Health promotion in BCPs has been enhanced through pamphlets and posters to alert travellers to necessary measures against Zika. "Routine health surveillance on the body temperature of inbound travellers at all BCPs is ongoing. Suspected cases will be referred to healthcare facilities for follow-up. However, at present, around 70 to 80 per cent of infected people are asymptomatic and most can recover fully. Therefore, we again urge those arriving from Zika-affected areas to apply insect repellent for 14 days upon arrival to reduce the risk of transmission," the spokesman added. The DH has been closely working with the travel industry and stakeholders, especially agents operating tours in Zika-affected areas and personnel receiving travellers in those areas (particularly pregnant women), to regularly update them on the latest disease information and health advice. As long as there is international travel, there is always a risk of introduction of Zika virus to Hong Kong. As asymptomatic infection is very common and the potential vector, Aedes albopictus, is present locally, there is also risk of local spread in case Zika is introduced to Hong Kong. The public should pay special attention to the countries and areas with reported autochthonous Zika virus transmission or locally acquired infection and those with indication of viral circulation earlier announced by the World Health Organization (WHO). The DH has been maintaining close liaison with the WHO as well as overseas, neighbouring and Mainland health authorities to closely monitor the latest developments of Zika. Locally, no human Zika cases have been reported to the CHP to date. To prevent Zika Virus Infection, in addition to general anti-mosquito measures, the DH drew the public's attention to the special notes below: A. Travelling abroad * If going to areas with ongoing Zika transmission (affected areas), travellers, especially those with immune disorders or severe chronic illnesses, should arrange consultation with a doctor at least six weeks before the trip, and take extra preventive measures to avoid mosquito bites;* Those arriving from affected areas should apply insect repellent for 14 days upon arrival. If feeling unwell, e.g. having fever, they should seek medical advice as soon as possible, and provide travel details to a doctor; B. Pregnant women and those preparing for pregnancy * Pregnant women and those preparing for pregnancy should consider deferring their trip to affected areas. Those who must travel should seek medical advice from their doctor before the trip, adopt contraception if appropriate, strictly follow steps to avoid mosquito bites during the trip, and consult and reveal their travel history to their doctor if symptoms develop after the trip. Women preparing for pregnancy are advised to continue to adopt contraception for 28 days after returning from these areas; and C. Prevention of sexual transmission * If a female partner is at risk of getting pregnant or is already pregnant, condom use is advised for a male traveller:(i) For 28 days after his return from affected areas if he had no symptoms of unexplained fever and rash; or(ii) For six months following recovery if a clinical illness compatible with Zika or laboratory confirmed Zika case was reported. The public may visit the pages below for more disease information and health advice: * The CHP's Zika page (www.chp.gov.hk/en/view_content/43086.html);* The Zika page of the DH's Travel Health Service (www.travelhealth.gov.hk/english/popup/popup_zika.html);* The Outbound Travel Alert page of the Security Bureau (www.sb.gov.hk/eng/ota); and* Anti-mosquito precautions for women (www.fhs.gov.hk/english/health_info/woman/30014.html). Ends/Tuesday, February 23, 2016 http://www.chp.gov.hk/en/content/116/43508.html
  10. China warns public of importing Zika virus from vacation Source: Xinhua 2016-02-24 20:58:32 HANGZHOU, Feb. 24 (Xinhua) -- Travel agents across China are advising outbound tourists to be extra cautious as three of the country's five Zika patients had caught the virus while on vacation. East China's Zhejiang Province has reported three cases of the Zika virus. The three had been on the same tour to Fiji and Samoa. Lu Binbin, an executive with a local travel agency in Hangzhou, said travellers should refrain from going to places with reported Zika cases. Symptoms of the Zika virus, which spreads to people through mosquito bites, include fever, joint pain, a rash, conjunctivitis, headache and muscle pain. Many countries in South America have been labeled risky tourism destinations. This includes Brazil, whose Rio de Janeiro will host the Olympic Games this year.x Lu said the risk of infection will mitigate during the second half of the year when temperatures drop in the Southern Hemisphere. China's National Tourism Administration has urged travellers to keep up-to-date with Zika virus updates from the World Health Organization, Chinese government and tourism destinations. Travel agencies also asked outbound tourists to protect themselves against mosquito bites to prevent potential infection. http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2016-02/24/c_135127736.htm
  11. Sequences producing significant alignments:Select:AllNone Selected:0 AlignmentsDownloadGenBankGraphicsDistance tree of resultsShow/hide columns of the table presenting sequences producing significant alignmentsSequences producing significant alignments:Select for downloading or viewing reportsDescriptionMax scoreTotal scoreQuery coverE valueIdentAccessionSelect seq gb|KU365779.1|Zika virus strain BeH819966 polyprotein gene, complete cds1882018820100%0.099%KU365779.1Select seq gb|KU365780.1|Zika virus strain BeH815744 polyprotein gene, complete cds1880318803100%0.099%KU365780.1Select seq gb|KU365777.1|Zika virus strain BeH818995 polyprotein gene, complete cds1879818798100%0.099%KU365777.1Select seq gb|KU365778.1|Zika virus strain BeH819015 polyprotein gene, complete cds1879218792100%0.099%KU365778.1Select seq gb|KU501215.1|Zika virus strain PRVABC59, complete genome1878118781100%0.099%KU501215.1Select seq gb|KU312312.1|Zika virus isolate Z1106033 polyprotein gene, complete cds1878118781100%0.099%KU312312.1Select seq gb|KU509998.1|Zika virus strain Haiti/1225/2014, complete genome1875918759100%0.099%KU509998.1Select seq gb|KJ776791.1|Zika virus strain H/PF/2013 polyprotein gene, complete cds1875318753100%0.099%KJ776791.1Select seq gb|KU321639.1|Zika virus strain ZikaSPH2015, complete genome1874218742100%0.099%KU321639.1Select seq gb|KU647676.1|Zika virus strain MRS_OPY_Martinique_PaRi_2015 polyprotein gene, complete cds1872018720100%0.099%KU647676.1Select seq gb|KU501217.1|Zika virus strain 8375 polyprotein gene, complete cds1871518715100%0.099%KU501217.1Select seq gb|KU501216.1|Zika virus strain 103344 polyprotein gene, complete cds1870918709100%0.099%KU501216.1Select seq gb|JN860885.1|Zika virus isolate FSS13025 polyprotein gene, partial cds179571795799%0.098%JN860885.1Select seq gb|KF993678.1|Zika virus strain PLCal_ZV from Canada polyprotein gene, partial cds179521795298%0.099%KF993678.1Select seq gb|EU545988.1|Zika virus polyprotein gene, complete cds1777117771100%0.098%EU545988.1Select seq gb|HQ234499.1|Zika virus isolate P6-740 polyprotein gene, partial cds163931639399%0.095%HQ234499.1Select seq gb|KF383115.1|Zika virus strain ArB1362 polyprotein gene, complete cds1258412584100%0.089%KF383115.1Select seq gb|HQ234498.1|Zika virus isolate MR_766 polyprotein gene, partial cds125761257699%0.089%HQ234498.1Select seq gb|KF268948.1|Zika virus isolate ARB13565 polyprotein gene, complete cds1256712567100%0.089%KF268948.1Select seq gb|KF268950.1|Zika virus isolate ARB7701 polyprotein gene, complete cds1256012560100%0.089%KF268950.1Select seq gb|KF268949.1|Zika virus isolate ARB15076 polyprotein gene, complete cds1256012560100%0.089%KF268949.1Select seq dbj|LC002520.1|Zika virus genomic RNA, complete genome, strain: MR766-NIID1255412554100%0.089%LC002520.1Select seq gb|KF383119.1|Zika virus strain ArD158084 polyprotein gene, complete cds1255412554100%0.089%KF383119.1Select seq gb|KF383116.1|Zika virus strain ArD7117 polyprotein gene, complete cds1253212532100%0.089%KF383116.1Select seq gb|DQ859059.1|Zika virus strain MR 766 polyprotein gene, complete cds1251512515100%0.089%DQ859059.1Select seq gb|HQ234501.1|Zika virus isolate ArD_41519 polyprotein gene, partial cds124901249099%0.089%HQ234501.1Select seq gb|AY632535.2|Zika virus strain MR 766, complete genome1248812488100%0.089%AY632535.2Select seq gb|KF383117.1|Zika virus strain ArD128000 polyprotein gene, complete cds1244912449100%0.088%KF383117.1Select seq gb|HQ234500.1|Zika virus isolate IbH_30656 polyprotein gene, partial cds123931239399%0.088%HQ234500.1Select seq gb|KF383118.1|Zika virus strain ArD157995 polyprotein gene, complete cds1219212192100%0.088%KF383118.1Select seq gb|KF383121.1|Zika virus strain ArD158095 polyprotein gene, partial cds121661216697%0.089%KF383121.1Select seq gb|KF383120.1|Zika virus strain ArD142623 nonfunctional polyprotein gene, partial sequence9747974797%0.084%KF383120.1Select seq gb|KU312314.1|Zika virus isolate Z1106031 polyprotein gene, partial cds5083508327%0.099%KU312314.1Select seq gb|KU312313.1|Zika virus isolate Z1106032 polyprotein gene, partial cds5049504927%0.099%KU312313.1Select seq gb|KU646828.1|Zika virus isolate Si322 polyprotein gene, partial cds4726472625%0.099%KU646828.1Select seq gb|KU646827.1|Zika virus isolate Si323 polyprotein gene, partial cds4715471525%0.099%KU646827.1Select seq gb|KU312315.1|Zika virus isolate Z1106027 polyprotein gene, partial cds3517351718%0.099%KU312315.1Select seq gb|KJ634273.1|Zika virus strain CK-ISL 2014 E protein (E) gene, partial cds2732273214%0.099%KJ634273.1Select seq gb|KM078936.1|Zika virus strain CHI1410214 NS5 protein gene, partial cds178117819%0.099%KM078936.1Select seq gb|KM078961.1|Zika virus strain CHI2612114 NS5 protein gene, partial cds177717779%0.099%KM078961.1Select seq gb|KM078930.1|Zika virus strain CHI2283714 NS5 protein gene, partial cds177517759%0.099%KM078930.1Select seq gb|KM078971.1|Zika virus strain CHI2613014 NS5 protein gene, partial cds177217729%0.099%KM078971.1Select seq gb|KM078970.1|Zika virus strain CHI2490414 NS5 protein gene, partial cds177217729%0.099%KM078970.1Select seq gb|KM078933.1|Zika virus strain CHI1058514 NS5 protein gene, partial cds177217729%0.099%KM078933.1Select seq gb|KM078929.1|Zika virus strain CHI1805214 NS5 protein gene, partial cds177017709%0.099%KM078929.1Select seq gb|KJ873160.1|Zika virus isolate NC14-03042014-3481 nonstructural protein 5 gene, partial cds162816288%0.099%KJ873160.1Select seq gb|KJ873161.1|Zika virus isolate NC14-02042014-3220 nonstructural protein 5 gene, partial cds144114417%0.099%KJ873161.1Select seq gb|KM851039.1|Zika virus strain SV0127/14 nonstructural protein 5 gene, partial cds140214027%0.099%KM851039.1Select seq gb|KU556802.1|Zika virus isolate MEX/InDRE/14/2015 NS5 protein gene, partial cds136713677%0.099%KU556802.1Select seq gb|KM851038.1|Zika virus strain CPC-0740 nonstructural protein 5 gene, partial cds135813587%0.098%KM851038.1Select seq gb|KT200609.1|Zika virus isolate BR/949/15 NS5 gene, partial cds125812586%0.099%KT200609.1
  12. LOCUS KU740184 10272 bp RNA linear VRL 22-FEB-2016 DEFINITION Zika virus isolate GD01 polyprotein gene, complete cds. ACCESSION KU740184 VERSION KU740184.1 GI:998965891 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Zika virus ORGANISM Zika virus Viruses; ssRNA viruses; ssRNA positive-strand viruses, no DNA stage; Flaviviridae; Flavivirus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 10272) AUTHORS Tong,Y., Zhang,F.-C., Qin,C.-F., Deng,Y.-Q., Fan,H., Wang,J., Hong,W.-X., Zhao,L.-Z., Pei,G.-Q., Wang,Y.-F., An,X.-P., Mi,Z.-Q., Cheng,S., Gao,B. and Cao,W.-C. TITLE Complete genome of Zika virus isolated from China JOURNAL Unpublished REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 10272) AUTHORS Tong,Y., Zhang,F.-C., Qin,C.-F., Deng,Y.-Q., Fan,H., Wang,J., Hong,W.-X., Zhao,L.-Z., Pei,G.-Q., Wang,Y.-F., An,X.-P., Mi,Z.-Q., Cheng,S., Gao,B. and Cao,W.-C. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (22-FEB-2016) State Key Laboratory of Pathogen and Biosecurity, Beijing Institute of Microbiology and Epdemiology, No. 20 Dongda Street, Fengtai District, Beijing, Beijing 100071, China COMMENT ##Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Newbler v. v2.9 Sequencing Technology :: IonTorrent ##Assembly-Data-END## FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..10272 /organism="Zika virus" /mol_type="genomic RNA" /isolate="GD01" /host="Homo sapiens" /db_xref="taxon:64320" /country="China" /collection_date="Feb-2016" CDS 1..10272 /codon_start=1 /product="polyprotein" /protein_id="AMK79468.1" /db_xref="GI:998965892" /translation="MKNPKKKSGGFRIVNMLKRGVARVSPFGGLKRLPAGLLLGHGPI RMVLAILAFLRFTAIKPSLGLINRWGSVGKKEAMEIIKKFKKDLAAMLRIINARKEKK RRGAETSVGIVGLLLTTAMAAEVTRRGSAYYMYLDRNDAGEAISFPTTLGMNKCYIQI MDLGHMCDATMSYECPMLDEGVEPDDVDCWCNTTSTWVVYGTCHHKKGEARRSRRAVT LPSHSTRKLQTRSQTWLESREYTKHLIRVENWIFRNPGFALAAAAIAWLLGSSTSQKV 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1381 cccaattcac caagagccga agccaccctg gggggttttg gaagcctagg acttgattgt 1441 gaaccgagga caggccttga cttttcagat ttgtattact tgactatgaa taacaagcac 1501 tggttggttc acaaggagtg gttccacgac attccattac cttggcacgc tggggcagac 1561 accggaactc cacactggaa caacaaagaa gcactggtag agttcaagga cgcacatgcc 1621 aaaaggcaaa ctgtcgtggt tctagggagt caagaaggag cagttcacac ggcccttgct 1681 ggagctctgg aggctgagat ggatggagca aagggaaggc tgtcctctgg ccacttgaaa 1741 tgtcgcctga aaatggataa acttagattg aagggcgtgt catactcctt gtgtactgca 1801 gcgttcacat tcaccaagat cccggctgaa acactgcacg ggacagtcac agtggaggta 1861 cagtacgcag ggacagatgg accttgcaag gttccagctc agatggcggt ggacatgcaa 1921 actctgaccc cagttgggag gttgataacc gctaaccccg taatcactga aagcactgag 1981 aactctaaga tgatgctgga acttgatcca ccatttgggg actcttacat tgtcatagga 2041 gtcggggaga agaagatcac ccaccactgg cacaggagtg gcagcaccat tggaaaagca 2101 tttgaagcca ctgtgagagg tgccaagaga atggcagtct tgggagacac agcctgggac 2161 tttggatcag ttggaggcgc tctcaactca ttgggcaagg gcatccatca aatttttgga 2221 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aagtcccaca cattgtggac agatggaata gaagagagtg atctgatcat acccaagtct 3121 ttagctgggc cactcagcca tcacaatacc agagagggct acaggaccca aatgaaaggg 3181 ccatggcaca gtgaggagct tgaaattcgg tttgaggaat gcccaggcac taaggtccac 3241 gtggaggaaa catgtggaac aagaggacca tctctgagat caaccactgc aagcggaagg 3301 gtgatcgagg aatggtgctg cagggagtgc acaatgcccc cactgtcgtt ccgggctaaa 3361 gatggctgtt ggtatggaat ggagataagg cccaggaaag aaccagaaag caacttagta 3421 aggtcaatgg tgactgcagg atcaactgat cacatggacc acttctccct tggagtgctt 3481 gtgatcctgc tcatggtgca ggaagggctg aagaagagaa tgaccacaaa gatcatcata 3541 agcacatcaa tggcagtgct ggtagctatg atcctgggag gattttcaat gagtgacctg 3601 gctaagcttg caattttgat gggtgccacc ttcgcggaaa tgaacactgg aggagatgta 3661 gctcatctgg cgctgatagc ggcattcaaa gtcagaccag cgttgctggt atctttcatc 3721 ttcagagcta attggacacc ccgtgaaagc atgctgctgg ccttggcctc gtgtcttttg 3781 caaactgcga tctccgcctt ggaaggcgac ctgatggttc tcatcaatgg ttttgctttg 3841 gcctggttgg cagtacgagc gatggttgtt ccacgcactg ataacatcac cttagcaatc 3901 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atagtggtga ctgacattga cacaatgaca attgaccccc aagtggagaa aaagatggga 7321 caggtgctac tcatagcagt agccgtctcc agcgccatac tgtcgcggac cgcctggggg 7381 tggggggagg ctggggccct gatcacagcc gcaacttcca ctttgtggga aggctctccg 7441 aacaagtact ggaactcctc tacagccact tcactgtgta acatttttag gggaagttac 7501 ttggctggag cttctctaat ctacacagta acaagaaacg ctggcttggt caagagacgt 7561 gggggtggaa caggagagac cctgggagag aaatggaagg cccgcttgaa ccagatgtcg 7621 gccctggagt tctactccta caaaaagtca ggcatcaccg aggtgtgcag agaagaggcc 7681 cgccgcgccc tcaaggacgg tgtggcaacg ggaggccatg ctgtgtcccg aggaagtgca 7741 aagctgagat ggttggtgga gcggggatac ctgcagccct atggaaaggt cattgatctt 7801 ggatgtggca gagggggctg gagttactac gccgccacca tccgcaaagt tcaagaagtg 7861 aaaggataca caaaaggagg ccctggtcat gaagaacccg tgttggtgca aagctatggg 7921 tggaacatag tccgtcttaa gagtggggtg gacgtctttc atatggcggc tgagccgtgt 7981 gacacgttgc tgtgtgacat aggtgagtca tcatctagtc ctgaagtgga agaagcacgg 8041 acgctcagag tcctctccat ggtgggggat tggcttgaaa aaagaccagg agccttttgt 8101 ataaaggtgt tgtgcccata caccagcact atgatggaaa ccctggagcg actgcagcgt 8161 aggtatgggg gaggactggt cagagtgcca ctctcccgca actctacaca tgagatgtac 8221 tgggtctctg gagcgaaaag caacatcata aaaagtgtgt ccaccacgag ccagctcctc 8281 ttggggcgca tggacgggcc taggaggcca gtgaaatatg aggaggatgt gaatctcggc 8341 tctggcacgc gggctgtggc aagctgcgct gaagctccca acatgaagat cattggtaac 8401 cgcattgaaa ggatccgcag tgagcacgcg gaaacgtggt tctttgacga gaaccaccca 8461 tataggacat gggcttacca tggaagctat gaggccccca cacaagggtc agcgtcctct 8521 ctaataaacg gggttgtcag gctcctgtca aaaccctggg atgtggtgac tggagtcaca 8581 ggaatagcca tgaccgacac cacaccgtat ggtcagcaaa gagttttcaa ggaaaaagtg 8641 gacactaggg tgccagaccc ccaagaaggc actcgtcagg ttatgagcat ggtctcttcc 8701 tggttgtgga aagagctagg caaacacaaa cggccacgag tctgtaccaa agaagagttc 8761 atcaacaagg ttcgtagcaa tgcagcatta ggggcaatat ttgaagagga aaaagagtgg 8821 aagactgcag tggaagctgt gaacgatcca aggttctggg ctctagtgga caaggaaaga 8881 gagcaccacc tgagaggaga gtgccagagt tgtgtgtaca acatgatggg aaaaagagaa 8941 aagaaacaag gggaatttgg aaaggccaag ggcagccgcg ccatctggta tatgtggcta 9001 ggggctagat ttctagagtt cgaagccctt ggattcttga acgaggatca ctggatgggg 9061 agagagaact caggaggtgg tgttgaaggg ctgggattac aaagactcgg atatgtccta 9121 gaagagatga gtcgtatacc aggaggaagg atgtatgcag atgacactgc tggctgggac 9181 acccgcatta gcaggtttga tctggagaat gaagctctaa tcaccaacca aatggagaaa 9241 gggcacaggg ccttggcatt ggccataatc aagtacacat accaaaacaa agtggtaaag 9301 gtccttagac cagctgaaaa agggaaaaca gttatggaca ttatttcgag acaagaccaa 9361 agggggagcg gacaagttgt cacttacgct cttaacacat ttaccaacct agtggtgcaa 9421 ctcattcgga atatggaggc tgaggaagtt ctagagatgc aagacttgtg gctgctgcgg 9481 aggtcagaga aagtgaccaa ctggttgcag agcaacggat gggataggct caaacgaatg 9541 gcagtcagtg gagatgattg cgttgtgaag ccaattgatg ataggtttgc acatgccctc 9601 aggttcttga atgatatggg aaaagttagg aaggacacac aagagtggaa accctcaact 9661 ggatgggaca actgggaaga agttccgttt tgctcccacc atttcaacaa gctccatctc 9721 aaggacggga ggtccattgt ggttccctgc cgccaccaag atgaactgat tggccgggcc 9781 cgcgtctctc caggggcggg atggagcatc cgggagactg cttgcctagc aaaatcatat 9841 gcgcaaatgt ggcagctcct ttatttccac agaagggacc tccgactgat ggccaatgcc 9901 atttgttcat ctgtgccagt tgactgggtt ccaactggga gaactacctg gtcaatccat 9961 ggaaagggag aatggatgac cactgaagac atgcttgtgg tgtggaacag agtgtggatt 10021 gaggagaacg accacatgga agacaagacc ccagttacga aatggacaga cattccctat 10081 ttgggaaaaa gggaagactt gtggtgtgga tctctcatag ggcacagacc gcgcaccacc 10141 tgggctgaga acattaaaaa cacagtcaac atggtgcgca ggatcatagg tgatgaagaa 10201 aagtacatgg actacctatc cacccaagtt cgctacttgg gtgaagaagg gtctacacct 10261 ggagtgctgt aa //
  13. Beijing Institute of Microbiology and Epdemiology has released a full sequence fram Guangzhou Guangdong ex-Venezuela sequence which is very closely related to the Jianxi ex-Venezuela sequence.
  14. LOCUS KU740184 10272 bp RNA linear VRL 22-FEB-2016 DEFINITION Zika virus isolate GD01 polyprotein gene, complete cds. ACCESSION KU740184 VERSION KU740184.1 GI:998965891 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Zika virus ORGANISM Zika virus Viruses; ssRNA viruses; ssRNA positive-strand viruses, no DNA stage; Flaviviridae; Flavivirus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 10272) AUTHORS Tong,Y., Zhang,F.-C., Qin,C.-F., Deng,Y.-Q., Fan,H., Wang,J., Hong,W.-X., Zhao,L.-Z., Pei,G.-Q., Wang,Y.-F., An,X.-P., Mi,Z.-Q., Cheng,S., Gao,B. and Cao,W.-C. TITLE Complete genome of Zika virus isolated from China JOURNAL Unpublished REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 10272) AUTHORS Tong,Y., Zhang,F.-C., Qin,C.-F., Deng,Y.-Q., Fan,H., Wang,J., Hong,W.-X., Zhao,L.-Z., Pei,G.-Q., Wang,Y.-F., An,X.-P., Mi,Z.-Q., Cheng,S., Gao,B. and Cao,W.-C. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (22-FEB-2016) State Key Laboratory of Pathogen and Biosecurity, Beijing Institute of Microbiology and Epdemiology, No. 20 Dongda Street, Fengtai District, Beijing, Beijing 100071, China COMMENT ##Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Newbler v. v2.9 Sequencing Technology :: IonTorrent ##Assembly-Data-END## FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..10272 /organism="Zika virus" /mol_type="genomic RNA" /isolate="GD01" /host="Homo sapiens" /db_xref="taxon:64320" /country="China" /collection_date="Feb-2016" CDS 1..10272 /codon_start=1 /product="polyprotein" /protein_id="AMK79468.1" /db_xref="GI:998965892" /translation="MKNPKKKSGGFRIVNMLKRGVARVSPFGGLKRLPAGLLLGHGPI RMVLAILAFLRFTAIKPSLGLINRWGSVGKKEAMEIIKKFKKDLAAMLRIINARKEKK RRGAETSVGIVGLLLTTAMAAEVTRRGSAYYMYLDRNDAGEAISFPTTLGMNKCYIQI MDLGHMCDATMSYECPMLDEGVEPDDVDCWCNTTSTWVVYGTCHHKKGEARRSRRAVT LPSHSTRKLQTRSQTWLESREYTKHLIRVENWIFRNPGFALAAAAIAWLLGSSTSQKV 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atagtggtga ctgacattga cacaatgaca attgaccccc aagtggagaa aaagatggga 7321 caggtgctac tcatagcagt agccgtctcc agcgccatac tgtcgcggac cgcctggggg 7381 tggggggagg ctggggccct gatcacagcc gcaacttcca ctttgtggga aggctctccg 7441 aacaagtact ggaactcctc tacagccact tcactgtgta acatttttag gggaagttac 7501 ttggctggag cttctctaat ctacacagta acaagaaacg ctggcttggt caagagacgt 7561 gggggtggaa caggagagac cctgggagag aaatggaagg cccgcttgaa ccagatgtcg 7621 gccctggagt tctactccta caaaaagtca ggcatcaccg aggtgtgcag agaagaggcc 7681 cgccgcgccc tcaaggacgg tgtggcaacg ggaggccatg ctgtgtcccg aggaagtgca 7741 aagctgagat ggttggtgga gcggggatac ctgcagccct atggaaaggt cattgatctt 7801 ggatgtggca gagggggctg gagttactac gccgccacca tccgcaaagt tcaagaagtg 7861 aaaggataca caaaaggagg ccctggtcat gaagaacccg tgttggtgca aagctatggg 7921 tggaacatag tccgtcttaa gagtggggtg gacgtctttc atatggcggc tgagccgtgt 7981 gacacgttgc tgtgtgacat aggtgagtca tcatctagtc ctgaagtgga agaagcacgg 8041 acgctcagag tcctctccat ggtgggggat tggcttgaaa aaagaccagg agccttttgt 8101 ataaaggtgt tgtgcccata caccagcact atgatggaaa ccctggagcg actgcagcgt 8161 aggtatgggg gaggactggt cagagtgcca ctctcccgca actctacaca tgagatgtac 8221 tgggtctctg gagcgaaaag caacatcata aaaagtgtgt ccaccacgag ccagctcctc 8281 ttggggcgca tggacgggcc taggaggcca gtgaaatatg aggaggatgt gaatctcggc 8341 tctggcacgc gggctgtggc aagctgcgct gaagctccca acatgaagat cattggtaac 8401 cgcattgaaa ggatccgcag tgagcacgcg gaaacgtggt tctttgacga gaaccaccca 8461 tataggacat gggcttacca tggaagctat gaggccccca cacaagggtc agcgtcctct 8521 ctaataaacg gggttgtcag gctcctgtca aaaccctggg atgtggtgac tggagtcaca 8581 ggaatagcca tgaccgacac cacaccgtat ggtcagcaaa gagttttcaa ggaaaaagtg 8641 gacactaggg tgccagaccc ccaagaaggc actcgtcagg ttatgagcat ggtctcttcc 8701 tggttgtgga aagagctagg caaacacaaa cggccacgag tctgtaccaa agaagagttc 8761 atcaacaagg ttcgtagcaa tgcagcatta ggggcaatat ttgaagagga aaaagagtgg 8821 aagactgcag tggaagctgt gaacgatcca aggttctggg ctctagtgga caaggaaaga 8881 gagcaccacc tgagaggaga gtgccagagt tgtgtgtaca acatgatggg aaaaagagaa 8941 aagaaacaag gggaatttgg aaaggccaag ggcagccgcg ccatctggta tatgtggcta 9001 ggggctagat ttctagagtt cgaagccctt ggattcttga acgaggatca ctggatgggg 9061 agagagaact caggaggtgg tgttgaaggg ctgggattac aaagactcgg atatgtccta 9121 gaagagatga gtcgtatacc aggaggaagg atgtatgcag atgacactgc tggctgggac 9181 acccgcatta gcaggtttga tctggagaat gaagctctaa tcaccaacca aatggagaaa 9241 gggcacaggg ccttggcatt ggccataatc aagtacacat accaaaacaa agtggtaaag 9301 gtccttagac cagctgaaaa agggaaaaca gttatggaca ttatttcgag acaagaccaa 9361 agggggagcg gacaagttgt cacttacgct cttaacacat ttaccaacct agtggtgcaa 9421 ctcattcgga atatggaggc tgaggaagtt ctagagatgc aagacttgtg gctgctgcgg 9481 aggtcagaga aagtgaccaa ctggttgcag agcaacggat gggataggct caaacgaatg 9541 gcagtcagtg gagatgattg cgttgtgaag ccaattgatg ataggtttgc acatgccctc 9601 aggttcttga atgatatggg aaaagttagg aaggacacac aagagtggaa accctcaact 9661 ggatgggaca actgggaaga agttccgttt tgctcccacc atttcaacaa gctccatctc 9721 aaggacggga ggtccattgt ggttccctgc cgccaccaag atgaactgat tggccgggcc 9781 cgcgtctctc caggggcggg atggagcatc cgggagactg cttgcctagc aaaatcatat 9841 gcgcaaatgt ggcagctcct ttatttccac agaagggacc tccgactgat ggccaatgcc 9901 atttgttcat ctgtgccagt tgactgggtt ccaactggga gaactacctg gtcaatccat 9961 ggaaagggag aatggatgac cactgaagac atgcttgtgg tgtggaacag agtgtggatt 10021 gaggagaacg accacatgga agacaagacc ccagttacga aatggacaga cattccctat 10081 ttgggaaaaa gggaagactt gtggtgtgga tctctcatag ggcacagacc gcgcaccacc 10141 tgggctgaga acattaaaaa cacagtcaac atggtgcgca ggatcatagg tgatgaagaa 10201 aagtacatgg actacctatc cacccaagtt cgctacttgg gtgaagaagg gtctacacct 10261 ggagtgctgt aa
  15. Sequences producing significant alignments:Select:AllNone Selected:0 AlignmentsDownloadGenBankGraphicsDistance tree of resultsShow/hide columns of the table presenting sequences producing significant alignmentsSequences producing significant alignments:Select for downloading or viewing reportsDescriptionMax scoreTotal scoreQuery coverE valueIdentAccessionSelect seq gb|KU365779.1|Zika virus strain BeH819966 polyprotein gene, complete cds3229322999%0.099%KU365779.1Select seq gb|KJ776791.1|Zika virus strain H/PF/2013 polyprotein gene, complete cds3223322399%0.099%KJ776791.1Select seq gb|KU509998.1|Zika virus strain Haiti/1225/2014, complete genome32203220100%0.099%KU509998.1Select seq gb|KU501217.1|Zika virus strain 8375 polyprotein gene, complete cds3220322099%0.099%KU501217.1Select seq gb|KU501216.1|Zika virus strain 103344 polyprotein gene, complete cds3220322099%0.099%KU501216.1Select seq gb|KU365780.1|Zika virus strain BeH815744 polyprotein gene, complete cds3220322099%0.099%KU365780.1Select seq gb|KU365777.1|Zika virus strain BeH818995 polyprotein gene, complete cds3220322099%0.099%KU365777.1Select seq gb|KU321639.1|Zika virus strain ZikaSPH2015, complete genome32203220100%0.099%KU321639.1Select seq gb|KU501215.1|Zika virus strain PRVABC59, complete genome3214321499%0.099%KU501215.1Select seq gb|KU312312.1|Zika virus isolate Z1106033 polyprotein gene, complete cds3214321499%0.099%KU312312.1Select seq gb|KU365778.1|Zika virus strain BeH819015 polyprotein gene, complete cds3211321199%0.099%KU365778.1Select seq gb|KU647676.1|Zika virus strain MRS_OPY_Martinique_PaRi_2015 polyprotein gene, complete cds3205320599%0.099%KU647676.1Select seq gb|KF993678.1|Zika virus strain PLCal_ZV from Canada polyprotein gene, partial cds3124312499%0.098%KF993678.1Select seq gb|JN860885.1|Zika virus isolate FSS13025 polyprotein gene, partial cds3094309499%0.098%JN860885.1Select seq gb|EU545988.1|Zika virus polyprotein gene, complete cds2998299899%0.097%EU545988.1Select seq gb|HQ234499.1|Zika virus isolate P6-740 polyprotein gene, partial cds2895289599%0.095%HQ234499.1
  16. LOCUS KU740199 1813 bp RNA linear VRL 22-FEB-2016 DEFINITION Zika virus isolate VE_Ganxian2016 polyprotein gene, partial cds. ACCESSION KU740199 VERSION KU740199.1 GI:998963116 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Zika virus ORGANISM Zika virus Viruses; ssRNA viruses; ssRNA positive-strand viruses, no DNA stage; Flaviviridae; Flavivirus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 1813) AUTHORS Wu,W., Zhao,X., Liu,L., Li,J., Qu,J., Zhang,S., Li,W., Liang,M. and Li,D. TITLE First imported case of Zika virus infection in China mainland, February 2016 JOURNAL Unpublished REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 1813) AUTHORS Wu,W., Zhao,X., Liu,L., Li,J., Qu,J., Zhang,S., Li,W., Liang,M. and Li,D. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (20-FEB-2016) Department of Viral Hemorrhagic Fever, National Institute for Viral Diseases Control and Prevention, Changbai Road 155, Beijing, Beijing 102206, China COMMENT ##Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: CLC Genomics Workbench v. 8.5.1 Sequencing Technology :: IonTorrent ##Assembly-Data-END## FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..1813 /organism="Zika virus" /mol_type="genomic RNA" /isolate="VE_Ganxian2016" /isolation_source="urine" /host="Homo sapiens" /db_xref="taxon:64320" /country="China" /collection_date="07-Feb-2016" /note="type: Asian" CDS <1..>1813 /note="contains nonstructural proteins" /codon_start=3 /product="polyprotein" /protein_id="AMK79467.1" /db_xref="GI:998963117" /translation="VLASCLLQTAISALEGDLMVLINGFALAWLAVRAMVVPRTDNIT LAILAALTPLARGTLLVAWRAGLATCGGFMLLSLKGKGSVKKNLPFVMALGLTAVRLV DPINVVGLLLLTRSGKRSWPPSEVLTAVGLICALAGGFAKADIEMAGPMAAVGLLIVS YVVSGKSVDMYIERAGDITWEKDAEVTGNSPRLDVALDESGDFSLVEDDGPPMREIIL KVVLMTICGMNPIAIPFAAGAWYVYVKTGKRSGALWDVPAPKEVKKGETTDGVYRVMT RRLLGSTQVGVGVMQEGVFHTMWHVTKGSALRSGEGRLDPYWGDVKQDLVSYCGPWKL DAAWDGHSEVQLLAVPPGERARNIQTLPGIFKTKDGDIGAVALDYPAGTSGSPILDKC GRVIGLYGNGVVIKNGSYVSAITQGRREEETPVECFEPSMLKKKQLTVLDLHPGAGKT RRVLPEIVREAIKTRLRTVILAPTRVVAAEMEEALRGLPVRYMTTAVNVTHSGTEIVD LMCHATFTSRLLQPIRVPNYNLYIMDEAHFTDPSSIAARGYISTRVEMGEAAAIFMTA TPPGTRDAFPDSNSPIMDTEVEVPERAWSSGFDWVTE" mat_peptide <1..368 /product="NS2A" mat_peptide 369..800 /product="NS2B" mat_peptide 801..1811 /product="NS3" ORIGIN 1 tggtcttggc ctcgtgtctt ttgcaaactg cgatctccgc cttggaaggc gacctgatgg 61 ttctcatcaa tggttttgct ttggcctggt tggcagtacg agcgatggtt gttccacgca 121 ctgataacat caccttagca atcctggctg ctctgacacc actggcccgg ggcacactgc 181 ttgtggcgtg gagagcaggc cttgctactt gcggggggtt tatgctcctc tctctgaagg 241 gaaaaggcag tgtgaagaag aacttaccat ttgtcatggc cctgggacta accgctgtga 301 ggctggtcga ccccatcaac gtggtgggac tgctgttgct cacaaggagt gggaagcgga 361 gctggccccc tagcgaagta ctcacagctg ttggcctgat atgcgcattg gctggagggt 421 tcgccaaggc agatatagag atggctgggc ccatggccgc ggtcggtctg ctaattgtca 481 gttacgtggt ctcaggaaag agtgtggaca tgtacattga aagagcaggt gacatcacat 541 gggaaaaaga tgcggaagtc actggaaaca gtccccggct cgatgtggcg ctagatgaga 601 gtggtgattt ctccctggtg gaggatgacg gtccccccat gagagagatc atactcaagg 661 tggtcctgat gaccatctgt ggcatgaacc caatagccat accctttgca gctggagcgt 721 ggtacgtata cgtgaagact ggaaaaagga gtggtgctct atgggatgtg cctgctccca 781 aggaagtaaa aaagggggag accacagatg gagtgtacag agtaatgact cgcagactgc 841 taggttcaac acaagttgga gtgggagtta tgcaagaggg ggtctttcac actatgtggc 901 acgtcacaaa aggatccgcg ctgagaagcg gtgaagggag acttgatcca tactggggag 961 atgtcaagca ggatctggtg tcatactgtg gtccatggaa gctagatgcc gcctgggacg 1021 ggcacagcga ggtgcagctc ttggccgtgc cccccggaga gagagcgagg aacatccaga 1081 ctctgcccgg aatatttaag acaaaggatg gggacattgg agcggttgca ctggattacc 1141 cagcaggaac ttcaggatct ccaatcctag acaagtgtgg gagagtgata ggactttatg 1201 gcaatggggt cgtgatcaaa aatgggagtt atgttagtgc catcacccaa gggaggaggg 1261 aggaagagac tcctgttgag tgcttcgagc cttcgatgct gaagaagaag cagctaactg 1321 tcttagactt gcatcctgga gctgggaaaa ccaggagagt tcttcctgaa atagtccgtg 1381 aagccataaa aacaagactc cgtactgtga tcttggctcc aaccagggtt gtcgctgctg 1441 aaatggagga ggcccttaga gggcttccag tgcgttatat gacaacagca gtcaatgtca 1501 cccactctgg aacagaaatc gtcgacttaa tgtgccatgc caccttcact tcacgtctac 1561 tacagccaat tagagtcccc aactataatc tgtatattat ggatgaggcc cacttcacag 1621 atccctcaag tatagcagca agaggataca tttcaacaag ggttgagatg ggcgaggcgg 1681 ctgccatctt catgaccgcc acgccaccag gaacccgtga cgcatttccg gactccaact 1741 caccaattat ggacaccgaa gtggaagtcc cagagagagc ctggagctca ggctttgatt 1801 gggtgacaga gta //
  17. Beijing National Institute for Viral Diseases Control and Prevention release partial sequence from Ganxian, Jiangxi ex-Venezuela case.
  18. LOCUS KU740199 1813 bp RNA linear VRL 22-FEB-2016 DEFINITION Zika virus isolate VE_Ganxian2016 polyprotein gene, partial cds. ACCESSION KU740199 VERSION KU740199.1 GI:998963116 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Zika virus ORGANISM Zika virus Viruses; ssRNA viruses; ssRNA positive-strand viruses, no DNA stage; Flaviviridae; Flavivirus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 1813) AUTHORS Wu,W., Zhao,X., Liu,L., Li,J., Qu,J., Zhang,S., Li,W., Liang,M. and Li,D. TITLE First imported case of Zika virus infection in China mainland, February 2016 JOURNAL Unpublished REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 1813) AUTHORS Wu,W., Zhao,X., Liu,L., Li,J., Qu,J., Zhang,S., Li,W., Liang,M. and Li,D. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (20-FEB-2016) Department of Viral Hemorrhagic Fever, National Institute for Viral Diseases Control and Prevention, Changbai Road 155, Beijing, Beijing 102206, China COMMENT ##Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: CLC Genomics Workbench v. 8.5.1 Sequencing Technology :: IonTorrent ##Assembly-Data-END## FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..1813 /organism="Zika virus" /mol_type="genomic RNA" /isolate="VE_Ganxian2016" /isolation_source="urine" /host="Homo sapiens" /db_xref="taxon:64320" /country="China" /collection_date="07-Feb-2016" /note="type: Asian" CDS <1..>1813 /note="contains nonstructural proteins" /codon_start=3 /product="polyprotein" /protein_id="AMK79467.1" /db_xref="GI:998963117" /translation="VLASCLLQTAISALEGDLMVLINGFALAWLAVRAMVVPRTDNIT LAILAALTPLARGTLLVAWRAGLATCGGFMLLSLKGKGSVKKNLPFVMALGLTAVRLV DPINVVGLLLLTRSGKRSWPPSEVLTAVGLICALAGGFAKADIEMAGPMAAVGLLIVS YVVSGKSVDMYIERAGDITWEKDAEVTGNSPRLDVALDESGDFSLVEDDGPPMREIIL KVVLMTICGMNPIAIPFAAGAWYVYVKTGKRSGALWDVPAPKEVKKGETTDGVYRVMT RRLLGSTQVGVGVMQEGVFHTMWHVTKGSALRSGEGRLDPYWGDVKQDLVSYCGPWKL DAAWDGHSEVQLLAVPPGERARNIQTLPGIFKTKDGDIGAVALDYPAGTSGSPILDKC GRVIGLYGNGVVIKNGSYVSAITQGRREEETPVECFEPSMLKKKQLTVLDLHPGAGKT RRVLPEIVREAIKTRLRTVILAPTRVVAAEMEEALRGLPVRYMTTAVNVTHSGTEIVD LMCHATFTSRLLQPIRVPNYNLYIMDEAHFTDPSSIAARGYISTRVEMGEAAAIFMTA TPPGTRDAFPDSNSPIMDTEVEVPERAWSSGFDWVTE" mat_peptide <1..368 /product="NS2A" mat_peptide 369..800 /product="NS2B" mat_peptide 801..1811 /product="NS3" ORIGIN 1 tggtcttggc ctcgtgtctt ttgcaaactg cgatctccgc cttggaaggc gacctgatgg 61 ttctcatcaa tggttttgct ttggcctggt tggcagtacg agcgatggtt gttccacgca 121 ctgataacat caccttagca atcctggctg ctctgacacc actggcccgg ggcacactgc 181 ttgtggcgtg gagagcaggc cttgctactt gcggggggtt tatgctcctc tctctgaagg 241 gaaaaggcag tgtgaagaag aacttaccat ttgtcatggc cctgggacta accgctgtga 301 ggctggtcga ccccatcaac gtggtgggac tgctgttgct cacaaggagt gggaagcgga 361 gctggccccc tagcgaagta ctcacagctg ttggcctgat atgcgcattg gctggagggt 421 tcgccaaggc agatatagag atggctgggc ccatggccgc ggtcggtctg ctaattgtca 481 gttacgtggt ctcaggaaag agtgtggaca tgtacattga aagagcaggt gacatcacat 541 gggaaaaaga tgcggaagtc actggaaaca gtccccggct cgatgtggcg ctagatgaga 601 gtggtgattt ctccctggtg gaggatgacg gtccccccat gagagagatc atactcaagg 661 tggtcctgat gaccatctgt ggcatgaacc caatagccat accctttgca gctggagcgt 721 ggtacgtata cgtgaagact ggaaaaagga gtggtgctct atgggatgtg cctgctccca 781 aggaagtaaa aaagggggag accacagatg gagtgtacag agtaatgact cgcagactgc 841 taggttcaac acaagttgga gtgggagtta tgcaagaggg ggtctttcac actatgtggc 901 acgtcacaaa aggatccgcg ctgagaagcg gtgaagggag acttgatcca tactggggag 961 atgtcaagca ggatctggtg tcatactgtg gtccatggaa gctagatgcc gcctgggacg 1021 ggcacagcga ggtgcagctc ttggccgtgc cccccggaga gagagcgagg aacatccaga 1081 ctctgcccgg aatatttaag acaaaggatg gggacattgg agcggttgca ctggattacc 1141 cagcaggaac ttcaggatct ccaatcctag acaagtgtgg gagagtgata ggactttatg 1201 gcaatggggt cgtgatcaaa aatgggagtt atgttagtgc catcacccaa gggaggaggg 1261 aggaagagac tcctgttgag tgcttcgagc cttcgatgct gaagaagaag cagctaactg 1321 tcttagactt gcatcctgga gctgggaaaa ccaggagagt tcttcctgaa atagtccgtg 1381 aagccataaa aacaagactc cgtactgtga tcttggctcc aaccagggtt gtcgctgctg 1441 aaatggagga ggcccttaga gggcttccag tgcgttatat gacaacagca gtcaatgtca 1501 cccactctgg aacagaaatc gtcgacttaa tgtgccatgc caccttcact tcacgtctac 1561 tacagccaat tagagtcccc aactataatc tgtatattat ggatgaggcc cacttcacag 1621 atccctcaag tatagcagca agaggataca tttcaacaag ggttgagatg ggcgaggcgg 1681 ctgccatctt catgaccgcc acgccaccag gaacccgtga cgcatttccg gactccaact 1741 caccaattat ggacaccgaa gtggaagtcc cagagagagc ctggagctca ggctttgatt 1801 gggtgacaga gta
  19. 10 PM tonight Dr. Henry L. Niman, PhDZika Virus Is An STD
  20. Map update https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?hl=en&hl=en&authuser=0&authuser=0&mid=zv94AJqgUct4.kT4qLMXp3SLU
  21. First case of Zika virus found in MichiganPOSTED 3:41 PM, FEBRUARY 24, 2016, BY BOB BRENZING, UPDATED AT 03:43PM, FEBRUARY 24, 2016FACEBOOK44TWITTERGOOGLEPINTERESTLINKEDINEMAIL LANSING, Mich. – An Ingham County woman is the first person in Michigan to contract the Zika virus. The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services made the announcement Wednesday afternoon. They say the woman had been traveling to a country where Zika is being transmitted. She is not pregnant, but experienced symptoms consistent with Zika shortly after she returned to Michigan. Zika is spread primarily through the bite of infected mosquitoes. The type of mosquito is not found in Michigan, but are frequently found in tropical and subtropical areas. The most common symptoms of Zika are fever, rash, joint pain and red, itchy eyes. Symptoms are usually mild and last for several days. Many people don’t experience symptoms. Pregnant woman are most at risk for complications from Zika and serious birth defects have been reported in children born to infected women. For the most up-to-date information about where Zika virus is found, visithttp://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/page/zika-travel-information. For more information about Zika virus, visit www.cdc.gov/zika. http://fox17online.com/2016/02/24/first-case-of-zika-virus-found-in-michigan/?utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter_FOX17
  22. An Ingham County woman is the first person in Michigan to contract the Zika virus. The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services made the announcement Wednesday afternoon. They say the woman had been traveling to a country where Zika is being transmitted. She is not pregnant, but experienced symptoms consistent with Zika shortly after she returned to Michigan. http://fox17online.com/2016/02/24/first-case-of-zika-virus-found-in-michigan/?utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter_FOX17
  23. 3 pregnant Florida women test positive for Zika virusWFLA Web StaffPublished: February 24, 2016, 2:57 pm Updated: February 24, 2016, 3:01 pmClick to share on Twitter (Opens in new window) Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window) 5Share on Facebook (Opens in new window)5 Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window)Aedes aegypti mosquitoes sit in a petri dish at the Fiocruz institute in Recife, Pernambuco state, Brazil, Wednesday, Jan. 27, 2016. The mosquito is a vector for the proliferation of the Zika virus currently spreading throughout Latin America. New figures from Brazil's Health Ministry show that the Zika virus outbreak has not caused as many confirmed cases of a rare brain defect as first feared. (AP Photo/Felipe Dana)TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WFLA) — Three pregnant women in Florida have tested positive for a history of Zika virus, state health officials announced on Wednesday. Florida Surgeon General and Secretary of Health Dr. John Armstrong said on Wednesday that several women who have traveled to countries with local transmission of Zika, have received antibody testing. Of those women, three have tested positive for a history of Zika virus. The state will not release additional details about the women or details about where they live out of respect for their privacy. After learning that three pregnant Florida women tested positive for a history of virus, Florida Gov. Rick Scott on Wednesday requested that the CDC send 250 more Zika antibody tests to the state of Florida. The state has test kits that determine if someone has a history of the Zika virus (antibody test) or if someone is currently infected with the virus (active Zika virus). Florida currently has the capacity to test 4,793 people for active Zika virus and 1,195 for Zika antibodies. The Florida Health Department recommends that women who are pregnant or are thinking about becoming pregnant postpone travel to Zika affected areas. There are no locally acquired cases of the Zika virus in Florida. http://wfla.com/2016/02/24/3-zika-virus-cases-confirmed-in-pregnant-florida-women/
  24. Map update https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?hl=en&hl=en&authuser=0&authuser=0&mid=zv94AJqgUct4.kT4qLMXp3SLU
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