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  1. Beadle02 (lower) 10 km exclusion map https://www.fsis.usda.gov/sites/default/files/media_file/2022-03/Vietnam_03282022_HPAI_Beadle01_02_SD_dissolved_10k_zones.pdf
  2. USDA emergency response team to aid Minnesota poultry producers following H5N1 cases reported in 3 counties The teams are set to aid state experts to quarantine infected flocks and surveil for additional cases of the avian illness. By Dana Ferguson March 28, 2022 10:54 AM SHARE ST. PAUL — A federal emergency response team had been activated to help Minnesota respond to reported cases of H5N1 Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza in three poultry flocks, Gov. Tim Walz announced on Monday, March 28. The illness poses a low risk to humans and no cases of influenza have been detected in humans in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control. Walz in a news release said a team of United States Department of Agriculture emergency responders is set to work with Minnesota's Agricultural Incident Management Team to quarantine infected flocks in Meeker, Mower and Stearns counties and work in disease surveillance. The team is set to arrive on Wednesday, March 30, and spend at least three weeks assisting Minnesota producers. “Armed with years of preparation for this incident, our state’s Agricultural Incident Management Team is working quickly and decisively to respond to the cases of H5N1 in Minnesota,” Walz said. “Within hours of the first confirmed cases, our Board of Animal Health requested emergency support from the USDA. These federal partners will bring targeted expertise to contain this virus and ensure that our state’s poultry industry remains the strongest in the nation.” Minnesota is the top turkey-producing state in the country and boasts more than 660 turkey farms that raise 40 million birds annually. https://www.agweek.com/news/minnesota/usda-emergency-response-team-to-aid-minnesota-poultry-producers-following-h5n1-cases-reported-in-3-counties
  3. map update https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/2/edit?mid=1E2wqF61M_F0pc9zOvoEs075hbeDW_Lot&ll=41.55284017604963%2C-82.98202173320314&z=11
  4. While bald eagles are doing well in Ohio, the appearance of cases of bird flu are casting a shadow on the eagles and other local birds. Earlier in March, the ODNR announced that avian flu recently killed two eagles in the Port Clinton area. https://reviewtimes.com/news/377659/bald-eagles-still-increasing-in-ohio/
  5. MARCH 26, 2022 – WILLMAR, MINN. Jennie-O Turkey Store announced today that Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) has been confirmed in its supply chain. The issue currently involves one farm operation in Minnesota. Migratory waterfowl have been the primary carriers of HPAI, ultimately exposing domestic poultry to the virus. While farms supplying turkeys to Jennie-O Turkey Store have not had any confirmed cases until now, many regions, producers and companies have been impacted since February. Cases have included numerous chicken and turkey commercial farms, as well as smaller backyard flocks. Jennie-O Turkey Store has been preparing for this situation and took extensive precautions to protect the health of the turkeys in its supply chain. Jennie-O Turkey Store will continue to work with the USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Minnesota Board of Animal Health, Minnesota Department of Agriculture, as well as poultry industry associations on this issue. USDA and the National Turkey Federation are monitoring and responding to the situation and remind consumers that HPAI does not pose a food safety concern. Any updates to Jennie-O Turkey Store and HPAI will be made on its website at https://www.jennieo.com/ National Turkey Federation Information: https://www.eatturkey.org/avian-influenza/ https://www.jennieo.com/hpai-information/
  6. Bird flu found in Hormel Foods turkey flock Photo: ©BUDIMIR JEVTIC – STOCK.ADOBE.COM 03.28.2022 By Keith Nunes WILLMAR, MINN. – Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) has been confirmed in a commercial turkey flock in Meeker County, Minn., that supplies Jennie-O Turkey Store, a business unit of Hormel Foods Corp., Austin, Minn. Another case of HPAI also was found in a backyard flock in Mower County, Minn. State officials have quarantined the affected premises and the flocks will be depopulated, according to the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service of the US Department of Agriculture. The two confirmed cases of HPAI, which were disclosed on March 26, bring the total number of cases to 61 since Feb. 8, when a case was announced in a commercial turkey flock in Dubois, Ind. “Jennie-O Turkey Store has been preparing for this situation and took extensive precautions to protect the health of the turkeys in its supply chain,” the company said. “Jennie-O Turkey Store will continue to work with the USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Minnesota Board of Animal Health, Minnesota Department of Agriculture, as well as poultry industry associations on this issue. USDA and the National Turkey Federation are monitoring and responding to the situation and remind consumers that HPAI does not pose a food safety concern.” In addition to Minnesota and Indiana, additional cases of HPAI have been confirmed in commercial poultry flocks in Delaware, Iowa, Kentucky, Maryland, Missouri, Nebraska, New York, South Dakota and Wisconsin. More than 14 million birds, from both commercial and backyard flocks, have been depopulated since the outbreak began. The confirmation of HPAI in the United States has affected the egg commodity markets. Prices of some dried egg products jumped more than $1 a lb, or about 20%, last week and were up more than 30% since early March. Breaking egg prices in some cases surged as much as 50% for the week and were up 70% to 85% from earlier in the month. The price advances constituted the largest week-over-week gains at least since another outbreak of HPAI in 2014-15. Prices then rose to levels far above current values, but some in the trade expected prices may challenge 2015 levels. The bulk of the egg product price increases in 2015 occurred from mid-May to mid-August. This year’s advances are occurring earlier and coincide with increased demand ahead of the Easter holiday, although the bump in egg demand at Easter has not been that noticeable in recent years. The price increases also are occurring at a time of already-tight dried egg supplies, and some analysts surmised that panic buying was behind the sharp advances due to uncertainty about supplies in coming weeks. https://www.foodbusinessnews.net/articles/21001-bird-flu-found-in-hormel-foods-turkey-flock
  7. Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Detected in Macomb County Backyard Flock; MDARD Continues to Ask Poultry Owners to Step Up Biosecurity March 25, 2022 Currently, there are no public health or food safety concerns to Michiganders LANSING, MI – Following an investigation by the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (MDARD), the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Veterinary Services Laboratories (NVSL) has confirmed the presence of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) in a non-commercial backyard flock from Macomb County. This second detection in domestic birds underscores the ongoing high risk for HPAI in Michigan, and poultry owners need to take every precaution to protect their flocks through biosecurity. "This latest case of HPAI is not unexpected as wild birds are continuing to migrate and spread the disease. Now more than ever, it is vital for poultry owners to take every step possible to keep wild birds away from their flocks and follow other biosecurity measures," said State Veterinarian Dr. Nora Wineland. "Increasing biosecurity helps protect not only your flock but others around the state. Keeping HPAI away from Michigan’s domestic birds is a team effort.” After several birds from the affected flock died and others showed signs of illness, samples were sent to the Michigan State University Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory (MSU VDL) for testing. The results from MSU VDL were then confirmed by NVSL. To protect other flocks in Michigan, the premises is currently under quarantine, and the birds have been depopulated to prevent further disease spread. Similar to the previous detection in Kalamazoo County, this is another isolated case of the virus, and there are no anticipated disruptions to supply chains and no threat to public health or food safety. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, these HPAI detections do not present an immediate public health concern. No human cases of these avian influenza viruses have been detected in the United States. Also, no birds or bird products infected with HPAI will enter the food chain. As a reminder, all poultry and eggs should be handled and cooked properly. HPAI is a highly contagious virus that can be spread in various ways from flock to flock, including by wild birds, through contact with infected poultry, by equipment, and on the clothing and shoes of caretakers. Whether you have a few backyard birds or a large commercial flock, following these biosecurity measures is fundamental to protecting the health of Michigan’s domestic birds: Preventing contact between domestic and wild birds by bringing them indoors or ensuring their outdoor area is fully enclosed. Washing your hands before and after handling birds as well as when moving between different coops. Disinfecting boots and other gear when moving between coops. Not sharing equipment or other supplies between coops or other farms. Cleaning and disinfecting equipment and other supplies between uses. If it cannot be disinfected, discard it. Using well or municipal water as drinking water for birds. Keeping poultry feed secure so there is no contact between the feed/feed ingredients and wild birds or rodents. Poultry owners and caretakers should watch for unusual deaths, a drop in egg production, a significant decrease in water consumption, or an increase in sick birds. If avian influenza is suspected, contact MDARD immediately at 800-292-3939 (daytime) or 517-373-0440 (after-hours). MDARD is continuing to work diligently with local, state, and federal partners to quickly respond to reports of sick or dead domestic birds to best mitigate the spread of HPAI and provide outreach. Stay Up to Date Subscribe to receive email notifications by visiting MDARD’s website and clicking on the “Avian Influenza” link. After entering a valid email address, subscribers will receive updates and alerts regarding the status of avian influenza in Michigan whenever there are new developments to report. Additional resources can also be found at Michigan.gov/BirdFlu. More information on avian influenza and how to protect flocks through biosecurity measures can be found on the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s website Department of Agriculture and Rural Development https://www.michigan.gov/mdard/about/media/pressreleases/2022/03/25/highly-pathogenic-avian-influenza-detected-in-macomb
  8. map update https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/2/edit?mid=1E2wqF61M_F0pc9zOvoEs075hbeDW_Lot&ll=41.27985763410665%2C-97.32470754704431&z=12
  9. Nebraska Butler 3/24/2022 Commercial Broiler Chickens 417,000 https://www.aphis.usda.gov/aphis/ourfocus/animalhealth/animal-disease-information/avian/avian-influenza/hpai-2022/2022-hpai-commercial-backyard-flocks
  10. map update https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/2/edit?mid=1E2wqF61M_F0pc9zOvoEs075hbeDW_Lot&ll=42.88657094770831%2C-95.5282558014069&z=10
  11. Iowa Buena Vista 3/24/2022 Commercial Turkeys 53,804 https://www.aphis.usda.gov/aphis/ourfocus/animalhealth/animal-disease-information/avian/avian-influenza/hpai-2022/2022-hpai-commercial-backyard-flocks
  12. map update https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/2/edit?mid=1E2wqF61M_F0pc9zOvoEs075hbeDW_Lot&ll=42.748377365399115%2C-83.06342835257676&z=10
  13. Michigan Macomb 3/24/2022 Backyard Mixed Species (non-poultry) 86 https://www.aphis.usda.gov/aphis/ourfocus/animalhealth/animal-disease-information/avian/avian-influenza/hpai-2022/2022-hpai-commercial-backyard-flocks
  14. map update https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/2/edit?mid=1E2wqF61M_F0pc9zOvoEs075hbeDW_Lot&ll=41.77876113103893%2C-83.56259367068364&z=11
  15. Michigan Monroe 3/24/2022 Backyard Mixed Species (non-poultry) 175 https://www.aphis.usda.gov/aphis/ourfocus/animalhealth/animal-disease-information/avian/avian-influenza/hpai-2022/2022-hpai-commercial-backyard-flocks
  16. map update https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/2/edit?mid=1E2wqF61M_F0pc9zOvoEs075hbeDW_Lot&ll=44.0420797511847%2C-98.97257337331281&z=11
  17. South Dakota Jerauld 3/24/2022 Commercial Turkeys 45,000 https://www.aphis.usda.gov/aphis/ourfocus/animalhealth/animal-disease-information/avian/avian-influenza/hpai-2022/2022-hpai-commercial-backyard-flocks
  18. https://coronavirus.health.ny.gov/covid-19-testing-tracker#/signin?externalRedirect=%2Fviews%2FNYS-COVID19-Tracker%2FNYSDOHCOVID-19Tracker-Map%3F%3Aembed%3Dyes%26%3Atoolbar%3Dno%26%3Atabs%3Dn&site=
  19. New Confirmed Cases¹ 604 Established via PCR testing New Probable Cases² 133 Established via antigen testing New Lab-Confirmed Deaths 1 Source: CDRSS Hospital-reported Deaths (last 24h)³ 5 Rate of Transmission (Rt) 0.98 Statewide https://www.nj.gov/health/cd/topics/covid2019_dashboard.shtml
  20. Confirmed Cases 2,303,768 Probable Cases 475,281 Negative Tests 6,139,837 Deaths 44,209 https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/ed2def13f9b045eda9f7d22dbc9b500e
  21. Harris County Confirmed Cases 974,855 Dallas County Confirmed Cases 486,798 Bexar County Confirmed Cases 468,802 Tarrant County Confirmed Cases 455,048 Travis County Confirmed Cases 202,459 El Paso County Confirmed Cases 195,653 Fort Bend County Confirmed Cases 158,702 Collin County Confirmed Cases 157,776 Hidalgo County Confirmed Cases 139,977 Denton County Confirmed Cases 128,779 Montgomery County Confirmed Cases 109,056 Williamson County Confirmed Cases 108,382 Webb County Confirmed Cases 85,311 Galveston County Confirmed Cases 83,132 Cameron County Confirmed Cases 79,006 Brazoria County Confirmed Cases 76,930 Lubbock County Confirmed Cases 64,863 Nueces County Confirmed Cases 60,860 Brazos County Confirmed Cases 54,527 Bell County Confirmed Cases 53,653 Hays County Confirmed Cases 51,877 McLennan County Confirmed Cases 48,649 Jefferson County Confirmed Cases 43,155 Ellis County Confirmed Cases 38,039 Johnson County Confirmed Cases 32,933 Smith County Confirmed Cases 28,939 Wichita County Confirmed Cases 28,917 Kaufman County Confirmed Cases 27,900 Potter County Confirmed Cases 27,501 Parker County Confirmed Cases 27,015 Guadalupe County Confirmed Cases 26,205 Randall County Confirmed Cases 25,391 Midland County Confirmed Cases 25,293 Grayson County Confirmed Cases 23,680 Comal County Confirmed Cases 21,951 Ector County Confirmed Cases 20,224 Rockwall County Confirmed Cases 19,886 Maverick County Confirmed Cases 19,352 Victoria County Confirmed Cases 16,735 Walker County Confirmed Cases 16,254 Bastrop County Confirmed Cases 16,210 Coryell County Confirmed Cases 14,895 Starr County Confirmed Cases 14,543 Wise County Confirmed Cases 14,097 Val Verde County Confirmed Cases 13,832 Liberty County Confirmed Cases 13,686 Taylor County Confirmed Cases 13,230 Gregg County Confirmed Cases 12,424 Henderson County Confirmed Cases 12,207 Caldwell County Confirmed Cases 11,985 Bowie County Confirmed Cases 11,877 Hunt County Confirmed Cases 11,303 Atascosa County Confirmed Cases 10,781 Chambers County Confirmed Cases 10,127 Uvalde County Confirmed Cases 9,773 Nacogdoches County Confirmed Cases 9,007 Angelina County Confirmed Cases 8,946 Burnet County Confirmed Cases 8,915 San Patricio County Confirmed Cases 8,723 Jim Wells County Confirmed Cases 8,600 Tom Green County Confirmed Cases 8,597 Hood County Confirmed Cases 8,589 Waller County Confirmed Cases 7,882 Washington County Confirmed Cases 7,690 Wilson County Confirmed Cases 7,509 Grimes County Confirmed Cases 7,418 Medina County Confirmed Cases 7,315 Wharton County Confirmed Cases 7,018 Matagorda County Confirmed Cases 6,880 Harrison County Confirmed Cases 6,870 Van Zandt County Confirmed Cases 6,733 Hill County Confirmed Cases 6,667 Anderson County Confirmed Cases 6,619 Bee County Confirmed Cases 6,549 Rusk County Confirmed Cases 6,435 Hockley County Confirmed Cases 6,345 Orange County Confirmed Cases 6,244 Hale County Confirmed Cases 6,199 Brown County Confirmed Cases 6,181 Palo Pinto County Confirmed Cases 6,159 Navarro County Confirmed Cases 6,129 Erath County Confirmed Cases 5,959 Willacy County Confirmed Cases 5,854 Cooke County Confirmed Cases 5,792 Titus County Confirmed Cases 5,724 Hardin County Confirmed Cases 5,624 Hutchinson County Confirmed Cases 5,370 Polk County Confirmed Cases 5,015 Wood County Confirmed Cases 5,009 Kleberg County Confirmed Cases 4,882 Kendall County Confirmed Cases 4,798 Dimmit County Confirmed Cases 4,788 Karnes County Confirmed Cases 4,781 Lampasas County Confirmed Cases 4,739 Hopkins County Confirmed Cases 4,661 Scurry County Confirmed Cases 4,572 Cass County Confirmed Cases 4,525 Kerr County Confirmed Cases 4,435 Frio County Confirmed Cases 4,431 Austin County Confirmed Cases 4,416 Fannin County Confirmed Cases 4,245 Gray County Confirmed Cases 4,140 Burleson County Confirmed Cases 4,062 Montague County Confirmed Cases 4,028 San Jacinto County Confirmed Cases 4,017 DeWitt County Confirmed Cases 3,981 Lamar County Confirmed Cases 3,977 Deaf Smith County Confirmed Cases 3,750 Moore County Confirmed Cases 3,727 Howard County Confirmed Cases 3,677 Robertson County Confirmed Cases 3,634 Calhoun County Confirmed Cases 3,605 Limestone County Confirmed Cases 3,604 Upshur County Confirmed Cases 3,555 Jasper County Confirmed Cases 3,463 Andrews County Confirmed Cases 3,431 Zavala County Confirmed Cases 3,377 Gonzales County Confirmed Cases 3,331 Young County Confirmed Cases 3,307 Cherokee County Confirmed Cases 3,266 Lamb County Confirmed Cases 3,251 Gillespie County Confirmed Cases 3,247 Aransas County Confirmed Cases 3,172 Falls County Confirmed Cases 3,163 Fayette County Confirmed Cases 3,147 Colorado County Confirmed Cases 2,998 Jones County Confirmed Cases 2,948 Bosque County Confirmed Cases 2,854 Madison County Confirmed Cases 2,850 Nolan County Confirmed Cases 2,806 Wilbarger County Confirmed Cases 2,792 Milam County Confirmed Cases 2,772 Leon County Confirmed Cases 2,750 Shelby County Confirmed Cases 2,726 Lavaca County Confirmed Cases 2,663 Llano County Confirmed Cases 2,649 Panola County Confirmed Cases 2,618 Jackson County Confirmed Cases 2,616 Bandera County Confirmed Cases 2,550 Duval County Confirmed Cases 2,502 Comanche County Confirmed Cases 2,490 Childress County Confirmed Cases 2,462 Zapata County Confirmed Cases 2,388 Freestone County Confirmed Cases 2,272 Reeves County Confirmed Cases 2,242 Houston County Confirmed Cases 2,207 Lee County Confirmed Cases 2,144 Pecos County Confirmed Cases 2,067 Ochiltree County Confirmed Cases 2,061 Ward County Confirmed Cases 2,058 Eastland County Confirmed Cases 1,961 Dawson County Confirmed Cases 1,863 Archer County Confirmed Cases 1,859 Trinity County Confirmed Cases 1,802 Castro County Confirmed Cases 1,793 Clay County Confirmed Cases 1,777 Camp County Confirmed Cases 1,770 La Salle County Confirmed Cases 1,746 Mitchell County Confirmed Cases 1,735 Dallam County Confirmed Cases 1,730 Hamilton County Confirmed Cases 1,689 Tyler County Confirmed Cases 1,674 Morris County Confirmed Cases 1,651 Live Oak County Confirmed Cases 1,617 Gaines County Confirmed Cases 1,567 Winkler County Confirmed Cases 1,491 Franklin County Confirmed Cases 1,488 Terry County Confirmed Cases 1,482 Parmer County Confirmed Cases 1,456 Blanco County Confirmed Cases 1,440 Callahan County Confirmed Cases 1,424 Somervell County Confirmed Cases 1,323 Jack County Confirmed Cases 1,307 Lynn County Confirmed Cases 1,255 Swisher County Confirmed Cases 1,253 Mills County Confirmed Cases 1,195 Brooks County Confirmed Cases 1,153 Refugio County Confirmed Cases 1,146 Floyd County Confirmed Cases 1,136 Runnels County Confirmed Cases 1,127 Hemphill County Confirmed Cases 1,074 Carson County Confirmed Cases 1,069 Red River County Confirmed Cases 1,059 Coleman County Confirmed Cases 1,036 Hartley County Confirmed Cases 1,034 Crosby County Confirmed Cases 1,026 Rains County Confirmed Cases 1,014 Stephens County Confirmed Cases 993 Marion County Confirmed Cases 977 Bailey County Confirmed Cases 925 Wheeler County Confirmed Cases 922 Hall County Confirmed Cases 862 Yoakum County Confirmed Cases 831 San Saba County Confirmed Cases 809 Newton County Confirmed Cases 803 Jim Hogg County Confirmed Cases 796 Goliad County Confirmed Cases 792 Hudspeth County Confirmed Cases 790 Brewster County Confirmed Cases 789 Delta County Confirmed Cases 740 Martin County Confirmed Cases 724 Presidio County Confirmed Cases 691 Sabine County Confirmed Cases 690 McCulloch County Confirmed Cases 648 Cochran County Confirmed Cases 643 Hansford County Confirmed Cases 643 Kinney County Confirmed Cases 643 Garza County Confirmed Cases 611 Real County Confirmed Cases 563 Fisher County Confirmed Cases 554 Lipscomb County Confirmed Cases 554 Concho County Confirmed Cases 552 San Augustine County Confirmed Cases 526 Hardeman County Confirmed Cases 498 Collingsworth County Confirmed Cases 493 Culberson County Confirmed Cases 470 Donley County Confirmed Cases 452 Haskell County Confirmed Cases 387 Sutton County Confirmed Cases 384 Kimble County Confirmed Cases 368 Sherman County Confirmed Cases 366 Armstrong County Confirmed Cases 338 Crane County Confirmed Cases 337 Briscoe County Confirmed Cases 336 Coke County Confirmed Cases 335 Baylor County Confirmed Cases 314 Edwards County Confirmed Cases 313 Oldham County Confirmed Cases 310 Mason County Confirmed Cases 304 Reagan County Confirmed Cases 291 Knox County Confirmed Cases 286 Cottle County Confirmed Cases 254 Schleicher County Confirmed Cases 241 Menard County Confirmed Cases 218 Shackelford County Confirmed Cases 213 Irion County Confirmed Cases 208 Dickens County Confirmed Cases 206 Jeff Davis County Confirmed Cases 165 Foard County Confirmed Cases 161 Crockett County Confirmed Cases 147 Roberts County Confirmed Cases 147 McMullen County Confirmed Cases 134 Upton County Confirmed Cases 134 Motley County Confirmed Cases 126 Sterling County Confirmed Cases 95 Throckmorton County Confirmed Cases 87 Terrell County Confirmed Cases 79 Borden County Confirmed Cases 75 Glasscock County Confirmed Cases 74 Stonewall County Confirmed Cases 74 Kent County Confirmed Cases 65 Kenedy County Confirmed Cases 45 Loving County Confirmed Cases 42 King County Confirmed Cases 30 Incomplete Address Confirmed Cases 68 https://www.arcgis.com/apps/dashboards/45e18cba105c478697c76acbbf86a6bc,322
  22. Number of confirmed cases : 1,010,722 Testing % Positive : 1.50% Total testing volume : 19,471,235 Daily testing Volume : 14,872 Number of confirmed deaths : 14,062 Number of probable deaths : 264 Currently hospitalized (Total/Adult/Pediatric): 149 / 145 / 4 Acute care (Total/Adult/Pediatric): 110 / 109 / 1 Intensive care (Total/Adult/Pediatric): 39 / 36 / 3 https://coronavirus.maryland.gov/
  23. Positive Cases Data Last Updated:03/27/2022 11:11 AM Total Positive Cases 259,374 2,831.6 per 10,000 people May 2020Sep 2020Jan 2021May 2021Sep 2021Jan 2022 Cumulative Number of Confirmed Positive Cases 236,009 Cumulative Number of Probable Positive Cases 23,365 Cumulative Number of Long-Term Care Cases 3,687 Positive Cases by County County Positive Cases New Castle County 146,867 View New Castle County data Kent County 50,134 View Kent County data Sussex County 61,453 View Sussex County data Unknown 920 View more case data Data are current as of 6pm the previous day. Last update: 03/26/2022 State of Delaware Deaths Data Last Updated:03/27/2022 11:11 AM Total Deaths 2,846 23.0 per 10,000 people May 2020Sep 2020Jan 2021May 2021Sep 2021Jan 2022 Confirmed Deaths 2,574 Probable Deaths 272 Long-Term Care Deaths 932 View more death data Data are current as of 6pm the previous day. Last update: 03/26/2022 https://myhealthycommunity.dhss.delaware.gov/locations/state
  24. https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/633006d0782b4544bd5113a314f6268a/page/Page-1/
  25. map update https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/2/edit?mid=1E2wqF61M_F0pc9zOvoEs075hbeDW_Lot&ll=45.64673217420131%2C-94.95788682312865&z=11
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