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CoffeeLover last won the day on March 13 2020

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  1. Have you ever known sequence submissions to be withdrawn?
  2. Are these sequences from residents of Singapore or are the sequences simply being processed from a lab located in Singapore? My daughter is in Singapore right now.
  3. “Rapid evolution “are the terms that a lay person needs to have to understand what’s happening.
  4. Thank you for the term “rapid recombination “because those two words are the most important to a lay person.
  5. Only this link and table says that Ronna McDaniel tested positive on September 25. Is the table accurate? Then you follow the dates and people. https://public.tableau.com/profile/peter.james.walker#!/vizhome/COVID-19attheWhiteHouse-ContactTracking/OverviewDash I read it wrong. That was her last contact with the President.
  6. So it took basically seven months for Idaho to go from 0 to 180 and then it doubled from that in one month. Is there anything significant about that or a pattern to watch for?
  7. Does this mean it was derived from the vaccine? If so, I don’t see anything in print that indicates they are stopping use of that vaccine.
  8. According to the Arizona dashboard the deaths are 3454.
  9. Relative to June 5, 2020 Niman/Rense interview. If I am understanding correctly, a vaccine specific to the Wuhan strain could make a person more susceptible to the virulence of the Italian strain since the vaccines are basically strain specific. Based on that premise, could the disparity of how COVID-19 is affecting people be partially due to prior vaccinations which could cause that susceptibility?
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