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  1. By Los Angeles Times Staff Updated Dec. 30, 9:59 p.m. Pacific 2,261,989 confirmed cases +31,268 on Wednesday 25,411 deaths +424 on Wednesday 300,696 vaccinated 1% of adults To better understand the COVID-19 pandemic, The Times is conducting an independent, continual survey of dozens of local health agencies across the state. What we know The holiday drove down new case counts. Many local health departments closed for Christmas. Tallies over the holiday weekend are not fully representative. Stay-at-home orders have returned. Most of the state, including Los Angeles County, is currently under stricter rules. New cases have been surging. Over the last seven days, the state has averaged 36,139 cases per day, a 2.4% increase from two weeks ago. Roughly 12% of tests this past week have come back positive. Deaths are on the rise. The state has averaged 251.4 daily deaths over the last week, an increase of 23.8% from two weeks ago. Hospitalizations have never been higher. Statewide, there are 20,612 people hospitalized with a confirmed case, 38% more than two weeks ago. Among those patients, 4,389 are in intensive care. Disparities in age and race persist. Roughly 74% of the dead were 65 or older. After adjusting for population, Latinos are now 2.6 times more likely than whites to test positive. California counties +Other trackers +More coverage + Jump to a section Totals Hotspots Maps Hospitals Vaccine Tests Demographics Nursing homes Prisons State rankings The latest totals Coronavirus can infect people so rapidly that it has continued to spread despite shutdown orders aimed at slowing the growth of new cases and flattening the line below. The number of cases in California is now on pace to double every 37.3 days, a number used to measure how quickly the virus is spreading. CasesDeaths Cumulative cases Feb.AprilJuneAug.Oct.Dec.0500,0001,000,0001,500,0002,000,000Stay-at-home orderStay-at-home orderGovernoreases limitsGovernoreases limits2,261,989Dec. 30 Times survey of county and local health departments Local governments announce new cases and deaths each day, though bottlenecks in bureaucracy can introduce delays. For instance, some agencies do not report new totals on holidays and weekends, leading to lower numbers on those days. Over the past week, the state has averaged 36,139 new cases and 251.4 new deaths per day. Experts say the true number of people infected is unknown and likely much higher than official tallies. New cases by day Feb.AprilJuneAug.Oct.Dec.010,00020,00030,00040,00050,00060,00070,0007-dayaverage7-dayaverage Deaths by day Feb.AprilJuneAug.Oct.Dec.01002003004007-dayaverage7-dayaverage Seven-day averages offer a more stable view of the trend than daily totals. On the cases chart, gray bars mark when errors in a state computer system delayed the tabulation of new cases. Where new cases are concentrated State officials study the latest data and then rate regions and counties to determine when and how businesses reopen. The government doesn‘t release enough data to replicate its analysis, but the rate of new cases per 100,000 residents over the last seven days provides insight into where the virus is spreading. Metric CasesDeaths Method Per 100kTotals Regions ranked by new cases per 100,000 residents 1. Southern California 814 cases per 100k in last 7 days814 cases per 100k in last 7 days7-day average │7-day average │March 1Dec. 31 2. San Joaquin Valley 603.9603.97-day average │7-day average │March 1Dec. 31 3. Greater Sacramento 371.7371.77-day average │7-day average │March 1Dec. 31 4. Bay Area 335.6335.67-day average │7-day average │March 1Dec. 31 5. Northern California 261.7261.77-day average │7-day average │March 1Dec. 31 After adjusting for population, the virus is now categorized as widespread in 54 the state's 58 counties, which results in stricter rules being put into place. Together they are home to 99% of California residents. Metric CasesDeaths Method Per 100kTotals Counties ranked by new cases per 100,000 residents 1. Lassen 1,394.9 cases per 100k in last 7 days1,394.9 cases per 100k in last 7 days7-day average │7-day average │March 1Dec. 31 2. San Bernardino 1,045.71,045.77-day average │7-day average │March 1Dec. 31 3. Riverside 994.6994.67-day average │7-day average │March 1Dec. 31 4. Amador 9129127-day average │7-day average │March 1Dec. 31 5. Los Angeles 909.1909.17-day average │7-day average │March 1Dec. 31 6. Kern 791.8791.87-day average │7-day average │March 1Dec. 31 7. Orange 687.5687.57-day average │7-day average │March 1Dec. 31 8. Kings 642.3642.37-day average │7-day average │March 1Dec. 31 9. Colusa 638.3638.37-day average │7-day average │March 1Dec. 31 10. Monterey 636.4636.47-day average │7-day average │March 1Dec. 31 11. Madera 624.5624.57-day average │7-day average │March 1Dec. 31 12. San Benito 617.7617.77-day average │7-day average │March 1Dec. 31 13. Ventura 599.2599.27-day average │7-day average │March 1Dec. 31 14. Imperial 594.3594.37-day average │7-day average │March 1Dec. 31 15. San Joaquin 591.6591.67-day average │7-day average │March 1Dec. 31 16. Tulare 5875877-day average │7-day average │March 1Dec. 31 17. Fresno 563.2563.27-day average │7-day average │March 1Dec. 31 18. Merced 542.6542.67-day average │7-day average │March 1Dec. 31 19. San Diego 539.4539.47-day average │7-day average │March 1Dec. 31 20. Tehama 530.2530.27-day average │7-day average │March 1Dec. 31 21. Sutter 501.7501.77-day average │7-day average │March 1Dec. 31 22. Solano 493.5493.57-day average │7-day average │March 1Dec. 31 23. Stanislaus 477.1477.17-day average │7-day average │March 1Dec. 31 24. Tuolumne 439.4439.47-day average │7-day average │March 1Dec. 31 25. Mono 437.4437.47-day average │7-day average │March 1Dec. 31 26. Placer 416.2416.27-day average │7-day average │March 1Dec. 31 27. Napa 407.7407.77-day average │7-day average │March 1Dec. 31 28. Glenn 405.1405.17-day average │7-day average │March 1Dec. 31 29. Yuba 402.7402.77-day average │7-day average │March 1Dec. 31 30. Inyo 398.1398.17-day average │7-day average │March 1Dec. 31 31. Santa Clara 390.2390.27-day average │7-day average │March 1Dec. 31 32. Santa Cruz 385.4385.47-day average │7-day average │March 1Dec. 31 33. Sacramento 366.6366.67-day average │7-day average │March 1Dec. 31 34. Santa Barbara 358.5358.57-day average │7-day average │March 1Dec. 31 35. Yolo 352.1352.17-day average │7-day average │March 1Dec. 31 36. Lake 338.3338.37-day average │7-day average │March 1Dec. 31 37. El Dorado 335.4335.47-day average │7-day average │March 1Dec. 31 38. San Luis Obispo 310.9310.97-day average │7-day average │March 1Dec. 31 39. San Mateo 304.6304.67-day average │7-day average │March 1Dec. 31 40. Modoc 302.1302.17-day average │7-day average │March 1Dec. 31 41. Contra Costa 302.1302.17-day average │7-day average │March 1Dec. 31 42. Butte 301.7301.77-day average │7-day average │March 1Dec. 31 43. Alameda 2962967-day average │7-day average │March 1Dec. 31 44. Sonoma 284.8284.87-day average │7-day average │March 1Dec. 31 45. Sierra 2732737-day average │7-day average │March 1Dec. 31 46. Del Norte 269.8269.87-day average │7-day average │March 1Dec. 31 47. Alpine 261.3261.37-day average │7-day average │March 1Dec. 31 48. Calaveras 218.9218.97-day average │7-day average │March 1Dec. 31 49. Mendocino 197.9197.97-day average │7-day average │March 1Dec. 31 50. San Francisco 184.8184.87-day average │7-day average │March 1Dec. 31 51. Nevada 178.6178.67-day average │7-day average │March 1Dec. 31 52. Plumas 165.8165.87-day average │7-day average │March 1Dec. 31 53. Marin 162.5162.57-day average │7-day average │March 1Dec. 31 54. Siskiyou 160.8160.87-day average │7-day average │March 1Dec. 31 55. Mariposa 148.2148.27-day average │7-day average │March 1Dec. 31 56. Humboldt 141.4141.47-day average │7-day average │March 1Dec. 31 57. Shasta 78.278.27-day average │7-day average │March 1Dec. 31 58. Trinity 54.454.47-day average │7-day average │March 1Dec. 31 Show less The Times' calculation of per capita rates can vary from what's published elsewhere. To learn more about how and why this count sometimes differs from official figures, consult our FAQ. What's open where? See how the governor has rated all 58 counties, and what that means for reopening, in our county reopening tracker. Mapping the toll The coronavirus has been found in all 58 counties, from urban Southern California to the state's rural north. Cumulative totals Metric CasesDeaths Method Per 100kTotals Confirmed cases1.3k2.5k4k5.8k7.2k10.6k14.8k Hover for more information. Los AngelesLos AngelesSan DiegoSan DiegoSacramentoSacramentoSan FranciscoSan FranciscoReddingReddingFresnoFresno Cumulative totals County Cases Per 100k Wednesday Deaths Per 100k Wednesday Lassen » 4,615 14,798.8 – 9 28.9 – Imperial » 22,128 12,278.6 +171 414 229.7 +3 Kings » 15,915 10,604.7 +106 110 73.3 – San Bernardino » 193,214 9,048.1 +2,127 1,442 67.5 +4 Kern » 68,316 7,736.3 +1,024 510 57.8 +6 Riverside » 180,537 7,575.1 +3,849 1,951 81.9 +8 Los Angeles » 756,840 7,494.9 +10,174 10,068 99.7 +262 Tulare » 33,125 7,193.6 +547 399 86.6 +10 Merced » 19,245 7,152.3 +179 252 93.7 +4 Sutter » 6,411 6,687 +70 50 52.2 +1 Fresno » 65,149 6,660.6 +875 646 66 – Madera » 10,273 6,627.2 +101 117 75.5 +1 Amador » 2,502 6,614 +60 24 63.4 – Stanislaus » 34,141 6,330.6 +242 608 112.7 +12 Mono » 895 6,314.4 +2 4 28.2 – Monterey » 27,289 6,299.2 +537 190 43.9 – Colusa » 1,351 6,294.3 +19 8 37.3 – San Joaquin » 44,660 6,099.3 – 628 85.8 – San Benito » 3,538 5,954.6 +49 28 47.1 – Alpine » 67 5,836.2 +1 0 0 – Tuolumne » 2,921 5,416.1 +80 21 38.9 – Glenn » 1,449 5,194.1 +57 14 50.2 – Tehama » 3,253 5,133.1 +31 36 56.8 +2 Yuba » 3,858 5,110.4 +32 18 23.8 – Orange » 156,573 4,948.3 +4,514 1,874 59.2 +27 San Diego » 152,512 4,617.6 +2,448 1,472 44.6 +37 Ventura » 37,977 4,477.8 +405 260 30.7 +5 Solano » 19,008 4,334.5 +282 98 22.3 – Shasta » 7,707 4,303.5 – 73 40.8 – Sacramento » 64,405 4,265.2 +507 844 55.9 +11 Napa » 5,664 4,030.5 +49 27 19.2 +1 Santa Barbara » 17,008 3,832.9 +276 157 35.4 +1 Yolo » 8,097 3,766.4 +142 109 50.7 – Sonoma » 18,872 3,764.5 – 184 36.7 – Marin » 9,728 3,737.3 +67 139 53.4 – San Luis Obispo » 10,178 3,616.2 +576 82 29.1 +8 Modoc » 320 3,580.2 +5 1 11.2 – Placer » 13,550 3,565.1 +278 125 32.9 – Santa Clara » 67,423 3,507.6 – 673 35 – Contra Costa » 39,736 3,506.4 +345 331 29.2 +8 Inyo » 619 3,422.7 +1 20 110.6 – Butte » 7,269 3,201.1 +96 96 42.3 +6 San Mateo » 24,246 3,165.5 +330 217 28.3 – Santa Cruz » 8,407 3,070.9 +205 83 30.3 – Alameda » 50,196 3,053.8 – 625 38 – El Dorado » 5,649 3,026.3 +36 22 11.8 +1 Mendocino » 2,487 2,844.8 +46 26 29.7 – Lake » 1,819 2,835.6 +22 23 35.9 – Del Norte » 754 2,749.4 +21 2 7.3 – Siskiyou » 1,146 2,632.1 +14 11 25.3 +1 San Francisco » 22,776 2,617.8 +184 184 21.1 +2 Nevada » 2,565 2,588.5 +17 50 50.5 – Plumas » 474 2,534.9 +6 4 21.4 +1 Trinity » 272 2,114.8 +1 4 31.1 – Calaveras » 853 1,885.7 – 22 48.6 – Sierra » 42 1,433.4 +1 0 0 – Mariposa » 234 1,334.1 +8 4 22.8 – Humboldt » 1,731 1,275 +53 22 16.2 +2 Show less Residents of cities, neighborhoods and regions all across the state have contracted the coronavirus. Here are the latest tallies for 1,350 places as released by county health departments. Confirmed cases 100 1,000 10,000 Counties that do not report cases by locality © Mapbox © OpenStreetMap Improve this map The following counties currently do not report cases by locality: Alpine, Colusa, Glenn, Mariposa, Modoc, San Benito, Tehama and Tuolumne Filter by countyAlameda Amador Butte Calaveras Contra Costa Del Norte El Dorado Fresno Humboldt Imperial Inyo Kern Kings Lake Lassen Los Angeles Madera Marin Mendocino Merced Mono Monterey Napa Nevada Orange Placer Plumas Riverside Sacramento San Bernardino San Diego San Francisco San Joaquin San Luis Obispo San Mateo Santa Barbara Santa Clara Santa Cruz Shasta Sierra Siskiyou Solano Sonoma Stanislaus Sutter Trinity Tulare Ventura Yolo Yuba Search by name Area Confirmed cases East Los Angeles 16,732 Pomona 16,139 Palmdale 15,053 Lancaster 13,501 North Hollywood 12,338 South Gate 11,751 Santa Clarita 11,615 Boyle Heights 11,347 Downey 11,343 El Monte 11,048 Glendale 11,002 Pacoima 10,830 Compton 10,528 Norwalk 9,766 Sylmar 9,753 Van Nuys 9,214 Unincorporated - Florence-Firestone 8,838 Lynwood 8,509 Panorama City 8,407 Baldwin Park 8,160 West Covina 8,002 90805: Long Beach 7,933 Inglewood 7,919 Huntington Park 7,319 Pico Rivera 7,267 Vernon Central 7,179 Whittier 7,023 Reseda 6,994 Montebello 6,663 Pasadena 6,654 Bellflower 6,616 Paramount 6,366 West Vernon 6,361 Florence-Firestone 6,102 Hawthorne 5,837 North Hills 5,710 Sun Valley 5,570 Canoga Park 5,526 South Whittier 5,415 Bell Gardens 5,405 Carson 5,245 Burbank 5,011 Central 4,990 Westlake 4,968 Wilmington 4,933 Melrose 4,900 South Park 4,866 90813: Long Beach 4,859 Watts 4,756 Vermont Vista 4,701 Wholesale District 4,475 Harvard Park 4,444 Pico-Union 4,400 Northridge 4,384 La Puente 4,353 Arleta 4,294 Bell 4,227 San Pedro 4,217 Lakewood 4,064 Winnetka 4,031 Covina 4,025 Alhambra 4,006 Azusa 3,995 El Sereno 3,924 Century Palms/Cove 3,884 Torrance 3,835 Granada Hills 3,821 Athens-Westmont 3,809 Exposition Park 3,805 Willowbrook 3,788 Gardena 3,640 90806: Long Beach 3,623 Highland Park 3,538 Maywood 3,438 Sherman Oaks 3,369 Hollywood 3,263 Lake Balboa 3,249 Lincoln Heights 3,227 Hacienda Heights 3,181 Temple-Beaudry 3,148 Koreatown 3,123 Wilshire Center 3,108 San Fernando 3,104 Cudahy 3,022 Glendora 2,939 Castaic 2,907 Harbor Gateway 2,840 90810: Long Beach 2,839 Monterey Park 2,835 West Whittier/Los Nietos 2,806 Rosemead 2,783 Woodland Hills 2,747 90804: Long Beach 2,695 Santa Monica 2,690 Mission Hills 2,659 La Mirada 2,617 West Adams 2,463 90802: Long Beach 2,409 Green Meadows 2,383 Downtown 2,361 Valinda 2,310 Valley Glen 2,305 San Jose Hills 2,259 University Park 2,254 Eagle Rock 2,229 South El Monte 2,220 Chatsworth 2,157 Rowland Heights 2,145 Hyde Park 2,119 Lennox 2,030 Encino 2,027 Altadena 1,991 Glassell Park 1,986 Lawndale 1,981 Tarzana 1,961 Silver Lake 1,948 East Hollywood 1,933 Monrovia 1,923 Walnut Park 1,886 Diamond Bar 1,868 San Gabriel 1,864 San Dimas 1,844 Vermont Knolls 1,806 East Rancho Dominguez 1,774 Mt. Washington 1,760 West Hills 1,734 Santa Fe Springs 1,727 90815: Long Beach 1,726 Cerritos 1,679 La Verne 1,666 90807: Long Beach 1,661 Bassett 1,654 Baldwin Hills 1,649 Commerce 1,644 Beverly Hills 1,595 Harvard Heights 1,552 90808: Long Beach 1,549 Redondo Beach 1,534 Arcadia 1,525 Tujunga 1,521 Little Bangladesh 1,519 Unincorporated - Azusa 1,482 Lakeview Terrace 1,457 Temple City 1,450 Unincorporated - Covina 1,434 Porter Ranch 1,430 West Hollywood 1,411 Palms 1,391 Claremont 1,381 Hawaiian Gardens 1,378 West Los Angeles 1,376 Duarte 1,365 Harbor City 1,354 Westwood 1,325 Sunland 1,323 Historic Filipinotown 1,289 Westchester 1,279 Valley Village 1,245 Artesia 1,228 Del Rey 1,223 Culver City 1,213 West Carson 1,193 90803: Long Beach 1,160 West Puente Valley 1,114 Mar Vista 1,078 Walnut 1,032 Northeast San Gabriel 1,009 Cloverdale/Cochran 968 Lake Los Angeles 962 Venice 962 Alsace 958 Country Club Park 940 Covina (Charter Oak) 934 Leimert Park 922 Hollywood Hills 915 Vermont Square 897 Crenshaw District 885 Brentwood 874 Figueroa Park Square 872 Echo Park 817 South Pasadena 814 Studio City 810 90814: Long Beach 804 Elysian Valley 769 Manhattan Beach 766 Atwater Village 764 Gramercy Place 763 Rancho Palos Verdes 752 Jefferson Park 734 Little Armenia 732 Adams-Normandie 727 Athens Village 724 Lomita 718 Avocado Heights 712 Mid-city 708 Quartz Hill 705 North Whittier 704 Calabasas 693 Signal Hill 679 Victoria Park 638 Los Feliz 630 Hancock Park 612 Stevenson Ranch 600 Crestview 594 Carthay 588 La Crescenta-Montrose 586 Agoura Hills 578 Hermosa Beach 574 Unincorporated - Duarte 573 South San Gabriel 560 Sun Village 545 Miracle Mile 542 Manchester Square 531 Beverlywood 510 Thai Town 495 Canyon Country 481 El Camino Village 462 Chinatown 457 La Canada Flintridge 452 Pacific Palisades 449 South Carthay 430 Cadillac-Corning 424 View Park/Windsor Hills 417 Beverly Crest 392 St Elmo Village 385 Reseda Ranch 370 El Segundo 369 Longwood 363 Wellington Square 349 Century City 348 Park La Brea 348 Playa Vista 327 Lafayette Square 322 Unincorporated - Arcadia 318 Wiseburn 311 Elysian Park 308 Littlerock 306 East La Mirada 304 Littlerock/Pearblossom 301 Toluca Lake 294 Santa Monica Mountains 292 Rosewood/West Rancho Dominguez 290 Sierra Madre 289 East Whittier 275 Acton 265 Cheviot Hills 250 Little Tokyo 249 Rancho Dominguez 236 San Marino 235 Ladera Heights 234 Shadow Hills 230 Bel Air 228 Exposition 225 Unincorporated - South El Monte 225 Unincorporated - Monrovia 220 Palos Verdes Estates 218 Desert View Highlands 217 Malibu 215 Marina del Rey 211 Rancho Park 205 Unincorporated - Hawthorne 198 Unincorporated - Whittier 189 Del Aire 181 Val Verde 178 Angelino Heights 175 Irwindale 170 White Fence Farms 163 University Hills 155 East Pasadena 152 Reynier Village 150 Rolling Hills Estates 142 La Rambla 140 Sunrise Village 136 Unincorporated - West LA 135 View Heights 133 Agua Dulce 131 Regent Square 130 Kagel/Lopez Canyons 123 Faircrest Heights 120 Harbor Pines 106 Industry 104 Del Sur 99 Unincorporated - La Verne 99 Valencia 98 Anaverde 97 Pellissier Village 97 West Rancho Dominguez 95 Rosewood/East Gardena 92 Marina Peninsula 90 Santa Catalina Island 90 La Habra Heights 88 Saugus 88 Palisades Highlands 87 North Lancaster 85 Rosewood 83 Mandeville Canyon 77 Lake Manor 76 Westlake Village 76 Toluca Terrace 70 Toluca Woods 69 Leona Valley 68 Littlerock/Juniper Hills 68 Vernon 63 Pearblossom/Llano 62 Playa Del Rey 61 Unincorporated - Palmdale 59 Southeast Antelope Valley 54 Newhall 53 Twin Lakes/Oat Mountain 52 Roosevelt 50 Unincorporated - Cerritos 44 Unincorporated - Glendora 44 Unincorporated - Pomona 42 Elizabeth Lake 39 Hidden Hills 39 Unincorporated - Claremont 34 Bradbury 32 Westhills 29 Hi Vista 26 Saugus/Canyon Country 26 Bouquet Canyon 24 Llano 24 San Pasqual 24 Rolling Hills 23 Lake Hughes 22 East Covina 21 Sycamore Square 21 West Antelope Valley 19 Westfield/Academy Hills 19 Palos Verdes Peninsula 18 Unincorporated - Angeles National Forest 16 Unincorporated - Del Rey 16 Unincorporated - Bradbury 14 Unincorporated - El Monte 14 Brookside 13 South Antelope Valley 13 Unincorporated - La Habra Heights 11 East Lancaster 9 Sand Canyon 9 Whittier Narrows 8 Avalon 6 Padua Hills 6 San Francisquito Canyon/Bouquet Canyon 6 Angeles National Forest 4 Franklin Canyon 1 West Chatsworth 1 Show less Hospitals and patients Stay-at-home orders aim to slow the virus in hope of preventing hospitals from being overrun. To keep tabs on available beds, officials watch out for rapid increases in the number of patients. There are now 20,612 hospital patients statewide with a confirmed case, a change of 38% from two weeks ago. ConfirmedSuspectedBoth Intensive care and other hospitalized patients AprilJuneAug.Oct.Dec.05,00010,00015,00020,000 California Department of Public Health Confirmed patients County ICU Other Total Los Angeles » 1,528 6,018 7,546 Orange » 479 1,666 2,145 San Bernardino » 345 1,425 1,770 Riverside » 297 1,187 1,484 San Diego » 393 1,077 1,470 Santa Clara » 162 539 701 Fresno » 136 493 629 Sacramento » 92 359 451 Alameda » 123 326 449 Kern » 79 304 383 Ventura » 73 284 357 Stanislaus » 68 261 329 San Joaquin » 83 246 329 Contra Costa » 60 187 247 Tulare » 23 200 223 Placer » 22 194 216 San Francisco » 54 152 206 Monterey » 36 166 202 Imperial » 53 123 176 San Mateo » 34 134 168 Solano » 33 109 142 Santa Barbara » 34 101 135 Kings » 10 84 94 Sonoma » 23 58 81 Santa Cruz » 15 59 74 Butte » 11 62 73 Yuba » 18 54 72 San Luis Obispo » 15 46 61 Merced » 16 40 56 Madera » 8 40 48 Shasta » 5 40 45 Marin » 6 24 30 El Dorado » 10 19 29 Napa » 12 14 26 Tehama » 2 20 22 Yolo » 6 16 22 Glenn » 0 15 15 Nevada » 4 11 15 San Benito » 3 10 13 Mendocino » 2 9 11 Amador » 3 7 10 Tuolumne » 2 8 10 Inyo » 1 9 10 Lake » 3 4 7 Humboldt » 3 4 7 Colusa » 0 6 6 Lassen » 0 5 5 Del Norte » 2 1 3 Calaveras » 1 2 3 Siskiyou » 1 1 2 Plumas » 0 2 2 Modoc » 0 1 1 Mariposa » 0 1 1 Sutter » 0 0 0 Mono » 0 0 0 Trinity » 0 0 0 Show less Officials also closely monitor the number of beds open in intensive-care units. The latest data show that there are 1,270 available statewide. Available ICU beds Aug.Sept.Oct.Nov.Dec.05001,0001,5002,0002,5003,0003,5001,270Dec. 29 California Department of Public Health Officials have organized the state’s counties into five regions. If a region’s available percentage of intensive-care beds falls below 15%, a stay-at-home order is issued. The number is adjusted to ensure that some beds remain open for patients who don’t have COVID-19. Three regions currently fail. Available ICU beds by region 01530Dec.3Dec.30Bay AreaBay Area7.5%7.5% Greater SacramentoGreater Sacramento17.4%17.4% Northern CaliforniaNorthern California31.5%31.5% San Joaquin ValleySan Joaquin Valley0.0%0.0% Southern CaliforniaSouthern California0.0%0.0% Vaccines California has received about 1.76 million doses of coronavirus vaccine. The first inoculations are being administered to healthcare workers who face the greatest exposure to the virus and residents of long-term care facilities, such as nursing homes. As of Dec. 30, 300,696 people have received the shot. Officials are still drafting a plan on how to roll out the vaccine beyond the initial group. It is unclear when essential workers and other Californians will have access. Phase 1 Healthcare workers and long-term care residents Doctors and nurses on the front lines are now receiving shots. Other healthcare workers and nursing homes come next in this step. Phase 2 Essential workers Emergency personnel, teachers and farmworkers are expected to be next in line. There is no start date. Who else will qualify is undecided. Phase 3 Everyone else It’s unclear how long the rest of California’s nearly 40 million residents may wait. Experts say shots may be readily available by late spring or summer. Testing After a fitful start, California has increased coronavirus testing in the state. Over the last week, an average of 312,041 tests have been conducted each day. New tests by day MayJulySept.Nov.0100,000200,000300,000400,0007-dayaverage7-dayaverage California Department of Public Health In the last seven days, about 12% of the 2,184,289 tests conducted have returned a positive result. Positive test rate, seven-day average MayJulySept.Nov.0%5%10%15%12.0%Dec. 29 California Department of Public Health Wide disparities in age and race While younger adults make up the majority of positive tests, deaths due to the virus have skewed heavily toward the elderly. Percentage of cases vs. population 0%10%20%30%40%50%80+75-7970-7465-6960-6450-5935-4918-345-170-4 Percentage of deaths vs. population 0%10%20%30%40%50%80+75-7970-7465-6960-6450-5935-4918-345-170-4 There are 1518 cases with an unreported age. California Department of Public Health The state has logged the race of the patient in nearly two-thirds of cases. Latinos and Black people have contracted the virus at a higher rate than white and Asian people. After adjusting for population, Latinos are now 2.6 times more likely to test positive than white people. Cumulative cases by race per 100,000 people JuneAug.Oct.Dec.01,0002,0003,0004,0005,0006,000AsianAsianBlackBlackLatino5,681 casesper 100,000Latino5,681 casesper 100,000OtherOtherWhiteWhite The other category includes Native Americans and people of two or more races. California Department of Public Health One outcome is that among most age groups, and especially younger people, Black people and Latinos are dying more often than other races relative to their share of the population. Percentage of deaths vs. population Age: All 18+ 0-17 18-34 35-49 50-64 65-79 80+ CasesDeaths 0%20%40%60%80%BlackAsianWhiteLatino Race Deaths Deaths Pct. Population Pct. Latino 11,572 47.4% 36.3% White 7,676 31.4% 38.8% Asian 2,946 12.0% 16.5% Black 1,696 6.9% 6.1% Note: There are 295 deaths with an unknown race in this age bracket, 1% of the total. Lives lost to COVID-19 Learn more about those we've lost by reading Times obituaries of Californians who have died from coronavirus. Nursing homes Nursing homes are a tragic focal point of the outbreak. Residents and staff have accounted for 5% the state's coronavirus cases, but 35% of its deaths. CasesDeaths Deaths at nursing homes vs. elsewhere JuneAug.Oct.Dec.05,00010,00015,00020,00025,000 California Department of Public Health Track outbreaks in California nursing homes Follow the data and look up the latest tallies at the hundreds of skilled-nursing and assisted-living facilities across the state. State prisons The Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation has faced criticism around its handling of recent surge in cases across its 35 facilities in the state. Cumulative casesActive casesDeaths Cumulative cases AprilJuneAug.Oct.Dec.05,00010,00015,00020,00025,00030,00035,00040,00038,876Dec. 30 The data do not include tallies from federal prisons, immigration detention facilities or local jails. California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation Track outbreaks in California state prisons Follow the data and look up latest outbreaks among inmates and state employees by facility. California in context To date, the United States has recorded 19,503,679 coronavirus cases and 338,482 deaths. In the last week, the country has averaged 181,116 new cases and 2,257 deaths per day. While California — America’s most populous state — has the nation’s top case counts, it ranks much lower after adjusting for population. Home to 12% of the country's population, thus far it has accounted for roughly 12% of cases. New cases in California vs. the rest of the country MarchMayJulySept.Nov.050,000100,000150,000200,000250,000 Johns Hopkins University CSSE, Times survey State Cases Per 100k Last 14 days Per 100k New cases FewerMore California 2,230,721 5,698.1 583,169 1,489.6 Mar 1Dec 29 Texas 1,730,084 6,204.3 217,553 780.2 Florida 1,292,252 6,273.6 148,458 720.7 New York 950,473 4,844.8 146,556 747 Pennsylvania 627,526 4,905.9 112,777 881.7 Ohio 682,570 5,863.1 103,213 886.6 Tennessee 572,589 8,609 99,714 1,499.2 Georgia 645,690 6,270.4 91,695 890.5 Illinois 948,006 7,393.9 84,529 659.3 Arizona 507,222 7,301.6 82,840 1,192.5 North Carolina 524,279 5,162.4 77,678 764.9 Indiana 500,282 7,537.3 65,640 988.9 Massachusetts 361,079 5,286.5 62,919 921.2 New Jersey 467,622 5,264.9 58,208 655.4 Virginia 340,297 4,044.5 51,988 617.9 Alabama 351,804 7,231.8 50,271 1,033.4 Michigan 523,839 5,260.8 45,668 458.6 South Carolina 300,602 6,065.5 43,282 873.3 Oklahoma 283,781 7,242.8 41,790 1,066.6 Wisconsin 513,056 8,878.9 37,716 652.7 Missouri 396,470 6,510.1 37,448 614.9 Colorado 328,408 5,937.4 35,026 633.3 Kentucky 261,491 5,889.2 33,674 758.4 Louisiana 304,485 6,528.9 32,209 690.6 Maryland 271,061 4,515.1 31,699 528 Utah 269,326 8,843.8 31,539 1,035.6 Arkansas 219,246 7,331 30,048 1,004.7 Nevada 220,124 7,531.1 28,392 971.4 Minnesota 411,110 7,437.7 26,946 487.5 Mississippi 210,032 7,027.4 26,732 894.4 Washington 240,846 3,301.8 26,581 364.4 Connecticut 181,967 5,080.7 26,505 740.1 Kansas 219,435 7,543.9 26,147 898.9 Iowa 278,310 8,884.6 20,057 640.3 New Mexico 139,875 6,684.8 17,318 827.6 West Virginia 82,773 4,525.5 17,065 933 Oregon 111,227 2,724.9 15,135 370.8 Idaho 138,524 8,207.3 14,505 859.4 Nebraska 163,781 8,598.5 12,920 678.3 Puerto Rico 75,790 2,237.7 12,371 365.3 Rhode Island 86,789 8,213.9 11,552 1,093.3 New Hampshire 42,697 3,177.8 10,152 755.6 Delaware 56,189 5,917.8 9,047 952.8 South Dakota 98,158 11,357.1 6,459 747.3 Montana 80,426 7,720.4 6,386 613 Maine 22,319 1,674.6 5,559 417.1 Alaska 46,092 6,241.2 4,234 573.3 Wyoming 43,923 7,549 3,859 663.2 North Dakota 91,828 12,207.9 3,435 456.7 District of Columbia 28,535 4,168.7 3,196 466.9 Hawaii 21,466 1,509.5 1,639 115.3 Vermont 7,202 1,152.4 1,279 204.6 Show less The same is true for deaths. So far, California has accounted for 8% of deaths nationwide. It still trails far behind New York, where deaths surged in the early days of the pandemic. New deaths in California vs. the rest of the country MarchMayJulySept.Nov.01,0002,0003,0004,000 Johns Hopkins University CSSE, Times survey State Deaths Per 100k Last 14 days Per 100k New deaths FewerMore California 24,987 63.8 3,493 8.9 Mar 1Dec 29 Texas 27,282 97.8 2,634 9.4 Pennsylvania 15,343 119.9 2,547 19.9 Illinois 17,596 137.2 2,009 15.7 New York 37,687 192.1 1,856 9.5 Michigan 12,966 130.2 1,471 14.8 Florida 21,409 103.9 1,327 6.4 Arizona 8,640 124.4 1,218 17.5 Tennessee 6,710 100.9 1,095 16.5 Indiana 8,051 121.3 1,083 16.3 Ohio 8,722 74.9 1,068 9.2 New Jersey 18,777 211.4 905 10.2 Massachusetts 12,218 178.9 775 11.3 Wisconsin 5,152 89.2 744 12.9 Missouri 5,578 91.6 741 12.2 Minnesota 5,255 95.1 713 12.9 North Carolina 6,574 64.7 693 6.8 Georgia 10,779 104.7 619 6 Alabama 4,737 97.4 613 12.6 Colorado 4,687 84.7 602 10.9 Maryland 5,803 96.7 597 9.9 Arkansas 3,603 120.5 587 19.6 Louisiana 7,397 158.6 502 10.8 Iowa 3,812 121.7 476 15.2 Mississippi 4,719 157.9 467 15.6 Kansas 2,569 88.3 460 15.8 Connecticut 5,924 165.4 458 12.8 Virginia 4,920 58.5 450 5.3 South Carolina 5,198 104.9 442 8.9 Washington 3,369 46.2 428 5.9 Nevada 3,016 103.2 421 14.4 New Mexico 2,403 114.8 397 19 Kentucky 2,594 58.4 355 8 Oklahoma 2,405 61.4 319 8.1 West Virginia 1,284 70.2 272 14.9 Oregon 1,449 35.5 236 5.8 Rhode Island 1,760 166.6 190 18 South Dakota 1,446 167.3 185 21.4 Idaho 1,393 82.5 179 10.6 Puerto Rico 1,460 43.1 166 4.9 Nebraska 1,603 84.2 165 8.7 Utah 1,235 40.6 158 5.2 New Hampshire 735 54.7 131 9.7 Montana 939 90.1 113 10.8 North Dakota 1,276 169.6 106 14.1 Wyoming 405 69.6 77 13.2 Delaware 898 94.6 72 7.6 Maine 326 24.5 61 4.6 District of Columbia 775 113.2 55 8 Vermont 130 20.8 30 4.8 Alaska 201 27.2 22 3 Hawaii 285 20 11 0.8 Show less Tracking the coronavirus California counties Alameda Alpine Amador Butte Calaveras Colusa Contra Costa Del Norte El Dorado Fresno Glenn Humboldt Imperial Inyo Kern Kings Lake Lassen Los Angeles Madera Marin Mariposa Mendocino Merced Modoc Mono Monterey Napa Nevada Orange Placer Plumas Riverside Sacramento San Benito San Bernardino San Diego San Francisco San Joaquin San Luis Obispo San Mateo Santa Barbara Santa Clara Santa Cruz Shasta Sierra Siskiyou Solano Sonoma Stanislaus Sutter Tehama Trinity Tulare Tuolumne Ventura Yolo Yuba Other trackers Housing homeless people Nursing homes State prisons Following the curve Unemployment and economic fallout Which counties are open Which beaches are closed Lives lost Frequently asked questions More coverage Coronavirus symptoms How coronavirus spreads Get our newsletter About the numbers This page was created by Swetha Kannan, Casey Miller, Sean Greene, Lorena Iñiguez Elebee, Rong-Gong Lin II, Ryan Murphy, Melody Gutierrez, Priya Krishnakumar, Sandhya Kambhampati, Maloy Moore, Jennifer Lu, Aida Ylanan, Vanessa Martínez, Ryan Menezes, Thomas Suh Lauder, Andrea Roberson, Ben Poston, Nicole Santa Cruz, Iris Lee, Rahul Mukherjee, Jaclyn Cosgrove, Anthony Pesce, Paul Duginski and Phi Do. State and county totals come from an ongoing Times survey of California’s 58 county health agencies as well as the three run by cities. Those figures are ahead of the totals periodically released by the state’s Department of Public Health. State officials acknowledge that their tallies lag behind the updates posted by local agencies throughout the day and do not dispute The Times’ method. Data on hospitalizations, tests, demographics and reopening plans come from the state health department. Nursing home totals include skilled-nursing facilities tracked by the state public health department, as well as assisted-living facilities monitored by the California Department of Social Services. Data from other states, Washington, D.C. and Puerto Rico are collected by researchers at the Johns Hopkins University Center for Systems Science and Engineering. Counties are organized into regions using the groupings developed by the state health department. The Times database is available to the public on Github, a popular website for hosting data and computer code. The files will be updated daily at github.com/datadesk/california-coronavirus-data. The data collection effort is done in partnership with journalists at the San Francisco Chronicle, the San Diego Union-Tribune, KQED, KPCC, CapRadio, Calmatters and Stanford’s Big Local News. Learn more about The Times count by reading this list of frequently asked questions or by reading this interview with members of our team. If you see information here that you believe is incorrect or out of date, please contact Data and Graphics Editor Ben Welsh at [email protected]. Change log Dec. 23 State prison data added to county pages and overview page. ICU totals at local hospitals added to county pages. Dec. 14 New charts were added ranking the rate of new cases in the state’s five regions over the last seven days. Dec. 12 New charts were added plotting the ICU capacity in the state’s five region over time. Dec. 3 The state’s new ICU availability metric were added to county reopening profiles. Nov. 13 A chart tracking changes in tier assignments was added to the reopenings tracker. Nov. 9 Per-capita totals for city-level data added to some county pages. Oct. 19 Maps were added for case counts in Del Norte, Lake, Siskiyou, Trinity counties. Oct. 17 The hotspots section now offers a ranking of counties by the total number of cases and deaths in the past week. Oct. 9 Charts plotting the daily trend in cities and regions added to most county pages. Oct. 4 Charts plotting how each area stacks up against the state’s reopening benchmarks added to county pages. Oct. 1 City-level totals added for Shasta County. Sept. 27 Totals for skilled-nursing facilities are now drawn from the state's open data portal, which is promoted as the most comprehensive and up-to-date source. Sept. 26 The hotspots section now offers a ranking of counties by deaths per 100,000 residents over the last seven days. Sept. 22 Nursing home lists moved to a new page focused on skilled-nursing and assisted-living facilities. Sept. 13 The logarithmic curves plotting the rate of growth in each state were replaced. Instead, stacked-bar charts compare California's case and death counts against the rest of the nation. Sept. 12 The county map is now exclusively focused on cumulative totals and starts off by displaying grand totals per 100,000 residents. Sept. 11 The logarithmic curves plotting the rate of growth in each county were replaced. Instead, after adjusting for population, counties are now ranked by the number new cases announced in the past week. The reopening map has been removed and can be found by visiting our more complete county reopening tracker. https://www.latimes.com/projects/california-coronavirus-cases-tracking-outbreak/
  2. Dec 30 Review Record high US COVID deaths CA & CO seqs S drop exp Jan Projection https://recombinomics.co/thedrnimanshow/2020/12/123020review.mp3
  3. 44,966 New Cases Yesterday 368 Updated Daily by Noon Hospitalizations 997 Total count (does not reflect current stays) Deaths 202 https://coronavirus-response-alaska-dhss.hub.arcgis.com/
  4. https://health.wyo.gov/publichealth/infectious-disease-epidemiology-unit/disease/novel-coronavirus/covid-19-map-and-statistics/
  5. https://montana.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapSeries/index.html?appid=7c34f3412536439491adcc2103421d4b
  6. https://health.hawaii.gov/coronavirusdisease2019/
  7. https://www.health.nd.gov/diseases-conditions/coronavirus/north-dakota-coronavirus-cases
  8. New Cases 69 7,276 Total Currently Hospitalized 24 Hospitalized In ICU 6 Hospitalized Under Investigation 9 Percent Positive 7-day Avg. 2.3% People Tested 261,640 Total Tests 689,597 Recovered 4,883 67.1% of Cases Deaths 134 1.8% of Cases Travelers Mon https://www.healthvermont.gov/covid-19/current-activity/vermont-dashboard
  9. Cumulative COVID-19 Cases by County Download the most recent Cases by County Table Maine COVID-19 Reopening Gating Metrics Cumulative COVID-19 Cases by ZIP Code Download an Excel file with the most recent cumulative case data by zip code, county, sex, age, race, and historical case data by county. Tables of COVID-19 Testing and Contact Tracing Data, Hospital Use, and Case Demographics View a Table of Contact Tracing (Sara Alert) Data Contact Tracing (Sara Alert) Data Number of Individuals Currently in Monitoring Total Number of Individuals Enrolled 1,003 33,386 Maine CDC updates contact tracing data weekly. Updated December 29, 2020 at 3:29 PM. Data as of December 22, 2020. https://www.maine.gov/dhhs/mecdc/infectious-disease/epi/airborne/coronavirus/data.shtml
  10. https://dhhr.wv.gov/COVID-19/Pages/default.aspx
  11. New Hampshire 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Summary Report (data updated as of December 30, 2020 - 9:00 AM) https://www.nh.gov/covid19/ Number of Persons with COVID-19 1 43,242 Recovered 36,739 (85%) Deaths Attributed to COVID-19 741 (2%) Total Current COVID-19 Cases 5,762 Persons Who Have Been Hospitalized for COVID-19 901 (2%) Current Hospitalizations 306 Total Persons Tested at Selected Laboratories, Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)2 509,326 Total Persons Tested at Selected Laboratories, Antibody Laboratory Tests2 34,637 Persons with Specimens Submitted to NH PHL 62,828 Persons with Test Pending at NH PHL3 685 1 Includes specimens positive at any laboratory and those confirmed by CDC confirmatory testing.2 Includes specimens tested at the NH Public Health Laboratories (PHL), LabCorp, Quest, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, Mako, certain hospital laboratories, the University of New Hampshire and their contracted laboratory, and those sent to CDC prior to NH PHL testing capacity.3 Includes specimens received and awaiting testing at NH PHL. Does not include tests pending at commercial laboratories. Active Cases Data Active Cases Map December 30, 2020 Cumulative Cases Data Cumulative Cases Map December 30, 2020
  12. https://doh.sd.gov/COVID/Dashboard.aspx
  13. https://coronavirus.idaho.gov/
  14. Arkansas (1,297 Total Positive Cases) Ashley (1,250 Total Positive Cases) Baxter (2,040 Total Positive Cases) Benton (17,503 Total Positive Cases) Boone (2,547 Total Positive Cases) Bradley (918 Total Positive Cases) Calhoun (227 Total Positive Cases) Carroll (2,054 Total Positive Cases) Chicot (1,398 Total Positive Cases) Clark (1,353 Total Positive Cases) Clay (1,306 Total Positive Cases) Cleburne (1,208 Total Positive Cases) Cleveland (555 Total Positive Cases) Columbia (1,552 Total Positive Cases) Conway (1,289 Total Positive Cases) Craighead (9,960 Total Positive Cases) Crawford (4,402 Total Positive Cases) Crittenden (4,293 Total Positive Cases) Cross (1,377 Total Positive Cases) Dallas (476 Total Positive Cases) Desha (943 Total Positive Cases) Drew (1,423 Total Positive Cases) Faulkner (7,516 Total Positive Cases) Franklin (1,079 Total Positive Cases) Fulton (864 Total Positive Cases) Garland (5,739 Total Positive Cases) Grant (1,056 Total Positive Cases) Greene (4,398 Total Positive Cases) Hempstead (1,215 Total Positive Cases) Hot Spring (3,615 Total Positive Cases) Howard (1,097 Total Positive Cases) Independence (2,724 Total Positive Cases) Izard (1,271 Total Positive Cases) Jackson (2,816 Total Positive Cases) Jefferson (6,648 Total Positive Cases) Johnson (1,817 Total Positive Cases) Lafayette (341 Total Positive Cases) Lawrence (1,568 Total Positive Cases) Lee (1,425 Total Positive Cases) Lincoln (2,810 Total Positive Cases) Little River (806 Total Positive Cases) Logan (1,408 Total Positive Cases) Lonoke (4,093 Total Positive Cases) Madison (1,014 Total Positive Cases) Marion (620 Total Positive Cases) Miller (2,733 Total Positive Cases) Missing County Info (2,716 Total Positive Cases) Mississippi (4,365 Total Positive Cases) Monroe (467 Total Positive Cases) Montgomery (489 Total Positive Cases) Nevada (590 Total Positive Cases) Newton (551 Total Positive Cases) Ouachita (1,345 Total Positive Cases) Perry (428 Total Positive Cases) Phillips (1,256 Total Positive Cases) Pike (680 Total Positive Cases) Poinsett (2,386 Total Positive Cases) Polk (1,243 Total Positive Cases) Pope (5,403 Total Positive Cases) Prairie (532 Total Positive Cases) Pulaski (24,290 Total Positive Cases) Randolph (1,440 Total Positive Cases) Saline (7,494 Total Positive Cases) Scott (573 Total Positive Cases) Searcy (500 Total Positive Cases) Sebastian (9,403 Total Positive Cases) Sevier (2,063 Total Positive Cases) Sharp (1,122 Total Positive Cases) St. Francis (2,714 Total Positive Cases) Stone (761 Total Positive Cases) Union (2,384 Total Positive Cases) Van Buren (739 Total Positive Cases) Washington (21,108 Total Positive Cases) White (4,641 Total Positive Cases) Woodruff (340 Total Positive Cases) Yell (2,363 Total Positive Cases) https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/c2ef4a4fcbe5458fbf2e48a21e4fece9
  15. Updated 12/30/2020 with data from 12:01 am (updated Monday - Friday)* Total cases 112,260 Total deaths 1,468 Positive tests 154,487 Negative tests 2,477,988 Total tests 2,632,475 https://govstatus.egov.com/OR-OHA-COVID-19
  16. https://oklahoma.gov/covid19.html
  17. https://cvprovider.nmhealth.org/public-dashboard.html
  18. https://www.coronavirus.kdheks.gov/160/COVID-19-in-Kansas
  19. Aitkin County: 1,020 Anoka County: 28,886 Becker County: 2,676 Beltrami County: 2,861 Benton County: 3,874 Big Stone County: 429 Blue Earth County: 5,026 Brown County: 2,000 Carlton County: 2,585 Carver County: 9,415 Cass County: 1,920 Chippewa County: 1,268 Chisago County: 4,127 Clay County: 6,143 Clearwater County: 653 Cook County: 104 Cottonwood County: 1,218 Crow Wing County: 4,491 Dakota County: 30,071 Dodge County: 1,159 Douglas County: 3,465 Faribault County: 904 Fillmore County: 1,098 Freeborn County: 1,969 Goodhue County: 3,023 Grant County: 386 Hennepin County: 85,878 Houston County: 1,171 Hubbard County: 1,386 Isanti County: 2,620 Itasca County: 2,664 Jackson County: 784 Kanabec County: 923 Kandiyohi County: 5,369 Kittson County: 341 Koochiching County: 542 Lac Qui Parle County: 599 Lake County: 544 Lake of the Woods County: 151 Le Sueur County: 1,941 Lincoln County: 449 Lyon County: 2,815 Mahnomen County: 395 Marshall County: 671 Martin County: 1,564 McLeod County: 3,055 Meeker County: 1,867 Mille Lacs County: 2,023 Morrison County: 2,902 Mower County: 3,304 Murray County: 751 Nicollet County: 2,064 Nobles County: 3,523 Norman County: 408 Olmsted County: 9,205 Otter Tail County: 4,183 Pennington County: 900 Pine County: 2,454 Pipestone County: 866 Polk County: 3,189 Pope County: 689 Ramsey County: 36,918 Red Lake County: 307 Redwood County: 1,303 Renville County: 1,291 Rice County: 5,478 Rock County: 1,015 Roseau County: 1,598 Scott County: 10,947 Sherburne County: 7,616 Sibley County: 1,011 St. Louis County: 12,444 Stearns County: 16,881 Steele County: 2,498 Stevens County: 665 Swift County: 785 Todd County: 2,219 Traverse County: 206 Wabasha County: 1,484 Wadena County: 1,119 Waseca County: 1,747 Washington County: 18,379 Watonwan County: 1,023 Wilkin County: 583 Winona County: 3,544 Wright County: 10,782 Yellow Medicine County: 8,661 https://mndps.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/f28f84968c1148129932c3bebb1d3a1a
  20. Total Positive Cases 56,596603.0 per 10,000 people Confirmed 54,292 Probable 2,304 Residents of Long-Term Care Facilities 1,911 Positive Cases by County New Castle County 32,686 Kent County 9,019 Sussex County 14,758 Unknown 133 Deaths in State of Delaware Total Deaths 9217.6 per 10,000 people Confirmed 819 Probable 102 Residents of Long-Term Care Facilities 495 https://myhealthycommunity.dhss.delaware.gov/locations/state
  21. December 29, 2020: Total Overall Number of Tests: 892,764* Total Number of DC Residents Tested: 356,131* Total Positives: 28,758 Total Lives Lost: 780 Cleared from Isolation: 20,587
  22. Total Positive265,262Probable: 52,006- Confirmed: 213,256 Deaths2,623Probable: 177- Confirmed: 2,446 Total Tested3,414,879PCR: 3,148,606- Serology: 101,804- Antigen: 164,469 Positivity Rate*9.09% Recovered36,740 https://govstatus.egov.com/kycovid19
  23. https://coronavirus.utah.gov/case-counts/#
  24. https://app.powerbigov.us/view?r=eyJrIjoiMjA2ZThiOWUtM2FlNS00MGY5LWFmYjUtNmQwNTQ3Nzg5N2I2IiwidCI6ImU0YTM0MGU2LWI4OWUtNGU2OC04ZWFhLTE1NDRkMjcwMzk4MCJ9
  25. Abbeville Rate (per 100k): 4,525.62 Cases--Confirmed positives: 1,110, Probable: 155 Deaths--Confirmed: 19, Probable: 5 Aiken Rate (per 100k): 4,547.26 Cases--Confirmed positives: 7,770, Probable: 1,266 Deaths--Confirmed: 115, Probable: 18 Allendale Rate (per 100k): 5,697.51 Cases--Confirmed positives: 495, Probable: 12 Deaths--Confirmed: 9, Probable: 0 Anderson Rate (per 100k): 5,572.23 Cases--Confirmed positives: 11,287, Probable: 602 Deaths--Confirmed: 259, Probable: 19 Bamberg Rate (per 100k): 6,547.7 Cases--Confirmed positives: 921, Probable: 27 Deaths--Confirmed: 39, Probable: 0 Barnwell Rate (per 100k): 6,287.74 Cases--Confirmed positives: 1,312, Probable: 125 Deaths--Confirmed: 25, Probable: 5 Beaufort Rate (per 100k): 4,737.09 Cases--Confirmed positives: 9,101, Probable: 328 Deaths--Confirmed: 101, Probable: 3 Berkeley Rate (per 100k): 3,637.45 Cases--Confirmed positives: 8,290, Probable: 713 Deaths--Confirmed: 102, Probable: 8 Calhoun Rate (per 100k): 5,236.03 Cases--Confirmed positives: 762, Probable: 34 Deaths--Confirmed: 17, Probable: 3 Charleston Rate (per 100k): 5,258.55 Cases--Confirmed positives: 21,634, Probable: 2,240 Deaths--Confirmed: 290, Probable: 30 Cherokee Rate (per 100k): 5,102.97 Cases--Confirmed positives: 2,924, Probable: 90 Deaths--Confirmed: 75, Probable: 2 Chester Rate (per 100k): 6,633.79 Cases--Confirmed positives: 2,139, Probable: 80 Deaths--Confirmed: 43, Probable: 2 Chesterfield Rate (per 100k): 4,164.29 Cases--Confirmed positives: 1,901, Probable: 406 Deaths--Confirmed: 58, Probable: 2 Clarendon Rate (per 100k): 5,022.97 Cases--Confirmed positives: 1,695, Probable: 109 Deaths--Confirmed: 71, Probable: 3 Colleton Rate (per 100k): 4,448.34 Cases--Confirmed positives: 1,676, Probable: 224 Deaths--Confirmed: 53, Probable: 1 Darlington Rate (per 100k): 5,533.04 Cases--Confirmed positives: 3,686, Probable: 809 Deaths--Confirmed: 83, Probable: 8 Dillon Rate (per 100k): 7,129.5 Cases--Confirmed positives: 2,173, Probable: 156 Deaths--Confirmed: 54, Probable: 5 Dorchester Rate (per 100k): 4,256.52 Cases--Confirmed positives: 6,930, Probable: 1,251 Deaths--Confirmed: 114, Probable: 13 Edgefield Rate (per 100k): 5,249.45 Cases--Confirmed positives: 1,431, Probable: 103 Deaths--Confirmed: 19, Probable: 7 Fairfield Rate (per 100k): 5,723.36 Cases--Confirmed positives: 1,279, Probable: 76 Deaths--Confirmed: 50, Probable: 3 Florence Rate (per 100k): 6,970.71 Cases--Confirmed positives: 9,640, Probable: 721 Deaths--Confirmed: 245, Probable: 12 Georgetown Rate (per 100k): 4,743.14 Cases--Confirmed positives: 2,973, Probable: 915 Deaths--Confirmed: 55, Probable: 23 Greenville Rate (per 100k): 6,885.22 Cases--Confirmed positives: 36,047, Probable: 791 Deaths--Confirmed: 471, Probable: 30 Greenwood Rate (per 100k): 5,671.44 Cases--Confirmed positives: 4,016, Probable: 189 Deaths--Confirmed: 85, Probable: 8 Hampton Rate (per 100k): 5,171.16 Cases--Confirmed positives: 994, Probable: 80 Deaths--Confirmed: 33, Probable: 3 Horry Rate (per 100k): 5,025.69 Cases--Confirmed positives: 17,795, Probable: 2,267 Deaths--Confirmed: 260, Probable: 52 Jasper Rate (per 100k): 4,306.19 Cases--Confirmed positives: 1,295, Probable: 31 Deaths--Confirmed: 24, Probable: 1 Kershaw Rate (per 100k): 5,220.06 Cases--Confirmed positives: 3,474, Probable: 372 Deaths--Confirmed: 65, Probable: 8 Lancaster Rate (per 100k): 4,890.22 Cases--Confirmed positives: 4,793, Probable: 365 Deaths--Confirmed: 78, Probable: 5 Laurens Rate (per 100k): 5,145.72 Cases--Confirmed positives: 3,473, Probable: 90 Deaths--Confirmed: 79, Probable: 2 Lee Rate (per 100k): 6,518.9 Cases--Confirmed positives: 1,097, Probable: 88 Deaths--Confirmed: 40, Probable: 1 Lexington Rate (per 100k): 4,941.59 Cases--Confirmed positives: 14,763, Probable: 1,683 Deaths--Confirmed: 257, Probable: 12 McCormick Rate (per 100k): 4,586.28 Cases--Confirmed positives: 434, Probable: 36 Deaths--Confirmed: 7, Probable: 2 Marion Rate (per 100k): 5,897.51 Cases--Confirmed positives: 1,808, Probable: 123 Deaths--Confirmed: 57, Probable: 6 Marlboro Rate (per 100k): 6,252.39 Cases--Confirmed positives: 1,633, Probable: 253 Deaths--Confirmed: 22, Probable: 5 Newberry Rate (per 100k): 6,355.36 Cases--Confirmed positives: 2,443, Probable: 323 Deaths--Confirmed: 64, Probable: 7 Oconee Rate (per 100k): 6,268.07 Cases--Confirmed positives: 4,986, Probable: 206 Deaths--Confirmed: 58, Probable: 3 Orangeburg Rate (per 100k): 5,639.69 Cases--Confirmed positives: 4,860, Probable: 172 Deaths--Confirmed: 146, Probable: 1 Pickens Rate (per 100k): 7,639.26 Cases--Confirmed positives: 9,693, Probable: 438 Deaths--Confirmed: 133, Probable: 13 Richland Rate (per 100k): 5,724.23 Cases--Confirmed positives: 23,799, Probable: 2,251 Deaths--Confirmed: 314, Probable: 20 Saluda Rate (per 100k): 4,552.34 Cases--Confirmed positives: 932, Probable: 56 Deaths--Confirmed: 24, Probable: 4 Spartanburg Rate (per 100k): 5,640.66 Cases--Confirmed positives: 18,038, Probable: 1,575 Deaths--Confirmed: 364, Probable: 24 Sumter Rate (per 100k): 4,947.48 Cases--Confirmed positives: 5,280, Probable: 197 Deaths--Confirmed: 111, Probable: 4 Union Rate (per 100k): 5,103.24 Cases--Confirmed positives: 1,394, Probable: 148 Deaths--Confirmed: 37, Probable: 2 Williamsburg Rate (per 100k): 6,338.91 Cases--Confirmed positives: 1,925, Probable: 259 Deaths--Confirmed: 48, Probable: 13 York Rate (per 100k): 4,955.17 Cases--Confirmed positives: 13,923, Probable: 1,016 Deaths--Confirmed: 173, Probable: 5 https://scdhec.gov/covid19/sc-testing-data-projections-covid-19#main
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