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Everything posted by niman

  1. Total Cases 930,849 Confirmed Deaths 15,799 Probable Deaths 1,355 Total Tests Performed* 12,881,938 Recovery Rate** 98% *Total molecular and antigen tests performed and reported electronically for testing of COVID-19 at IDPH, commercial or hospital laboratories. All numbers displayed are provisional and will change. ** Recovered cases are defined as persons with initial positive specimen collection date > 42 days who have not expired. http://www.dph.illinois.gov/covid19#tab-0-0 Recovery rate is calculated as the recovered cases divided by the sum of recovered cases and deceased cases. Information regarding the number of persons under investigation updated on 12/25/2020. Information to be updated daily.
  2. Middlesex County 511 New Positives 1,415 Confirmed Deaths 42,584 Positive Test Results 213 Probable Deaths Bergen County 448 New Positives 2,016 Confirmed Deaths 45,064 Positive Test Results 260 Probable Deaths Essex County 443 New Positives 2,121 Confirmed Deaths 45,459 Positive Test Results 242 Probable Deaths Monmouth County 443 New Positives 905 Confirmed Deaths 29,887 Positive Test Results 100 Probable Deaths Hudson County 442 New Positives 1,514 Confirmed Deaths 41,759 Positive Test Results 163 Probable Deaths Ocean County 375 New Positives 1,229 Confirmed Deaths 30,455 Positive Test Results 75 Probable Deaths Passaic County 373 New Positives 1,277 Confirmed Deaths 38,839 Positive Test Results 149 Probable Deaths Camden County 299 New Positives 722 Confirmed Deaths 27,150 Positive Test Results 58 Probable Deaths Union County 291 New Positives 1,353 Confirmed Deaths 35,396 Positive Test Results 174 Probable Deaths Burlington County 245 New Positives 561 Confirmed Deaths 19,763 Positive Test Results 45 Probable Deaths Morris County 225 New Positives 770 Confirmed Deaths 19,205 Positive Test Results 175 Probable Deaths Atlantic County 170 New Positives 337 Confirmed Deaths 11,395 Positive Test Results 18 Probable Deaths Gloucester County 151 New Positives 349 Confirmed Deaths 13,314 Positive Test Results 10 Probable Deaths Mercer County 139 New Positives 671 Confirmed Deaths 18,030 Positive Test Results 37 Probable Deaths Cumberland County 134 New Positives 203 Confirmed Deaths 7,353 Positive Test Results 9 Probable Deaths Somerset County 132 New Positives 570 Confirmed Deaths 12,030 Positive Test Results 87 Probable Deaths Warren County 64 New Positives 168 Confirmed Deaths 3,689 Positive Test Results 13 Probable Deaths Sussex County 55 New Positives 168 Confirmed Deaths 4,095 Positive Test Results 43 Probable Deaths Hunterdon County 44 New Positives 82 Confirmed Deaths 3,533 Positive Test Results 54 Probable Deaths Salem County 37 New Positives 102 Confirmed Deaths 2,557 Positive Test Results 5 Probable Deaths Cape May County 16 New Positives 117 Confirmed Deaths 2,238 Positive Test Results 15 Probable Deaths https://www.nj.gov/health/cd/topics/covid2019_dashboard.shtml
  3. https://www.health.pa.gov/topics/disease/coronavirus/Pages/Cases.aspx#
  4. https://www.azdhs.gov/preparedness/epidemiology-disease-control/infectious-disease-epidemiology/covid-19/dashboards/index.php
  5. CASES 342,426 TOTAL 277,754 CONFIRMED 64,672 PROBABLE LAST 14 DAYS 54,406 CASES 141,292 TESTED (DIAGNOSTIC) *TOTAL HOSPITALIZATIONS To Date Updates M-F at 3 p.m. 31,954 STATEWIDE DEATHS 4,680 TOTAL 4,096 CONFIRMED 584 PROBABLE TOTAL TESTED 1,834,424 DIAGNOSTIC 85,353 ANTIBODY PRESUMED RECOVERIES Updated Weekly 193,149 STATEWIDE https://alpublichealth.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/6d2771faa9da4a2786a509d82c8cf0f7
  6. https://www.vdh.virginia.gov/coronavirus/covid-19-in-virginia/
  7. https://coronavirus.iowa.gov/#CurrentStatus
  8. Ireland/D-NVRL-20IRL10513/2020, Ireland/D-NVRL-20IRL10553/2020, Ireland/D-NVRL-20IRL10527/2020, Ireland/D-NVRL-20IRL10603/2020, Ireland/D-NVRL-20IRL10860/2020 - all matched UK variant with 3 AAs deleted in Spike protein, 3 AAs deleted in NSP6 see map https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/1/edit?mid=1aQDSL2LwQFbuoCAg_nIOPK8D-LIJ5MYd&ll=53.30494701797542%2C-6.539262027881705&z=10
  9. National Virus Reference Laboratory was released (at GISAID) 5 additional UK variant sequences (Ireland/D-NVRL-20IRL10513/2020, Ireland/D-NVRL-20IRL10553/2020, Ireland/D-NVRL-20IRL10527/2020, Ireland/D-NVRL-20IRL10603/2020, Ireland/D-NVRL-20IRL10860/2020) collected on Dec 20 or 21.
  10. Japan has confirmed its first cases of the new, potentially more transmissible coronavirus variant spreading in Britain, the health ministry said Friday, as the daily number of new infections topped 3,800 for the first time, with the number of deaths also setting a new record at 64. Five people, four males and one female, all under age 70, tested positive for the new strain, the ministry said. They are now staying at hotels provided by authorities after airport quarantine confirmed their infections following their arrival from Britain. Health minister Norihisa Tamura speaks at a press conference in Tokyo on Dec. 25, 2020. None of them had close contact with others since returning to Japan, the ministry said. Four of them are asymptomatic. At least one child under the age of 10 is among the infected. The ministry did not disclose other details of the five. Two of them arrived at Haneda airport in Tokyo while the others landed at Kansai airport in Osaka Prefecture, western Japan, it said. "We will do everything we can to eliminate the chances of (the new strain) spreading in Japan," health minister Norihisa Tamura said. Takaji Wakita, head of the National Institute of Infectious Diseases, told a press conference that as the infections were detected at the airport, he believes the mutant virus "is not spreading in Japan." Japan on Thursday imposed a temporary ban on new arrivals of foreign nationals from Britain coming for purposes such as business or study, but existing foreign residents and Japanese nationals have still been allowed to enter. Foreign residents of Japan, who already have to undergo COVID-19 testing as a condition of reentry from most countries, including Britain, are asked to download a tracing app for COVID-19 infections and retain their location data after entering Japan. Japanese nationals arriving from Britain from Sunday will be required to take virus tests within 72 hours before departure and submit the results upon arrival. The move came as countries worldwide impose restrictions on travel from Britain following the spread of the strain, which is believed to have caused a spike in infections in London and southeast England. Supplied electron micrograph shows the new coronavirus. (Photo courtesy of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases)(Kyodo) Tourist visits from Britain are already barred. British health officials have said the new strain could be up to 70 percent more transmissible but that there was no evidence of it being deadlier or reducing the effectiveness of vaccines. Cases have already been confirmed in Australia, Denmark, Italy, the Netherlands and South Africa, according to media reports. https://english.kyodonews.net/news/2020/12/8134516e1c24-tokyo-reports-2nd-highest-daily-rise-of-884-new-coronavirus-cases.html
  11. Japan has confirmed its first cases of the new, potentially more transmissible coronavirus variant spreading in Britain, the health ministry said Friday, as the daily number of new infections topped 3,800 for the first time, with the number of deaths also setting a new record at 64. Five people, four males and one female, all under age 70, tested positive for the new strain, the ministry said. They are now staying at hotels provided by authorities after airport quarantine confirmed their infections following their arrival from Britain. Health minister Norihisa Tamura speaks at a press conference in Tokyo on Dec. 25, 2020. None of them had close contact with others since returning to Japan, the ministry said. Four of them are asymptomatic. At least one child under the age of 10 is among the infected. The ministry did not disclose other details of the five. Two of them arrived at Haneda airport in Tokyo while the others landed at Kansai airport in Osaka Prefecture, western Japan, it said. "We will do everything we can to eliminate the chances of (the new strain) spreading in Japan," health minister Norihisa Tamura said. Takaji Wakita, head of the National Institute of Infectious Diseases, told a press conference that as the infections were detected at the airport, he believes the mutant virus "is not spreading in Japan." Japan on Thursday imposed a temporary ban on new arrivals of foreign nationals from Britain coming for purposes such as business or study, but existing foreign residents and Japanese nationals have still been allowed to enter. Foreign residents of Japan, who already have to undergo COVID-19 testing as a condition of reentry from most countries, including Britain, are asked to download a tracing app for COVID-19 infections and retain their location data after entering Japan. Japanese nationals arriving from Britain from Sunday will be required to take virus tests within 72 hours before departure and submit the results upon arrival. The move came as countries worldwide impose restrictions on travel from Britain following the spread of the strain, which is believed to have caused a spike in infections in London and southeast England. Supplied electron micrograph shows the new coronavirus. (Photo courtesy of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases)(Kyodo) Tourist visits from Britain are already barred. British health officials have said the new strain could be up to 70 percent more transmissible but that there was no evidence of it being deadlier or reducing the effectiveness of vaccines. Cases have already been confirmed in Australia, Denmark, Italy, the Netherlands and South Africa, according to media reports. https://english.kyodonews.net/news/2020/12/8134516e1c24-tokyo-reports-2nd-highest-daily-rise-of-884-new-coronavirus-cases.html
  12. Japan/IC-0421/2020 Japan/IC-0422/2020 Japan/IC-0423/2020 see map https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/1/edit?mid=1aQDSL2LwQFbuoCAg_nIOPK8D-LIJ5MYd&ll=34.43623275836546%2C135.24533165000003&z=11
  13. Three of five travelers from UK arrived at Kansai Airport in Osaka Japan were UK COVID confirmed, Sequences. Japan/IC-0421/2020, Japan/IC-0422/2020, Japan/IC-0423/2020 matched UK variant with 3 AAs deleted in Spike protein, 3 AAs deleted in NSP6 and Q27 stop codon in NS8.
  14. Japan/IC-0413/2020 & Japan/IC-0419/2020 see map https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/1/edit?mid=1aQDSL2LwQFbuoCAg_nIOPK8D-LIJ5MYd&ll=35.55198103150193%2C139.77503494999996&z=12
  15. Two of the five travelers from UK to Japan arrived at Henda Airport, near Tokyo, and were confirmed to have UK variant. Two, Japan/IC-0419/2020 & Japan/IC-0413/2020, of the five deposits are listed on this thread. Both matched UK variant with 3 AAs deleted in Spike protein, 3 AAs deleted in NSP6, and Q27 stop codon in NS8.
  16. Ireland/KK-NVRL-20IRL10079/2020 matched UK variant with 3 AAs deleted in Spike protein, 3 AAs deleted in NSP6 and Q27 stop codon in NS8. see map https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/1/edit?mid=1aQDSL2LwQFbuoCAg_nIOPK8D-LIJ5MYd&ll=52.653774553684556%2C-7.239314941618407&z=11
  17. National Virus Reference Laboratory has released UK COVID variant sequences, Ireland/KK-NVRL-20IRL10079/2020 (at GISAID from Dec 19 collection from 21-20F).
  18. Netherlands/ZH-EMC-1148/2020 see map https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/1/edit?mid=1aQDSL2LwQFbuoCAg_nIOPK8D-LIJ5MYd&ll=51.98641535572354%2C4.494085945940589&z=9
  19. Dutch COVID-19 response team has released first Zuid Holland UK COVID variant sequence, Netherlands/ZH-EMC-1148/2020, (at GISAID collected Dec 19).
  20. Australia/SAP593/2020 see map https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/1/edit?mid=1aQDSL2LwQFbuoCAg_nIOPK8D-LIJ5MYd&ll=-34.49668337132129%2C137.9016861987271&z=9
  21. Ireland/D-NVRL-20IRL09344/2020 matched UK variant with 3 AAs deleted in Spike protein, 3 AAs deleted in NSP6 and Q27 stop codon in NS8. see map https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/1/edit?mid=1aQDSL2LwQFbuoCAg_nIOPK8D-LIJ5MYd&ll=53.32535162208298%2C-6.245704088361879&z=11
  22. National Virus Reference Laboratory has released a UK variant sequence, Ireland/D-NVRL-20IRL09344/2020, (at GISAID collected Dec 18) from 31-40F)
  23. France/CVL-SC719/2020 matched UK variant with 3 AAs deleted in Spike protein, 3 AAs deleted in NSP6 and Q27 stop codon in NS8. see map https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/1/edit?mid=1aQDSL2LwQFbuoCAg_nIOPK8D-LIJ5MYd&ll=47.393144585721856%2C0.6949399160818759&z=10
  24. CHU Tours has released the first UK variant sequence, France/CVL-SC719/2020, (at GISAID) from Tours, France collected on Dec 18 from 34M.
  25. Israel/CVL-7075/2020 matched UK variant with 3 AAs deleted in Spike protein, 3 AAs deleted in NSP6 and Q27 stop codon in NS8. see map https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/1/edit?mid=1aQDSL2LwQFbuoCAg_nIOPK8D-LIJ5MYd&ll=32.07080431762164%2C34.82630348411753&z=10
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