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Everything posted by niman

  1. Temporary Specimen Collection Centre in Hong Kong released first reported UK COVID variant sequence, hCoV-19/Hong Kong/CM20000424/2020, (at GISAID) from Dec 7, 2020 collection from 14M.
  2. hCoV-19/Netherlands/NH-RIVM-20227/2020 had consensus UK variant sequence including 3 AA deletion in Spike protein, 3 AA deletion in NSP6, and 27Q stop codon in NS8 see map https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/1/edit?mid=1aQDSL2LwQFbuoCAg_nIOPK8D-LIJ5MYd&ll=52.67054163855398%2C4.911010706076024&z=9
  3. Dutch COVID-19 response team deposited (at GISAID) the first UK COVID variant sequence from Noor-Holland, Netherlands, hCoV-19/Netherlands/NH-RIVM-20227/2020 (Dec 5, 2020 collection).
  4. Australia/NSW3456/2020 has consensus sequence for UK COVID variant including 3 AA deletions in Spike protein and 3 AA deletions in NSP6 as well as Q27 stop codon on NS8. see map https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/1/edit?mid=1aQDSL2LwQFbuoCAg_nIOPK8D-LIJ5MYd&ll=-33.82589610094631%2C150.92510831916803&z=10
  5. New South Wales Health Pathology Randwick deposited (at GISAID) the first reported UK variant COVID sequence, hCoV-19/Australia/NSW3456/2020, (Nov 30, 2020 collection) from 12M.
  6. New Cases* 2,562 New Deaths* 46 New Tests* 27,919 Total Cases 296,499 Total Deaths 7,272 Total Tests 4,243,015 271,177 Confirmed 25,322 Probable 6,918 Confirmed 354 Probable 4,050,500 Molecular 192,515 Antigen COVID Patients 1,633 in Hospitals* COVID Patients 199 on Ventilators* Presumed Recovered 247,501 as of December 21st* In observance of Christmas LDH will not update the dashboard on Friday, 12/25. We will resume normal updates on Sunday, 12/27. https://ldh.la.gov/coronavirus/
  7. https://www.mass.gov/doc/covid-19-dashboard-december-24-2020/download
  8. https://covid19tracker.health.ny.gov/views/NYS-COVID19-Tracker/NYSDOHCOVID-19Tracker-Map?%3Aembed=yes&%3Atoolbar=no&%3Atabs=n
  9. Bergen County 493 New Positives 2,015 Confirmed Deaths 44,626 Positive Test Results 260 Probable Deaths Ocean County 482 New Positives 1,223 Confirmed Deaths 30,077 Positive Test Results 75 Probable Deaths Hudson County 472 New Positives 1,510 Confirmed Deaths 41,309 Positive Test Results 163 Probable Deaths Middlesex County 404 New Positives 1,410 Confirmed Deaths 42,071 Positive Test Results 213 Probable Deaths Essex County 371 New Positives 2,119 Confirmed Deaths 45,014 Positive Test Results 242 Probable Deaths Monmouth County 365 New Positives 900 Confirmed Deaths 29,440 Positive Test Results 100 Probable Deaths Camden County 328 New Positives 716 Confirmed Deaths 26,850 Positive Test Results 58 Probable Deaths Burlington County 309 New Positives 559 Confirmed Deaths 19,517 Positive Test Results 45 Probable Deaths Passaic County 267 New Positives 1,275 Confirmed Deaths 38,469 Positive Test Results 149 Probable Deaths Morris County 214 New Positives 770 Confirmed Deaths 18,977 Positive Test Results 175 Probable Deaths Union County 211 New Positives 1,350 Confirmed Deaths 35,105 Positive Test Results 174 Probable Deaths Gloucester County 155 New Positives 348 Confirmed Deaths 13,161 Positive Test Results 10 Probable Deaths Atlantic County 148 New Positives 332 Confirmed Deaths 11,224 Positive Test Results 18 Probable Deaths Somerset County 132 New Positives 567 Confirmed Deaths 11,887 Positive Test Results 87 Probable Deaths Mercer County 98 New Positives 671 Confirmed Deaths 17,890 Positive Test Results 37 Probable Deaths Cumberland County 96 New Positives 199 Confirmed Deaths 7,221 Positive Test Results 9 Probable Deaths Sussex County 81 New Positives 168 Confirmed Deaths 4,041 Positive Test Results 43 Probable Deaths Warren County 70 New Positives 168 Confirmed Deaths 3,622 Positive Test Results 13 Probable Deaths Hunterdon County 50 New Positives 82 Confirmed Deaths 3,489 Positive Test Results 54 Probable Deaths Salem County 35 New Positives 102 Confirmed Deaths 2,524 Positive Test Results 5 Probable Deaths Cape May County 22 New Positives 115 Confirmed Deaths 2,223 Positive Test Results 15 Probable Deaths https://www.nj.gov/health/cd/topics/covid2019_dashboard.shtml
  10. Total Cases 925,107 Confirmed Deaths 15,643 Probable Deaths 1,317 Total Tests Performed* 12,782,980 Recovery Rate** 98% *Total molecular and antigen tests performed and reported electronically for testing of COVID-19 at IDPH, commercial or hospital laboratories. All numbers displayed are provisional and will change. ** Recovered cases are defined as persons with initial positive specimen collection date > 42 days who have not expired. Recovery rate is calculated as the recovered cases divided by the sum of recovered cases and deceased cases. Information regarding the number of persons under investigation updated on 12/24/2020. Information to be updated daily.
  11. https://www.health.pa.gov/topics/disease/coronavirus/Pages/Cases.aspx#
  12. hCoV-19/Denmark/DCGC-13966/2020 matched UK variant with 3 AAs deleted in Spike protein, 3 AAs deleted in NSP6 and Q27 stop codon in NS8. see map https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/1/edit?mid=1aQDSL2LwQFbuoCAg_nIOPK8D-LIJ5MYd&ll=57.129590265938646%2C9.706046434257756&z=8
  13. hCoV-19/Denmark/DCGC-14208/2020 matched UK variant with 3 AAs deleted in Spike protein, 3 AAs deleted in NSP6 and Q27 stop codon in NS8. see map https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/1/edit?mid=1aQDSL2LwQFbuoCAg_nIOPK8D-LIJ5MYd&ll=57.129590265938646%2C9.706046434257756&z=8
  14. Denmark/DCGC-14208/2020 matched UK variant with 3 AAs deleted in Spike protein, 3 AAs deleted in NSP6 and Q27 stop codon in NS8. see map https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/1/edit?mid=1aQDSL2LwQFbuoCAg_nIOPK8D-LIJ5MYd&ll=57.129590265938646%2C9.706046434257756&z=8
  15. Danish Covid-19 Genome Consortium deposited 3 sequences from Nordjylland (at GISAID - collected Nov 30) that matched the UK variant.
  16. Denmark/DCGC-14596/2020 matched UK variant with 3 AAs deleted in Spike protein, 3 AAs deleted in NSP6 and Q27 stop codon in NS8. see map https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/1/edit?mid=1aQDSL2LwQFbuoCAg_nIOPK8D-LIJ5MYd&ll=55.721827819873454%2C12.549865847159726&z=9
  17. Denmark/DCGC-15593/2020 matched UK variant with 3 AAs deleted in Spike protein, 3 AAs deleted in NSP6 and Q27 stop codon in NS8. see map https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/1/edit?mid=1aQDSL2LwQFbuoCAg_nIOPK8D-LIJ5MYd&ll=55.721827819873454%2C12.549865847159726&z=9
  18. Denmark/DCGC-15226/2020 matched UK variant with 3 AAs deleted in Spike protein, 3 AAs deleted in NSP6 and Q27 stop codon in NS8. see map https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/1/edit?mid=1aQDSL2LwQFbuoCAg_nIOPK8D-LIJ5MYd&ll=55.721827819873454%2C12.549865847159726&z=9
  19. Danish Covid-19 Genome Consortium submitted 3 COVID sequences from Hovedstaden area in Denmark, which matched the UK variant. The samples were collected on Nov 23, 2020.
  20. hCoV-19/Denmark/DCGC-9482/2020 had the standard UK variant constellation including 3 deleted AAs in the Spike protein, 3 deleted AAs in NSP6, and a Q27stop codon in NS8. See map https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/1/edit?mid=1aQDSL2LwQFbuoCAg_nIOPK8D-LIJ5MYd&ll=55.72593152445333%2C12.549865847159726&z=9
  21. hCoV-19/Denmark/DCGC-9581/2020 had the standard UK variant constellation including 3 deleted AAs in the Spike protein, 3 deleted AAs in NSP6, and a Q27stop codon in NS8. See map https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/1/edit?mid=1aQDSL2LwQFbuoCAg_nIOPK8D-LIJ5MYd&ll=55.72593152445333%2C12.549865847159726&z=9
  22. hCoV-19/Denmark/DCGC-9642/2020 had the standard UK variant constellation including 3 deleted AAs in the Spike protein, 3 deleted AAs in NSP6, and a Q27stop codon in NS8. See map https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/1/edit?mid=1aQDSL2LwQFbuoCAg_nIOPK8D-LIJ5MYd&ll=55.72593152445333%2C12.549865847159726&z=9
  23. Danish Covid-19 Genome Consortium submitted 3 COVID sequences from Hovedstaden area in Denmark, which matched the UK variant. The samples were collected on Nov 9, 2020.
  24. https://www.azdhs.gov/preparedness/epidemiology-disease-control/infectious-disease-epidemiology/covid-19/dashboards/index.php
  25. CASES 338,801 TOTAL 274,679 CONFIRMED 64,122 PROBABLE LAST 14 DAYS 54,759 CASES 142,269 TESTED (DIAGNOSTIC) *TOTAL HOSPITALIZATIONS To Date Updates M-F at 3 p.m. 31,651 STATEWIDE DEATHS 4,676 TOTAL 4,093 CONFIRMED 583 PROBABLE TOTAL TESTED 1,824,681 DIAGNOSTIC 84,371 ANTIBODY PRESUMED RECOVERIES Updated Weekly 193,149 STATEWIDE https://alpublichealth.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/6d2771faa9da4a2786a509d82c8cf0f7
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