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  1. Epidemic situation of new coronavirus infection on January 22, 2020 Published: 2020-01-22Source : Health Emergency Office   At 04:00 on January 21, 2020, our committee received 149 newly diagnosed pneumonia cases with new type of coronavirus infection (5 in Beijing, 2 in Tianjin, and 7 in Shanghai). Cases, 5 cases in Zhejiang Province, 2 cases in Jiangxi Province, 1 case in Shandong Province, 1 case in Henan Province, 105 cases in Hubei Province, 1 case in Hunan Province, 12 cases in Guangdong Province, 5 cases in Chongqing City, 2 cases in Sichuan Province and 1 case in Yunnan Province Cases), 3 new deaths (all from Hubei Province); in addition to Hubei Province, 6 provinces (districts, cities) reported 26 new suspected cases (10 in Shanghai, 10 in Zhejiang Province, 2 in Anhui Province, 1 in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, 1 in Guangdong Province and 2 in Sichuan Province).   As of 24:00 on January 21, our committee had received 440 confirmed cases of pneumonia of new coronavirus infection in 13 provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities) in China (10 in Beijing, 2 in Tianjin, 9 in Shanghai, and Zhejiang Province). 5 cases, 2 cases in Jiangxi, 1 case in Shandong Province, 1 case in Henan Province, 375 cases in Hubei Province, 1 case in Hunan Province, 26 cases in Guangdong Province, 5 cases in Chongqing City, 2 cases in Sichuan Province and 1 case in Yunnan Province), of which severe cases 102 cases, 9 deaths (all from Hubei Province); except Hubei Province, a total of 37 suspected cases were reported in 12 provinces (districts, municipalities) (1 in Shanxi Province, 1 in Jilin Province, 1 in Heilongjiang Province, and 10 in Shanghai Cases, 10 cases in Zhejiang Province, 3 cases in Anhui Province, 1 case in Guangdong Province, 2 cases in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, 1 case in Hainan Province, 5 cases in Sichuan Province, 1 case in Guizhou Province and 1 case in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region).   One confirmed case was reported from Japan, three confirmed from Thailand, and one confirmed from South Korea.   At present, 2,197 close contacts have been traced, 765 people have been released from medical observation, and 1394 people are still receiving medical observation. http://www.nhc.gov.cn/yjb/s3578/202001/a3c8b5144067417889d8760254b1a7ca.shtml
  2. No reported cases there (and none in Hong Kong). Absence of cases in Hong Kong is more surprising since numbers are starting to take off in Guandong Province, especially Shenzhen.
  3. Share on facebook4K Share on twitter Share on linkedin Share on reddit2 Share on mailto Passengers wear face masks in a subway station in Beijing, one of several cities in China that have reported cases of a new coronavirus. REUTERS/JASON LEE TPX Arrival of new SARS-like virus in U.S. heightens concerns about global spread By Dennis Normile, Martin EnserinkJan. 21, 2020 , 3:00 PM It’s hard to keep up with the outbreak of the new coronavirus that emerged in Wuhan last month, but one thing seems increasingly clear: The virus isn’t going away anytime soon. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) just reported the first case in the United States, a patient who returned from Wuhan on 15 January and sought treatment in Washington after developing symptoms. Taiwan also confirmed its first infection today, and a boy in the Philippines reportedly tested positive for the virus. (Thailand, Japan, and South Korea have all previously reported cases.) The total number of confirmed cases again shot up today, to more than 300, including six deaths. Meanwhile, a panel of Chinese health experts confirmed yesterday what many scientists suspected or feared for a while: The new virus is able to spread between people, which means it could be a lot harder to control. The panel also said health care workers have become infected. The rapid spread heightened fears of a rerun of the severe acute respiratory syndrome episode in 2003, when a related coronavirus spread from China to more than 30 countries. “This outbreak is extremely concerning,” Jeremy Farrar, head of the Wellcome Trust, said in a statement today. “The urgent focus must be on evidence-based interventions. We do not have proven treatments or vaccines,” says Farrar, who added that the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations, which Wellcome supports, is “working with global partners to accelerate vaccine research for this new virus.” Chinese health authorities have now confirmed cases of the new disease in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, and other cities around the country, some far beyond the central inland city of Wuhan. This trend could foretell a wider dispersion of the virus during the upcoming Lunar New Year holiday, when an estimated 400 million Chinese are expected to travel by bus, rail, and air to their hometowns. A panel advising China’s National Health Commission announced the cases of human-to-human transmission yesterday during an afternoon press conference. Later, the panel’s head, epidemiologist Zhong Nanshan, elaborated in an interview with China Central Television, the state broadcaster. Portions of the interview were posted on China Daily. “It has been confirmed that two people in Guangdong province were infected through human-to-human transmission,” Zhong said in the interview. He explained that members of a Guangdong family who had returned home from a visit to Wuhan passed the virus on to two other members of the family. Zhong also said a number of medical workers in Wuhan, where the outbreak originated, have tested positive for the virus. The latter revelation raised questions about the accuracy of reports by the Wuhan Municipal Health Commission. In an 11 January outbreak update, the commission stated that no cases of illness had been found among close contacts, including medical staff. But more recent updates do not specifically mention medical staff. Chinese media reported today that it is now known that 15 medical workers in Wuhan have been infected. An editorial comment on ifeng.com, a Chinese news portal, blasted the commission: “If Zhong Nanshan had not said that medical staff were infected last night, would the Wuhan Municipal Health Commission continue to hide this information?” During the press briefing, George Gao, head of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, said the virus is adapting to humans, but he did not give details. Such adaptations would show up in the virus’s genome, but in an analysis he posted online, evolutionary biologist Andrew Rambaut of the University of Edinburgh said there is very little variation in the 14 genomes of the coronavirus available so far. Gao also said the presumed animal source of the virus has still not been identified. Posted in: Asia/Pacific Health doi:10.1126/science.aba9943 Dennis Normile Martin Enserink Martin is Science's International news editor. He is based in Amsterdam. Email Martin https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2020/01/arrival-sars-new-virus-united-states-heightens-concerns-about-global-spread?utm_campaign=news_daily_2020-01-21&et_rid=17052453&et_cid=3173356
  4. Jan 21 Full Update On SARS 2.0 Wuhan Outbreak First Case In US Now Confirmed In WA State Six Dead So Far 2nd hour http://mediaarchives.gsradio.net/rense/special/rense_012120_hr3.mp3
  5. Jan 21 Full Update On SARS 2.0 Wuhan Outbreak First Case In US Now Confirmed In WA State Six Dead So Far 1st hour http://mediaarchives.gsradio.net/rense/special/rense_012120_hr2.mp3
  6. mp3 of 2nd hour http://mediaarchives.gsradio.net/rense/special/rense_012120_hr3.mp3
  7. mp3 of 1st hour http://mediaarchives.gsradio.net/rense/special/rense_012120_hr2.mp3
  8. 2nd hour http://mediaarchives.gsradio.net/rense/special/rense_012120_hr3.mp3
  9. 1st hour of interview http://mediaarchives.gsradio.net/rense/special/rense_012120_hr2.mp3
  10. 2nd hour http://mediaarchives.gsradio.net/rense/special/rense_012120_hr3.mp3
  11. 1st hour http://mediaarchives.gsradio.net/rense/special/rense_012120_hr2.mp3
  12. http://mediaarchives.gsradio.net/rense/special/rense_012120_hr3.mp3
  13. 1st hour http://mediaarchives.gsradio.net/rense/special/rense_012120_hr2.mp3
  14. Wuhan Mayor Zhou Xianwang: The cross infection that occurred at the Union Hospital of Huazhong University of Science and Technology this time is very distressing. The cross-infection at Union Medical College Hospital, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, occurred in a patient in neurosurgery, not in the Department of Infectious Diseases. Because neurosurgery ignored the patient's infection with the new coronavirus prior to admission. So after the operation, the patient developed a fever. At this time, one doctor and 13 nurses were infected. This lesson is very profound, that is, prevention and control must be neglected, and every detail and every link must be strictly controlled. Well, this is also related to our understanding of the harm and spread of the virus, which did not reach such a high level in the beginning.
  15. neurosurgery ignored the patient's infection with the new coronavirus prior to admission. So after the operation, the patient developed a fever. At this time, one doctor and 13 nurses were infected. http://m.news.cctv.com/2020/01/22/ARTIpQRcFCgOa3B6daHrwYBI200122.shtml
  16. Outbreak of pneumonia of new coronavirus infection in Guangdong Province (January 22, 2020) Time: 2020-01-22 12:16:50 source: this website   As of 24:00 on January 21, 9 newly diagnosed pneumonia cases of new coronavirus infection were reported in our province.   The distribution of new cases is as follows: 2 cases in Guangzhou, 4 cases in Shenzhen, 1 case in Foshan, 2 cases in Shaoguan; 4 cases in men and 5 cases in women; 2 cases in severe cases, all were treated in local designated medical institutions for isolation and treatment. Of these, 7 cases had a history of residence or travel in Hubei, and our province has tracked and followed up close contacts, and there is no abnormality at present.   As of now, 26 confirmed cases have been found in our province (2 in Guangzhou, 14 in Shenzhen, 4 in Zhuhai, 1 in Foshan, 2 in Shaoguan, 1 in Huizhou, and 2 in Zhanjiang), of which 7 were critical cases and 3 were critically ill There were no deaths. Another suspected case is under investigation.
  17. 26 confirmed cases have been found in our province (2 in Guangzhou, 14 in Shenzhen, 4 in Zhuhai, 1 in Foshan, 2 in Shaoguan, 1 in Huizhou, and 2 in Zhanjiang), of which 7 were critical cases and 3 were critically ill http://wsjkw.gd.gov.cn/zwyw_yqxx/content/post_2877905.html
  18. Macau patients took the Fortune Bus to the Landmark most of the time at the casino 2020-01-22 HKT 12:58 Macao Health Bureau staff disinfected the hotel where the confirmed patient had stayed. (Photo by Zheng Yueming) Macau confirms first case of new coronavirus pneumonia. Authorities said that the patient was a 52-year-old Wuhan woman who entered Macau through the gates on Sunday. She once took the "Fortune Bus" to the Landmark, met with two friends, and stayed in the hotel. Most of the time she stayed in the hotel casino. Authorities have located two friends of the patient, both of whom are being quarantined. The head of the Macau Health Bureau, Li Zhanrun, said that the time when patients take the "Fortune Bus" will be announced. If other people have taken the "Fortune Bus" at the same time, they can go to the hospital for examination. He said that it should be possible to find out which table the patient has spent the longest time in the casino, and the staff will be checked. As for whether there will be a community outbreak in Macau, Li Zhanrun said that this is an imported case. It is clinically estimated that the symptoms of the patient are in the initial stage and the infection is not very high. At present, it is most important to pay attention to whether the two friends of the patient are infected. https://news.rthk.hk/rthk/ch/component/k2/1504162-20200122.htm
  19.  Xinhua News Agency, Macau, January 22nd. The Macau Special Administrative Region Government Coordination Center for Novel Coronavirus Infection reported on the morning of the 22nd that the first case of pneumonia in Macau was diagnosed in Macau. The patient is a traveler from Wuhan and is currently at the Earl General Hospital. Perform isolation treatment.
  20. The patient is a traveler from Wuhan and is currently at the Earl General Hospital. http://www.xinhuanet.com/gangao/2020-01/22/c_1125493491.htm
  21. https://www.renseradio.com/listenlive.php
  22. 2 hr interview 10 PM ET Dr. Henry Niman PhDFull Update On SARS 2.0 Wuhan Outbreak First Case In US Now Confirmed In WA State Six Dead So Far
  23. China Economy @CE_ChinaEconomy · 16m As of 12 midnight Jan. 21, 440 cases of #pneumonia caused by 2019-nCoV had been confirmed from 13 provinces. 9 deaths in Hubei. National Health Commission said today.
  24. Xinqi Su 蘇昕琪 @XinqiSu · 25m Cases of #WuhanPneumonia have reached 440 and deaths 9, and the virus, which can be transmitted human to human, has gone into communities and can mutate for further spreading, said Li Bin, deputy head of China's national health watchdog. Show this thread
  25. https://www.renseradio.com/listenlive.php CORRECTION 2 hrs beginning at 10 PM ET
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