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Spain: first case of microcephaly in a fetus by zikaThe pregnant woman would have been infected in a recent trip to Latin America. The mother has expressed its intention to go ahead with the pregnancy, which is in its 20th week. Health authorities in Catalonia, the region where the woman resides, said in a statement that the fetus has "various malformations". In Catalonia there are 39 cases of infection Zika virus, of which 15 are men and 24 women, four of whom are pregnant. healthy babies despite Zika In three cases, the fetuses are developing well. A woman infected for months by Zika virus recently gave birth and she and the baby are in perfect condition and do not present any complications. Health authorities reiterate the importance of informing the existing risk to pregnant women who plan to travel to endemic areas, mainly Caribbean, South and Central America and Africa. They advise that, as far as possible, these women should not until the end of pregnancy. (Efe) http://www.dw.com/es/españa-primer-caso-de-microcefalia-en-un-feto-por-zika/a-19239206
Spain detects first case of a fetus zikaTaken from The World | Thursday May 5, 2016 | 18:46 hrs 1 1ShareTaken from The World |YOU RELATEDZika study confirms link with paralysis Confirms link between zika and microcephalyThey confirm that zika cause birth defects in babiesZika virus Da El Paso a "hand of blood 'to Puerto RicoSuman 222 cases in the country Zika48 pregnant affects zikaSuman 201 cases of Zika in the country: HealthZika expect upturn by rainZika first recorded case in South KoreaIs 160 the number of cases in the country ZikaConfirms first case of zika in NMConfirms first case of microcephaly linked to Zika in Panama Barcelona- Catalonia has registered the first case in Spain of microcephaly in a fetus by Zika virus. According 8tv has advanced, the mother, 20 weeks pregnant, had traveled to areas of Latin America a few months ago and had been infected with this virus and dengue. This is the first case detected in Spain and the second in Europe. Until last Tuesday , May 3, and according to the Ministry of Health in Spain they have been diagnosed 105 confirmed cases of Zika virus infection. All are people who came from Latin America and the Caribbean or who had visited the continent. That is, what is technically known as "imported cases", a feature that also meets infection detected yesterday in women living in Catalonia. The National Epidemiological Surveillance Network , which works with the Carlos III Institute of Health and the autónomas- communities reported that, of those 105 cases, 33 patients are in Catalonia, 27 in Madrid, 10 in Aragon, Castilla y Leon nine, four in Galicia, three in Valencia, three in Navarra, three in Andalusia, three Canary Islands, two in Asturias, two in Murcia, two in La Rioja, two in the Balearic Islands, one in the Basque Country and one in Castilla-La Mancha.Thirteen of those stories were women who were pregnant at the time of the taking of samples. But in 12 of those cases, the fetus has not acquired the disease, a fact that itself has now occurred and that is the first case in Spain of a fetus with microcephaly by zika. Of the four pregnant and infected women living in Catalonia, one of them registered "defects" in the fetus, according to the Department of Health of the Generalitat. Despite this, the patient has decided tocontinue the pregnancy. In all other cases, the fetuses aredeveloping well. Moreover, the coincidence that a woman infected for months by the Zika virus has recently been mother and both she and the baby is given, are in perfect condition and do not present any complications. The Ministry of Health note that in Spain there isa type of mosquito of the genus Aedes (tiger mosquito) "that could transmit the Zika virus if infected by biting a previously infected person." Since the wHO declared an epidemiological alert for the relationship between microcephaly in fetuses with Zika virus, is have registered thousand 198 cases of this disease in fetuses in Brazil, three in Cape Verde, seven in Colombia, eight in French Polynesia, three in Martinique, four in Panama, two in the United States and one in Slovenia. in Europe, a woman Slovenian decided to abort when she met the problems of the fetus. http://diario.mx/Internacional/2016-05-05_c6fcca5a/detecta-espana-primer-caso-de-zika-en-feto/
A Spanish woman who caught Zika while travelling in South America has discovered her unborn baby has microcephaly. The unnamed woman, from Catalonia, was told her baby has several abnormalities at her 20-week scan. Today, the country's Health Ministry confirmed it was Spain's first case. Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-3576711/Spain-gets-case-Zika-related-brain-defect-foetus.html#ixzz47sdhGxVB
Microcephaly map updated https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/1/edit?mid=1RcVTrkYW6hax_iITjKUkEcBCVeI
Thursday, May 5, 2016 - 18h09Detect the first fetus associated with microcephaly Zika virus in SpainAFPBarcelonaRelated newsDoctors suspect zika can damage your hearing or vision in infantsColombia confirms two cases of microcephaly associated with Zika virusMen zika should wait 6 months to have unprotected sexHealth authorities in the Spanish region of Catalonia (northeast) Thursday announced the first case of microcephaly in Spain associated with the Zika virus, detected in the fetus of a pregnant woman. "A pregnant woman has been infected by dengue and zika and the fetus has several defects," he said the regional health department said in a statement. This is the first case of microcephaly associated with the Zika virus in Spain where, according to the ministry last updated on May 3 Health, there are 105 people infected, thirteen of them pregnant women. "All of them in people from or who had visited affected countries, so it is imported cases," the ministry said. This latest outbreak of zika, a virus transmitted by mosquito aedes aegypti, virus appeared in Latin America in 2015 and quickly spread throughout the region. The most affected country is Brazil, with about 1.5 million infected. The World Health Organization (WHO) declared a health emergency by the possible link between the spread of zika in pregnant women and an increase in cases of babies with microcephaly. In mid-April, researchers at the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, a US federal agency, confirmed that this virus "cause microcephaly and other severe brain defects in the fetus." This serious and irreversible malformation is characterized by an abnormally small skull size in newborns and associated neurological deficits. http://www.eluniverso.com/noticias/2016/05/05/nota/5563170/detectan-primer-feto-microcefalia-asociado-virus-zika-espana\
AND THERE ARE 39 CASES IN CATALONIA, ALL IMPORTEDDetected the first case in Spain of a fetus with microcephaly by zikaThe mother, who would have been infected on a trip to Latin America, has stated its intention to go ahead with the pregnancyImage of a baby born with microcephaly in Brazil. (EFE)AGENCIES TAGSZIKA VIRUSNEWS OF CATALONIAREGIONAL NEWSBABIESHEALTHPUBLIC HEALTHCARECATALONIAREADING TIME 2 min05/05/2016 - 23:06 H.The first case of microcephaly of a fetus by contagion from the Zika virus in Spain has been detected in a pregnant woman in Catalonia . As reported 8TV and have confirmed to EFE medical sources, the mother, who would have been infected on a trip to Latin America , he has stated its intention to go ahead with the pregnancy, which is in its week number 20. Currently, in Catalonia there are 39 zika cases, of which 15 are men and 24 women, four of whom are pregnant, so they are subject "to strict controls newspapers to know the evolution of the fetus." [All you need to know about Zika virus] The Department of Health of the Government has issued a statement informing that one of these four women is infected zika and dengue and the fetus has"various malformations" . In the remaining three cases, the fetuses aredeveloping well, in addition, according to Health, if an infected woman for months by the virus Zika was mother recently and both she and the baby are in perfect condition occurs and no They present any complications. In this regard, the Ministry of Health has sought to convey a message of calm and reiterate that, to date, in Catalonia no indigenous transmission of Zika virus and that all cases detected so far have been imported. The Government stresses that It continues to apply the protocol of care for pregnant women who have been at risk of contracting this virus, so that a thorough monitoring of pregnant women and their babies after delivery is made. The Public Health Agency of Catalonia reiterates the importance of informing the existing risk to pregnant women who plan to travel to endemic areas, mainly Caribbean, South and Central America and Africa. They advise that, as far as possible, these women postpone their trip until the end of pregnancy. http://www.elconfidencial.com/espana/cataluna/2016-05-05/detectado-caso-virus-zika-feto-microcefalia_1195628/
First Zika-Related Birth Defect In SpainSpain reported the first European case of the Zika virus in February in a woman who had recently returned from South America. 10:52, UK,Friday 06 May 2016 A total of 105 people in Spain have been infected with the Zika virus Share on TwitterShare on FacebookShare on Google+Share by emailSpain has recorded its first case of the Zika-related microcephaly birth defect in the foetus of a pregnant woman who travelled to South America. The health department for the northeastern region of Catalonia said the woman travelled to the continent some months ago. "A pregnant woman was infected by Zika and dengue and the foetus has shown various defects," it said in a statement. Babies with the defect are born with abnormally small heads and sometimes brain damage. According to official statistics, 105 people in Spain have been infected with the mosquito-borne virus. Play video "What Is The Zika Virus?" Video: What Is The Zika Virus?Spanish authorities have said all the infection cases - including 13 pregnant women - are "imported cases" found in people either "from, or who have visited affected countries" in Latin America. The current Zika outbreak began in early 2015 in Brazil, where around 1.5 million infections have been reported. Since then, the epidemic has spread to several other countries in the Americas. Scientists believe the virus has been responsible for a surge in Brazilian infants born with microcephaly. There is no vaccine or treatment for the virus, which in most people causes only mild symptoms, such as a rash, joint pain or fever. Play video "17 Feb: Zika Link To Paralysis" Video: 17 Feb: Zika Link To ParalysisIn February, Spain confirmed the first case in Europe of a pregnant woman being diagnosed with the Zika virus. The health ministry said the woman had recently returned from Colombia, where it is believed she was infected. The World Health Organisation has declared the microcephaly condition a global public health emergency. It has advised countries not to accept blood donations from people who have visited Zika-affected regions. http://news.sky.com/story/1691378/first-zika-related-birth-defect-in-spain
Fri May 6, 2016 5:30am EDTRelated: HEALTHSpain gets first case of Zika-related brain defect in a fetus Spain has recorded its first case of a fetus developing the microcephaly birth defect after a pregnant woman became infected with the Zika virus, health authorities said late on Thursday. Spain has recorded 13 expectant mothers who have contracted the virus after traveling overseas, though no others are known to have developed defects. The mosquito-borne Zika virus has been linked to hundreds of cases of microcephaly in countries such as Brazil, which has declared a public health emergency over the disease. ADVERTISINGinRead invented by TeadsThe birth defect is marked by babies born with brain abnormalities and undersized heads. Though dozens of people in Spain and Europe are known to have contracted Zika, usually after spending time in affected countries, there have so far been few cases of babies developing microcephaly symptoms as a result in the region. "A (pregnant) woman was infected by Zika and dengue and the fetus shows signs of having developed various malformations," health authorities in the northern Spanish region of Catalonia said in a statement. The woman, who is 20 weeks into her pregnancy, has decided to keep the baby, Spanish media reported. A similar case was diagnosed in Slovenia, in a woman who became pregnant living in Brazil and who aborted the fetus. Spain had 105 known cases of Zika infections at the latest count, all of which resulted from traveling overseas. Other countries such as France have reported cases of the Zika virus being sexually-transmitted. There is no cure or treatment for the virus, which is usually transmitted by mosquitoes and has spread to more than 30 countries. (Reporting by Sarah White; Editing by Robin Pomeroy) http://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-zika-spain-idUSKCN0XX0Q4
Spain records first case of Zika-related microcephaly: 20-week scan reveals unborn baby has 'several abnormalities' Pregnant woman caught Zika while she was travelling in South America Severe birth defect causes brain damage and abnormally small headsSpanish media have reported the unidentified woman will keep babyWorld Health Organisation says it could spread to Europe in summer By KATE PICKLES FOR MAILONLINE PUBLISHED: 04:29 EST, 6 May 2016 | UPDATED: 05:39 EST, 6 May 2016 15shares32 View comments A Spanish woman who caught Zika while travelling in South America has discovered her unborn baby has microcephaly. The unnamed woman, from Catalonia, was told her baby has several abnormalities at her 20-week scan. Today, the country's Health Ministry confirmed it was Spain's first case. The mosquito-borne Zika virus has been linked to hundreds ofcases of microcephaly in countries such as Brazil, which hasdeclared a public health emergency over the disease. The birth defect is marked by babies born with brainabnormalities and undersized heads. +3A Spanish woman discovered her unborn child has microcephaly, a birth defect marked by babies born with brain abnormalities and undersized heads, at her 20 week scan (file photo) Though dozens of people in Spain and Europe are known tohave contracted Zika, usually after spending time in affectedcountries, there have so far been few cases of babies developingmicrocephaly symptoms as a result in the region. In February, Spain was found to have the first case in Europe of a pregnant woman with the virus. It is not known if this woman was the first to be diagnosed. The Spanish government said it has identified 105 people infected with Zika, 13 of them pregnant women. RELATED ARTICLESPrevious1NextInfecting Zika-carrying mosquitoes with bacteria 'BLOCKS...Australian firm to make condoms to stop the spread of...Zika is MORE dangerous than we thought: Experts say virus...Many patients who think they're allergic to penicillin...SHARE THIS ARTICLEShare15 shares'A (pregnant) woman was infected by Zika and dengue and thefoetus shows signs of having developed various malformations,'health authorities in the northern Spanish region of Cataloniasaid in a statement. The woman, who is 20 weeks into her pregnancy, has decidedto keep the baby, Spanish media reported. It is thought she contracted the virus, as well as Dengue fever, several months ago while travelling in South America. A similar case was diagnosed in Slovenia, in a woman whobecame pregnant living in Brazil and who aborted the foetus. Zika has been sweeping through South and Central America and the Caribbean and making its way north to the United States. Experts say people in Europe should brace themselves as mosquitoes carrying the virus are expected to flock to the continent as summer arrives. +3 Scientists have proved the Zika virus - carried by the Aedes albopictus mosquito pictured - can cause microcephaly. The first case of a Spanish woman's unborn child having the condition has been diagnosed after she went for her 20-week scan which showed 'several malformations' In February the World Health Organization declared Zika a global health emergency. The connection between Zika and microcephaly came to light last fall in Brazil, which has now confirmed more than 1,100 cases of microcephaly that it considers to be related to Zika infections in the mothers. The case in Spain comes just says after scientists warned the risk was more dangerous in pregnant women than first feared. Experts are now linking it to several neurological conditions - in addition to microcephaly. Dr Renato Sa, an obstetrician and foetal medicine specialist, said he believes babies in up to a fifth of pregnant women with the virus could be affected. Othercountries such as France have reported cases of the Zika virusbeing sexually-transmitted. There is no cure or treatment for the virus, which isusually transmitted by mosquitoes and has spread to more than 30countries. Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-3576711/Spain-gets-case-Zika-related-brain-defect-foetus.html#ixzz47seIAoxg Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
A Spanish woman who caught Zika while travelling in South America has discovered her unborn baby has microcephaly. The unnamed woman, from Catalonia, was told her baby has several abnormalities at her 20-week scan. Today, the country's Health Ministry confirmed it was Spain's first case. Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-3576711/Spain-gets-case-Zika-related-brain-defect-foetus.html#ixzz47sdhGxVB Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Update Sequences producing significant alignments:Select:AllNone Selected:0 AlignmentsDownloadGenBankGraphicsDistance tree of resultsShow/hide columns of the table presenting sequences producing significant alignmentsSequences producing significant alignments:Select for downloading or viewing reportsDescriptionMax scoreTotal scoreQuery coverE valueIdentAccessionSelect seq gb|KX156774.1|Zika virus strain ZIKV/Homo sapiens/PAN/CDC-259359_V1-V3/2015, complete genome1852518525100%0.0100%KX156774.1Select seq gb|KX156776.1|Zika virus strain ZIKV/Homo sapiens/PAN/CDC-259364_V1-V2/2015, complete genome1851118511100%0.099%KX156776.1Select seq gb|KX156775.1|Zika virus strain ZIKV/Homo sapiens/PAN/CDC-259249_V1-V3/2015, complete genome1850218502100%0.099%KX156775.1Select seq gb|KX087102.1|Zika virus strain ZIKV/Homo sapiens/COL/FLR/2015, complete genome1846518465100%0.099%KX087102.1Select seq gb|KU820897.1|Zika virus isolate FLR polyprotein gene, complete cds1846518465100%0.099%KU820897.1Select seq gb|KU647676.1|Zika virus strain MRS_OPY_Martinique_PaRi_2015 polyprotein gene, complete cds1844418444100%0.099%KU647676.1Select seq gb|KU922960.1|Zika virus isolate MEX/InDRE/Sm/2016, complete genome1842618426100%0.099%KU922960.1Select seq gb|KU922923.1|Zika virus isolate MEX/InDRE/Lm/2016, complete genome1842018420100%0.099%KU922923.1Select seq gb|KU991811.1|Zika virus isolate Brazil/2016/INMI1 polyprotein gene, complete cds1839918399100%0.099%KU991811.1Select seq gb|KU509998.3|Zika virus strain Haiti/1225/2014, complete genome1839318393100%0.099%KU509998.3Select seq gb|KJ776791.1|Zika virus strain H/PF/2013 polyprotein gene, complete cds1839018390100%0.099%KJ776791.1Select seq gb|KU321639.1|Zika virus strain ZikaSPH2015, complete genome1838118381100%0.099%KU321639.1Select seq gb|KX051563.1|Zika virus isolate Haiti/1/2016, complete genome1837518375100%0.099%KX051563.1Select seq gb|KU729218.1|Zika virus isolate BeH828305 polyprotein gene, complete cds1837218372100%0.099%KU729218.1Select seq gb|KU707826.1|Zika virus isolate SSABR1, complete genome1837218372100%0.099%KU707826.1Select seq gb|KU365779.1|Zika virus strain BeH819966 polyprotein gene, complete cds1837218372100%0.099%KU365779.1Select seq gb|KU926309.1|Zika virus isolate Rio-U1, complete genome1836618366100%0.099%KU926309.1Select seq gb|KU497555.1|Zika virus isolate Brazil-ZKV2015, complete genome183631836399%0.099%KU497555.1Select seq gb|KU365780.1|Zika virus strain BeH815744 polyprotein gene, complete cds1835718357100%0.099%KU365780.1Select seq gb|KU940228.1|Zika virus isolate Bahia07, partial genome1835418354100%0.099%KU940228.1Select seq gb|KU729217.2|Zika virus isolate BeH823339 polyprotein gene, complete cds1835418354100%0.099%KU729217.2Select seq gb|KU365777.1|Zika virus strain BeH818995 polyprotein gene, complete cds1835418354100%0.099%KU365777.1Select seq gb|KU501217.1|Zika virus strain 8375 polyprotein gene, complete cds1834818348100%0.099%KU501217.1Select seq gb|KU365778.1|Zika virus strain BeH819015 polyprotein gene, complete cds1834818348100%0.099%KU365778.1Select seq gb|KU312312.1|Zika virus isolate Z1106033 polyprotein gene, complete cds1834818348100%0.099%KU312312.1Select seq gb|KU527068.1|Zika virus strain Natal RGN, complete genome1834518345100%0.099%KU527068.1Select seq gb|KU501216.1|Zika virus strain 103344 polyprotein gene, complete cds1834518345100%0.099%KU501216.1Select seq gb|KU937936.1|Zika virus isolate ZIKVNL00013 polyprotein gene, complete cds1833918339100%0.099%KU937936.1Select seq gb|KU501215.1|Zika virus strain PRVABC59, complete genome1833918339100%0.099%KU501215.1Select seq gb|KX087101.1|Zika virus strain ZIKV/Homo sapiens/PRI/PRVABC59/2015, complete genome1833618336100%0.099%KX087101.1Select seq gb|KU926310.1|Zika virus isolate Rio-S1, complete genome1833018330100%0.099%KU926310.1Select seq gb|KU820898.1|Zika virus isolate GZ01 polyprotein gene, complete cds1833018330100%0.099%KU820898.1Select seq gb|KU870645.1|Zika virus isolate FB-GWUH-2016, complete genome1832718327100%0.099%KU870645.1Select seq gb|KU853013.1|Zika virus isolate Dominican Republic/2016/PD2, complete genome1832118321100%0.099%KU853013.1Select seq gb|KU853012.1|Zika virus isolate Dominican Republic/2016/PD1, complete genome1832118321100%0.099%KU853012.1Select seq gb|KX056898.1|Zika virus isolate Zika virus/GZ02/2016 polyprotein gene, complete cds1831818318100%0.099%KX056898.1Select seq gb|KU955590.1|Zika virus isolate Z16019 polyprotein gene, complete cds1831818318100%0.099%KU955590.1Select seq gb|KU740184.2|Zika virus isolate GD01 polyprotein gene, complete cds1831218312100%0.099%KU740184.2Select seq gb|KU761564.1|Zika virus isolate GDZ16001 polyprotein gene, complete cds1831218312100%0.099%KU761564.1Select seq gb|KX117076.1|Zika virus isolate Zhejiang04, complete genome1830018300100%0.099%KX117076.1Select seq gb|KU963796.1|Zika virus isolate SZ-WIV01 polyprotein gene, complete cds1829118291100%0.099%KU963796.1Select seq gb|KU955589.1|Zika virus isolate Z16006 polyprotein gene, complete cds1828518285100%0.099%KU955589.1Select seq gb|KU820899.2|Zika virus isolate ZJ03, complete genome1828518285100%0.099%KU820899.2Select seq gb|KU940224.1|Zika virus isolate Bahia09, partial genome182581825899%0.099%KU940224.1Select seq gb|KU866423.1|Zika virus isolate Zika virus/SZ01/2016 polyprotein gene, complete cds1818618186100%0.099%KU866423.1Select seq gb|KU744693.1|Zika virus isolate VE_Ganxian, complete genome1814618146100%0.099%KU744693.1Select seq gb|KU681081.3|Zika virus isolate Zika virus/H.sapiens-tc/THA/2014/SV0127- 14, complete genome1805618056100%0.099%KU681081.3Select seq gb|KU955593.1|Zika virus isolate Zika virus/H.sapiens-tc/KHM/2010/FSS13025, complete genome1776217762100%0.098%KU955593.1Select seq gb|JN860885.1|Zika virus isolate FSS13025 polyprotein gene, partial cds177621776299%0.098%JN860885.1Select seq gb|KF993678.1|Zika virus strain PLCal_ZV from Canada polyprotein gene, partial cds177211772198%0.099%KF993678.1Select seq gb|EU545988.1|Zika virus polyprotein gene, complete cds1760317603100%0.098%EU545988.1Select seq gb|KU681082.3|Zika virus isolate Zika virus/H.sapiens-tc/PHL/2012/CPC-0740, complete genome1744717447100%0.098%KU681082.3Select seq gb|HQ234499.1|Zika virus isolate P6-740 polyprotein gene, partial cds164201642099%0.095%HQ234499.1Select seq gb|KF268949.1|Zika virus isolate ARB15076 polyprotein gene, complete cds1330613306100%0.089%KF268949.1Select seq gb|KF383115.1|Zika virus strain ArB1362 polyprotein gene, complete cds1330213302100%0.089%KF383115.1Select seq gb|KF268948.1|Zika virus isolate ARB13565 polyprotein gene, complete cds1329713297100%0.089%KF268948.1Select seq gb|KU720415.1|Zika virus strain MR 766 polyprotein gene, complete cds1329513295100%0.089%KU720415.1Select seq gb|KF268950.1|Zika virus isolate ARB7701 polyprotein gene, complete cds1329013290100%0.089%KF268950.1Select seq gb|HQ234498.1|Zika virus isolate MR_766 polyprotein gene, partial cds132901329099%0.089%HQ234498.1Select seq gb|KU955595.1|Zika virus isolate Zika virus/A.taylori-tc/SEN/1984/41671-DAK, complete genome1328613286100%0.089%KU955595.1Select seq gb|KU955592.1|Zika virus isolate Zika virus/A.taylori-tc/SEN/1984/41662-DAK, complete genome1327713277100%0.089%KU955592.1Select seq gb|KF383119.1|Zika virus strain ArD158084 polyprotein gene, complete cds1327713277100%0.089%KF383119.1Select seq dbj|LC002520.1|Zika virus genomic RNA, complete genome, strain: MR766-NIID1327213272100%0.089%LC002520.1Select seq gb|DQ859059.1|Zika virus strain MR 766 polyprotein gene, complete cds1326613266100%0.089%DQ859059.1Select seq gb|KU955591.1|Zika virus isolate Zika virus/A.africanus-tc/SEN/1984/41525-DAK, complete genome1325913259100%0.089%KU955591.1Select seq gb|KU963573.1|Zika virus isolate ZIKV/Macaca mulatta/UGA/MR-766_SM150-V8/1947 polyprotein (GP1) gene, complete cds1325613256100%0.089%KU963573.1Select seq gb|KU955594.1|Zika virus isolate Zika virus/M.mulatta-tc/UGA/1947/MR-766, complete genome1325613256100%0.089%KU955594.1Select seq gb|KF383116.1|Zika virus strain ArD7117 polyprotein gene, complete cds1325213252100%0.089%KF383116.1Select seq gb|HQ234501.1|Zika virus isolate ArD_41519 polyprotein gene, partial cds132361323699%0.089%HQ234501.1Select seq gb|AY632535.2|Zika virus strain MR 766, complete genome1321413214100%0.089%AY632535.2Select seq gb|KF383117.1|Zika virus strain ArD128000 polyprotein gene, complete cds1317813178100%0.088%KF383117.1Select seq gb|KU963574.1|Zika virus isolate ZIKV/Homo sapiens/NGA/IbH-30656_SM21V1-V3/1968 polyprotein (GP1) gene, complete cds1315313260100%0.088%KU963574.1Select seq gb|HQ234500.1|Zika virus isolate IbH_30656 polyprotein gene, partial cds131531315399%0.088%HQ234500.1Select seq gb|KF383118.1|Zika virus strain ArD157995 polyprotein gene, complete cds1294913017100%0.088%KF383118.1Select seq gb|KF383121.1|Zika virus strain ArD158095 polyprotein gene, partial cds128731287397%0.089%KF383121.1Select seq gb|KF383120.1|Zika virus strain ArD142623 nonfunctional polyprotein gene, partial sequence108621086297%0.084%KF383120.1Select seq gb|KU940227.1|Zika virus isolate Bahia08, partial genome50341442787%0.095%KU940227.1Select seq gb|KU312314.1|Zika virus isolate Z1106031 polyprotein gene, partial cds4962496227%0.099%KU312314.1Select seq gb|KU312313.1|Zika virus isolate Z1106032 polyprotein gene, partial cds4935493527%0.099%KU312313.1Select seq gb|KU646828.1|Zika virus isolate Si322 polyprotein gene, partial cds4677467725%0.099%KU646828.1Select seq gb|KU646827.1|Zika virus isolate Si323 polyprotein gene, partial cds4677467725%0.099%KU646827.1Select seq gb|KX101060.1|Zika virus isolate Bahia02, partial genome42261331375%0.095%KX101060.1Select seq gb|KU312315.1|Zika virus isolate Z1106027 polyprotein gene, partial cds3434343418%0.099%KU312315.1Select seq gb|KU740199.1|Zika virus isolate VE_Ganxian2016 polyprotein gene, partial cds3211321117%0.099%KU740199.1Select seq gb|KX101066.1|Zika virus isolate Bahia01, partial genome31191310474%0.099%KX101066.1Select seq gb|DQ859064.1|Spondweni virus strain SM-6 V-1 polyprotein gene, complete cds2852417995%0.071%DQ859064.1Select seq gb|KJ634273.1|Zika virus strain CK-ISL 2014 E protein (E) gene, partial cds2695269514%0.099%KJ634273.1Select seq gb|KX101064.1|Zika virus isolate Bahia11, partial genome22501077765%0.092%KX101064.1Select seq gb|KU686218.1|Zika virus isolate MEX/InDRE/14/2015 polyprotein gene, partial cds2075207511%0.099%KU686218.1Select seq gb|KU179098.1|Zika virus isolate JMB-185 nonstructural protein 5 gene, partial cds2021202111%0.099%KU179098.1Select seq gb|KX101061.1|Zika virus isolate Bahia03, partial genome18461389378%0.0100%KX101061.1Select seq gb|KX059014.1|Zika virus isolate Haiti/1230/2014 NS5 gene, partial cds183818389%0.099%KX059014.1Select seq gb|KX059013.1|Zika virus isolate Haiti/1227/2014 NS5 gene, partial cds183818389%0.099%KX059013.1Select seq gb|KM078936.1|Zika virus strain CHI1410214 NS5 protein gene, partial cds175217529%0.099%KM078936.1Select seq gb|KM078961.1|Zika virus strain CHI2612114 NS5 protein gene, partial cds174817489%0.099%KM078961.1Select seq gb|KM078930.1|Zika virus strain CHI2283714 NS5 protein gene, partial cds174617469%0.099%KM078930.1Select seq gb|KM078971.1|Zika virus strain CHI2613014 NS5 protein gene, partial cds174517459%0.099%KM078971.1Select seq gb|KM078970.1|Zika virus strain CHI2490414 NS5 protein gene, partial cds174517459%0.099%KM078970.1Select seq gb|KM078933.1|Zika virus strain CHI1058514 NS5 protein gene, partial cds174517459%0.099%KM078933.1Select seq gb|KM078929.1|Zika virus strain CHI1805214 NS5 protein gene, partial cds174317439%0.099%KM078929.1Select seq gb|KJ873160.1|Zika virus isolate NC14-03042014-3481 nonstructural protein 5 gene, partial cds160216028%0.099%KJ873160.1Select seq gb|KJ873161.1|Zika virus isolate NC14-02042014-3220 nonstructural protein 5 gene, partial cds142014207%0.099%KJ873161.1Select seq gb|KM851039.1|Zika virus strain SV0127/14 nonstructural protein 5 gene, partial cds138213827%0.099%KM851039.1Select seq gb|KU985087.1|Zika virus isolate MEX/InDRE/Zika-2/2015 nonstructural protein 5 gene, partial cds135313537%0.099%KU985087.1Select seq gb|KU556802.1|Zika virus isolate MEX/InDRE/14/2015 NS5 protein gene, partial cds134613467%0.099%KU556802.1Select seq gb|KM851038.1|Zika virus strain CPC-0740 nonstructural protein 5 gene, partial cds134613467%0.098%KM851038.1Select seq gb|AF013415.1|Zika virus strain MR-766 NS5 protein (NS5) gene, partial cds1315131510%0.088%AF013415.1Select seq gb|KT200609.1|Zika virus isolate BR/949/15 NS5 gene, partial cds124512456%0.099%KT200609.1Select seq gb|KU232300.1|Zika virus isolate 067ZV_PEBR15 NS5 protein gene, partial cds124012406%0.099%KU232300.1Select seq gb|KU232290.1|Zika virus isolate 036ZV_PEBR15 NS5 protein gene, partial cds123112316%0.099%KU232290.1Select seq gb|KU232297.1|Zika virus isolate 049ZV_PEBR15 NS5 protein gene, partial cds122912296%0.099%KU232297.1Select seq gb|KU232294.1|Zika virus isolate 061ZV_PEBR15 NS5 protein gene, partial cds122012206%0.099%KU232294.1Select seq gb|KU232292.1|Zika virus isolate 054ZV_PEBR15 NS5 protein gene, partial cds121812186%0.099%KU232292.1Select seq gb|KU232298.1|Zika virus isolate 050ZV_PEBR15 NS5 protein gene, partial cds121412146%0.099%KU232298.1Select seq gb|KU232296.1|Zika virus isolate 045ZV_PEBR15 NS5 protein gene, partial cds121112116%0.099%KU232296.1Select seq gb|KU232293.1|Zika virus isolate 057ZV_PEBR15 NS5 protein gene, partial cds121112116%0.099%KU232293.1Select seq gb|KU232295.1|Zika virus isolate 068ZV_PEBR15 NS5 protein gene, partial cds120512056%0.099%KU232295.1Select seq gb|KU232288.1|Zika virus isolate 001ZV_PEBR15 NS5 protein gene, partial cds119511956%0.099%KU232288.1Select seq gb|KU232289.1|Zika virus isolate 020ZV_PEBR15 NS5 protein gene, partial cds119111916%0.099%KU232289.1Select seq gb|KU232299.1|Zika virus isolate 015ZV_PEBR15 NS5 protein gene, partial cds118711876%0.099%KU232299.1Select seq gb|KU232291.1|Zika virus isolate 051ZV_PEBR15 NS5 protein gene, partial cds118611866%0.099%KU232291.1Select seq gb|KX101065.1|Zika virus isolate Bahia15, partial genome1184776646%0.099%KX101065.1Select seq gb|KX101063.1|Zika virus isolate Bahia05, partial genome1177742942%0.099%KX101063.1Select seq gb|KU758878.1|Zika virus polyprotein gene, partial cds113311336%0.099%KU758878.1Select seq gb|KF270886.1|Zika virus strain CCB-870 envelope glycoprotein gene, partial cds107210728%0.088%KF270886.1Select seq gb|KX101062.1|Zika virus isolate Bahia04, partial genome1054732141%0.097%KX101062.1Select seq gb|KU867812.1|Zika virus isolate Jiangxi.CHN/01/2016 nonstructural protein 5 gene, partial cds101810185%0.0100%KU867812.1Select seq gb|AF372422.1|AF372422Zika virus envelope protein (E) gene, partial cds101410148%0.086%AF372422.1Select seq gb|KF270887.1|Zika virus strain CCB-870 NS3 protein gene, partial cds100010007%0.089%KF270887.1Select seq gb|EF158064.1|St. Louis encephalitis virus strain GML 902612 polyprotein gene, partial cds984200464%0.070%EF158064.1Select seq gb|KF383022.1|Zika virus strain ArD127988 envelope protein gene, partial cds9759757%0.089%KF383022.1Select seq gb|KF383026.1|Zika virus strain ArD127994 envelope protein gene, partial cds9719717%0.089%KF383026.1Select seq gb|EU303241.1|Zika virus note MR766 (p4 15/9/76) nonstructural protein 5 (NS5) gene, partial cds9679677%0.088%EU303241.1Select seq gb|KF383032.1|Zika virus strain ArD30101 envelope protein gene, partial cds9629627%0.088%KF383032.1Select seq gb|KF383037.1|Zika virus strain ArA506 envelope protein gene, partial cds9579577%0.088%KF383037.1Select seq gb|KF383034.1|Zika virus strain ArD30156 envelope protein gene, partial cds9579577%0.088%KF383034.1Select seq gb|KF383029.1|Zika virus strain ArD165522 envelope protein gene, partial cds9579577%0.088%KF383029.1Select seq gb|KF383033.1|Zika virus strain AnD30332 envelope protein gene, partial cds9539537%0.088%KF383033.1Select seq gb|KF383036.1|Zika virus strain ArA975 envelope protein gene, partial cds9519517%0.088%KF383036.1Select seq gb|KF383028.1|Zika virus strain ArD165531 envelope protein gene, partial cds9359357%0.088%KF383028.1Select seq gb|KF383039.1|Zika virus strain HD78788 envelope protein gene, partial cds9339337%0.088%KF383039.1Select seq gb|KF383031.1|Zika virus strain ArD9957 envelope protein gene, partial cds9309307%0.087%KF383031.1Select seq gb|KF383038.1|Zika virus strain ArA986 envelope protein gene, partial cds9249247%0.087%KF383038.1Select seq gb|EU566860.1|St. Louis encephalitis virus strain Hubbard, complete genome921201857%0.069%EU566860.1Select seq gb|KT823415.1|St. Louis encephalitis virus strain RT 121B polyprotein gene, complete cds917190965%0.069%KT823415.1Select seq gb|FJ753286.2|St. Louis encephalitis virus strain CbaAr-4005, complete genome917192765%0.069%FJ753286.2Select seq gb|KF383046.1|Zika virus strain ArA982 envelope protein gene, partial cds9159157%0.087%KF383046.1Select seq gb|KF383103.1|Zika virus strain ArA986 nonstructural protein 5 gene, partial cds9069066%0.088%KF383103.1Select seq gb|KF383086.1|Zika virus strain ArA975 nonstructural protein 5 gene, partial cds9069066%0.088%KF383086.1Select seq gb|KF383045.1|Zika virus strain ArA27106 envelope protein gene, partial cds9029027%0.087%KF383045.1Select seq gb|KF383043.1|Zika virus strain ArA27443 envelope protein gene, partial cds8978977%0.087%KF383043.1Select seq gb|KF383035.1|Zika virus strain MR1429 envelope protein gene, partial cds8978977%0.086%KF383035.1Select seq gb|KF383041.1|Zika virus strain ArA27290 envelope protein gene, partial cds8938937%0.086%KF383041.1Select seq gb|KF383042.1|Zika virus strain ArA27096 envelope protein gene, partial cds8888887%0.086%KF383042.1Select seq gb|EF158069.1|St. Louis encephalitis virus strain 72 V 4749 polyprotein gene, partial cds886196867%0.069%EF158069.1Select seq gb|FJ753287.2|St. Louis encephalitis virus strain 79V-2533, complete genome884182363%0.069%FJ753287.2Select seq gb|KF383104.1|Zika virus strain ArA982 nonstructural protein 5 gene, partial cds8748746%0.087%KF383104.1Select seq gb|KF383085.1|Zika virus strain ArD9957 nonstructural protein 5 gene, partial cds8748746%0.087%KF383085.1Select seq gb|KF383106.1|Zika virus strain ArA27443 nonstructural protein 5 gene, partial cds8708706%0.087%KF383106.1Select seq gb|EF158063.1|St. Louis encephalitis virus strain CorAn 9124 polyprotein gene, partial cds868196160%0.069%EF158063.1Select seq gb|KU978616.1|Zika virus isolate Dominican_Rep-Rus-2-2016 polyprotein gene, partial cds8658654%0.099%KU978616.1Select seq gb|KF383114.1|Zika virus strain AnD30332 nonstructural protein 5 gene, partial cds8658656%0.087%KF383114.1Select seq gb|KF383107.1|Zika virus strain ArA27407 nonstructural protein 5 gene, partial cds8658656%0.087%KF383107.1Select seq gb|KF383088.1|Zika virus strain ArD30101 nonstructural protein 5 gene, partial cds8658656%0.087%KF383088.1Select seq gb|KX101067.1|Zika virus isolate Bahia12, partial genome863849551%0.089%KX101067.1Select seq gb|KF383040.1|Zika virus strain ArA27101 envelope protein gene, partial cds8638637%0.085%KF383040.1Select seq gb|KF383087.1|Zika virus strain ArD30156 nonstructural protein 5 gene, partial cds8618616%0.087%KF383087.1Select seq gb|KF383089.1|Zika virus strain ArD165531 nonstructural protein 5 gene, partial cds8478476%0.087%KF383089.1Select seq gb|KF383101.1|Zika virus strain ArD127710 nonstructural protein 5 gene, partial cds8438436%0.086%KF383101.1Select seq gb|KF383097.1|Zika virus strain ArD127994 nonstructural protein 5 gene, partial cds8438436%0.086%KF383097.1Select seq gb|KF383099.1|Zika virus strain ArD127987 nonstructural protein 5 gene, partial cds8388386%0.086%KF383099.1Select seq gb|KF383098.1|Zika virus strain ArD127988 nonstructural protein 5 gene, partial cds8348346%0.086%KF383098.1Select seq dbj|AB908162.1|Zika virus gene for polyprotein, partial cds, strain: ZIKV Hu/Tahiti/01u/2014NIID8258254%0.099%AB908162.1Select seq gb|KU872850.1|Zika virus isolate Dominican Rep-Rus-2016, NS2 partial cds8238234%0.099%KU872850.1Select seq gb|KC754954.1|Usutu virus isolate ArD19848, complete genome809156060%0.068%KC754954.1Select seq gb|KF383084.1|Zika virus strain HD78788 nonstructural protein 5 gene, partial cds8078076%0.085%KF383084.1Select seq gb|KF383113.1|Zika virus strain ArA1465 nonstructural protein 5 gene, partial cds8018016%0.085%KF383113.1Select seq gb|HM147824.1|West Nile virus from Democratic Republic of the Congo, complete genome783170653%0.068%HM147824.1Select seq gb|KC754958.1|Usutu virus isolate ArB1803, complete genome782186754%0.068%KC754958.1Select seq gb|EF429199.1|West Nile virus SA381/00, complete genome765172050%0.068%EF429199.1Select seq gb|DQ176636.2|West Nile virus strain Madagascar-AnMg798, complete genome756152748%0.068%DQ176636.2Select seq gb|KM203863.1|West Nile virus strain Cz 13-502, complete genome742166854%0.068%KM203863.1Select seq gb|KM203860.1|West Nile virus strain Cz 13-104, complete genome729164354%0.067%KM203860.1Select seq gb|KF383017.1|Zika virus strain ArD149938 envelope protein gene, partial cds7137137%0.081%KF383017.1Select seq gb|KF383016.1|Zika virus strain ArD147917 envelope protein gene, partial cds7087087%0.081%KF383016.1Select seq gb|KF383015.1|Zika virus strain ArD149810 envelope protein gene, partial cds7087087%0.081%KF383015.1Select seq gb|KF383021.1|Zika virus strain ArD132912 envelope protein gene, partial cds7027027%0.081%KF383021.1Select seq gb|KF383020.1|Zika virus strain ArA1465 envelope protein gene, partial cds7027027%0.081%KF383020.1Select seq gb|KF258813.1|Zika virus isolate Java non-structural protein 5 mRNA, partial cds6936933%0.098%KF258813.1Select seq gb|KF383019.1|Zika virus strain ArD132915 envelope protein gene, partial cds6866867%0.080%KF383019.1Select seq gb|JF262780.1|Dengue virus 4 isolate P73-1120, complete genome675175050%0.070%JF262780.1Select seq gb|JF262779.1|Dengue virus 4 isolate P75-514, complete genome675175050%0.070%JF262779.1Select seq gb|EF457906.1|Dengue virus type 4 isolate P75-215, complete genome672173250%0.069%EF457906.1Select seq gb|KF383092.1|Zika virus strain ArD147917 nonstructural protein 5 gene, partial cds6646646%0.081%KF383092.1Select seq gb|KF383093.1|Zika virus strain ArD149810 nonstructural protein 5 gene, partial cds6636636%0.081%KF383093.1Select seq gb|KF383095.1|Zika virus strain ArD132915 nonstructural protein 5 gene, partial cds6576576%0.081%KF383095.1Select seq gb|KF383091.1|Zika virus strain ArD149938 nonstructural protein 5 gene, partial cds6546546%0.080%KF383091.1Select seq gb|KU985088.1|Zika virus isolate MEX/InDRE/Zika-2/2015 envelope protein gene, partial cds6456453%8e-18099%KU985088.1Select seq gb|FJ432747.1|Dengue virus 1 isolate DENV-1/VN/BID-V1832/2007, complete genome645160044%8e-18069%FJ432747.1Select seq gb|FJ410232.1|Dengue virus 1 isolate DENV-1/VN/BID-V1890/2007, complete genome645160044%8e-18069%FJ410232.1Select seq gb|FJ410201.1|Dengue virus 1 isolate DENV-1/VN/BID-V1806/2007, complete genome639159044%3e-17869%FJ410201.1Select seq gb|JQ686088.2|Dengue virus 2 strain JHA1, partial genome637151160%1e-17769%JQ686088.2Select seq gb|JN697058.1|Dengue virus 1 isolate DH/S1/05/152, complete genome636161346%4e-17769%JN697058.1Select seq gb|FJ882536.1|Dengue virus 1 isolate DENV-1/VN/BID-V2711/2006, complete genome636158644%4e-17769%FJ882536.1Select seq gb|FJ410257.1|Dengue virus 1 isolate DENV-1/VN/BID-V1925/2008, complete genome636153243%4e-17769%FJ410257.1Select seq gb|FJ410234.1|Dengue virus 1 isolate DENV-1/VN/BID-V1896/2007, complete genome636157343%4e-17769%FJ410234.1Select seq emb|HG316482.1|Dengue virus type 1 complete genome, isolate KDH0030A634159351%1e-17669%HG316482.1Select seq gb|KX062045.1|Zika virus isolate Haiti/1230/2014 envelope protein gene, partial cds6306303%2e-175100%KX062045.1Select seq gb|FJ906728.1|Dengue virus 1 isolate DENV-1/VN/BID-V1852/2007, complete genome630156244%2e-17569%FJ906728.1Select seq gb|FJ432734.1|Dengue virus 1 isolate DENV-1/VN/BID-V1792/2007, complete genome630157244%2e-17569%FJ432734.1Select seq gb|JQ048541.1|Dengue virus 1 isolate DG14, complete genome627160249%2e-17469%JQ048541.1Select seq gb|GU131725.1|Dengue virus 1 isolate DENV-1/VN/BID-V3903/2008, complete genome627157244%2e-17469%GU131725.1Select seq gb|FJ410250.1|Dengue virus 1 isolate DENV-1/VN/BID-V1917/2007, complete genome627157546%2e-17469%FJ410250.1Select seq gb|FJ410211.1|Dengue virus 1 isolate DENV-1/VN/BID-V1830/2007, complete genome627158144%2e-17469%FJ410211.1Select seq gb|FJ410204.1|Dengue virus 1 isolate DENV-1/VN/BID-V1809/2007, complete genome627157544%2e-17469%FJ410204.1Select seq gb|FJ410203.1|Dengue virus 1 isolate DENV-1/VN/BID-V1808/2007, complete genome627157544%2e-17469%FJ410203.1Select seq gb|KX062044.1|Zika virus isolate Haiti/1227/2014 envelope protein gene, partial cds6256253%7e-17499%KX062044.1Select seq emb|FM210240.2|Dengue virus 2 isolate MD1273, complete genome614141859%1e-17069%FM210240.2Select seq gb|DQ181799.1|Dengue virus type 2 strain ThD2_0017_98, complete genome612164453%5e-17069%DQ181799.1Select seq gb|AF100462.1|AF100462Dengue virus type 2 strain C0390 polyprotein gene, complete cds607161352%2e-16869%AF100462.1Select seq gb|GU131894.1|Dengue virus 1 isolate DENV-1/IPC/BID-V3786/2008, complete genome600145042%3e-16668%GU131894.1Select seq gb|GQ868633.1|Dengue virus 1 isolate DENV-1/IPC/BID-V3793/2008, complete genome600145442%3e-16668%GQ868633.1Select seq gb|FJ639711.1|Dengue virus 2 isolate DENV-2/KH/BID-V2045/2005, complete genome598140958%1e-16569%FJ639711.1Select seq gb|FJ639710.1|Dengue virus 2 isolate DENV-2/KH/BID-V2044/2005, complete genome598140958%1e-16569%FJ639710.1Select seq gb|KJ918750.1|Dengue virus 2 isolate P23085 INDI-60, complete genome596164947%3e-16569%KJ918750.1Select seq gb|EU529701.1|Dengue virus 2 isolate DENV-2/US/BID-V1087/1991, complete genome589167648%5e-16368%EU529701.1Select seq gb|KR815989.1|Zika virus isolate 15095 envelope protein gene, partial cds5875873%2e-16299%KR815989.1Select seq gb|JN819408.1|Dengue virus 2 isolate DENV-2/VE/BID-V2161/2001, complete genome585159548%6e-16269%JN819408.1Select seq gb|GU131887.1|Dengue virus 1 isolate DENV-1/IPC/BID-V3775/2006, complete genome581153742%8e-16168%GU131887.1Select seq gb|EU482580.1|Dengue virus 2 isolate DENV-2/US/BID-V1177/1989, complete genome580165848%3e-16068%EU482580.1Select seq gb|FJ850050.1|Dengue virus 2 isolate DENV-2/NI/BID-V2356/2007, complete genome576161849%3e-15968%FJ850050.1Select seq gb|EU569702.1|Dengue virus 2 isolate DENV-2/NI/BID-V1228/2007, complete genome576163250%3e-15968%EU569702.1Select seq gb|EU596483.1|Dengue virus 2 isolate DENV-2/NI/BID-V608/2006, complete genome572164350%4e-15868%EU596483.1Select seq gb|JN819407.1|Dengue virus 2 isolate DENV-2/VE/BID-V2613/2007, complete genome571161145%1e-15768%JN819407.1Select seq gb|FJ898466.1|Dengue virus 2 isolate DENV-2/VE/BID-V2942/2000, complete genome567158449%2e-15668%FJ898466.1Select seq gb|KR816334.1|Zika virus isolate BR/UFBA/LabViro/Ex1 envelope protein gene, partial cds5455452%6e-15099%KR816334.1Select seq gb|KR816333.1|Zika virus isolate BR/UFBA/LabViro/23 envelope protein gene, partial cds5445442%2e-14999%KR816333.1Select seq gb|KR816335.1|Zika virus isolate BR/UFBA/LabViro/18 envelope protein gene, partial cds5405402%2e-14899%KR816335.1Select seq gb|JQ922552.1|Dengue virus 2 isolate DENV-2/IND/P23085/1960, complete genome536160946%3e-14768%JQ922552.1Select seq gb|KM212966.1|Zika virus isolate NC13(FP)-26112013-22072 glycoprotein gene, partial cds5295292%4e-14599%KM212966.1Select seq gb|KM212965.1|Zika virus isolate NC13(FP)-20112013-22015 glycoprotein gene, partial cds5265262%5e-14499%KM212965.1Select seq gb|KM212964.1|Zika virus isolate NC14-17042014-4554 glycoprotein gene, partial cds5265262%5e-14499%KM212964.1Select seq gb|KM212963.1|Zika virus isolate NC14-23012014-250 glycoprotein gene, partial cds5265262%5e-14499%KM212963.1Select seq gb|KJ579441.1|Zika virus isolate PF13-CP221013c polyprotein gene, partial cds5025022%6e-13799%KJ579441.1Select seq gb|KJ680134.1|Zika virus strain PF13-091213-121 polyprotein gene, partial cds4994992%7e-13699%KJ680134.1Select seq gb|JQ922553.1|Dengue virus 2 isolate DENV-2/IND/803347/1980, complete genome430145646%3e-11567%JQ922553.1Select seq gb|KU954085.1|Zika virus isolate ZIKCOLSC67 polyprotein gene, partial cds4214212%2e-11299%KU954085.1
Update Sequences producing significant alignments:Select:AllNone Selected:0 AlignmentsDownloadGenBankGraphicsDistance tree of resultsShow/hide columns of the table presenting sequences producing significant alignmentsSequences producing significant alignments:Select for downloading or viewing reportsDescriptionMax scoreTotal scoreQuery coverE valueIdentAccessionSelect seq gb|KX156775.1|Zika virus strain ZIKV/Homo sapiens/PAN/CDC-259359_V1-Vx/2015, complete genome1852518525100%0.0100%KX156775.1Select seq gb|KX156776.1|Zika virus strain ZIKV/Homo sapiens/PAN/CDC-259364_V1-Vx/2015, complete genome1850718507100%0.099%KX156776.1Select seq gb|KX156774.1|Zika virus strain ZIKV/Homo sapiens/PAN/CDC-259249_V1-Vx/2015, complete genome1850218502100%0.099%KX156774.1Select seq gb|KX087102.1|Zika virus strain ZIKV/Homo sapiens/COL/FLR/2015, complete genome1846218462100%0.099%KX087102.1Select seq gb|KU820897.1|Zika virus isolate FLR polyprotein gene, complete cds1846218462100%0.099%KU820897.1Select seq gb|KU647676.1|Zika virus strain MRS_OPY_Martinique_PaRi_2015 polyprotein gene, complete cds1843818438100%0.099%KU647676.1Select seq gb|KU922960.1|Zika virus isolate MEX/InDRE/Sm/2016, complete genome1842018420100%0.099%KU922960.1Select seq gb|KU922923.1|Zika virus isolate MEX/InDRE/Lm/2016, complete genome1841718417100%0.099%KU922923.1Select seq gb|KU991811.1|Zika virus isolate Brazil/2016/INMI1 polyprotein gene, complete cds1839318393100%0.099%KU991811.1Select seq gb|KU509998.3|Zika virus strain Haiti/1225/2014, complete genome1839018390100%0.099%KU509998.3Select seq gb|KJ776791.1|Zika virus strain H/PF/2013 polyprotein gene, complete cds1838418384100%0.099%KJ776791.1Select seq gb|KU321639.1|Zika virus strain ZikaSPH2015, complete genome1837518375100%0.099%KU321639.1Select seq gb|KX051563.1|Zika virus isolate Haiti/1/2016, complete genome1837218372100%0.099%KX051563.1Select seq gb|KU729218.1|Zika virus isolate BeH828305 polyprotein gene, complete cds1836618366100%0.099%KU729218.1Select seq gb|KU707826.1|Zika virus isolate SSABR1, complete genome1836618366100%0.099%KU707826.1Select seq gb|KU365779.1|Zika virus strain BeH819966 polyprotein gene, complete cds1836618366100%0.099%KU365779.1Select seq gb|KU497555.1|Zika virus isolate Brazil-ZKV2015, complete genome183591835999%0.099%KU497555.1Select seq gb|KU926309.1|Zika virus isolate Rio-U1, complete genome1835418354100%0.099%KU926309.1Select seq gb|KU365780.1|Zika virus strain BeH815744 polyprotein gene, complete cds1835418354100%0.099%KU365780.1Select seq gb|KU940228.1|Zika virus isolate Bahia07, partial genome1834818348100%0.099%KU940228.1Select seq gb|KU365777.1|Zika virus strain BeH818995 polyprotein gene, complete cds1834818348100%0.099%KU365777.1Select seq gb|KU501217.1|Zika virus strain 8375 polyprotein gene, complete cds1834518345100%0.099%KU501217.1Select seq gb|KU365778.1|Zika virus strain BeH819015 polyprotein gene, complete cds1834518345100%0.099%KU365778.1Select seq gb|KU312312.1|Zika virus isolate Z1106033 polyprotein gene, complete cds1834518345100%0.099%KU312312.1Select seq gb|KU729217.2|Zika virus isolate BeH823339 polyprotein gene, complete cds1833918339100%0.099%KU729217.2Select seq gb|KU527068.1|Zika virus strain Natal RGN, complete genome1833918339100%0.099%KU527068.1Select seq gb|KU501216.1|Zika virus strain 103344 polyprotein gene, complete cds1833918339100%0.099%KU501216.1Select seq gb|KU937936.1|Zika virus isolate ZIKVNL00013 polyprotein gene, complete cds1833618336100%0.099%KU937936.1Select seq gb|KU501215.1|Zika virus strain PRVABC59, complete genome1833618336100%0.099%KU501215.1Select seq gb|KX087101.1|Zika virus strain ZIKV/Homo sapiens/PRI/PRVABC59/2015, complete genome1833018330100%0.099%KX087101.1Select seq gb|KU926310.1|Zika virus isolate Rio-S1, complete genome1832718327100%0.099%KU926310.1Select seq gb|KU820898.1|Zika virus isolate GZ01 polyprotein gene, complete cds1832718327100%0.099%KU820898.1Select seq gb|KU870645.1|Zika virus isolate FB-GWUH-2016, complete genome1832118321100%0.099%KU870645.1Select seq gb|KU853013.1|Zika virus isolate Dominican Republic/2016/PD2, complete genome1831818318100%0.099%KU853013.1Select seq gb|KU853012.1|Zika virus isolate Dominican Republic/2016/PD1, complete genome1831618316100%0.099%KU853012.1Select seq gb|KX056898.1|Zika virus isolate Zika virus/GZ02/2016 polyprotein gene, complete cds1831218312100%0.099%KX056898.1Select seq gb|KU955590.1|Zika virus isolate Z16019 polyprotein gene, complete cds1831218312100%0.099%KU955590.1Select seq gb|KU740184.2|Zika virus isolate GD01 polyprotein gene, complete cds1830918309100%0.099%KU740184.2Select seq gb|KU761564.1|Zika virus isolate GDZ16001 polyprotein gene, complete cds1830918309100%0.099%KU761564.1Select seq gb|KX117076.1|Zika virus isolate Zhejiang04, complete genome1829418294100%0.099%KX117076.1Select seq gb|KU963796.1|Zika virus isolate SZ-WIV01 polyprotein gene, complete cds1828518285100%0.099%KU963796.1Select seq gb|KU955589.1|Zika virus isolate Z16006 polyprotein gene, complete cds1828218282100%0.099%KU955589.1Select seq gb|KU820899.2|Zika virus isolate ZJ03, complete genome1828218282100%0.099%KU820899.2Select seq gb|KU940224.1|Zika virus isolate Bahia09, partial genome182541825499%0.099%KU940224.1Select seq gb|KU866423.1|Zika virus isolate Zika virus/SZ01/2016 polyprotein gene, complete cds1818218182100%0.099%KU866423.1Select seq gb|KU744693.1|Zika virus isolate VE_Ganxian, complete genome1814118141100%0.099%KU744693.1Select seq gb|KU681081.3|Zika virus isolate Zika virus/H.sapiens-tc/THA/2014/SV0127- 14, complete genome1805118051100%0.099%KU681081.3Select seq gb|KU955593.1|Zika virus isolate Zika virus/H.sapiens-tc/KHM/2010/FSS13025, complete genome1775917759100%0.098%KU955593.1Select seq gb|JN860885.1|Zika virus isolate FSS13025 polyprotein gene, partial cds177571775799%0.098%JN860885.1Select seq gb|KF993678.1|Zika virus strain PLCal_ZV from Canada polyprotein gene, partial cds177151771598%0.099%KF993678.1Select seq gb|EU545988.1|Zika virus polyprotein gene, complete cds1759817598100%0.098%EU545988.1Select seq gb|KU681082.3|Zika virus isolate Zika virus/H.sapiens-tc/PHL/2012/CPC-0740, complete genome1744717447100%0.098%KU681082.3Select seq gb|HQ234499.1|Zika virus isolate P6-740 polyprotein gene, partial cds164241642499%0.095%HQ234499.1Select seq gb|KU720415.1|Zika virus strain MR 766 polyprotein gene, complete cds1329913299100%0.089%KU720415.1Select seq gb|KF383115.1|Zika virus strain ArB1362 polyprotein gene, complete cds1329313293100%0.089%KF383115.1Select seq gb|KF268949.1|Zika virus isolate ARB15076 polyprotein gene, complete cds1329313293100%0.089%KF268949.1Select seq gb|HQ234498.1|Zika virus isolate MR_766 polyprotein gene, partial cds132931329399%0.089%HQ234498.1Select seq gb|KF268948.1|Zika virus isolate ARB13565 polyprotein gene, complete cds1328413284100%0.089%KF268948.1Select seq gb|KF383119.1|Zika virus strain ArD158084 polyprotein gene, complete cds1328113281100%0.089%KF383119.1Select seq dbj|LC002520.1|Zika virus genomic RNA, complete genome, strain: MR766-NIID1327713277100%0.089%LC002520.1Select seq gb|KF268950.1|Zika virus isolate ARB7701 polyprotein gene, complete cds1327713277100%0.089%KF268950.1Select seq gb|KU955595.1|Zika virus isolate Zika virus/A.taylori-tc/SEN/1984/41671-DAK, complete genome1327213272100%0.089%KU955595.1Select seq gb|KU955592.1|Zika virus isolate Zika virus/A.taylori-tc/SEN/1984/41662-DAK, complete genome1326313263100%0.089%KU955592.1Select seq gb|KU963573.1|Zika virus isolate ZIKV/Macaca mulatta/UGA/MR-766_SM150-V8/1947 polyprotein (GP1) gene, complete cds1326113261100%0.089%KU963573.1Select seq gb|KU955594.1|Zika virus isolate Zika virus/M.mulatta-tc/UGA/1947/MR-766, complete genome1326113261100%0.089%KU955594.1Select seq gb|DQ859059.1|Zika virus strain MR 766 polyprotein gene, complete cds1326113261100%0.089%DQ859059.1Select seq gb|KU955591.1|Zika virus isolate Zika virus/A.africanus-tc/SEN/1984/41525-DAK, complete genome1324513245100%0.089%KU955591.1Select seq gb|KF383116.1|Zika virus strain ArD7117 polyprotein gene, complete cds1323913239100%0.089%KF383116.1Select seq gb|HQ234501.1|Zika virus isolate ArD_41519 polyprotein gene, partial cds132231322399%0.089%HQ234501.1Select seq gb|AY632535.2|Zika virus strain MR 766, complete genome1321813218100%0.089%AY632535.2Select seq gb|KF383117.1|Zika virus strain ArD128000 polyprotein gene, complete cds1316913169100%0.088%KF383117.1Select seq gb|KU963574.1|Zika virus isolate ZIKV/Homo sapiens/NGA/IbH-30656_SM21V1-V3/1968 polyprotein (GP1) gene, complete cds1314913257100%0.088%KU963574.1Select seq gb|HQ234500.1|Zika virus isolate IbH_30656 polyprotein gene, partial cds131471314799%0.088%HQ234500.1Select seq gb|KF383118.1|Zika virus strain ArD157995 polyprotein gene, complete cds1295413022100%0.088%KF383118.1Select seq gb|KF383121.1|Zika virus strain ArD158095 polyprotein gene, partial cds128791287997%0.089%KF383121.1Select seq gb|KF383120.1|Zika virus strain ArD142623 nonfunctional polyprotein gene, partial sequence108591085997%0.084%KF383120.1Select seq gb|KU940227.1|Zika virus isolate Bahia08, partial genome50381442287%0.095%KU940227.1Select seq gb|KU312314.1|Zika virus isolate Z1106031 polyprotein gene, partial cds4958495827%0.099%KU312314.1Select seq gb|KU312313.1|Zika virus isolate Z1106032 polyprotein gene, partial cds4931493127%0.099%KU312313.1Select seq gb|KU646828.1|Zika virus isolate Si322 polyprotein gene, partial cds4677467725%0.099%KU646828.1Select seq gb|KU646827.1|Zika virus isolate Si323 polyprotein gene, partial cds4677467725%0.099%KU646827.1Select seq gb|KX101060.1|Zika virus isolate Bahia02, partial genome42261330175%0.095%KX101060.1Select seq gb|KU312315.1|Zika virus isolate Z1106027 polyprotein gene, partial cds3434343418%0.099%KU312315.1Select seq gb|KU740199.1|Zika virus isolate VE_Ganxian2016 polyprotein gene, partial cds3214321417%0.099%KU740199.1Select seq gb|KX101066.1|Zika virus isolate Bahia01, partial genome31191310174%0.099%KX101066.1Select seq gb|DQ859064.1|Spondweni virus strain SM-6 V-1 polyprotein gene, complete cds2856417395%0.071%DQ859064.1Select seq gb|KJ634273.1|Zika virus strain CK-ISL 2014 E protein (E) gene, partial cds2695269514%0.099%KJ634273.1Select seq gb|KX101064.1|Zika virus isolate Bahia11, partial genome22531077065%0.092%KX101064.1Select seq gb|KU686218.1|Zika virus isolate MEX/InDRE/14/2015 polyprotein gene, partial cds2069206911%0.099%KU686218.1Select seq gb|KU179098.1|Zika virus isolate JMB-185 nonstructural protein 5 gene, partial cds2021202111%0.099%KU179098.1Select seq gb|KX101061.1|Zika virus isolate Bahia03, partial genome18461389378%0.0100%KX101061.1Select seq gb|KX059014.1|Zika virus isolate Haiti/1230/2014 NS5 gene, partial cds183818389%0.099%KX059014.1Select seq gb|KX059013.1|Zika virus isolate Haiti/1227/2014 NS5 gene, partial cds183818389%0.099%KX059013.1Select seq gb|KM078936.1|Zika virus strain CHI1410214 NS5 protein gene, partial cds175217529%0.099%KM078936.1Select seq gb|KM078961.1|Zika virus strain CHI2612114 NS5 protein gene, partial cds174817489%0.099%KM078961.1Select seq gb|KM078930.1|Zika virus strain CHI2283714 NS5 protein gene, partial cds174617469%0.099%KM078930.1Select seq gb|KM078971.1|Zika virus strain CHI2613014 NS5 protein gene, partial cds174517459%0.099%KM078971.1Select seq gb|KM078970.1|Zika virus strain CHI2490414 NS5 protein gene, partial cds174517459%0.099%KM078970.1Select seq gb|KM078933.1|Zika virus strain CHI1058514 NS5 protein gene, partial cds174517459%0.099%KM078933.1Select seq gb|KM078929.1|Zika virus strain CHI1805214 NS5 protein gene, partial cds174317439%0.099%KM078929.1Select seq gb|KJ873160.1|Zika virus isolate NC14-03042014-3481 nonstructural protein 5 gene, partial cds160216028%0.099%KJ873160.1Select seq gb|KJ873161.1|Zika virus isolate NC14-02042014-3220 nonstructural protein 5 gene, partial cds142014207%0.099%KJ873161.1Select seq gb|KM851039.1|Zika virus strain SV0127/14 nonstructural protein 5 gene, partial cds138213827%0.099%KM851039.1Select seq gb|KU985087.1|Zika virus isolate MEX/InDRE/Zika-2/2015 nonstructural protein 5 gene, partial cds135313537%0.099%KU985087.1Select seq gb|KU556802.1|Zika virus isolate MEX/InDRE/14/2015 NS5 protein gene, partial cds134613467%0.099%KU556802.1Select seq gb|KM851038.1|Zika virus strain CPC-0740 nonstructural protein 5 gene, partial cds134613467%0.098%KM851038.1Select seq gb|AF013415.1|Zika virus strain MR-766 NS5 protein (NS5) gene, partial cds1315131510%0.088%AF013415.1Select seq gb|KT200609.1|Zika virus isolate BR/949/15 NS5 gene, partial cds124512456%0.099%KT200609.1Select seq gb|KU232300.1|Zika virus isolate 067ZV_PEBR15 NS5 protein gene, partial cds124012406%0.099%KU232300.1Select seq gb|KU232290.1|Zika virus isolate 036ZV_PEBR15 NS5 protein gene, partial cds123112316%0.099%KU232290.1Select seq gb|KU232297.1|Zika virus isolate 049ZV_PEBR15 NS5 protein gene, partial cds122912296%0.099%KU232297.1Select seq gb|KU232294.1|Zika virus isolate 061ZV_PEBR15 NS5 protein gene, partial cds122012206%0.099%KU232294.1Select seq gb|KU232292.1|Zika virus isolate 054ZV_PEBR15 NS5 protein gene, partial cds121812186%0.099%KU232292.1Select seq gb|KU232298.1|Zika virus isolate 050ZV_PEBR15 NS5 protein gene, partial cds121412146%0.099%KU232298.1Select seq gb|KU232296.1|Zika virus isolate 045ZV_PEBR15 NS5 protein gene, partial cds121112116%0.099%KU232296.1Select seq gb|KU232293.1|Zika virus isolate 057ZV_PEBR15 NS5 protein gene, partial cds121112116%0.099%KU232293.1Select seq gb|KU232295.1|Zika virus isolate 068ZV_PEBR15 NS5 protein gene, partial cds120512056%0.099%KU232295.1Select seq gb|KU232288.1|Zika virus isolate 001ZV_PEBR15 NS5 protein gene, partial cds119511956%0.099%KU232288.1Select seq gb|KU232289.1|Zika virus isolate 020ZV_PEBR15 NS5 protein gene, partial cds119111916%0.099%KU232289.1Select seq gb|KU232299.1|Zika virus isolate 015ZV_PEBR15 NS5 protein gene, partial cds118711876%0.099%KU232299.1Select seq gb|KU232291.1|Zika virus isolate 051ZV_PEBR15 NS5 protein gene, partial cds118611866%0.099%KU232291.1Select seq gb|KX101065.1|Zika virus isolate Bahia15, partial genome1184776946%0.099%KX101065.1Select seq gb|KX101063.1|Zika virus isolate Bahia05, partial genome1180743342%0.099%KX101063.1Select seq gb|KU758878.1|Zika virus polyprotein gene, partial cds113011306%0.098%KU758878.1Select seq gb|KF270886.1|Zika virus strain CCB-870 envelope glycoprotein gene, partial cds107210728%0.088%KF270886.1Select seq gb|KX101062.1|Zika virus isolate Bahia04, partial genome1054732141%0.097%KX101062.1Select seq gb|KU867812.1|Zika virus isolate Jiangxi.CHN/01/2016 nonstructural protein 5 gene, partial cds101810185%0.0100%KU867812.1Select seq gb|AF372422.1|AF372422Zika virus envelope protein (E) gene, partial cds101410148%0.086%AF372422.1Select seq gb|KF270887.1|Zika virus strain CCB-870 NS3 protein gene, partial cds100010007%0.089%KF270887.1Select seq gb|EF158064.1|St. Louis encephalitis virus strain GML 902612 polyprotein gene, partial cds984200164%0.070%EF158064.1Select seq gb|KF383022.1|Zika virus strain ArD127988 envelope protein gene, partial cds9759757%0.089%KF383022.1Select seq gb|KF383026.1|Zika virus strain ArD127994 envelope protein gene, partial cds9719717%0.089%KF383026.1Select seq gb|EU303241.1|Zika virus note MR766 (p4 15/9/76) nonstructural protein 5 (NS5) gene, partial cds9679677%0.088%EU303241.1Select seq gb|KF383032.1|Zika virus strain ArD30101 envelope protein gene, partial cds9629627%0.088%KF383032.1Select seq gb|KF383037.1|Zika virus strain ArA506 envelope protein gene, partial cds9579577%0.088%KF383037.1Select seq gb|KF383034.1|Zika virus strain ArD30156 envelope protein gene, partial cds9579577%0.088%KF383034.1Select seq gb|KF383029.1|Zika virus strain ArD165522 envelope protein gene, partial cds9579577%0.088%KF383029.1Select seq gb|KF383033.1|Zika virus strain AnD30332 envelope protein gene, partial cds9539537%0.088%KF383033.1Select seq gb|KF383036.1|Zika virus strain ArA975 envelope protein gene, partial cds9519517%0.088%KF383036.1Select seq gb|KF383028.1|Zika virus strain ArD165531 envelope protein gene, partial cds9359357%0.088%KF383028.1Select seq gb|KF383039.1|Zika virus strain HD78788 envelope protein gene, partial cds9339337%0.088%KF383039.1Select seq gb|KF383031.1|Zika virus strain ArD9957 envelope protein gene, partial cds9309307%0.087%KF383031.1Select seq gb|KF383038.1|Zika virus strain ArA986 envelope protein gene, partial cds9249247%0.087%KF383038.1Select seq gb|EU566860.1|St. Louis encephalitis virus strain Hubbard, complete genome921201857%0.069%EU566860.1Select seq gb|KT823415.1|St. Louis encephalitis virus strain RT 121B polyprotein gene, complete cds917190365%0.069%KT823415.1Select seq gb|FJ753286.2|St. Louis encephalitis virus strain CbaAr-4005, complete genome917192365%0.069%FJ753286.2Select seq gb|KF383046.1|Zika virus strain ArA982 envelope protein gene, partial cds9159157%0.087%KF383046.1Select seq gb|KF383103.1|Zika virus strain ArA986 nonstructural protein 5 gene, partial cds9069066%0.088%KF383103.1Select seq gb|KF383086.1|Zika virus strain ArA975 nonstructural protein 5 gene, partial cds9069066%0.088%KF383086.1Select seq gb|KF383045.1|Zika virus strain ArA27106 envelope protein gene, partial cds9029027%0.087%KF383045.1Select seq gb|KF383043.1|Zika virus strain ArA27443 envelope protein gene, partial cds8978977%0.087%KF383043.1Select seq gb|KF383035.1|Zika virus strain MR1429 envelope protein gene, partial cds8978977%0.086%KF383035.1Select seq gb|KF383041.1|Zika virus strain ArA27290 envelope protein gene, partial cds8938937%0.086%KF383041.1Select seq gb|KF383042.1|Zika virus strain ArA27096 envelope protein gene, partial cds8888887%0.086%KF383042.1Select seq gb|EF158069.1|St. Louis encephalitis virus strain 72 V 4749 polyprotein gene, partial cds886197167%0.069%EF158069.1Select seq gb|FJ753287.2|St. Louis encephalitis virus strain 79V-2533, complete genome884181963%0.069%FJ753287.2Select seq gb|KF383104.1|Zika virus strain ArA982 nonstructural protein 5 gene, partial cds8748746%0.087%KF383104.1Select seq gb|KF383085.1|Zika virus strain ArD9957 nonstructural protein 5 gene, partial cds8748746%0.087%KF383085.1Select seq gb|KF383106.1|Zika virus strain ArA27443 nonstructural protein 5 gene, partial cds8708706%0.087%KF383106.1Select seq gb|KU978616.1|Zika virus isolate Dominican_Rep-Rus-2-2016 polyprotein gene, partial cds8688684%0.099%KU978616.1Select seq gb|EF158063.1|St. Louis encephalitis virus strain CorAn 9124 polyprotein gene, partial cds868196160%0.069%EF158063.1Select seq gb|KF383114.1|Zika virus strain AnD30332 nonstructural protein 5 gene, partial cds8658656%0.087%KF383114.1Select seq gb|KF383107.1|Zika virus strain ArA27407 nonstructural protein 5 gene, partial cds8658656%0.087%KF383107.1Select seq gb|KF383088.1|Zika virus strain ArD30101 nonstructural protein 5 gene, partial cds8658656%0.087%KF383088.1Select seq gb|KF383040.1|Zika virus strain ArA27101 envelope protein gene, partial cds8638637%0.085%KF383040.1Select seq gb|KF383087.1|Zika virus strain ArD30156 nonstructural protein 5 gene, partial cds8618616%0.087%KF383087.1Select seq gb|KX101067.1|Zika virus isolate Bahia12, partial genome857849051%0.089%KX101067.1Select seq gb|KF383089.1|Zika virus strain ArD165531 nonstructural protein 5 gene, partial cds8478476%0.087%KF383089.1Select seq gb|KF383101.1|Zika virus strain ArD127710 nonstructural protein 5 gene, partial cds8438436%0.086%KF383101.1Select seq gb|KF383097.1|Zika virus strain ArD127994 nonstructural protein 5 gene, partial cds8438436%0.086%KF383097.1Select seq gb|KF383099.1|Zika virus strain ArD127987 nonstructural protein 5 gene, partial cds8388386%0.086%KF383099.1Select seq gb|KF383098.1|Zika virus strain ArD127988 nonstructural protein 5 gene, partial cds8348346%0.086%KF383098.1Select seq gb|KU872850.1|Zika virus isolate Dominican Rep-Rus-2016, NS2 partial cds8298294%0.0100%KU872850.1Select seq dbj|AB908162.1|Zika virus gene for polyprotein, partial cds, strain: ZIKV Hu/Tahiti/01u/2014NIID8258254%0.099%AB908162.1Select seq gb|KC754954.1|Usutu virus isolate ArD19848, complete genome809155560%0.068%KC754954.1Select seq gb|KF383084.1|Zika virus strain HD78788 nonstructural protein 5 gene, partial cds8078076%0.085%KF383084.1Select seq gb|KF383113.1|Zika virus strain ArA1465 nonstructural protein 5 gene, partial cds8018016%0.085%KF383113.1Select seq gb|HM147824.1|West Nile virus from Democratic Republic of the Congo, complete genome783170653%0.068%HM147824.1Select seq gb|KC754958.1|Usutu virus isolate ArB1803, complete genome782186754%0.068%KC754958.1Select seq gb|EF429199.1|West Nile virus SA381/00, complete genome765162457%0.068%EF429199.1Select seq gb|DQ176636.2|West Nile virus strain Madagascar-AnMg798, complete genome756152748%0.068%DQ176636.2Select seq gb|KM203863.1|West Nile virus strain Cz 13-502, complete genome742166854%0.068%KM203863.1Select seq gb|KM203860.1|West Nile virus strain Cz 13-104, complete genome729164354%0.067%KM203860.1Select seq gb|KF383017.1|Zika virus strain ArD149938 envelope protein gene, partial cds7137137%0.081%KF383017.1Select seq gb|KF383016.1|Zika virus strain ArD147917 envelope protein gene, partial cds7087087%0.081%KF383016.1Select seq gb|KF383015.1|Zika virus strain ArD149810 envelope protein gene, partial cds7087087%0.081%KF383015.1Select seq gb|KF383021.1|Zika virus strain ArD132912 envelope protein gene, partial cds7027027%0.081%KF383021.1Select seq gb|KF383020.1|Zika virus strain ArA1465 envelope protein gene, partial cds7027027%0.081%KF383020.1Select seq gb|KF258813.1|Zika virus isolate Java non-structural protein 5 mRNA, partial cds6936933%0.098%KF258813.1Select seq gb|KF383019.1|Zika virus strain ArD132915 envelope protein gene, partial cds6866867%0.080%KF383019.1Select seq gb|JF262780.1|Dengue virus 4 isolate P73-1120, complete genome675175050%0.070%JF262780.1Select seq gb|JF262779.1|Dengue virus 4 isolate P75-514, complete genome675175050%0.070%JF262779.1Select seq gb|EF457906.1|Dengue virus type 4 isolate P75-215, complete genome672173250%0.069%EF457906.1Select seq gb|KF383092.1|Zika virus strain ArD147917 nonstructural protein 5 gene, partial cds6646646%0.081%KF383092.1Select seq gb|KF383093.1|Zika virus strain ArD149810 nonstructural protein 5 gene, partial cds6636636%0.081%KF383093.1Select seq gb|KF383095.1|Zika virus strain ArD132915 nonstructural protein 5 gene, partial cds6576576%0.081%KF383095.1Select seq gb|KF383091.1|Zika virus strain ArD149938 nonstructural protein 5 gene, partial cds6546546%0.080%KF383091.1Select seq gb|KU985088.1|Zika virus isolate MEX/InDRE/Zika-2/2015 envelope protein gene, partial cds6456453%8e-18099%KU985088.1Select seq gb|FJ432747.1|Dengue virus 1 isolate DENV-1/VN/BID-V1832/2007, complete genome645160044%8e-18069%FJ432747.1Select seq gb|FJ410232.1|Dengue virus 1 isolate DENV-1/VN/BID-V1890/2007, complete genome645160044%8e-18069%FJ410232.1Select seq gb|FJ410201.1|Dengue virus 1 isolate DENV-1/VN/BID-V1806/2007, complete genome639159044%3e-17869%FJ410201.1Select seq gb|JQ686088.2|Dengue virus 2 strain JHA1, partial genome637151160%1e-17769%JQ686088.2Select seq gb|JN697058.1|Dengue virus 1 isolate DH/S1/05/152, complete genome636161346%4e-17769%JN697058.1Select seq gb|FJ882536.1|Dengue virus 1 isolate DENV-1/VN/BID-V2711/2006, complete genome636158644%4e-17769%FJ882536.1Select seq gb|FJ410257.1|Dengue virus 1 isolate DENV-1/VN/BID-V1925/2008, complete genome636153243%4e-17769%FJ410257.1Select seq gb|FJ410234.1|Dengue virus 1 isolate DENV-1/VN/BID-V1896/2007, complete genome636157343%4e-17769%FJ410234.1Select seq emb|HG316482.1|Dengue virus type 1 complete genome, isolate KDH0030A634159351%1e-17669%HG316482.1Select seq gb|KX062045.1|Zika virus isolate Haiti/1230/2014 envelope protein gene, partial cds6306303%2e-175100%KX062045.1Select seq gb|FJ906728.1|Dengue virus 1 isolate DENV-1/VN/BID-V1852/2007, complete genome630156244%2e-17569%FJ906728.1Select seq gb|FJ432734.1|Dengue virus 1 isolate DENV-1/VN/BID-V1792/2007, complete genome630157244%2e-17569%FJ432734.1Select seq gb|JQ048541.1|Dengue virus 1 isolate DG14, complete genome627160249%2e-17469%JQ048541.1Select seq gb|GU131725.1|Dengue virus 1 isolate DENV-1/VN/BID-V3903/2008, complete genome627157244%2e-17469%GU131725.1Select seq gb|FJ410250.1|Dengue virus 1 isolate DENV-1/VN/BID-V1917/2007, complete genome627157546%2e-17469%FJ410250.1Select seq gb|FJ410211.1|Dengue virus 1 isolate DENV-1/VN/BID-V1830/2007, complete genome627158144%2e-17469%FJ410211.1Select seq gb|FJ410204.1|Dengue virus 1 isolate DENV-1/VN/BID-V1809/2007, complete genome627157544%2e-17469%FJ410204.1Select seq gb|FJ410203.1|Dengue virus 1 isolate DENV-1/VN/BID-V1808/2007, complete genome627157544%2e-17469%FJ410203.1Select seq gb|KX062044.1|Zika virus isolate Haiti/1227/2014 envelope protein gene, partial cds6256253%7e-17499%KX062044.1Select seq emb|FM210240.2|Dengue virus 2 isolate MD1273, complete genome614141859%1e-17069%FM210240.2Select seq gb|DQ181799.1|Dengue virus type 2 strain ThD2_0017_98, complete genome612164453%5e-17069%DQ181799.1Select seq gb|AF100462.1|AF100462Dengue virus type 2 strain C0390 polyprotein gene, complete cds607161352%2e-16869%AF100462.1Select seq gb|GU131894.1|Dengue virus 1 isolate DENV-1/IPC/BID-V3786/2008, complete genome600145042%3e-16668%GU131894.1Select seq gb|GQ868633.1|Dengue virus 1 isolate DENV-1/IPC/BID-V3793/2008, complete genome600145442%3e-16668%GQ868633.1Select seq gb|FJ639711.1|Dengue virus 2 isolate DENV-2/KH/BID-V2045/2005, complete genome598140958%1e-16569%FJ639711.1Select seq gb|FJ639710.1|Dengue virus 2 isolate DENV-2/KH/BID-V2044/2005, complete genome598140958%1e-16569%FJ639710.1Select seq gb|KJ918750.1|Dengue virus 2 isolate P23085 INDI-60, complete genome596164947%3e-16569%KJ918750.1Select seq gb|EU529701.1|Dengue virus 2 isolate DENV-2/US/BID-V1087/1991, complete genome589167648%5e-16368%EU529701.1Select seq gb|KR815989.1|Zika virus isolate 15095 envelope protein gene, partial cds5875873%2e-16299%KR815989.1Select seq gb|JN819408.1|Dengue virus 2 isolate DENV-2/VE/BID-V2161/2001, complete genome585159548%6e-16269%JN819408.1Select seq gb|GU131887.1|Dengue virus 1 isolate DENV-1/IPC/BID-V3775/2006, complete genome581153742%8e-16168%GU131887.1Select seq gb|EU482580.1|Dengue virus 2 isolate DENV-2/US/BID-V1177/1989, complete genome580165848%3e-16068%EU482580.1Select seq gb|FJ850050.1|Dengue virus 2 isolate DENV-2/NI/BID-V2356/2007, complete genome576161849%3e-15968%FJ850050.1Select seq gb|EU569702.1|Dengue virus 2 isolate DENV-2/NI/BID-V1228/2007, complete genome576163250%3e-15968%EU569702.1Select seq gb|EU596483.1|Dengue virus 2 isolate DENV-2/NI/BID-V608/2006, complete genome572164350%4e-15868%EU596483.1Select seq gb|JN819407.1|Dengue virus 2 isolate DENV-2/VE/BID-V2613/2007, complete genome571161145%1e-15768%JN819407.1Select seq gb|FJ898466.1|Dengue virus 2 isolate DENV-2/VE/BID-V2942/2000, complete genome567158449%2e-15668%FJ898466.1Select seq gb|KR816334.1|Zika virus isolate BR/UFBA/LabViro/Ex1 envelope protein gene, partial cds5455452%6e-15099%KR816334.1Select seq gb|KR816333.1|Zika virus isolate BR/UFBA/LabViro/23 envelope protein gene, partial cds5445442%2e-14999%KR816333.1Select seq gb|KR816335.1|Zika virus isolate BR/UFBA/LabViro/18 envelope protein gene, partial cds5405402%2e-14899%KR816335.1Select seq gb|JQ922552.1|Dengue virus 2 isolate DENV-2/IND/P23085/1960, complete genome536160946%3e-14768%JQ922552.1Select seq gb|KM212966.1|Zika virus isolate NC13(FP)-26112013-22072 glycoprotein gene, partial cds5295292%4e-14599%KM212966.1Select seq gb|KM212965.1|Zika virus isolate NC13(FP)-20112013-22015 glycoprotein gene, partial cds5265262%5e-14499%KM212965.1Select seq gb|KM212964.1|Zika virus isolate NC14-17042014-4554 glycoprotein gene, partial cds5265262%5e-14499%KM212964.1Select seq gb|KM212963.1|Zika virus isolate NC14-23012014-250 glycoprotein gene, partial cds5265262%5e-14499%KM212963.1Select seq gb|KJ579441.1|Zika virus isolate PF13-CP221013c polyprotein gene, partial cds5025022%6e-13799%KJ579441.1Select seq gb|KJ680134.1|Zika virus strain PF13-091213-121 polyprotein gene, partial cds4994992%7e-13699%KJ680134.1Select seq gb|JQ922553.1|Dengue virus 2 isolate DENV-2/IND/803347/1980, complete genome430145646%3e-11567%JQ922553.1Select seq gb|KU954085.1|Zika virus isolate ZIKCOLSC67 polyprotein gene, partial cds4214212%2e-11299%KU954085.1
Map Update https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/edit?hl=en&hl=en&authuser=0&authuser=0&mid=1FlIB7hHnVgGD9TlbSx5HwAj-PEQ
Testing shows 2, not 3, Zika cases in Onondaga County (Associated Press)PrintEmailBy James T. Mulder | jmulder@syracuse.com Follow on Twitter on May 05, 2016 at 5:13 PM, updated May 05, 2016 at 6:15 PM SYRACUSE, N.Y. -- Testing has confirmed that only two Onondaga County residents were infected with the Zika virus while traveling outside the U.S. An Onondaga County Health Department official said Wednesday there were three cases. But the department said today while it initially appeared there were three cases, an analysis conducted by the state today showed there are just two cases. Zika is widespread in Central America, South America and the Caribbean islands. Pregnant women infected with Zika can give birth to babies with microcephaly and other severe brain defects. The virus is spread primarily by mosquitoes and also can be transmitted through sexual contact. Health officials say Central New Yorkers are not at risk because the virus is spread by a type of mosquito not found in upstate New York. http://www.syracuse.com/health/index.ssf/2016/05/testing_shows_2_not_3_zika_cases_in_onondaga_county.html
Map Update https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/edit?hl=en&hl=en&authuser=0&authuser=0&mid=1FlIB7hHnVgGD9TlbSx5HwAj-PEQ
DPH: Fourth person tests positive for Zika in ConnecticutPOSTED 9:40 PM, MAY 5, 2016, BY SAMANTHA SCHOENFELD, UPDATED AT 02:33AM, MAY 6, 2016FACEBOOK27TWITTERPINTERESTLINKEDINGOOGLEEMAIL Scientists examine larvae and dead aedes aegypti mosquitos collected in the field for study and testing in Recife, Brazil. The mosquitos are the main culprit of the Zika epidemic. HARTFORD–On Thursday, the state Department of Public Health confirmed that a fourth person in the state of Connecticut had tested positive for the Zika virus. The woman in her 30s is not pregnant. On April 25 she returned from the Carribean to Connecticut and four days later she started feeling sick–she had a fever, rash and pink eye. The state lab is certified to test for Zika and confirmed the diagnosis. There have been 426 cases of travel-related Zika reported in the continental United States so far, 36 of which were in pregnant women and eight of which were sexually transmitted. In Connecticut, 245 patients, including 217 pregnant women, have been tested for Zika virus, but only four have tested positive, including one pregnant woman. Officials have been warning for months that those who travel to Zika-impacted areas, especially those who intend to become pregnant, need to take extra precautions or postpone travel. However, on Tuesday, Commissioner Pino reasserted the need for male partners of women who intend to become pregnant or are already pregnant also take extra precautions because Zika can be sexually transmitted. Pino also warns that you may be able to sexually transmit the illness for at least six months after symptoms begin. Also, it can take as long as eight weeks after travel for symptoms to appear, so if you visit an infected area you should still consider using condoms or not having sex even if you don’t feel ill.
On Thursday, the state Department of Public Health confirmed that a fourth person in the state of Connecticut had tested positive for the Zika virus. The woman in her 30s is not pregnant. On April 25 she returned from the Carribean to Connecticut and four days later she started feeling sick–she had a fever, rash and pink eye. The state lab is certified to test for Zika and confirmed the diagnosis. http://fox61.com/2016/05/05/dph-fourth-person-tests-positive-for-zika-in-connecticut/
Updated matches Sequences producing significant alignments:Select:AllNone Selected:0 AlignmentsDownloadGenBankGraphicsDistance tree of resultsShow/hide columns of the table presenting sequences producing significant alignmentsSequences producing significant alignments:Select for downloading or viewing reportsDescriptionMax scoreTotal scoreQuery coverE valueIdentAccessionSelect seq gb|KX156776.1|Zika virus strain ZIKV/Homo sapiens/PAN/CDC-259364_V1-Vx/2015, complete genome1896918969100%0.0100%KX156776.1Select seq gb|KX156774.1|Zika virus strain ZIKV/Homo sapiens/PAN/CDC-259249_V1-Vx/2015, complete genome1895318953100%0.099%KX156774.1Select seq gb|KX156775.1|Zika virus strain ZIKV/Homo sapiens/PAN/CDC-259359_V1-Vx/2015, complete genome1894718947100%0.099%KX156775.1Select seq gb|KX087102.1|Zika virus strain ZIKV/Homo sapiens/COL/FLR/2015, complete genome1890318903100%0.099%KX087102.1Select seq gb|KU820897.1|Zika virus isolate FLR polyprotein gene, complete cds1890318903100%0.099%KU820897.1Select seq gb|KU647676.1|Zika virus strain MRS_OPY_Martinique_PaRi_2015 polyprotein gene, complete cds1887518875100%0.099%KU647676.1Select seq gb|KU922960.1|Zika virus isolate MEX/InDRE/Sm/2016, complete genome1885318853100%0.099%KU922960.1Select seq gb|KU922923.1|Zika virus isolate MEX/InDRE/Lm/2016, complete genome1884818848100%0.099%KU922923.1Select seq gb|KU991811.1|Zika virus isolate Brazil/2016/INMI1 polyprotein gene, complete cds1882018820100%0.099%KU991811.1Select seq gb|KU509998.3|Zika virus strain Haiti/1225/2014, complete genome1881418814100%0.099%KU509998.3Select seq gb|KJ776791.1|Zika virus strain H/PF/2013 polyprotein gene, complete cds1880918809100%0.099%KJ776791.1Select seq gb|KU321639.1|Zika virus strain ZikaSPH2015, complete genome1879818798100%0.099%KU321639.1Select seq gb|KX051563.1|Zika virus isolate Haiti/1/2016, complete genome1879218792100%0.099%KX051563.1Select seq gb|KU729218.1|Zika virus isolate BeH828305 polyprotein gene, complete cds1878718787100%0.099%KU729218.1Select seq gb|KU707826.1|Zika virus isolate SSABR1, complete genome1878718787100%0.099%KU707826.1Select seq gb|KU365779.1|Zika virus strain BeH819966 polyprotein gene, complete cds1878718787100%0.099%KU365779.1Select seq gb|KU497555.1|Zika virus isolate Brazil-ZKV2015, complete genome187771877799%0.099%KU497555.1Select seq gb|KU926309.1|Zika virus isolate Rio-U1, complete genome1877018770100%0.099%KU926309.1Select seq gb|KU365780.1|Zika virus strain BeH815744 polyprotein gene, complete cds1877018770100%0.099%KU365780.1Select seq gb|KU940228.1|Zika virus isolate Bahia07, partial genome1876418764100%0.099%KU940228.1Select seq gb|KU527068.1|Zika virus strain Natal RGN, complete genome1876418764100%0.099%KU527068.1Select seq gb|KU365777.1|Zika virus strain BeH818995 polyprotein gene, complete cds1876418764100%0.099%KU365777.1Select seq gb|KU501217.1|Zika virus strain 8375 polyprotein gene, complete cds1875918759100%0.099%KU501217.1Select seq gb|KU365778.1|Zika virus strain BeH819015 polyprotein gene, complete cds1875918759100%0.099%KU365778.1Select seq gb|KU312312.1|Zika virus isolate Z1106033 polyprotein gene, complete cds1875918759100%0.099%KU312312.1Select seq gb|KU729217.2|Zika virus isolate BeH823339 polyprotein gene, complete cds1875318753100%0.099%KU729217.2Select seq gb|KU501216.1|Zika virus strain 103344 polyprotein gene, complete cds1875318753100%0.099%KU501216.1Select seq gb|KU937936.1|Zika virus isolate ZIKVNL00013 polyprotein gene, complete cds1874818748100%0.099%KU937936.1Select seq gb|KU501215.1|Zika virus strain PRVABC59, complete genome1874818748100%0.099%KU501215.1Select seq gb|KX087101.1|Zika virus strain ZIKV/Homo sapiens/PRI/PRVABC59/2015, complete genome1874218742100%0.099%KX087101.1Select seq gb|KU926310.1|Zika virus isolate Rio-S1, complete genome1873718737100%0.099%KU926310.1Select seq gb|KU820898.1|Zika virus isolate GZ01 polyprotein gene, complete cds1873718737100%0.099%KU820898.1Select seq gb|KU870645.1|Zika virus isolate FB-GWUH-2016, complete genome1873118731100%0.099%KU870645.1Select seq gb|KU853013.1|Zika virus isolate Dominican Republic/2016/PD2, complete genome1872618726100%0.099%KU853013.1Select seq gb|KU853012.1|Zika virus isolate Dominican Republic/2016/PD1, complete genome1872418724100%0.099%KU853012.1Select seq gb|KX056898.1|Zika virus isolate Zika virus/GZ02/2016 polyprotein gene, complete cds1872018720100%0.099%KX056898.1Select seq gb|KU955590.1|Zika virus isolate Z16019 polyprotein gene, complete cds1872018720100%0.099%KU955590.1Select seq gb|KU740184.2|Zika virus isolate GD01 polyprotein gene, complete cds1871518715100%0.099%KU740184.2Select seq gb|KU761564.1|Zika virus isolate GDZ16001 polyprotein gene, complete cds1871518715100%0.099%KU761564.1Select seq gb|KX117076.1|Zika virus isolate Zhejiang04, complete genome1869818698100%0.099%KX117076.1Select seq gb|KU963796.1|Zika virus isolate SZ-WIV01 polyprotein gene, complete cds1868718687100%0.099%KU963796.1Select seq gb|KU955589.1|Zika virus isolate Z16006 polyprotein gene, complete cds1868118681100%0.099%KU955589.1Select seq gb|KU820899.2|Zika virus isolate ZJ03, complete genome1868118681100%0.099%KU820899.2Select seq gb|KU940224.1|Zika virus isolate Bahia09, partial genome186671866799%0.099%KU940224.1Select seq gb|KU866423.1|Zika virus isolate Zika virus/SZ01/2016 polyprotein gene, complete cds1855918559100%0.099%KU866423.1Select seq gb|KU744693.1|Zika virus isolate VE_Ganxian, complete genome1851018510100%0.099%KU744693.1Select seq gb|KU681081.3|Zika virus isolate Zika virus/H.sapiens-tc/THA/2014/SV0127- 14, complete genome1839918399100%0.099%KU681081.3Select seq gb|JN860885.1|Zika virus isolate FSS13025 polyprotein gene, partial cds180411804199%0.098%JN860885.1Select seq gb|KU955593.1|Zika virus isolate Zika virus/H.sapiens-tc/KHM/2010/FSS13025, complete genome1803918039100%0.098%KU955593.1Select seq gb|KF993678.1|Zika virus strain PLCal_ZV from Canada polyprotein gene, partial cds180351803598%0.099%KF993678.1Select seq gb|EU545988.1|Zika virus polyprotein gene, complete cds1784817848100%0.098%EU545988.1Select seq gb|KU681082.3|Zika virus isolate Zika virus/H.sapiens-tc/PHL/2012/CPC-0740, complete genome1765117651100%0.098%KU681082.3Select seq gb|HQ234499.1|Zika virus isolate P6-740 polyprotein gene, partial cds163931639399%0.095%HQ234499.1Select seq gb|KF383115.1|Zika virus strain ArB1362 polyprotein gene, complete cds1258412584100%0.089%KF383115.1Select seq gb|KU720415.1|Zika virus strain MR 766 polyprotein gene, complete cds1257112571100%0.089%KU720415.1Select seq gb|HQ234498.1|Zika virus isolate MR_766 polyprotein gene, partial cds125651256599%0.089%HQ234498.1Select seq gb|KF268948.1|Zika virus isolate ARB13565 polyprotein gene, complete cds1255612556100%0.089%KF268948.1Select seq gb|KF268949.1|Zika virus isolate ARB15076 polyprotein gene, complete cds1255412554100%0.089%KF268949.1Select seq gb|KF268950.1|Zika virus isolate ARB7701 polyprotein gene, complete cds1254912549100%0.089%KF268950.1Select seq dbj|LC002520.1|Zika virus genomic RNA, complete genome, strain: MR766-NIID1254312543100%0.089%LC002520.1Select seq gb|KF383119.1|Zika virus strain ArD158084 polyprotein gene, complete cds1254312543100%0.089%KF383119.1Select seq gb|KU955595.1|Zika virus isolate Zika virus/A.taylori-tc/SEN/1984/41671-DAK, complete genome1253812538100%0.089%KU955595.1Select seq gb|KU955592.1|Zika virus isolate Zika virus/A.taylori-tc/SEN/1984/41662-DAK, complete genome1252612526100%0.089%KU955592.1Select seq gb|KU963573.1|Zika virus isolate ZIKV/Macaca mulatta/UGA/MR-766_SM150-V8/1947 polyprotein (GP1) gene, complete cds1251012510100%0.089%KU963573.1Select seq gb|KU955594.1|Zika virus isolate Zika virus/M.mulatta-tc/UGA/1947/MR-766, complete genome1251012510100%0.089%KU955594.1Select seq gb|KF383116.1|Zika virus strain ArD7117 polyprotein gene, complete cds1251012510100%0.089%KF383116.1Select seq gb|KU955591.1|Zika virus isolate Zika virus/A.africanus-tc/SEN/1984/41525-DAK, complete genome1250412504100%0.089%KU955591.1Select seq gb|DQ859059.1|Zika virus strain MR 766 polyprotein gene, complete cds1248812488100%0.089%DQ859059.1Select seq gb|HQ234501.1|Zika virus isolate ArD_41519 polyprotein gene, partial cds124781247899%0.089%HQ234501.1Select seq gb|AY632535.2|Zika virus strain MR 766, complete genome1247112471100%0.089%AY632535.2Select seq gb|KF383117.1|Zika virus strain ArD128000 polyprotein gene, complete cds1242112421100%0.088%KF383117.1Select seq gb|KU963574.1|Zika virus isolate ZIKV/Homo sapiens/NGA/IbH-30656_SM21V1-V3/1968 polyprotein (GP1) gene, complete cds1236012360100%0.088%KU963574.1Select seq gb|HQ234500.1|Zika virus isolate IbH_30656 polyprotein gene, partial cds123601236099%0.088%HQ234500.1Select seq gb|KF383118.1|Zika virus strain ArD157995 polyprotein gene, complete cds1216512165100%0.088%KF383118.1Select seq gb|KF383121.1|Zika virus strain ArD158095 polyprotein gene, partial cds121551215597%0.089%KF383121.1Select seq gb|KF383120.1|Zika virus strain ArD142623 nonfunctional polyprotein gene, partial sequence9703970397%0.084%KF383120.1Select seq gb|KU312314.1|Zika virus isolate Z1106031 polyprotein gene, partial cds5077507727%0.099%KU312314.1Select seq gb|KU312313.1|Zika virus isolate Z1106032 polyprotein gene, partial cds5044504427%0.099%KU312313.1Select seq gb|KU646828.1|Zika virus isolate Si322 polyprotein gene, partial cds4787478725%0.099%KU646828.1Select seq gb|KU646827.1|Zika virus isolate Si323 polyprotein gene, partial cds4787478725%0.099%KU646827.1Select seq gb|KU940227.1|Zika virus isolate Bahia08, partial genome45431454478%0.098%KU940227.1Select seq gb|KU312315.1|Zika virus isolate Z1106027 polyprotein gene, partial cds3517351718%0.099%KU312315.1Select seq gb|KU740199.1|Zika virus isolate VE_Ganxian2016 polyprotein gene, partial cds3282328217%0.099%KU740199.1Select seq gb|KX101066.1|Zika virus isolate Bahia01, partial genome31841315871%0.099%KX101066.1Select seq gb|KX101060.1|Zika virus isolate Bahia02, partial genome31031206965%0.098%KX101060.1Select seq gb|KJ634273.1|Zika virus strain CK-ISL 2014 E protein (E) gene, partial cds2754275414%0.099%KJ634273.1Select seq gb|KU686218.1|Zika virus isolate MEX/InDRE/14/2015 polyprotein gene, partial cds2115211511%0.099%KU686218.1Select seq gb|KU179098.1|Zika virus isolate JMB-185 nonstructural protein 5 gene, partial cds2060206011%0.099%KU179098.1Select seq gb|KX101061.1|Zika virus isolate Bahia03, partial genome18901385374%0.0100%KX101061.1Select seq gb|KX059014.1|Zika virus isolate Haiti/1230/2014 NS5 gene, partial cds188118819%0.099%KX059014.1Select seq gb|KX059013.1|Zika virus isolate Haiti/1227/2014 NS5 gene, partial cds188118819%0.099%KX059013.1Select seq gb|KM078936.1|Zika virus strain CHI1410214 NS5 protein gene, partial cds179217929%0.099%KM078936.1Select seq gb|KM078961.1|Zika virus strain CHI2612114 NS5 protein gene, partial cds178817889%0.099%KM078961.1Select seq gb|KM078930.1|Zika virus strain CHI2283714 NS5 protein gene, partial cds178617869%0.099%KM078930.1Select seq gb|KM078971.1|Zika virus strain CHI2613014 NS5 protein gene, partial cds178317839%0.099%KM078971.1Select seq gb|KM078970.1|Zika virus strain CHI2490414 NS5 protein gene, partial cds178317839%0.099%KM078970.1Select seq gb|KM078933.1|Zika virus strain CHI1058514 NS5 protein gene, partial cds178317839%0.099%KM078933.1Select seq gb|KM078929.1|Zika virus strain CHI1805214 NS5 protein gene, partial cds178117819%0.099%KM078929.1Select seq gb|KJ873160.1|Zika virus isolate NC14-03042014-3481 nonstructural protein 5 gene, partial cds163916398%0.099%KJ873160.1Select seq gb|KX101064.1|Zika virus isolate Bahia11, partial genome1622912348%0.099%KX101064.1
Map Update https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/edit?hl=en&hl=en&authuser=0&authuser=0&mid=1FlIB7hHnVgGD9TlbSx5HwAj-PEQ
CDCStatesStatesStatesStatesStatesCDCStatesStatesStatesStatesStatesCDCStates 20-Apr21-Apr22-Apr25-Apr26-Apr27-Apr27-Apr28-Apr29-Apr2-May3-May4-May4-May5-MayAL23333323333323AR22224424444424AZ11111111111111CA2934363636362937434343434043CO22222222222222CT11222212223313DE33333333333333DC33333333333333FL8491939494949094969910210295102GA1313131313131313131313131313HI77777777777777IL1213131313131213131616161316IN66666666666666IA44444444555555KS11111111111111KY33333355555555LA44444444444444MD8999991112121212171717MA77777777777101010ME22222222222222MI33333333333333MN1313131313131414141414171717MO33444434444434MS33333333333333MT11111111111111NC1010101010111011111111111111ND00000001111101NE22222222222222NH22233333333333NJ88888899999999NM11111111111111NV24444424444424NY60777878789977999910410810889110OH1010101212121212121212121212OK44444444444444OR6101010101061010101010610PA1515151616161616161717171717RI01111101111111TN22222222222222TX3032323232323032323232333033UT22222222222222VA1011111111111213131313131313VT01111111111111WA23333322222222WV55556666666666 388432439444447469426479488500508520472522
Maryland Confirmed Zika Virus Infections (As of May 4, 2016) Travel-AssociatedLocally Acquired Vector-BorneTotal16016
Map Update https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/1/edit?mid=1XSxKe6FIecV8f33cQwyc7uylxeU&hl=en
Sequences producing significant alignments:Select:AllNone Selected:0 AlignmentsDownloadGenBankGraphicsDistance tree of resultsShow/hide columns of the table presenting sequences producing significant alignmentsSequences producing significant alignments:Select for downloading or viewing reportsDescriptionMax scoreTotal scoreQuery coverE valueIdentAccessionSelect seq gb|KX087102.1|Zika virus strain ZIKV/Homo sapiens/COL/FLR/2015, complete genome1890318903100%0.099%KX087102.1Select seq gb|KU820897.1|Zika virus isolate FLR polyprotein gene, complete cds1890318903100%0.099%KU820897.1Select seq gb|KU647676.1|Zika virus strain MRS_OPY_Martinique_PaRi_2015 polyprotein gene, complete cds1887518875100%0.099%KU647676.1Select seq gb|KU922960.1|Zika virus isolate MEX/InDRE/Sm/2016, complete genome1885318853100%0.099%KU922960.1Select seq gb|KU922923.1|Zika virus isolate MEX/InDRE/Lm/2016, complete genome1884818848100%0.099%KU922923.1Select seq gb|KU991811.1|Zika virus isolate Brazil/2016/INMI1 polyprotein gene, complete cds1882018820100%0.099%KU991811.1Select seq gb|KU509998.3|Zika virus strain Haiti/1225/2014, complete genome1881418814100%0.099%KU509998.3Select seq gb|KJ776791.1|Zika virus strain H/PF/2013 polyprotein gene, complete cds1880918809100%0.099%KJ776791.1Select seq gb|KU321639.1|Zika virus strain ZikaSPH2015, complete genome1879818798100%0.099%KU321639.1Select seq gb|KX051563.1|Zika virus isolate Haiti/1/2016, complete genome1879218792100%0.099%KX051563.1Select seq gb|KU729218.1|Zika virus isolate BeH828305 polyprotein gene, complete cds1878718787100%0.099%KU729218.1Select seq gb|KU707826.1|Zika virus isolate SSABR1, complete genome1878718787100%0.099%KU707826.1Select seq gb|KU365779.1|Zika virus strain BeH819966 polyprotein gene, complete cds1878718787100%0.099%KU365779.1Select seq gb|KU497555.1|Zika virus isolate Brazil-ZKV2015, complete genome187771877799%0.099%KU497555.1Select seq gb|KU926309.1|Zika virus isolate Rio-U1, complete genome1877018770100%0.099%KU926309.1Select seq gb|KU365780.1|Zika virus strain BeH815744 polyprotein gene, complete cds1877018770100%0.099%KU365780.1Select seq gb|KU940228.1|Zika virus isolate Bahia07, partial genome1876418764100%0.099%KU940228.1Select seq gb|KU527068.1|Zika virus strain Natal RGN, complete genome1876418764100%0.099%KU527068.1Select seq gb|KU365777.1|Zika virus strain BeH818995 polyprotein gene, complete cds1876418764100%0.099%KU365777.1Select seq gb|KU501217.1|Zika virus strain 8375 polyprotein gene, complete cds1875918759100%0.099%KU501217.1Select seq gb|KU365778.1|Zika virus strain BeH819015 polyprotein gene, complete cds1875918759100%0.099%KU365778.1Select seq gb|KU312312.1|Zika virus isolate Z1106033 polyprotein gene, complete cds1875918759100%0.099%KU312312.1Select seq gb|KU729217.2|Zika virus isolate BeH823339 polyprotein gene, complete cds1875318753100%0.099%KU729217.2Select seq gb|KU501216.1|Zika virus strain 103344 polyprotein gene, complete cds1875318753100%0.099%KU501216.1Select seq gb|KU501215.1|Zika virus strain PRVABC59, complete genome1874818748100%0.099%KU501215.1Select seq gb|KX087101.1|Zika virus strain ZIKV/Homo sapiens/PRI/PRVABC59/2015, complete genome1874218742100%0.099%KX087101.1Select seq gb|KU926310.1|Zika virus isolate Rio-S1, complete genome1873718737100%0.099%KU926310.1Select seq gb|KU820898.1|Zika virus isolate GZ01 polyprotein gene, complete cds1873718737100%0.099%KU820898.1Select seq gb|KU870645.1|Zika virus isolate FB-GWUH-2016, complete genome1873118731100%0.099%KU870645.1Select seq gb|KU853013.1|Zika virus isolate Dominican Republic/2016/PD2, complete genome1872618726100%0.099%KU853013.1Select seq gb|KU853012.1|Zika virus isolate Dominican Republic/2016/PD1, complete genome1872418724100%0.099%KU853012.1Select seq gb|KX056898.1|Zika virus isolate Zika virus/GZ02/2016 polyprotein gene, complete cds1872018720100%0.099%KX056898.1Select seq gb|KU955590.1|Zika virus isolate Z16019 polyprotein gene, complete cds1872018720100%0.099%KU955590.1Select seq gb|KU740184.2|Zika virus isolate GD01 polyprotein gene, complete cds1871518715100%0.099%KU740184.2Select seq gb|KU761564.1|Zika virus isolate GDZ16001 polyprotein gene, complete cds1871518715100%0.099%KU761564.1Select seq gb|KX117076.1|Zika virus isolate Zhejiang04, complete genome1869818698100%0.099%KX117076.1Select seq gb|KU963796.1|Zika virus isolate SZ-WIV01 polyprotein gene, complete cds1868718687100%0.099%KU963796.1Select seq gb|KU955589.1|Zika virus isolate Z16006 polyprotein gene, complete cds1868118681100%0.099%KU955589.1Select seq gb|KU820899.2|Zika virus isolate ZJ03, complete genome1868118681100%0.099%KU820899.2Select seq gb|KU940224.1|Zika virus isolate Bahia09, partial genome186671866799%0.099%KU940224.1Select seq gb|KU866423.1|Zika virus isolate Zika virus/SZ01/2016 polyprotein gene, complete cds1855918559100%0.099%KU866423.1Select seq gb|KU744693.1|Zika virus isolate VE_Ganxian, complete genome1851018510100%0.099%KU744693.1Select seq gb|KU681081.3|Zika virus isolate Zika virus/H.sapiens-tc/THA/2014/SV0127- 14, complete genome1839918399100%0.099%KU681081.3Select seq gb|JN860885.1|Zika virus isolate FSS13025 polyprotein gene, partial cds180411804199%0.098%JN860885.1Select seq gb|KU955593.1|Zika virus isolate Zika virus/H.sapiens-tc/KHM/2010/FSS13025, complete genome1803918039100%0.098%KU955593.1Select seq gb|KF993678.1|Zika virus strain PLCal_ZV from Canada polyprotein gene, partial cds180351803598%0.099%KF993678.1Select seq gb|EU545988.1|Zika virus polyprotein gene, complete cds1784817848100%0.098%EU545988.1Select seq gb|KU681082.3|Zika virus isolate Zika virus/H.sapiens-tc/PHL/2012/CPC-0740, complete genome1765117651100%0.098%KU681082.3Select seq gb|HQ234499.1|Zika virus isolate P6-740 polyprotein gene, partial cds163931639399%0.095%HQ234499.1Select seq gb|KF383115.1|Zika virus strain ArB1362 polyprotein gene, complete cds1258412584100%0.089%KF383115.1Select seq gb|KU720415.1|Zika virus strain MR 766 polyprotein gene, complete cds1257112571100%0.089%KU720415.1Select seq gb|HQ234498.1|Zika virus isolate MR_766 polyprotein gene, partial cds125651256599%0.089%HQ234498.1Select seq gb|KF268948.1|Zika virus isolate ARB13565 polyprotein gene, complete cds1255612556100%0.089%KF268948.1Select seq gb|KF268949.1|Zika virus isolate ARB15076 polyprotein gene, complete cds1255412554100%0.089%KF268949.1Select seq gb|KF268950.1|Zika virus isolate ARB7701 polyprotein gene, complete cds1254912549100%0.089%KF268950.1Select seq dbj|LC002520.1|Zika virus genomic RNA, complete genome, strain: MR766-NIID1254312543100%0.089%LC002520.1Select seq gb|KF383119.1|Zika virus strain ArD158084 polyprotein gene, complete cds1254312543100%0.089%KF383119.1Select seq gb|KU955595.1|Zika virus isolate Zika virus/A.taylori-tc/SEN/1984/41671-DAK, complete genome1253812538100%0.089%KU955595.1Select seq gb|KU955592.1|Zika virus isolate Zika virus/A.taylori-tc/SEN/1984/41662-DAK, complete genome1252612526100%0.089%KU955592.1Select seq gb|KU963573.1|Zika virus isolate ZIKV/Macaca mulatta/UGA/MR-766_SM150-V8/1947 polyprotein (GP1) gene, complete cds1251012510100%0.089%KU963573.1Select seq gb|KU955594.1|Zika virus isolate Zika virus/M.mulatta-tc/UGA/1947/MR-766, complete genome1251012510100%0.089%KU955594.1Select seq gb|KF383116.1|Zika virus strain ArD7117 polyprotein gene, complete cds1251012510100%0.089%KF383116.1Select seq gb|KU955591.1|Zika virus isolate Zika virus/A.africanus-tc/SEN/1984/41525-DAK, complete genome1250412504100%0.089%KU955591.1Select seq gb|DQ859059.1|Zika virus strain MR 766 polyprotein gene, complete cds1248812488100%0.089%DQ859059.1Select seq gb|HQ234501.1|Zika virus isolate ArD_41519 polyprotein gene, partial cds124781247899%0.089%HQ234501.1Select seq gb|AY632535.2|Zika virus strain MR 766, complete genome1247112471100%0.089%AY632535.2Select seq gb|KF383117.1|Zika virus strain ArD128000 polyprotein gene, complete cds1242112421100%0.088%KF383117.1Select seq gb|KU963574.1|Zika virus isolate ZIKV/Homo sapiens/NGA/IbH-30656_SM21V1-V3/1968 polyprotein (GP1) gene, complete cds1236012360100%0.088%KU963574.1Select seq gb|HQ234500.1|Zika virus isolate IbH_30656 polyprotein gene, partial cds123601236099%0.088%HQ234500.1Select seq gb|KF383118.1|Zika virus strain ArD157995 polyprotein gene, complete cds1216512165100%0.088%KF383118.1Select seq gb|KF383121.1|Zika virus strain ArD158095 polyprotein gene, partial cds121551215597%0.089%KF383121.1Select seq gb|KF383120.1|Zika virus strain ArD142623 nonfunctional polyprotein gene, partial sequence9703970397%0.084%KF383120.1Select seq gb|KU312314.1|Zika virus isolate Z1106031 polyprotein gene, partial cds5077507727%0.099%KU312314.1Select seq gb|KU312313.1|Zika virus isolate Z1106032 polyprotein gene, partial cds5044504427%0.099%KU312313.1Select seq gb|KU646828.1|Zika virus isolate Si322 polyprotein gene, partial cds4787478725%0.099%KU646828.1Select seq gb|KU646827.1|Zika virus isolate Si323 polyprotein gene, partial cds4787478725%0.099%KU646827.1Select seq gb|KU940227.1|Zika virus isolate Bahia08, partial genome45431454478%0.098%KU940227.1Select seq gb|KU312315.1|Zika virus isolate Z1106027 polyprotein gene, partial cds3517351718%0.099%KU312315.1Select seq gb|KU740199.1|Zika virus isolate VE_Ganxian2016 polyprotein gene, partial cds3282328217%0.099%KU740199.1Select seq gb|KX101066.1|Zika virus isolate Bahia01, partial genome31841315871%0.099%KX101066.1Select seq gb|KX101060.1|Zika virus isolate Bahia02, partial genome31031206965%0.098%KX101060.1Select seq gb|KJ634273.1|Zika virus strain CK-ISL 2014 E protein (E) gene, partial cds2754275414%0.099%KJ634273.1Select seq gb|KU686218.1|Zika virus isolate MEX/InDRE/14/2015 polyprotein gene, partial cds2115211511%0.099%KU686218.1Select seq gb|KU179098.1|Zika virus isolate JMB-185 nonstructural protein 5 gene, partial cds2060206011%0.099%KU179098.1Select seq gb|KX101061.1|Zika virus isolate Bahia03, partial genome18901385374%0.0100%KX101061.1Select seq gb|KX059014.1|Zika virus isolate Haiti/1230/2014 NS5 gene, partial cds188118819%0.099%KX059014.1Select seq gb|KX059013.1|Zika virus isolate Haiti/1227/2014 NS5 gene, partial cds188118819%0.099%KX059013.1Select seq gb|KM078936.1|Zika virus strain CHI1410214 NS5 protein gene, partial cds179217929%0.099%KM078936.1Select seq gb|KM078961.1|Zika virus strain CHI2612114 NS5 protein gene, partial cds178817889%0.099%KM078961.1Select seq gb|KM078930.1|Zika virus strain CHI2283714 NS5 protein gene, partial cds178617869%0.099%KM078930.1Select seq gb|KM078971.1|Zika virus strain CHI2613014 NS5 protein gene, partial cds178317839%0.099%KM078971.1Select seq gb|KM078970.1|Zika virus strain CHI2490414 NS5 protein gene, partial cds178317839%0.099%KM078970.1Select seq gb|KM078933.1|Zika virus strain CHI1058514 NS5 protein gene, partial cds178317839%0.099%KM078933.1Select seq gb|KM078929.1|Zika virus strain CHI1805214 NS5 protein gene, partial cds178117819%0.099%KM078929.1Select seq gb|KJ873160.1|Zika virus isolate NC14-03042014-3481 nonstructural protein 5 gene, partial cds163916398%0.099%KJ873160.1Select seq gb|KX101064.1|Zika virus isolate Bahia11, partial genome1622912348%0.099%KX101064.1Select seq gb|KJ873161.1|Zika virus isolate NC14-02042014-3220 nonstructural protein 5 gene, partial cds145214527%0.099%KJ873161.1Select seq gb|KM851039.1|Zika virus strain SV0127/14 nonstructural protein 5 gene, partial cds140814087%0.099%KM851039.1Select seq gb|KU985087.1|Zika virus isolate MEX/InDRE/Zika-2/2015 nonstructural protein 5 gene, partial cds138413847%0.099%KU985087.1Select seq gb|KU556802.1|Zika virus isolate MEX/InDRE/14/2015 NS5 protein gene, partial cds137813787%0.099%KU556802.1
LOCUS KX156776 10631 bp ss-RNA linear VRL 05-MAY-2016 DEFINITION Zika virus strain ZIKV/Homo sapiens/PAN/CDC-259364_V1-V2/2015, complete genome. ACCESSION KX156776 VERSION KX156776.1 GI:1024286109 DBLINK BioProject: PRJNA314889 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Zika virus ORGANISM Zika virus Viruses; ssRNA viruses; ssRNA positive-strand viruses, no DNA stage; Flaviviridae; Flavivirus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 10631) AUTHORS Shabman,R., Shilts,M., Puri,V., Dilley,K., Fedorova,N., Stockwell,T., Shrivastava,S., Amedeo,P., Williams,M., Hu,L., Das,S.R. and Rashid,S. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (29-APR-2016) J. Craig Venter Institute, 9704 Medical Center Drive, Rockville, MD 20850, USA COMMENT This work was supported by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), Genome Center for Infectious Diseases (GCID) program. ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Current Finishing Status :: Finished Assembly Method :: clc_ref_assemble_long v. 3.22.55705 Genome Coverage :: 258.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..10631 /organism="Zika virus" /mol_type="genomic RNA" /strain="ZIKV/Homo sapiens/PAN/CDC-259364_V1-V2/2015" /host="Homo sapiens" /db_xref="BEI:NR-50221" /db_xref="taxon:64320" /lab_host="Cercopithecus aethiops kidney epithelial cells" /country="Panama" /collection_date="18-Dec-2015" /note="passage details: V1-V2" misc_feature 1..10631 /db_xref="ViPR:ZIKVBE_ZIKVBEI_00010.MAIN" gene 57..10328 /gene="GP1" /locus_tag="A2G93_63486gpGP1" CDS 57..10328 /gene="GP1" /locus_tag="A2G93_63486gpGP1" /codon_start=1 /product="polyprotein" /protein_id="ANB66184.1" /db_xref="GI:1024286110" /translation="MKNPKKKSGGFRIVNMLKRGVARVSPFGGLKRLPAGLLLGHGPI RMVLAILAFLRFTAIKPSLGLINRWGSVGKKEAMEIIKKFKKDLAAMLRIINARKEKK RRGAETSVGIVGLLLTTAMAAEVTRRGSAYYMYLDRNDAGEAISFPTTLGMNKCYIQI MDLGHMCDATMSYECPMLDEGVEPDDVDCWCNTTSTWVVYGTCHHKKGEARRSRRAVT LPSHSTRKLQTRSQTWLESREYTKHLIRVENWIFRNPGFALAAAAIAWLLGSSTSQKV IYLVMILLIAPAYSIRCIGVSNRDFVEGMSGGTWVDVVLEHGGCVTVMAQDKPTVDIE LVTTTVSNMAEVRSYCYEASISDMASDSRCPTQGEAYLDKQSDTQYVCKRTLVDRGWG NGCGLFGKGSLVTCAKFACSKKMTGKSIQPENLEYRIMLSVHGSQHSGMIVNDTGHET DENRAKVEITPNSPRAEATLGGFGSLGLDCEPRTGLDFSDLYYLTMNNKHWLVHKEWF HDIPLPWHAGADTGTPHWNNKEALVEFKDAHAKRQTVVVLGSQEGAVHTALAGALEAE MDGAKGRLSSGHLKCRLKMDKLRLKGVSYSLCTAAFTFTKIPAETLHGTVTVEVQYAG TDGPCKVPAQMAVDMQTLTPVGRLITANPVITESTENSKMMLELDPPFGDSYIVIGVG EKKITHHWHRSGSTIGKAFEATVRGAKRMAVLGDTAWDFGSVGGALNSLGKGIHQIFG AAFKSLFGGMSWFSQILIGTLLMWLGLNTKNGSISLMCLALGGVLIFLSTAVSADVGC SVDFSKKETRCGTGVFVYNDVEAWRDRYKYHPDSPRRLAAAVKQAWEDGICGISSVSR MENIMWRSVEGELNAILEENGVQLTVVVGSVKNPMWRGPQRLPVPVNELPHGWKAWGK SYFVRAAKTNNSFVVDGDTLKECPLEHRAWNSFLVEDHGFGVFHTSVWLKVREDYSLE CDPAVIGTAVKGKEAVHSDLGYWIESEKNDTWRLKRAHLIEMKTCEWPKSHTLWTDGI EESDLIIPKSLAGPLSHHNTREGYRTQMKGPWHSEELEIRFEECPGTKVHVEETCGTR GPSLRSTTASGRVIEEWCCRECTMPPLSFWAKDGCWYGMEIRPRKEPESNLVRSMVTA GSTDHMDHFSLGVLVILLMVQEGLKKRMTTKIIISTSMAVLVAMILGGFSMSDLAKLA ILMGATFAEMNTGGDVAHLALIAAFKVRPALLVSFIFRANWTPRESMLLALASCLLQT AISALEGDLMVLINGFALAWLAIRAMVVPRTDNITLAILAALTPLARGTLLVAWRAGL ATCGGFMLLSLKGKGSVKKNLPFVMALGLTAVRLVDPINVVGLLLLTRSGKRSWPPSE VLTAVGLICALAGGFAKADIEMAGPMAAVGLLIVSYVVSGKSVDMYIERAGDITWEKD AEVTGNSPRLDVALDESGDFSLVEDDGPPMREIILKVVLMTICGMNPIAIPFAAGAWY VYVKTGKRSGALWDVPAPKEVKKGETTDGVYRVMTRRLLGSTQVGVGVMQEGVFHTMW HVTKGSALRSGEGRLDPYWGDVKQDLVSYCGPWKLDAAWDGHSEVQLLAVPPGERARN IQTLPGIFKTKDGDIGAVALDYPAGTSGSPILDKCGRVIGLYGNGVVIKNGSYVSAIT QGRREEETPVECFEPSMLKKKQLTVLDLHPGAGKTRRVLPEIVREAIKTRLRTVILAP TRVVAAEMEEALRGLPVRYMTTAVNVTHSGTEIVDLMCHATFTSRLLQPIRVPNYNLY IMDEAHFTDPSSIAARGYISTRVEMGEAAAIFMTATPPGTRDAFPDSNSPIMDTEVEV PERAWSSGFDWVTDHSGKTVWFVPSVRNGNEIAACLTKAGKRVIQLSRKTFETEFQKT KHQEWDFVVTTDISEMGANFKADRVIDSRRCLKPVILDGERVILAGPMPVTHASAAQR RGRIGRNPNKPGDEYLYGGGCAETDEDHAHWLEARMLLDNIYLQDGLIASLYRPEADK VAAIEGEFKLRTEQRKTFVELMKRGDLPVWLAYQVASAGITYTDRRWCFDGTTNNTIM EDSVPAEVWTRHGEKRVLKPRWMDARVCSDHAALKSFKEFAAGKRGAAFGVMEALGTL PGHMTERFQEAIDNLAVLMRAETGSRPYKAAAAQLPETLETIMLLGLLGTVSLGIFFV LMRNKGIGKMGFGMVTLGASAWLMWLSEIEPARIACVLIVVFLLLVVLIPEPEKQRSP QDNQMAIIIMVAVGLLGLITANELGWLERTKSDLSHLMGRREEGATIGFSMDIDLRPA SAWAIYAALTTFITPAVQHAVTTSYNNYSLMAMATQAGVLFGMGKGMPFYAWDFGVPL LMIGCYSQLTPLTLIVAIILLVAHYMYLIPGLQAAAARAAQKRTAAGIMKNPVVDGIV VTDIDTMTIDPQVEKKMGQVLLIAVAVSSAILSRTAWGWGEAGALITAATSTLWEGSP NKYWNSSTATSLCNIFRGSYLAGASLIYTVTRNAGLVKRRGGGTGETLGEKWKARLNQ MSALEFYSYKKSGITEVCREEARRALKDGVATGGHAVSRGSAKLRWLVERGYLQPYGK VIDLGCGRGGWSYYAATIRKVQEVKGYTKGGPGHEEPVLVQSYGWNIVRLKSGVDVFH MAAEPCDTLLCDIGESSSSPEVEEARTLRVLSMVGDWLEKRPGAFCIKVLCPYTSTMM ETLERLQRRYGGGLVRVPLSRNSTHEMYWVSGAKSNTIKSVSTTSQLLLGRMDGPRRP VKYEEDVNLGSGTRAVVSCAEAPNMKIIGNRIERIRSEHAETWFFDENHPYRTWAYHG SYEAPTQGSASSLINGVVRLLSKPWDVVTGVTGIAMTDTTPYGQQRVFKEKVDTRVPD PQEGTRQVMSMVSSWLWKELGKHKRPRVCTKEEFINKVRSNAALGAIFEEEKEWKTAV EAVNDPRFWALVDKEREHHLRGECQSCVYNMMGKREKKQGEFGKAKGSRAIWYMWLGA RFLEFEALGFLNEDHWMGRENSGGGVEGLGLQRLGYVLEEMSRIPGGRMYADDTAGWD TRISRFDLENEALITNQMEKGHRALALAIIKYTYQNKVVKVLRPAEKGKTVMDIISRQ DQRGSGQVVTYALNTFTNLVVQLIRNMEAEEVLEMQDLWLLRRSEKVTNWLQSNGWDR LKRMAVSGDDCVVKPIDDRFAHALRFLNDMGKVRKDTQEWKPSTGWDNWEEVPFCSHH FNKLHLKDGRSIVVPCRHQDELIGRARVSPGAGWSIRETACLAKSYAQMWQLLYFHRR DLRLMANAICSSVPVDWVPTGRTTWSIHGKGEWMTTEDMLVVWNRVWIEENDHMEDKT PVAKWTDIPYLGKREDLWCGSLIGHRPRTTWAENIKNTVNMVRRIIGDEEKYMDYLST QVRYLGEEGSTPGVL" mat_peptide 57..368 /gene="GP1" /locus_tag="A2G93_63486gpGP1" /product="capsid protein C" /note="core protein" mat_peptide 423..701 /gene="GP1" /locus_tag="A2G93_63486gpGP1" /product="protein pr" mat_peptide 702..926 /gene="GP1" /locus_tag="A2G93_63486gpGP1" /product="small envelope protein M" /note="membrane glycoprotein M" mat_peptide 927..2438 /gene="GP1" /locus_tag="A2G93_63486gpGP1" /product="envelope protein E" mat_peptide 2439..3494 /gene="GP1" /locus_tag="A2G93_63486gpGP1" /product="nonstructural protein NS1" mat_peptide 3495..4172 /gene="GP1" /locus_tag="A2G93_63486gpGP1" /product="nonstructural protein NS2A" mat_peptide 4173..4562 /gene="GP1" /locus_tag="A2G93_63486gpGP1" /product="nonstructural protein NS2B" mat_peptide 4563..6413 /gene="GP1" /locus_tag="A2G93_63486gpGP1" /product="nonstructural protein NS3" mat_peptide 6414..6794 /gene="GP1" /locus_tag="A2G93_63486gpGP1" /product="nonstructural protein NS4A" mat_peptide 6795..6863 /gene="GP1" /locus_tag="A2G93_63486gpGP1" /product="protein 2K" mat_peptide 6864..7616 /gene="GP1" /locus_tag="A2G93_63486gpGP1" /product="nonstructural protein NS4B" mat_peptide 7617..10325 /gene="GP1" /locus_tag="A2G93_63486gpGP1" /product="RNA-dependent RNA polymerase NS5" /note="nonstructural protein 5" ORIGIN 1 gctaacaaca gtatcaacag gttttatttt ggatttggaa acgagagttt ctggtcatga 61 aaaacccaaa aaagaaatcc ggaggattcc ggattgtcaa tatgctaaaa cgcggagtag 121 cccgtgtgag cccctttggg ggcttgaaga ggctgccagc cggacttctg ctgggtcatg 181 ggcccatcag gatggtcttg gcgattctag cctttttgag attcacggca atcaagccat 241 cactgggtct catcaataga tggggttcag tggggaaaaa agaggctatg gaaataataa 301 agaagttcaa gaaagatctg gctgccatgc tgagaataat caatgctagg aaggagaaga 361 agagacgagg cgcagaaact agtgtcggaa ttgttggcct cctgctgacc acagctatgg 421 cagcggaggt cactagacgt gggagtgcat actatatgta cttggacaga aacgatgctg 481 gggaggccat atcttttcca accacattgg ggatgaataa gtgttatata cagatcatgg 541 atcttggaca catgtgtgat gccaccatga gctatgaatg ccctatgctg gatgaggggg 601 tggaaccaga tgacgtcgat tgttggtgca acacgacgtc aacttgggtt gtgtacggaa 661 cctgccatca caaaaaaggt gaagcacgga gatctagaag agccgtgacg ctcccctccc 721 attccactag gaagctgcaa acgcggtcgc aaacctggtt ggaatcaaga gaatacacaa 781 agcacttgat tagagtcgaa aattggatat tcaggaaccc tggtttcgct ttagcagcag 841 ctgccatcgc ttggcttttg ggaagctcaa cgagccaaaa agtcatatac ttggtcatga 901 tactgctgat tgccccggca tacagcatca ggtgcatagg agtcagcaat agggactttg 961 tggaaggtat gtcaggtggg acttgggttg atgtcgtctt ggaacatgga ggttgtgtca 1021 ccgtaatggc acaggacaaa ccgactgtcg acatagagct ggttacaaca acagtcagca 1081 acatggcgga ggtaagatcc tactgctatg aggcatcaat atcagacatg gcttcggaca 1141 gccgctgccc aacacaaggt gaagcctacc ttgacaagca atcagacact caatatgtct 1201 gcaaaagaac gttagtggac agaggctggg gaaatggatg tggacttttt ggcaaaggga 1261 gcctggtgac atgcgctaag tttgcatgct ccaagaaaat gaccgggaag agcatccagc 1321 cagagaatct ggagtaccgg ataatgttgt cagttcatgg ctcccagcac agtgggatga 1381 tcgttaatga cacaggacat gaaactgatg agaatagagc gaaggttgag ataacgccca 1441 attcaccaag agccgaagcc accctggggg gttttggaag cctaggactt gattgtgaac 1501 cgaggacagg ccttgacttt tcagatttgt attacttgac tatgaataac aagcactggt 1561 tggttcacaa ggagtggttc cacgacattc cattaccttg gcacgctggg gcagacaccg 1621 gaactccaca ctggaacaac aaagaagcac tggtagagtt caaggacgca catgccaaaa 1681 ggcaaactgt cgtggttcta gggagtcaag aaggagcagt tcacacggcc cttgctggag 1741 ctctggaggc tgagatggat ggtgcaaagg gaaggctgtc ctctggccac ttgaaatgtc 1801 gcctgaaaat ggataaactt agattgaagg gcgtgtcata ctccttgtgt accgcagcgt 1861 tcacattcac caagatcccg gctgaaacac tgcacgggac agtcacagtg gaggtacagt 1921 acgcagggac agatggacct tgcaaggttc cagctcagat ggcggtggac atgcaaactc 1981 tgaccccagt tgggaggttg ataaccgcta accccgtaat cactgaaagc actgagaact 2041 ctaagatgat gctggaactt gatccaccat ttggggactc ttacattgtc ataggagtcg 2101 gggagaagaa gatcacccac cactggcaca ggagtggcag caccattgga aaagcatttg 2161 aagccactgt gagaggtgcc aagagaatgg cagtcttggg agacacagcc tgggactttg 2221 gatcagttgg aggcgctctc aactcattgg gcaagggcat ccatcaaatt tttggagcag 2281 ctttcaaatc attgtttgga ggaatgtcct ggttctcaca aattctcatt ggaacgttgc 2341 tgatgtggtt gggtctgaac acaaagaatg gatctatttc ccttatgtgc ttggccttag 2401 ggggagtgtt gatcttctta tccacagccg tctctgctga tgtggggtgc tcggtggact 2461 tctcaaagaa ggagacgaga tgtggtacag gggtgttcgt ctataacgac gttgaagcct 2521 ggagggacag gtacaagtac catcctgact ccccccgtag attggcagca gcagtcaagc 2581 aagcctggga agatggtatc tgcgggatct cctctgtttc aagaatggaa aacatcatgt 2641 ggagatcagt agaaggggag ctcaacgcaa tcctggaaga gaatggagtt caactgacgg 2701 tcgttgtggg atctgtaaaa aaccccatgt ggagaggtcc acagagattg cccgtgcctg 2761 tgaacgagct gccccacggc tggaaggctt gggggaaatc gtacttcgtc agagcagcaa 2821 agacaaataa cagctttgtc gtggatggtg acacactgaa ggaatgccca ctcgaacata 2881 gagcatggaa cagctttctt gtggaggatc atgggttcgg ggtatttcac actagtgtct 2941 ggctcaaggt tagagaagat tattcattag agtgtgatcc agccgttatt ggaacagctg 3001 ttaagggaaa ggaggctgta cacagtgatc taggctactg gattgagagt gagaagaatg 3061 acacatggag gctgaagagg gcccatctga tcgagatgaa aacatgtgaa tggccaaagt 3121 cccacacatt gtggacagat ggaatagaag agagtgatct gatcataccc aagtctttag 3181 ctgggccact cagccatcac aataccagag agggctacag gacccaaatg aaagggccat 3241 ggcacagtga agagcttgaa attcggtttg aggaatgccc aggcactaag gtccacgtgg 3301 aggaaacatg tggaacaaga ggaccatctc tgagatcaac cactgcaagc ggaagggtga 3361 tcgaggaatg gtgctgcagg gagtgcacaa tgcccccact gtcgttctgg gctaaagatg 3421 gctgttggta tggaatggag ataaggccca ggaaagaacc agaaagcaac ttagtaaggt 3481 caatggtgac tgcaggatca actgatcaca tggatcactt ctcccttgga gtgcttgtga 3541 ttctgctcat ggtgcaggaa gggctgaaga agagaatgac cacaaagatc atcataagca 3601 catcaatggc agtgctggta gctatgatcc tgggaggatt ttcaatgagt gacctggcta 3661 agcttgcaat cttgatgggt gccaccttcg cggaaatgaa cactggagga gatgtggctc 3721 atctggcgct gatagcagca ttcaaagtca gaccagcgtt gctggtatct ttcatcttca 3781 gagctaattg gacaccccgt gaaagcatgc tgctggcctt ggcctcgtgt cttttgcaaa 3841 ctgcgatctc cgccttggag ggcgacctga tggttctcat caatggtttt gctttggcct 3901 ggttggcaat acgagcgatg gttgttccac gcactgacaa catcaccttg gcaatcctgg 3961 ctgctctgac accactggcc cggggcacac tgcttgtggc gtggagagca ggccttgcta 4021 cttgcggggg gtttatgctc ctctctctga agggaaaagg cagtgtgaag aagaacttac 4081 catttgtcat ggccctggga ctaaccgctg tgaggctggt cgaccccatc aacgtggtgg 4141 gactgctgtt gctcacaagg agtgggaagc ggagctggcc ccctagcgaa gtactcacag 4201 ctgttggcct gatatgcgca ttggctggag ggttcgccaa ggcagatata gagatggctg 4261 ggcccatggc cgcggtcggt ctgctaattg tcagttacgt ggtctcagga aagagtgtgg 4321 acatgtacat tgaaagagca ggtgacatca catgggaaaa agatgcggaa gtcactggaa 4381 acagtccccg gctcgatgtg gcgctagatg agagtggtga tttctccctg gtggaggatg 4441 acggtccccc catgagagag atcatactca aggtggtcct gatgaccatc tgtggcatga 4501 acccaatagc catacccttt gcagctggag cgtggtacgt atacgtgaag actggaaaaa 4561 ggagtggtgc tctatgggat gtgcctgctc ccaaggaagt aaaaaagggg gagaccacag 4621 atggagtgta cagagtaatg actcgtagac tgctaggttc aacacaagtt ggagtgggag 4681 ttatgcaaga gggggtcttt cacactatgt ggcacgtcac aaaaggatcc gcgctgagaa 4741 gcggtgaagg gagacttgat ccatactggg gagatgtcaa gcaggatctg gtgtcatact 4801 gtggtccatg gaagctagat gccgcctggg acgggcacag cgaggtgcag ctcttggccg 4861 tgccccccgg agagagagcg aggaacatcc agactctgcc cggaatattt aagacaaagg 4921 atggggacat tggagcggtt gcgctggatt acccagcagg aacttcagga tctccaatcc 4981 tagacaagtg tgggagagtg ataggacttt atggcaatgg ggtcgtgatc aaaaatggga 5041 gttatgttag tgccatcacc caagggagga gggaggaaga gactcctgtt gagtgcttcg 5101 agccttcgat gctgaagaag aagcagctaa ctgtcttaga cttgcatcct ggagctggga 5161 aaaccaggag agttcttcct gaaatagtcc gtgaagccat aaaaacaaga ctccgtactg 5221 tgatcttagc tccaaccagg gttgtcgctg ctgaaatgga ggaagccctt agagggcttc 5281 cagtgcgtta tatgacaaca gcagtcaatg tcacccactc tggaacagaa atcgtcgact 5341 taatgtgcca tgccaccttc acttcacgtc tactacagcc aatcagagtc cccaactata 5401 atctgtatat tatggatgag gcccacttca cagatccctc aagtatagca gcaagaggat 5461 acatttcaac aagggttgag atgggcgagg cggctgccat cttcatgacc gccacgccac 5521 caggaacccg tgacgcattt ccggactcca actcaccaat tatggacacc gaagtggaag 5581 tcccagagag agcctggagc tcaggctttg attgggtgac ggatcattct ggaaaaacag 5641 tttggtttgt tccaagcgtg aggaacggca atgagatcgc agcttgtctg acaaaggctg 5701 gaaaacgggt catacagctc agcagaaaga cttttgagac agagttccag aaaacaaaac 5761 atcaagagtg ggactttgtc gtgacaactg acatttcaga gatgggcgcc aactttaaag 5821 ctgaccgtgt catagattcc aggagatgcc taaagccggt catacttgat ggcgagagag 5881 tcattctggc tggacccatg cctgtcacac atgccagcgc tgcccagagg agggggcgca 5941 taggcaggaa tcccaataaa cctggagatg agtatctgta tggaggtggg tgcgcagaga 6001 ctgacgaaga ccatgcacac tggcttgaag caagaatgct ccttgacaat atttacctcc 6061 aagatggcct catagcctcg ctctatcgac ctgaggccga caaagtagca gccattgagg 6121 gagagttcaa gcttaggacg gagcaaagga agacctttgt ggaactcatg aaaagaggag 6181 atcttcctgt ttggctggcc tatcaggttg catctgccgg aataacctac acagatagaa 6241 gatggtgctt tgatggcacg accaacaaca ccataatgga agacagtgtg ccggcagagg 6301 tgtggaccag acacggagag aaaagagtgc tcaaaccgag gtggatggac gccagagttt 6361 gttcagatca tgcggccctg aagtcattca aggagtttgc cgctgggaaa agaggagcgg 6421 cttttggagt gatggaagcc ctgggaacac tgccaggaca catgacagag agattccagg 6481 aagccattga caacctcgct gtgctcatgc gggcagagac tggaagcagg ccttacaaag 6541 ccgcggcggc ccaattgccg gagaccctag agaccattat gcttttgggg ttgctgggaa 6601 cagtctcgct gggaatcttt ttcgtcttga tgaggaacaa gggcataggg aagatgggct 6661 ttggaatggt gactcttggg gccagcgcat ggctcatgtg gctctcggaa attgagccag 6721 ccagaattgc atgtgtcctc attgttgtgt tcctattgct ggtggtgctc atacctgagc 6781 cagaaaagca aagatctccc caggacaacc aaatggcaat catcatcatg gtagcagtag 6841 gtcttctggg cttgattacc gccaatgaac tcggatggtt ggagagaaca aagagtgacc 6901 taagccatct aatgggaagg agagaggagg gggcaaccat aggattctca atggacattg 6961 acctgcggcc agcctcagct tgggccatct atgctgcctt gacaactttc attaccccag 7021 ctgtccaaca tgcagtgacc acttcataca acaactactc cttaatggcg atggccacgc 7081 aagctggagt gttgtttggt atgggcaaag ggatgccatt ctacgcatgg gactttggag 7141 tcccgctgct aatgataggt tgctactcac aattaacacc cctgacccta atagtggcca 7201 tcattttgct cgtggcgcac tacatgtact tgatcccagg gctgcaggca gcagctgcgc 7261 gtgctgccca gaagagaacg gcagctggca tcatgaagaa ccctgttgtg gatggaatag 7321 tggtgactga cattgacaca atgacaattg acccccaagt ggagaaaaag atgggacagg 7381 tgctactcat agcagtagcc gtctccagcg ccatactgtc gcggaccgcc tgggggtggg 7441 gggaggctgg ggccctgatc acagccgcaa cttccacttt gtgggaaggc tctccgaaca 7501 agtactggaa ctcctctaca gccacttcac tgtgtaacat ttttagggga agttacttgg 7561 ctggagcttc tctaatctac acagtaacaa gaaacgctgg cttggtcaag agacgtgggg 7621 gtggaacagg agagaccctg ggagagaaat ggaaggcccg cttgaaccag atgtcggccc 7681 tggagttcta ctcctacaaa aagtcaggca tcaccgaggt gtgcagagaa gaggcccgcc 7741 gcgccctcaa ggacggtgtg gcaacgggag gccatgctgt gtcccgagga agtgcaaagc 7801 tgagatggtt ggtggagcgg ggatacctgc agccctatgg aaaggtcatt gatcttggat 7861 gtggcagagg gggctggagt tactacgccg ccaccatccg caaagttcaa gaagtgaaag 7921 gatacacaaa aggaggccct ggtcatgaag aacccgtgtt ggtgcaaagc tatgggtgga 7981 acatagtccg tcttaagagt ggggtggacg tctttcatat ggcggctgag ccgtgtgaca 8041 cgttgctgtg tgacataggt gagtcatcat ctagtcctga agtggaagaa gcacggacgc 8101 tcagagtcct ctccatggtg ggggattggc ttgaaaaaag accaggagcc ttttgtataa 8161 aagtgttgtg cccatacacc agcactatga tggaaaccct ggagcgactg cagcgtaggt 8221 atgggggagg actggtcaga gtgccactct cccgcaactc tacacatgag atgtactggg 8281 tctctggagc gaaaagcaac accataaaaa gtgtgtccac cacgagccag ctcctcttgg 8341 ggcgcatgga cgggcctagg aggccagtga aatatgagga ggatgtgaat ctcggctctg 8401 gcacgcgggc tgtggtaagc tgcgctgaag ctcccaacat gaagatcatt ggtaaccgca 8461 ttgaaaggat ccgcagtgag cacgcggaaa cgtggttctt tgacgagaac cacccatata 8521 ggacatgggc ttaccatgga agctatgagg cccccacaca agggtcagcg tcctctctaa 8581 taaacggggt tgtcaggctc ctgtcaaaac cctgggatgt ggtgactgga gtcacaggaa 8641 tagccatgac cgacaccaca ccgtatggtc agcaaagagt tttcaaggaa aaagtggaca 8701 ctagggtgcc agacccccaa gaaggcactc gtcaggttat gagcatggtc tcttcctggt 8761 tgtggaaaga gctaggcaaa cacaaacggc cacgagtctg taccaaagaa gagttcatca 8821 acaaggttcg tagcaatgca gcattagggg caatatttga agaggaaaaa gagtggaaga 8881 ctgcagtgga agctgtgaac gatccaaggt tctgggctct agtggacaag gaaagagagc 8941 accacctgag aggagagtgc cagagttgtg tgtacaacat gatgggaaaa agagaaaaga 9001 aacaagggga atttggaaag gccaagggca gccgcgccat ctggtatatg tggctagggg 9061 ctagatttct agagttcgaa gcccttggat tcttgaacga ggatcactgg atggggagag 9121 agaactcagg aggtggtgtt gaagggctgg gattacaaag actcggatat gtcctagaag 9181 agatgagtcg cataccagga ggaaggatgt atgcagatga cactgctggc tgggacaccc 9241 gcattagcag gtttgatctg gagaatgaag ctctaatcac caaccaaatg gagaaagggc 9301 acagggcctt ggcattggcc ataatcaagt acacatacca aaacaaagtg gtaaaggtcc 9361 ttagaccagc tgaaaaaggg aaaacagtta tggacattat ttcgagacaa gaccaaaggg 9421 ggagcggaca agttgtcact tacgctctta acacatttac caacctagtg gtgcaactca 9481 ttcggaatat ggaggctgag gaagttctag agatgcaaga cttgtggctg ctgcggaggt 9541 cagagaaagt gaccaactgg ttgcagagca acggatggga taggctcaaa cgaatggcag 9601 tcagtggaga tgattgcgtt gtgaagccaa ttgatgatag gtttgcacat gccctcaggt 9661 tcttgaatga tatgggaaaa gttaggaagg acacacaaga gtggaaaccc tcaactggat 9721 gggacaactg ggaagaagtt ccgttttgct cccaccactt caacaagctc catctcaagg 9781 acgggaggtc cattgtggtt ccctgccgcc accaagatga actgattggc cgggcccgcg 9841 tctctccagg ggcgggatgg agcatccggg agactgcttg cctagcaaaa tcatatgcgc 9901 aaatgtggca gctcctttat ttccacagaa gggacctccg actgatggcc aatgccattt 9961 gttcatctgt gccagttgac tgggttccaa ctgggagaac tacctggtca atccatggaa 10021 agggagaatg gatgaccact gaagacatgc ttgtggtgtg gaacagagtg tggattgagg 10081 agaacgacca catggaagac aagaccccag ttgcgaaatg gacagacatt ccctatttgg 10141 gaaaaaggga agacttgtgg tgtggatctc tcatagggca cagaccgcgc accacctggg 10201 ctgagaacat taaaaacaca gtcaacatgg tgcgcaggat cataggtgat gaagaaaagt 10261 acatggacta cctatccacc caagttcgct acttgggtga agaagggtcc acacctggag 10321 tgctgtaagc accaatctta atgttgtcag gcctgctagt cagccacagc ttggggaaag 10381 ctgtgcagcc tgtgaccccc ccaggagaag ctgggaaacc aagcctatag tcaggccgag 10441 aacgccatgg cacggaagaa gccatgctgc ctgtgagccc ctcagaggac actgagtcaa 10501 aaaaccccac gcgcttggag gcgcaggatg ggaaaagaag gtggcgacct tccccaccct 10561 tcaatctggg gcctgaactg gagatcagct gtggatctcc agaagaggga ctagtggtta 10621 gaggagaccc c