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Everything posted by niman

  1. MC/FBDS Map Update https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/1/edit?hl=en&hl=en&authuser=1&mid=zv94AJqgUct4.kjKUkEcBCVeI
  2. First case of microcephaly linked to zika in Panama Friday, March 18, 2016 - 17:00 authorities health confirmed the birth of a baby with zika related to microcephaly, the first recorded in the country. The doctor confirmed that the Itza Barahona mother Baby is not of indigenous races and has been in risk sectors, and living in the Coco de La Chorrera. Barahona explained that the baby's mother affected gave birth at the Hospital Santo Tomas and presented diagnosis of encephalocele and microcephaly. " He died hours after birth. it was reported that the cause of death was apparently infestation his mother during the gestation period of Zika virus. the alert was given by the infectious disease specialist Xavier Sáez-Llorens. who is also apediatrician, when publishing his billTwitter: first case of microcephaly and zika in chorrerana mother suggests that there are thousands of Panamanians already infected! many more will come, sadly. "It is therefore important strengthen prenatal care, "said Dr. Barahona, http://www.critica.com.pa/nacional/primer-caso-de-microcefalia-vinculado-zika-en-panama-426664?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter
  3. Panama recently reported a newborn with microcephaly and occipital encephalocoele (neural tube defect) who died a few hours after birth and tested positive for Zika virus by RT-PCR. http://who.int/emergencies/zika-virus/situation-report/24-march-2016/en/
  4. MC/FBDS Map Update https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/1/edit?hl=en&hl=en&authuser=1&mid=zv94AJqgUct4.kjKUkEcBCVeI
  5. First case of microcephaly due to Zika virusby RFIPublished on 03.04.2016 Changed 04/03/2016 at 18:37The Aedes aegypti mosquito is the zika virus transmitter.Marvin Recinos / AFPA link between the first case of microcephaly in newly born in Cape Verde and the Zika virus was confirmed after testing. The tests have confirmed a link between the first case of the child who was born with microcephaly in Cape Verde and the Zika virus. The results of these tests, which continue in a virology laboratory in Praia, will only be announced after the completion of the analysis, but the Health Minister Cristina Fontes Lima, advanced to press the samples analyzed mother and child show presence virus. On 15 March, the Minister of Health reported that Cape Verde had registered the first case of microcephaly and is since ongoing investigations to determine whether the case had links to the Zika virus. To this end, the archipelago is a technical mission, which includes technicians from the World Health Organization (WHO) for Africa and the Pasteur Institute in Dakar (Senegal), which will support the health authorities in Cape Verde to fight the virus. http://pt.rfi.fr/cabo-verde/20160403-primeiro-caso-de-microcefalia-devido-ao-virus-zika?ns_campaign=reseaux_sociaux&ns_source=twitter&ns_mchannel=social&ns_linkname=editorial&aef_campaign_ref=partage_user&aef_campaign_date=2016-04-03
  6. CASE REPORTA 33-year-old Finnish woman who was in the 11th week of gestation was on holiday in Mexico, Guatemala, and Belize with her husband in late November 2015. (Details are provided in Section 1.0 of the Supplementary Appendix, available with the full text of this article at NEJM.org.) During their travels, she and her husband recalled being bitten by mosquitoes, particularly in Guatemala. One day after her arrival at her current residence in Washington, D.C., she became ill with ocular pain, myalgia, and mild fever (maximum, 37.5°C), which lasted for 5 days. On the second day of fever, a rash developed (Figure 1FIGURE 1Timeline of Symptoms and Radiographic and Laboratory Studies., and Fig. S5 in the Supplementary Appendix). Her husband was concomitantly reporting similar symptoms. Serologic analysis that was performed 4 weeks after the onset of illness while she was on a trip to her native Finland was positive for IgG antibodies and negative for IgM antibodies against dengue virus. Subsequent serologic analysis was positive for both IgG and IgM antibodies against ZIKV, findings that were compatible with acute or recent ZIKV infection. Serologic analysis for the presence of chikungunya virus was negative. The patient had been vaccinated against tick-borne encephalitis and yellow fever more than 10 years earlier. Fetal ultrasonography that was performed at 13, 16, and 17 weeks of gestation (1, 4, and 5 weeks after the resolution of symptoms) showed no evidence of microcephaly or intracranial calcifications. However, there was a decrease in the fetal head circumference from the 47th percentile at 16 weeks to the 24th percentile at 20 weeks. At 16 weeks of gestation, the presence of flavivirus in serum was detected on nested reverse-transcriptase–polymerase-chain-reaction (RT-PCR) assay, and sequencing showed identity to Central American epidemic strains of ZIKV. The finding was confirmed with a specific ZIKV quantitative RT-PCR assay (Table S2 in the Supplementary Appendix). The Division of Vector-Borne Diseases Arbovirus Diagnostic Laboratory at the CDC reported serologic evidence of infection at 17 weeks of gestation, with serum positivity for ZIKV IgM and a titer of more than 1:2560 on a plaque-reduction neutralization test. On the basis of these results, the patient sought more thorough assessment of the fetus. Fetal ultrasonography at 19 weeks of gestation showed abnormal intracranial anatomy (Figure 2FIGURE 2Fetal Ultrasonography at 19 Weeks of Gestation., and Fig. S1 in the Supplementary Appendix). The cerebral mantle appeared to be thin with increased extra-axial spaces. Both frontal horns were enlarged with heterogeneous, predominantly echogenic material present in the frontal horn and body of the left lateral ventricle, a finding that raised concern about intraventricular hemorrhage. Dilation and upward displacement of the third ventricle, dilation of the frontal horns of the lateral ventricles, concave medial borders of the lateral ventricles, and the absence of the cavum septum pellucidum suggested agenesis of the corpus callosum. No parenchymal calcifications were seen. The head circumference measured in the 24th percentile for gestational age. The remainder of the fetal anatomy was normal. http://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa1601824#t=article
  7. LOCUS KU870645 10798 bp RNA linear VRL 22-MAR-2016 DEFINITION Zika virus isolate FB-GWUH-2016, complete genome. ACCESSION KU870645 VERSION KU870645.1 GI:1006593136 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Zika virus ORGANISM Zika virus Viruses; ssRNA viruses; ssRNA positive-strand viruses, no DNA stage; Flaviviridae; Flavivirus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 10798) AUTHORS Driggers,R.W., Ho,C.-Y., Korhonen,E.M., Kuivanen,S., Jaaskelainen,A.J., Smura,T., Rosenberg,A., Hill,A., DeBiasi,R., Vezina,G., Timofeev,J., Rodriguez,F.J., Levanov,L., Razak,J., Iyengar,P., Hennenfent,A., Kennedy,R., Lanciotti,R., du Plessis,A. and Vapalahti,O. TITLE Zika virus infection with prolonged maternal viremia and fetal brain abnormalities JOURNAL Unpublished REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 10798) AUTHORS Smura,T., Korhonen,E., Kuivanen,S. and Vapalahti,O. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (05-MAR-2016) Department of Virology, University of Helsinki, Haartmaninkatu 3, Helsinki 00280, Finland FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..10798 /organism="Zika virus" /mol_type="genomic RNA" /isolate="FB-GWUH-2016" /isolation_source="fetal brain" /host="Homo sapiens" /db_xref="taxon:64320" /country="USA" /collection_date="02-Feb-2016" /note="putative country of infection: Guatemala; passage details: SK-N-SH"http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nuccore/KU870645
  8. The pregnant woman was in her 30s and, like a growing number of patients at Richard Newman's practice in downtown Washington, worried about a threat the obstetrician himself had learned about only recently: Zika. In December, during her first trimester, she'd taken a vacation to Central America. Weeks later, U.S. officials began warning pregnant women about traveling to regions where the virus was spreading rapidly. She'd gotten a mosquito bite, followed by a rash, fever and joint pain -- all potential symptoms of infection. Newman recommended she see a specialist at Sibley Memorial Hospital and encouraged her to have her blood tested by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. He'd already done the same for more than a dozen anxious patients in 2016, and each time the results were negative This time, the test came back positive. The outcome was different for the expectant mother at Newman's practice. Everything looked fine on the sonogram he'd ordered when she was 16 weeks along. But the image a month later showed distinct abnormalities with "very little brain development," Newman said. A fetal MRI confirmed severe brain atrophy, and analysis of the woman's amniotic fluid detected the presence of Zika. Newman told his patient that the results suggested her child, if carried to term, might not survive long and almost certainly would have "no chance for a normal quality of life." Last month, after the final tests results came in, the woman called and told him she planned to terminate the pregnancy. "I just listened and sympathized," he said. "I can only imagine how hard this was for her. ... It was one of the saddest moments of my medical career." http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/nationworld/ct-zika-virus-pregnant-women-20160307-story.html
  9. LOCUS KU527068 10808 bp RNA linear VRL 11-FEB-2016 DEFINITION Zika virus strain Natal RGN, complete genome. ACCESSION KU527068 VERSION KU527068.1 GI:982894594 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Zika virus ORGANISM Zika virus Viruses; ssRNA viruses; ssRNA positive-strand viruses, no DNA stage; Flaviviridae; Flavivirus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 10808) AUTHORS Mlakar,J., Korva,M., Tul,N., Popovic,M., Poljsak-Prijatelj,M., Mraz,J., Kolenc,M., Resman Rus,K., Vesnaver Vipotnik,T., Fabjan Vodusek,V., Vizjak,A., Pizem,J., Petrovec,M. and Avsic Zupanc,T. TITLE Zika Virus Associated with Microcephaly JOURNAL N. Engl. J. Med. (2016) In press PUBMED 26862926 REMARK Publication Status: Available-Online prior to print REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 10808) AUTHORS Avsic Zupanc,T. and Korva,M. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (13-JAN-2016) Institute of Microbiology and Immunology, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Medicine, Vrazov trg 2, Ljubljana 1000, Slovenia FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..10808 /organism="Zika virus" /mol_type="genomic RNA" /strain="Natal RGN" /isolation_source="fetus' brain autopsy" /host="Homo sapiens" /db_xref="taxon:64320" /country="Brazil: Rio Grande do Norte, Natal" /collection_date="2015"http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nuccore/KU527068
  10. MC/FBDS Map Update https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/1/edit?hl=en&hl=en&authuser=1&mid=zv94AJqgUct4.kjKUkEcBCVeI
  11. In mid-October 2015, a 25-year-old previously healthy European woman came to the Department of Perinatology at the University Medical Center in Ljubljana, Slovenia, because of assumed fetal anomalies. Since December 2013, she had lived and worked as a volunteer in Natal, the capital of Rio Grande do Norte state. She had become pregnant at the end of February 2015. During the 13th week of gestation, she had become ill with high fever, which was followed by severe musculoskeletal and retroocular pain and an itching, generalized maculopapular rash. Since there was a ZIKV epidemic in the community, infection with the virus was suspected, but no virologic diagnostic testing was performed. Ultrasonography that was performed at 14 and 20 weeks of gestation showed normal fetal growth and anatomy. The patient returned to Europe at 28 weeks of gestation. Ultrasonographic examination that was performed at 29 weeks of gestation showed the first signs of fetal anomalies, and she was referred to the Department of Perinatology. At that time, she also noticed reduced fetal movements. Ultrasonography that was performed at 32 weeks of gestation confirmed intrauterine growth retardation (estimated third percentile of fetal weight) with normal amniotic fluid, a placenta measuring 3.5 cm in thickness (normal size) with numerous calcifications, a head circumference below the second percentile for gestation (microcephaly), moderate ventriculomegaly, and a transcerebellar diameter below the second percentile. Brain structures were blurred, and there were numerous calcifications in various parts of the brain (Fig. 1A and 1B). There were no other obvious fetal structural abnormalities. Fetal, umbilical, and uterine blood flows were normal on Doppler ultrasonography http://www.nejm.org/doi/pdf/10.1056/NEJMoa1600651
  12. Sequences producing significant alignments:Select:AllNone Selected:0 AlignmentsDownloadGenBankGraphicsDistance tree of resultsShow/hide columns of the table presenting sequences producing significant alignmentsSequences producing significant alignments:Select for downloading or viewing reportsDescriptionMax scoreTotal scoreQuery coverE valueIdentAccessionSelect seq gb|KU527068.1|Zika virus strain Natal RGN, complete genome1896918969100%0.0100%KU527068.1Select seq gb|KX051563.1|Zika virus isolate Haiti/1/2016, complete genome1886418864100%0.099%KX051563.1Select seq gb|KU509998.3|Zika virus strain Haiti/1225/2014, complete genome1882018820100%0.099%KU509998.3Select seq gb|KU321639.1|Zika virus strain ZikaSPH2015, complete genome1880318803100%0.099%KU321639.1Select seq gb|KJ776791.1|Zika virus strain H/PF/2013 polyprotein gene, complete cds1880318803100%0.099%KJ776791.1Select seq gb|KU991811.1|Zika virus isolate Brazil/2016/INMI1 polyprotein gene, complete cds1879218792100%0.099%KU991811.1Select seq gb|KU729217.2|Zika virus isolate BeH823339 polyprotein gene, complete cds1878118781100%0.099%KU729217.2Select seq gb|KU729218.1|Zika virus isolate BeH828305 polyprotein gene, complete cds1878118781100%0.099%KU729218.1Select seq gb|KU707826.1|Zika virus isolate SSABR1, complete genome1878118781100%0.099%KU707826.1Select seq gb|KU365779.1|Zika virus strain BeH819966 polyprotein gene, complete cds1878118781100%0.099%KU365779.1Select seq gb|KU926310.1|Zika virus isolate Rio-S1, complete genome1877618776100%0.099%KU926310.1Select seq gb|KU926309.1|Zika virus isolate Rio-U1, complete genome1876418764100%0.099%KU926309.1Select seq gb|KU501217.1|Zika virus strain 8375 polyprotein gene, complete cds1876418764100%0.099%KU501217.1Select seq gb|KU365780.1|Zika virus strain BeH815744 polyprotein gene, complete cds1876418764100%0.099%KU365780.1Select seq gb|KU940228.1|Zika virus isolate Bahia07, partial genome1875918759100%0.099%KU940228.1Select seq gb|KU647676.1|Zika virus strain MRS_OPY_Martinique_PaRi_2015 polyprotein gene, complete cds1875918759100%0.099%KU647676.1Select seq gb|KU501216.1|Zika virus strain 103344 polyprotein gene, complete cds1875918759100%0.099%KU501216.1Select seq gb|KU365777.1|Zika virus strain BeH818995 polyprotein gene, complete cds1875918759100%0.099%KU365777.1Select seq gb|KU853013.1|Zika virus isolate Dominican Republic/2016/PD2, complete genome1875318753100%0.099%KU853013.1Select seq gb|KU853012.1|Zika virus isolate Dominican Republic/2016/PD1, complete genome1875218752100%0.099%KU853012.1Select seq gb|KU497555.1|Zika virus isolate Brazil-ZKV2015, complete genome187501875099%0.099%KU497555.1Select seq gb|KU820897.1|Zika virus isolate FLR polyprotein gene, complete cds1874218742100%0.099%KU820897.1Select seq gb|KU365778.1|Zika virus strain BeH819015 polyprotein gene, complete cds1874218742100%0.099%KU365778.1Select seq gb|KU312312.1|Zika virus isolate Z1106033 polyprotein gene, complete cds1874218742100%0.099%KU312312.1Select seq gb|KU922960.1|Zika virus isolate MEX/InDRE/Sm/2016, complete genome1873718737100%0.099%KU922960.1Select seq gb|KU922923.1|Zika virus isolate MEX/InDRE/Lm/2016, complete genome1873118731100%0.099%KU922923.1Select seq gb|KU501215.1|Zika virus strain PRVABC59, complete genome1873118731100%0.099%KU501215.1Select seq gb|KU870645.1|Zika virus isolate FB-GWUH-2016, complete genome1872618726100%0.099%KU870645.1Select seq gb|KU820898.1|Zika virus isolate GZ01 polyprotein gene, complete cds1870918709100%0.099%KU820898.1Select seq gb|KX056898.1|Zika virus isolate Zika virus/GZ02/2016 polyprotein gene, complete cds1870318703100%0.099%KX056898.1Select seq gb|KU955590.1|Zika virus isolate Z16019 polyprotein gene, complete cds1870318703100%0.099%KU955590.1Select seq gb|KU740184.2|Zika virus isolate GD01 polyprotein gene, complete cds1869818698100%0.099%KU740184.2Select seq gb|KU761564.1|Zika virus isolate GDZ16001 polyprotein gene, complete cds1869818698100%0.099%KU761564.1Select seq gb|KU963796.1|Zika virus isolate SZ-WIV01 polyprotein gene, complete cds1868118681100%0.099%KU963796.1Select seq gb|KU955589.1|Zika virus isolate Z16006 polyprotein gene, complete cds1867618676100%0.099%KU955589.1Select seq gb|KU820899.2|Zika virus isolate ZJ03, complete genome1867618676100%0.099%KU820899.2Select seq gb|KU940224.1|Zika virus isolate Bahia09, partial genome186611866199%0.099%KU940224.1Select seq gb|KU866423.1|Zika virus isolate Zika virus/SZ01/2016 polyprotein gene, complete cds1854318543100%0.099%KU866423.1Select seq gb|KU744693.1|Zika virus isolate VE_Ganxian, complete genome1851518515100%0.099%KU744693.1Select seq gb|KU681081.3|Zika virus isolate Zika virus/H.sapiens-tc/THA/2014/SV0127- 14, complete genome1838218382100%0.099%KU681081.3Select seq gb|JN860885.1|Zika virus isolate FSS13025 polyprotein gene, partial cds180131801399%0.098%JN860885.1Select seq gb|KU955593.1|Zika virus isolate Zika virus/H.sapiens-tc/KHM/2010/FSS13025, complete genome1801118011100%0.098%KU955593.1Select seq gb|KF993678.1|Zika virus strain PLCal_ZV from Canada polyprotein gene, partial cds179961799698%0.099%KF993678.1Select seq gb|EU545988.1|Zika virus polyprotein gene, complete cds1782117821100%0.098%EU545988.1Select seq gb|KU681082.3|Zika virus isolate Zika virus/H.sapiens-tc/PHL/2012/CPC-0740, complete genome1763417634100%0.098%KU681082.3Select seq gb|HQ234499.1|Zika virus isolate P6-740 polyprotein gene, partial cds163771637799%0.095%HQ234499.1
  13. LOCUS KU527068 10808 bp RNA linear VRL 11-FEB-2016 DEFINITION Zika virus strain Natal RGN, complete genome. ACCESSION KU527068 VERSION KU527068.1 GI:982894594 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Zika virus ORGANISM Zika virus Viruses; ssRNA viruses; ssRNA positive-strand viruses, no DNA stage; Flaviviridae; Flavivirus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 10808) AUTHORS Mlakar,J., Korva,M., Tul,N., Popovic,M., Poljsak-Prijatelj,M., Mraz,J., Kolenc,M., Resman Rus,K., Vesnaver Vipotnik,T., Fabjan Vodusek,V., Vizjak,A., Pizem,J., Petrovec,M. and Avsic Zupanc,T. TITLE Zika Virus Associated with Microcephaly JOURNAL N. Engl. J. Med. (2016) In press PUBMED 26862926 REMARK Publication Status: Available-Online prior to print REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 10808) AUTHORS Avsic Zupanc,T. and Korva,M. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (13-JAN-2016) Institute of Microbiology and Immunology, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Medicine, Vrazov trg 2, Ljubljana 1000, Slovenia FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..10808 /organism="Zika virus" /mol_type="genomic RNA" /strain="Natal RGN" /isolation_source="fetus' brain autopsy" /host="Homo sapiens" /db_xref="taxon:64320" /country="Brazil: Rio Grande do Norte, Natal" /collection_date="2015"http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nuccore/KU527068
  14. Sequences producing significant alignments:Select:AllNone Selected:0 AlignmentsDownloadGenBankGraphicsDistance tree of resultsShow/hide columns of the table presenting sequences producing significant alignmentsSequences producing significant alignments:Select for downloading or viewing reportsDescriptionMax scoreTotal scoreQuery coverE valueIdentAccessionSelect seq gb|KX051563.1|Zika virus isolate Haiti/1/2016, complete genome1896918969100%0.0100%KX051563.1Select seq gb|KU509998.3|Zika virus strain Haiti/1225/2014, complete genome1891418914100%0.099%KU509998.3Select seq gb|KU321639.1|Zika virus strain ZikaSPH2015, complete genome1888618886100%0.099%KU321639.1Select seq gb|KU527068.1|Zika virus strain Natal RGN, complete genome1886418864100%0.099%KU527068.1Select seq gb|KJ776791.1|Zika virus strain H/PF/2013 polyprotein gene, complete cds1885318853100%0.099%KJ776791.1Select seq gb|KU991811.1|Zika virus isolate Brazil/2016/INMI1 polyprotein gene, complete cds1883118831100%0.099%KU991811.1Select seq gb|KU729218.1|Zika virus isolate BeH828305 polyprotein gene, complete cds1882018820100%0.099%KU729218.1Select seq gb|KU707826.1|Zika virus isolate SSABR1, complete genome1882018820100%0.099%KU707826.1Select seq gb|KU365779.1|Zika virus strain BeH819966 polyprotein gene, complete cds1882018820100%0.099%KU365779.1Select seq gb|KU926309.1|Zika virus isolate Rio-U1, complete genome1880318803100%0.099%KU926309.1Select seq gb|KU365780.1|Zika virus strain BeH815744 polyprotein gene, complete cds1880318803100%0.099%KU365780.1Select seq gb|KU940228.1|Zika virus isolate Bahia07, partial genome1879818798100%0.099%KU940228.1Select seq gb|KU647676.1|Zika virus strain MRS_OPY_Martinique_PaRi_2015 polyprotein gene, complete cds1879818798100%0.099%KU647676.1Select seq gb|KU365777.1|Zika virus strain BeH818995 polyprotein gene, complete cds1879818798100%0.099%KU365777.1Select seq gb|KU501217.1|Zika virus strain 8375 polyprotein gene, complete cds1879218792100%0.099%KU501217.1Select seq gb|KU497555.1|Zika virus isolate Brazil-ZKV2015, complete genome187881878899%0.099%KU497555.1Select seq gb|KU729217.2|Zika virus isolate BeH823339 polyprotein gene, complete cds1878718787100%0.099%KU729217.2Select seq gb|KU501216.1|Zika virus strain 103344 polyprotein gene, complete cds1878718787100%0.099%KU501216.1Select seq gb|KX087102.1|Zika virus strain ZIKV/Homo sapiens/COL/FLR/2015, complete genome1878118781100%0.099%KX087102.1Select seq gb|KU820897.1|Zika virus isolate FLR polyprotein gene, complete cds1878118781100%0.099%KU820897.1Select seq gb|KU365778.1|Zika virus strain BeH819015 polyprotein gene, complete cds1878118781100%0.099%KU365778.1Select seq gb|KU312312.1|Zika virus isolate Z1106033 polyprotein gene, complete cds1878118781100%0.099%KU312312.1Select seq gb|KU922960.1|Zika virus isolate MEX/InDRE/Sm/2016, complete genome1877618776100%0.099%KU922960.1Select seq gb|KU926310.1|Zika virus isolate Rio-S1, complete genome1877018770100%0.099%KU926310.1Select seq gb|KU922923.1|Zika virus isolate MEX/InDRE/Lm/2016, complete genome1877018770100%0.099%KU922923.1Select seq gb|KU501215.1|Zika virus strain PRVABC59, complete genome1877018770100%0.099%KU501215.1Select seq gb|KX087101.1|Zika virus strain ZIKV/Homo sapiens/PRI/PRVABC59/2015, complete genome1876418764100%0.099%KX087101.1Select seq gb|KU870645.1|Zika virus isolate FB-GWUH-2016, complete genome1876418764100%0.099%KU870645.1Select seq gb|KU853013.1|Zika virus isolate Dominican Republic/2016/PD2, complete genome1875918759100%0.099%KU853013.1Select seq gb|KU853012.1|Zika virus isolate Dominican Republic/2016/PD1, complete genome1875718757100%0.099%KU853012.1Select seq gb|KU820898.1|Zika virus isolate GZ01 polyprotein gene, complete cds1874818748100%0.099%KU820898.1Select seq gb|KX117076.1|Zika virus isolate Zhejiang04, complete genome1874218742100%0.099%KX117076.1Select seq gb|KX056898.1|Zika virus isolate Zika virus/GZ02/2016 polyprotein gene, complete cds1874218742100%0.099%KX056898.1Select seq gb|KU955590.1|Zika virus isolate Z16019 polyprotein gene, complete cds1874218742100%0.099%KU955590.1Select seq gb|KU740184.2|Zika virus isolate GD01 polyprotein gene, complete cds1873718737100%0.099%KU740184.2Select seq gb|KU761564.1|Zika virus isolate GDZ16001 polyprotein gene, complete cds1873718737100%0.099%KU761564.1Select seq gb|KU963796.1|Zika virus isolate SZ-WIV01 polyprotein gene, complete cds1873118731100%0.099%KU963796.1Select seq gb|KU955589.1|Zika virus isolate Z16006 polyprotein gene, complete cds1872618726100%0.099%KU955589.1Select seq gb|KU820899.2|Zika virus isolate ZJ03, complete genome1872618726100%0.099%KU820899.2Select seq gb|KU940224.1|Zika virus isolate Bahia09, partial genome187001870099%0.099%KU940224.1Select seq gb|KU866423.1|Zika virus isolate Zika virus/SZ01/2016 polyprotein gene, complete cds1859318593100%0.099%KU866423.1Select seq gb|KU744693.1|Zika virus isolate VE_Ganxian, complete genome1858718587100%0.099%KU744693.1Select seq gb|KU681081.3|Zika virus isolate Zika virus/H.sapiens-tc/THA/2014/SV0127- 14, complete genome1843218432100%0.099%KU681081.3Select seq gb|JN860885.1|Zika virus isolate FSS13025 polyprotein gene, partial cds180631806399%0.098%JN860885.1Select seq gb|KU955593.1|Zika virus isolate Zika virus/H.sapiens-tc/KHM/2010/FSS13025, complete genome1806118061100%0.098%KU955593.1Select seq gb|KF993678.1|Zika virus strain PLCal_ZV from Canada polyprotein gene, partial cds180461804698%0.099%KF993678.1Select seq gb|EU545988.1|Zika virus polyprotein gene, complete cds1787117871100%0.098%EU545988.1
  15. LOCUS KX051563 10807 bp cRNA linear VRL 19-APR-2016 DEFINITION Zika virus isolate Haiti/1/2016, complete genome. ACCESSION KX051563 VERSION KX051563.1 GI:1016884664 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Zika virus ORGANISM Zika virus Viruses; ssRNA viruses; ssRNA positive-strand viruses, no DNA stage; Flaviviridae; Flavivirus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 10807) AUTHORS Lednicky,J.A., Crooke,H.R., White,S.K., Loeb,J.C., Iovine,N.M. and Morris,J.G. Jr. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (11-APR-2016) Environmental and Global Health, University of Florida - Gainesville, 1225 Center Drive, Room 4155, Gainesville, FL 32610, USA COMMENT ##Assembly-Data-START## Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing ##Assembly-Data-END## FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..10807 /organism="Zika virus" /mol_type="viral cRNA" /isolate="Haiti/1/2016" /isolation_source="saliva and urine" /host="Homo sapiens" /db_xref="taxon:64320" /country="USA" /collection_date="05-Feb-2016" /identified_by="John Lednicky and Sarah White" /note="passage details: one passage in LLC-MK2 cells"http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nuccore/KX051563
  16. Sequences producing significant alignments:Select:AllNone Selected:0 AlignmentsDownloadGenBankGraphicsDistance tree of resultsShow/hide columns of the table presenting sequences producing significant alignmentsSequences producing significant alignments:Select for downloading or viewing reportsDescriptionMax scoreTotal scoreQuery coverE valueIdentAccessionSelect seq gb|KX059014.1|Zika virus isolate Haiti/1230/2014 NS5 gene, partial cds17611761100%0.0100%KX059014.1Select seq gb|KX059013.1|Zika virus isolate Haiti/1227/2014 NS5 gene, partial cds17611761100%0.0100%KX059013.1Select seq gb|KX051563.1|Zika virus isolate Haiti/1/2016, complete genome17611761100%0.0100%KX051563.1Select seq gb|KU509998.3|Zika virus strain Haiti/1225/2014, complete genome17611761100%0.0100%KU509998.3Select seq gb|KM078936.1|Zika virus strain CHI1410214 NS5 protein gene, partial cds17611761100%0.0100%KM078936.1Select seq gb|KJ776791.1|Zika virus strain H/PF/2013 polyprotein gene, complete cds17611761100%0.0100%KJ776791.1Select seq gb|KM078961.1|Zika virus strain CHI2612114 NS5 protein gene, partial cds17571757100%0.099%KM078961.1Select seq gb|KU497555.1|Zika virus isolate Brazil-ZKV2015, complete genome17551755100%0.099%KU497555.1Select seq gb|KU647676.1|Zika virus strain MRS_OPY_Martinique_PaRi_2015 polyprotein gene, complete cds17551755100%0.099%KU647676.1Select seq gb|KM078930.1|Zika virus strain CHI2283714 NS5 protein gene, partial cds17551755100%0.099%KM078930.1Select seq gb|KM078971.1|Zika virus strain CHI2613014 NS5 protein gene, partial cds17541754100%0.099%KM078971.1Select seq gb|KM078970.1|Zika virus strain CHI2490414 NS5 protein gene, partial cds17541754100%0.099%KM078970.1Select seq gb|KM078933.1|Zika virus strain CHI1058514 NS5 protein gene, partial cds17541754100%0.099%KM078933.1Select seq gb|KX087102.1|Zika virus strain ZIKV/Homo sapiens/COL/FLR/2015, complete genome17521752100%0.099%KX087102.1Select seq gb|KU870645.1|Zika virus isolate FB-GWUH-2016, complete genome17521752100%0.099%KU870645.1Select seq gb|KU926310.1|Zika virus isolate Rio-S1, complete genome17521752100%0.099%KU926310.1Select seq gb|KU729217.2|Zika virus isolate BeH823339 polyprotein gene, complete cds17521752100%0.099%KU729217.2Select seq gb|KU820897.1|Zika virus isolate FLR polyprotein gene, complete cds17521752100%0.099%KU820897.1Select seq gb|KU321639.1|Zika virus strain ZikaSPH2015, complete genome17521752100%0.099%KU321639.1Select seq gb|KM078929.1|Zika virus strain CHI1805214 NS5 protein gene, partial cds17521752100%0.099%KM078929.1Select seq gb|KX087101.1|Zika virus strain ZIKV/Homo sapiens/PRI/PRVABC59/2015, complete genome17461746100%0.099%KX087101.1Select seq gb|KU991811.1|Zika virus isolate Brazil/2016/INMI1 polyprotein gene, complete cds17461746100%0.099%KU991811.1Select seq gb|KU926309.1|Zika virus isolate Rio-U1, complete genome17461746100%0.099%KU926309.1Select seq gb|KU922960.1|Zika virus isolate MEX/InDRE/Sm/2016, complete genome17461746100%0.099%KU922960.1Select seq gb|KU922923.1|Zika virus isolate MEX/InDRE/Lm/2016, complete genome17461746100%0.099%KU922923.1Select seq gb|KU853013.1|Zika virus isolate Dominican Republic/2016/PD2, complete genome17461746100%0.099%KU853013.1Select seq gb|KU853012.1|Zika virus isolate Dominican Republic/2016/PD1, complete genome17461746100%0.099%KU853012.1Select seq gb|KU707826.1|Zika virus isolate SSABR1, complete genome17461746100%0.099%KU707826.1Select seq gb|KU527068.1|Zika virus strain Natal RGN, complete genome17461746100%0.099%KU527068.1Select seq gb|KU501217.1|Zika virus strain 8375 polyprotein gene, complete cds17461746100%0.099%KU501217.1Select seq gb|KU501216.1|Zika virus strain 103344 polyprotein gene, complete cds17461746100%0.099%KU501216.1Select seq gb|KU501215.1|Zika virus strain PRVABC59, complete genome17461746100%0.099%KU501215.1Select seq gb|KU365780.1|Zika virus strain BeH815744 polyprotein gene, complete cds17461746100%0.099%KU365780.1Select seq gb|KU365779.1|Zika virus strain BeH819966 polyprotein gene, complete cds17461746100%0.099%KU365779.1Select seq gb|KU365777.1|Zika virus strain BeH818995 polyprotein gene, complete cds17461746100%0.099%KU365777.1Select seq gb|KX117076.1|Zika virus isolate Zhejiang04, complete genome17431743100%0.099%KX117076.1Select seq gb|KU940228.1|Zika virus isolate Bahia07, partial genome17431743100%0.099%KU940228.1Select seq gb|KU940224.1|Zika virus isolate Bahia09, partial genome17431743100%0.099%KU940224.1Select seq gb|KU820898.1|Zika virus isolate GZ01 polyprotein gene, complete cds17431743100%0.099%KU820898.1Select seq gb|KU729218.1|Zika virus isolate BeH828305 polyprotein gene, complete cds17431743100%0.099%KU729218.1Select seq gb|KU312312.1|Zika virus isolate Z1106033 polyprotein gene, complete cds17431743100%0.099%KU312312.1Select seq gb|KX056898.1|Zika virus isolate Zika virus/GZ02/2016 polyprotein gene, complete cds17371737100%0.099%KX056898.1Select seq gb|KU963796.1|Zika virus isolate SZ-WIV01 polyprotein gene, complete cds17371737100%0.099%KU963796.1Select seq gb|KU955590.1|Zika virus isolate Z16019 polyprotein gene, complete cds17371737100%0.099%KU955590.1Select seq gb|KU955589.1|Zika virus isolate Z16006 polyprotein gene, complete cds17371737100%0.099%KU955589.1Select seq gb|KU740184.2|Zika virus isolate GD01 polyprotein gene, complete cds17371737100%0.099%KU740184.2Select seq gb|KU820899.2|Zika virus isolate ZJ03, complete genome17371737100%0.099%KU820899.2Select seq gb|KU761564.1|Zika virus isolate GDZ16001 polyprotein gene, complete cds17371737100%0.099%KU761564.1Select seq gb|KU744693.1|Zika virus isolate VE_Ganxian, complete genome17371737100%0.099%KU744693.1Select seq gb|KU365778.1|Zika virus strain BeH819015 polyprotein gene, complete cds17371737100%0.099%KU365778.1Select seq gb|KF993678.1|Zika virus strain PLCal_ZV from Canada polyprotein gene, partial cds17341734100%0.099%KF993678.1Select seq gb|KU866423.1|Zika virus isolate Zika virus/SZ01/2016 polyprotein gene, complete cds17191719100%0.099%KU866423.1Select seq gb|KU681081.3|Zika virus isolate Zika virus/H.sapiens-tc/THA/2014/SV0127- 14, complete genome17191719100%0.099%KU681081.3Select seq gb|KU179098.1|Zika virus isolate JMB-185 nonstructural protein 5 gene, partial cds1710171098%0.099%KU179098.1Select seq gb|KU955593.1|Zika virus isolate Zika virus/H.sapiens-tc/KHM/2010/FSS13025, complete genome16891689100%0.098%KU955593.1Select seq gb|JN860885.1|Zika virus isolate FSS13025 polyprotein gene, partial cds16891689100%0.098%JN860885.1Select seq gb|EU545988.1|Zika virus polyprotein gene, complete cds16891689100%0.098%EU545988.1Select seq gb|KU681082.3|Zika virus isolate Zika virus/H.sapiens-tc/PHL/2012/CPC-0740, complete genome16651665100%0.098%KU681082.3Select seq gb|KJ873160.1|Zika virus isolate NC14-03042014-3481 nonstructural protein 5 gene, partial cds1611161191%0.0100%KJ873160.1Select seq gb|HQ234499.1|Zika virus isolate P6-740 polyprotein gene, partial cds15301530100%0.095%HQ234499.1Select seq gb|KJ873161.1|Zika virus isolate NC14-02042014-3220 nonstructural protein 5 gene, partial cds1429142981%0.0100%KJ873161.1Select seq gb|KU985087.1|Zika virus isolate MEX/InDRE/Zika-2/2015 nonstructural protein 5 gene, partial cds1353135377%0.099%KU985087.1Select seq gb|KM851039.1|Zika virus strain SV0127/14 nonstructural protein 5 gene, partial cds1348134878%0.099%KM851039.1Select seq gb|KU556802.1|Zika virus isolate MEX/InDRE/14/2015 NS5 protein gene, partial cds1346134676%0.099%KU556802.1Select seq gb|KM851038.1|Zika virus strain CPC-0740 nonstructural protein 5 gene, partial cds1312131278%0.098%KM851038.1
  17. LOCUS KX059014 1024 bp cRNA linear VRL 12-APR-2016 DEFINITION Zika virus isolate Haiti/1230/2014 NS5 gene, partial cds. ACCESSION KX059014 VERSION KX059014.1 GI:1016884668 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Zika virus ORGANISM Zika virus Viruses; ssRNA viruses; ssRNA positive-strand viruses, no DNA stage; Flaviviridae; Flavivirus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 1024) AUTHORS Lednicky,J.A., Morris,J.G. Jr., Beau De Rochars,V.M., Elbadry,M.A., Okech,B.A. and Loeb,J.C. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (12-APR-2016) Environmental and Global Health, University of Florida - Gainesville, 1225 Center Drive, Room 4155, Gainesville, FL 32610, USA COMMENT ##Assembly-Data-START## Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing ##Assembly-Data-END## FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..1024 /organism="Zika virus" /mol_type="viral cRNA" /isolate="Haiti/1230/2014" /isolation_source="plasma" /host="Homo sapiens" /db_xref="taxon:64320" /country="Haiti" /collection_date="17-Dec-2014" /identified_by="John Lednicky"http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nuccore/KX059014
  18. LOCUS KX059013 1024 bp cRNA linear VRL 12-APR-2016 DEFINITION Zika virus isolate Haiti/1227/2014 NS5 gene, partial cds. ACCESSION KX059013 VERSION KX059013.1 GI:1016884666 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Zika virus ORGANISM Zika virus Viruses; ssRNA viruses; ssRNA positive-strand viruses, no DNA stage; Flaviviridae; Flavivirus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 1024) AUTHORS Lednicky,J.A., Morris,J.G. Jr., Beau De Rochars,V.M., Elbadry,M.A., Okech,B.A. and Loeb,J.C. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (12-APR-2016) Environmental and Global Health, University of Florida - Gainesville, 1225 Center Drive, Room 4155, Gainesville, FL 32610, USA COMMENT ##Assembly-Data-START## Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing ##Assembly-Data-END## FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..1024 /organism="Zika virus" /mol_type="viral cRNA" /isolate="Haiti/1227/2014" /isolation_source="plasma" /host="Homo sapiens" /db_xref="taxon:64320" /country="Haiti" /collection_date="15-Dec-2014" /identified_by="John Lednicky"http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nuccore/KX059013
  19. Sequences producing significant alignments:Select:AllNone Selected:0 AlignmentsDownloadGenBankGraphicsDistance tree of resultsShow/hide columns of the table presenting sequences producing significant alignmentsSequences producing significant alignments:Select for downloading or viewing reportsDescriptionMax scoreTotal scoreQuery coverE valueIdentAccessionSelect seq gb|KU509998.3|Zika virus strain Haiti/1225/2014, complete genome1852518525100%0.0100%KU509998.3Select seq gb|KU321639.1|Zika virus strain ZikaSPH2015, complete genome1850218502100%0.099%KU321639.1Select seq gb|KX051563.1|Zika virus isolate Haiti/1/2016, complete genome1848018480100%0.099%KX051563.1Select seq gb|KJ776791.1|Zika virus strain H/PF/2013 polyprotein gene, complete cds1844718447100%0.099%KJ776791.1Select seq gb|KU991811.1|Zika virus isolate Brazil/2016/INMI1 polyprotein gene, complete cds1842918429100%0.099%KU991811.1Select seq gb|KU729218.1|Zika virus isolate BeH828305 polyprotein gene, complete cds1842018420100%0.099%KU729218.1Select seq gb|KU707826.1|Zika virus isolate SSABR1, complete genome1842018420100%0.099%KU707826.1Select seq gb|KU365779.1|Zika virus strain BeH819966 polyprotein gene, complete cds1842018420100%0.099%KU365779.1Select seq gb|KU926309.1|Zika virus isolate Rio-U1, complete genome1840818408100%0.099%KU926309.1Select seq gb|KU365780.1|Zika virus strain BeH815744 polyprotein gene, complete cds1840818408100%0.099%KU365780.1Select seq gb|KU940228.1|Zika virus isolate Bahia07, partial genome1840218402100%0.099%KU940228.1Select seq gb|KU527068.1|Zika virus strain Natal RGN, complete genome1840218402100%0.099%KU527068.1Select seq gb|KU647676.1|Zika virus strain MRS_OPY_Martinique_PaRi_2015 polyprotein gene, complete cds1840218402100%0.099%KU647676.1Select seq gb|KU365777.1|Zika virus strain BeH818995 polyprotein gene, complete cds1840218402100%0.099%KU365777.1Select seq gb|KU501217.1|Zika virus strain 8375 polyprotein gene, complete cds1839918399100%0.099%KU501217.1Select seq gb|KU497555.1|Zika virus isolate Brazil-ZKV2015, complete genome183951839599%0.099%KU497555.1Select seq gb|KU729217.2|Zika virus isolate BeH823339 polyprotein gene, complete cds1839318393100%0.099%KU729217.2Select seq gb|KU501216.1|Zika virus strain 103344 polyprotein gene, complete cds1839318393100%0.099%KU501216.1Select seq gb|KX087102.1|Zika virus strain ZIKV/Homo sapiens/COL/FLR/2015, complete genome1839018390100%0.099%KX087102.1Select seq gb|KU820897.1|Zika virus isolate FLR polyprotein gene, complete cds1839018390100%0.099%KU820897.1Select seq gb|KU365778.1|Zika virus strain BeH819015 polyprotein gene, complete cds1839018390100%0.099%KU365778.1Select seq gb|KU312312.1|Zika virus isolate Z1106033 polyprotein gene, complete cds1839018390100%0.099%KU312312.1Select seq gb|KU922960.1|Zika virus isolate MEX/InDRE/Sm/2016, complete genome1838418384100%0.099%KU922960.1Select seq gb|KU926310.1|Zika virus isolate Rio-S1, complete genome1838118381100%0.099%KU926310.1Select seq gb|KU922923.1|Zika virus isolate MEX/InDRE/Lm/2016, complete genome1838118381100%0.099%KU922923.1Select seq gb|KU501215.1|Zika virus strain PRVABC59, complete genome1838118381100%0.099%KU501215.1Select seq gb|KX087101.1|Zika virus strain ZIKV/Homo sapiens/PRI/PRVABC59/2015, complete genome1837518375100%0.099%KX087101.1Select seq gb|KU870645.1|Zika virus isolate FB-GWUH-2016, complete genome1837518375100%0.099%KU870645.1Select seq gb|KU853013.1|Zika virus isolate Dominican Republic/2016/PD2, complete genome1837218372100%0.099%KU853013.1Select seq gb|KU853012.1|Zika virus isolate Dominican Republic/2016/PD1, complete genome1837018370100%0.099%KU853012.1Select seq gb|KU820898.1|Zika virus isolate GZ01 polyprotein gene, complete cds1836318363100%0.099%KU820898.1Select seq gb|KX117076.1|Zika virus isolate Zhejiang04, complete genome1835718357100%0.099%KX117076.1Select seq gb|KX056898.1|Zika virus isolate Zika virus/GZ02/2016 polyprotein gene, complete cds1835718357100%0.099%KX056898.1Select seq gb|KU955590.1|Zika virus isolate Z16019 polyprotein gene, complete cds1835718357100%0.099%KU955590.1Select seq gb|KU740184.2|Zika virus isolate GD01 polyprotein gene, complete cds1835418354100%0.099%KU740184.2Select seq gb|KU761564.1|Zika virus isolate GDZ16001 polyprotein gene, complete cds1835418354100%0.099%KU761564.1Select seq gb|KU963796.1|Zika virus isolate SZ-WIV01 polyprotein gene, complete cds1834818348100%0.099%KU963796.1Select seq gb|KU955589.1|Zika virus isolate Z16006 polyprotein gene, complete cds1834518345100%0.099%KU955589.1Select seq gb|KU820899.2|Zika virus isolate ZJ03, complete genome1834518345100%0.099%KU820899.2Select seq gb|KU940224.1|Zika virus isolate Bahia09, partial genome183091830999%0.099%KU940224.1Select seq gb|KU744693.1|Zika virus isolate VE_Ganxian, complete genome1825818258100%0.099%KU744693.1Select seq gb|KU866423.1|Zika virus isolate Zika virus/SZ01/2016 polyprotein gene, complete cds1823618236100%0.099%KU866423.1Select seq gb|KU681081.3|Zika virus isolate Zika virus/H.sapiens-tc/THA/2014/SV0127- 14, complete genome1810518105100%0.099%KU681081.3Select seq gb|KU955593.1|Zika virus isolate Zika virus/H.sapiens-tc/KHM/2010/FSS13025, complete genome1779817798100%0.098%KU955593.1Select seq gb|JN860885.1|Zika virus isolate FSS13025 polyprotein gene, partial cds177981779899%0.098%JN860885.1Select seq gb|KF993678.1|Zika virus strain PLCal_ZV from Canada polyprotein gene, partial cds177511775198%0.099%KF993678.1Select seq gb|EU545988.1|Zika virus polyprotein gene, complete cds1764317643100%0.098%EU545988.1
  20. LOCUS KU509998 10807 bp RNA linear VRL 11-APR-2016 DEFINITION Zika virus strain Haiti/1225/2014, complete genome. ACCESSION KU509998 VERSION KU509998.3 GI:1016563098 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Zika virus ORGANISM Zika virus Viruses; ssRNA viruses; ssRNA positive-strand viruses, no DNA stage; Flaviviridae; Flavivirus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 10807) AUTHORS Lednicky,J.A., Morris,J.G. Jr., Beau De Rochars,V.M., Elbadry,M.A., Okech,B.A. and Loeb,J.C. TITLE Zika virus from a Haitian, December 2014 JOURNAL Unpublished REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 10807) AUTHORS Lednicky,J.A., Morris,J.G. Jr., Beau De Rochars,V.M., Elbadry,M.A., Okech,B.A. and Loeb,J.C. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (10-JAN-2016) Environmental and Global Health, University of Florida - Gainesville, 1225 Center Drive, Room 4155, Gainesville, FL 32610, USA REFERENCE 3 (bases 1 to 10807) AUTHORS Lednicky,J.A., Morris,J.G. Jr., Beau De Rochars,V.M., Elbadry,M.A., Okech,B.A. and Loeb,J.C. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (30-MAR-2016) Environmental and Global Health, University of Florida - Gainesville, 1225 Center Drive, Room 4155, Gainesville, FL 32610, USA REMARK Sequence update by submitter REFERENCE 4 (bases 1 to 10807) AUTHORS Lednicky,J.A., Morris,J.G. Jr., Beau De Rochars,V.M., Elbadry,M.A., Okech,B.A. and Loeb,J.C. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (11-APR-2016) Environmental and Global Health, University of Florida - Gainesville, 1225 Center Drive, Room 4155, Gainesville, FL 32610, USA REMARK Sequence update by submitter COMMENT On Apr 11, 2016 this sequence version replaced gi:1012306669. ##Assembly-Data-START## Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing ##Assembly-Data-END## FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..10807 /organism="Zika virus" /mol_type="genomic RNA" /strain="Haiti/1225/2014" /isolation_source="plasma" /host="Homo sapiens" /db_xref="taxon:64320" /country="Haiti" /collection_date="12-Dec-2014"http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nuccore/KU509998
  21. the recent epidemic outbreaks in South America are probably the result of a limited introduction from French Polynesia via Easter Island no more than 3–4 year ago.
  22. In tissue culture, viral agents from all three patients induced subtle CPE within 4–8 days post-inoculation of human (A549, HeLa, and MRC-5) and more pronounced CPE in simian (LLC-MK2 and Vero E6) cells incubated at either 33° and 37°C.
  23. The first patient was a 15 year-old boy who presented to the clinic on December 12, 2014, with a history of subjective fever, headache, and generalized arthralgias, myalgias and asthenia. When seen, temperature was 37 degrees C, with a pulse of 92 and respiratory rate of 24, weight 51.5 Kg. He had no rash, and physical exam was unremarkable. The second patient was a 7 year-old girl who was seen on December 15, 2014 at the clinic for subjective nocturnal fever, abdominal pain, anorexia, and cough. Temperature was 37 degrees C, pulse 116, RR 28, and weight 22.8 Kg. There was no rash, and physical exam was again unremarkable. The third patient was an asymptomatic 4 year-old boy who came in December 17, 2014 for follow up after being treated for tonsillitis on November 25, when he had presented with a fever of 39 degrees C. In none of the cases would it have been possible to have identified the illness as a ZIKV infection based on clinical presentation, rather than DENV or CHIKV (and, as indicated, one child was simultaneously infected with DENV). http://journals.plos.org/plosntds/article?id=10.1371/journal.pntd.0004687
  24. The recently released detail in PLOS NTD confirm that the 2014 Zika sequences in Haiti were due to local transmission. Although the UF authors note the similarities (identity) with 31 of 51 NS5 sequences from Easter Island (collected between Mach and May,2014), the don't address the 2016 sequence (from a US resident infected in Haiti). The 2016 NS5 sequence is identical to the 2014 Haiti sequences, but most of the 2016 polymorphisms match the 2016 sequences from Natal, Brazil (from the brain of the aborted fetus in Slovenia). The 2016 Haiti sequence ,Haiti/1/2016,is a clear recombinant, which was created by recombination between the 2014 Haiti sequence, Haiti/1225/2014 and the 2016 sequence from Brazil via Slovenia, Natal RGN.
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